Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
In English there are four skills, speaking is the most important skills to
study, speaking skill of speaker shows the level of his success in learning
language. In this case, Ur says: “All of the four skills (listening, reading, speaking
and writing), speaking seems intuitively the most important, people who know
other kind of knowing and many is not most foreign language learners are
To clarify the definition of speaking clearly, the writer has found some
capable of speech, express or tellings to the others.2 Brown defines speaking is “as
the skill that are most widely used for class from interaction”. 3 It is clearly showed
that speaking is not only a material which has to study in a classroom, but also is
Ur Penny. A Cause in Language Teaching Practice and Theory. (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1996). P. 120.
Hornby, AS. Oxford Advanced Leraner’s Dictionary, (Oxford University Press: New
York, 2003), P. 1289.
Brown H.D. Teaching by Principle an Interactive Approach to Language,
(Sanfransisco: Stated University, 2001). P, 294.
interacting each other. It is the correct reason the expert clarified that speaking is
retrieve almost instantaneously the precise sounds, grammatical forms, word order
arragement, and contest vocabulary which will express what the students want to
very important for leads the listener to get clear understanding of the word
meaning uttered by the speaker, even though, it does not have to be same as the
the listener.
therefore, the foundation of all learning. It is the base for the other language.
Hugnes R. Teaching and Researching Speaking. (Andinburh: person education limited,
2002). P, 135.
Nunan D. Second Language Teaching and Learning. (no place: city New Bury House,
1999). P, 27.
Jack. C. Richard, Willy A Renandya, Methodelogy in Language Teaching, an Anthology
of Current Practice, (United Stated of America: Cambridge University Press), P. 201.
Through speaking and listening, students learn concepts, develop vocabulary and
learning. Students who have a strong oral language base have an academic
Exchanges students have with their peers and teachers can help them come to
know the world in more personal and socially responsible ways. When students
talk about their ideas, they clarify their thinking. They can figure out what they
one people to the others in order to express opinion, feeling, ideas and thought in
oral form.
When teaching and learning process running, the students faced some
a. Pronunciation
pronuounciation that will make some cannot purpose the idea exactly and cannot
b. Intonation
Hayriye Kayi, Teaching Speaking: Activeties to Promote Speaking in Second Language,
TheInternetTESLJournal, Vol. XIII, No. 11, (September, 2010). P. 22
grammar explain different time such as, the present, past and future.
1. Imitative.
2. Intensive
competence in a narrow.
3. Responsive
Rini Arnita Sari, The Effect of Using Totally English by Teacher in the Speaking Class,
Thesis, (Lhokseumawe, 2009), P. 15
but at the some limited level or very short conversation, standard greetings and
4. Interactive
The basic assumption in any oral interaction is that the speaker wants to
communicate ideas, feeling, attitudes and information to the listener
through speaking one express emotions, communicate intention, reacts to
others persons or situation and fluences that human being, speaking than
will be a tool in daily life to deliver intention.9
5. Extensive
story telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listener is
either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal response) or ruled out all together.
Mulyadi, Teaching Speaking English through Physical Response to the First Year
Students of SMK Negeri 2 Peusangan, Thesis, (Bireuen: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Al-Muslim, 2002), P. 13
Brown, Douglas, Language Assessment, (USA: Pearson Education, 2004), P.141.
According to Heaton and Brown in Syakur’s book there are at least five
a. Comprehension
b. Grammar
utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language
c. Vocabulary
One cannot communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and
written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. So, vocabulary means the
d. Pronunciation
they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of
a grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds
e. Fluency
Brown, R and Nation P, The Language Teacher, Teaching Speaking: Suggestions for
the Classroom. (Online) Kyoto City University of Arts & Victoria University,, accessed 20th Desember 2010.
Signs of fluency include a reasonbly fast speed of speaking and only a small
number of pauses and “ums” or “ors”. These signs indicate that the speaker does
not have spend a lot of time searching for the language items needed to express
the message.
relationships, whereas tht of the latter is to convey information and ides. In fact,
communicating with someone for social purpose, its mean that both establishing
River, Interactive Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1987), P. 12.
among peers or other people. And the students shareinformation and ideas with
F. Speaking Ability
which is trustful, honest, accurate and statistically pleasing look at language rather
than behavioral.
said as the most complex of linguistic skill, since it involves thinking of what has
been thought.13 A speaking skill is a kind of bridge for learners between the
classroom and the word outside, it means learning new language in the classroom
and using language to communicate in the real life.14 Another said, speaking
G. Teaching Speaking
by teacher and students in teaching learning language process where they are the
actors of that action. Nalasco and Arthur comment “the class may turn out to
include everything from mechanical drills to task. Based on the problem solving
creativities, it is true that both there types of activity may to some extent at least,
help students develop the skill of taking part in conversation well; they need to
know something about what native speakers do when they have conversation.
This information can help the teacher for teaching pupose”. 17 While speaking
communicate efficiency.
Jack C, Richards, The Language Teaching Matrix, (Cambridge Language Teaching
Library: Cambridge University Press, 1999), P. 12.
