Polarity / Vector Group Test
Polarity / Vector Group Test
Polarity / Vector Group Test
test is performed across corresponding single winding.
Test Instruments:
Ratio meter.
Volt Meter. A Ratio meter may not always be available and this is usually the
case on site so that the polarity may be checked by voltmeter.
Test Procedure:
The primary and secondary windings are connected together at one point.
Connect neutral point of star connected winding with earth.
Low-voltage three-phase supply (415 V) is then applied to the HV terminals.
Voltage measurements are then taken between various pairs of terminals as
indicated in the diagram and the readings obtained should be the phasor sum
of the separate voltages of each winding under consideration.
The value of the short circuit impedance Z% and the load (copper) losses
(I2R) are obtained.
This test should be performed before the impulse test-if the later will be
performed as a routine test- in order to avoid readings errors
Test Instrument:
Megger or
Multi meter.
Test Procedure:
Suitable Low Voltage (3-phase 415V, 50Hz )will be applied to the terminals of
one winding (usually the H.V.) with the other winding short circuited with 50
sq. mm. Copper cable. (Usually the L.V.)
The applied voltage is adjusted to pass the needed current in the
primary/secondary. In order to simulate conditions nearest to full load, it is
customary to pass 100%, 50% or at least 25% of full load current.
Voltage to be increased gradually till the current in the energized winding
reaches the required value (50% to 100% rated current).
Measure the 3 Phase line currents at all tap position. If the tap-switch is an
Off-Circuit tap-switch, the supply has to be disconnected before changing the
tap. A consistent trend in the increase or decrease of current, as the case may
be, confirms the healthiness of the transformer.
If transformer is equipped with a tap changer, tapping regulations are applied.
(1) If tapping range within5% and rated power less than 2500kAV, load loss
guarantee refer to the principal tap only.
(2) If tapping range exceeds5% or rated power above 2500kAV, it shall be
stated for which tapping beside the principal tap the load losses will be
guaranteed by the manufacturer.
Three phase LT supply is applied on HV side of power transformer at normal
tap with rated current on HV side and currents measured in all the phases on
HV side and phases & neutral on LV side values noted.
Readings to be taken as quickly as possible as the windings warm up and the
winding resistance increases. Hence, the losses value will increase
Using appropriate instruments (conventional three watt meter method or
digital watt meter with ammeters & voltmeters) measurements of voltage,
currents and power can be recorded.
Since the current drawn on H.V. side is only about 5A in this test, CTs can be
avoided and hence phase angle error is not applicable.
Acceptance Criteria:
Winding deformation.
Deviation in name plate value.
In this test, the value of No-Load power (Po) & the No-Load current (Io) are
measured at rated voltage & frequency.
Test Instruments:
Watt meters.
Ammeter , Voltmeter or
Power analyses
Test Procedure:
This test should be performed before the impulse test-if the later will be
performed as a routine test- in order to avoid readings errors
Acceptance Criteria:
Megger or
Multi meter.
Test Procedure:
HV Side
LV Side
Zero Mega ohm or continuity
Zero Mega ohm or continuity
Test can detect:
Multi meter.
Mill Ammeter
Test Circuit Diagram:
First of all keep the tap changer in the lowest position and open all IV & LV