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Yarn Preparation For Weaving I

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Yarn preparation

for weaving

Definition: Textile Fabric

A textile fabric is defined as an assembly

of fibres, yarns or combinations of these.

Techniques for fabric manufacturing:

Nonwoven manufacturing

Manufacturing steps of
woven fabrics

Weaving: It is the process of interlacement of warp with weft

Warp: Longitudinal yarn in the fabric is called warp
Weft: Lateral/crosswise yarn in the fabric is weft

Yarn preparation for weaving

Warp yarn preparation

Weft yarn preparation



Drawing-in or tying-in


It is the process of preparing a

double flanged beam of warp yarns
arranged parallel to each other.

Warping (3 Types)


(Grey/Monocolour fabric)


(Warp patterns: Stripes and



(Denim fabric)

Beam warping
It is suitable for grey or
monocolored fabric preparation.
The maximum number of warp
yarns in a beam can be 600.

Beam warping


Beam warping

Head stock

Beam warping (Quality aspects)

Exact thread guidance
No crossed threads
Cylindrically wound beams : no slip between press roller and
yarn package
Warp length accuracy within 1 per thousand
No cutting-in by threads on the comb
Fewer rolled-in ends through short braking distances
Short braking distance
Simple insertion of threads into the comb
Workplace designed according to ergonomic principles

Sectional warping

It is suitable for all warp patterned fabrics

e.g. stripes and checks.
Warping is carried out section by section.
A single beam is prepared which may or
may not be sized.
Sometimes this process is carried out for
2-ply synthetic warps where no sizing is
It is a two stage process. Warping onto
the drum and Beaming.
Creel capacity can be lower.

Sectional warping machine


Head stock

Sectional warping

Yarn from

Section drum

Head stock


Sectional warping

The creel

Head stock

Section laying

The yarns are laid sectionwise, starting from the

conical base side. The first section is supported by
the conicity of the base and the subsequent sections
supported by the conicity formed by the preceeding

Sectional warping
The newly developed machine with its reed headstock integrated into the machine
superstructure allows production speeds never previously achieved, thanks to its
innovative control system. The machine has the following special technical features:
Production of warp sections with a minimum width of 4 mm or (depending on yarn
fineness) minimum 12 24 threads. With maximum end numbers of 480 -560 threads
and a section width of up to 150 mm, the machine can be fine-tuned for flexible
The time for each thread separation at a lease or sizing split is 7 seconds per
separation process
A maximum warping speed of 750 m/min allows production to be optimised to suit
yarn properties.
The perfect thread tension between creel and machine for the warping process
ensured by the use of a proven section tension control and a controlled beaming
tension system forms the basis for warp quality that meets the highest requirements.
The machine is available with a working width of 2,200 mm for the traditional clothing
sector and 3,600 mm for decorative fabrics and furniture coverings.

The leasing function

Leasing is a process of layer separation to facilitate the

subsequent drawing-in process and weaving. A lease band is
inserted between the layers.

The beaming operation

In the second step, all yarns
are simultaneously
transferred from the section
drum onto a double flanged
warpers beam.

Warpers beam

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