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Using Picture Series To Improve The Writing Skills For Second Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sragen

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NAME : ELLENTHA DM (A320150093/5B)




 Background of the problem

English is one of the subjects that have to be mastered by the students in certain
education levels in Indonesia. There are four major skills of English that have to be
mastered: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Compared to other skills,
writing is considered as the most difficult skills because there are many aspects to
be considered such as content, organisation, grammar, and mechanics. However, the
students have to master writing skills because it is undeniable that writing is very
familiar in daily life. Everyday people get written information in news papers,
written announcements, letters, e-mail, and many more. It is supported by Weigle
(2000) who says that the ability to write is very important for the academic context,
business, and personal relation in the global community. Because of those reasons, it
can be concluded that writing has very important role in daily life to be able to
communicate with others. On the other hand, for students, having a high ability in
writing can contribute to high English achievement. It is in accordance with the goal
of English teaching and learning in Indonesia which is to make students be able to
communicate in spoken and written form.
It is very clear that writing is very important but in fact the teaching and
learning of writing is not successful yet. The students’ writing ability is also low.
The students still find difficulties in expressing ideas in the written form. Next,
they have problems related to organisation, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.
Based on the data obtained in the observation in the English teaching and learning process

conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Sragen and the interview with the students and the teacher, the

researcher found some problems that were similar to the problems above. It could be seen

that the students made many mistakes in the writing performance. Most of them had

difficulties in expressing their ideas in a good paragraph. They still made mistakes and

errors in terms of content, vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation. In terms of content, the

students had difficulties in writing a text because they did not have a lot of ideas. As the

result, when they were asked to write a text, they just simply copy a text from the Internet.

Moreover, the students’ vocabulary mastery was also low. It made them find difficulty in

developing their ideas in writing. The last, grammar mastery was another problem faced by

the students in writing. Some of them made mistakes in translating word by word based on

the dictionary without considering the grammar and context.

It is true that writing is considered as the most difficult skill to master but there are

some efforts that can be done to overcome this problem. Here, the researcher offered an

action to solve the students’ problems in writing. She used picture series that was chosen

as one of the effective efforts used to deal with the students’ writing difficulties in the

teaching and learning process of writing. Picture series was recommended because it has

many benefits in the teaching and learning process of writing. The first advantage of using

picture series is that it will make the students interested and stimulated in participating in

the process of teaching and learning writing. Another benefit is that the picture series wil

stimulate them to develop and to use their imagination so that they will be able to

write well. It will also help them express their ideas into readable writing work.
 Identification of the Problems

To identify the problems, the researcher did observation in the teaching and

learning process of writing in Grade VIII A of SMP Negeri 1 Sragen. After doing

the observation, the researcher gained information about sources of the problem

related to the teaching and learning process of writing in the classroom. The

sources of the problem found in the classroom that contributed to the students’

low performance in writing were classified into three categories. They were the

teacher, the students, and the media.

The first problem was related to the students. They had difficulties in terms of

word choices, mechanics aspects, text organisation, vocabulary mastery, and

generating ideas. Based on the interview with the students, they often felt hard to

decide what they should write and how to develop their ideas. Moreover, they

often needed a lot of time to generate their ideas. Therefore, the contents of their

writing were poor. Furthermore, they thought that making a good paragraph was

very difficult. They often wrote a text or paragraph that was not cohesive and lack

of logical development and sequencing. They also had low vocabulary. They often

made many errors and mistakes in choosing the appropriate vocabulary.

Sometimes, they wrote the meaning of certain words they found in the dictionary

without considering the context. Moreover, some of them had a little attention to

the correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuat

The second problem was related to the teacher. The teacher has the important role

in the teaching and learning process. However, based on the observation and

interview with the teacher and the students, the researcher found problems related

to the teacher. She seemed not to give a very clear instruction to make a well-

organized paragraph. Moreover, in the teaching and learning process, mistakes are

a part of the learning process but the teacher did not pay a lot of attention to these.

