Contoh Tesis Belum Jadi
Contoh Tesis Belum Jadi
Contoh Tesis Belum Jadi
This chapter present the background of the study, the research question of the study, the
objective of the research, the significance of the research, and the scope of the research.
A. Background
English becomes the most essential language in the world. Almost all the people
from many different countries around the world use it to communicate. The area of
English has always become a special interest. It is because of the importance of English
in any scope of our lives. English holds the key of position as an international language.
For countries whose mother tongue is not English, English is taught to its citizens in
education, including Indonesia. According to[CITATION Dep03 \n \l 1033 ] Language is a
means of
communication for people to use. Among language in the world, English is placed in
highest priority to choose since people from many countries use it to communicate each
other orally or written. There are four skills to learn in English as well as four language
components to teach such as grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary. Of those
components, vocabulary is the crucial one in requiring and understanding language, good
vocabulary goes hand in hand with an ability to think logically and to learn easily and
quickly. A good deal range of vocabulary and an ability to use words correctly and
effectively can be a passport to worlds of interesting and exciting information.
From those problems mentioned previously then the writer considered to use jigsaw as
one of techniques in teaching vocabulary. and this study has been entitled “Improving
students Vocabulary Ability Using Jigsaw Method”
Research Questions
This research is will be expect to be useful and help students, teachers, and for future
The results of this study are expected that students have the same difficulties that
have been found by several previous researchers. The research is expect to find
outwhether the factors that have been found by previous researchers are in accordance
with the problems faced by students in the field. This research is expect to be useful and
helpful for researchers who will becometeachers and for the teachers themselves.
D. Scope of The Research
1. Subject
The subjects of this study were students at SMKN 5 Majene. Majene Regency
Academic Year 2020/2021.
2. Objects
The object of this research is the students’ difficulties in speaking English.
This chapter deals with the previous findings, some pertinent ideas, and resume.
There are several definitions of teacher effort, character education and discipline put
forward by different experts, some of the definitions we have put forward below:
In this case, the class teacher's effort in shaping student character is the role of
a teacher to shape student character with an activity or method continuously carriy
out by educators to students at MTsN Majene Kab. Majene is an effort to shape
the character of students from the age of MI / SD, so that the output generated
from the role of the teacher is nothing but internalizing the character values
towards students so that it raises attitudes and behaviors that have noble
characters [ CITATION Nas111 \l 1033 ].
2. Character Education
a. Definition of character
From some of the opinions of the experts above, it can be shown that
character is a universal value of human behavior, found in individuals who are
individual personality traits that are different from others, in the form of attitudes,
thoughts, and actions. The characteristics of each individual are useful for living
and working together, both within the sphere of family, society, nation and state.
3. Discipline
a. Definition of discipline
Discipline is obeying a rule with one's own awareness for the creation of
that goal [ CITATION Sub941 \l 1033 ].
Discipline is the training of the mind, feeling, will and character, the
training of developing and controlling feelings, thoughts, will and character to
give birth to obedience and regular behavior [ CITATION Suk \l 1033 ].
Discipline comes from the word discipline that gets conflicted, which
means training of the mind and character with the intention that all of his actions
always obey the order [ CITATION Poe \l 1033 ]
b. Types of discipline
Furthermore, George R, Terry who is quoted by[ CITATION Suk1 \l 1033 ] states that
there are two kinds of discipline, namely:
1). Discipline in using time is being able to make the best use or use of time.
Because time is very valuable and one of the keys to success is to be able to use
time properly.
2). Discipline in worship is worship by obeying the rules contained therein.
Discipline in worship is very necessary, because God Almighty always
encourages his people to be disciplined.
3). Discipline in the life of the nation and state is the discipline that is crucial to
the process of achieving educational goals, if there is erosion of discipline, the
achievement of educational goals will be hampered.
d. Discipline goals
e. Discipline benefits
1) Cultivate sensitivity
Children grow up to be sensitive or have delicate personalities and are
trusted in others. Attitudes like this will make it easier for him to express his
feelings to others, including his parents. As a result, children will easily
understand other people's feelings too.
2) Growing care
Children care about the needs and interests of others, discipline makes
children have integrity, in addition to being able to take responsibility, are
able to solve problems well and learn something easily.
3) Teaches regularity
Children have a regular lifestyle and are able to manage their time well.
4) Cultivate calm
Research shows, babies who are calm or rarely cry are more able to pay
attention to their surroundings properly, in the next stage they quickly interact
with other people.
5) Cultivate a self-confident attitude
This attitude grows when children are given the confidence to do
something they can do on their own.
6) Fostering independence
With independence, children can be controlled to meet their own needs.
