Approaches To Quantum Error Correction
Approaches To Quantum Error Correction
Approaches To Quantum Error Correction
eminaire Poincar
1 Introduction
We have learned that it is possible to fight entanglement with entanglement.
John Preskill, 1996
In a ground breaking discovery in 1994, Shor [Sho94] has shown that quantum computers,
if built, can factor numbers efficiently. Since then quantum computing has become a burgeoning
field of research, attracting theoreticians and experimentalists alike, and regrouping researchers
from fields like computer science, physics, mathematics and engineering. One more reason for the
enormous impetus of this field is the fact that by the middle of 1996 it has been shown how to
realize fault-tolerant quantum computation. This was not at all obvious; in fact it was not even
clear how any form of quantum error-correction could work. Since then many new results about
the power of quantum computing have been found, and the theory of quantum fault-tolerance has
been developed and is still developing now.
In what follows we will give a simple description of the elements of quantum error-correction
and quantum fault-tolerance. Our goal is to convey the necessary intuitions both for the problems
and their solutions. In no way will we attempt to give the full and formal picture. This account is
necessarily restricted with subjectively chosen examples and approaches and does not attempt to
describe the whole field of quantum fault-tolerance, which has become a large subfield of quantum
information theory of its own.
The structure of this account is the following. First we will describe why quantum error
correction is a non-trivial achievement, given the nature of quantum information and quantum
errors. Then we will briefly review the main features of a quantum computer, since, after all, this is
the object we want to protect from errors, and it is also the object which will allow us to implement
J. Kempe
Seminaire Poincare
error-correction. Then we will give the first example of a quantum error-correcting code (the Shorcode), followed by other error correction mechanisms. We proceed to outline the elements of a
full fledged fault-tolerant computation, which works error-free even though all of its components
can be faulty. We mention alternative approaches to error-correction, so called error-avoiding or
decoherence-free schemes. We finish with an outlook on the future. We will try to keep technical
details and generalizations to a minimum; the interested reader will find more details, as well as
suggestions for further reading, in the appendix.
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depend on the physical system used, be it optical lattices, large molecules, crystals or silicon based
architectures. Nonetheless, each of these implementations have some key elements in common,
since they all implement the quantum computing model.
What are the key ingredients of a quantum computer? A quantum computer is a machine that
processes basic computational units, so called qubits, quantum two-level systems. (Although there
might be quantum machines which process higher-dimensional quantum systems, we will restrict
ourselves for simplicity to the case of two-level systems.) Qubits are two-dimensional quantum
states spanned by two basis-states, which we conventionally call |0i and |1i, alluding to the classical
bits of a standard computer. Hence the general state of a qubit is
|i = |0i + |1i
||2 + ||2 = 1.
In each implementation of a quantum computer these basis states |0i and |1i need to be identified;
they usually correspond to two chosen states of a larger system. For any quantum computation,
fresh qubits have to be supplied in a known state, which is usually taken to be the |0i state.
A quantum computer implements a unitary transformation on the space of several qubits,
as consistent with the laws of quantum mechanics. However, in the context of computation, each
unitary is decomposed into elementary gates, where each gate acts on a small number of qubits
only. These elementary gates constitute a universal gate set, which allows to implement any unitary
operation on the set of qubits. There are several universal gate sets, but we will mention only two,
which are relevant for what follows. The first such set is continuous, and consists of all one-qubit
unitaries, together with the controlled NOT or CNOT. The action of the CNOT on the basis states
|00i, |01i, |10i, |11i is as follows
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 .
0 0 1 0
In quantum circuit design it is often depicted as in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: The top qubit is the control qubit. If it is in the state |0i, then the target qubit stays unchanged, if it is
in the state |1i, the target qubit is flipped from |0i to |1i and vice versa.
It is possible to implement any unitary operation by a sequence of CNOT and single qubit
unitary operations on the qubits.
The second set of universal gates is discrete. It contains the gates H, /8, Z and CN OT . The
first three gates are single qubit gates. H is called the Hadamard transform, /8 is a phase gate
and Z is known to physicists as one of the Pauli matrices z . On the basis |0i, |1i, they act as
1 1
1 0
e 8
/8 =
1 1
0 1
0 ei 8
All experimental proposals, in one way or another, demonstrate the ability to induce the transformations corresponding to this (or some other universal) gate set. Note that it is absolutely crucial
to implement the two-qubit gate CNOT (or some other suitable two-qubit gate), as single qubit
operations alone are clearly not universal.
This gate set is discrete, it contains only four gates. However, this comes at a price. It is
not in general possible to implement any unitary transformation with a sequence drawn from this
gate set. But it is possible to approximate any unitary to arbitrary accuracy using gates from this
set. (Here accuracy is measured as the spectral norm of the difference between the desired unitary
matrix and the actually implemented unitary matrix.) This is good enough for our purposes.
J. Kempe
Seminaire Poincare
The last ingredient of a quantum computer is the read-out, or measurement. At the end of
the day, when we want to extract the result of the quantum computation, we need to observe the
quantum system, to gain information about the result.
In general one assumes that each qubit (or the qubit carrying the result of the computation)
is measured in some basis. The classical result represents the outcome of the computation.
Schematically, then, a quantum computer looks like in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: A quantum computer, schematically. Fresh qubits, initialized in the state |0i, are supplied as the input to
the unitary transform U . U is composed of elementary gates affecting at most 2 qubits. At the end of the computation
the qubits are measured.
Here |Eij i represent not necessarily orthogonal or normalized states of the environment, with the
only constraint that the total evolution be unitary. The unitary U entangles our qubit with the
environment. Potentially, this entanglement will lead to decoherence of the information stored in
the qubit.
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Suppose now the qubit is in the state |0i + |1i1 . Now if the qubit is afflicted by an error,
it evolves as
(|0i + |1i) |Ei
Intuitively, we may interpret this expansion by saying that one of four things happens to the qubit:
nothing, a bit flip, a phase flip or a combination of bit flip and phase flip. This will be made more
precise in the next section, where we see that quantum error correction will include a measurement
of the error, collapsing the state into one of the four possibilities above. This way, even though the
quantum error is continuous, it will become discrete in the process of quantum error correction.
