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Chapter 1: Introduction ..1-8

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2.1 GENERAL..9
3.2 ....16
4.2 DESIGN RESULTS FOR DIRECTOR RESIDENCE.................................63


Jawaharlal engineering college was established in the year 2006. This is the first state
government aided engineering college in Himachal Pradesh. The college campus is being
located 2 kilometers away from the NH21 at village Pungh which is 2 kilometers from
Sundernagar bus stand. At present the campus is spread over 2.6726 hectares of land, but
the total acquired land for the college campus is 14 hectares. The construction work of
administration block A, academic block B and C was completed in 2012. But
according to the norms of AICTE, the following buildings should also be present in a wellestablished engineering college. Therefore, the following buildings have been planned and
architecturally designed on Autocadd while the design & analyses is done on Staad pro in
this project report. In an engineering college campus, all the buildings are divided under
the following headings:
Administrative block
Academic block
Central library
Residential block
Office buildings
Recreational centers

1.1. Preparation ofhighway projects involves a chain ofactivities, such as, field surveys and
investigations, selection ofalignment, carrying out various designs, preparation ofdrawings
and estimates,etc. To be compatible with technical requirements, consistent with economy,
it is essential that everyproject should be prepared after thorough investigations and
collecting all relevant information and evaluating all possible alternatives.
1.2. The extent and quality ofinvestigations have a strong influence on selection ofthe most
cost-effective design, estimation ofquantities cost and execution ofthejob itself As such,
accuracy andcompleteness of surveys deserves very special attention in project

The objective can beachieved by carrying out the project preparation work either
departmentally or with the help ofconsultants.In any case, it should be ensured that experts
having the required knowledge are deployed on the work.Use of modern instruments and
survey techniques ensure high degree ofaccuracy and can speed up thework. Quality
Assurance Plan is required to be drawn before the start offield investigations.
1.3. Adequate funds should be earmarked for the work ofsurvey, investigation and project
preparation. Estimation ofrealistic fund and time requirement needed for project
preparation will go a longway in making the project preparation a success. It will be found
that in the long run, such investment paysmore than for itself in the form ofwell prepared
and cost effective projects, orderly schedule ofwork andtimely completion.
1 .4. Systematic presentation ofproject details is no less important. The project document is
the very basis oftechnical, administrative and financial sanction ofa project. It is also
crucial for accurateexecution of work in the field. The project should, therefore, be
comprehensive enough for properappreciation ofthe proposals as well as easy
understanding ofthe details. This Manual lays down guidelinesboth for survey and
investigations and presentations ofthe project details.
1.5. The Indian Roads Congress first published this manual in 1977. Since then,
considerableexperience has been gained by the Highways Departments and Consultants in
this field, making it necessaryto revise the manual.
3.1. Broadly, the stages involved in the preparation and sanction of project are
1. Pre-feasibility study
2. Feasibility study/preliminary project report preparation
3. Detailed engineering and plan of construction

3.2. in some cases, specially for externally funded and BOT^ projects, it may be necessary
toprepare a pre-feasibility report to enable a funding agency or private financier to
appreciate the broadfeatures ofthe project, the levels offmancial involvement and probable

returns. This may be done on thebasis ofreconnaissance survey by collecting information

on the present status of the road, deficiency distress identification, development potential,
environmental impact, traffic data (present and future),approximate estimation ofcost and
an economic analysis. The economic analysis may involve trafficallocation studies,
assessment ofresource generation potential , funding pattem and risk. Location oftoll
plaza sites may also need to be identified .
3.3. The Feasibility Study is intended to establish whether the proposal is acceptable in
ofsoundnessofengineering design and expected benefits fi^om the project for the
investments involved.
The Feasibility report enables the funding agency to accord approval to the project. This
approval is
commonly known as Administrative Approval (AA) in the Highway Departments/ Public
Departments in the country. When international funding is involved, the Feasibility Study
forms a basis for
an investment decision.
3.4. The Detailed Engineering covers detailed alignment surveys, soil and materials
pavement design studies, drainage studies, environment management plan based on
environment impact
assessment studies, detailed drawings, estimates and implementation schedules and
documents. On the
basis of such work. Technical Approval and Financial Sanction (TA and FS) are accorded
to the project, enabling it to be executed. For externally funded and BOT projects, the
requirements at various stages are different and may ask for specific information involving
various degree of accuracy of survey and investigations.
The sequence of survey operations and project preparation may thus, have to be
To meet the specific needs of the project, its funding option and the requirements of the
authority sponsoring it.
3.6. Fig. 3.1 gives a flow chart of the operations involved in highway project preparation.


