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Using ABAQUS For Reliability Analysis by Directional Simulation

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Using ABAQUS for reliability analysis by directional

I. R. Iversen and R. C. Bell
Prospect, www.prospect-fs.com
Abstract: Monte Carlo reliability calculations for high-reliability systems are very
computationally expensive. Variance reduction techniques optimize this process greatly and
directional simulation is one such technique. Directional simulation is particularly valuable for
high reliability systems where the failure surface is highly curved or dislocated. Subsea pipe-inpipe structures in certain classes represent such a system and Abaqus is ideally equipped to solve
this structural problem, which involves contact with friction, buckling, plasticity and fabrication
imperfections amongst other phenomena. The pipe-in-pipe structure is non-linear in normal
service. The directional simulation algorithms were programmed in VB and Excel. In addition, the
VB software generated the Abaqus input files to define a unique model for each combination of
parameters to populate the design space/failure surface. The tool also generated the Python
scripts required to launch and post-process the Abaqus runs automatically within the directional
simulation algorithm. The parameter selection was intelligent to the extent that the algorithm used
the available results to cluster runs in the regions of the failure surface that required the best
definition. This paper will demonstrate the techniques used and show how the tools were validated
on a known-reliability structure. The process of arriving at a probability-of-failure value for a
structure (with properties that are random variables) that behaves non-linearly under operating
loads will be described.


Load, force
Subscript for demand variable
Subscript for resistance variable, reliability
thickness, with subscripts f for flange and w for web

Keywords: Buckling, Design Optimization, Failure, Pipes, Pipeline, Plasticity, Probabilistic

Design, Safety, Python Scripting, Shell Structures, Reliability, Directional Simulation.

1. Introduction

Subsea pipe-in-pipe structures

In the early days of offshore oil and gas production, fixed platforms were sited directly above the
subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs and the fluids were transported nominally vertically from the
2008 Abaqus Users Conference

seabed to the platform topside for separation, processing and export. The high costs of such
offshore facilities required large hydrocarbon reserves to make them economic. In recent years,
technologies have been developed to recover oil and gas from smaller offshore reservoir volumes,
which would not have been economic if they required dedicated platforms. In the modern subsea
industry, multiple wells are connected to a single host facility through flowlines on the seabed,
some many miles long. These flowlines have to be designed for axial stability under fluctuating
temperatures and pressures and have to withstand the external pressure associated with water
depths up to many thousands of feet. At the same time, they must perform thermally to keep the
product warm both during transport over the long distances in cold (4C) water and in the event of
stopped production.
One solution to the demands of subsea flowlines is the pipe-in-pipe bundle concept. An inner pipe
provides pressure containment for the hydrocarbons using an acceptable minimum diameter. It is
coated in insulation, which in turn is sheathed by a sleeve pipe. The sleeve pipe is then housed
along with smaller pipes and umbilicals for power and control within an outer pipe. The
production line is centralized within the sleeve pipe by means of spacers and the sleeve pipe is
likewise held in position alongside the smaller lines within the carrier pipe by spacer assemblies.
A schematic cross-section of such a bundle with a view of a spacer assembly is shown in Figure 1.

carrier pipe

sleeve pipe
production line

other lines

Figure 1. Pipe-in-pipe bundle schematic with typical spacer.

The temperature differentials in the structure during production of hot hydrocarbons require
careful design of all the components. Such structures do not fit easily within pipeline design code
provisions so alternative methods are required to establish economic fitness-for-purpose. Abaqus
can be used to simulate the structural behavior of the system, representing initial imperfections,
out-of-straightness due to the seabed profile, lack-of-fit between the spacers and their guide pipes,
the thermal effects, contact, friction, buckling and non-linear material properties. This paper
shows how the FEA method was used to establish the probability of failure of such designs.

