B7 Appendixkjj
B7 Appendixkjj
B7 Appendixkjj
The Contractor will be paid for daywork carried out during the course of the
Contract while other operations are in progress at the rates set down in this
The basic Rates to be inserted in the Daywork Schedules shall be the
Rates which the Contractor has used in determining his Unit Rates inserted
elsewhere in this Tender and Contract Document. Profit and Overheads
are not be included in the basic rates but stated as percentage addition in
the Dayworks and Provisional Sums bill.
Time engaged in the actual works only will be allowed. In the event of
labour or plant having to be specifically brought to the Site for the item of
daywork, then a reasonable allowance may be made for travelling time, but
the allowance for travelling time is to be agreed before the daywork item is
The rates paid for labour, including chargehands and working gangers,
shall be those entered by the Contractor in the Daywork Schedule. The
rates shall include for wages, bonus, travel allowance, tool allowance, all
required hand tools and minor plant and all other prescribed payments and
shall provide for the costs of supervision, including foremen and walking
gangers, paid holidays, overtime, insurances, sick pay, establishment costs
and for the use of temporary works erected for other works.
The rates will be applied to the nett hours worked irrespective of timings.
The Contractor shall be paid the nett delivered to Site cost of materials
after deduction of all trade discounts, rebates and allowances and all cash
discounts, together with an addition to such nett cost for the Contractor's
overheads and profit.
The rates paid for plant shall be those entered by the Contractor in the
Daywork Plant Schedule. The rates shall apply to the Contractor's own
plant for working hours only, and shall include for fuel, consumable stores,
tyres and ground engaging, repairs, maintenance, replacement, insurance,
and establishment costs. The costs of drivers and attendants shall be
recovered under labour.