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Improving Teaching Vocabulary Through Real Object Method

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Fakultas Agama Islam
Universitas Islam Tamiang
Jln. Medan-Banda Aceh Km 137 MTs Swasta Al-Ikhlas Tanah Terban Kec. Karang
Baru Kab. Aceh Tamiang

This research is deals with teaching vocabulary through real object method Vocabulary
is the glossary or list of word. Many students are faced difficult how to remember a word. In
fact, they are still lack in vocabulary. Generally , they are not able to pronounce English words
and dont know its meaning in word spelling and sentence order.
The purpose of this research are to know the ability of the students in mastering
vocabulary through real object and to increase students motivating in learning vocabulary.
At the end of this research it can be concluded that can mastering vocabulary through
real object and it can increase motivation students in learning vocabulary.
Keyword: Teaching Vocabulary and Real Object Method

A. Introduction

In study English, we must to know vocabulary. Vocabulary is the glossary or list
of word. The vocabulary list contains a selection of highly frequent and useful English
words. Vocabulary should be understood by the student to express their ideas or
something that they want to express. It needs special attention and technique to make
them easy to understand the words. Standard Competence in the Syllabus of IV grade
(School Level Based Curriculum 2006) states The students should be able to spell and
write the names of food that student get in the kitchen.
The first thing that will be learnt in studying language is the word. The word is
the important thing to express feeling, wishing and thinking of human like written or
orally. It is like the meaning of word from Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (2007: 513):
Kata adalah unsur bahasa yang di ucapkan atau di tuliskan yang merupakan
perwujudan kesatuan perasaan dan fikiran yang digunakan dalam berbahasa. And
Also the meaning of word from Oxford Dictionary (2003: 499): Word is written or
spoken unit of language. Word is thing that you say, remark or statement. And for the
person who wants to say in daily conversation with language must know of the word.
Without it, the people and cant get the information in the world.
As mentioned by Tarigan (1996:9): The human using the language as vital
communication facility in this life. Language is one major distinctive feature human of
another life creature in this world. Language has the function the very important to
human, very priority in communicative function. If in the language there is word isnt
clear, so the person cant get the new thing and that accurate in information. As
mentioned by French (1992:14): The human mind is able to remember a thing because
it makes associations or link between the new thing which is being learned and things
already language known. From the function of that language, the writer wants to teach
foreign language (English) to the Elementary School. And before of that, the writer as
teacher must know the age of the students to know the development of the children, as
the purpose of study can reach.
According to Merriam and Webster (1993: 2560) defines vocabulary is arranged
of meaning by which one can apprehend experiences or express idea. It means
vocabulary is one of the language aspects that can not be ignored in any language
teaching. The students should master vocabulary to express their ideas or something
that they want to express. In communicate we need much of vocabulary; we must study
first vocabulary when we learn language, especially in learning English. The meaning of
Real Object according to Stefan (2005:1) states: Real Object is consists of actual objects
or items or facsimiles there of, which are used in the classroom to illustrate or to see,
hear, and in some cases touch the object. Real object are used in the classroom to make
the learning experience more memorable for the students.

B. Problem of Study
The problem of study discussed does teaching vocabulary through real object
have influence and more active teaching learning process and able to master vocabulary
for the student?

C. Purpose of Study
This writing aimed to know how far the achievement of teaching vocabulary
through real object method, how to solve the difficulties encountered by students and
identify the students interest in study vocabulary through Real Object

D. Method of Study
This method used in writing this study is library research through identifying of
reference list and then analyze and compose into academic writing.