We will denote the four errors as acting on a qubit as
1 0
0 1
0 1
1 0
Y = XZ =
0 1
1 0
1 0
0 1
phase f lip
bit f lip
These four matrices form the so called Pauli group. Another way of saying the above is to realize
that these four errors span the space of unitary matrices on one qubit, i.e. any matrix can be
expressed as a linear combination of these four matrices (with complex coefficients). If we trace
out the environment (average over its degrees of freedom, see App. B.2), the resulting operator
can be expanded in terms of the Pauli group, we can attach a probability to each Pauli group
element. Often the analysis of fault-tolerant architectures is simplified by assuming that the error
is a random non-identity Pauli matrix with equal probability /3, where is the error rate.
We now make the crucial assumption: that the error processes affecting different qubits are
independent from each other. A quantum error correcting code, then, will be such that it can protect
against these four possible errors. Once the error has become discrete it is much more obvious how
to apply and extend classical error correction codes, which are able to protect information against
a bit flip.
We have so far only analyzed errors due to decoherence, but have neglected errors due to
imperfections in the gates, in the measurement process and in preparation of the initial states.
All these operations can be faulty. A natural assumption is again that these imperfections are
independent of each other. In a similar fashion as before we can discretize the errors in a quantum
gate. We can model a faulty gate by assuming that is is a perfect gate, followed by an error. For
a one-qubit gate this error is the same as given in Eq. (1). For a two-qubit gate we assume that
both qubits undergo possibly correlated decoherence. Similar reasoning as in Eq. (1) shows, that
in that case the error is a linear combination of 16 possible errors, resulting from all combinations
of the errors in Eq. (2) on both qubits. Again, often the additional assumption is made that all 15
non-identity errors appear with equal probability 2 /15, where 2 is the two-qubit gate error rate.
In a similar fashion we will deal with measurement and state preparation errors.
Note that our analysis of the error is somewhat simplified. Several tools have been developed
to study quantum decoherence and quantum noise. Some of these formalisms are described in more
detail in App. B. As already mentioned, in order to give methods for quantum error correction,
some assumptions about the nature of the noise have to be made. In one of the common models
of noise in a quantum register it is assumed that each qubit interacts independently with the
1 Of course our qubit could be part of a larger quantum state of several qubits. It might be entangled with other
qubits which are unaffected by errors. So the coefficients and need not be numbers, they can be states that are
orthogonal to both |0i and |1i.
J. Kempe
Seminaire Poincare
environment in a Markovian fashion2 ; the resulting errors are single qubit errors affecting each
qubit independently at random. More details on models of quantum noise are given in App. C.
0 000
1 111.
This code clearly protects against one bit flip error. If a bit is flipped, we can still decode the
information by majority voting. Only if two bit flips happen we will be unable to correctly decode
the information. But if we assume that the probability of a bit flip is and independent on each bit,
then the probability that we cannot correct a bit flip is 32 (1)+3 (there are three possible ways
to have two bit flips and one way to have three bit flips). If we would not encode the information
at all the error probability is , so as long as < 1/2 we gain by encoding.
But how can we extend this idea to the quantum setting? There is no way to copy quantum
information. There are not only bit flip, but also phase flip errors (and combinations of both). And
moreover a measurement for majority vote will cause disturbance.
Shor was the first to overcome all these obstacles [Sho95]. He gave the most straightforward
quantum generalization of the repetition code. Suppose we want to just deal with bit flip errors.
We encode a single qubit with the repetition code on the basis states, i.e.
|0i |000i
|1i |111i,
such that
|0i + |1i |000i + |111i.
|000i + |111i
Figure 3: The CNOTs flip the target qubit if the first qubit is in the state |1i. Note that the transformation does
not copy the state of the first qubit to the other two qubits, but rather implements the transformation of Eq.(3).
Now suppose a bit flip happens, say on the first qubit. The state becomes |100i + |011i.
If we measured the qubits in the computational basis, we would obtain one of the states |100i
or |011i, but we would destroy the quantum superposition. But what if instead we measured the
parity of all pairs of qubits, without acquiring any additional information? For instance we can
measure the parity of the first two qubits with the circuit in Fig. 4.
2 This means that the environment maintains no memory of the errors, which are thus uncorrelated in time and
qubit location.
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Figure 4: Circuit to measure the parity of the first two qubits of the quantum code word. Each CNOT flips the
ancilla qubit if the source qubit is in the state |1i. If the first two qubits are in the state |00i, the ancilla is left in
the state |0i. If these qubits are in the state |11i the ancilla is flipped twice and its state is also |0i. Otherwise it is
flipped once by one of the CNOTs.
In our example, a parity measurement does not destroy the superposition. If the first qubit
is flipped, then both |100i and |011i have the same parity 1 on the first two qubits. If no qubit
is flipped and the code word is still in the state of Eq. (3) this parity will be 0 for both |000i
and |111i. If the error is a linear combination of identity and bit flip, similar to Eq. (1), then the
measurement will collapse the state into one of the two cases. Let us adapt Eq. (1) to the case of
only a bit flip error on one qubit (|E00 i = |E11 i, |E01 i = |E10 i and |E01 i and |E00 i are orthogonal)
and write
(|0i + |1i) |Ei
e00 i +
1 (|0i + |1i) |E
e01 i,
(|1i + |0i) |E
bit f lip
e00 i and |E
e01 i have norm 1)3 . The
where we have normalized the state of the environment (|E
probability that the parity measurement collapses to the bit flip case is , the probability to project
onto a state where no error has happened is 1 . Imagine now that each of the three qubits of
the code undergoes the same error process of Eq. (4). This gives a threefold tensor product of
Eq. (4) (each qubit has its own environment state), which shows that the probability of no error
becomes (1 )3 1 3, and the probability of each of the single qubit errors is (1 ) < . Of
course there is now a nonzero probability that the state will be collapsed to a state where two or
even three single qubit errors occurred; however, the total probability of this happening is given
by 32 (1 ) + 3 32 .
This mechanism illustrates how a measurement that detects the error, also discretizes it. The
parity measurement disentangles the code qubits from the environment and acquires information
about the error. The three parities (for each qubit pair of the code word) give complete information about the location of the bit flip error. They constitute what is called the error syndrome
measurement. The syndrome measurement does not acquire any information about the encoded
superposition, and hence it does not destroy it. Depending on the outcome of the syndrome measurement, we can correct the error by applying a bit flip to the appropriate qubit.
