CHAPTER 1 (Recovered)
CHAPTER 1 (Recovered)
CHAPTER 1 (Recovered)
In this chapter, the researcher would like to present some points that will be explained, as
follows: background of study, identification of the problem, limitation of the study, statement of the
English language has been commonly accepted as an active universal language in the world.
People who study English language consider it as their personal proficiency. Therefore, nowadays many
people, particularly students, ought to master English language. Mastering English language is an
important value for the students to have. By mastering the language the students can improve themselves
both in academic and life skill. Once the students can comprehend it, he or she can be well-accepted by
the society.
international language in the world. So, it is important for people to learn it. Particularly in Indonesia,
English is one of foreign languages. It is the most famous foreign language which is taught from
elementary school up to university school level. By learning English, the students are expected to absorb
The teaching of English is focused on the ability of learners to be capable of mastering the four
language skills, namely: listening speaking, reading, and writing (Depdiknas, 2003: 6). The learners
should have abilities in reading and listening to support their speaking and writing.
The students have to learn all of the skills above because the government had been arranged the
curriculum of English lesson. But, not all of them are capable of those skills. One of those skills above is
writing skills. According to Arumi (2015: 1), writing as one of language skill considered very difficult. It
is due to the fact that writing needs to produce and organize ideas using appropriate vocabulary, language
use, paragraph organization, and mechanism. It also needs to turn the ideas into a readable text and for
foreign language learners; they should also transfer ideas from their native language into the target
In fact, Indonesian students have many difficulties in learning English. Actually, in writing skill
they have difficulties to practice because to write a good text, students have to follow the rules of the
target language. The students have to learn the grammar, mastering the vocabulary, elaborate their ideas
to achieve writing form, and arrange the paragraphs. They are difficult to change their ideas to become
should choose the correct word in every sentence to make their description
their early ages. It is because in their early ages most of them are very
specifically for teaching young students to read and write well.” Basically
are familiar to the students. It is to make the students able to identify it easily.
Based on the writer’s experience in Teaching Practice Program (PPL) in First Grade Senior High
School, he found the problem in students’ writing. This case could be caused by minority learning of
writing skills in Junior High. Many students failed the achievement of writing skill. The writer did the
interview the students in the class room. The writer concluded some reasons why students cannot write
English well. Many students cannot organize their ideas. They just think without organizing, some
students just waiting from the teacher’s suggestion. Then, the problem was the lack of vocabulary. And
the last problem was teaching technique applied by teacher. Most of the teacher taught the writing theory
and focused on grammar. That made students hard to organize their ideas well.
The role of teaching strategy is to assist the students to develop their language skills and
acknowledge (Fleming and Walls, 1998 in Siahaan, 2008, p.213) when the teacher used the appropriate
model the teaching-learning process, this situation wouldn’t be happened. Considering the condition
above, the writer offers to apply Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) to overcome the problem.
The next factors were the activities used in the teaching and learning process. When the
researcher observed the class in the teaching and learning process, the students were talking to each
other. They did not pay attention to the teacher explanations. When they had a topic to write, it is
difficult for them to arrange the sentences into good writing. There was no strategy that helped them to
arrange text using the correct generic structure. The teacher had given an example and the vocabulary
below the text, but many students did not understand if they have to arrange the sequence sentences.
In teaching writing skill, the teacher has to improve the students’ writing skill. The teachers can
use an appropriate strategy to teach their students. From the explanation above, the researcher proposes
to use the 5 Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) to improve students’ ability to write hortatory
exposition text. According to Calhoun (1999: 21) “Developed the Picture Word Inductive Model
(PWIM), which uses pictures containing familiar objects, actions, and scenes to draw out words from
children’s listening and speaking vocabularies. It is be effective for the students who want to expand
their writing skill. This model helps the students add words to their sight-reading vocabulary, as well as
their writing vocabulary, and also discover phonetic and structural principles present in those words.”
