416-Article Text-1199-1-10-20150723
416-Article Text-1199-1-10-20150723
416-Article Text-1199-1-10-20150723
Pipit Rahayu 1
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Pasir Pengaraian; e-mail: darariau2010@gmail.com
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara Mahasiswa
Semester II Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dengan strategi role play
menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk
mengatasi masalah pada kemampuan Mahasiswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan,
tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data kualitatif didapatkan melalui observasi dan
catatan harian, sedangkan data kuantitatif didapatkan melalui tes. Hasil dari
penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan strategi role play telah sukses sejak ada
peningkatan pada kemampuan berbicara Mahasiswa. Hasil dari penelitian
menunjukan adanya peningkatan kemampuan berbicara Mahasiswa dari rata-rata
siklus I hingga pada siklus II.
activities that is given by the lecturer. because there is a proverb which says that
Third, the students can express their own we learn to read by reading and we learn
views clearly and regularly. However, in to speak by speaking. Speaking is a
classroom, most of the students do not language skill or means of
use English, as Syllabus required. They communication in which one can express
are not self-confident to say what they his/her idea, feeling and information to
want to say something important others orally. Speaking skill needs direct
expected in the subject. interactions, in which someone speaks to
As explained above, speaking is a someone directly. Furthermore, speaking
complex skill. In oral communication, in shows cap skill to use a language.
terms of speaking skill, most of people Hornby (1989:27) supports this
face some problems. They cannot speak viewpoint by stating that to speak is to
clearly because their skill in using some reproduce words or to use words to utter
accurate components, such as the words by using conversation.
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, Speaking is the process of building
fluency and the like. Furthermore, some and sharing meaning with verbal and
of students of English Study Program in non-verbal symbols, in a variety of
University of PasirPengaraian still get contexts, Chaney in Kayi (2006). Its form
difficulties to apply this language in and meaning are dependent on the
classroom. In this case, the variety of context in which it occurs, including the
technique and strategy in teaching participants themselves, their collective
speaking in the classroom are needed. experiences, the physical environment,
Dealing with the problem stated in the and the purposes for speaking. It is often
description above, the researcher spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving.
conducted this research in order to know Speaking is a meaningful interaction,
how good is the skill of the second forms a part of the shared social activity
Semester students in University of of talking (Bachman: 2002). It is mean
PasirPengaraianthrough Role Play two or more people talk to each other
strategy. about things that they think are mutually
interesting and relevant in the situation.
DISCUSSION Their aim can be to pass the time, amuse
A. Speaking each other, share opinions or get
English is one of the foreign something done. Each participant is both
languages in Indonesia. The single most a speaker and a listener. The point in their
important aspect of learning a language interaction is that they do these things
is mastering the art of speaking and together.
success as measured in terms of the skill The terms of speaking, according to
to carry out a conversation in the Brown in Umam (2009), is an interactive
language. process of constructing meaning that
According to Riversin Erwadi involves producing and receiving and
(2004:7), what the students need in a processing information. Its form and
target language is the skill to use thee meaning are dependent on the context in
language in acts of communication, which it occurs. The speaker generally
because speaking is a very complex and uses speaking as a means of commu-
different skill to learn especially by the nication in daily interaction. The presence
foreign language students. In other of speaker and listener is necessary to
words, learning to speak a foreign build up a mutual communication in
language will be facilitated when speaking activity. Thus, speaking is
students are active to communicate, considered to be inseparable to something
process of exchanging ideas between a prepare together. They then form new
speaker and a listener. Therefore, it is groups to carry out thediscussion (Lucy
important to have fluency as having the Pollard, 2008: 36).In playing their role
cap skill or other components of for the first time the students’ will be
speaking. Longmanin Hormailis nervous when they have to perform in
(2003:7) states that the fluency is the front of others, especially the teacher, but
quality or condition of being fluent. It is with time, the more role-plays that they
the cap skill to use the language do, the more proficient and confident
spontaneously and confidently and they willbecome.In the end, they might
without undue pauses and hesitation. actually get to like it, especially if they
Pronunciation imaginethemselvesto be rehearsing for a
Nunan (1999) states that role, just as they would if they were
pronunciation still obviously influences playing asmall part in a movie or TV
by L1 though clearly intelligible. In this series. This is an attitude that the teacher
case, the students who are able to shouldcultivate (David Holmes,
pronounce correctly will be marked 2004:134)
has a foreign accent. According to Dananjaya (2013) role
play is an activity in learning process
C. Role Play Strategy which is the students should not be
Getting students to talk about their worry, because in this role play activity,
feelings is not always easy. There are the real situation of live will be create.
