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Some Basic Keys Common Tasks

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Computer - Some Short-Cut Keys

Hello Readers,
In view of the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2014, here we are providing you all "Computer - Some Short-Cut
Keys". Seeing the trend of the IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern till now, 3-4 questions can be expected in the
future too. So, please practise well!!

Some basic Keys Common Tasks

Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar - Create a non breaking space

Ctrl + B - Make letters bold

Ctrl + I - Make letters italic

Ctrl + U - Make letters underline

Ctrl + Shift+ < - Decrease font size one value

Ctrl + Shift + > - Increase the font size one value

Ctrl + [ - Increase the font size by 1 point

Ctrl + ] - Decrease the font size by 1 point

Ctrl + Spacebar - Remove paragraph or character formatting.

Ctrl + C - Copy the selected text or object

Ctrl + X - Cut the selected text or object

Ctrl + V - Paste text or an object

Ctrl + Alt + V - Paste special

Ctrl + Shift + V - Paste formatting only

Ctrl + Z - Undo the last action

Ctrl + Y - Redo the last action

Control - Keys + Function Keys

Ctrl+F2 - Choose the print preview command (Microsoft office Button)

Ctrl+F3 - Cut on the spike

Ctrl+F4 - Close the window

Ctrl+F6 - Go to the next window

Ctrl+F9 - Insert an empty field

Ctrl+F10 - Maximise the document window

Ctrl+F11 - Lock a field

Ctrl+F12 - Choose the Open command (Microsoft Office Button)

Function Keys

Ctrl+F2 - Choose the print preview command (Microsoft office Button)

Ctrl+F3 - Cut on the spike

Ctrl+F4 - Close the window

Ctrl+F6 - Go to the next window

Ctrl+F9 - Insert an empty field

Ctrl+F10 - Maximise the document window

Ctrl+F11 - Lock a field

Ctrl+F12 - Choose the Open command (Microsoft Office Button)

Ctrl+F2 - Choose the print preview command (Microsoft office Button)

Ctrl+F3 - Cut on the spike

Ctrl+F4 - Close the window

Shortcut Keys of MS-Excel

F2 - Edit the selected cell

F5 - Go to a specific cell

F7 - Spell check selected text and/or document

F11 - Create chart

Ctrl + Shift + ; - Enter the current time

Ctrl + ; - Enter the current date

Shift + F3 - Open the Excel formula window

Shift + F5 - Bring up search box.

Ctrl + A - Select all contents of the worksheet

Ctrl + B - Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + I - Italic highlighted selection

Ctrl + U - Underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + P - Bring up the print dialog box to begin printing

Ctrl + Z - Undo last action

Ctrl + F9 - Minimise current workbook

Ctrl + F10 - Maximise currently selected workbook

Ctrl + F6 - Switch between open workbooks/window

Ctrl + Page Up - Move between Excel worksheet in the same Excel document.

Ctrl + Page Down - Move between Excel worksheets in the same Excel document

Ctrl + Tab - Move between two or more open Excel files

Alt + = - Create a formula to sum all of the above cells

Ctrl + - Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.

Ctrl + Arrow key - Move to next section to text

Ctrl + Space - Select entire column

Shift + Space - Select entire row

Read more: http://www.bankersadda.com/2014/12/computer-some-short-cutkeys.html#ixzz3x2vHlgmz

Computer - Some Important Abbreviations

Hello Readers,
In view of the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2014, here we are providing you all Computer - "Some Important
Abbreviations". Seeing the trend of the IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern till now, 3-4 questions can be expected
in the future too. So, please practise well!!