The reasons for conducting the research is as to give the teachers appropriate teaching, especially
in descriptive text in the eleventh-grade students. Then, they are willing and able to make writing
descriptive text easily. It can solve students difficulty in understanding a descriptive text paragraph by
using PWIM. The students will be easy to arrange the words become sequence sentences and paragraphs
Based on the background of the research, there are some problems with the research are as follows:
1) How is the implementation of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) to improve the students’
writing ability in descriptive text at the ten-grade students’ of SMA Muhammadiyah Purworejo
2) What is the significant improvement after using the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in
The statement of the problem based on the background of study above is: Is There Any
Effectiveness of Improving the Student Ability to Write Descriptive Text Throught Picture Word
Inductive Model at Ten Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Purworejo in Academic year
2) To find out the significant improvement after using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in
In learning English, there are four basic skills that the students mush master such as
speaking, listening, writing and reading genre of text such as procedure, narrativem recount,
descriptive, hortatory exposition, etc. In this case, the researcher will focus on writing skill and
hortatory exposition text. It is using picture word inductive model (PWIM) in teaching writing of
descriptive text at ten grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Purworejo. The researcher tries by using
picture word inductive model (PWIM) to help students easier to learn how to share opinions, ideas
or arguments in form of writing or speaking. The students are required to have the sufficient
The significance of this study is devided into three parts, they are:
Using picture word inductive model (PWIM) method can help students interesting in learning
english, especially in writing. Learn the phonics, grammar, mechanics, and usage of standard
English. The images used for display will provide a visual concrete for students to learn about
skill in descriptive text. Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) is effective to improve the
It also contributes to other researchers to give references to the next researchers to conduct
further researcher .
This chapter presents the result of reviewing related literature used in this study that
provide previous study and studies and information concerned with the research problems. It
consists of: reading, annotating text strategy, and hortatory exposition text.
In this chapter the researcher discusses about pertinent theories which are
compatible with the research. The researcher also digs various information from
different sources to obtain pre-existing information about theories relating to the title
2.1 Writing
organizing them into statements and paragraph. It is one of four English skills which
should be mastered, Damila (2021). In writing, people can express their opinion,
feeling, emotion, ideas, and it can only be mastered through practice. If students want
to improve their writing skill, the have to practice in systematic, continuous and full
of discipline.
Apart from that, students need to have broad knowledge, since without
knowledge they have nothing to express nor convey. Hence, when students want to
practice writing systematically, they need to have enough knowledge so that they
can produce a well written writing. Thereare two main reasons for people to write: 1)
for someone to learn, 2) for communication, (Damila 2021). It is usually for public
Hence, writing is one ofimportant skill that must be mastered by a writer since
determines how to communicate in written form, therefore, the writers need to know
how to write effectively, so the readers can comprehend the information conveyed by
the writers.
Thus, from the theories above, it can be concluded that communication is not
only verbal but also written, one of which is writing. Writing is referred to as a form
express their ideas by writing. Good writing is writing that is easily understood by its
readers because if the writing itself is not good, it will be difficult for the readers to
know what we convey in the writing. Writing is not an easy skill, but it is fun if itis
All writers aim to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings through the
written language for both themselves and others. An example of writing your own
goals, such as organizing them properly, planning ideas and thoughts, and
remembering to organize them. Writing formats can be cast to journals, lecture notes,
meeting notes, and special notes. For example, writing for others conveys a message,
1. Assignment Purpose
Writing activities for students, aim to fulfill the tasks assigned by the
2. Aesthetic Purpose
The purpose of writing for writers, writing activities aim to create a beauty
3. Purpose of explanation
author must provide various information needed by the reader in the form of
4. Purpose of self-declaration
Writing activities to validate what has happened is made in the form of this
5. Purpose of creative
6. Purpose of consumptive
The writer is more concerned with the satisfaction of the reader and oriented
So, from the theory above we can conclude that there are many
purposes for writing, such as the purpose of the assignment. Usually, this goal
when in the world of work or education. For example, making letters, essays,
theses, journals, and others. Besides that, the purpose of writing is to create
literary works for writers or it can also be called creative purpose such as
2. Altruistic purpose
Altruistic goals are the key legibility of something written. The writer wants
to please the reader, encourage them to understand and value feelings and
reasoning. Want to make readers' lives more accessible and fun with
someone's work.
3. Persuasive purpose
4. Informational purpose
5. Self-expressive purpose
6. Creative Purpose
desire" here exceeds self-declaration, and involves himself with the desire to
achieve artistic norms or ideals of art, dream art. Purposeful writing achieve
The author wants to solve the problem faced employing explain, clearing
up, explore and research his thoughts and ideas carefully so that they can be
From the theory above, we can conclude that there are many purposes
readers. Thus, the readers will get new information or knowledge from a
written work. It can also be said that the purpose of writing is to entertain, like
someone who wants to write short stories, comics, or short funny quotes on
their social media accounts. The last one writing is also aimed at education.