E. Description

1. The Notion of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the important factors in English Language. Besides,
vocabulary is the important factor for practicing language as a means of
communication. Vocabulary is a list of words, which means any unit of language used
in writing, and appears between space hyphens. Words are the basic element in
contracting a language. Related to English teaching-learning process, language skills
such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing needs a series of words that are called
vocabulary. In other words, vocabulary is an important role in English language
2. The Importance of Learning Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the elements of language that should be learner and taught.
It cannot be denied that it will be hard to master language without mastering on
understanding certain numbers of vocabularies. Vocabulary is central to language and
of critical importance to typical language learner without a sufficient vocabulary; one
cannot communication effectively or express his ideas in both oral and written form.
Vocabularies become central to any language acquisition process especially in
introducing and consolidating new lexical items. Based on the explanation above
vocabulary is always related to word. In learning language vocabulary is one step to
know the words, understanding the meaning and used them in sentence.
In learning English, vocabulary plays importance role in the English language
skills, like what Schmitz and McCarthy (1997;6) say that vocabulary has an importance
role in language skills. In listening ability, vocabulary gives easiness for the learners to
comprehend what the other person speaks. In speaking and writing, vocabulary gives
easiness for the learners comprehend the text vocabulary must not be neglected by
anyone who learns a language
Based on the explanation above, it is very important to increase the ability of
vocabulary mastery as much as possible. Vocabulary is also important that teaching
vocabulary must be the first priority in the English language teaching.
3. Teaching Vocabulary
In the early study it has been mentioned that learning vocabulary is important
because it is used as a symbol of ideas to express idea in communication, because of that
teaching vocabulary in early stage or in the primary school is very essential.
Teacher should give certain attention in teaching vocabulary. Teachers decide the
area of words that the teacher must give attention to develop the vocabularies of each
child by carefully planned instruction. Wallace (1982:207) exclaims that teaching
vocabulary has the following:
a. Aims
This aim must be clear for the teacher, how many vocabularies listed does the teacher
except the learners to be able to achieve the vocabulary? What kinds of words?
b. Quantity
The teacher may have decided in the number of vocabulary items to be learners, how
now words in a lesson can the learners learn? If there are many words, the learners may
became confused or discourage?
c. Need
In teaching vocabulary the teacher has to choose ten words really needed by the
students communication. The teacher should get words the needed.
d. Frequent Exposure and repetition
The teacher should give much practice or repetition so that her students master target
words well. She also gives opportunity to the students to use words in writing or
e. Meaningful Presentation
In teaching vocabulary, the teacher should present target words in such as way that
their meaning of the teaching words are perfectly clear and unambiguous.
f. Situation and Presentation
The teacher should tell the student to use the words appropriately .the use of word
depends on the situation in which they are speaking and depend on the person whom
they are speaking. There are certain guidelines on which the choice of vocabulary as
suggested by Hay Craft(1987:45-47)

4. Commonest Words
They are the words which are commonly used or the words that the students
need. By teaching common words the students will often find them and it will be easy
for them to understand and to memorize.
5. Students Need
The words we needs by the students are usually words to be taught if the students
need to know the words. They will be motivated to learn because motivation will
ensure to use word in communication.

6. Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery is one component to master English as a foreign language in
elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. In learning the four language skills
(listening, speaking, reading, and writing), vocabulary is one basic component to be
mastered. It is reasonable, remembering that the four language skills need knowledge of
words because they will get nothing without vocabulary the large the students master
vocabulary the better they perform their language. By having too limited vocabulary,
the student will find difficulties in mastering reading and other skills.
Vocabulary mastery means the students having ability in understanding and
using the vocabulary. The students are not only hoped to select with what words are
suitable to be taught to the students. So the students will learn more easily.
In general, teacher finds attempted answer (although not necessarily based on
research) to the question of how much know vocabulary should be introduced per
lesson or unit from two sources: Implicitly in the words lists presented for each unit in
the text books adopted, and explicitly in the language teaching objectives stipulated by
national educational authorizes and knows in what ways it can combine with others
7. Principles of Teaching Vocabulary
The most principles of teaching and learning vocabulary have been forgotten or
ignored. The several principles of teaching vocabulary are:
a. Teaching a word does not mean the students learned it. Teaching and
learning do not go lockstep, hand in hand, from the easy to difficult.
b. We do not lean a word from one meeting. Research tells us that it takes
between 5- 16 meeting (or more) to learn an average word.
c. It is easier to forget a word than remember it. Initial word knowledge is
very fragile and memories of new words that are met again soon, are lost. This is
because our brains are designed to forget, not remember.
d. Students cannot guess the meaning of an unknown word from context if
the surrounding text is too difficult.
e. Students do not need to learn every word they meet. This is because not
all words are equally useful. The words students need to master are the general service
vocabulary i.e. those that are found in almost all texts, including technical works.
f. Some words are more difficult to learn than others. Research suggest that
words that are more concrete and closer to a known concept, or have a similar form in
the first language, tend to be learned before those that are more abstract and relatively
dissimilar from the first language.
g. Words live with other words, not in isolation. Language are made up of
sets of works that to together to make individual meanings such as by the way, the day
after tomorrow, bus ticket, half past three, sunny day and soon. These are often called
collocations, or lexical units.
h. Written and spoken vocabularies are different. Fewer (and often
different) words are needed for fluent speaking and listening, than for reading and
i. Students learn best by making sense of their own vocabulary and
internalizing it.
j. We do not have enough time to teach everything about a word so
students have become independent word learners. In reviewing of how vocabulary is
commonly taught Oxford and Scarcella (1994: 49) and other researcher have found that:
k. There is very low recycling of vocabulary in course books. Most words
that are taught in the text (i, e. featured in a vocabulary exercise) are not later recycled
in another exercise, or even repeated in the same book.
l. Teachers assume the textbook is the syllabus and assume that the
textbook has dealt with the recycling of the vocabulary adequately.
m. Teachers leave vocabulary learning to students and rarely teach
vocabulary learning strategies and techniques. Dictionary skills especially are rarely
taught and students are not encouraged to keep vocabulary notebooks.
n. Most teaching vocabulary is in the form of the text an emphasis on
identifying and teaching single words, rather than collocations or lexical phrases.
o. Many teachers do not seem to take a systematic approach to vocabulary
selection. Lessons are often prepared just before class, and there is no long-term
p. Teachers all too often teach too many words at one time. This can not
only confuse students who get them all mixed up, but also overload the students
memory leading to vocabulary graveyards.
q. Rarer words are often favored over common words with the assumption
that the easy words are already known.
r. Students are exposed to the same materials and thus have limited
exposure to words that the teacher does not focus on.
s. For many teachers word teaching only means giving a definition and
spelling or pronunciation, not the deeper aspects of word learning.
t. Vocabulary learning goals are rarely set and most vocabulary exercise
only test rather than teach.

