Proposal Nadila
Proposal Nadila
Proposal Nadila
3. Teaching Vocabulary
1) Theories of Teaching Vocabulary
Teaching is an activity or process of transforming knowledge to help someone
require changes and develops their skills, attitudes, ideas and appreciations. They are
influenced by affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains.
In the past, vocabulary teaching and learning were often given little priority in second
language programs, but recently there has been a renewed interest in the nature of
vocabulary and its role in learning and teaching (Richard:255).
Traditionally, the teaching of vocabulary above elementary levels was mostly
incidental, limited to presenting new items as they appeared in reading or sometimes
listening texts. This indirect teaching of vocabulary assumes that vocabulary
expansion will happen through the practice of language skills, which has been proved
not enough to ensure vocabulary expansion.
Nowadays, it is widely accepted that vocabulary teaching should be part of the
syllabus, and taught in a well-planned and regular basis. The vocabulary is the center
of language teaching because the language consists of grammatical lexis, not
lexicalized grammar.
There are several aspects of lexis that need to be taken into account when teaching
vocabulary. The list below is based on the work of Gains and Redman (1986).
a. Boundaries between conceptual meaning: knowing not only what lexis refers to,
but also where the boundaries are that separate it from words of related meaning
(example: cup, mug, bowl).
b. Polysemy: distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word from
with several and closely related meanings (head: of a person, of pin, of an
c. Homonymy: distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form
which has several meanings which are not closely related (example, a file: used to put
papers in or a tool)
d. Homophony: understanding words that have the same pronunciation but different
spellings and meanings (example: flour, flower).
e. Synonymy: distinguishing between the different shades of meaning that
synonymous words have (example: extend, increase, and expand).
f. Affective meaning: distinguishing between the attitudinal and emotional factors
(denotation and connotation), which depend on the speakers attitude or the situation
social-cultural associations of lexical items is another important factor.
g. Style register, dialect: being able to distinguish between different levels of
formality, the effect context and topics, as well as differences in geographical
h. Translation: awareness of certain differences and similarities between the native
and the foreign language (example: false cognates).
i. Chunks of language: multi-word verbs, idioms, strong and weak collocation,
lexical phrases.
j. Grammar of vocabulary: learning the rules that enable students to build up
different forms of the word or even different words from that word (example: sleep,
slept, sleeping, able, unable, disability).
k. Pronunciation: ability to recognize and reproduce items in speech. In other word
the students try to pronounce the word better.
It can be said that there are fourteen aspects that must be known and understood by
the teacher in teaching vocabulary in the class. So when the teacher explains the
vocabulary the teacher also must explain that aspects to the students, in order that the
students know the aspects well.
4. Methods in Teaching Vocabulary
A method is theoretically related to an approach, organized by the design, and
practically realized in procedure. Method is the plan of language teaching which is
consistent with the theories. In other words, method is procedural (Setiyadi, 2006:8).
Heinich also states that there are the general categories of methods in teaching
English vocabulary are as follows (1993:16):
a. Presentation
In the presentation method, a source tells, dramatizes, or otherwise discarnate in
formation to learners. It is a one-way communication controlled by the source, with
no immediate response.
b. Demonstration
In this method of instruction, learners view a real or lifelike. Demonstrations may be
recorded and played back by means of media such as video
c. Discussion
As a method, discussion involves the exchange of ideas and opinions among students
or among students and teacher. It can be used in small or large groups.
d. Drill and practice
In drill and practice learners are led through a series of practice exercises designed to
increase fluency in a new skill or to refresh an existing one. To be effective, the drill
and practice exercises should include feed-back to reinforce correct responses and to
remediate errors learners might make along the way.
e. Tutorial
Tutorial is most often done one on one and is frequently used to teach basic skills,
such as reading and arithmetic.
f. Cooperative learning
Critics of competitive learning urge instead an emphasis on cooperative learning as an
instructional method. They argue that learners need to develop skills in working and
learning together because their eventual workplaces will require teamwork.
g. Gaming
Gaming provides a playful environment in which learners follow prescribed rules as
they strive to attain a challenging goal. Games can be a way for students to be active
h. Stimulation
Stimulation involved learners confronting a scaled-down version of a real-life
situation. The simulation may involve participant dialog, manipulation of materials
and equipment, or interaction with a computer
i. Discovery
The discovery method uses an inductive or inquiry approach learning, it presents
problems to be solved through trial and error.
j. Problem solving
Lifelike problems can provide the starting point for learning. In the process of
grappling with real-world challenges, the students can acquire the knowledge and
skills needed in the real world after graduation.
From the statements above there are some methods in teaching vocabulary, such as
game, practice and drill; discussion etc. from each methods has a strength and the
weakness. So the teacher must choose the suitable method that similar with the
students’ characteristics.