1. Knowing your potential with and our abilities and knowledge about the
3. More absorb, seek, and master information in connection with the topic
Thus, every problem that was initially vague will become more apparent.
deeper context.
will not only be physically and mentally healthy but can also recognize details
From the opinion above, the writer concludes that the benefits of writing are:
2. By writing, a person can think critically, because by writing they are forced
to think
Besides that, the benefits of writing can create curiosity and train the
Types of writing can be based on the content of the writing; the content
(1989), types of writing are based on the purpose general, based on that, writing
1. Description/Descriptive
The word explanation comes from Latin which mean to explain or describe
2. Exposition
3. Argumentation
4. Narration/Narrative
5. Persuasion
Thus, from the theories above, it can be concluded that there are several
typesof writing. Before starting to writing, we should first know and understand
the types of writing. Types of writing can be known based on the content of
2. Form
3. Vocabulary
In writing, you must choose the right vocabulary to express ideas and form
written work.
meaning, when writing is not according to the rules; it might alter the
5. Mechanics
spelling of letters so that the reader does not misinterpret the writing.
Thus, from the theories above, it can be concluded that a person who wants to
write first understands the technique of writing. This aims to make it easier for
readers to know what we write. Then a person who wants to write determines
the content of his writing based on the topic he chooses. Besides that, you also
have to choose vocabulary that is easy to understand and use proper and correct
Learning how to write in English is not an easy task for junior high school
students. Nurgiantoro (2001) stated that students have some difficulties such as,
how to organize the idea, students lack of vocabulary, and their accuracy in
1. Organizing ideas
Nation (2009) some students know what to say or what they want to write,
but they find it difficult to express it in written form.It is because students find
it difficult to develop idea and sometimes, they do not know what they are
going to write. When writing, the students usuallywrite contents that are not
2. Lack of Vocabulary
students will not be able to express their idea or thought in their writing. Thus,
3. Grammar Accuracy
because the use of word structures or tenses can affect meaning. Students tend
to be confused in this matter, generally they are not sure whether they use the
expressing ideas. Before writing, we should first determine the theme; it will
make it easier for us to pour ideas into writing related to the predetermined
also required to multiply and enrich the vocabulary. It aims to make writing
The last is the use of grammar. In writing, grammar is very important. Using
proper and accurate grammar will make it easier for readers to understand our
describing an object with the purpose that the readers feel as if they saw the
clearly and in detail. Aspects that can be described can be beauty, nature,
Descriptive text also has several rules, which include the structure or
arrangement that must be written in order (Anonim, 2015). The first rule is
The second rule is Description, this part in the second paragraph and so on
the reader in the first paragraph. According to Burns (2010), the purpose of
author just writesthe story descriptive text based on what you see and hear.
Thus, from the theories above, it can be concluded that descriptive text is a
object is an animal, human, plant, place or thing. Usually, this descriptive text
describes an object's physical form or habit. This is so that the reader can feel
and imagine the object even though it is only through the image without having
to see it directly.
In writing descriptive text two rules must be known. The first is identification.
The first thing written in the first paragraph is to explain the general
characteristics of the object. Then in the second rule or the second paragraph
and so on, the writer explains the special characteristics of the object in detail.
in this descriptive text will certainly be very easy to distinguish this text from
2. The paragraphs described are explained very clearly and in detail and
From the theory above, we can conclude that the descriptive text in each
Quoted from Holimah’s paper that generic structures are the special
are as follow:
1. Identification
2. Description
something in detail, so the readers can get clear image of the subject.
From the quote above, we can conclude that there are two structures in writing
students identify the general characteristics of the object, while the description
detail and make the readers feel as if they saw the object directly.
2.2.4 Language Features of Descriptive Text
descriptive text:
Because the descriptive text is a text that describes the physical nature of
My Brother
This is what designers learn to create diverse designs and diverse learning.