4.1. The fundamental principle of route selection and alignment improvement is to achieve
the least overall cost on transportation, having regard to the costs of initial construction of
the highway facility, its maintenance, and road user cost, while at the same time, satisfying
the social and environmental requirements. To achieve this objective, it will be necessary
to make a detailed investigation before the location is finally decided. Factors that should
be kept in view in the process are listed in Appendix-1 and in Fig. 4. 1 It should be
understood that all these factors may not be applicable to each and every highway project
and some of them, even if applicable, may not be feasible in many circumstances. For each
case, the Engineer-in-charge has to exercise his own judgement to reach an optimum
compromise solution in the light of the fundamental principle of minimum transportation
cost enunciated earlier.
4.2. Where the project involves improvements to an existing road, every effort should be
directed towards removing the inherent deficiencies with respect to
Plan and profile Sight distance/visibility in horizontal as well as vertical plan
Carriageway, shoulder and roadway width
Cross-drainage structures
Road side drainage provisions as well as area drainage considerations
Safety features.
Any disregard of these aspects may well lead to unnecessary expenditure, since at a later
date the alignment may again have to be improved at considerable extra cost. It is,
therefore, imperative that the final centre line of the road with respect to which, the
improvements are designed and are to be carried out, is fixed with great care in the light of
ultimate geometric requirements and economy. The other important point is removal of
structural deficiencies with an eye on future needs with respect to pavement ,culverts , road
and area drainage requirement, etc.
4.3 Proper location and orientations of cross-drainage structures is an important factor in
selection of the road alignment. Their importance increases with their length and cost. In
general for bridges


8.1. Purpose
8.1.1. The preliminary survey is a relatively large scale instrument survey conducted for
the purpose of collecting all the physical information which affects the proposed location
of a new highway or improvements to an existing highway. In the case of new roads, it
consists of running an accurate traverse line along the route previously selected on the
basis of the reconnaissance survey. In the case of existing roads where only improvements
are proposed, the survey line is run along the existing alignment. During this phase of the
survey, topographic features and other features, like, houses, monuments, places of
worship, cremation or burial grounds, utility lines, existing road and railway lines, stream,
river, canal crossings, cross-drainage structures, etc. are tied to the traverse line.
Longitudinal-sections and cross-sections, are taken and bench marks established. The data
collected at this stage will form the basis for the determination of the final centre line of
the road. For this reason, it is essential that every precaution should be taken to maintain a
high degree of accuracy.
Survey Procedure
8.2.1. The preliminary survey starts with running of a traverse along the selected route,
adhering as far as possible to the probable final centre line of the road. In difficult
situations, a secondary traverse connected to the primary one at either end may also be run.
In hilly areas, a trace cut 1 .0 to 1 .2 m wide, if required may be made during the
preliminary survey. For details in this regard, reference maybe made to IRC:52
'Recommendations About the Alignment Survey and Geometric Design of Hill Roads".
8.2.2. The traverse consists of a series of straight lines with their lengths and intermediate
angles measured very carefully. In difficult terrain, the alignment may have to be
negotiated through a series of short chords, preferably, the traverse should be done with a
theodolite with Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) and all angles measured with
double reversal method. Global Positioning System (GPS) is also very useful and
appropriate for preliminary survey. The GPS will give locations in co-ordinates all the
necessary points on the traverse. GPS is very fast reasonably accurate for preliminary
system and computer friendly for data transfer. Control pillars in cement concrete should
be fixed at suitable interval (ranging from 500 m to 2 km) to have control on accuracy. It
also helps in repeating the survey, if required, within the control pillars.