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Structural failure and reliability

The probabilistic theory in the failure of structures and its complimentary aspect of reliability is
now widely covered in the literature (e.g. Thoft-Christensen and Baker, 1982). If the failure of a
structure can be described mathematically by demand (D) exceeding resistance (R), as in for

D R > 0,


then there are several methods for determining the probability of failure when the stochastic nature
of the demand on the structure and the structures resistance are known or can be estimated. For
structures, the demands are commonly the loads and the resistance is made up of the sizes of the
structural elements and their material properties. Clearly, a dimensionally consistent form of the
failure function must be established, and a useful unit for structures is stress.
Taking an example where the load-induced stress SD and the yield stress SR are random variables
(e.g. normally distributed), then the stochastic nature of the failure probability can be visualized as
shown in Figure 2. The resistance variate here (sr), the yield stress for a common grade of
structural steel, has a mean of 416 N/mm and a standard deviation of 25 N/mm. The demand
variate (sd) is more uncertain, as seen by the less peaked PDF. The PDFs overlap and the
probability of failure Pf is related to the nature of the overlap. Mathematically,

Pf = P[S R S D ] =

sR sD

f D ( sD ) f R ( s R )ds R dsD .



P rob a b ility d en sity [-]












Stress [N/ mm]

Figure 2. Stochastic failure illustration interaction of demand and resistance.

2008 Abaqus Users Conference

In structural systems with many random variables and associated probability distributions, the
analytical solution of the failure integral (Equation 2) can become impractical. The development
of the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) and its second order variant (SORM) has provided
an alternative means for determining the probability of failure (Thoft-Christensen and Baker,
1982). The reliability of the system is the complement to the probability of failure;

R = 1 Pf .


However, a limitation on standard FORM/SORM is that the failure function must be available in
the form of a mathematical equation. Where an FEA model is used to determine if a structure
fails, no such equation will in general be available, so the FORM/SORM tools cannot be used
conventionally. One approach that circumvents this obstacle is to link the structural analysis
software directly to the reliability software, but this requires access to both source codes which is
generally impractical.

2. Monte Carlo methods


Crude Monte Carlo

Alternative approaches for structural reliability analysis are Monte Carlo methods. The basis of
the Monte Carlo method is that each random variable is sampled in accordance with its underlying
distribution and an FEA is performed using the sampled combination of random variable values (a
trial). The ratio of failed outcomes (a set of failure criteria must be defined) to the total number of
trials approximates the probability of failure.
The method is easy to understand but in its basic (Crude) form, it is extremely inefficient in its
use of computer resources and it becomes increasingly inefficient for high reliability problems,
and high reliability is the nature of practical components and structures. The predicted probability
of failure is not exact as in FORM/SORM, but becomes more accurate the more trials are
performed. Since the probability of failure is itself a random variable, sufficient sampling has to
be performed to give the required confidence level (reduced variance). The number of structural
analyses required (millions) for reasonable accuracy would be prohibitively large using Crude
Monte Carlo, particularly in the type of structure under consideration, where the analysis run time
is a number of seconds.

Monte Carlo with surrogate model

The limitations of the crude Monte Carlo method can be largely removed by determining an
analytical surface (strictly a hypersurface) that separates the safe region of the design space from
the failed region. For n independent random variables that have an influence on the failure of the
structure, the design space is n-dimensional and the failure surface is n-1 dimensional.
Sufficient FEAs have to be performed to define the failure surface, but these analyses can be
clustered around the part of the design space near the hypersurface. Once an analytical function
(the surrogate model) has been established, random trials may be repeatedly performed and tested

2008 ABAQUS Users Conference

as to on which side of the failure surface they lie. Such trials require little more than a robust
random number generator and millions of trials can be performed in seconds using current
computers and software.
The key to success for this method is therefore the quality of the surrogate model that may be
constructed. The more complex the failure surface, the more FEA runs are required and the
number of runs is also to a degree related to n! (factorial). While the use of this approach is
attractive where the number of random variables is small and the failure surface is well understood
and well behaved, the generation of the failure surface may become rapidly very complex and
opaque (of uncertain accuracy) as the number of random variables increases and the nature of the
surface reveals localized details or is of a separated form (in discrete parts). In such cases it is
believed that other methods have the advantage of much greater transparency without any serious