Learning models are usually composed based on various principles. Joyce &
Weil argues that the learning model is a plan that can be used to make curricula
teaching-learning process. The teachers can also select the appropriate and
effectively and efficiently. In line with Kemp's opinion, Dick and Carey (1985)
also mention: that the learning strategy is a set of material and learning
procedure thatis used together to produce learning outcomes for students. Thus,
there can be a learning strategy using several methods and model. So, to
improve students’ writing skills the researcher uses the PWIM (Picture
(1999) over 20 years and was designed from a study of how students do not
only literate in print, especially writing and reading, but also listening and
speaking vocabulary that has been developed. The picture word inductive
curriculum, especially for novice readers at the elementary level and higher
levels and when Calhoun developed this model, he conduct basic and applied
research on how students can reading and writing (especially in terms of their
reading/writing relationships).
form meaning about the world by obtain and process data, perceive problems
and generate appropriate solutions, and develop concepts and language for
Harmer (2001) Pictures are one type of visual aids that can be used to express
descriptive texts can use pictures from books, newspapers and magazines, or
photos. Ferlazzo (2014) The PWIM uses an inductive process (in which
students seek patterns and use them to identify their broader meanings and
1. Students are presented with pictures. They connect words with the image by
This structure explains that the main thing to be achieved from this
as well as a facility for the transition from speech to writing. So, it can be
namely seeing students' abilities in utilizing the words they have learned and
knowing how students make connections between words and objects around
their environment.
The purpose of the PWIM is to invite students to classify the words they
have just acquired and build concepts that will enable them to solve words
they have never encountered before. The relationship between objects and
and written).
Miftahul Huda, M.Pd, explain that picture word inductive model has an
and writing.
Thus, from the explanation above, it can be concluded that there are so
many benefits of PWIM in improving students’ writing skill. Among them, this
learning model can makeit easier for students to write descriptive text and can
1. Introduce to PWIM
In this step, the teacher chooses the picture, she asks students to
2. Identification of PWIM
picture, while students read the vocabularies that refer to the picture.
3. Review of PWIM
The teacher reviews the PWIM (like; saying and spelling). Besides
desired). After that, the teacher asks students to make an appropriate title.
In the last step, students arrange words into sentences and then into a
While the according to Huda (2015), PWIM syntax in carrying out learning is divided
1) Introduce of PWIM
First of all, the teacher introduces the word picture. Students are asked to look
at the pictures that the teacher has prepared in front of the class.
2) Identification of PWIM
In this step, the teacher mentions some vocabularies, and the students
The third step, the teacher reviews the PWIM (like; saying and spelling). Besides
that, the researchers may add vocabulary to be known to students (if desired). After
The teacher asks students to arrange words into simple sentences. Then the teacher
writes the sentence in the word picture and the student reads the simple sentence in a
Chapter III
In this chapter , the writer will explain the research methods. It needs type of research, place and time
of the research, research design, Population and sample , sampling technique, research variable,
technique of collecting data, research instrument, and technique of data analysis. Senior high school of
Muhammadiiyah Purworejo
A. Research Design
a. This research is quantitative research, which relies quantitive data based on computation
and measurement, operation variable and statistics. The study was aimed to reveal and to
describe the use of pcture word inductive model in teaching vocabulary at the sevent
which is given treatment. There is no variable control in this research and simple was
chosen randomly. The group were given pretest before received treatment so that the
result would be accurately. At the end of treatment, the group were given posttest. Then
the result of the two test (pre-test and post-post) were compared to find out the difference
score before and after receiving treatment. So, the design of the research as follows.
O1 X O2
Where :
O1 : pre-test
X : treatment
O2 : post-test
The writer choose the ten grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Purworejo which is located In
a. Population
conslusions. Population not just people, but objects and natural object another
b. Sample
study for generalizing about the target population (Creswell, 2012:142). According
in research field.
c. Sampling Technique
Sampling s technique to take a sample. There are some technique to get the
is sampling technique tahat provides wqual opportunity for each element of the
Making members are dawn at random without regard to exiting level in the
This technique is used when the population has members or elements that are not
Area sampling technique are used to determine the sample when the oject to be
b. Non-probablity sampling
Non probability samping is sample collection techniques that do not provide the
a) Systematic Sampling
b) Sampling Quota
Quota sampling is a technique for determining a sample of the population
c) Sampling incindental
d) Snowball Purposive
e) Samping Saturated
f) Snowball Sampling
then enlarged
Based in technique above, the writer uses purposive sampling by drawing out the
sample based on certain puspose. The reason of the writer chooses this samping is
because of the limitation of time. Energy, and fund. So, she cannot take a bigger
D. Research Variable
Variable is the object of research or something that become th concern of research. In this study
1. Independent Variable
The independent variable is the major variable, which the research hopes to use to
dependent variable. Independent variable is always named stimulus, predictor, and antecendt.
