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By: Qorinatul Izzah (1717404071)

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Language is a vital area of study for a better understanding of
ourselves and the improvement of our situation.1. In education, English
language can be the second foreign language in studying of many students.
Learn English not just about the theory, but also about the practice.
English for students be the basic skills to develop their skills in learning
English. Beside to adding the vocabulary also can train how to speech well
in the public. English divided into four skills, they are reading, listening,
speaking and writing are should be mastered students.2
Speaking is also one of the English material are fun and enjoying
to learning in the English class. Speaking includes vocabulary,
pronunciation, fluency, grammar and comprehension on speak. Students
Speaking is not about the delivering ideas and how to speak well in a
public, but it also about how to speak with correct pronunciation and how
to make an understanding in communicating between speaker and listener.
For the students, speaking is the skill are difficult to develop,
because many students in speaking still lack on brave to speak in front of
the public. Many students in speaking have to memorize the vocabularies,
sometimes the students difficult to think about the grammar when their
speaking, still feel scared during speaking and low self-confidence, it
makes a bigger anxiety in English speaking.
To make students easy and enjoyable in the speaking, teachers
have to use suitable strategies on teaching English. The suitable strategies
in teaching speaking can be decided on students’ learning styles. In fact,
many teachers do not give attention to learning styles of their students’.
David Nunan, what Is Thing Called Language?, (NewYork:Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), p.
Ridha Ilma and Nita Ria, “The Influence Students’ Learning Style Prefernces To Their
Speaking Achievement”. English Community Journal. Vol. 3. No. 2, 2019, p. 380.

Although the students do not attention to their learning styles, but it
knowing them if it can be help on their speaking skill.
Learning styles can be defined as a consistent pattern of behavior
but with a certain range of individual variability. 3The students use
different learning styles on their learning. Such in learning English,
especially on learning speaking, students’ have some different learning
styles. They can use memorizing, English song, speaking in front of the
mirror, much reading the text also can watching film with English subtitle
or etc. That all is one of the learning style can used by student on develop
their speaking skill in English.
Learning styles has big affect for students’ learning and also
helping to develop knowledge or students’ skills that should be mastered.
Since students have some different learning styles, it will be important to
the educator or teacher to know the variations of students learning styles to
assist students in developing these skills.
To collect data, the researcher conducted preliminary research by
doing interview by chat whatsapp on Thursday 04 th of November 2020
with Mr. Attabik Imam Zuhdi S. Pd. as the English teacher in MTs Ma’arif
Nurul Yaqin Pondokgebangsari Kuwarasan Kebumen. He explained
although the location of school in rural area but the students had good
interest in English. He always explained there were many problems in the
learning process, especially in speaking skills. Because, the students lack
of vocabularies, still lack of self-confidents, scared when speak in front of
the class. As we know learning style can help students speaking skills. In
both have relationship between the learning process of students’ with
success on develop students’ skills.
According the background above, the researcher knew that many
students in that school difficult to develop students’ skill comprehension,
such reading, writing, speaking and listening especially in speaking skills.

Claudia E. Cornett, What You Should Know About Teaching and Learning Styles,
(Bloomington, Indiana: ERIC, 1983), p. 9.

In this case, exactly students have different learning styles in speaking,
also different in speak in public. The researcher wants to know the
learning styles of students in learning English especially in speaking skill.
Based on explanation above the researcher choose the topic “The Effect
Of Learning Styles Toward Students’ Speaking Skill On MTs Ma’arif
Nurul Yaqin Pondokgebangsari Kuwarasan Kebumen”.

The definition of key term is important to give a guideline of the
research will be conducted. Related to this research, there are some key
terms to guide the conduct of this research. Those are:
1. Learning Style
Learning styles can be described also about the behavior of in
helping students learning. Learning styles can be way that can be
supporting learning process and develop students skill such can
memorize the vocabularies, speak in front of the mirror, speech or talk
2. Speaking
Speaking is usually an intentional activity, it serves a purpose the
speaker wants to realize.4 In English students should be mastered by
students except reading, writing, and listening skills. Speaking can be
train speaking of students according vocabularies, pronunciation, and

Based on the research problem, the researcher formulates the research
question as follows:

Willem J. M. Levelt, Speaking from Intention to Articulation, (London: The MIT Press,
1989), p. 20.