We have successfully resolved the introduction of redundancy, the discretization of errors
and a way to measure the syndrome without destroying the information. We still need to take
care of phase flip errors. We have been able to protect against bit flip errors by encoding the bits
redundantly. The idea is to also encode the phase of the state in a redundant fashion. Shors idea
was to encode a qubit using nine qubits in the following way:
|0ienc = (|000i + |111i) (|000i + |111i) (|000i + |111i)
|1ienc = (|000i |111i) (|000i |111i) (|000i |111i)
Note that with this encoding, each of the blocks of three qubits is still encoded with a repetition
code, so we can still correct bit flip errors in a fashion very similar to above. But what about phase
3 Note, that if we trace out the environment (see App. B.2), we obtain a process where with probability 1
nothing happens, and with probability the bit is flipped. defines the rate of error.
J. Kempe
Seminaire Poincare
errors? A phase flip error, say on one of the first three qubits, acts as:
(|000i |111i) (|000i + |111i) (|000i + |111i)
phase f lip
(|000i + |111i) (|000i |111i) (|000i |111i)
phase f lip
We need to detect this phase flip without measuring the information in the state. To achieve this
we will follow the ideas developed for the bit flip and measure the parity of the phases on each pair
of two of the three blocks. There is an interesting and useful duality between bit flip and phase
flip errors. Let us look at a different basis for qubits, given by the states
|+i = (|0i + |1i)
|i = (|0i |1i)
The change from the standard basis to the |i-basis we apply the Hadamard transform H. Now
note that a phase flip error acts as
phase f lip
phase f lip
In other words a phase flip in the standard basis becomes a bit flip in the |i-basis. If we apply a
Hadamard transform to each of the three qubits of a block of the Shor code, we obtain
H 3 (|000i + |111i) =
H 3 (|000i |111i) =
(|000i + |110i + |101i + |011i)
(|111i + |001i + |010i + |100i)
Note that the parity of each of the bitstrings for positive phase is even and for negative phase it
is odd. We can see that if two blocks have different phase, then in the parity of its constituent 6
qubits is odd, otherwise it is even. Hence, in order to detect a phase error, we just need to measure
the parity of all qubits in the three possible pairs of blocks in the |i basis. The circuit in Fig. 5
does exactly that.
block 2
ancilla |0i H
Figure 5:
Circuit to measure the parity of the phase of the first and the second block of three qubits. In the
|i-basis a CNOT acts on target (t) and control (c) bit as |+it |ic |+it |ic and |it |ic |it |ic , i.e. it
flips the control bit in the |i basis if the target bit is |ic . This way the ancilla bit is flipped an even number of
times from |+i to |i if blocks 1 and 2 have the same phase, and an odd number of times if they have different
The nine-bit Shor code above protects against bit and phase flip, and also against a combination of both (when both bit and phase flip are detected, the error is XZ). Note again, that
we assume that each of the qubits undergoes some error at rate . Hence, by the discretization
resulting from the error-recovery measurement, the state will be projected onto either a state where
no error has occurred (with probability 1 9) or a state with a large error (single qubit, two
qubit etc.). This code protects against all single qubit errors. Only when two or more errors occur
(which happens with probability 362 ) the error is irrecoverable. Comparing this with the error
rate of an unencoded qubit, , we see that this code is advantageous whenever 1/36.
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on C
It has been shown [BDSW96, KL97] that QECCs exist for the set of errors if the following conditions (QECC-conditions) are satisfied:
QECC-conditions: Let E be a discrete linear base set for E and let the code C be spanned by the
basis {|i i : i = 1 . . . K}. Then C is an E-correcting QECC if and only if |i i, |j i C
hj |E E |i i = c ij
E , E E.
What this means is the following: Errors E , E E acting on different orthogonal codewords |i i
take these codewords to orthogonal states (hi |E E |j i = 0). Otherwise errors would destroy the
perfect distinguishability of orthogonal codewords and no recovery would be possible. On the other
hand for different errors acting on the same codeword |i i we only require that hi |E E |i i does
not depend on i. Otherwise we would - in identifying the error - acquire some information about
the encoded state |i i and thus inevitably disturb it.
We usually think of the errors E to be a subset of the Pauli group with up to t non-identity
Pauli matrices (for a t-error correcting QECC).
It is now possible to make the connection to the theory of classical error correcting codes. It
turns out that there are families of classical codes with certain properties (concerning their dual)
which make good quantum error correcting codes [Ste96b, CS96]. The codes have become known as
Calderbank-Shor-Steane codes (CSS codes). It has been shown that for any number t of correctable
errors, there is a QECCs which can correct up to t errors (bit flip, phase flip and combination).
As a result this code reduces the error for an unencoded qubit, , to ct+1 , where c is a constant
depending on the code.
To illustrate this connection to classical codes we will briefly describe the smallest code in
that family, which was first given by Steane [Ste96b]. This is the so called 7 qubit Steane code,
based on the classical 7-bit Hamming code. The classical Hamming code encodes one bit into 7
bits. The codewords can be characterized by the parity check matrix
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
H = 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 .
1 0 1 0 1 0 1
The code is the kernel of H, i.e. each code word is a 7-bit vector vcode such that H vcode = (0, 0, 0)T
in GF (2) arithmetic. H has three linearly independent rows (over GF (2)), so the kernel is spanned
by four linearly independent code words, and hence there are 16 different code words. If an error
J. Kempe
Seminaire Poincare
g g g g Measure
g g g g Measure
g g g g Measure
Figure 6: Computation of the bit-flip syndrome for Steanes 7-qubit code. The three ancilla qubits
carry the error syndrome.
affects the ith bit of the codeword, this codeword is changed to vcode + ei . The parity check matrix
of the resulting word is H(vcode + ei ) = Hei 6= 0, which is just the ith column of H. Since all
columns of H are distinct, each ei has a different error syndrome and we can infer ei from it.
Steanes code, derived from the Hamming code, is the following
even v
|vi = 18
|0icode = 18
|0000000i + |0001111i + |0110011i + |0111100i
+|1010101i + |1011010i + |1100110i + |1101001i ,
odd v
|vi = 18
|1111111i + |1110000i + |1001100i + |1000011i
|1icode = 18
+|0101010i + |0100101i + |0011001i + |0010110i ,
i.e. |0icode is the superposition of all even and |1icode the superposition of all odd codewords. Note
that all states appearing in the code words are Hamming code words, and hence a single bit flip
can be detected by a simple parity measurement, as in Fig. 6.
