Textile Shopping: in Basic PHP
Textile Shopping: in Basic PHP
Textile Shopping: in Basic PHP
Basic Php
Six week Industrial Training
Lovepreet lovly
Miss Anita
This is to certify that work entitled Textile Shopping using PHP is
a bona fide report of the project work done by miss Lovepreet
lovly Reg.No.:-21401514, for submitted towards partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
computer engg.
Yadavindra college of engg
Talwandi sabo.
Project on Rama textile represents that it provides a quick and easy search for attires
and information about their price.Since user can easy search theat they want to visit and
know about them.The system being give an accurate information regarding the Attires
.The proposal system which will allow the user to quickly and easily search attires and
shoes according to requirement.
I am highly grateful to the Dr. Balraj Singh Brar, Head, Yadavindra College of
Engineering, Talwandi Sabo, for providing this opportunity to carry out the six week
industrial training at
Mastermind institute at barnala
The constant guidance and encouragement received from Dr. Jagtar Singh (Training and
Placement Incharge) and Er. Ashok Kumar Bathla (Faculty Incharge, Training and
Placement, CE Section), YCoETalwandi Sabo have been of great help in carrying out the
project work and is acknowledged with reverential thanks.
The authors would like to express a deep sense of gratitude and thanks profusely to
Mr Shiv Singla Director/CEO of Company, without the wise counsel and able guidance,
it would have been impossible to complete the report in this manner.
The help rendered by miss Anita Supervisor (mastermind) for experimentation is greatly
The author express gratitude to other faculty members of CE section of YCoE for their
intellectual support throughout the course of this work.
Finally, the authors are indebted to all whosoever have contributed in this report work and
friendly stay at mastermind.
Table of Content
1.1 introduction to project.9
1.2 an expert person module10
1.3 An inventory manager module..10
2.1 overview of organisation....10-11
5.1 product definit
5.1.2 problem statement16
5.13 processing environment....16-18
5.2 feasibility analysis
5.2.1 purpose..19
5.2.2 application..19
5.2.3 feasibilty study areas technical feasibility...20 economic feasibility...21 operational feasibility..22 steps in feasibility analysis ..23
5.3 programming language & development tools24
7.1 database design.26-28
7.2 form design.29-31
8.1 introduction.32-34
8.2 types of testing.34-37
9.1 implementation of project..38
11. BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................41
introduction to project
This project is aimed at developing Textile Management System (TMS) for a Textile
Company. This system can be used to store the details of the Stock, update the Stock
based on the sale details, produce receipts for sales, generate sales and inventory reports
periodically etc. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component and
the admin component.
The traditional textile and clothing industry is loosing its jobs and capacity in the
different countries as well as in the whole country. The industry needs more value added
products compared to the low cost imports that are flooding the market. Intelligent
textiles and wearable technology is a new and exciting research and development area
that cross-scientifically implants new properties into the traditional textile products, such
as monitoring biosignals through textile embedded sensors, automatic thermal regulation
based on phase change or shape memory materials, transfer of signals by means of fibre
optics, etc.
The aspects of business, from analysing the market, confirmin availability of various
necessities such as plant & machinery, raw materials to forecasting the financial
Requirements. The scope of the report includes assessing market potential, negotiating
with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in
a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting
financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material, formulating the cash flow
statement, projecting the balance sheet etc. We also offer self-contained Pre-Investment
and Pre-Feasibility Studies, Market Surveys and Studies, Preparation of TechnoEconomic Feasibility Reports, Identification and Selection of Plant and Machinery,
Manufacturing Process and or Equipment required, General Guidance, Technical and
Commercial Counseling for setting up new industrial projects on the following topics.
Many of the engineers, project consultant & industrial consultancy firms in India and
worldwide use our project reports as one of the input in doing their analysis.
This system runs on multiple terminals, offers a GUI interface to its users and connects to
a common database(s).
