Bab 2
Bab 2
Bab 2
A. Vocabulary
1. Definition of vocabulary
word or phrases which has meaning that are used in spoken or written
language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well students
speak, listen, read and write.2 Vocabulary is part of language component and
knows and those words are used as a vehicle of language to express ones
contains list of words but also it become a basic for people to communicate,
Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary (Oxford University Press 1991)
Jack C. Richard and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of
Current Practice (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002),225.
2. Importance of vocabulary.
language. They will learn the language skill easily if they have enough
means that people cannot write a word or make a sentence well, when they
There are some advantages when students can master the English
listening vocabulary.
Firginia French Allen. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary (New York: Oxford University Press,
e. Students will gain important survival tools for the new millennium.
grammar is a system.6 The more words we know, the easier for us to master
B. Teaching
conveys information to the students with the purpose to make the students
1. Teaching Vocabulary
improve the language. Before teaching the students, the teacher should
plan. Before presenting vocabulary, the teacher should consider the factors
The teacher should know the level of her/his students whether beginner,
intermediate or advanced
The learner may have known the words before even though the words not
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Fifth Edition (New York,
Pearson Education, Inc,2007).8.
The teacher should know whether easy to demonstrate or explain the words.
The teacher should know whether the words for speaking and writing or
some ways of getting the meaning of words. It will depend on the item
a. Translation
This way doesnt need many times. The teacher only needs to translate
Sometime this way is less memorable for the students, because they
Scott Thornburry, How to teach vocabulary....75-76
b. Real things
In this way, the teacher shows the real thing of the words.
Unfortunately, define the words by showing the real things are seldom
to be done. It is because not all the words can be showed with its real
c. Picture
This way is almost same with shows the real thing. This is very useful
for more concrete words (dog, rain, and tall) and for visual learners. In
d. Actions/ gesture
e. Definition
Using the words a student already knows can be effective for getting
There are many ways to present the meaning. The teacher can
choose one of them which are can help them to make sure her/his students
Ibid., p.77
3. Types of Vocabulary
vocabulary. As described by Diana Bonet there are three so there are types
can recognize when reading and listening. This is the largest type of
vocabulary simply because it includes the other two. When reading and
listening, the students remind words which they may not used by
themselves, but they recognize them by their context. When the students
hear or read new words often and find them useful, the students usually
adopt them.
b. Writing.
c. Speaking.
speech. Students usually use word in spontaneous. It makes the words are
with words.
Teacher also should show the word class of those words. It is needed to
make sure the students will be applied those word appropriately. Further,
according to Thornbury, the words divide into eight classes, those are:11
doing, to look.
Diana Bonet, Vocabulary Improvement, ..7
Scott Thorburry, How to teach vocabulary,.. p.3
without describing it the way that an adjective does. Such as: in the
phrase my boy friend, that strange woman. The word my and that is
The teacher can explain the word class of the difficult word in the end of
the learning vocabulary process. It is caused usually the word class is not
C. Game
1. Definition of game
A. S. Hornby, Oxford Dictionary .... 486
It means that the game is a fun activity which has rules and must
fun and enjoy in playing and interacting each others. Games are a valuable
activity for language learning, especially for very young learners. Games
without anxiety. Then, games are social activities which enable the
Game has rules. The objective of the game must be clear that the
students know what they expect to do in the activities. Goals and objectives
of the game will decide who will be the winner15. From this definition,
usually the game has a winner. The teacher can determine the winner with
some criterion. This is done to motivate students to play the game while
Andrew Wirght, et all Games for Language Learning...1
Glin Yolageldili and Arda Arikan, Effectiveness of Using Games in Teaching Grammar to Young
Learners (Elementary Education Online:2011) p.2.
Richard Blunt, Does Game-Based Learning Work? Results from Three Recent Studies, p. 3
2. Game-Based Learning
for use with the collections of vocabulary items. The games can be applied
found classes using the game had significantly higher means than those
classes that did not use the game18. It means the experimental class which
Osha Saeed Al Neyadi, The Effect of using Game to Reinforce Vocabulary Learning..105
Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen and Khuat Thi Thu Nga, Learning Vocabulary Trough Game,..14
Richard Blunt, Does Game-Based Learning Work? .. 10
Redjeki Agoestyowati. 102 English Games,.. xiii.
played between one person or more. Students also often think that game
just to make have fun. Here, it can be stated that games not only as a
b. Experiencing language
study it.
mechanical drills.
d. Central to learning
as a warming up20.
Andrew Wirght, et all, Games for Language Learning,..2.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that games are one a
way to help students not only play games but also learn lessons through
games. Beside that, it also can be concluded that learning through games
3. Kind of game
a. Flashcard games : these games are played with a set of flashcards which
b. Ball games : ball games require a soft ball which teacher can use in
this game students need to run to slap the word. The students might excite
the class so the teacher should carefully when make the students feel safe
Sophie Ioannou, Teaching English to Very Young Learners: Using Games.2010. p.2.
