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Chapter Ii

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A. Previous Related Research Finding

Some researcher have been conducted on the various

techniques in teaching english, especially to the students.

The result of the researches are cited below :

Mutaqin, (2017) Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by

Otensive Means. He state that the students’ achievementof

vocabulary can be improved by using ostensive means method in

teaching learning process.

Verliyani, (2016) conducts the research with a title the effect of

Ostensive approach on improving students’ Vocabulary achievement,

a case of SMPN 10 Kendari. The result of her research so that the

use of ostensive means can improve vocabulary mastery.

From the research finding above, the researcher concluded that

in teaching and learning vocabulary teachers have to catch the

students’ attention and involve them in learning actively by creating a

good atmosphere varieties of techniques in teaching english,

particularly in teaching vocabulary. Some researchers used different

strategy in teaching vocabulary. This researcher uses the technique

with Mutaqin’s research. The difference is Mutaqin’s research

focuses on compare teaching vocabulary by using Ostensive Means


with the other technique of teaching vocabulary. But this research

focuses on improving vocabulary specific adjective, noun and verb.

B. Some Pertinent Idea

1. The Concept of Vocabulary

a. What is Vocabulary?

Young(2007:29)states that Vocabulary is vital to

communicating with others and to understanding what one is

reading. Young also states that vocabulary is the study of the

meaning of words, how the words are used, root words, prefixes,

suffixes and analogies

Davis and whipple (2005:6) states that Vocabulary is seen to

be an integral part of comprehension, the national reading panel

defined vocabulary as one of two aspects of comprehension

instruction, the other being comrehension strategy instruction.

Cambridge in Mathen (2016:5) Vocabulary is defined as all

the words used by a particular person or all the words that exist in a

particular language which are learned so thoroughly so that become

part of child’s understanding, speaking, and later reading and writing


Vocabulary is a central of language and of critical importance

of typical language. Without sufficient vocabulary, people cannot

communicate affectively or express their ideas in both oral and


written form. Therefore the students should have to obtain

vocabulary mastery.

It means that the learner should master the vocabulary so that

they can learn or understand the language.

Based on the definition of vocabulary above, the researcher

concluded that vocabulary is a basic component of language which

has meaning and it arranged alphabetically and understood by a

particular person in speaking, writing, listening, and reading.

b. Types of Vocabulary

Basically, there are two kinds of vocabulary namely active and

passive vocabulary. The active vocabulary consists of the words

used in conversation and writing the speaking vocabulary. The

passive vocabulary consists of those words which are not usually

part of one’s speaking vocabulary is usually many times larger than

the active vocabulary.

Harmer (2007:159) distinguishes vocabulary into active and

passive. Active vocabulary refers to vocabulary that students have

been taught and learnt and which they are expected to be able to

use. Passive vocabulary refers to words which the students will

recognize when they meet them but which they will probably not able

to produce.

Rahman (2002:2) states that we classify the lexical item into

receptive (passive) and productive (active) vocabulary. Receptive


vocabulary refers to words or lexical items which can only be

recognized and comprehend in the context of reading and listening

material. Productive vocabulary refers to words which can recall and

use appropriately in writing and speech.

More specific of vocabulary division pointed out in thewhich

divides into four kinds, as follows:

1) Oral vocabulary consists of words actively used in speech.

They are the words that come readily to the tongue of the one’s

conversation. There more readily it will come to his tongue.

2) Writing conversation, are the words actively to one’s finger

vocabulary. It may even happen that a student, who is more

auditory than visually disposed, has a speaking vocabulary that

exceeds his writing vocabulary.

3) Listening vocabulary,is the stock of words to which one responds

with meaning and understanding in the speech of others.

4) Reading vocabulary is the word to which one responds with

meaning and understanding in the writing of the others.

In addition, (Page and Thomas in Susilawati 2009:10) divide

vocabulary division into four kinds as follows:

Oral vocabulary consists of words actively used in speech.