To deal with phase flip errors we use the observation of Eq. (6), that phase flip errors correspond to bit flip errors in the |i basis. But if we change to this basis by applying the Hadamard
transform to each bit, we obtain
H 7 |0icode =
H 7 |1icode =
1 P
|vi =
(|0icode + |1icode) ,
(1)wt(v) |vi =
(|0icode |1icode ) ,
(where wt(v) denotes the weight of v). The key point is that in the |i basis, like in the |0i, |1i
basis, |0icode and |1icode , are superpositions of Hamming codewords. Hence, in the rotated basis,
as in the original basis, we can perform the Hamming parity check to diagnose bit flips, which are
phase flips in the original basis. Assuming that only one qubit is in error, performing the parity
check in both bases completely diagnoses the error, and enables us to correct it.
The core observation that allows to generalize Steanes construction to codes that encode more
bits and can correct more errors is the following: If a quantum code word is a linear superposition
over classical code words that form a code C, then in the |i basis this code word is a linear
superposition over the code words of the dual code C , where C = {u : u v = 0 v C}. This
can derived when looking at the action of the Hadamard transform on n-bit strings |xi:
H n |xi =
(1)xy |yi
2n y{0,1}n
As it is easy to see from Eq. (8), the Hamming code is its own dual, and hence we can use its
properties to correct phase errors. In general, the CSS constructions find a code C 1 (for the bit flip
errors) such that its dual, C1 , contains a sufficiently good code C2 (for the phase flip errors).
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Having seen the nine qubit Shor code and the seven qubit Steane code, one can ask what the
minimal overhead for a quantum code that corrects a single error is. It turns out that the smallest
quantum code that achieves this has five qubits, and that this is optimal [LMPZ96].
Gottesman developed a very powerful formalism, so called stabilizer codes, that generalizes
both the Shor code and CSS codes and gave fault tolerant constructions for them (for more details
see App. D).
7 Fault-tolerant computation
When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them.
We have seen that good quantum error correction codes exist. But so far we have worked
under the assumption, that the error recovery procedure is perfect. Of course, error recovery will
never be flawless. Recovery is itself a quantum computation that will be prone to decoherence.
We must ensure that errors do not propagate during recovery. For instance, if an error occurs in
the ancilla bit in the parity measurement of Fig. 5, all six qubits interacting with it might be
corrupted; the error propagates catastrophically. In fault-tolerant computing design, care is taken
to avoid this type of error spreading, and other possible introduction and propagation of error.
But even if we manage to avoid error spreading during recovery, that is not enough. A quantum
computer does more than just store information, it also processes it. Of course we could decode,
perform a gate and encode, but this procedure would temporarily expose quantum information to
decoherence. Instead, we must apply our quantum gates directly to the encoded data.
Guidelines of fault-tolerance
The quantum circuit model gives us a good intuition about the points in a computation that
potentially can introduce errors and corrupt the computation. We need to be able to faultlessly
prepare the initial state, compute with a sequence of quantum gates and measure the output.
Using a code to protect our computation against noise, we also need to assure faultless encoding,
decoding and correction. Each qubit will be encoded into a separate block and quantum logic has to
be applied directly on the encoded states so that the information is never exposed to noise without
protection. This gives us the following guidelines of fault-tolerance:
Encoding/Decoding/State Preparation The procedure to encode/decode the information into a
code should not introduce more errors than the code can correct. In the case of a 1-error correcting
QECC encoding should not introduce more than one error per encoded block. Often the only states
that need to be encoded are some |00 . . . 0i states at the beginning of the computation, it is then
sufficient to ensure fault-tolerant state-preparation.
Error-detection and Recovery These procedures (for a QECC), usually realized by a set of quantum gates together with auxiliary qubits, should again not introduce more than one error per
Quantum gates should not introduce more than one error per encoded block. Furthermore they
should not propagate already existing errors from one qubit to several others in the same block.
Measurement should not introduce more than one error per block. Furthermore the measurement
result must have probability of error of order 2 , where is the probability of failure of any of the
components in the measurement procedure. This is because the measurement result may be used
to control other operations in a quantum computer.
J. Kempe
Seminaire Poincare
Figure 7: Construction and verification of the |ancillai state. If the measurement outcome is 1,
then the state is discarded and a new |ancillai state is prepared.
With these guidelines in place, we will now illustrate how fault-tolerant recovery can be achieved,
using the Steane code in Eq.(9) as our example. The error-measurement circuit in Fig. 6 is not
fault-tolerant, as each of the CNOT gates can propagate a single phase error on the ancilla qubit
to all four of the code qubits. To prevent this propagation, we need to expand the ancilla into four
qubits, each one the target of only one CNOT gate. But now we are again faced with the problem
that our measurement should only reveal information about the error (the parity) but not about
the encoded state. We circumvent this problem by preparing the ancilla in the following state
|ancillai = (|0000i + |1100i + |1010i + |1001i + |0110i + |0101i + |0011i + |1111i) ,
i.e. in a superposition of all even bit strings. The crucial observation is that on this state one bit
flip or three bit flips on any qubits all have the same effect, they transform it to the superposition
of odd bit strings. Similarly, this state is invariant under any even number of bit flips. This means
that we can infer the syndrome bit from the parity of the ancilla bits, it suffices to measure the
ancilla in the end. Hence our syndrome measurement obeys the guidelines of fault-tolerance. To
prepare the ancilla, we can use the circuit in Fig. 7, which at the same time allows verification of
correct ancilla preparation.
The ancilla state must be verified before it is used, because a single error in the preparation
of the ancilla state can propagate and cause two phase errors in the |ancillai state. Hence the
circuit in Fig. 7 also verifies that multiple phase errors do not occur. If it fails the test it should
be discarded, and the preparation procedure repeated.
Moreover, a single syndrome measurement might be faulty. Thus, the syndrome measurement
should be repeated for accuracy; only if the same result is measured twice in a row should it be
With all the precautions above, recovery will only fail if two independent errors occur in this
entire procedure. The probability that this happens is still c2 for some constant c, but because
there are now many more gates and steps involved the constant c can be quite large.
In a conceptually similar fashion it is possible to encode a qubit and to measure it in a basis
spanned by |0icode and |1icode while following the guideline of fault-tolerance. For details the reader
should consult e.g. [Sho96, Ste97, Pre98b, Pre99, Pre98a] or the work of Gottesman (e.g. [Got97c])
for fault-tolerant construction for CSS and other codes in the stabilizer formalism (see App. D).