Al Artificial intelligence

ALGOL Algorithmic Language

ARP Address resolution Protocol

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

BINAC - Binary Automatic Computer

BCC Blind Carbon Copy

Bin Binary

BASIC - Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

BIOS Basic Input Output System

Bit Binary Digit

BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

CC Carbon Copy

CAD Computer Aided Design

COBOL Common Business Oriented Language

CD Compact Disc

CRT Cathode Ray Tube

CDR Compact Disc Recordable

CDROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory

CDRW Compact Disc Rewritable

CDR/W Compact Disk Read/Write

DBA Data Base Administrator

DBMS Data Base Management System

DNS Domain Name System

DPI Dots Per Inch

DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory

DVD Digital Video Disc/Digital Versatile Disc

DVDR DVD Recordable

DVDROM DVD Read Only Memory

DVDRW DVD Rewritable

DVR Digital Video Recorder

DOS Disk Operating System

EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

e-Commerce Electronic Commerce

EDP Electronic Data Processing

EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

ELM/e-Mail Electronic Mail

ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

EOF - End Of File

EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EXE - Executable

FAX - Far Away Xerox/ facsimile

FDC - Floppy Disk Controller

FDD - Floppy Disk Drive

FORTRAN - Formula Translation

FS - File System

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

Gb - Gigabit

GB - Gigabyte

GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication

HDD - Hard Disk Drive

HP - Hewlett Packard

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

IBM - International Business Machine

IM - Instant Message

IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol

ISP - Internet Service Provider

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

Kb - Kilobit

KB - Kilobyte

KHz - Kilohertz

Kbps - Kilobit Per Second

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LED Light Emitting Diode

LPI Lines Per Inch

LIS Large Scale Integration

Mb Megabit

MB Megabyte

MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group

MMS Multimedia Message Service

MICR Magnetic Ink Character reader

MIPS Million Instructions Per Second

NIC Network Interface Card

NOS Network Operating System

OMR Optical Mark Reader

OOP Object Oriented Programming

OSS Open Source Software

PAN Personal Area Network

PC Personal Computer

PDA - Personal Digital Assistant

PDF Portable Document Format

POS Point Of Sale

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

PPM Pages Per Minute

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol

PROM Programmable Read Only Memory

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network

POST Power On Self Test

PING Packet Internet Gopher

RAM Random Access Memory

RDBMS Relational Data Base Management System

RIP Routing Information Protocol

RTF Rich Text Format

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SQL Structured Query Language

SRAM Static Random Access Memory

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SIM Subscriber Identification Module

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TB Tera Bytes

UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

URI Uniform Resource Identifier

URL Uniform Resource Locator

USB - Universal Serial Bus

ULSI - Ultra Large Scale Integration

UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer

VAR Variable

VGA Video Graphics Array

VSNL Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

VDU Visual Display Unit

Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access

WWW World Wide Web

WORM Write Once Read Many

XHTML eXtensible Hyper text Markup Language

XML - eXtensible Markup language

ZB Zeta Byte

Some other Important Abbreviations

OCR - Optical Character Readers

ODBC - Open Data Base Connectivity

OLE - Object Linking And Embedding

OMR - Optical Mark Reader

ONE - Open Network Architecture

OOA - Object Orient Analysis

OOAD - Object Oriented Analysis And Design

OOP - Object Oriented Programming

OOPS - Object Oriented Programming System

OPEN GL - Open Graphics Library

OS - Operating System

OSI - Open System Interconnection

PC - Personal Computer

PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect

PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

PDA - Personal Digital Assistant

PDF - Portable Document Format

PDL - Page Description Language

PDU - Protocol Data Unit

PIC - Programming Interrupt Control

PILOT - Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching

PLA - Programmable Logic Array

PLC - Programmable Logic Controller

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

PNP - Plug And Play

PPP - Peer To Peer Protocol

PPTP - Point To Point Tunneling Protocol

PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory

PS - Post Script

RADSL - Rate Adaptive Digital Subscribes Line

RAID - Redundant Array Of Independent Disks

RAM - Random Access Memory

RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital To Analog Converter

RAS - Remote Access Network

RD RAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory

RDBMS - Relational Data Base Management System

RDO - Remote Data Objects

RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol

RFC - Request For Comments

RGB - Red Green Blue

RICS - Reduced Instruction Set Computer

RIP - Raster Image Processor

RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer

ROM - Read Only Memory

RPC - Remote Procedure Call

RTC - Real Time Clock

RTF - Rich Text Format

RTOS - Real Time Operating System

SACK - Selective Acknowledgements

SAM - Security Access Manager

SAP - Service Access Point, Systems ApplicationsProducts

SCMP - Software Configuration Management Plan

SD RAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random AccessMemory

SDD - Software Design Description

SDK - Software Development Kit

SDL - Storage Definition Language

SDN - Integrated Service Digital Network

SDSL - Symmetric Digital Subscribes Line

SG RAM - Synchronous Graphics Random AccessMemory

SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language

SIM - Subscriber Identification Module

SIMD - Single Instruction Multiple Data

SISD - Single Instruction Single Data

SIU - Serial Interface Unit

SMP - Symmetric MultiProcess

SMS - Short Message Service

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNA - System Network Architecture