The mistakes and errors that the students made were rarely discussed in the


The last problem was related to the media. In the teaching and learning

process, the teacher rarely used interesting media to help the students write a good

writing. Moreover, the researcher found that when the students had to write their

own writing, the teacher did not give any clues to help the student write step by

step. Because the student was at Grade VIII, they often found many difficulties in

writing a paragraph or a text without any clues. As the result, there were a lot of

errors that could be found in the students’ writing.

By considering those problems, the researcher intended to use picture series

to overcome the problems. By using picture series, the students would feel easier

to create a well-organized paragraph or text. Moreover, the picture series also

could make the students interested and stimulated in participating in the process of

teaching and learning writing. Added to that, it can help the students express the

ideas into readable writing products.

 Limitation of the Problems
After having discussions with the teacher and the collaborator, the researcher

focused on the problems related to how to improve the students’ writing skills.

The researcher proposed using picture series as the media to help the students

improve their writing due to the advantages of picture series that can overcome

the problems stated before.

By using the picture series, the students would feel easier to create a well-

organized paragraph or text. Picture series also could make the students interested

and stimulated in participating in the process of teaching and learning writing.

Added to that, it can help the students express their ideas into readable writing


 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanation of the English teaching and learning problems that

has been mentioned in the identification of the problems and based on the focus of the

study, the problem was formulated as follows:

1) how can the writing skills of Grade VIII A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sragen be

improved through the use of picture series?

2) What is the students response teaching writing using picture series to improve the

writing skills for second grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sragen?

 The Objective of the Research

Corresponding to the formulation of the problem, the research objective was

aimed at improving the students’ writing skills by using picture series for Grade

VIII A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sragen.

 Significance of the Study

The result of this study can contribute to some benefits to the students and
eachers. Here are the benefits:
- Practical benefit :
1. For students
It may motivate students to improve their speaking skills since they
will find out that speaking is not always difficult to learn. Their
improvement of speaking skills will help them master English well.
2. The English teachers in SMP Negeri 1 Sragen; the findings of this study
hopefully can be valuable source of information to improve the quality of
English teaching and learning process. The other teachers in SMP Negeri
1 Sragen ; the findings of this study hopefully become one of useful
references used to improve the students’ learning achievement.
3. The other English teachers; the findings of this study can be references
for them in solving their problem on how to improve their students’
writing skills.
- Theoretical benefit
1. For the English teachers
It will give the English teachers a description about how to teach and
to motivate the students to learn about English especially in speaking skills.
Here, they will not be stuck only in some particular teaching strategies. The
use of media, in this context “Picture Series” can be a good alternative or
variation in teaching speaking, where it will make the students enjoy
the lesson
2. The English education department students of Surakarta State University;
the findings of this study hopefully become one of the considerable reading
materials either to enrich their references in writing their thesis or to
improve their knowledge in the English teaching and learning process.
3. To future researchers who wish to discuss the topic of writing ability and
the Picture Series, the result of this research study can be a beneficial


A. Theoretical Review

As stated in the previous section, the aim of this research study is to improve

students’ writing skills. Therefore, the discussion in this chapter focuses on the

review related to the theories underlying. The study of the theory of writing,

teaching writing, media, and picture series is highlighted in this chapter.

1. Writing

a. The Nature of Writing

Writing is one of the important skills to develop. Weigle (2000) says that

the ability to write is very important for the academic context, business, and

personal relation in the global community. In the academic context, people often

write academic essay and some texts stated in the curriculum. Moreover, people

often send email to across nation composing business reports. The last, for

personal relation in the global community, people commonly send letters or

messages to others.

Moreover, Nunan (2003) states that writing is viewed as a means of

communication which is commonly used to express and impress. It means that

when writers compose writing work, they commonly have two main purposes.

Firstly, the intention or desires to express the ideas or feeling they have in minds,

or in other words, the written text is used to communicate a particular message.

Secondly, the text is written to communicate the ideas to the readers or audience.
That is why, writers need to have ability to communicate and express the ideas in

certain ways depending on the level of complexity.

According to Brown (2001), writing is the written products of thinking,

drafting, and revising that require specialized skills on how to generate ideas, how

to organise them coherently, how to use discourse markers and rhetorical

conventions coherently into a written text, how to revise text for clearer meaning

and how to edit text for appropriate grammar and how to produce a final products.