Inndependent variable in this research is the use of Picture Word Inductive Model (PMWM)
of any independent variable. Dependent variable in this research is the student vocabulary
E. Research Instrument
In collectiong data, the writer used test as the instrument. According to Sugiyono
(2011:22) research instrument is a tool whichis used to measure the natural phonomenom
and social phenomenon that us ibserved. Rinkunto (2010:134) states that instrument is
tools used by the researcher when conducting a research method in collcting the data.
Some kinds of instrument are test, questionnaires, interview, observation, rating scale, and
documentation. Test is any series of questions or eercises or other means to measure rhe
In this research, the writer used pre testand post-test as the instrument in getting
the data.
a. Pre-test
but not yet fully develop test . Tests under development may be revised on the basic of
the item analysis obtained from the result of the pre-test. Pre-test can be called a test
The writer conducts pre-test before giving the treatment to the students. The type
of the test is 10 multiple choice and 10 essay text. Each test consists of 20 items.
Students have to finish it in 30 minutes. The score given is 5 points to each of the
b. Post-test
Richard (2010:447) states that post-test is a test given after larning has
pst test results measures the amount of a progress a learner has made. The post-test
is dne after conducting the pr-test and the treatment. The type of the tests is 10
mjltiple choices and 10 essay test. Each test consists of 20 items. The rule and the
The purpose of the pre-test and post-test was to determine the level of
Data is very important in doing research. In doing the research, the researcher can
In gaining the data, the researcher attempts to employ these following techniques :
c. After giving the treatment, the writer gave post-test for class…
d. The writer used the test as the instrument to collct the data.
instrument for finding out whether the relationship between two or more variables
1) Descriptive Analysis
The descriptive analysis is used to describe the variable of this research thaht
effectiveness of using picture word inductive model in teaching English vocabulary/ The statistic
are mean, mode, median , standar deviation, the lowest score, and he highest score.
The research took some simple formulas through these following steps
Arikunto (2010:284) states that mean is the average of the set scores, obtained by
adding the scores together and dividing be the total mber of the students. The writer
2) Median
Median is one of explanation techniques based on the middle value of the data
which have been organized from the lowest to the highest or from the hihest to the lowest
3) Mode
being popular, or it can be called as a score which the most often appears (Arinkunto,
degree to shich the group of scores deviates from the mean. In the other words, it
shows how all the scores are spread out, and that gives a fuller description of test
than a range, which simply describes the gap between the highest and the lowest
marks and ignores the information provided by all the remaining scores
( Arinkunto,2010:288)
1) Inferential Analysis
This analysis is used to conclude the hypothesis. Hypothesis can be
The writer applies t-test to make the analysis more reliable. This analysis is
done to find out the effectiveness of using PWIM for teaching Engslish
1) Test of Normalty
Test normality is test of the null hypothesis that a simple has been drawn
wether the distribution of the data in a simple departs from a normal distribution,
the objective of this test is to see whether the distribution of the data is normal or
not. In this study, the writer analyzed the normality test using SPSS 16.0. Wth the
normal population variant. If the probability valure < ), 05 the variant population is
2) Test of Homogeneteneity
This tes aims to determined the t-test formula: the writer applies the
3) Test of Hyothesis
vocabulary at the ten grade student To decide which hypothesis that will be
accepted or rejected, the t-test formula is used to compare the two samples. T-test
is statistical procedure for testing the difference between two or more means. It is
used for estimating the probability that means have been drawn from the same or
different population ( Sugiyono, 2011:122). In this study, the witer analyzed the
This chapter discusses the research design, variable of research, the population and sample, the
research instrument, the treatment, the technique of collecting data, and data analysis.
A. Research Design
The experimental research is chosen in this study in order to investigate the effectiveness of using
Picture Word Inductive Model strategy in teaching writing skill. An experimental is a study of the effect
mentioned the experimental treatment or “independent variable”. Whereas, observe and to measure
variable is mentioned as “dependent variable” (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010). It means that an effort to
control all of variables which are affect the result except the independent variable. Then, while the
independent variable has the impact for the dependent variable, it can be said that independent variable
The research design used in this study was quasi-experimental research in the form of pre-test
post-test non-equivalent control group design. Quasiexperimental design wass used in this research
because of the participants of the research were not randomly assigned. In other word, they were already
part of a group. This research was divided into two class, they were experimental and control class. The
experimental class applied Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) strategy and the control class used
listing strategy. Each class received the same pre-test and post-test.