8. Teaching Vocabulary through Real Object Method as Learning Strategy
Strategy and method in learning have different meaning. The meaning of the
strategy is activity to reach something. Djamarah, S.B ( 2000: 10): Metode adalah suatu
cara yang dipergunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. A good
teaching method that patent is not guarantee of the success student in their learning.
Harjanto (1997:169): Betapapun baiknya metode pengajaran apabila tidak dibarengi
dengan car belajar yang benar, hasilnya tentu tidak akan seperti yang diharapkan.
In the same manner that explained on above that is not all learning strategy can
used in learning process but must be think the exist about it. Gulo, W (2002:9): ada
berbagai metode pengajaran yang perlu di pertimbangkan dalam strategi mengajar, ini
perlu karena ketepatan metode akan memepengaruhi bentuk strategi belajar mengajar.
For that, some factors must be taken into consideration in teaching as: Individual
difference, teachers competence, class management, level of the subject, Purpose of
study, facility, etc. From some factor on above, writer has technique in teaching English
to student. Real object is one of Technique in teaching English Vocabulary this way to
facilitate of the student in mastering Vocabulary because seeing real object directly. The
students are easier to know the things this statement according to Suryanto (2007:47)
states: Pada umunya anak- anak lebih cepat belajar kata kata atau kata kata bila
ditunjang dengan alat peraga, Misalnya: gambar atau benda nyata (Real object).
From some study, we know students achievement in mastering English
Vocabulary is still very low. Its because the strategy of the teacher in teaching English
not effective. So, the interesting of students in English cant give significant
contribution. And they have the opinion that English is difficult subject. Based on the
fact, writer chooses the real object as alternative technique in teaching vocabulary.
According to Stefan (2005:1) Real object is consist of actual objects or item or facsimiles
there of. Which are used in the classroom to illustrate or to see, hear and in some cases
touch the object, real object are used in the classroom to make the that is at
environment who can forwards take in class to be pointed out to student so students
easier to understand.
1. Conclusion
Through some methodology and techniques of research, the writer concluded that
Vocabulary is a list of word or all the world of a language. Vocabulary is the study of:
meanings of words and how the words are used. All the words used by a particular
person, socio economic group, profession, etc. There are two types of vocabulary. They
are active or functional or productive vocabulary and passive or recognition or
receptive vocabulary. Words are importance to the communication.
If the teacher using some method in teaching, the students can be boring. So, the
teacher used real object (color, fruits, vegetables, spices, food, etc.). It means that
students of this school have ability in mastering vocabulary. In this case the English
teacher should be able to support and raise students motivation in learning English
again and also have a good relationship with the students.


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