8.2.3. Distances along the traverse line should be measured with EDM or total station and
accuracy of at least 1 in 10000 should be aimed at mall distance measurement.
8.2.4. No hard and fast rule can be laid down as regards distance between two consecutive
transit stations . In practice, the interval will be dictated by directional changes in the
alignment, terrain conditions and visibility. The transit stations should be marked by means
of stakes and numbered in sequence. These should be protected and preserved till the final
location survey.
8.2.5. Physical features, such as, buildings, monuments, burial grounds, cremation
grounds, places 24 IRCSP: 19-2001Of worship, posts, pipelines, existing roads and railway
lines, stream/'river/canal crossings, cross-drainage structures, etc. that are likely to affect
the project proposals should be located by means of offsets measured from the traverse
line. Where the survey is for improving or upgrading an existing road , measurements
should also be made for existing carriageway, roadway and location and radii of horizontal
curves. In case of highways in rolling and hilly terrain the nature and extent of grades,
ridges and valley sand vertical curves should necessarily be covered. The width of land to
be surveyed will depend on the category of road, purpose of the project, terrain and other
related factors. Generally, the survey should cover the entire right-of-way of the road, with
adequate allowance for possible shifting of the centre line from the traverse line.
8.2.6. Levelling work during a preliminary survey is usually kept to the minimum.
Generally, fly levels are taken along the traverse line at 50 metre intervals and at all
intermediate breaks in ground.

To draw contours of the strip of land surveyed, cross-sections should b<; taken at suitable
intervals, generally 100 to 250m in plain terrain, upto 50m in rolling terrain, and upto 20 m
in hilly terrain. To facilitate the leveling work, bench marks, either temporary or
permanent, should be established at intervals of 250 to 500 metres. The levels should be
connected to GTS datum.
8.2.7. Field notes of the survey should be clear and concise, yet comprehensive enough for
easy and accurate plotting.
8.2.8. Apart from traverse survey, general information about traffic, soil, drainage should
collected while the traverse is being run, as mentioned in para 8. 1 .2

8.3. Map Preparation

8.3.1. Plans and longitudinal sections (tied to an accurate base line) prepared as a sequel to
the preliminary survey are referred to for detailed study to determine the final centre line of
the road. At critical locations, like, sharp curves, hair-pin bends, bridge crossings, etc., the
plan should also show contours at 1 -3 metre intervals, particularly for roads in rolling or
hilly terrain so as to facilitate the final decision.
8.3.2. Scales for the maps should generally be the same as adopted for the final drawings.
The following scales are suggested:
(i) Built-up areas and stretches in hilly terrain- 1 : 1 ,000 for horizontal scale and 1 : 1 00
for vertical scale.
(ii) Plain and rolling terrain- 1:2,500 for horizontal scale and 1:250 for vertical scale.
8.3.3. For study of difficult locations, such as, steep terrain, hair-pin bends, sharp curves,
bridge crossings, etc. it may be convenient to have plans to a larger scale than
recommended above. If necessary these plans may show contours preferably at 2 m
interval, though this could be varied to 1 .5 m according
to site condition.
11.1. Determination of the final centre line of the road in the office is a forerunner to the
final location survey. This involves the following operations:
(i) Making use of the maps from preliminary survey (see para 8.3) showing the
profile, cross-sections and contours, a few alternative alignments for the final centre line of
the road are drawn and studied and the best one satisfying the engineering, aesthetic and
economic requirements selected.
(ii) For the selected alignment, a trial grade line is drawn taking into account the controls
which are established by intersections, railway crossings, streams and other drainage
In the case of improvements of an existing road, the existing road levels are also kept in
(iii) For the selected alignment, a study of the horizontal alignment in conjunction with the
profile is carried out and adjustments made in both as necessary for achieving proper
(iv) Horizontal curves including transitions with adequate provision for visibility are
designed and final centre line marked on the map.