In this research, the students in the experimental class got the treatment (X) by using Picture Word
Inductive Model (PWIM) strategy, whilst the students in the control class got the treatment (O) by using
G1 T1 X T2
G2 T1 O T2
T1 = Pre-test
T2 = Post-test
Variables of this research were independent and dependent variable. Independents variable were
variables selected by the writer to determine their effect or relationship with dependent variable. In other
words, independent variables were antecedent to another variable, and dependents variable were the
consequence of another variable. In this research, the independent variable was writing strategy and the
C. The Population and Sample
a. Population
The population of this study was the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Purworejo.
There were about 627 students for the tenth-grade that divided into two major (science and social) and
fifteen classes. In terms of gender, students in this school were classified into male and female in each
b. Sample
The study was conducted at the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Purworejo As the
participants, X MIA-1 as the control class and X MIA-2 as the experimental class. The researcher took
34 students in each class. Thus, the total participant of this study was 68 students. All of the students in
this research were male, so it could be concluded that they were homogeny. The sampling technique used
in this study was non-randomized sampling. The reason why the researcher chose class MIA 1 and MIA
2 on the tenth year students because they were have same ability in writing recount text and also based on
recommendation from the English teacher over there. Furthermore, recount text material was taught in
The instrument of this study was test in which delivered become pre-test and post-test.
a. Pre-test
Before the treatment, the researcher administered a pre-test to the students to measure the achievement of
students‟ skill in recount text writing. In this test, students were asked to write a recount paragraph about
score. The instrument of this test as like in a pre-test but it was given after the treatment. (See Appendix
c. Scoring rubric
In analyzing of scoring the writing test, the researcher used analytic scoring stated by Brown
(2004). There were five-aspects or categories that would be a specific purpose in scoring. It was used a
Content The topic is complete and clear and the details are
(30%) relating to the topic
Topic, details The topic is complete and clear but the details
almost relating to the topic
to say
Spelling, capitalization
punctuation, 3 Errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
Treatment was a procedure that applied by the researcher to find out the effectiveness of
using the strategy in writing. There were two groups observed, control group and experimental
group. The treatment of Picture Word Inductive Model strategy was given to experimental group.
Moreover, control group was a class that received listing strategy. For activities\ on the treatment,
were given for 3 (three) meetings in each class. The activities given for the treatment to both
Opening Opening
text recount
word list
The schedule of the activity done in this study can be seen in Table 3.4.
To investigate the effectiveness of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) strategy, the
researcher applied two steps of the technique to collect the data. This research used quantitative
data that taken from the students‟ writing score. The data were gotten from test, they were pre-
In this research, pre-test and post-test were given both in control group and experimental
group to find out their understanding in learning recount text. Pretest was given before the
treatment to measure students‟ writing skill. That was a strategy to investigate the first score of
writing skill. After pre-test, the researcher gave the treatment in which Picture Word Inductive
Model (PWIM) strategy for experimental group and listing strategy for control group in teaching-
learning writing. Finally, post-test was given to each class and asked them to do the test
individually. The researcher asked the students to produce recount paragraph based on a topic.
The post-test was given after students got the treatment and used as final measurement the
G. Data Analysis
Data analysis was a process in analyzing data. It was done after the data obtained from the
score of the test. The data were gotten from pre-test and posttest of experimental and control
group. The scores of the experimental and the control groups were calculated by using procedure
of ANCOVA because the sample of the research was not taken randomly and the instrument used
was a test. In this case, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was done by using SPSS 21 program.
In scoring the writing test, it involved the subjectivity because the kind of test used was writing
on recount text by using PWIM strategy and listing strategy. Therefore, inter-rater reliability was
used to find out whether a test was reliable or not. Inter-rater reliability occured when two or
more scores yield inconsistent scores of the same test, possibly for lack of attention to scoring
criteria, inexperience, inattention, or even preconceived biases (Brown, 2004). The researcher
chose the English teacher on the tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Purworejo as rater 1 and
the researcher as the rater 2. In correlating the score from two raters, the researcher used Pearson