1. Is there any effect of learning styles toward students’ speaking skills
on MTs Ma’arif Nurul Yaqin Pondokgebangsari Kuwarasan
2. To what extent is the significant of students’ speaking skills on MTs
Ma’arif Nurul Yaqin Pondokgebangsari Kuwarasan Kebumen?


Based on the research problem, the researcher formulates the
objectivities of the research as follow:
1. To find out the effect of learning styles toward students’ speaking
skills in MTs Ma’arif Nurul Yaqin Pondokgebangsari Kuwarasan
2. To measure how far the significant of students’ speaking skills in MTs
Ma’arif Nurul Yaqin Pondokgebangsari Kuwarasan Kebumen.


The significant of the research would be useful for the English
teachers, the students, the researcher and another researcher:
1. Theoretical significances
The researcher hopes the readers could get a lot of knowledge that
related with this research. Also they can found the effect of learning
styles on students speaking skills.
2. The English teacher
This research can give additional ways for English teacher to teach
English, especially in teach students speaking and the result of the
teacher is expected to be able to measure how far the students’
speaking skills.
3. The students
By this research the students is expected to found the best learning
styles can helping them to develop speaking skills.

4. The researcher
This research can be used the researcher to know more about the
best of learning styles can be used by students’ on their speaking skills.
5. The another researcher
For other researcher this research can be reference for them which
their research are related.


Based on several sources related to this research, journals and

previous research related to the topic of this research.

The first, a research entitled “An Analysis Of Students’ Learning

Style In Speaking Skill At The Second Semester Of Madrasah Aliyah
Mathla’ul Anwar Labuhan Ratu Bandar Lampung In The Academic Year
Of 2016/2017” was written by Ayu Nurul Izzati from UIN Raden Intan
Lampung, Bandar Lampung in 2017. This research was focused on the
learning styles are students’ used in their speaking skills. The differences
with the researcher’s study the object and type of research. The object of
this research is Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Ayu’s object is Madrasah
Aliyah. The type of Ayu research is qualitative data and this research use
quantitative data. The similarities of this research with the researcher’s
study are the topic it’s about learning styles of students’ speaking skills.
The second is a research entitled “The Correlation Study
BetweenStudents’ Self-Confidence And Learning Style Towards Their
Speaking Ability At The Second Semester Of English Language Education
In IAIN Surakarta In The Academic Year 2018/2019 ” by Medina Aulia
Hapsari from IAIN Surakarta 2019. The research was focused on the
determine the correlation between students’ self-confidence and speaking
ability; students’ learning styles and speaking ability; students’ self-
confidence and student’ learning style and speaking ability at the second

semester of English Education in IAIN Surakarta in the Academic Year
2018/2019. The differences of this research are the subject and the object.
The research subject is just two variable but Medina’s research have three
variables was explained. Medina’s object is the student’s second semester
of English language education on IAIN Surakarta. The research’s object is
students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiya. The similarities of this research and the
researcher’s study are discussing about learning styles towards students
speaking, and using quantitative approach.
The third is a research entitled “The Influence Students’ Learning
Styles Preferemces To Their Speaking Achievement by Ridha Ilma and
Nita Ria from FKIP UM Palembang in 2019. This research was focused to
find out whether or not there was a significant correlation between
students’ learning style [reference and their speaking achievement. The
differences are the aspect and technique of collecting data. The rese
archer’s aspect is learning style and speaking skill and the Ridha and
Nita’s aspect is learning style preferences and speaking achievement. The
researcher’s technique collecting data use Test and the Ridha and Nita’s
use pre-test and pos-test. The similarity of this research and the
researcher’s study is discuss about learning styles and students; speaking
skill and using quantitative approach.