(v) The vertical curves are designed and the profile determined.
1 1 .2. The alignment determined in the design office shall be cross checked in the field,
specially when the data base is not adequately updated.
11.3. Determination of the final centre line of the road forms the appropriate stage for
preparing plans and estimates for land acquisition. Land acquisition proceedings involve
time and these need not wait till the preparation of the detailed project report especially, if
administrative approval has already been obtained.
IRC:SP: 19-2001


12.1. Purpose
12.1.1. The purpose ofthe final location survey is to lay out the centre lines of the road in
the field based on the alignment selected in the design office and to collect necessary data
for the preparation of working drawings. The completeness and accuracy of the project
drawings and estimates o of quantities depend a great deal on the precision with which this
survey is carried out. The accuracy of the survey should be test checked by the senior
professionals of the concerned authority. This will also generate the precise land
acquisition requirements.
12.1.2. The two main operations involved in the survey are the staking out of the final
centre line of the road by means of a continuous survey and detailed levelling.
12.2. Staking Final Centre Line
12.2.1. The centre line of the road, as determined in the design office, is translated on the
ground by means of continuous transit survey and staking of the centre line as the survey
proceeds. Double reversal method should be adopted at all horizontal intersection points
(H.I.P.) and intermediate points of transit (POT) on long tangents. The H.I.Ps.should be
fixed on hubs driven flush with the ground and suitably referenced so that they may be
readily located. Usually, these should be serially numbered for easy identification and shall
be defined by coordinates. On long tangents, the intermediate transit points
(POTs) should also be fixed on hubs in the case of new roads, and by means of spikes or
nails driven into
the pavement in the case of existing roads with proper referencing.


1.1. Preliminary
(i) Name of work and its scope
(ii) Authority and plan provision
(iii) History, geography, climate, etc.
(iv) Necessity
(v) Economic profile or region and road influence area
1.2. Road Features
(i) Route selection
(ii) Alignment
(iii) Environmental factors
(iv) Cross-section elements
(v) Traffic studies and projection
1.3. Road Design and Specification
(i) Road design
(ii) Pavement design
(iii) Masonry works
(iv) Specifications
1 .4. Drainage Facilities including Cross-Drainage Structures
(i) General drainage condition, HFL, Water-table, seepage flows
(ii) Surface drainage, catch water drains, longitudinal side drains
(iii) Sub-Surface drainage, blanket courses, sub-drains.
(iv) Cross - drainage structures
1.5. Material, Labour and Equipment
(i) Sources of construction materials, transport arrangements
(ii) Labour , availability, amenities
(iii) Equipment
1.6. Rates
(i) Schedule of rates
(ii) Rate justification
1.7. Construction Programming
(i) Working season and periods of low water level in rivers and canals

(ii) Schedule of completing the work

1.8. Miscellaneous Items

(i) Rest houses, temporary quarters
(ii) Diversion and haul roads
(iii) Site amenities
(iv) Traffic control devices, etc.
(v) Roadside plantations, turfing , landscaping
(a) General abstract of cost
(b) Detailed estimates for each major head
(i) Abstract of cost
(ii) Estimates of quantities
(iii) Analysis of rates
(iv) Quarry / material source charts
(i) Locality map-cum-site plan
(ii) Land acquisition plans
(iii) Drawings showing location of sources for construction materials
(iv) Plan and longitudinal section
(v) Typical cross-section sheet
(vi) Detailed cross-sections
(vii) Drawings for cross-drainage structures
(viii) Road junction drawings
(ix) Drawings for retaining walls and other structures
(x) Drawings of proposed wayside amenities
(xi) Drawings showing location of various road signs
1.1 99 and 6-8-99 respectively.
2. 1 .The manual deals with rural sections of National Highways, State Highways and
Major District Roads. It does not deal with Other District Roads and Village Roads, for
which a reference maybe made to the "IRC:SP:20 Manual on Route Location, Design,

Construction and Maintenance of Rural Roads". However, the provisions and guidelines in
this manual are expected to be applicable to a large extent to Urban Roads, Expressways
and BOT projects also. But for these roads, some additional specific requirements maybe
there, than those dealt in this document. The manual deals with new construction as well as
improvements to existing roads. Special aspects of each have been highlighted wherever
necessary. The selection of alignment of any road is generally not governed by the sitting
of cross-drainage structures except in case of major bridges of length more than 60 m.
IRC:SP:54 "Project Preparation
Manual for Bridges" lays down guidelines covering the various aspects which are to be
detailed in the preparation of a bridge project of length more than 6 m. The survey and
investigation for small cross-drainage works with length less than 6 m is covered in
IRC:SP: 1 3 . For hill roads and road tunnels, reference may also be made to IRC: 52
"Recommendations about the Alignment, Survey and Geometric
Design of Hill Roads" and IRC:SP:48 "Hill Road Manual".
2.2. In order to ensure that the surveys and investigations. Feasibility Report and Detailed
Project Report are complete and no essential detail is missed, a checklist for each of those
activities is presented in the Appendices - 4, 5&6.
2.3. It should be understood clearly that the extent of operations involved in surveys and
Investigations including the detailing of the individual aspects , would depend very much
on the size and scope of each project and the class of the highway. Depending on needs of
the situation, one or more phases of investigations might be curtailed, telescoped or made
more extensive than prescribed in the manual.

