English language consists of four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Vocabulary is one component of those skills. One can not express his idea if the lacks of
vocabulary. Vocabulary is important for the students to support their four language skills
( David, 1991:9). It means that if the students master in vocabulary, it will make the students
vocabularies like animal, clothes, things in the classroom etc. They only have little
vocabulary, it is caused by they do not have spirit to learn new vocabularies and the teacher
rarely uses a suitable media to teach vocabulary. It will generate the students to have spirit to
Many people are difficult to master vocabulary because of the using of different
techniques between English and Indonesia. The English people everyday use English
language to speak others but in Indonesia most of the learners speak English language in
certain condition. So Indonesians’ students vocabulary is still poor. If everyone has motto
“Book is the world’s window” it is caused by probably everyone likes to read in order to
Most of students begin to read something because they have seen and they have heard
something that is pronounced by other people. So that the using of media is needed to
conduct teaching and learning process in the class. The suitable media is audio visual media
because the media contains picture and voice so the students can see and hear directly such as
cartoon film. By using this media, the students will be enjoyable and pleasure to learn
English vocabulary, make clear the message, can save the teacher energy, can motivate the
vocabularies someone can be easier to learn English. It is different when someone has limited
vocabulary, they could not learn English perfectly. For example if they have many
vocabularies they will be easier to look for the information from English magazine or English
newspaper and vice versa. It is better for students to use media in learning vocabulary, in
order to make them easier in learning English. Media is medium to send message from
speaker to receiver. It means that the media can help the teacher to send their information for
their students. The examples of media are television, LCD projector, radio etc
From the statement above the researcher chooses a suitable media that is audio visual
media to teach vocabulary, in this case cartoon film is considered as suitable media. By using
cartoon film the students seem easier to understand the vocabulary because they like the
cartoon especially cartoon. So the students feel easy to follow the story and understand word
Based on the description above the writer conducts a research untitled “ The
B. Problem Stetment
From problem of study above, the researcher concludes that the objectives of
study are:
vocablary siswa
1. The research finding are exoectd to be very meningful, especialy for the
for those who are aware teaching and learning english as foreign
3. The research can help teachers to find out some learning models to
1. The research focues on the Effevtiveness Using Cartoon movie Toward Student