Coursework I Brief (LCA)
Coursework I Brief (LCA)
Coursework I Brief (LCA)
Coursework I
Carbon Footprinting and Sustainability: Packaging
This coursework requires you to use Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in a sustainable decision-making context.
Your task is to use CCaLC software to estimate the carbon footprint of beverage packaging, then consider
ways to make that packaging more sustainable.
The coursework takes place over three 3-hour sessions, detailed in the figure below.
Activity 1 carbon footprint of
Activity 2 preparation of short
presentation on results
to learn how to apply life cycle thinking and to become familiar with LCA;
to learn how to calculate life cycle environmental impacts, in particular carbon footprint, by using
LCA software (CCaLC);
to gain understanding of the usefulness and drawbacks of LCA as a tool;
to use LCA alongside non-environmental criteria to make decisions; and
to practise employability-related skills including critical analysis, oral presentation and conflict
Recommended reading
Azapagic, A. (2011). Assessing Environmental Sustainability: Life Cycle Thinking and Life Cycle Assessment.
Chapter 3. In: Sustainable Development in Practice: Case Studies for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd ed.
(Azapagic, A. and S. Perdan, eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Estimate the carbon footprint of beverage packaging
TASK Estimate the carbon footprint of a PET beverage bottle using CCaLC, based on the data below. Then,
think of potential improvements for the life cycle and prepare a short presentation in your group.
PET resin (bottle grade)
2. Functional unit
The functional unit is defined as packaging for 1000 litres of drink. The volume of the PET bottle is 0.5
3. System boundary
A simplified life cycle of PET bottle is shown in Figure 1.
Raw Materials
- PP
- Paper
- Bottle
- Filling
(waste bottle)
Waste Management
Figure 1: The life cycle of a PET bottle
4. Raw materials
The raw materials for the PET bottle are PET and PP resins for the bottle and the top, respectively. Kraft
paper is used for the label. All materials are assumed to be virgin. The carbon footprint data for these
materials are available in the CCaLC database.
5. Energy
Table 2 summarises energy use in different life cycle stages. Note that the energy for bottle manufacture is
the combined amount for the manufacture of the bottle and the cap.
Table 2: Energy use in the life cycle of the PET bottle
(MJ/functional unit)
Energy type
Bottle manufacture
6. Transport
Table 3 summarises the distances travelled and the transportation modes.
Table 3: The transportation modes and distances travelled in the life cycle of the PET bottle
Raw material
PET resin
(to manufacture & filling)
PP resin
(to manufacture & filling)
Kraft paper
(to manufacture & filling)
Filled bottles to storage
Bottles from storage to
Waste bottles to landfill
Distance travelled by
road (km)
Packing density
Empty on
20 (40t truck)
7. Waste management
It is assumed that all PET bottles are landfilled (Landfill plastic in CCaLC).
8. Results
Enter your results per functional unit (f.u.) in Tables 4 & 5 and identify the hot spots.
Table 4: Carbon footprint of the PET bottle
Carbon footprint
(kg CO-eq./f.u.)
Contribution to total
carbon footprint (%)
Raw materials
Bottle manufacture and filling
Table 5: Contribution of the raw materials to the total carbon footprint of the PET bottle
Raw material
9. Prepare a presentation
Homework: By the next session, you must work as a group to prepare a short presentation (15 minutes
max.) which you will deliver (as a group) next time. This must include:
1. the results of the carbon footprint exercise (including the tables above),
2. your ideas for possible improvements, and
3. any potential disadvantages/problems of those improvements.
See last page for mark scheme.
Improve the carbon footprint of beverage packaging and consider economic and social
TASK First, you will present your results and ideas from Day 1. Then, you will split into two teams and
estimate the carbon footprint of a revised scenario for the PET beverage bottle, using CCaLC and the data
below. There will be economic and social implications to the revised scenario, which you must consider.
2. Split into Team A and Team B and model the scenarios below
Scenario 1: Light weighting
Modelling: The bottles are made thinner to save material. Reduce the mass of PET and PP by 10% each and
update any other parts of the life cycle affected by the new mass.
Points to consider:
The reaction of consumers is unclear since they are not used to such thin packaging. People will suspect
that the strength of the bottle has decreased and think it will be easy to break (even if it is not). Market
surveys show a possible reduction in sales of up to 25%.
An initial investment of 20,000 is necessary to adapt the production process.
Costs of materials: PET 0.29 /kg, PP 0.44 /kg, paper (Kraft) 0.45 /kg.
In the baseline production process, material costs make up 45% of the total cost of manufacture. The
other 55% is utilities (electricity, gas, etc.).
Scenario 3: More recycling
Modelling: Recycled material and end-of-life recycling are prioritised. Replace 40% of your PET feedstock with
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 100% recycled (same transport assumptions). Reduce the amount of waste
going to landfill by 35% on the assumption that people recycle more.
Points to consider:
Recycled PET is 30% cheaper than virgin PET.
Part of the plan involves paying for an extra 15,000 recycling bins for the local area. This could provide
good PR, but at a cost of 15 per bin.
One survey says that 60% of consumers will not recycle their bottles because they believe that recycling
is not worth it. However, the more people recycle, the lower the cost of recycled PET.
You are the best customer of a local PET resin supplier. They only supply virgin PET, therefore reduced
orders from you might lead to job losses.
Scenario 4: Cogeneration
Modelling: A combined heat and power plant is installed at the factory. Replace electricity with Electricity-CHP1. Replace heat and steam with Heat-CHP-1.
Points to consider:
The CHP system can reduce your energy bills by up to 40%; however the payback time will depend on
sales volume (i.e. income). The government gives you a grant of 50% of the cost of a second-hand CHP
with a total cost of 250,000. Under the current situation, the payback time is estimated to be 4 years,
but due to the crisis in Europe the company is uncertain about the investment.
CHP systems can be noisy; the workers are complaining about health and safety issues.
The only available space to install the CHP system was planned to be used for an extension to the
workers canteen. The union is not happy with the decision and ask for some kind of compensation.
3. Results
Enter the carbon footprints that you have calculated into the table to compare the different scenarios.
Carbon footprint
(kg CO-eq./f.u.)
4. Decision-making
Homework: By the next session, you must work in your team (i.e. Team A and Team B work separately) to
prepare a short presentation (15 minutes max.) in which you choose one scenario and justify your choice.
Your decision should consider environmental, economic and social issues and must include:
1. the results of the baseline scenario and the two other scenarios that you have modelled,
2. the criteria used to justify your decision; and
3. suggested ways to mitigate any drawbacks of your chosen scenario.
See last page for mark scheme.
Final sustainability assessment and debate
1. Present your decision-making
See step 4 from Day 2.