Reduced variance

The aforementioned weaknesses in the basic Monte Carlo method and its improved variant using
the analytical failure surface have led to the development of a number of hybrid computational
schemes in which the failure function for the structural reliability problem is mapped into a multidimensional unit standard normal space (as in FORM/SORM), but in which the reliability
assessment is carried out by advanced simulation methods incorporating variance reduction
techniques (Turner and Baker, 1991). The idea of unit standard normal space in reliability theory
is central to this work and, while the references cited cover the concept in detail, it is useful to
summarize it here. Unit standard normal space is commonly referred to as z-space. To use zspace requires that all the random variables be transformed into normal distributions with zero
mean and unit standard deviation. In contrast, x-space is used to denote the physical random
variables. The transformation to z-space for a normally distributed parameter X, writing in terms
of variates (lower case), is by means of


x X


and with similar transformations being available for other probability distributions.
The two main variance reduction techniques that are available are importance sampling and
directional simulation. The latter is the best option when the failure domain may comprise a
number of discrete regions in the data space, as is often the case in buckling problems where the
initial imperfection is also a random variable (Chryssanthopoulos et al, 1986 and 1991). Recent
work on comparing these advanced simulation methods has been carried out at the University of
Aberdeen for the fracture behavior of duplex stainless steel pipelines containing defects in which
Abaqus has been used to determine the J-integral values for cracks of different sizes and
orientations (Hamid, 2005). This work further supports the suitability of directional simulation for
problems of the type to be tackled here.

2008 Abaqus Users Conference


Directional simulation

The chi-squared distribution is widely covered in statistical texts and is an important tool in
statistical significance testing. Its theory will not be covered here beyond the reminder that it has
one parameter: the number of degrees of freedom. Directional simulation uses a central property
of the chi-squared distribution: for a unit normally distributed variable Z, the distribution of Z is
the chi-squared distribution with a single degree of freedom. More importantly, the sum of the
squares of a number of independent random variables with zero mean and unit standard deviation
is also distributed according to chi-squared distribution, this time with the number of degrees of
freedom equal to the number of the variables. I.e. if

X = Z i2 ,


i =1

then X has a chi-squared distribution with n degrees of freedom. The chi-squared distribution can
be calculated by a standard function in software such as Excel. Here, we will denote it by n.
Since the n random variables for the pipe-in-pipe structural system can be transformed into unit
standard normal variables and the failure surface can then be mapped into standard normal space,
it can be shown that the chi-squared distribution with n degrees of freedom (DOFs) can be used to
compute the statistical properties of the system, in particular its probability of failure Pf.
However, to calculate Pf, it is necessary to know where in z-space the system fails and for this,
failure criteria must be defined.
It is no less problematic to construct a failure surface in z-space than in x-space. Directional
simulation obviates the need for a complete failure surface by repeatedly finding the distance r
from the origin to the failure surface in z-space. It is instructive at this stage to recall that the
origin is the location in z-space where all the random parameters are at their mean value. Moving
out a unit distance along one of the n axes (such that r=1), corresponds to a location where the
variate associated with that axis is one standard deviation away from its mean value. On the
positive axis, the variate is larger than its mean and on the negative axis it is smaller.
If the failure surface were equidistant from the origin in all directions it would be a hypersphere.
Then any direction vector from the origin would have a length r when it crossed the failure
surface. Only one vector would therefore be needed to determine the distance to the failure
surface. It can be shown that the probability P of a point lying within a distance r of the origin on
that vector (i.e. not failing) is given by the cumulative chi-squared distribution of r, for n DOFs:

( ).

P = n2 r 2


Pf is then the probability of a point lying on this vector at a distance of more than r from the
origin, i.e. the complementary cumulative chi-squared distribution:

( ).