System Modules
User Module
These were the modules which are discussed till date, can be modified according
to future needs
1..2A export person Module
see the status of the stock, ie, whether a particular item is available or not
search for a particular item by typing the initial letters (app for example
may bring up the item apple in the top) or by category-wise (apple, for
example, may be looked up by going through the category fruits)
enter the items purchased by a customer and produce a bill for the same.
cancel the produced bill, in case of error in entering the details, and
produce a new one
take back an already sold item that is not satisfactory to the customer (the
shop allows that) and produce a receipt for the same
inform the inventory manager about the items that are not available, so
that they can be stocked
get help about the system on how to use the different features of the
see the reports from sales people about items that are not available and
need to be kept in the inventory
validate the stock against the sales done in the previous day (whether the
items that are sold and the change in the inventory for the corresponding
items match etc)
The aim of this project is to develop Rama Textiles website. This project is designed to
address the needs of textiles officials seeking to implement textiles projects, or those
already involved with such venture. It outlines key strategic issues that need to be
considered and addressed in the implementation of technology based texiles initiatives.
The modules assigned are:
see the status of the stock, ie, whether a particular item is available
or not etc
search for a particular item by typing the initial letters (app for
example may bring up the item apple in the top) or by categorywise (apple, for example, may be looked up by going through the
category fruits)
enter the items purchased by a customer and produce a bill for the
same (the bill will have a unique sale id, date, time,
item/quantity/price details etc)
cancel the produced bill, in case of error in entering the details, and
produce a new one
inform the inventory manager about the items that are not available,
so that they can be stocked
The project is to computerize the working of textiles officials. The manual system of
textiles tasks such as user entry and search any thing , registration of customers applying
for buy any product for opening new shop which may be pure good or not good etc.
takes lot of time and has lot of paper work. Due to this lot of time is wasted and
processing speed and data entering speed became very slow.
Therefore need for computerization not due to the large volume of data transactions are
taking place, but to maintain the integrity of data. Some data has to re-write in various
files due to which it is possible for error to creep in. This type of errors are difficult to
find, as it requires comparing four-five files which leads to wastage of time and
manpower . But with the use of this software these kinds of inconsistencies can be
avoided, because it informs the moment the error is committed, thus the data integrity is
In the existing system all the work from addition of new records to modifying is done
manually. During customer entry, the first step is to fill up details about him like his
name, father name, address, type of license applying for, details of certificate required to
issue a license etc. takes a lot of time then license no. allocated must be entered in the
register manually which again consume a lot of time and space. The means for reading
and gaining knowledge is books i.e. frustrating to both user and client.
With the use of this software reports can be generated very easily and instantly where as
using manual system it takes lot of time to generate reports. It is possible that user may
leave empty or different records for same fields in different files but through this software
such kind of errors cant creep in.
Also as software is graphical it is easier for new computer users to use it easily and
effectively. With the use of this software the overall speed of data transaction will
increase to great extent
All the work concerned is done manually. All the information is stored in excel
sheets or files. A lot of time is consumed in integrating the files and generating
reviews of resource utilization.
Maintaining separate files for each department can lead to duplication of data
present in files. This can lead to:
Update anomalies
Decentralization problems
Human Errors:
Human kind of errors may be generated in typing errors and slow arithmetic
calculations, fatigue and boredom.
Report Generation:
There is no report generation. This can lead to difficulties in the later stage. If the
executive wants information regarding anything, he has to search whole database
which leads to a lot of time wastage.
User Friendly:
The existing system is not user friendly and also it is not interactive.
It is highly interactive.
No data redundancy.
5.1 Product Definition
5.1.1 Problem Statement:The main purpose of the product specification is to define the need of the products user.
Sometimes, the specification may be a part of a contract sign between the producer and
the user. It could also form part of the user manuals. A users needs are sometimes not
clearly understood by the developer. If this is the case, a careful analysis involving
many interactions with the user should be devoted to reaching a clear statement of
requirements; in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.
Sometimes, at the beginning of a project, even the user has no clear idea of what exactly
the desired product is. Think for instance of user interface , a user with no previous
experience with computer products may not appreciate the difference between , say
menu driven interaction and a command line interface. Even an exact formation of system
functions and performance may be missing an initial description produced by an
inexperienced user.
5.1.2 Functions to be provided:With project the government can manage data more easily. For this the system has been
analyzed and clearly understood. We are required to make this computerized and also
provide online access of the connection to the resources.
Proper authorization as user name and password is given to each user of the
Proper security as no user can see the web forms which are not allotted to him/her.
5.1.3 Processing Environment: Hardware & Software Profile:Hardware Environment (Deployment Server)
PC (Windows)
Intel Pentium Processor 2.80GHz or
4.00GB RAM
40 GB
Hardware Environment (End users PC)
PC (Windows)
Intel Pentium Processor, 233
MHz or equivalent.
