Test Gamma
Test Gamma
Test Gamma
Auditory discrimination is a central auditory processing skill that involves the ability to
differentiate among phonemes—the smallest significant units of sound in a language.
Phonemes are combined into words. For example the word "goes" is made up of three
phonemes: "g," "oh," and "zzz." Auditory discrimination is part of phonology which, in turn,
is one of the five components of language.
Auditory discrimination tests (ADTs) are one type of auditory analysis tests, which are used
to measure how well a child understands speech and the spoken word. ADTs are designed to
measure a child's phonological awareness—the ability to focus on and manipulate phonemes
within spoken words. Phonological awareness skills include the ability to do the following:
ADTs measure a child's ability to detect subtle similarities and differences between speech
sounds. Two of the most commonly used ADTs are Wepman's Auditory Discrimination Test
(WADT) and the Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test of Auditory Discrimination.
Auditory discrimination skills are very important in the classroom. Activities that require
auditory discrimination skills include the following:
following directions
Auditory discrimination ability or phonological awareness skills have long been correlated
with reading ability. Some specialists believe that ADTs should be a component of all
reading programs and that poor auditory discrimination can be a major factor in children's
failure to reach reading targets. The WADT is used to evaluate communication skills in
general, as well to identify potential reading difficulties and to predict certain types of speech
defects. Because it requires a child to recognize small differences between phonemes, the
WADT is widely used to measure a child's readiness for reading instruction using a phonic
Some underachieving but gifted children have learning disabilities that are caused by deficits
in central auditory skills, including auditory discrimination. The WADT commonly is used to
test for an auditory discrimination deficit in such children. Deficits in auditory discrimination
are also believed to be one of the causes of central auditory processing disorder (CAPD).
There are various methods for addressing auditory discrimination problems in children.
Auditory discrimination is one component of central auditory processing skills or auditory
perception. The other components are as follows:
The WADT, first published in 1958 and revised in 1973, is designed to measure the ability of
children aged four to eight to recognize small differences between English phonemes. The
test consists of 40 pairs of words. The words in a pair are of equal length. In ten of the pairs
the words are identical. In the remaining 30 pairs the words differ by a single phoneme. The
test requires the child to differentiate between the following:
The WADT is considered to be a fast, inexpensive means of screening children for auditory
discrimination deficits and for identifying children who are slower than average in
developing auditory discrimination skills. It also is used to identify children who may have
difficulty learning the phonics that are necessary for learning to read. The WADT often is
used as a component of formal reading assessments.
Other ADTs
In one type of ADT the test administrator says a word and the child is asked to repeat the
word, leaving out a syllable or sound. For example the examiner says "outdoor" and tells the
child to say the word but to not say "out." The correct answer is "door." Children's responses
are graded according to the following:
a kindergartner told to repeat the word "cucumber" without the "cu (q)" should easily
answer "cumber"
a first-grader told to repeat "please" without the "zzz" sound should easily answer
a second-grader told to repeat "clay" without the "k" should easily answer "lay"
a third-grader told to repeat "smock" without the "mmm" sound should be able to
easily answer "sock"
The Sheshore Measures of Musical Talent is a widely used standardized test for measuring
musical abilities in students applying to music programs, conservatories, and colleges and
universities. It tests the listener's auditory discrimination abilities with regard to the
sound duration
tonal quality or timbre
tonal memory
Electrophysiological tests
ADTs can give confusing or false negative results. Many children do well on the auditory
word discrimination subtest of TAPS, which uses auditory stimuli, but perform poorly on the
G-F-W Test of Auditory Discrimination, which uses visual stimuli. Such children may have
good auditory discrimination skills but poor auditory-visual integration discrimination.
In the early 2000s research suggests that auditory discrimination and other perceptual
processes may not be primary factors in predicting reading ability and learning disabilities.
Thus some children may be falsely labeled with a learning disability because of their results
on ADTs. Other children might fail to be identified as candidates for early intervention for
reading or other learning difficulties on the basis of their ADT scores.
Normal results
ADTs are standardized by testing large numbers of children to determine the normal range of
scores for children of a given age. The vast majority of children have ADT scores within the
normal range. Children who score significantly below the normal range may be referred for
additional assessment. Early intervention for children with low ADT scores may include
exercises and activities designed to improve auditory discrimination.
Auditory discrimination —The ability to detect small similarities and differences between
Auditory evoked potential (AEP) —A change in the neural-electrical activity in the brain in
response to auditory signals.
Central auditory processing skills —The skills needed for auditory perception, including
auditory discrimination, auditory memory, auditory blending, and auditory comprehension.
Phonological awareness —The ability to hear and manipulate the sounds that make up
Wepman ' s Auditory Discrimination Test (WADT) —A commonly used test for
evaluating auditory discrimination skills.
Parental concerns
ADTs are short, simple tests that do not require preparation on the part of the child. However
parents should be aware of the normal developmental milestones of speech and language
development . Although no two children reach these milestones at precisely the same age, a
significant lag may indicate the need for assessment of auditory discrimination and/or other
components central auditory processing. Typical milestones include:
Burk, Rickie W. "Interview with Dorothy Kelly." MSHA News. Mississippi Speech-
Language-Hearing Association. http://www.mshausa.org/kelly.html (accessed November 9,