Pf = 1 P = 1 n2 r 2


2008 ABAQUS Users Conference

Of course, the failure surface is generally not going to be a hypersphere and any random direction
vector will have a different distance to the failure surface. The probability of failure prediction is
therefore improved the more such vectors are used and is calculated by taking the average over
them all. If q unit vectors are randomly generated (each vector requires the generation of n
random numbers in the range -1 to 1), then it can be shown that the probability of failure is given

Pf =

1 q
1 n2 ( rj2 )) .

q j =1


system variable 2, y

r1 = 2.06
POF1 =

( )

1 n rj

POF1 = 12.0%

failure surface

system fails in this

region outside failure

r3 = 2.93
POF3 = 1.4%





system variable 1, x



r2 = 2.12
POF2 = 10.5%


overall POF is
average of 3 = 8%


Figure 3. Directional simulation illustration for 2-dof system.

The method can be illustrated as shown in Figure 3, for a simple 2-parameter system. Three
random vectors have been generated and the current POF is 8%. Clearly, the value of Pf can be
calculated after each random vector has been processed and this gives an indication of the
convergence behavior. An example of this behavior is shown in Figure 4 for two load levels.

2008 Abaqus Users Conference

POF for 314 kN


POF for 334 kN










No of Tria ls

Figure 4. Convergence of directional simulation.

The desired result for the pipe-in-pipe structure was Pf as a function of axial load in the production
line. For any given distance r, the load that corresponds to failure may be computed by FEA and
recorded. Starting with a suitably small value of r, this involves first calculating the values of the
n random variables in physical x-space (by reverse transforming according to the normal
FORM/SORM techniques) corresponding to the current z-space sample values. These current
values of the x-space random variables are used for running an FEA and recording the load at the
first encountered limit state. This is repeated for increasing values of r until a sufficiently small
load is required for failure.
Each vector gives the failure load Ff as a function h of r:

F f = h(r ) .


Once q random vectors have been generated and processed in this fashion by FEA runs, the values
of r for a given load level are computed for each vector by linear interpolation or other curve
fitting, i.e.:

r = h 1 ( F f )


2008 ABAQUS Users Conference

and Equation 8 is used to obtain Pf.

It will be seen from the above that the process is highly efficient in terms of limiting the number of
FEA runs to a minimum. For vector directions where the resistance variables are increasing, very
few FEA runs will be required since the vector is only going to intersect failure surfaces associated
with unrealistic large loads. Where the failure load is reasonably linear with r, fewer FEA runs are
required, as illustrated in Figure 5. Here initial increments for r of 0.5 are used and additional
FEA runs are added where the failure load varies more rapidly with r. The relationship between
the failure load and r defines the function h, and thereby h-1, for this direction vector. In this
example, h-1 is completely defined for loads in the range of 50-200 kN and examples of extracting
Pf at two load levels are given.
For 150kN, r = 1.25, therefore POF
with 150kN load = 45.8%

Fa il u re loa d [kN ]


For 100kN, r = 3.63, therefore POF

with 100kN load = 0.1%





r, d is ta n c e a l on g v ec tor

Figure 5. Example of failure load variation along a random direction vector.

3. Test case
The pipe-in-pipe system is highly complex structurally, so it was desirable to validate the
approach using a system for which the reliability could be established by other means. A plain Ibeam end-loaded cantilever was selected (Figure 6) and although FEA was not required to solve
this structural problem, it was clearly desirable to use Abaqus so that the interaction between the
automated FEA runs and the reliability calculations could be tested.

2008 Abaqus Users Conference

location of
stress S



section AA

Figure 6. Test case structure.