5. The Nature of Media
1. The Media
Media are one of equipment that is very important to teaching and learning
process. Learners can know about something. Media is also called something that
brings messages or information that has function or purpose certainly. Media are all
of types and copies which are used to send message or information (Arsyad, 1997:3).
Media are also called as if as tool of communication to conduct teaching and learning
process effectively. Media is a general term for television, radio, and newspaper
considered as a whole and as ways of entertaining of spreading news or information
to a large number of people (Richard, 1999:224). In other words television, radio and
newspaper are the examples of media in learner environment.
According to Heinich in (Daryanto, 2010:4) Media is an intermediary or
introductory between a speakers to the listener in the communication, so the media as
a connector between communicator and communicant. Media is a means of
communication and source of information Smaldino (2002:9). From the definition
above it can be said that anything which carries the information between a source and
a receiver is called media. The purpose of media is to facilitate communication and
learning (Heinich, 2002:9).
2. Kinds of Media
According to Djamarah and Zain (2010:124), there are 3 kinds of media:
1. Audio media: Audio media is media that only show the sound such as radio,
cassette recorder etc. So this media is not suitable for the deaf students.
2. Visual media: Visual media is media that only show a picture without a sound. It
means that the students just see a picture without hearing the actor says. The example
of this media is strip, slides photo etc.
3. Audio visual media
Audiovisual media is the media which show a picture and sound. This media is the
better media than the other media. This media is divided into:
a. Quite audiovisual: media that show a sound and quite picture. Ex-sound slides.
b. Movement audiovisual: this media show the sound and the picture than can move.
Example: cartoon film.
c. Pure audio visual: both of sound and picture are from one source. Example: film,
video cassette.
d. Not pure audiovisual: both sound and picture come from another source. For
example the picture from LCD projector and the sound come from active speaker.
a) The strength and weakness of audio visual media
1. It is combination of two media, audio and visual
2. It can influence the humans’ performance
3. It can be used directly
4. It can be repeated
1. It needs an expensive cost
2. It needs a special skill
3. It needs an electric.
6. The nature of Cartoon Film
1) The cartoon film.
Cartoon film is the same as animation film. The word animation was derived from
Greek “anima” the meaning is soul and life. The word animation also has a mean is to
give a live for the object by stirring the object in the specific time. From the statement
above it can concluded that animation is a group of picture or object ( Wordpress:
2010) It means that cartoon film is animation films that show a 2 dimension film. So
the cartoon film is a picture that can move and make a sound.
2) The characteristics of cartoon film
In teaching and learning vocabulary, cartoon film has some characteristics. There
are as follows:
A. The duration of cartoon film is short
B. The easy vocabulary, it means that it can be used in daily communication.
C. The intonation of speaker is calm and fluent.
D. It has moral values.
3) Film Cartoons as Media in teaching and learning process
At school, a teacher whose role as a teacher and educator has the role and function
strategies in instilling knowledge and morals / manners for students. On the one hand,
there is hope, and may demand that the students will be knowledgeable man (clever,
diligent) but on the other hand the more severe is that the students will be a human
noble character and morality (akhlakul kharimah). Because if humans are just smart
but not a certain character might later as an adult would be the villain of the people,
corrupt. Rachmad Widodo (2005).
In many ways, methods and strategies implemented to educate students to be a noble
human being. But if students are just merely lectured every day would be bored, and
possibly immune. So, from the case above cartoons film is suitable media in teaching
vocabulary for young learner. By using media cartoon film is expected to be PAKEM
learning process, more challenging and more meaningful.
4) Moral value of cartoon film.
Each cartoon film making and entertainment elements in addition to promoting a
business, there is a moral message insertion of its creator. There are obvious, some
are subtle. There is a high-value levels there are only a little. The moral messages
contained in the cartoons in Indonesia, among others: honesty, helpfulness,
assertiveness, confidence, never give up, courtesy, chivalry, etc. We cannot avoid the
negative elements of the cartoon (the existence of evil characters) but at least try to
minimize and neutralize the situation with a logical explanation of the principle of
As the term of Ying and Yang, there are no bad either. Two things cannot be
separated pliers. Some examples are frequently watched cartoons and kids love to
educate and contains elements of character, for example: Sponge Bob (friendship),
Dora the Explorer (adventure), Scooby Doo (eradication of evil), Avatar the Legend
(struggle and heroism), Kung Fu Panda and others.
4. Classifications of media.
According to Allen (in Daryanto, 2010:17) the purpose and characteristics media
are as follows:
a) Silent visual media, example; newspaper, magazine etc.
b) Film, that it is 3D animation or others.
c) Television, it is audiovisual media.
d) 3 dimension object. It is like cartoon film
e) Record
f) The lesson
g) Demonstration
h) Text book, it is the same as hand book or guidance book.
i) Oral
Based on the description above, it makes the teacher and other instructors to
choose the suitable media in order to teach the purpose of teaching and learning.