In short, some stages of the text composition proposed by Brown involve the act

of physical and mental, for example how to generate ideas and how to organise

them coherently.

As one of the productive skills, writing involves producing language rather

than receiving it. It involves communicating a message (something to say) by

making a sign on a page. In addition, making a good piece of writing means that it

requires the ability to write grammatically correct sentence, and organise them

logically into paragraphs and essays (Oshima & Hogue, 1999).

There are also other two important aspects in order to make good writing.

McCharthy states that there are two important aspects in writing which are

cohesion and coherence (2000). Cohesion is the surface link between the clauses

and the sentences of a text, while coherence is the filling that the elements of a

text are bound together, that it makes sense and not only a group of sentences.

Those two aspects eventually determine the quality of the structure and the flow

of ideas of a written product.

On way to produce a written text, Brown and Hood state that some people

do not have the necessary knowledge and experience of language that writing

demands (1989). Furthermore, Grenville (2001) adds that it becomes hard when

they should think about grabbing the first interesting sentence, are blank about

what to write, and find that writing is to find interesting stuff to write.

The writing process itself involves several steps. The writing process is

stage that the writer goes through in order to produce something in his final

written form (Harmer, 2004). Furthermore, Harmer argues that there are four steps

in writing process. They are planning, drafting, editing, and final draft. Besides

the writing process recursive and cyclical, which means that a writer may go to

some steps repeatedly until the final draft is produced.

In conclusion, writing is considered as the most important skills. In daily

life, people often communicate with other by using written language. However, to

be able to communicate with the reader, the people have to have good writing.

There are two important aspects of writing should be considered namely cohesion

and coherence.

b. Types of writing performance

According to Brown (2004), there are four categories of writing


 Imitative

At the very beginning of learning to write, the learners must have basic task

of writing letter, words, and very brief sentences. The learners are simply
asked to imitate certain simple texts or sentences. At this stage, the context

and meaning of the products are not really important.

 Intensive

At this stage, the learners are expected to be able to apply proper using

appropriate vocabulary within a context, collocations and idioms, and correct

grammatical features.

 Responsive

The responsive writing concerns the way how the learners are able to write in

how the sentences and paragraphs can be composed in appropriate ways.

Certain guidelines and criteria can be applied when this writing performance

type is implemented in pedagogical directives.

 Extensive

Writers are not bounded by certain rules and criteria when they are dealing

with this type of writing performance. Otherwise, it provides them with

freedom to manage their writing work. The focus is that whether the writers

can achieve their writing purposes and arrange the ideas logically or not.

Meanwhile, the grammatical form is not really concerned, but only in a

limited amount.

23 Micro- and Macro-skills of Writing

Micro- and macro-skills of writing are stated as follows (Brown, 2001: 343):


 Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English.

 Produce writing an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

 Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word
order patterns.

 Use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g., tense, agreement,

pluralization), patterns, and rules.
 Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

 Use cohesive devices in written discourse.


 Use of rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse.

 Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written
texts according to form and purpose.
 Convey links and connections between events and communicate
such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information,
generalization, and exemplification.

 Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when writing.

 Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the

written text.
 Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accurately
assessing the audience’s interpretation, using prewriting devices,
writing in fluency in the first draft, using paraphrases and synonym,
soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for
revising and editing.

d. The Process of Writing

There are four steps of writing according to Richards and Renandya (2002).

There are planning, drafting, revising, and editing.

 Planning

In this stage, the writers encourage and stimulate to generate ideas.

Brainstorming can be one of the activities that can be done in stimulating to

generate ideas.
 Drafting

The writers focus on the content and the meaning of the writing product.

However, the accuracy is not given much attention.

 Revising

The writers review and reexamine the writing product. They revise the errors

and mistakes that expected to improve the content and organization of the text

so the reader will feel easier to understand the writing.

 Editing

This is the last step to the writer to prepare the final product. Meanwhile,

Langan (2008: 5) proposes four stages in writing process:

1. discover a clearly stated point, or thesis

2. provide logical, detailed support for our thesis
3. organise and connect our supporting material
4. revise and edit so that your sentences are effective and error-free

Furthermore, Oshima and Hogue have the same steps in writing (1999).