They are the words that come readily to one’s finger

vocabulary. Learning vocabulary is the stock of words to which


one responds with the meaning and understood in writing of


Vocabularies a passive or recognize in the context or

reading matter but do not actually of working words those we

use daily in our own writing and speaking.

Based on description above, it is clear that both active

and passive vocabularies are very important. We can conclude

that active vocabulary is used for speaking and writing while

passive vocabulary is the words he or she understands when

listening and reading.

c. Principles of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

Wallace in Miftahul (2011: 6 - 8) Indicates the main principle of

teaching and learning as follows:

1) Aims

In teaching vocabulary, we have to be clear about our aims,

how many of vocabulary listed we expect learners to be able to

do. If it is not clear on this print, it will be difficult to assess how

successful the vocabulary learning has been attained.

2) Quantity

Having decided on what involved in vocabulary learning we

may than decide on quantity of vocabulary that will be taught,

the number of words that our students can learn. If we expect


the words that will be taught become part of the students’ active

vocabulary, than we put the number of words as low as around

five to seven new words, clearly. The actual number will depend

on a number of factors varying from class and learners to

learners. When there are too many words, the students may

become confused, discouraged and frustrated.

3) Need

To know or to select the words that will be taught to the

students these based on frequency and usefulness on the

various meaning of words students’ background and language


4) Frequent exposure and repetition

In teaching and learning vocabulary, there have to be

certain amount of repetition until there is evidence that the

students can recognize to target words. The simplest ways of

checking that the learning had been done is seeing whether the

students can recognize the target words and identify their

meaning If the words that can make of the students productive

in vocabulary, they must be given an opportunity to use them as

often as possible necessary as it is for them to us the words

with the correct stress, pronunciation, and identify their


5) Meaning presentation

In introducing new words, clear explanation and deep

understanding have to be given to the students by their teacher.

6) Situation

In explaining or teaching vocabulary, the teacher must

know the students situation or the atmosphere of the class so

that they know when the students are ready to accept the


7) Presentation in context

Word very seldom occurs in isolation, so it is important for

the students to know the useful collection that a word occurs in.

So from the beginning the words must appear in its natural

environment as it where, among the words it normally collates


8) Learning vocabulary in the mother tongue and in the target


In teaching the words of the target language, the teacher can

use word of mother tongue as a tool to compare similarities and

differences of the words.

9) Guessing procedure in vocabulary learning

Guessing is one way in learning vocabulary. Guessing

teaches the students to think the meaning or new words taught.


Students guess then meaning of the new words by listening

then used in certain situation or sometimes by reading them in

certain context. Usually it is clear in situation what particular

thing someone is referring to in a written context a bit more

detective work may be called for.

d. Testing of Vocabulary

In testing vocabulary, the teachers frequently use some ways.

defines that there are some activities should be done by teachers to

test students’ ability. They are:

1) Identification

Students are able to give response orally or in written form

to identify appropriate words based on the definition.

2) Multiple Choice

Students are able to choose the right word of more than two

words have been provided in a test.

3) Matching Item

Words are presented in column. The description in the

column is to match vocabulary randomly.

suggests that there are some techniques to test

vocabulary. They are:

a. Matching

Here, the only thing that is being tested is whether or not

the test is aware of the existence of the (combined) words

which probably mean learners also know its meaning but this

fact not actually being tested.

b. Odd one out

In this technique, only meaning is being tested, and

meaning has known way of being sure that all the items are

known but this at least is more interesting to do and usually

easy to mark.

c. Dictation

Dictation tests are aural recognition and spelling only.

However, if learners recognize and spell an item correctly, they

probably also know what it means.

e. The Importance of Vocabulary

As the previous explanation that learning language means

learning the words of language, because the words are the vital

organ in a language. Through vocabulary or language one can

express feeling and meaning. When we have something to say

means that we have meaning that we wish to express it. So

vocabulary is important in expressing. Besides, by a good command

of vocabulary or language one can express ideas effectively and

efficiently. Vocabulary is one of the language element that play an


important role in understanding passage and communicating ideas,

emoticons, feelings, and thought in both oral and written form.