a. Learning Styles
1) The Definition of Learning Style
Learning styles is a preferred way of thinking, processing,
and understanding information.5 Learning styles also known a
cognitive and affective characteristics as well as psychological
behaviors that act as stable indicators of how learners comprehend,

Kelli Allen, et.al, Understanding Learning Styles Making a Difference for Diverse
Learners, (Huntington Beach: Shell Educational Publishing, 2011), p. 9.

respond, and interact with a learning environment. 6 In general
learning styles can be defined as the action or attitude
automatically on students and can supporting their learning
process. Learning styles so importance in students learning process
also can gives an effect for the learners in studying. Learning styles
can help students to get more excited about the subject, explore and
understand the facts, enjoying the learning and they have learned
into practice.7 In English speaking can be develop suitable with the
students learning styles. When both of them are related also it
makes easy to learn and practice.
2) The Types of Learning Style
Learning style can be describe, it can be one of the big
affect in students learning such can helping students to develop
their skills, develop the knowledge of students, could find a good
and suitable ways of students to use a learning style on learning
Learning style have three types, they are; Visual learning
style; Auditory learning style; Kinesthetic learning style. 8 It will
explain as below:
(1) Visual Learning Style
Visual learning style can be defined learn through vision. It
means learners learn use viewing and reading is important for
visual learners. Pictures, table, diagrams, films and displays
will be useful for the visual learners.

Hassan Soodmand Afshar and Mahsa Bayat, “Strategy Use, Learning Styles and L2
Achievement of Iranian Students of English for Academic Purposes”. Issues in Educational
Research. Vol. 28. No. 4. 2018, p. 1042.
Marlene D. LefeVer, Learning Styles Reaching Everyone God Gave You To Teach, (USA:
David C. Cook, 2004), p. 18.
Sajna Jaleel, Learning Styles Theories and Implications for Teaching Learning, (USA:
Horizon Research Publishing, 2019), p. 71 & 72.

(2) Auditory Learning Style
Auditory learning style can be defined learn through listening.
Music, tone, rhythm, rhyme, personal dialogue and a
prominent voice will be useful for the auditory learners.
(3) Kinesthetic Learning Style
Kinesthetic learning style can be defined learn by doing.
Movement, coordination, rhythm, emotional response and
physical comfort prominently will be useful for kinesthetic
b. Speaking
1) The Definition of Speaking
Speaking is the ability of people in talking English fluently and
good pronunciation about the information, knowledge, or features
of English and deliver by mouth.9 Students speaking skill purpose
to make communication to deliver information between other.
However, speaking a foreign language is not easy skill to be
mastered by students. Students consider speaking as the most
difficult skill, because students need more preparation to speak
well in the new language.
Based on explanation above, that student before speak should
be preparation the vocabularies for their sentences, they should to
arrange the sentences well, so they can be understood. When the
students can speak with correct pronunciation also it can make
understanding the between speaker and listener.
2) The Components of Speaking
Speaking has five components they are grammar, vocabulary,
comprehension, fluency and pronunciation and the students should
have to be aware of these components. 10 As a foreign language,

Dewi Sri Kuning, “Application Of Social Media To Learn Speaking”. Jurnal Elsa. Vol. 18.
No. 1. 2020, p. 78.
Sofyan A. Gani, et.al, “Students’ Learning Strategies for Developing Speaking Ability”.
Journal Studies In English Language And Education. Vol. 2. No. 1. 2015, p. 17.

students also must observe the vocabularies and the mastering of
the structure or grammatically of the sentences.
But, for students it still has difficulty for them. Beginning for
choose the vocabulary until how to pronounce the sentences. As
the teacher should gives more attention to the students in teach
English especially in students speaking skill.
3) The Importance of Speaking
Speaking skills are the most essential skills for all the learners
who wish to learn English to enhance their career, build confidence
levels, make public speeches, attend interviews, participate in
debates and group discussion, gives presentation and so on.11
English classroom, speaking to be one of skills to mastered by
students. In the learning process students learn how to chose the
vocabulary to be a good sentences, how speak well with correct
pronunciation, the influence when speak with the other people, also
to make understanding between speaker and listener during
Teacher as the facilitator has many methods to teach English
learning, especially in speaking student skill. Where the student
needs more knowledge and way to learn speaking.

