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Concept Note English

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22nd National Childrens Science Congress

Focal theme: Understanding Weather and Climate
Weather is the instantaneous state of the atmosphere, or sequence of states of the atmosphere
with time, which can be defined as the condition of the atmosphere at any given time and place.
Climate, on the other hand, is the average as well as variability of weather conditions prevailing in an
area over a long period of time, known also as the Statistics of Weather. Precipitation, temperature,
humidity, atmospheric pressure, and wind are the important elements of weather and climate. It is
the result of the interaction of four basic physical elements- the Sun, the Earth's atmosphere, the
Earth itself, and natural landforms on the Earth's surface. Weather and climate of a particular
location are also governed by natural factors like geographical position (in terms of latitude,
longitude and altitude), distribution of land and water, distance from water bodies, surface cover
Weather and climate are the vital factors determining the nature, condition and pattern of natural
resources (e.g. water, soil, flora, and fauna). Collective expressions of the state of temperature,
humidity and precipitation within a year in different seasons as well as in long term basis determine
the forms of water, soil-forming processes and create support systems for the floral growth, which in
turn regulates faunal composition of a locality. These natural resource bases along with weather and
climate determine the way of life of human being. Thus, the economic framework and cultural
composition of a locality is also dependent on the weather and climate and hence, any significant
change in these two key factors has a profound impact not only on natural resources but also on the
entire biosphere.
Increased level of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have been identified as
the key factor of global climate change, the most important global environmental challenge being
faced by humanity today. As per IPCC Reports, 2013, on an average, temperature has increased by
roughly 1.53F (0.85C) from 1880 to 2012.
Indias weather and climate are mainly governed by her geographical location, surrounding
boundary conditions (the Himalayas, the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal). Further, the
variations in land and water distribution within the country, altitudinal differences, vegetation type
and cover along with the variations of sunshine hours within the country due to its latitudinal and
longitudinal extension are clubbed together to divide the country into six climatic zones and twelve
agro-climatic zones differing from each other quite significantly. But these climatic and agro-climatic
zones are facing serious problems of various kinds due to the impact of climatic/ weather anomalies.
For more than one decade weather and climatic anomalies are taking place in all the agro-climatic
regions of the country. Moreover, one major element of climatic control in the country, the Indian
Monsoon, was found to be altering in terms of its onset, amount and distribution of rainfall across
the country, which clearly indicates probable impacts on the countrys economy.
In this context, there is a need to have proper understanding of weather and climate and its
changes, mainly oriented towards different aspects and attributes of weather and climate along with
their implications on the natural ecosystem and on the livelihood of human beings. At the same

time, focus on climate change combats, including mitigation and adaptation are also strongly
I: Weather Around You
Weather is the immediate physical environmental situation we face in our daily life and has impact
on our decisions related to food, clothing and overall lifestyle. But systematic approaches to
understand weather are very rare in our lives. Therefore, systematic attempt to understand weather
of a locality/area will be the main concern of this sub-theme. This will help the children to take
more precise and pragmatic decisions in relation to weather related aspects. Such systematic studies
can be carried out through methodological approaches of observation and measurement of weather
attributes, analysis of collected information and results of measurement followed by forecasting and
interpretation of findings and correlating the same with decision making context and processes.
Project Ideas: Measuring weather attributes like temperature, daily sun shine hours, humidity, wind,
precipitation, etc along with other elements like presence of gaseous components, suspended solid
particles, comparison of the collected information with the available daily weather information from
News Paper, TV /Radio weather bulletin and website of Indian Meteorological Department; time
period based trend analysis and its relevance in local context. Children are encouraged to design and
develop their own tools and instruments for measurement and analysis. However, some
experimental and field based measurement of components must be there in such studies instead of
simple information collection.
II: Impact of Human Activities on Weather and Climate
Exponential growth of human population in the last two centuries has increased the pressure on
environmental resources required for the survival and sustenance of human being. This has also
influenced the weather conditions and climate locally and globally. The growth in agriculture, animal
husbandry, fisheries, urbanisation, transportation, deforestation and industrialisation caused
changes in land use and biogeochemical cycles. Similarly, exploration and utilisation of energy
sources for the increasing demands of the growing society pumped in large quantities of greenhouse
gases to the atmosphere causing global warming.
Understanding the process and importance of greenhouse effect, carbon dioxide and other green
house gas cycling between earth and atmosphere are the key components of this subtheme.
Moreover, it is also required to understand that; climate across the world has changed so rapidly that
adaptation to this change is a big challenge for the biosphere. Children also need to realize the
contribution of human activities like fossil fuel burning, deforestation etc towards these unexpected
changes in climate. Further, they also need to be made aware of the results of this human induced
climate change, such as weather disasters, disease spread, heat stress, drought, water shortage, crop
yield decline, sea level rise, large scale migration and such other. .
Project Ideas: Study on green house gases and their sources, human activities releasing green house
gases to atmosphere, study on natural calamities related to weather and climate and role of human
activity in enhancing the same. They can also design and propose scientific and logistic alternatives
to improve human life along with controlling or reducing negative impacts of human activities on
III:Weather, Climate and Ecosystems
Climatic parameters influence abiotic and biotic components of our environment. Elements like
rainfall, temperature, wind and humidity have effect on the occurrence, abundance, seasonality and