Vocabulary is a main basic to construct the ability is speaking,

writing, listening, and reading. Without the mastering vocabulary the

students cannot communicate their ideas, emotions, thought, and the

desires because vocabulary is very important for understanding the

meaning of words. Having a wide range of knowledge of structure or

competence of every English skill is not enough if our vocabulary is

supposed a crucial requirement in studying English.

Tailor in utami (2010) says that in order to live in the word, we

must name object. Name are essential for the construction of reality

for without it name it is difficult to accept the exitence of an object, an

event, and a feeling by assigning names people impose a patteern

and a meaning which allows us to manipulate the word.

Talking about the importance of vocabulary, we will always

concern with language skill. Therefore, it cannot be separated from

four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To

clarify that, let us look at the importance of vocabulary relating to the

language skill.

In listening, vocabulary is used to understand someone’s speech

or what someone says. It is very hard for us to catch what someone

says if just know the construction of sentence without knowing the


In speaking, vocabulary is used to express our ideas or

feelings to the others orally. The words that we have influence how

effective to communication runs.

In reading, it is used to comprehend the reading material.

Reading without vocabulary mastery will cause difficulties in

comprehending a text. The number of words and the meaning of

words, which someone knows will affect his / her reading activity. It is

impossible to understand passage unless he / she know the meaning

of words used in the passage.

In writing, the writer used vocabulary (words) to develop his /

her idea. A writer should choose the words clearly and accurately to

express his / her idea. Without knowing much vocabulary, we cannot

develop our writing because we are limited on vocabulary mastering.

Vocabulary as one of the important components of writing should be

taken into consideration by the English learners and English teacher

because there is no doubt that learning a language always means

firstly learning the words of the language itself. The luck of

vocabulary makes someone sometimes fail to compose what he or

she is going to say because he faces the difficulties on how to

choose the most appropriate words equivalent to Indonesia words. It

is now clear that we cannot write or express our ideas if we luck of

vocabulary. We, therefore, cannot understand the reading passage

without having a lot of vocabularies.


Gains and Redman in Bertania (2012:5) concluded that by

learning vocabulary the learners can recognize and comprehend the

context of reading and listening material, and later as productively as

the learners can recall and used them appropriately in speech an

writing. In this case, vocabulary, learners can recognize all the

words in written and oral context and finally they can use them daily

in speaking and writing.

According to Allen (2000:12) vocabulary is an important factor

in all language teaching. Students must continue to learn structure as

they practice the target language. The vocabulary is needed very

much to master the four skills in English.

f. Procedure in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

In other to make a good vocabulary teaching the teacher

should have procedures vocabulary itself.

1. Vocabulary selection technique.

There are a lot of words in English and it is obvious

that it is impossible for the language teacher to teach all the

words. Thus, the teacher should pay attention to the

purpose, level duration if they select the kinds of words

she/he intends to teach.

2. Teaching words in context.

Words do not live by themselves. Meaning grows out

of words in phrases, phrases in sentences, sentences in


paragraphs in the whole selection. When it is the meaning of

the word blocks understanding, what you need, it may very

well be looking squarely at you. The main point of the

quotation above is the words must be taught or learned in

context to provide the conditions in which these words can

be well understood.

3. Teaching new words and familiar structures of sentences.

Introducing a new vocabulary items should be done in

the sentence structure which is already familiar to the

students. It is unwise in term of pedagogical principles in

introduce new words in a new sentence pattern.

One of the reason for teaching in sentences or larger

units is that connected discourse make comprehension must

be easier and more accurate. In brief the teacher should

teach new words in context that have been well understood

by the students, and the new words must be introduced

gradually and not simultaneously in a familiar sentence.