SNAP - Sub Network Access Protoco

lSNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

SNOBOL - String Oriented Symbolic Language

SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol

SPX - Sequenced Packet Exchange

SQA - Statistical Quality Assurance

SQL - Structured Query Language

SRAM - Static Random Access Memory

SRS - Software Requirements Specification

STP - Shielded Twisted Pair

SVVP - Software Verification And Validation Plan

SW - Software

TAPI - Telephony Application Program Interface

TB - Tera Bytes

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

TCPIP - Transmission Control Protocol InternetProtocol

TDI - Transport Data Interface

TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access

TPM - Transactions Processing Monitor

TSR - Terminate And Stay Residents

UDD - User Datagram Protocol

UDP - User Datagram Protocol

UI - User Interface

UML - Unified Modelling Language

UNC - Universal Naming Convention

UNIX - Uniplexed Information And ComputerSystems

URL - Universal Resource Locator

USB - Universal Serial Bus

USRT - Universal Synchronous ReceiverTransmitted

UTP -Unshielded Twisted Pair

VAN - Virtual Area Network

VAST - Very Small Aperture Terminal

VB - Visual Basic

VC++ - Visual C++

VCD - Video Compact Disc

VDL - View Definition Language

VGA - Video Graphics Array

VHS - Video Home System

VLIW - Very Long Instruction Words

VLSI - Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits

VPN - Virtual Private Network

VRAM - Video Random Access Memory

VRML - Virtual Reality Modelling Language

VS - Visual Studio

VVR - Software Validation And Validation Report

VXD - Virtual Device Driver

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

WAIS - Wide Area Information Servers

WAN - Wide Area Network

WAP - Wireless Application Protocol

WBEM - WebBase Enterprise Management

WDM - Wave Division Multiplexing

Read more: http://www.bankersadda.com/2014/12/computer-some-importantabbreviations.html#ixzz3x2uywcqc

Computer - Some Important Short Forms

Hello Readers,
Here we are presenting to you all the "Computer - Some Important Short Forms". Hope you all like the

GOOGLE : Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth .

YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle .

WINDOW : Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution

COMPUTER : Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under

Technical and Educational Research.

VIRUS : Vital Information Resources Under Siege .

UMTS : Universal Mobile Telecommunications System .

AMOLED: Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode

OLED : Organic light-emitting diode

IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity .

ESN: Electronic Serial Number .

UPS: uninterrupted power supply .

HDMI: High-Definition Multimedia Interface

VPN: virtual private network

APN: Access Point Name

SIM: Subscriber Identity Module

LED: Light emitting diode.

DLNA: Digital Living Network Alliance

RAM: Random access memory.

ROM: Read only memory.

VGA: Video Graphics Array

QVGA: Quarter Video Graphics Array

WVGA: Wide video graphics array.

WXGA: Wide screen Extended Graphics Array

USB: Universal serial Bus

WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network

PPI: Pixels Per Inch

LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.

HSDPA: High speed down-link packet access.

HSUPA: High-Speed Uplink Packet Access

HSPA: High Speed Packet Access

GPRS: General Packet Radio Service

EDGE: Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution

NFC: Near field communication

OTG: on-the-go

S-LCD: Super Liquid Crystal Display

O.S: Operating system.

SNS: Social network service


P.O.I: point of interest

GPS: Global Positioning System

DVD: Digital Video Disk / digital versatile disc

DTP: Desk top publishing.

DNSE: Digital natural sound engine .

OVI: Ohio Video Intranet

CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access

WCDMA: Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access

GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications

WI-FI: Wireless Fidelity

DIVX: Digital internet video access.

APK: authenticated public key.

J2ME: java 2 micro edition

DELL: Digital electronic link library.

ACER: Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection

RSS: Really simple syndication

TFT: thin film transistor

AMR: Adaptive Multi- Rate

MPEG: moving pictures experts group

IVRS: Interactive Voice Response System

HP: Hewlett Packard-Gauri

Read more: http://www.bankersadda.com/2015/01/computer-some-important-short-forms.html#ixzz3x2uaPMMm

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