Fault-tolerant computation
We have seen how to recover stored quantum information, even when recovery is faulty. But we
also want to compute, and the gates we use will be faulty as well. This means that we must be
able to apply the gates directly to the encoded data, without introducing errors uncontrollably and
following the guidelines of fault-tolerance.
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In fact, staying with the 7-qubit Steane code, it is easy to implement some single qubit gates
directly on the encoded data. We have seen that the bitwise Hadamard transform implements an
encoded Hadamard transform on the codewords (see Eq. (10)). This means we can apply it without
propagating errors and such that each gate introduces at most one new error. Similarly, it is easy
to see that the bitwise X gate induces an encoded Xenc because even code words get mapped
to odd ones and vice versa. Moreover the bitwise Z gate (which is just HXH) implements the
encoded Z. In the same way the 4 gate (a diagonal single qubit unitary with diagonal (1, i)) can
be implemented by applying it bitwise to the encoded data.
Also, it is not hard to see that the bitwise CNOT between two quantum code words, i.e.
a CNOT from the first qubit of the first code word to the first qubit of the second code word,
a CNOT from the second qubit of the first code word, to the second qubit of the second and
so on, implements a global CNOT between two code words. We call such an implementation of
an encoded two qubit gate transversal. This is very promising, but the set of operation we can
implement fault-tolerantly is not yet universal. We also need to implement the /8 gate for a
universal set of gates. Unfortunately it seems to be impossible to implement the /8 gate in a
fault-tolerant way. There are several ways to circumvent this problem. Shor, for instance, gave a
way to complete the universal set by giving a transversal implementation of a three qubit gate, the
Toffoli gate [Sho96]. However, we will follow a slightly different route here. It turns out that the
gates {X, 4 , CN OT } are universal, provided we can measure a code word in the |0icode , |1icode
basis and we have access to the state
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layers of encoded qubits, say k layers, and the total number of qubits is 7k . This type of code is
called concatenated code.
The exact calculations behind the threshold theorem are rather intricate. Let us only give
a rough intuition. The idea is to perform error recovery most often at the lowest level, and less
and less often at higher levels of the hierarchy, which have more qubits. We recursively apply the
idea of simulating a circuit using an encoded circuit, constructing a hierarchy of quantum circuits.
Suppose in the first stage the original qubit is encoded in a quantum code whose encoded qubits
are again encoded in a quantum code and so on. Each level has some error recovery cycles. If the
failure probability at the lowest level of this code is then the failure probability at the next level of
encoding is c2 (remember that the Steane code reduces the error rate from first to second order),
where c counts all possibilities that two errors can occur, given the number of gates in the recovery
procedure and the fault-tolerant application of gates. Continuing with this reasoning, the effective
error rate at the next level is c2 , and error recovery reduces the error to c(c2 )2 . Proceeding level
by level, we see that at the kth level of the hierarchy an error on one of the sub-blocks only has
probability (c)2 /c. We see that if our noise rate is below a certain threshold, < th 1/c, then
the error is reduced in each level of concatenation. This gives the error threshold for fault-tolerant
quantum computation.
How does the total size of the circuit grow? Lets assume that one level of encoding requires
an overhead of G gates to fault-tolerantly perform a gate and error-correct. Then the size of the
simulating circuit grows as Gk . Let us see when this concatenation procedure gives a small enough
failure probability:
Assume the initial quantum circuit we want to emulate has N gates and we wish to achieve
a final accuracy psuccess . In such a circuit each gate has to be accurate to psuccess /N (gate errors
add linearly). To achieve this we concatenate k times so that
= th (
log(N th /psuccess )
log(th /)
If is smaller than the threshold value, such a k can be found. For error rates below the threshold
we can achieve arbitrary accuracy by concatenation. Per initial gate the final circuit will have
log G
log(N th /psuccess )
Gk = 2k log G
= poly(log N )
log(th /)
gates and so its final size will be N poly(log N ) which is only polylogarithmically larger than the
original N .
Note that we have crudely simplified our calculations. Estimating the threshold is an extremely
intricate task. Its value depends on the details of the code and fault-tolerance constructions used.
It also depends on whether we assume the classical syndrome processing to be perfect or not. In
all cases it seems that we need high parallelization and a supply of fresh ancilla qubits during the
computation. For a long time the actual value of the threshold has been estimated by optimists
and pessimists to lie somewhere between 104 and 107 . Recent work seems to indicate that it
can be even as high as 3% [Kni05] (see also [AGP05, Rei05]) and optimized numerical simulations
of fault-tolerant protocols suggest a threshold as high as 5% (however, to tolerate this much error
existing protocols require enormous overhead).
Vol. 1, 2005
interact with the environment in a collective fashion, possibly undergoing a correlated error. For
these cases the theory of decoherence-free subspaces and subsystems has been developed, sometimes
also called error-avoiding codes. These codes come into play when the decoherence process is in
some sense not local, but collective, involving groups of qubits.
Let us give a classical example. Assume we have an error process that with some probability
flips all bits in a group, and otherwise does nothing. In this case we can encode a classical bit as
0 00
1 01.
01 10.
But no matter if the error has acted or not, the parity of the bit string is unchanged. So when we
decode, we will associate 00 and 11 with the encoded 0 bit and 01 and 10 with the encoded 1. Note
that we will be able to decode correctly no matter how hight the rate of error is! The error does
not touch the invariant, parity, into which we encode. That means that our encoded information
has managed to completely avoid the error, we have given the simplest error-avoiding code.
A lot of research has been done to generalize this to the quantum case (see e.g. [Kem01,
Bac01, LW03] for surveys). The noise model is in general derived from the Hamiltonian picture
(see App. B.1) or from the Markovian picture (see App. B.3), a brief derivation is given in App. E.
In general the underlying assumption is that several qubits couple collectively to the environment
and are affected by a symmetric decoherence process. In systems where this form of decoherence
is dominant at the qubit level, error-avoiding codes as part of the error-correction scheme are
We will content ourselves with briefly describing one example. For one of the most common
collective decoherence processes the noise
Pn operators on n qubits (see App. E) in the Hamiltonian
picture (App. B.1) are given by S = i=1 i , where i is a Pauli matrix ( = {x, y, z}) on the
ith qubit. Intuitively this means that the possible unitary errors are exp(itS ). The condition for
decoherence-free subspaces is that
S |codewordi = c |codewordi,
or in other words that the code space is a simultaneous eigenspace of each S with eigenvalue c .
If this is the case, each unitary noise operator only introduces an unobservable phase exp(itc ) on
the code space.