1. Null Hypothesis (H0)
The null hypothesis stated that there is no effect of learning styles
toward students’ speaking skills.
2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)
The alternative hypothesis stated that there is any effect of learning
styles towards students’ speaking skills.

Parupalli Srinivas Rao, “The Importance Of Speaking Skills In English In English
Classsroom”. Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal (ACIELJ). Vol. 2. Issue 2.
2019, p. 9&10.

1. Type of The Research
Types of the research that researcher will use field research.
The researcher should collect data and observe information with
respondent directly by visiting location of the research. Based on the
problem the researcher use quantitative research and it used a
correlation between two variables.

2. Time and Location of The Research

a. Time of Research
The time of this research will begin during three months, beginning
of January 2020 until April 2020.
b. Place of Research
This research will begin on MTs Ma’arif Nurul Yaqin
Pondokgebangsari Kuwarasan Kebumen.
3. Population and Samples of The Research
a. Population
Population is a generalized region consisting of objects or
subjects that have certain qualities or characteristics set by
researchers to study and the drawn the conclusions. 12 In this
research the population is eight grade of MTs Ma’arif Nurul Yaqin
Pondokgebangsari Kuwarasan Kebumen. There are two class of 8th
grade level, those are VIII A and VII B. The students were chosen
because they just learn about the theory and lack in speaking skill.
In this phase students need more to learn speaking skill and teacher
needs to make interesting learning methods for students.

b. Sample

Ajat Rukajat, Pendekatan Penelitian Kuantitatif Quantitative Research Approach
(Yogyakarta: DEEPUBLISH, 2018), p. 19.

Sample is a part of the amount and characteristic of the
population.13 The samples of the research are 10 students, and the
researcher choose students of VIII A for the object.

4. Variables of The Research

Research variable is everything that is in the form of anything set
by the researcher to be studied so that information about it, and then
drawn the conclusions.14 Research variable includes into two kinds,
there are:
a. Independent Variable : For this research the independent variable
is “The effect of Learning Styles”.
b. Dependent Variable : For this research the dependent variable is
“Students’ Speaking Skill”.

5. Indicators of The Research

a. Learning Style
According Gazzaniga and Bogen “learning styles can also prove
beneficial to the higher education instructors in better
understanding learning differences and their effect on learning
and the learning process”.15 Learning style also one of the
strategies of teacher that have relationship with the students skills
to develop. Each student also have different learning style to help
their studies.
In English many learning style have been used by students’. Such
through watching English film, music, speech, English song,
reading English text and etc.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D (Bandung: Alfabeta,
2017), p. 81.
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif …, p. 38.
Ronald R. Sims and Serbrenia J. Sims, The Improtance Of Learning Styles
Understanding The Implications for Learning, Course Design, and Education, (United States of
America: Greenwood Press, 1995), p. 9.

According to Kolb, the types of learning style have four types:16
(1) Concrete Experience
A receptive experience based on approach to learning that
relies for a large part on judgments based on feeling.
(2) Reflective Observation
Reflective observation is about their own experience.
(3) Abstract Conceptualization
The learners learn best from authority-directed learning
situation that empathize theory.
(4) Active Experimentation
The learners learn best when they can engage in projects,
homework, small group discussion.
b. Speaking
Speaking is one of the productive skills that must be mastered by
students while learning a language. Students have to able to give
their opinion, expressing their feeling in speaking without
hesitation or fear.17 On Speaking practice also we needs to give
scoring, because when makes assessment should be suitable
according the aspect or components of speaking to easier makes
the scoring. So, we have the criterion of students’ speaking skill
can be to determine how far the students’ speaking skill.
Assessment of speaking includes some basic of scoring.
There are four basic types of speaking assessment:18