The random variables for the test were selected as H and W so that the problem would be nonlinear. The applied load F implies a stress s at a location in the structure. Here the outer fiber at
the root of the cantilever is an obvious choice, since it is the location of the highest stress. s is
linearly related to the load F through the engineers beam theory by


FL(H + 2t f )


FL(H + 2t f )

t w H 3 + 2Wt 3f ) + t f W (H + t f )


where I is the section modulus, which is a function of the random variables H and W. A definition
of failure is needed and the bending stress exceeding 60% of the yield stress, i.e. 0.6sy, was
selected. The problem can then be formulated in terms of stress, writing the margin M between
resistance and demand as

M = 0.6 s y s .


Since the margin function is non-linear in the random variables, the linear expression for the
reliability index , which in terms of the mean and the standard deviation of the margin is



cannot be used. Instead an iterative procedure may be adopted to find as described in the cited
literature. The Pf can then be shown to be given by the cumulative normal distribution function:


2008 ABAQUS Users Conference

Pf = Fz(-), often denoted (-). The results of this are illustrated in Figure 7, which is a
depiction of z-space. The failure boundaries are plotted for different values of load and it is
instructive to note that the failure boundary corresponding to 50% Pf goes through the origin,
which is fundamental to z-space. (At this scale the failure boundaries look like straight lines, but
they are in fact slightly curved.) The alpha-vector shown links the origin to the design point
the point on each failure boundary closest to the origin for the 1% Pf load level.
Pf = 1%, load = 313.0kN


Pf = 10%, load = 324.1kN


Pf = 50%, load = 338.2kN


Alpha vector for P = 313.0 kN






-0.5 0


Figure 7. Failure boundaries in z-space for cantilever.

The relationship between load and Pf is clearly available from the FORM calculation simply by
changing the deterministic load and it is plotted in Figure 8.
The directional simulation approach was applied to the cantilever modeled in Abaqus and the
resulting probability of failure curve is shown in Figure 8 for comparison. At a load of 330 kN,
the difference in the calculated Pf is 3%, which may be partly attributed to FORM errors due to the
non-linearity in the margin function. A SORM calculation would resolve this issue. The
correspondence is however good enough to give confidence in the approach and the automated

2008 Abaqus Users Conference




Directional simulation









Loa d [kN]

Figure 8. Probability of failure of cantilever.

4. Pipe-in-pipe analysis
The task was to find Pf for the production pipe as a function of axial load, since axial load can be
related both to internal pressure and temperature. The random (normally distributed unless stated
otherwise) variables to be considered were:

Wall thickness

Out-of-straightness magnitude

Out-of-straightness direction, uniformly distributed

Yield stress

Bore eccentricity (wall thickness variation)

The method employed was the same as that for the cantilever. An Abaqus model (template inp
file) was set up with the random variables defined as parameters. Shell elements were used for the
pipe and therefore the bore eccentricity could not be incorporated in this model. To allow for the
bore eccentricity, a separate Abaqus model was set up using brick elements for the wall. The
sensitivity of the failure load to eccentricity alone was determined using this model (e.g. an
eccentricity of one standard deviation gave a 4% reduction in failure load). In the directional


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simulation, the effect for eccentricity was included implicitly by reducing the failure load on the
basis of a look-up table developed from the eccentric bore model. This approach did not account
for the interaction of eccentricity with the other parameters, but it was a pragmatic solution to the
problem. A random number between -1 and 1 was generated for each of the other four parameters
and the resulting z-space vector was scaled to give it a magnitude r = 0.5. The scaled vector
components were then transformed into x-space, which became the values of the four parameters
for the Abaqus analysis. These values were then inserted (automatically by a Visual Basic (VB)
macro with Excel) at the appropriate locations in the template inp file and a script was generated
to launch Abaqus and run the simulation until the first failure criterion was reached. The failure
criteria were

The maximum von Mises stress in the production pipe reached 96% of the specified
minimum yield stress

The slope of stress-strain curve reached twice the elastic slope

The maximum pipe lateral displacement reached 26 mm

Variation of failure load along random vectors

Spacer pitch = 1.5m, 4mm corrosion allowance
E ffectiv e a x ia l forc e a t fa ilu re [N]



r, d ista n c e a lon g v ec tor

Figure 9. Examples of failure load variation along random vectors.