many issues that are hard for them to This activity differ with drama, the
talk about because they may be afraid of duration is very short. The teacher only
ridiculer dismissal. Students need to be gives short scenario and the students feel
given permission to play and explore. free to modify or improve the situation
Role play can help them play with and character.
personal problem. It allows them to be Role-playing clearly promotes
spontaneous by releasing creative effective interpersonal relations and
energy. Role play, on the other hand, can social transactions among participants.
be a quite simple and brief technique to "In order for a simulation to occur the
organize. It is also highly flexible, participants must accept the duties and
leaving much more scope for the responsibilities of their roles and
exercise of individual variation, functions, and do the best they can in the
initiative and imagination and role situation in which they find themselves"
playalsoincludedin simulation as well. (Tompkins in Diyah, 2002). To fulfill
Role play is a technique that involves their role responsibilities, students must
students taking on a role and carrying relate to others in the simulation, utilizing
out a discussion with each personplaying effective social skills. Role play can
their role. For example, the local council improve learners' speaking skills in any
wishes to introduce a new system situation, and helps learners to interact.
andlocation for dumping waste. Some As for the shy learners, role play helps by
students play local councilors ,others are providing a mask, where learners with
localresidents, others are members of an difficulty in conversation are liberated. In
environmental organizationand others addition, it is fun and most learners will
aremanagers and employees of the agree that enjoyment leads to better
company being asked to carry out the learning.
work. Theteacher 11describes and sets From those explanation above, the
up the situation. The students prepare in researcher views that role play is a
groups, thoseplaying the same roles strategy which involves fantasy or
grade students, the materials were also There were some factors that
the topic that related to their background influenced the improvements of students
knowledge. Therefore, the Role Play speaking skill:
strategy that the researcher conducted 1. Materials
was really helped the students to The materials were one component
increase their skill in speaking and it can in the improvement students’ speaking
be seen from the improvement of their indicators. In this case, the materials
speaking indicator in every cycle. were also the topic that related to their
b) Discussion background knowledge. Therefore, the
The improvement of students’ speaking Role Play strategy that the researcher
skill in every cycle also influenced by conducted was really helped the students
the discussion that the students did in to increase their skill in speaking and it
their group of work. In this discussion, can be seen from the improvement of
the students discuss about the material their speaking indicator in every cycle.
means until they try to increase their 2. Discussion
comprehending about the material by The improvement of students’
asking the question related to the speaking skill in every cycle also
material. influenced by the discussion that the
c) Practicing students did in their group of work. In
The Improvement of the students’ this process, the students discuss about
speaking skill in every cycle also the material means until they try to
influence by practicing. From interview, increase their comprehending about the
that the researcher did to the students it material by asking the question related to
can be seen that the students’ always the material.
practicing their topic was not only in 3. Practicing
classroom but also in their home, and Practicing is one important part in
sometimes they ask their friends to listen speaking. From interview, that the
to their dialog before their presented in researcher did to the students it can be
front of the class. seen that the students’ always practicing
d) Teacher their topic was not only in classroom but
In this case, the teacher tried to give a also in their home, and sometimes they
model to the students to present their ask their friends to listen to their dialog
performance, and how they pronounce before their presented in front of the
some difficult words. class.
Based on the result of the research or 4. Teacher
findings, it can be concluded that: In this case, the teacher tried to give a
1. Role plays strategy helpful teaching model to the students to present their
and learning process and made the performance, and how they pronounce
students motivated and actively some difficult words.
involved in speaking activity. This research discovered that the
2. Role play strategy helped the implication of this Role play strategy
students develop better group could better improve the students’
work activities and made the speaking skill at second semester of
students has high motivation to English study program in university of
speak. pasirpengaraian. The improvement of the
3. Role play strategy also could students’ speaking skill can be gained
minimized the students’ passiveness after applying Role Play strategy within
in the process of teaching and six meetings in two cycles. The
learning to speak improvement can be seen from the