There are four steps, namely prewriting, planning, writing and revising drafts, and

writing the final copy.

To sum up, the researcher concluded that there are several steps in writing. In
the planning stage, the writers begin to brainstorm to generate the ideas. The
second step is creating draft. The writers compose the first draft. The last, the
writer review and revise the writing products
2. Teaching Writing

a. Approach in Teaching Writing

Brown (2007) states that teaching is the process of facilitating learning and

enabling students to learn and to see the condition for learning. He adds that
teaching is showing or helping the students how to do something, giving instructions,
guiding in the study of something, providing the students with knowledge, and
causing learners to know and to understand.
According to Westwood (2008), there are two main approaches to learn
writing; a skills-based approach and a process approach. The skills-based
approach involves a fairly structure program in which the skills and concepts are
taught by the teacher directly. On the other hand, the process approach gives an
opportunity to the students to be independent learners, it is also called student-
centred approach (Graves, 1983).
However, according to Harmer, the teaching of writing only focused on the
product writing not the process for many years. The students were directed to
what rather than to how they produce a text (2004). Still according to Harmer
(2004), there are number of strategies for teachers to consider. They are the way to
get the students to plan, the way to encourage them to draft, the way to reflect and
revise, and the way to respond to the students’ writing.

23 3. Principles of Teaching Writing

A teacher has to develop some techniques to guide the students in doing step
of writing. There are some principles of designing writing techniques according
Brown (2001:346-356):
a. Incorporate practice of “good” writers.

b. Balance process and product.

c. Account for cultural/literary background.

d. Connect reading and writing.

e. Provides as much authentic writing as possible.

f. Frame techniques in terms of prewriting, drafting, and revising stages.

1 4. Teaching Writing in Junior High Schools

Based on Standard of Competence and Basic Competence of curriculum,

English is a means to communicate in the spoken and written form. The ability to
communicate is the capability to produce oral and written texts in four skills that
are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
English learning in junior high school is targeted to make the students
achieve the functional level which is to communicate in verbal or written form to
solve their daily problems. These are the purposes of learning English in junior
high school according to Depdiknas (2006):
a) Developing the communicative competence in the form of oral and written
texts to achieve the functional literacy level.
b) Having senses of the important of English to increase the notion competitive
ability in the global society.
c) Developing the students’ understanding about the relationship between
language and culture.
This research focused on teaching writing based on the standard competence
in the curriculum Grade VIII presented as follows.

Table 1: The Standard of Competence and Basic Competence in Writing for Grade

Standard of Competence Basic Competence

6. Expressing meaning in functional 6.1. Expressing meaning in
written texts and simple short functional written texts and
essays in the genres of descriptive essays using various written
and recount in order to interact language accurately, fluently,
with surroundings. and appropriately in order to
interact with the surroundings.
6.2. Expressing meaning and
rhetorical context steps in
12. Expressing meaning in functional 12.1. Expressing meaning in
written texts and simple short functional written texts and
essays in the genres of descriptive essays using various written
and recount in order to interact language accurately, fluently,
with surrounding. and appropriately in order to
interact with the surroundings.
12.2. Expressing meaning and
rhetorical context steps in
simple short essays using
various written language
accurately, fluently, and
appropriately in order to interact
with the surroundings on genres
of recount and narrative.

5. The Roles of Teacher in Teaching Writing

a. Motivator

A teacher should give motivation to the student, create a good atmosphere

class to help the students in generating ideas, persuade the students of the

usefulness of the activities, and encourage them to make as much effort as

possible for maximum benefit.

b. Resource

A teacher should be ready to supply information and language where

necessary especially during more extended writing tasks. She/he needs to give

advice and suggestions in a constructive and tactful way.

0 Feedback provider

A teacher should give positive feedback on students’ writing. When giving

correction, she/he should choose what and how much to focus on based on what

the students need.


0 6. The Role of Media in Language Teaching and Learning Process

Media are important in facilitating English learning. In educational field,

media support the learners to learn. The use of media can create a good

atmosphere in the teaching and learning process. By using media, teachers and

students are helped to achieve the goal of teaching.