10 MB of free HDD space
for Internet Cache
Internet Connection
56 K Model Connection
Software Environment (Deployment Server)
Operating System
MS Windows Server 2003 or
Other software
Dreamweaver or other
Web Server
IE 6.0 or IE 7.0, Firefox
Technology Used:
PHP 5.0
Database Used
Technical feasibility
Operational feasibility
Economic feasibility
Social feasibility
Management feasibility
Legal feasibility
project were also present in the form of competent software professionals. Thus the
project was considered technically feasible. Economic Feasibility:
Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the effectiveness
of a proposed system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis, the procedure is to
determine the benefits and saving that are expected from a proposed system and compare
them with cost. If benefits outweigh cost, a decision is taken to design and implement the
system. Otherwise, further justification or alternative in the proposed system will have to
be made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that
improves in accuracy at each phase of the system life cycle.
The costs include development costs, equipment costs, personal costs like team members
salaries, operating costs like power used etc. Since, the benefits and savings overweigh
costs, a decision is made to design and implement the system. Operation Feasibility:
It is mainly related to human organizational aspects. The points to be considered are:
What changes will be brought with the system?
What organization structures are disturbed?
What new skills will be required?
Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not, can they be trained in due course
of time?
Proposed system is beneficial only if they can be turned into information system that will
meet the organization operating requirements and efficiency. As the system is user
friendly for those who have to maintain the records of work done on each project by
various resources and also to resources that have to make their day to day time entries. If
the user wants more facilities that can also be provided
5.3 Programming Languages and Development Tools:PHP is a programming language designed to generate web pages interactively on the
computer serving them, called a web server . Unlike HTML, where the web browser uses
tags and markup to generate a page, PHP code runs between the requested page and the
web server, adding to and changing the basic HTML output. For example, PHP code
could be used to display a counter of visitors to a site.
PHP, in less than 20 lines of code, can store the IP address from which a page request
comes in a separate file, and then display the number of unique IP addresses that visited a
particular site. The person requesting the web page doesn't know that PHP generated the
page, because the counter text is part of the standard HTML markup language that the
PHP code generated.
PHP makes web development easy, because all the code you need is contained within the
PHP framework. This means that there's no reason for you to reinvent the wheel each
time you sit down to develop a PHP program; that would be something you'd have to do
if you were using a compiled language like C.
While PHP is great for developing web functionality, it is not a database. The database of
choice for PHP developers is MySQL, which acts like a filing clerk for PHP-processed
user information. MySQL automates the most common tasks related to storing and
retrieving specific user information based on your supplied criteria.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a computer language used to store, manipulate, and
retrieve data stored in databases. The first manifestation of SQL appeared in 1974, when a
group in IBM developed the first sample of a relational database. The first commercial
relational database was released by Relational Software.
Standards for SQL exist. However, the SQL that can be used on each one of the major
RDBMS today is in different flavors.
SQL is short for Structured Query Language and is a widely used database language,
providing means of data manipulation (store, retrieve, update, delete) and database
Almost all modern Relational Database Management Systems like MS SQL Server,
Microsoft Access, MSDE, Oracle, DB2, Sybase, MySQL, Postgres and Informix use SQL
as standard database language. Now a word of warning here, although all those RDBMS
use SQL, they use different SQL dialects. For example MS SQL Server specific version
of the SQL is called T-SQL, Oracle version of SQL is called PL/SQL, MS Access version
of SQL is called JET SQL, etc.
Our SQL tutorial will teach you how to use commonly used SQL commands and you will
be able to apply most of the knowledge gathered from this SQL tutorial to any of the
databases above.
This SQL tutorial site lists commonly-used SQL statements, and it covers the following
1- SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML)
2- SQL Data Definition Language (DDL)
In Structured Query Language we use syntax for executing queries. And the SQL
language also covers a syntax to Select, Update, Insert, and Delete records in a database
and these points of interacting with database is called DML.
In Select section we will learn how to extract data from the database.
Methods for performing input, validation and steps to follow when errors occur?
Design of Output
Output as you probably know generally refers to the results and information that are
generated by the system. For many end users, output is the main reason for
developing the system and the basis on which they will evaluate the usefulness of the
application. Most end users will not actually operate the information system or enter
data through workstation, but they will use the output from the system.