Game has rules in its application, in which two students who are
teacher. The first student, who slaps the right word, will become the
winner. Here some general guidelines for setting up and using activities
or game:
a. Prepare the language that will use to set up activities. The researcher
grade students.
will use gesture to make sure that students understand the purpose of
H. Douglas Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching ,..317.
what to do. The researcher should be able to handle the class. Make
them to predict or guess answer, etc. Here, the researcher will try to
define it.
f. Divide the class into pair, or groups or teams if this is relevant for the
activity. The researcher will divide students in class into two groups.
visual to clarify meaning. Like the previous point, the researcher will
researcher will repeat the instructions very slowly until the students
explain the rules of the game, the researcher will call representatives
i. Check that the children understand what to do before they start the
what to do, the researcher will give a signal to start the activity. The
following those steps, the researcher can handle the class before starting
make sure every student can understand the rule of the game.
There are many another name of this game. Some of people called it Card
Slap, Flying Swatter or Slap that Word. Actually Slap the Word game
Kama Einhorn, ESL Activities and Mini-Book (New York: Woody Gutrie, 2006)p.17
in small groups. Cards are laid on the desks in front of students. Teacher says
a vocabulary word and students must slap the correct card.24 In this study, the
difficult words will be written on the whiteboard. When the student hears the
word from the teacher, they have to look for the word on the wall and then
1. Using board
media in learning process if it can be used well. In education, the board has
in various context.
Jeffrey Walter, Games for the Elementary EFL Classroom, ..4.
word including those that link it to their previous knowledge and those
In this, the board is used to write down some difficult words and also
to help the teacher to explain the definition of the difficult words which is
2. Board Games
teaching is game board.26 There are a number of games that can be played
using the board. Board games involve the right mix of luck, strategy and
diplomacy. While playing board games the child develops the ability to
focus on the game. This helps to increase the ability to concentrate. 27 This
shows that board games are useful for students to develop their language
skill. Dian also explained that board games used in the teaching learning
Board has role in teaching learning process. The clear role and
instruction on the board games will make the teaching and learning process
Jeanmine Dobbs,.. p.25
Jeremy Harmer,...137
Sanika Mokashi and Manasi Lagare, Designing for Children. p.3
effective and students will get easiness to enrich the vocabulary.28 The
teacher should explain the role clearly and the students are demanded to do
the game based on the instructions given before playing the game, In this
situation, they can enrich vocabulary unconsciously as they play the game
The game is made based on the topic that is used in the teaching and
the material easily. So, through board work activities, students are expected
The advantageous of Slap the Word game are easy to be held and
the instruments can be got easily. The procedure only writes the difficult
word on the board. Then, the students have divided in two teams in two
lines facing board. First one in each line has to run after hearing the
meaning of the difficult word and slap it. First team to slap correctly wins.
Tenny Dian Indrayanti, Developing A Board Game for Teaching Vocabulary of Descriptive Text to
The Eight Grade Students of Junior High School ( Surabaya: UNESA, 2009) .21.
After the first student has done the game, then move to back of queue and
available in the class. So that, without any preparations, this game can be held
In another side, Slap the Word game has disadvantages too. Based
on the procedure to hold the game, students need to run as fast as possible to
slap the word on the board. In this session, if the students careless, they will
E. Previous Studies
this study. Here some previous studies from the strategies to increase
students vocabulary.
Ideas for Games for teaching English.1
show the words. The result is the students easily understand the meaning
of vocabulary and the students feel fun when they learn it.
side, not all of the schools have LCD in each class. In some schools, LCD
used all of the time. In this research, the instrument of Slap the Word is
easy to find. It just need whiteboard/blackboard and board marker. So, the
application of this game can be held anytime the teacher wants to do.
uses classroom action research to conduct her study. Students can improve
In this study, I use Slap the Word as one kind of action game. As an
action game, Slap the Word can change the atmosphere of the class
Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, the Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary Through Games
class at seventh grade. After opening the lesson, the researcher gives
students discourse context before reading the magazine article. The result
bored class if the teacher cannot build the situation. In research that I will
become fun activity. So, the students will pay the attention and stay
increase students vocabulary. The result of the research shows that using
comic is effective for increasing the students vocabulary. They are very
meeting, the teacher could not manage the time effectively. Some
students got sleepy during the lesson. It was because the situation and
meeting, the class is crowded and makes students get bored, because the
story is long, and students have to remember many words in the same
like Al Neeyadi said in her journal that the game will make the students
students will be more attracted to learn through game than reading comic.
It is because Slap the Word is one kind of action game where the
students need to move their body which this action is useful for
kinesthetic students.31
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language,...129