Moreover, media are a means of communication and a source of information

that can be in various forms. They can be in the forms of video/audio recordings,

television, diagrams, printed materials, real objects, computer programs, and

instructors. All of them are categorized as instructional media because they

provide messages with an instructional purpose that is to facilitate communication

in the learning process. Smaldino et al (2005) mentions six media used in learning

and instruction. They are explained as follows:

a. Media are alphanumeric characters that are displayed in various types of

formats. These can be in the forms of a book, a poster, a chalk board, and a

computer screen.

b. Next are audio. Audio refers to the learning media that covers everything that

can be heard. It can be in the form of a person’s voice, music, mechanical

sounds, and noise.

c. The third type of media is visual. Visuals are highly used to promote learning.

They will include diagrams on a poster, drawing on a chalkboard, a

photograph or picture, a graphics in book, and a cartoon.

d. Next media is motion media. They are media that show motion including

video-tape, and animations.

e. Manipulative media are three dimensional media and can be touched and

handled by the students.

f. The last type of media are people. The media includes teachers, students, or

subject-matter experts.

Byrne in Ratnasari (2010) states that visual media has great potential as a

teaching aid to develop writing skills and can provide both context and

stimulation for a variety of activities. This media also can develop the different

language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Moreover, the

use of visualization can get the students inverted and awakened their thought to be

more creative thinker. This can create natural situation and active teaching and

learning for the use of language as a means of communication.

There are several considerations in selecting the appropriate media used in

the teaching and learning process. Mc Alpine and Weston (1994) in Smaldino et

al (2005:57) mention a list of questions that must be considered by teachers in

selecting the media. They are written as follows:

a. Does it match the curriculum?

b. Is it accurate and current?
c. Does it contain clear and concise language?
d. Will it motivate and maintain interest?
e. Does it provide for learners participants?
f. Is it of good technical quality?
g. Is there any evidence of its effectiveness (previous research study)?
h. Is it free from objectiveness and bias?
i. Is a user guide or other documentations included?
To sum up, there are various media that can make the instruction more realistic and

engaging. One of the visual media commonly used in the teaching and learning

process is pictures. Smaldino et al (2005) states that pictures are photographic

representations of people, places, and things in the form of two dimensional that

sometimes in the form of sequential pictures (in series).

0 7. Picture Series

As stated before, a picture is an illustration that can be used as two

dimensional representation of a person, a place, or a thing. It can be said that a

picture can be a medium that can show people, places, and things that are far.

One of the types of pictures used in English teaching and learning process is

picture series. However, picture series is a sequence of pictures of a single object

that is aimed to tell a story and also a sequence of event.

Harmer proposes pictures as very useful ways to prompt students into

writing stories. Moreover, picture series can eagerness to start writing and develop

their ideas (2007). There are three considerations in choosing and using pictures

as media in teaching and learning process.

a. The pictures have to be appropriate not only for the purpose in hand but also

for the classes they are being used. If they are too childish, the students may

not like them, and if they are culturally inappropriate they can offend people.

b. The pictures should be visible. They have to be big enough so that the

students can see the details of the pictures.

c. The pictures should be durable.

Furthermore, according to Wright (1992), there are criteria using picture as

media: 1) they should be easy to prepare, 2) they should be easy to organise in

the classroom, 3) they should be interesting, 4) the activities have to be

meaningful and authentic, and 5) the activities should give rise to a sufficient

amount of language. Wright (1992) argues that a picture contributes to increase

the students’ interest and motivation, make the students have sense of the

context of the language and a picture can be a specific reference point or

stimulus to the students. To support the previous ideas on the roles of picture

series in the teaching and learning process, Harmer (2007) states that there are

various numbers of writing tasks that students can be asked to undertake and

one of them is students can be given a series of pictures which tell story and

they have to write story based on the pictures. He then adds that giving the

students a sequence of pictures as the writing task incites them to be creative

writers. The students will explain their understanding of pieces of art, revealing

details about their literacy processes and strategies. The same kinds of

revelations by using series pictures, likely on a more advanced level, are

revealed in this lesson, where students explore background actions and others

related to the art they study. All students can find success "where they are"

through this exploration of culture, vocabulary, voice, and characterization in

the specific context of the inspiration artwork. Because of the open-ended

nature of this lesson, it is particularly appropriate for multi-leveled classrooms

and classrooms with special-needs students and English Language Learners.