Let us look at an encoding of 4 qubits:
= |si |si
= (|t+ i |t i |t0 i |t0 i + |t i |t+ i) ,
J. Kempe
Seminaire Poincare
Further Reading
An ever growing community of researchers has been and is working an error correction and faulttolerance in the quantum setting, and it is impossible to mention all of them in this framework.
What follows is a selection of some of the milestones and recent developments, where the interested
reader can find more information.
That quantum error correcting codes exist was first pointed out by Shor [Sho95] and Steane
[Ste96b] in the end of 1995. By early 1996 it was shown by Steane [Ste96a] and Calderbank and
Shor [CS96] that good codes exist, i.e. codes that are capable to correct many errors. The quantum
error correction conditions where formalized by Knill and Laflamme [KL97] and Bennett et al.
[BDSW96]4 .
The first fully fault-tolerant recovery scheme, which takes into account that encoding, errorcorrection and decoding are themselves noisy operations, was developed by Shor in 1996 [Sho96].
4 These
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Davies [Dav76]. Caldeira and Leggett [CL83] in 1983 undertook one of the first and most complete
studies of an important model, the spin-boson model.
Within the context of quantum computers these studies were taken up by Unruh [Unr95] in
1995 and developed by many others (e.g. Palma et al. [PSE96], Zanardi [Zan97, Zan98]). Over the
past few years work on quantum computation has generated profound insights into the nature of
Hamiltonian Picture
To model the dynamics of a register of qubits (quantum computer) with its surroundings we imagine
the system immersed into its environment (often called bath) and the whole (quantum register plus
environment) as a closed system described in a general way by the following Hamiltonian:
H = HS IB + IS HB + HI ,
where HS (HB ) [the system (bath) Hamiltonian] acts on the system (bath) Hilbert space HS
(HB ), IS (IB ) is the identity operator on the system (bath) Hilbert space, and HI , which acts
on both the system and bath Hilbert spaces HS HB , is the interaction Hamiltonian containing
all the nontrivial couplings between system and bath. In general HI can be written as a sum of
operators which act separately on the system (S s) and on the bath (B s):
HI =
S B .
bk |iik = i + 1|i + 1ik . Note that bk bk |iik = i|iik , i.e. |iik is an eigenstate of the number
operator bk bk .
The quantum register is described by an arrangement of n two-level systems (spins). This
results in the spin-boson model, where the bath Hamiltonian can be written as
HB =
k Bk
and, e.g., for the spin-boson Hamiltonian, Bk = bk bk [LCD+ 87], and bk , bk are respectively
creation and annihilation operators of bath mode k. The interaction Hamiltonian is given by
HI =
i=1 =+,,z k
k + h.c.,
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where gik
is a coupling coefficient and h.c. denotes the hermitian conjugate. In the spin-boson model
+ = bk , B
= b and B
z = b + bk . Thus i B
expresses a dissipative
one would have B
z corresponds
coupling (in which energy is exchanged between system and environment), and zi B
to a phase damping process (in which the environment randomizes the system phases, e.g., through
elastic collisions).
The evolution of a quantum state in the entire space is unitary in a closed system of which we can
observe and control all parts. Very often, however, this is not the case: imagine for example that we
perform a certain measurement and then forget or lose the measurement outcome. As a result
we know that the state has collapsed into some eigenstate of of the measurement operator, but
not into which one, and we will have to assign probabilities to each of them to model the current
state of the system. Take the example of a qubit |i = |0i + |1i and the measurement in the
computational basis. Performing this measurement and throwing away the result will leave the
system in the state |0i with probability ||2 and in the state |1i with probability ||2 . To describe
this mixture of possible states the density matrix formalism proved to be very useful: we write
= || |0ih0| + || |1ih1| =
Another way we can think about density matrices is to imagine that we have a (big) quantum
system and can access only part of it. To describe the quantum state of the accessible part (call
it A), we have to average over the non- accessible degrees of freedom of the system (part B). This
is done by performing a complete measurement on system B (mentally) and throwing away the
outcomes (because we do not have access to them). Let us give the example of a state of 2 qubits
|iAB = |00i + |11i where we only have access to the first qubit (part A). If we (mentally)
measure system B in the computational basis, we obtain the density matrix from Eq. (14).
Let us proceed to the more general description of the statics and dynamics of open quantum
systems, described by mixed states:
States in an N -dimensional Hilbert space HN are given by density matrices such that:
is hermitian: =
is positive: |i HN h||i 0, which is equivalent to i 0, where i are the
eigenvalues of (this can be viewed as a statement about the positivity of probabilities of
the pure states in the mixture).
has trace 1 (this corresponds to the normalization of probabilities)
Pure states |i of the system are associated with the density matrix pure = |ih|. A general
mixed state is diagonalizable and can be written in its spectral decomposition as
pk |k ihk |
Note that there are in general many other ways to write in the above form if we allow for nonorthogonal states in the decomposition. Each such decomposition {qk , |k i} is called an ensemble
realization of . The ambiguity in the decomposition of manifests some loss of information, in
the sense that the probabilistic mixture could have arisen in a multitude of ways.
Dynamics: To describe the evolution of an open system - and thus of decoherence - we will immerse
it into a closed system. The evolution of a closed system is described by a unitary transformation,
which translates to an effective dynamics of the open system governed by completely positive (and
trace-preserving) maps. Loosely speaking, these are maps that in HA take density matrices to
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density matrices, with the additional property that if we extend the map to bigger spaces H AB by
applying the map on A and the identity map on B, then they still take density matrices to density
matrices. More precisely, an operator map is completely positive if (I )() 0 whenever
The important point here is that according to Kraus Representation Theorem [Kra83] every
completely positive trace preserving map can be written as
M M = I
where the M are N -by-N matrices (N being the dimension of the Hilbert space). In particular
this describes both the Hamiltonian and the Markovian dynamics, though in general it is often
tedious to derive the form of the M from the S of the Hamiltonian picture (Eq. (12)). Note that
contrary to the case of unitary evolution, general open system dynamics is not reversible.
Markovian Picture
Another very powerful formalism to describe decoherence is the approach of master equations.
Markovian quantum dynamics describes processes resulting from the interaction with a Markovian
environment in the so called Born-Markov approximation. The main objective is to describe the
time-evolution of an open system with a differential equation - the Master equation - which properly
describes non-unitary behavior.