A Python script and VB utilities were developed to extract the failure load and reduce it as
appropriate for the bore eccentricity. The direction vector was then scaled to a magnitude of 1.0,
1.5 and so on and the process repeated until the failure load was sufficiently different from the
2008 Abaqus Users Conference


mean value (in some directions the failure load will increase with r and in others it will decrease)
or the direction vector reached a length of 5.0. This process gives the function h (see Figure 5) for
a single direction. A new set of random z-values is generated and the process is repeated as many
times as necessary to arrive at a converged value for Pf.
The initial step size used for the direction vectors (0.5) was arbitrarily chosen and additional rvalues were used as needed. The criterion for additional points on the h functions was a curvature
limit. The infill of additional points can be seen in Figure 9. Some of the dislocations in the h
functions are related to the FEA solution (i.e. not physical) but others, such as the step in h6 are
representative of the highly non-linear behavior of the structural system near failure.
Around 20 Abaqus runs were required per vector and at least 60 random directions were required
to achieve converge on Pf to within one percentage point. Thus for each case, around 1200 runs
were required to generate a POF curve; typical results are shown in Figure 10.
sp=1.5m, 0mm corrosion


sp=1.5m, 4mm corrosion

sp=3m, 0mm corrosion


sp=3m, 4mm corrosion








Ma g n itu d e of E ffective Force [MN]

Figure 10. Typical probability of failure curves.

The method was tested for robustness by repeating a base case using different increments in r,
different Abaqus step sizes and increasing the number of directions per case and the same POF
curve was obtained.

5. Conclusions
An efficient and robust recipe for reliability calculations for complex (non-linear) high reliability
structures has been provided. The theoretical background is well reported in the existing literature

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in a form that is accessible to the non-specialist. Each step in the process is relatively
straightforward and through the use of spreadsheets and simple programs (here Visual Basic has
been used) that interact with Abaqus through the input file and Python scripts, the process may be
made as transparent as necessary.
Rather than perform the validation test for the cantilever example, which proved to be nearly
linear, it would be more rigorous to use a highly non-linear system, albeit one for which the
reliability could be accurately derived using FORM/SORM.

6. References
1. Thoft-Christensen, P. and Baker M. J., Structural Reliability Theory and Its Applications,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1982. 267 pp.
2. Melchers, R. E., Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, Wiley, 1986.
3. Ditlevsen, O. and Madsen, H. O., Structural Reliability Method, Wiley, 1996.
4. Turner, R. and Baker, M. J., Structural system reliability analysis using multi-dimensional
limit state criteria, Imperial College, Dept. of Civil Engineering Report SRRG/2/86, Aug.
1986, 54pp.
5. Turner, R. C. and Baker, M. J., Monte-Carlo Simulation Methods for Structural System
Reliability Analysis. Theoretical Manual * BRITE Project P1270, TNO-IBBC, Delft 1991,
6. Chryssanthopoulos, M. K., Baker, M. J. and Dowling, P. J., A reliability approach to the
local buckling of stringer-stiffened cylinders. Proceedings of the Fifth (1986) International
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) Symposium, Tokyo 1986. ASME,
1986, Vol. II, 64-72.
7. Chryssanthopoulos, M. K., Baker, M. J. and Dowling, P. J., Imperfection modelling for
buckling analysis of stiffened cylinders. Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 7,
ASCE , July 1991, 1998-2017.
8. Hamid, B. N., Reliability assessment of piping systems for nuclear plant, PhD thesis 2005
University of Aberdeen.

7. Acknowledgments
The authors are grateful to Professor Michael Baker of the University of Aberdeen for his
guidance and support on directional simulation theory. The authors also wish to thank Subsea 7
Ltd and Venture Production plc for their permission to use the Goosander project as the subject of
this paper.

2008 Abaqus Users Conference


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