The picture series is recommended for it has many benefits in the writing learning

process. The first benefit of using picture series is that it makes the students

interested in writing English because picture series is one of the visual teaching

media (Smaldino et al 2005). Another benefit is picture series stimulates the

students to develop and use their imagination so that they are able to write well.

Then, it also helps students expressing their ideas they have more readable. The last

benefit is that picture series improves the students’ motivation in writing.In this

research study, the picture series is used as the main media to improve the students’

writing skills. In implementing picture series in the research, there are processes

that need to be done by the researcher and other members of the research. They are

designing the lesson plan for the teaching and learning, designing the teaching

techniques used to implement the picture series, then selecting the appropriate and

suitable picture series to be used in the writing activity.

B. Related Studies

Similar to the effort to improve the students’ writing skills, there are many

researchers conducting studies on picture series. They found that picture series

were considered as an effective media in English teaching and learning process.

Sa’diyah (2010) conducted action research with the purpose of improving

the students’ ability in writing a descriptive text trough the use of a picture series-

aided learning strategy. The research was conducted in Grade X.2 of SMA Negeri

Kambangbahu, Lamongan, Indonesia with 28 students as the participants. The

results of the research show that most of the students had a positive attitude

toward the use of picture series to learn descriptive text and the improvement of

the students’ writing ability.

Yusnita, Sada, and Novita (2012) conducted action research with the

purpose of improving the students’ recount text writing by using picture series.

The research was conducted in two cycles with 40 Grade X students as the

participants. The picture series was given to the students to help them to write

recount texts. The result of the research has shown that the students had good

progress in writing recount text. The students’ writing scores improved from

Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. Picture series could be the clues for the students in writing

recount text. Furthermore, the students’ vocabulary mastery improved by guessing

the activities in the pictures.

Nurjanah (2012) conducted action research with 32 participants. The

research was aimed at improving the writing skills of the first grade students of

SMA N 1 PRAMBANAN by using picture series. The research was conducted in

two cycles. The results of the research show that picture series was effective to

improve the students’ writing skills. The students’ writing problems in the aspects

of content, vocabulary, language use and organisation can be reduced by

implementing picture series in the teaching and learning process of writing.

Implementing picture series was also effective to improve the students’ motivation

in the writing process. Moreover, the students’ skills in four aspects of writing

improved after picture series were implemented.

These research findings indicate that picture series has many advantages in

language teaching and learning process. By using picture series, the students’

attitudes toward English improved. Picture series also helped the students to write

texts. Therefore, the students writing skills improved. Hence, the researcher

believed that picture series was th e right media to overcome the problems.

C. Conceptual Framework

The students’ ability in writing in SMP N 1 Sewon was still low. As stated

earlier, there were some problems which could make the students get difficulty in

writing. One of the problems was that the teacher did not give clear guidelines for

students to construct sentences coherently and grammatically. As a result, they

could not produce a coherent and understandable text. They also cannot develop

their ideas. Besides, the teacher only focused on the product of writing not the

process. The teacher also did not provide interesting media to help the students

understand the materials.

As stated above, media are the important thing in the process of teaching

and learning. Media can help the students who have the lack of experiences to be

able to connect the students out of the environment and can improve their

motivation. Visual media are more preferable because most people learn more by

their sight than other sensory perception. A picture is one of the visual which can

help the students learn English. Furthermore, a picture contributes to increase the

students’ interest and motivation, which make the students have the sense of the

context of language.
With those reasons, the researcher though that picture series were the best media to

help the students write because it has many benefits in the teaching and learning

process. The first, the picture series can help the students retell their experience in a

good sequence. Secondly, picture series can stimulate the students’ idea and develop

their ideas in chronological order. Third, by using picture series, the students are

engaged in the writing process. Picture series-based activities can also improve the

students’ skill such as organisation, content, vocabulary, and language use.

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