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MOHOST Information

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MOHOSTModel of Hu a Occupaio Scree i g Tool

Who can use the assessment?

Occupational Therapists. Although it can be used without specific training this would be recommended. The
College of Occupational Therapists offer MOHOST training events regularly and in September a days workshop
was hosted by South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation trust. The MOHO website has
further information regarding both the model and the screening tool and also a link to purchase the manuals for
the MOHOST: http://www.cade.uic.edu/moho/default.aspx
The MOHOST is an assessment that addresses the majority of MOHO concepts (volition, habituation, skills, and
environment), allowing the therapist to gain an overview of the client's occupational functioning. Developed in
Britain by practitioners, the MOHOST seeks to objectify the information a therapist gathers while screening for
occupational therapy services. The MOHOST uses a variety of data collection methods and is flexible enough to
be used in a variety of intervention settings. Finally, the MOHOST uses language that enables therapist to communicate findings clearly with clients, their families, and other professionals.
The MOHOST addresses client's motivation for occupation, pattern of occupation, communication, process, and
motor skills, and environment. The MOHOST was designed to be used to document progress towards occupational therapy intervention goals as well as to screen for occupational therapy services.
Client Group
MOHOST is intended for use with any person experiencing problems in their occupational life and is designed to
be applicable across the life span. The MOHOST has been applied with such diverse groups as adults with chronic pain, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, persons with traumatic brain injury, older persons
with dementia, persons living with AIDS, and adolescents with mental illness. It has also been applied in situations dealing with children and adults who are homeless, with battle-fatigued soldiers, and with victims of war
and social injustice.
MOHOST can also used in a variety of contexts. For example, it has been applied in hospitals, outpatient clinics,
residential facilities, nursing homes, rehabilitation programs, work programs, prisons and secure hospitals and
community based settings.
Governance issues
Any governance issues to consider (e.g. always support standardised assessment with functional assessment or
to be used inline with specific legal requirements). MOHOST manuals and forms are copyrighted but can be purchased at:http://www.cade.uic.edu/moho/productDetails.aspx?aid=4 for $43.50 (approx 28)
Evidence base
- Parkinson S, Morley M, Stewart L, Brockbank H (2012) Meeting the occupational needs of mental health service users: indicative care packages and actual practice. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(8), 384389.
- Lee SW, Taylor RR, Morley M, Heasman D, Garnham M, Willis S, Parkinson S, Forsyth, K, Melton J (2012) Impact of Using the Model of Human Occupation: A survey of Occupational Therapy Mental Health Practitioners
Perceptions. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 19(5), 450-456.
- Forsyth K, Parkinson S, Kielhofner G, Kramer J, Mann LS, Duncan EAS (2011) The measurement properties of
the model of human occupation screening tool and implications for practice. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58 (2), 5-13.
- Parkinson S, Morley M (2011) No Health without Occupation. Occupational Therapy News, 19(8), 34-35.
- Blount J, Parkinson S (2010) Assessments linked to professional models of practice strengthen our evidence
base. Mental Health Occupational Therapy, 15(2), 37-40.
- Parkinson S, Chester A, Cratchley S, Rowbottom J (2008) Application of the Model of Human Occupation
Screening Tool (MOHOST assessment) in an acute psychiatric setting. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 22
(2-3), 63-75.
- Forsyth K, Kielhofner G, Bowyer P, Kramer K, Ploszaj A, Blondis M, Hinson-Smith R, Parkinson S (2008)
Assessments combining methods of information gathering. In 4th Kielhofner G ed. Model of Human Occupa
tion: Theory and Application. ed. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 289-310.
For further Information:
Nigel Selwood
Occupational Therapist
Pine Ward, Redwoods Centre, Shrewsbury
email: nigel.selwood@sssft.nhs.uk

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