Whether to display, print, or speak the information and select output the medium?
Arrows representing the data flows, which can either, be electronic data or
physical items.
There are several common modeling rules that I follow when creating DFDs:
All processes must have at least one data flow in and one data flow out.
All processes should modify the incoming data, producing new forms of outgoing
Each data store must be involved with at least one data flow.
Each external entity must be involved with at least one data flow.
7.1 Database Design:
A decade ago, database was unique to large corporations with mainframes. Today it is
recognized as a standard of MIS and is available for virtually every size of computer.
Before the database concept became operational, users had programs that own data
independent of other users. It was a conventional file environment, common data are
available and used by several users. Instead of each program managing its own data, data
across application are shared by authorized users with the data base software managing
the data as an entity. A program now requests data through the data base management
system, which determines data sharing.
IMPRO uses SQL Server 2000 for storing the data. The database design becomes very
crucial and important part of the system.
Objectives of Database
The general theme behind a database is to handle information as an integrated whole.
There is none of artificiality that is normally embedded in separate files or
applications. A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum
redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective is to
make information access easy, quick, and inexpensive and flexibility for the user. In
data base design, several specific objectives are considered:
Controlled redundancy
Redundancy data occupies space and therefore, is wasteful. If versions of the same
data are in different phases of updating, the system often gives conflicting
information. A unique aspect data base design is storing only once, which controls
redundancy and improves system performance.
Data Integration
It refers to the fact that the data is stored physically at different locations, but logically
the information is centralized.
Data Independence
Data Independence is the insulation of application programs from changing aspects of
physical data organization.
7.1.1 Description of Master Tables used in this project:
Table Name: tabl
Description: This table is used to store details of the customers.
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8.1 Introduction
The testing activities are done in all phases of the lifecycle in an iterative software
development approach. However, the emphasis on testing activities varies in different
phases. This procedure explains the focus of testing in inception, elaboration,
construction and transition phases. In the inception phase most of requirements capturing
is done and the test plan is developed. In elaboration phase most of design is developed,
and test cases are developed. Construction phase mainly focuses on development of
components and units, and unit testing is the focus in this phase. Transition phase is about
deploying software in the user community and most of the system testing and acceptance
testing is done in this phase.
The main purposes of this procedure are:
To identify and ensure defects are addressed prior to the deployment of the
Test Planning
Initial test plan addresses system test planning, and over the elaboration, construction and
transition phases this plan is updated to cater other testing requirements of these phases,
like, unit & integration testing. The test Plan must contain the following:
Scope of testing
Methodology to be used for testing
The Acceptance Plan is reviewed as defined in PMP based on the Review Procedure and
the review records are maintained properly.
Unit Testing
Unit testing is done as per Testing Guidelines.
In t egrat i on Test i n g
The system integrator compiles and links the system in increments. Each increment needs
to go through testing of the functionality that has been added, as well as all tests the
previous builds went through (regression tests). Within an iteration, integration testing is
executed several times until the whole system has been successfully integrated.
Testing is done as per the Test Plan for the project. A Testing Team who may be an
independent team or may include members of the project team carries out the tests.
S y st e m Test i n g
System testing is initiated through a System release and a Release Note from
Development team to the testing team. The purpose of the System Testing is to ensure
that the complete system functions are intended. The system roles in PMP compile and
link the system in increments.
System Testing is similar to the Integration testing except that it is run under customer
environment or in an environment as similar as to the customer environment, as possible.
During the System testing the performance criteria is tested and factors like stress,
transaction timing, volume of data, transaction frequency etc. are validated. The ability of
the Software to be installed in an environment likely to be encountered at the site of the
customer is also checked here.
System testing of the software is performed against base lined software and the base lined
documentation of the customer requirements and the software requirements specification
After System Testing, efforts should be made to conduct other types of testing such as:
Stress Testing/Volume Testing (testing the performance etc.)
Security testing (testing the system against security measures e.g. password, etc.)
Integration Testing:
In this, many units tested modules are combined into subsystems, which are then tested.
The goal here is to see if the modules can be integrated properly. Hence, the emphasis is
on testing interfaces between modules. This testing activity can be considered testing the
Pre-Acceptance Testing:
Acceptance testing is running the system with live data by the actual. It is performed
with realistic data of the client to demonstrate that the software is working satisfactorily.