Nalasco, R., and Arthur, L, Conversation, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987),
P. 5.
Hornby, A. S, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current Language, (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1995), P. 37.
that to increase speaking ability of students, the teacher must give motivation for
the students to more active in speaking English, and also have to defind a good
way to conduct teaching and learning process. Total Physical Response Method is
a good way to increase the sudents ability in mastery speaking. Because by using
Total Physical Response Method, the teacher can make the students more active
in teaching learning process, and also Total Physical Response can help the
students to improve their vocabulary usage, because they can memorize more
words, especially everything wich related to their physic. And of course if they
can memorize more words, it is can make the students easily in speaking, and by
The formulates what is called a good teaching speaking that meets the
following criteria:
b. Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the
second language.
f. Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnutural pauses,
In teaching speaking the teacher must provide many opportunities for his
students to speak and express the ideas while they work in group or pair, the
teacher do not correct the students’s pronunciation very often and the teacher must
provide written fead back like “excellent”. These efforts are done to improve the
students motivation to speak English and make the students comfortable when
1960s. Orwig states that Total Physical Response is a language learning mathod
based on the coordination of speech and action, it is like to the trace theory of
memory, which hold that the more often or intensively a memory connection is
traced, the stonger memory will be. total Physical Response is based on the
theory that the memory is enhanced through association with physical movement.
(motor) activity. It means the basic idea from total physical response is that a
language learner learns to hear something in the language and then phisically
respond to it.
Carol J. Orwig, 1999, Total Physical Response, LinguaLinks,
TotalPhysicalResponse.htm, accessed on Sepetember 2nd, 2010.
The TPR method focusses on two components, the first component is the
the only method of instruction, this means that the teacher uses command to direct
the students. With TPR the students are able to learn speaking as well as learn
Romo states that James Asher, who developed TPR claimed that second
language learning should be based on model of first language learning. The model
1) Listening and physical response skills are emphasized over oral prodution.
2) The teacher direct and the students “act” in response, that the instructor is
even well into advanced levels. Introgatives are also heavily used.
4) Whenever possible, humor is injected into the lessons to make them more
5) Students are not required to speak until they feel naturally ready or
One of the factor effect the success of language teaching is the method
used.They are many methods used to teach foreign languages one of them is total
Physical Response (TPR). “Total Physical Response (TPR) is the method built
as observation of the cat’s brain and epileptics boys whose corpus callosum was
surgically divided.
James Asher, 2008. Total Physical Response in The Classroom, Summer Institute 2001,
<http:/>, accessed on October 21th,
David Nunan, Laguage Teaching Methodology, A Text Book for Teacher, (New York:
Cambridgen University press, 1986), p. 87
can direct the students’ behaviors. Third, students can learn though
observing action as well as by performing the action themselvesand.24
than to the form of items. Grammar and vocabulary items are taught according to
stages in which they can be used. It means that the teaching learning depend on
teacher entirely.
studying foreign language and encourage learners’ motivation. So, the lower
stress produced the great learning. One of the important of language conditions of
learning is taught language in the essence of learner stress. Asher claims that
One of the primarily ways is by allowing the learner to speak when they
are ready, because forcing them to speak will cause some negative effects, such as
The meaning obtain is through combination action and speech. And the
action and speech acquire from instruction as the center both teacher and learners
as suggests that “instructional materials within the instructional system will reflect
Diana Larsen and Freeman , Teachniques and Principles in Llanguage Teaching, (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 114
Michael H. Jung and Jack C. Richards, Methodology in TESOL: A Book of Readings,
(Heinle & Heinle Publishers, A Division of Wadsworth, inc. 1987), p. 152.
important to understand the concepts of learning from the students who has many
solve their problems when they learn languages by using certain technique,
the frequency of need or use in target language situation, but according to “the
ease whit which they can be used in the imperative form to initiate action.”27 So
that “most of the grammatical structure of the target language and hundreds of
vocabulary items can be learned from the skillful use of the imperative by the
In TPR the teacher role is one of drill master, director, and motivator
learners are physically active and mobile. TPR assumes that no particular
relationship develops between learners emphasizes the importance of
individual acting alone. TPR language practice is largely mechanical,
which much emphasis on listening.29
Ibid…, p. 154.
student. If an item is not learned rapidly this means that the students are not
ready for items.”31 He divides the vocabulary one series as abstractions and the
Based on the above statement, the real object can support student very
much to recall their ability, because of the object presented as the major clues in
mestering vocabulary, such as slide presentation and role play. Words should be
introduced wich direct and real axperences in veriety of contexts and game-like
and major activities. The are typically used to elicit physical (motor) activities and
action on the part of the learned. The process of activities might be applied the
visual aids, the students and theacher’s is a key to the purpose of teaching to
response to oral commands they heard, then learn to read and write.
In this case the writer only used student’s learning area and introduced tge
object around them. The object introduced to gain studet’s basic understanding in
receiving and producing the skill of language from the message they find for
listener and a performer. They are response to listening attentively. Asher says
that “the instruction is the director of a stage play in which the learners are the
actions.”32 The teacher is instructed to the whole group of learners and they are
acted to the other. The teachers give a few commands and they will perform the
“an accurate reproduction stage is to give student controlled practice in the form
adult beginner, for the roles of teaching themselves in terms of building various
understanding. It means that TPR applies the roles based on the children learn
their mother tongue when they could understand to anything her/his parents will
praise them to build their confidence during they produce basic understanding.
1. This method is suitable for the early aged learners, because it is easy
2. The method can be the pleasurable and relaxing to the learners to any
Jeremy harmer, The practice of language teaching, (New Edition:Longman and New
York, 1991), P. 33
learner since they have follow and perform teacher’s instruction and