Some Basic Keys Common Tasks
Some Basic Keys Common Tasks
Some Basic Keys Common Tasks
Hello Readers,
In view of the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2014, here we are providing you all "Computer - Some Short-Cut
Keys". Seeing the trend of the IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern till now, 3-4 questions can be expected in the
future too. So, please practise well!!
Function Keys
F5 - Go to a specific cell
Ctrl + Page Up - Move between Excel worksheet in the same Excel document.
Ctrl + Page Down - Move between Excel worksheets in the same Excel document
Ctrl + - Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.
Hello Readers,
In view of the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2014, here we are providing you all Computer - "Some Important
Abbreviations". Seeing the trend of the IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern till now, 3-4 questions can be expected
in the future too. So, please practise well!!
Al Artificial intelligence
Bin Binary
CC Carbon Copy
CD Compact Disc
EXE - Executable
FS - File System
Gb - Gigabit
GB - Gigabyte
HP - Hewlett Packard
IM - Instant Message
Kb - Kilobit
KB - Kilobyte
KHz - Kilohertz
Mb Megabit
MB Megabyte
PC Personal Computer
TB Tera Bytes
VAR Variable
ZB Zeta Byte
OS - Operating System
PC - Personal Computer
PS - Post Script
SW - Software
TB - Tera Bytes
UI - User Interface
VB - Visual Basic
VS - Visual Studio
Hello Readers,
Here we are presenting to you all the "Computer - Some Important Short Forms". Hope you all like the
OTG: on-the-go