behaviour of living organisms as well as quality of air, water and soil, thus governing various
ecosystems either directly or indirectly. Variations in temperature, humidity and precipitation
pattern may lead to changes in water quality, soil formation, floral growth and faunal composition of
any ecosystem. In turn, biotic components also impart impact on microclimate of the same. On the
other hand, macro scale climate variability can also result in disasters like floods, droughts,
unprecedented rains, inconsistencies in seasonal temperature etc on various ecosystems.
Under this sub theme, we need to understand and observe the
changes in weather parameters as well as the changes in biotic
and abiotic parameters around us. This will enable us to study
the effect of the weather/climate on ecosystems. Systematic
observations, measurement and analysis of weather
parameters and the biotic and abiotic elements make us
understand effect of these parameters on the functioning of
ecosystem. Response of biotic and abiotic components towards
climatic elements, along with phonological study can be studied
under this sub-theme.

Biotic components are the living things that

shape an ecosystem. A biotic factor is any living
component that affects another organism,
including animals that consume the organism in
question, and the living food that the organism
consumes. Biotic factors include human
Abiotic components, are non-living components
of an organism's environment, such as
temperature, light, moisture, air currents, etc

Some project ideas: Effect of weather parameters on abundance

Phenology is the study of periodic plant and
of flora and fauna and seasonality, movements, breeding,
animal life cycle events and how these are
feeding and other behaviour patterns, behaviour of
influenced by seasonal and inter-annual
domesticated animals, seasonality of occurrence and flowering
variations in climate, as well as habitat
of plants, migration of birds, fishes and insects etc. Changes in
factors (such as elevation).
pH, temperature, organic matter of soil and water with seasons,
quality of air in terms of air pollutants can also be studied. Effect of light period, light intensity,
atmospheric temperature, humidity and soil moisture on growth of plants, Stomata count as
surrogate for the production of Oxygen, calculation of Carbon sequestration in different urban and
rural gardens etc can be conducted by children as simple experiments.
IV: Weather, Climate - Society and Culture
Weather and climate also determine our way of life in the form of belief, livelihood, and social,
institutional as well as cultural practices. These together reflect the social and cultural system of a
locality/area/region. The social and cultural systems have an adaptation mechanism to local weather
and climatic situation through its practices fulfilling basic needs of food, shelter and clothing through
designed livelihood activities, food system, settlement and housing, management of natural
resources etc. However, certain social and cultural practices may also have indirect negative impacts
on weather and climate parameters through their affect on natural resources. On the contrary,
indigenous knowledge based socio-cultural practices also help many human societies in facing and
coping up with extreme weather situations.
Project Ideas: Systematic studies on local food practices, its seasonality and adjustments to weather
situation, local calendar system, agricultural cycle and adjustments with weather, flood/draught
adjustment approaches of different community/ locality; traditional knowledge on weather
prediction, cultural practices and its impact on ecosystem, weather situation etc. It is expected that
the studies taken up would try to establish the science behind these practices along with the societal
efforts to adopt with climate change.
V: Weather, Climate and Agriculture

Agriculture is a climate dependent economic activity. Hence, it is most vulnerable to weather and
climate changes because of its seasonality and narrow range of weather conditions influencing crop
and livestock production. Climate change presents a profound challenge to food security vis-a-vis
livelihood and development all around as well. Climatic hazards like flood, drought, and snowfall
have effects on agriculture and allied sectors in a numerous way. Similarly, modern agricultural
practices also play a vital role in climate change though its effect on green house gas emission, soil
carbon sequestration, desertification etc.; thus establishing a both way relationship between
agriculture and climate systems.
Project Ideas: Observation of weather regulating factors and their impact on agricultural system,
finding some method/technique to mitigate the negative impacts, practices related with seed
selection, irrigation, soil management etc useful for adaptation. Children can also carry out study in
different aspects of agriculture, right from seed selection, land preparation to harvesting and
processing etc; it may be on how weather condition influences on agricultural practices; impact of
changing condition on agriculture; impact of agricultural practices on local weather condition, how
to overcome the adverse climatic weather condition for agricultural practices.
Sub-theme VI: Weather, Climate and Health
Weather and climate not only influences environmental and social determinants but also affect
health of the living beings. Health - as defined by World Health Organization, is a state of complete
physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of disease. Health, whether of human
or animal, mainly depends up on safe drinking water, nutrition, sanitation or hygiene and the likes.
Likewise, any variation in the weather or climatic conditions adversely affects the health of living
beings. Outcome of these changes; heat or cold waves, drought or flood, storms etc., takes its toll on
the health, manifested by occurrence of a disease, or even sometimes as an outbreak.
Project Ideas: Causative factors, concerns arising and corrective measures of ailments like water / air
/ vector borne diseases (diarrhoea, malaria), infections (bacterial or viral) and infestations (parasitic),
zoonosis, re-emergence of certain diseases and others which are influenced by the variability of
weather and climate.

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