IRCSP: 19-2001
The order in which various surveys are discussed in the manual should not be taken to
mean that such work must strictly follow the same pattern or sequence. Some of the
surveys could easily be initiated in advance and carried out simultaneously overlapping

each other. For example some results of soil and materials survey and study of crossdrainage structure would be needed as an essential input to the Feasibility Report. But
more detailed investigations of these aspects may be continued in the detailed engineering
phase. It should be upto the Engineer-in-charge to exercise his discretion and adopt a
flexible approach. The requirements of the funding agencies or the authority according
administrative approval may also result in rescheduling the sequence of work and in
redefining the extent of coverage of
each work.



4.1 Planning Procedure:
Planning for selecting best road network involves following steps

Plotting of existing buildings
Planning for other buildings about location and position
Selection of alternatives of road network
Selection of best alternatives
Preparation of master plan
Reporting final plan of road network
Contouring is done using Google earth which involves selection of data points and then
interpretation of these data points with the help of other Software as explained below
Software used:

Google earth
TCX Converter
Quick grid.


Google Earth is a geobrowser that accesses satellite and aerial imagery, ocean bathymetry,
and other geographic data over the internet to represent the Earth as a three-dimensional
globe. Geobrowsers are alternatively known as virtual globes or Earth browsers. Google
also refers to Google Earth as a "geographic browser.

Procedure for selection of area and data points from Google earth is explained below:

Search JNGEC SUNDERNAGAR in Google earth.

And then click on add new path and select boundary in which work has to be carried out

and then selection of data points as shown in figure.

After selection of data points save the file as data points for contours with extension.kml

Now next further processing is done in TCX converter software.

Fig.4.1 Google earth boundary selection

Fig.4.2 Selection of Data Points for contours

4.4 TCX converter software

Training Center XML (TCX) is a data exchange format introduced in 2007 as part
of Garmin's Training Center product. The XML is similar to GPX since it exchanges GPS
tracks, but treats a track as an Activity rather than simply a series of GPS points. TCX
provides standards for transferring heart rate, running cadence, bicycle cadence, calories in
the detailed track. Ii involves following procedure:

Open TCX converter software and click on open file and select file data points for

Now click on update altitude and wait until altitudes are updated.
Now save the file as extension.csv
And then open this file in MS excel and delete all columns except altitude, longitude ,

distance and latitude.As shown in figure

And delete first row of name designation. and save the file with .csv extension and open
file in Quick Grid software

Fig. 4.3 showing details of file updated with altitude in TCX converter

Fig.4.4 showing details of data points obtained in MS Excel


Grid computing is the collection of computer resources from multiple locations to reach a
common goal. The grid can be thought of as a distributed system with non-interactive
workloads that involve a large number of files. Grid computing is distinguished from
conventional high performance computing systems such as cluster computing in that grid
computers have each node set to perform a different task/application

Open quick grid software and select add data points and input scattered data points and
select the file.

FIG. 4.5 Opening file in Quick Grid software

And then click on edit and set contour interval and other features as per requirements .

FIG.4.6 Showing 3d view of site

And then click on view and select the contours and deselect data points and surface grid.

Fig. 4.7 Showing details of Contours in Quick Grid

Now click on export DXF file and save file with extension.dxf

Now file is saved and open it in auto cad and further processing is done in auto cad as

OPEN file in auto cad and contours are obtained and further processing is done as

Plotting of existing buildings and roads

Planning of location for NEW buildings and deciding different routes connecting them .
Selection of best alternatives.


Buildings existing are plotted as shown using data points from google earth and google


First of all given are is divided into different small segments showing different areas as
Non academics
Residency girls wardens and principal
Boys hostels
Faculty housing
After deciding different areas now best location is selected as per requirements and

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