Medina Aulia Hapsari, Thesis: “ The Correlation Study Between Student’ Self-
Confidence And Learning Style Towards Their Speaking Ability At The Second Semester Of English
Language Education In IAIN Surakarta In The Academic Year 2018/2019” (Surakarta: IAIN
Surakarta, 201i9), p.22 & 23.
Ratih Saltri Yudar, et.al, ”The Movie as a Helper for Students’ Pronunciation in
Speaking Skill Class”. Journal of English Language Studies. Vol. 2. No. 1. 2020, p. 16.
H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practic , (San
Fransisco State Universit: Pearson Education, 2004), p. 141 & 142.

(1) Imitative
Types of speaking performance are the ability to simply parrot
back (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence, it is an
imitative speaking such pronunciation.
(2) Intensive
The second of type of speaking frequently employed in
assessment context is the production of oral language designed
to demonstrate the competence including of grammatical,
phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationship.
(3) Responsive
The interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat
limited level of short conversations, standard, greetings and
small talk, simple request and comments, and etc.
(4) Interactive
Differences between responsive and interactive speaking the
length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes
includes multiple changes and/or multiple participant.
(5) Extensive (Monologue)
Extensive oral production task include speeches, oral
presentations, and story-telling, during which the opportunity
for oral interaction from listeners.
The scoring rubric of speaking skill used in this research was
adapted from the speaking rubric of Mukminatus Zuhriyah 19. The
scoring rubric of speaking aspects or components as below:
Scoring Comprehension Vocabulary Grammar Fluency Pronunciation
5 Appears to Speaks with Produces Speaks very Speaks in
understand accurate complete and fluency. intelligibly.
without English accurate
difficulty. word. sentences.
Mukminatus Zuhriyah, ”Storytelling to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill”. Jurnal Tadris
Bahasa Inggris. Vo l. 10. No. 1. 2017, p. 125.

4 Understands Speaks Produces some speaks Speaks mostly
nearly at mostly with phrase as fluently in intelligibly
normal speed few words. complete with only with mother
although sentences. rare tongue accent.
occasional repetition.
repetition may
be necessary.
3 Understands of Produces 4- Produces Speaks lees Speaks mostly
what is said but 6 words. incorrect fluently due but produces
with many sentences/phrases. to few 1-3 English
repetitions. problems of words and
vocabulary pronounces
and select them in
the word. mother tongue
2 Has great Produces 1- Little bit good in Speaks Speaking
difficulty 3 English grammatically mostly but mostly 1-3
understanding words although any long pauses English words
what is said, (place or sentences still few and but needs
often profession errors. hesitancy. some
misunderstands. such as repetition in
hospital, pronouncing
doctor etc) the words to
1 Unable Vocabulary Great Unidentified Unidentified
comprehend the limitation so grammatical and unable to pronounce
material so that unable as to errors unable to to putting the words.
unable to make a speak. the suitable
express/respond conversation word into
the question and sentences.
correctly. impossible
to the


6. Techniques of Data Collections

In collecting data, the researcher will use several techniques as follow:
a. Interview
The researcher collect the data with interview to get the
problems for the research in the first observation.
b. Documentation
The researcher will collect the data using documentation which
are list of students name as population, answer sheets of
questioners and score test.
c. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is data collection technique performed by giving
a set of questions or written statements for respondent to answer.20

7. Techniques of Data Analysis

According to explanation above about collecting the data, the
researcher will measure the significant of students’ speaking skills by
using linearity of regression. Linearity of regression is a probabilistic
model that states a linear relationship between two variables in which
one variable is considered to affect the other variable. 21 Linearity of
regression can be calculated by the following formula:

Y = β 0+ β 1 X+ E

Y : Dependent Variable (Speaking skill)
X : Independent Variable (Learning Style)

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif …, p. 142.
Suyono, Analisis Regresi Untuk Penelitian, (Yogyakarta: DEEPUBLISH, 2018), p. 5&6.

