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Dr. Arunkumar

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Arunkumar Ramchandra Mengane

P.P.Sidhwa chawl, S.V.road Irla Vile Parle (west) Mumbai 400 056
Mob: +919867044234 / 022-6713701
Email Id : dr.mengane@gmail.com
Service-focused Doctor, social worker and program coordinator with a strong
commitment to serving the needs of disadvantaged youth and adults, mother and child,
including homeless, emancipated youth and special-needs populations.
Excel in program and organizational planning, with documented success overcoming
challenges of limited resources and financial constraints to design high-quality, costeffective and comprehensive service offerings.
Skilled in building community support, key coalitions and strategic interagency
partnerships. Backed by solid credentials (DOCTOR) and equal strengths in program,
personnel and case management.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Good in Executing any Project
Ready to work under any strenuous circumstances.
Hard working, able to multi-task effectively.
Maintaining a very good rapport with fellow workers.
Enjoy responsibility and challenges.
Managing Team
(Since March 2013- till date) ADITY Source of inspiration
(Part Time) Medical Officer
Working for Female sex workers in Mumbai. It is the project run by
MDACS(Mumbai District AIDS Control Society) and NACO(National AIDS
Control Organisation). I am working here as a medical officer for these
FSW. Regularly holding medical camps in different areas of
Mumbai, regular HIV testing, counselling, HIV linkages and CD4testing.
STI screening and treating according to NACO Guidelines.

(Since Aug 2014- till date) UDAAN - Prabhat

(Part Time) Medical Officer
Working for Migrantsproject in Navi Mumbai. It is the project run by
PHFI(Public Health Foundation of India) and NACO(National AIDS
Control Organisation).an target Intervention project.
I am working here as a medical officer for these Migrants.
Regularly holding medical camps in different areas of Navi-Mumbai,
regular HIV testing, counselling, HIV linkages and CD4testing.
STI screening and treating according to NACO Guidelines.
(Since July 09- march 13) Ojus Medical Institute Mumbai
(Full Time) Medical Officer / Projects Coordinator
Responsibility :
Monthly medical camp in Mumbai and in Nashik (400 -500 patient in one camp)
Have team of five Doctors and sixteen Health workers in rural tribal areas of Nashik and
forty urban areas of Mumbai.
Counselling and treatment to PLHIV.
Following are the Projects handled both Urban/ Rural
Rural :
EGGDOT (Maharashtra)
SRDP (Peith And Dindhori)
Zilla Parishad (Nashik District)
EGG DOT is a Project for malnourished children in different areas of Maharashtra.
The focus is on undernourished children
Follow malnourished children of Grade III and IV in their villages and administer
locally made nutritional supplement (peanut ladoo) and Egg through direct observation
The project fill the gaps in service delivery and improve quality of child healthcare
through the provision of fully trained CHWs and a visiting doctor
Educate the community and specifically the Panchayats on rights and access to child
health care services.

Developing IEC
SRDP(Savitri Rural Development Project)
To assist 34 villages to access a sustained level of basic healthcare and MCH services
provided by the Government and ensure that mother and child healthcare services are
delivered effectively and efficiently.
The focus is on women and children
Fill the gaps in service delivery and improve quality of primary healthcare and MCH
services through the provision of fully trained CHWs and a visiting doctor
Reactivate 7 healthcare sub-centres through training 4 ANMs who are
currently living in that catchment area to be easily absorbed into the government system
Improve the care given at village level through trained community health workers who
can be absorbed by the government as ASHAs
Give additional training in safe, hygienic delivery practices to traditional midwives to
ensure safe delivery in the homestead
Educate the community and specifically the Panchayats on rights and access to health
care services to ensure sustainability after the project life (4 years).
SRDP /Rural Project Field visit review Four times in a month
SRDP project Dindori (Taluka District Nashik) review including plantation
SRDP project Peith (Taluka District Nashik) review
Weekly checklist to be filled as part of Monitoring & Evaluation
Advocacy and Meetings for Rural Projects of Ojus Medical Institute with
Zilla Parishad
Coordination of Panchayat or Subcenter or other field meeting with the field doctors or
other organisations.
Representing the Ojus Medical Institute for any official /sponsor visits.
Zilla Parishad (Nashik)
Sex education for adolescent (Project by Govt of Maharashtra) 10 days residential
program in different villages of Nashik.
Youth program on mother and child (Project by Govt of Maharashtra)
PPTCT (Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV & AIDS)
New generation Club

PPTCT (Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV & AIDS)

Encourage institutional care, Screening for HIV. Regular checkup and counseling for
HIV +, Medical Suppor, Infant Care.
Monitoring and Evaluation of team, Support group meetings for PLHIVs. Education and
monthly food support to PLHIVs. Clinic for their care. Infant formula for new born
Women Empowerment, Vocational training(Tailoring, Beautician, Mehandi.
Reproduction health care education.Integration of women living or personally affected
by HIV, Production of items to generate income. Encourage work placement and income
generating activities.
New generation Club
Meeting & workshop facilities, Sports kits for outdoor and indoor games Art drama &
cultural activities, Debates Bindaas Bol on social issues and health educational
programs.Vocational training like beautician course for young girls, etc.
Social support services, Medical care. Personality development classes. Library and
audio visual social information.
(From Jan 2009 to June 2009) National institute of Homeopathy Calcutta
(Full Time) Medical officer
Regular 10am- 3pm clinic
Managing IPD in hospital with night shift
Every Sunday Camp
Worked with Renowned Homeopathic doctors
(From July 2008 to December 2008) Criti care Hospital Mumbai
(Full Time) Medical officer-RMO
(From April 2008 to Dec 2008) Chandaben Homeopathic Medical College Mumbai
(Internship) Medical officer


(MUHS University)


(Nature cure institute Nashik)

(2009- 2010)

P.G.C. Psychiatrist (Royal Institute)



(Maharashtra University)



(Mumbai Board)



Skill Name

Skill Level

Last Used/Experience

Planning & Management


Currently used/6 years



Currently used/6 years

Community Relations


Currently used/6 years

Needs Assessment


Currently used/6 years

Community Outreach


Currently used/6 years

Program Administration & Policy



Currently used/6 years

Fundraising & Donor Relations


Currently used/4years

Staff Development & Supervision


Currently used/6 years

Life-Skills Counseling


Currently used/6 years

Date of Birth

: 19th July 1986

Languages Known : English, Hindi, Marathi


: Traveling, Watching Cartoons and Table Tennis.

Additional Information:
Also have very good knowledge of Computer (Word, Excel, PPT, Internet etc.)
Respected leader and member of interdisciplinary teams -- instill a shared sense of
purpose to provide optimal services, resources and programs for those in need. Deeply
committed to improving the quality of life.

Dr. Arunkumar Mengane

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