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Mousham. G. Mhaskey: Birth Date: 28 June, 1980 Cell: 9406380310 Email

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Mousham. G.

Birth Date : 28th June,1980
Cell : 9406380310
Email : mgmhaskey@gmail.com
Knowledge & Skills

A result-oriented professional with strong analytical skills and ability to interpret and
analyze a wide variety of programme issues and statistical information, to develop &
promote livelihood programs, achievement of goals, accountable, assertive & innovative.
Proven ability to work in a team environment, and communicate with people of different
culture, national and ethnic backgrounds. Excellent oral and written communication skills
in English and Hindi. Computer savvy & quick to learn.


Over a period of time, I have learnt that one’s potential should be utilize for the
betterment of the world. Hence, my conviction is to excel and not just work.

Professional Experience

UNICEF-WCD – Chattisgarh for Nutrition Surveillance Program (Govt. of CG)

District Extender – (Cap. Bldg. Officer) Dantewada & Bijapur Districts. (June 2008 –

 Planning, implementing & monitoring – MIS & GIS of Nutrition Surveillance with WCD.
 Supportive supervision of Nutrition Surveillance & Capacity Bldg. of Govt. Service Providers.
 Performance appraisal, resource planning and deployment, tracking & implementation of
various activities under ICDS Projects.
 Implementation of MCH – Health & Nutrition Programs.
 Providing technical assistance in implementation of various activities in promotion of child
survival & reduction in IMR & MMR.
 Coordination and establishment of dialogue with related departments including Health, PRI,
PHED and administration for enhanced inter-sectoral coordination at all levels.
 Providing need-based technical support to analyze and use data to trigger corrective action.
 Member of District core team for Nutrition (ICDS & Mid Day Meal Program), Sanitation &
Health (District Health Committee & Task Force for NRHM)
 Liasoning with District & State authorities of various Govt. Departments.
 Support to other core areas of child survival with Health, PHE & NGO’s.
 Facilitating the District Health Committee in identifying gaps, strategic plan, networking &
convergence with ICDS & PRI.
 Development of MIS & GIS of all ICDS Projects & Monthly reporting to UNICEF & WCD.
 Advocacy for Health & Nutrition Services with District & State Administration.
 Support in implementation of VAS & coordination with MI, UNICEF & concerned Dept. at
District & State.

A.N.W.C. (Asha Niketan Welfare Centre) M.P.

Project Manager – Child Focused Community Development Program (HCDI-KNH Germany)

(1st May 2006 – 12th May 2008)

 Management, Planning & Monitoring of the CFCDP Programme.

 Main components of the program were – Livelihood promotion through IGA, Natural
Resource Management, Community Organization, Health and Nutrition & Education.
 Linkages of Community Organizations with Govt. Aided programs and with Banks for Income
generation programs.
 Watershed Development Program which included planning watershed works with
participatory process i.e. in collaboration with villagers (village micro planning), Situation
Analysis & Impact studies with AFPRO (Gwalior), Implementation of different watershed
works which included – Tree plantation, Land leveling, small medium & big structures, gully
plugs, contour bunding, farm bunding, earthen dam etc.
 Livelihood promotion of WSHG’s with linkage to Govt. Mid day meal and other schemes.
 Core Team Member, Project Planning & Implementation, Micro Planning, M&E of other
programs, MIS, ODP. (Implementation of ECCE Program in 50 villages uncovered by ICDS)


Asst.-Program Manager (Development Accelerator) – PACS (DFID UK) (2005 - 2006)

 Assisted in planning & implementation of the program, Micro Planning. MIS

 Formation & Promotion of CBO’s with sustainable linkages & research on micro credit
enterprises, NTFP (Non timber forest produce) study.
 Training imparted on RTI (Right to Information), RTF (Right to Food), NTFP, JFMC (Joint
Forest Management Committee) strengthening, Adolescent Health & Sexuality to WSHG’s
and other stakeholders of the program etc.


Project Officer (MP&CG) & Project Incharge–Target Intervention (CGSACS-Durg) (2003 - 05)

 Planning & Management of TI Project for Sex Workers (NACO) at Durg, CG.
 Assisted IAY & SGSY for Rajnandgaon, CG.
 ODP, staff development, Capacity Building of CBO’s, Trainings etc.


Team Member – Bhopal Child Line 1098 (2002 - 2003)

 Outreach & Intervention with M.P. Police Department.

 Networking & Liasoning with different govt. functionaries.
 MIS & Resource Mobilization.
 Advocacy through JJ Act 2000 & Child Rights Campaigning

Volunteering Experiences

 Relief Work - Bhuj Earthquake with Red Cross Socirty India Feb-March 2001
 Relief Work Flood – Hoshangabad (Narmada Flood) October 1999
 Blood Donation Camp for Thalamic Patients with Tatpar Blood Bank Bhopal – 2001-2006
 Relief Work Flood – Bhopal in August 2006 with ANWC Bhopal.
 Currently involved with Indian Red Cross Society in Dantewada & Bijapur for relief work in IDP
Camps & hard to reach Naxal areas & monitor VAS & routine immunization program.


 MSW – Dept. of Social Work, Barkatullah University, Bhopal.

 PGDCA – Diploma in Computer Application.
 B. Com – Barkatullah University, Bhopal.

Permanent Address Current Address

M.G.Mhaskey M.G.Mhaskey
7/6J, Sudarshan Marg District Extender (WCD-UNICEF)
Old Itarsi, Itarsi. District Program Office WCD-ICDS
Dist. Hoshangabad Collectorate Campus, Dantewada
Madhya Pradesh – 461111 South Bastar, Chhattisgarh - 494444

Mousham G Mhaskey

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