Regression Testing:
It is performed when some changes are made up to an existing system. A change is made
to up grade the software by adding new features and functionality. The modified software
needs to be testing to make sure that new features to be added do indeed work. Besides
ensuring the desired behavior of the new services, testing has to sure that the desired
behavior of the old services is maintained. This is task of regression testing.
Validation Testing:
User input must be validated to conform to expected values. For example, if the software
program is requesting input on the price of an item, and is expecting a value such as 3.99,
the software must check to make sure all invalid cases are handled. A user could enter the
price as -1 and achieve results contrary to the design of the program. Other examples of
entries that be entered and cause a failure in the software include: 1.20.35, Abc,
0.000001, and 999999999. These are possible test scenarios that should be entered
for each point of user input. Typically when invalid user input occurs, the program will
either correct it automatically, or display a message to the user that their input needs to be
corrected before proceeding.
Stress Testing:
In software testing, stress testing refers to tests that determine the robustness of software
by testing beyond the limits of normal operation. Stress testing is particularly important
for mission critical software, but is used for all types of software. Stress tests
commonly put a greater emphasis on robustness, availability, and error handling under a
heavy load, than on what would be considered correct behavior under normal
Reasons for stress testing include:
The software being tested is mission critical, that is, failure of the software
(such as a crash) would have disastrous consequences.
The amount of time and resources dedicated to testing is usually not sufficient,
with traditional testing methods, to test all of the situations in which the software will
be used when it is released.
Even with sufficient time and resources for writing tests, it may not be possible to
determine beforehand all of the different ways in which the software will be used.
This particularly true for operating systems and middleware, which will eventually be
used by software that doesnt even exist at the time of the testing.
Customers may use the software on computers that have significantly fewer
computational resources (such as memory or disk space) than the computers used for
Software such as web servers that will be accessible over the Internet may be
subject to denial of service attacks.
Under normal conditions, certain types of bugs, such as memory leaks, can be
fairly begin and difficult to detect over the short periods of time in which testing is
performed. However, these bugs can still be potentially serious. In a sense, stress
testing for a relatively short period of time can be seen as simulating normal operation
for a longer period of time.
Performance Testing:
In software engineering, performance testing is testing that is performed, from one
perspective, to determine how fast some aspect of a system performs under a particular
workload. It can also serve to validate and verify other quality attributes of the system,
such as scalability and reliability.
Performance testing can serve different purposes. It can demonstrate that the system
meets performance criteria. It can compare two systems to find which performs better. Or
it can measure what parts of the system or workload cause the system to perform badly. In
the diagnostic case, software engineers use tools such as profilers to measure what
parts of a device or software contribute most to the poor performance or to establish
throughput levels (and thresholds) for maintained acceptable response time. It is critical
to the cost performance of a new system that performance test efforts begin at the
inception of the development project and extend through to deployment. The later a
performance defect is detected, the higher the cost of remediation. This is true in the case
of functional testing, but even more so with performance testing, due to the end-to-end
nature of its scope.
The term implementation has different meanings, ranging from the conversion of a basic
application to a complete replacement of a computer system. However the procedure is
almost similar. Implementation is used here to mean the process of converting a new or a
revised system design into an operational one. Conversion is one aspect of
implementation. The other aspects are the post implementation review and software
There are three types of implementation:
In our case we are having third type of implementation in which we are replacing the
existing excel work in a web based centralized system. This type of implementation is
relatively easy as compared to other two.
This phase is less creative than design phase. It is primarily concerned with user training,
site preparation and file conversions. The final communications and links to other
modules and hardware components are established to make the software operative. After
that the program is run with live data otherwise a diagnostic
Procedure is used to locate and correct the errors in program. In most of the cases, a
parallel run is conducted where the new software runs simultaneously with the older one,
thats why software implementation includes the installation of original software and
Before developing any project the requirement should be made well clear so that
after developing it the programmer does not have to change it.
Time and cost are those constraints, which are never told but always accounted
Project should be error free and made in such a way so that modifications can be
done in future.
The whole IT industry is changing so rapidly that is hard to draw distinct and
channeled procedures for software development. Theories and concepts taught
cease to provide the right kind of approach and attitude. Dynamism is the key
factor and is the principle working behind all the upcoming advancement and
All members of the project team have to be cooperative with each other.