β0 & β1 : Regression coefficient
E : Random Error


In this part, the researcher will explain about the structure of the research
as follows:
Chapter I explains introduction which are contain of background
of the problems, operational definition, research question, objectives of the
research, and significances of the research.
Chapter II clarifies literature review that includes listening skills
theories, speaking and also the hypothe sis.
Chapter III tells research method which are contain of type of the
research, time and location of the research, population and sample of the
research, variables of the research, indicators of the research, technique of
data collections and technique of data analysis.
Chapter IV discusses finding of the research which are consist of
two sub-chapters those are: general description about MTs Ma’arif Nurul
Yaqin Pondokgenangsari Kuwarasan Kebumen and the last is the finding
of the research itself.
Chapter V presents the conclusion, advice and closing words.


Afshar, Hassan Soodmand & Mahsa Bayat. (2018). “Strategy Use, Learning
Styles and L2 Achievement of Iranian Students of English for Academic
Purposes”. Issues in Educational Research. Vol. 28. No. 4.
Allen, Kelli et.al. (2011). Understanding Learning Styles Making a Difference for
Diverse Learners. Huntington Beach: Shell Educational Publishing.
Brown, H. Douglas. (2004). Language Assessment Principles and Classroom
Practico. San Fransisco State Universit: Pearson Education.

Cornett, Claudia E. (1983). What You Should Know About Teaching and Learning
Styles. Bloomington, Indiana: ERIC.
Hapsari, Medina Aulia. (2019) Thesis: “ The Correlation Study Between Student’
Self-Confidence And Learning Style Towards Their Speaking Ability At
The Second Semester Of English Language Education In IAIN Surakarta In
The Academic Year 2018/2019”. Surakarta: IAIN Surakarta.
Ilma, Ridha & Nita Ria. (2019). “The Influence Students’ Learning Style
Prefernces To Their Speaking Achievement”. English Community Journal.
Vol. 3. No. 2.
Jaleel, Sajna. (2019). Learning Styles Theories and Implications for Teaching
Learning. USA: Horizon Research Publishing.
Kuning, Dewi Sri. (2020). “Application Of Social Media To Learn Speaking”.
Jurnal Elsa. Vol. 18. No. 1.
Gani, Sofyan A. et.al. (2015). “Students’ Learning Strategies for Developing
Speaking Ability”. Journal Studies In English Language And Education.
Vol. 2. No. 1.
LefeVer, Marlene D. (2004). Learning Styles Reaching Everyone God Gave You
To Teach. USA: David C. Cook.
Levelt, Willem J. M. (1989). Speaking from Intention to Articulation. London:
The MIT Press.
Nunan, David. (2013). What Is Thing Called Language?. New York: Palgrave
Rao, Parupalli Srinivas. (2019). “The Importance Of Speaking Skills In English In
English Classsroom”. Alford Council of International English & Literature
Journal (ACIELJ). Vol. 2. Issue 2.
Rukajat, Ajat. (2018). Pendekatan Penelitian Kuantitatif Quantitative Research
Approach. Yogyakarta: DEEPUBLISH.
Sims, Ronald R. & Serbrenia J. Sims. (1995). The Improtance Of Learning Styles
Understanding The Implications for Learning, Course Design, and Education.
United States of America: Greenwood Press.

Sugiyono. (2017). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung:
Suyono. (2018). Analisis Regresi Untuk Penelitian. Yogyakarta: DEEPUBLISH.
Yudar, Ratih Saltri et.al. (2020).”The Movie as a Helper for Students’
Pronunciation in Speaking Skill Class”. Journal of English Language Studies.
Vol. 2. No. 1.
Zuhriyah, Mukminatus. (2017). ”Storytelling to Improve Students’ Speaking
Skill”. Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris. Vo l. 10. No. 1.


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