Children can also explore the environment well. Discipline is guidance for
children who are able to make wise choices.
7) Cultivate intimacy
Children become familiar and friendly to others quickly because their
ability to adapt is more pronounced.
8) Helps brain development
At the age of the first 3 years, the child's brain growth accelerates. At this
age, A becomes a very good behavior imitator. If he is able to absorb the
discipline exemplified by his parents, then discipline from an early age will
form positive habits and attitudes.
9) Helping a difficult child
For example, a child with hyperactivity, late development, or
temperament, by applying discipline, the child with special needs will be able
to live a better life.
10) Cultivate obedience
The real result of applying discipline is obedience. Anaka will obey the
rules that parents apply on their own accord.
C. Conceptual Framework
From the description above, the researcher will further examine the teacher's
efforts in shaping the character of student discipline at MTsN 1 Majene. Majene
Regency. Madrasas are schools that are characterized by Islam, so madrasas should be
able to shape the character of student discipline.
Student’s discipline is
formed in everyday life
in all learning processes
This chapter deals with the description of research method, place and time of the research,
population and sampling, research instrument, technique of collecting the data, procedure
of collecting the data and data analysis.
A. Research Design
Based on the title taken by the author, this study uses a qualitative exploratory research
type. Explorative research is research that aims to explore broadly about the causes or
things that influence the occurrence of something [ CITATION Ari061 \l 1033 ]. This
method isuse to obtain information on the efforts of teachers in shaping the character of
student discipline in online learning at MTsN Majene Kab. Majene during the Covid-19
Qualitative research does not use the term population but according to Spradley
in[ CITATION Sug \l 1033 ]. it is called a social situation which consists of three
elements, namely: place, actor and activity. In social situations or the object of this
research, it can observe deeply the activities of people who are in a certain place.
B. Research Setting
This research will be conduct at MTsN Majene. Researchers will find about teacher’s
efforts in applying student discipline in online learning.
C. Research Instruments
Research instrument is a tool used to collect research data. In this research using the
instruments :
a. Interview
The population of this research is a English teacher of MTsN Majene Kab. Majene. There
was 4 teacher’s.
Techniques in the data collection process, researchers used two ways, namely
interviews with informants, namely 4 teachers in different subjects and doing
documentation of teachers, children and schools at MTsN 1 Majene. Majene Regency
Academic Year 2019/2020. For more details, the interview process can be described as
a. Wawancara
[ CITATION Sut86 \l 1033 ] , also expressed his opinion that what the
researcher needs to hold in using the interview method and also the
questionnaire: 1). Is the subject (respondent) is the person who knows himself
best 2). That what the subject states to the researcher is true and can be trusted
3). That subject’s interpretation of the questions the researcher proses to him
is the same as what is intended. Ind addition researcher also took some fields
notes, audio recording, as to support data.In this study, researchers conducted
interviews with:
1).Interviews with English Teachers to find out about how teachers are trying
to apply disciplinary characters in the online learning process.
2). Interviews with PAI Teachers, especially Islamic Cultural History (ICH)
teachers who teach at MTsN Banggae Majene, are intended to find out the
role of the teacher both before and when the teaching and learning process is
taking place starting from planning before learning and implementing
learning, then how the teacher plays a role in managing the classroom in the
eyes SKI lessons to increase student motivation during the teaching and
learning process, to determine student behavior during the teaching and
learning process and what actions are taken by the teacher to overcome
student behavior that makes noise in class, and the factors that affect the
teaching and learning process.
3). Interviews with PKN Teachers and Social Studies Teachers about how
character formation is integrated with learning in the online learning process.
Various things related to character (values, norms, faith and devotion, etc.) in
the daily life of students.
b. Documentation
F. Data Analysis
The process of data analysis is a Miles and Huberman (1984) noted that the activies
in qualitative data analysis are done selectively and are done contionuosly, leaving the
data saturated. Activities in data analysis, the namely is data reduction, display data and
conclusion drawing / verification.
1. Data reduction
The first data reduction researcher predicts data that aims to categorize and throw
the unnecessary things to induce data so that the final conclusion can be taken by the
researcher. Reduction data means summarizing, choose the things, focusing on
essentials, establishing themes and patterns and throwing away unnecessary.
2. Display Data
After data is reducted, then next step is dropping data. In the research qualitative,
data presentation can be done in a short description, chart, interconnection categories,
flowchart and the like, in this case Miles and Huberman (1984), stated the most
frequent form of display data for qualitative research data in the past has been
narrative text.
3. Data Conclusion
Researchers collect all data results. Then here the researcher draws conclusions to
determine action. Initial conclusions are still tentative, and will provide evidence to
support the data collection stage.
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