In fact it is not a priori obvious that there needs to be a differential equation that describes
decoherence. Such a description will be possible only if the evolution of the quantum system will
be local in time (Markovian), i.e. that the density operator (t + dt) is completely determined by
(t). This is usually not the case because the bath retains a memory of the state of at previous
times for a while and can transfer it back to the system.
To obtain the Master equation in the Born-Markov approximation a common approach is to
start with the Hamiltonian description Eq. (11) and use time-dependent perturbation theory (i.e.
an expansion into time-series) with careful truncation (cf. [Car93]).
A more axiomatic way, followed by Lindblad [Lin76, AL87], is to establish the most general
linear equation for density matrices. More precisely, by assuming that (i) the evolution of the system
density matrix is a one-parameter semigroup, (ii) the system density matrix retains the properties
of a density matrix including complete positivity, and (iii) the system and bath density matrices
are initially decoupled, Lindblad [Lin76] has shown that the most general evolution of the system
density matrix S (t) (in a Hilbert space of dimension N ) is governed by the master equation
= L[]
= i[HS , ] +
= i[HS , ] +
1 X
a [F , F ] + [F , F ]
1 X
a L, [].
Here HS is the system Hamiltonian generating unitary evolution plus possible additional terms due
to the interaction with the bath - usually referred to as Lamb-shift -; the operators F constitute
a basis for the M -dimensional space of all bounded operators acting on HS 7 , and a are the
elements of a positive semi-definite Hermitian matrix. We refer to the matrix a as the GKS
Every such process described by Eq. (15) corresponds to some interaction which, if applied
for a duration t, induces a quantum operation Et . The class of quantum operations Et forms a
Markovian semigroup, such that
Es Et = Es+t .
7 they
are often called the Lindblad operators or the quantum jump operators
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Here Es Et denotes composition of the operations, i.e., Es Et . Each Markovian semigroup in turn
describes the dynamics resulting from some interaction with a Markovian environment in the Born
Note that the Operator Sum Representation also describes Markovian dynamics, though it
is in practice often difficult to derive the M (Eq. (14)) from the F of the Markovian picture
(Eq. (15)).
To make our description of Markovian quantum dynamics concrete, we present some important examples of qubit noise processes8 . We choose the basis {F } to be the normalized Pauli
operators 12 {x , y , z }, and we write the density matrix of a qubit as
et 01
where is a decay constant and t is the duration of the process. The generator has a GKS matrix
with aPD
33 = 2 and all other a = 0. The second example is the depolarizing channel, which acts
on a qubit as
(00 11 )
e t 01
() =
(11 00 )
e t 10
Its GKS matrix has the nonzero elements aDEP
= aDEP
= aDEP
= /4. Our final example is
amplitude damping, which acts on a qubit as
00 + (1 et )11 et/2 01
EtAD () =
et/2 10
et 11
The GKS matrix aAD
is given by
1 i 0
i 1 0 .
0 0 0
The Error-model
The underlying key assumption for efficient usage of quantum error-correcting codes is the independent error model. Intuitively, if a noise process acts independently on the different qubits in
the code, then provided the noise is sufficiently weak, error-correction should improve the storage
fidelity of the encoded over the unencoded state.
Mathematically, the assumption of independent errors can be retraced in each of the decoherence pictures introduced in Sec. B. In the Hamiltonian picture we can rewrite Eq. (13) as
HI =
i=1 =x,y,z k
i B
ik ,
+ and B
z and Bx ,By are appropriate linear combinations of B
where Bzik B
8 For
+ +
gik Bk + gik
+ +
gik Bk gik
a review of these processes and their relevance to quantum information theory, see [NC00]; [Pre98a].
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i.e. all system components can be expressed in terms of tensor products of the single qubit Pauli
matrices. If we expand the evolution to first order in time and assume that the error-rates g ik are
independent we will get an operator sum representation (OSR) (cf. Eq. (14)) where each term is a
linear combination of the Pauli matrices (see [LBW99] for a recent derivation). In the Markovian
formulation of noise (cf. Eq. (15)) the independent error model assumes that each of the F affects
only one of the qubits and that the F are not correlated. Higher order correlations are taken
into account by using a code that is suitably constructed for the particular error-model. Therefore
the theory of QECCs has focused on searching for codes that make quantum information robust
against 1, 2,... or more erroneous qubits, as this is the most reasonable model when one assumes
spatially separated qubits with their own local environments. Detection and correction procedures
must then be implemented at a rate higher than the intrinsic error rate.
From the linear decomposition of the error operators in the OSR or the master equation
it follows that QECC-schemes need to be able to correct only a discrete set of errors, namely
those generated by the Pauli-group9. Intuitively we can imagine that the error process acting on
one qubit puts the quantum state into a superposition of one of the four possible discrete errors
(I2 , x,y,z ) and the error-detection and correction procedure collapses the state into one of these
errors and then corrects as needed. This intuition can be made formal [NC00, KL97]: it is possible
to decompose the the operators M that appear in Eq. (14) into a basis of tensor products of the
Pauli matrices. It can then be seen, when deriving the OSR representation from the Hamiltonian
picture, that to first order in the noise rate the noise process gives terms with a single non-identity
matrix (single qubit error). The core message is again that quantum codes need to account only
for a discrete linear basis of all possible errors.
Stabilizer Codes
Stabilizer codes, also known as additive codes, are an important subclass of quantum codes. The
stabilizer formalism provides an insightful tool to quantum codes and fault-tolerant operations. It
was developed by Gottesman in 1996 [Got97a, Got97c]. We will not outline the full formalism here
but rather describe only the key elements. A full treatment can be found in [Got97b].
The powerful idea behind the stabilizer formalism is to look at the set of group elements that
stabilize a certain code and to work with this stabilizer instead of directly with the code. In the
framework of QECCs, the stabilizer permits on the one hand to identify the errors the code can
detect and correct. It also links quantum codes to the theory of classical error correcting codes in
a transparent fashion. On the other hand it also allows one to find a set of universal, fault-tolerant
An operator S is said to stabilize a code C if
|i C
S|i = |i S S.
The set of operators {S} form a group S, known as the stabilizer of the code [Got97c]. Clearly,
S is closed under multiplication. In the theory of QECC the underlying group is the Pauli-group,
the stabilizers are subgroups of the Pauli-group (tensor products of I, X, Y, Z ). Since any two
elements of the Pauli group either commute or anti-commute, the stabilizer, in this case is always
Abelian. The code is thus the common eigenspace of the stabilizer elements with eigenvalue 1.