4. Introduction new words gradually.

New words should introduced gradually to the

freshman words which are caught in such away will be longer

remembered by the students. The teacher should not

introduce to many words to the same class at one time. It is

more effective to introduce each time a small number of


words over many teaching periods that to introduce many

words in one long period.

g. What The Students Need to Know About Vocabulary

There are four aspects of vocabulary that the students need

to know, there are four aspects of vocabulary that the students need

to know, there are word meaning, word use, word formation, and

word grammar.

1. Word Meaning

One word may have more than meaning. The meaning of the

occurs therefore in teaching vocabulary; words taught to

student should present in a variety of context to show various

meanings. The first thing to realize about vocabulary items is

that they frequently have more than meaning

2. Word Use

The meaning of the word can be change stressed or limited

by how it is used, and this something that students need to

recognize such thing as idiomatic use, metaphorical use, and

word collocation.

3. Idiomatic use

Word meaning is stressed using idiom (Idiomatic Expression)

Word meaning is stressed using idiom (Idiomatic Expression),

such as cat and dog be put into such a fixed phrase cat is

raining cats and which heavy rain.


4. Metaphorical Use

Metaphor is the use of word to indicate something, which is

different from its literal meaning, such as the word “hiss” which

describes the way people talk is in “don’t” move or you are died.

He hissed.

5. Word Collection

The students need to know or recognize metaphorical

language use they need to know word collection. The opinion

means that the students have to know that the word meaning is

also governed by collocation that is which word go which each

other for example such a word as “wrist” can collocate with

“sprain wrist”, but it cannot collocate with word “wrist” so we

cannot have such a word collocation “wrist ache”.

a. Word Formation

Word can change their shape and grammatical value, so the

students need to know the facts about word formations and how

to fit different grammatical context.

Word formation refers to word forms and how they are

formed. Some words are nouns, adjectives, verbs, and etc. The

students need to know how to form adjectives to nouns. How to

verbs to nouns or adjectives, and etc. For example : beauty

(noun), changes to beautiful (adjective), beautifully (verb).


b. Word Grammar

Word grammar refer to such thing as the words are use

grammatical, in English for instance, some verbs are used with

infinitive (want to, walk to) but some others are used without to

(can, may, etc.).

English verb have tenses. The verbs such as “want” may

changed to “spoken”. So the students need to know when they

used properly.

h. Technique in Improving Vocabulary

some techniques in improving vocabulary they are:

1. Choosing the right word

As your vocabulary grows and you have a selection of the

words to choose from, you can do a better job of getting the

most value of each one. Descriptive words make your

conversation more lively and accurate. Vocabulary building is

only the first step inggeting most out of the word about the

words you use: you will find the right word for the rifht spot.

2. Games

By doing game the english teacher can force his/her students

to think and memorize some words.


3. Sing

Sing is also an affeective and pleasure way to improve one’s

active vocabulary stocks because the melody can help one

restrictive lines or words of the song.

i. Problem Faced by the Students in Learning English

Generally, the students have many problem in studying english,

related with the learning of vocabulary as a fundamental element of

studying engish.

Some problems faced the students are as follow:

1) The students don’t have motivation to study

In this case, some of the students have opinion that english is

very difficult subject, because the writing and the

pronounciation are almost different.

2) The students don’t have interest to study

It is possible that the way the teacher teach material is difficult

to be grasped by the students. The teacher doesn’t give good

attention to their students and the teacher doesn’t use various

techniques in teaching.

3) The students fell bored

The students maybe bored the subject. If learning in teaching

was done at mid-day or about at twelve o’clock, according to

the table lesson. So the students are not interested and fell


4) The students felt that they don’t need this language (english)

The students don’t study english seriously. The study english

because it is demand of the curriculum, so they are not only

enthusiastic to study.

j. Some techniques in teaching vocabulary

Regarding the importance of vocabulary expansion in the

students studies, the English teacher should know some effective

ways to teach vocabulary. The students should be active and

should participate in every exercise during the class hour.