In this study the experimental study will be done in the class by taking the fourth
grade students at SDN 010 UJUNG TANJUNG as population. The researcher wants
to know the significance of Cartoon film media in teaching vocabulary.
2. Time and Place of the research
The researcher considers that this school is suitable to conduct the experimental.
It is SDN 010 UJUNG TANJUNG students especially the fourth grade in the
academic 2018-2019, because this study is not implement yet in this school
especially about media in teaching vocabulary. That is the reason why the researcher
chooses this place. By applying this technique the students’ knowledge increases
than before and the researcher also has experience to conduct useful experimental
research. The action class research starts from Mar 5 up to April 5, 2019 at SDN 010
3. The Population and Sample of the Research
1. Population and Sample
A population is defined as all members off any well-defined class of people, event
or object. A population is whole elements of the object as a data source with a certain
characteristic in a research (Tanzeh, 2009:91). It means that population is all subject
of the research.
According to Ary (in Azhar Arsyad, 2008:53) population is all members of well
define class of people, events or objects. In other words the population is group of
people or the object that will be observed. The population of this study is the fourth
grade students of SDN 010 UJUNT TANJUNG.
The small group which is observed called a sample (Ary, 1985:167) The sample is
part of population of the object research (Arikunto,2006:118). Based on the
description above it can be concluded that a sample is a part of the population which
have a certain characteristic from the population. The researcher has chosen fourth
class as one experimental.
Sample is also as a way the researcher selects number of individuals as a sample
which represents the population. In this study, the researcher took the populations that
are the entire of fourth grade students. Then the researcher took the fourth grade as a
sample which consists of 25 students at SDN 010 UJUNG TANJUNG.
2. Data collecting of the Research
Data source is subject where the data could be acquired (Arikunto, 2006:129)
There are three sources of data “person, place and paper” (Arikunto, 2006:129). In
other references said that data sources are information about any accident that must
be taken a note (Tanzeh, 2009:53). The people in this research were students, the
place is SDN 010 UJUNG TANJUNG and the papers are the test’s result.
The researcher uses primary data because the researcher using pre-test and post-
test to get the data. After the researcher get permission from headmaster, the research
is conduct Mar 5 up to March 24, 2019 at SDN 010 UJUNG TANJUNG .
a) Pre-Test
Before teaching the new material by using cartoon film media as media or
without using it, the researcher gives a test to the students by taking the
previously material. A test is a means of measuring a knowledge skill, feeling,
intelligence of an individual of group. Test produced numerical score that can be
used to identify, classify, or evaluate test takers. There are two tests, pre-test and
post-test. Pre-test was given to the experimental group and control group by
conducting some tests, in other word, it is used to know the ability to the students.
The score obtained were analyzed to determine between pre-test and post-test.
The respondents were asked to do the twenty five questions of vocabulary. Time
allocation of test is 60 minutes. This kinds of test is ten multiple choices, ten
questions to arrange the sentence in good order, five items as matching the
b) Treatment
The treatments here mean instruction media refers to cartoon film “Dora’s
film” and related materials that served instructional function for education
treating. Treatment of cartoon film “Dora’s film” also uses the power of teacher,
word, and sound to complete attention, to help an audience understand ideas and
acquire information for complex in verbal explanations, alone and to help
overcame. The limitation of time, size, and space, the researcher conducted
treatment in classroom. The treatment, which is used here is using audio visual
media especially cartoon film “Dora’s film”. The researcher uses a LCD Projector
to show the picture and use an active speaker to make sound louder. The class was
treated pre-test, treatment by using audio visual especially cartoon film “Dora’s
film” as media to teach vocabulary, and post-test.
c) Post-Test
To get the data, a post test was given to the post test group. Because the
design is one group pre-test and post-test. It was given in order to know the scores
of the students after they were taught by using audio visual especially cartoon
film “Dora’s film” as media. The respondents were asked to do the twenty five
question of vocabulary. Time allocation of test is 60 minutes. This kinds of test is
ten multiple choices, ten matching the picture, five coloring the pictures.
3. The Data Analysis Technique
In experimental design, the technique analysis data that is experimental group
and control group pre-test post-test design. It means that it has two variables
investigated in this research are cartoon film media and vocabulary mastery two
know there are different before and after being taught by using cartoon film
media. The writer analyzed the collected data by using quantitative data analysis.
Quantitative data analyzing is also called statistical analysis. Usually the data
classified into numerical form. In the experimental research by using pre-test and
post-test one group designs, the data are analyzed by using the following
formulation of t-test (Arikunto, 2006:86)
Ary, Donald. (1985). Introduction to Research in Education, 3rd edition, Northern Illinois
Daryanto. (2010). Media Pembelajaran, Yogyakarta : Gava Media. Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri &
Zain, Aswan, Strategi belajar mengajar, Jakarta : PT.Rineka Cipta.
Nunan, David. (1991).Language Teaching Methodology, New York : Prentice Hall International
(UK) Ltd.
Http:// on
January 2010.