Additive codes are completely characterized by their stabilizer S. The stabilizer S can be given by
a set of generators which span the stabilizer group via multiplication.
We define the centralizer of S to be the set of elements e in the Pauli group that commute
with every element in S, i.e. eS = Se for all S S. In case of the Pauli group it coincides with
the normalizer of S - the set of elements E in the Pauli-group with ESE S for all S S. We
will denote it by N (S) and call it normalizer throughout. Note that the normalizer contains the
stabilizer S itself.
Recall that in the theory of QECCs the error process E can be expanded in terms of the
error basis E which is a subgroup of the Pauli group. In particular E E either commutes or
9 In
the context of error-correction the Pauli matrices x,y,z are often denoted by X, Y, Z respectively.
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anti-commutes with elements in the stabilizer. This allows us to recast the QECC-condition Eq. (7)
in the stabilizer formalism as follows
QECC-conditions: A quantum code C with stabilizer S is an E-correcting QECC if for all E , E
E one of the following holds:
(1) There is an S S that anti-commutes with E E
(2) E E S.
This clearly implies the QECC conditions Eq. (7), since in the case of (1) hi |E E |j i =
hi |E E S|j i = hi |SE E |j i = 0 and in the case of (2) hi |E E |j i = hi |j i = ij . In
particular this implies that the matrix element c is either 0 in the case of (1) or 1 in the case of
(2). Conditions (1) and (2) can be reformulated succinctly as: E E
/ N (S) S.
The nine bit Shor code in Eq. (5) is a stabilizer code. The set of its stabilizers is generated
Z1 Z2
Z2 Z3
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
Z4 Z5
Z5 Z6
X1 X2 X3 X7 X8 X9
Z7 Z8
Z8 Z9
X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
Note that these generators correspond to the measurements to detect bit flip (the Z generators)
and phase flip (the X generators) errors. Indeed, for instance a bit flip error on the first qubit
anticommutes with Z1 Z2 .
The generators for the stabilizer of the Steane code in Eq. (9) on the 7 qubits are the following:
Note how the positions of the Z and X correspond to the parity check matrix H in Eq. (8). The
fact that the code is self dual is seen in the symmetry between the Z and the X. Note that the
change of basis from |0i, |1i to the |i basis, which is implemented by a conjugation with the
Hadamard transform H on each bit, transforms all Z into X and vice versa (HXH = Z and
HZH = X).
The smallest possible quantum code to protect against single qubit errors, the 5-qubit code
[LMPZ96], has the following (shift invariant) stabilizer
The stabilizer formalism allows to derive fault-tolerant computation in a convenient way. A
key ingredient are encoded gates that transform encoded states, without decoding them, which
would expose them to noise without protection. For universal quantum computation it is sufficient
to show how to implement a universal discrete set of gates fault-tolerantly.
The key insight to fault-tolerant gates is that these encoded gates should only take encoded
states to valid encoded states, without leaving the code-space. For an encoded gate G this means
that after application of G to a state stabilized by all elements of S the resulting state must still
be stabilized by S (see Eq. (17))
G|i C
SG|i = GS|i
or in other words over the code-space G commutes with all elements of S. In the case of QECCs
and the Pauli group this means that G is in the normalizer N (S) of S.
The normalizer allows one to easily identify encoded logical operations on the code. It can
be shown that for large classes of stabilizer codes a universal gate-set can be implemented either
because the encoded gates are transversal, i.e. they affect only one qubit per block, or in connection
with state-preparation of special states and measurement.
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To derive the model of collective noise that applies to decoherence-free subsystems, we will work
with the Hamiltonian picture (see App. B.1), following [ZR97]. We use the interaction Hamiltonian
Eq. (13). Collective decoherence is the case where the coupling constants do not depend on the
H = 0 Sz +
k bk bk +
+ h.c.
gk B
The crucial observation is now that if we start the system in a common eigenstate with the same
eigenvalue of all the S with the bath in an eigenstate of HB then the evolution will be completely
decoupled. The condition for decoherence-free subspaces (DFS) is
S |i = c |i |i DF S
Dynamical symmetry allows for unitary evolution of a subspace while the remaining part of the
Hilbert space gets strongly entangled with the environment. This is true for arbitrary coupling
strength. The form of noise where all three S , {x, y, z}, come into play is now called strong
collective decoherence, if there is only coupling to one of the S the noise is called weak collective
It is also possible to study collective noise in the Markovian picture (see App. B.3). We use Eq.
(15), where LD gives the non-unitary coupling term11 . The decoherence-free condition LD [] = 0
implies that
F |i = c |i |i DF S
As before the decoherence-free states are common eigenstates of the operators F . In case of
collective decoherence (symmetry of all the qubits), the F are exactly the S of Eq. (19), and it
is possible to show that the unitary term of the Master-equation does not affect the DFS to first
This line of reasoning can be generalized to decoherence-free subsystems. The S act on the
system space. We can study the irreducible representations of this action and identify irreducible
subspaces. For each irreducible representation there will be one or several irreducible subspaces on
which the S act in the same way. The one dimensional subspaces will only get a phase factor,
they correspond to the decoherence-free subspaces of Eq. (20). But the other subspaces are not
10 This
procedure may differ from case to case, here we only give an example for illustration.
that the coupling of a system with an environment might also change the unitary part of the evolution of
i[H, ] by introducing an additional term to the system Hamiltonian, called the Lamb-shift.
11 Note
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lost for our purposes. Any irreducible subspace can be used to encode information, because the
action of the noise operators S will keep the state within the subspace. Even though the state will
change, its subspace will identify the encoded information. The number of irreducible subspaces
corresponding to the same irreducible representation gives the number of different code words we
can use.
The irreducible representations corresponding to the operators associated with strong collective decoherence (Eq. (19)) have been studied widely in physics, as they correspond to the angular
momentum operators.
In the case of two qubits there is a single common eigenstate of the S , {x, y, z}, the
singlet state
|i = (|0i|1i |1i|0i).
For three qubits there is no one-dimensional irreducible representation of the S , but there
are two (identical) two-dimensional irreducibles subspaces into which we can encode as
|0icode =
| 12 (|010i |100i)
| 12 (|011i |101i)
|1icode =
Increasing the number of qubits the number of identical irreducible subspaces grows favorably,
so that it is possible to encode at a good rate. For more references on this and the theory of
fault-tolerant computation on such systems, see Sec. A.
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