Describe some ways in presentations vocabulary, as follows:

1 .picture

Teaching vocabulary through pictures is familiarly focuses on the

object. Pictures can be board drawings, wall picture charts,

flashcards, magazine picture, and any other non-technical visual


2 .Objects

In this way, the teacher introduces words by explaining or

describing the objects and asks the students to guest what the

objects is.

2. Ostensive Means

a. Definition of Ostensive Means


Ostensive means is a way of teaching vocabulary by pointing

or displaying things in the classroom. This type of Ostensive Means

of image and body. Ostensive means also describes things by

means of showing, demonstrating, or demonstrating. Although more

is used in speech, it is sometimes used in writing. For example, when

in conversation one wants to define a book by showing a book.

Another, when an author defines an event by listing an image in its


Ostensive definition (Philos, 2006) The explanation of a word

by presenting, pointing at, or otherwise indicating one or more

objects to which it applies (OED 93)

b. Techniques for Improving Vocabulary Mastery Using

Ostensive Means

Ostensive Means is widdely used for the young learners.

Teachers do not need limit ostensive technique to only those things

which can be found in the room

c. The steps in presenting Vocabulary Using Ostensive Means

Cross in Aza zain mutaqin (2017:26-27) States thet there are

four steps in presenting vocabulary using Ostensive Means:

1. Sound and Meaning

In this step, teachers says thet the new word two or three

times, pronounccing it clearly. The teacher also indicates the

meaning at the same time, intensively or verbally. There is no


point in making learners listen to strange noises which are


2. Repetition

In this step, the teachers gets the class to repeat the new

word a few times and check the pronounciation carefully. If you

are using a visual, keep it in front of them to ensure that they

associate sound and meaning.

3. Written form

The teacher writes the new word on the blackboard and

the class read it aloud, without distorting the pronounciation.

First, the teacher chooses two or three induviduals to say it,

then get a chorus repetition so that everyone in the class has

the opportunity to associate the written form with the


4. Illustrative sentence

In this step, the teachers put the short illustrative

sentence on the boards, so that the meaning will be clear to

anyone reading the notes afterwards. Students will enjoy trying

to compose good illustrative sentences themselves, but prepare

short one in case their own are too wordy or not clear enough

for the blackboard examples. If we have shown the mean by

using a flashcard, stick the picture to the side of the board next

to the illustrative sentence youngsters will enjoy drawing a

similar one in their exercise books.

d. The Advantages of Using Ostensive Means

There are some advantages of using ostensive means as the

mode of vocanulary presentation. It is able to show the meaning of

words and concepts from the word outside the school. Besides, a

teacher without too much skill can represent this mode presentation

as well as being considered as follows:

a. Able to make students interested in Ostensive Means teaching


b. Able to make students compete to anwer the questions given

by teachers.

c. The teacher can invite the students to study outside class.

d. The teacher can make students feel interested in the teaching

he teaches.

e. The Disadvantages of Using Ostensive Means

There are some disadvantages of using ostensive means.

Real things are not always readily. In addition, pictures that used in

teaching and learning process will make students pay atention on the

picture more than on learned material. Small and unclear picture that

use in teaching learning process will make students misunderstand

about the picture.

Ways to overcome them are:


a. The teacher chose readily available real thing based on topic.

b. Teacher guided the students to focus on the material not only

the picture.

c. The teacher made or chose big and clear enough picture in

order to avoid the students misunderstanding about the picture

C. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this research that is served in

the following.



Teaching and
INPUT learning by OUTPUT
Teaching using The students’
materials Ostensive learning
Means outcomes

The diagram above can be described as follows:

1. Input refers to the design of teaching materials that should

involve the vocabulary ability.


2. Process refers to the students use Ostensive Means in learning

vocabulary ability.

3. Output refers the students’ learning outcomes.

D. Hypothesis

1. H 0 : There is no significant difference between the students’

mean score in pretest and posttest before and after treatment.

2. H 1 : There is a significant difference between the students’

mean scor e in pretest and posttest before and after treatment.

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