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ZTE Internship Report

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Submitted by: Rao Umair Tufail Anjum


Submitted in respect of:

Bai guofang
Fahad Hassan
Starts from: 25-03-2015
Hammad Ashraf
Amjad Yasin.
Ayub Mirza.
Muhammad Nouman Khan.

Internship report

Internship report

Task 1: Basics theoretical understanding of SDH, WDM and ZTE products.................................5
SDH Basics:.................................................................................................................................5
What is optical communication network?...............................................................................5
Key elements of the optical communication network:............................................................6
Advantages of optical fiber communication:...........................................................................7
Disadvantage of optical fiber communication:........................................................................8
Optical Fiber:...........................................................................................................................8
Total Internal reflection:..........................................................................................................8
Types of fiber:..........................................................................................................................9
Intermodal dispersion:.............................................................................................................9
Optical communication spectrum:.........................................................................................10
IEEE optical fiber wavelength and Standard:........................................................................11
ITU-T optical fiber standard:.................................................................................................11
Optical Fiber common connector types:................................................................................11
Pre-SDH transmission protocol:............................................................................................13
Tributary access in PDH:.......................................................................................................14
Disadvantages of PDH:..........................................................................................................15
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH):.....................................................................................15
Why did SDH develop?.........................................................................................................16
Why synchronization is required in telecommunication network?.......................................16
Characteristics of SDH:.........................................................................................................16
Advantages of SDH network:................................................................................................16
Disadvantages of SDH:..........................................................................................................17
SDH frame structure and multiplexing method:....................................................................17
Bit rate calculation:................................................................................................................18
Frame structure:.....................................................................................................................18
Overhead bytes:.....................................................................................................................18

Internship report
Virtual container:...................................................................................................................20
Physical transmission sequence of SDH frame:....................................................................20
Multiplexing Structure:..........................................................................................................21
Overhead bytes function:.......................................................................................................24
Function of overhead bytes:...................................................................................................24
Path overhead:.......................................................................................................................27
ZTE SDH product:.....................................................................................................................32
Network management Interface:................................................................................................33
Qx interface:..........................................................................................................................33
F and f interface:....................................................................................................................33
S interface:.............................................................................................................................33
Dimension and Power supply specification:..............................................................................33
SDH optical interface types:......................................................................................................34
Optical Launched power:...........................................................................................................34
Optical receive power:...............................................................................................................34
Receiver sensitivity:...................................................................................................................35
Overload optical power:............................................................................................................35
ZXMP S100:..............................................................................................................................35
ZXMP S200:..............................................................................................................................37
ZXMP S200 system main board:...........................................................................................38
Micro control unit:.................................................................................................................38
SMB (System Main Board) component:...............................................................................38
Power Unit:............................................................................................................................41
OW Unit:................................................................................................................................41
ZXMP S320:..............................................................................................................................42
Optical interface Unit:...........................................................................................................48

Internship report
Order wire function:..............................................................................................................49
Power supply function:..........................................................................................................49
Overhead processing function:..............................................................................................49
Alarm Concatenation Function:.............................................................................................50
Cross connect and clock function:.........................................................................................50
Dimension and weight of cabinet:.........................................................................................50
Power consumption:..............................................................................................................50
ZXMP S360:..............................................................................................................................58
Smooth Upgrading:................................................................................................................64
Power consumption:..............................................................................................................64
WDM Basics:.............................................................................................................................70
Wavelength division multiplexing:........................................................................................71
Working wavelength area:.....................................................................................................72
Wavelength allocation of 40c in C band ITU G.692 recommendation:................................73
ZTE CWDM and DWDM product solution:.............................................................................74
ZXMP M600 Metro and access CWDM system:......................................................................74
M600 system specification:...................................................................................................77
ZXMP800 Metro DWDM system:............................................................................................77
OTU (Optical Transponder Unit):.........................................................................................78

Internship report
Service convergence platform:..............................................................................................78
Protection platform:...............................................................................................................78
OADM/OMD Platform:.........................................................................................................78
Optical Amplifier Platform:...................................................................................................79
Supervisory platform:............................................................................................................79
System configuration:............................................................................................................79
System features:.....................................................................................................................79
ZXMPM900 long-haul DWDM transmission solution:............................................................86
Task 2: ZTE SDH, DWDM and OTN product installation and commissioning..........................91
Practical work which I do:.........................................................................................................92
Project survey:...........................................................................................................................92
After project survey...................................................................................................................92
Role as a Team lead:......................................................................................................................93


Internship report

Task 1: Basics theoretical understanding of SDH,

WDM and ZTE products
ZTE SDH product:
ZTEs SDH based multi-service node equipment family (Unitrans ZXMP family) can
support all applications at the core layer, convergence layer and access layer. The Unitrans
ZXMP family includes various SDH based multi-service node equipment, such as ZXMP S390,
ZXMP S385, ZXMP S380, ZXMP S360, ZXMP S330, ZXMP S320, ZXMP S310, ZXMP S200,
and ZXMP S100.

ZXMP S100:
The ZXMP S100 is STM-1 level outdoor SDH transmission equipment. It can provide up
to two STM-1 optical interfaces and four E1 electrical interfaces. It can serve as the ADM, REG
and TM NEs at STM-1 level.

Figure 1 ZXMP outdoor unit

Figure 2 ZXMP100 indoor equipment

The EMS can implement configuration management, fault management, performance

management, security management and system management functions, manage all the SDH
series products of ZTE.
The hardware of the ZXMP S100 provide six functional units: The functional units are
described as follows:


Internship report
It provides working power supply for the functional units. Primary DC voltage supply (48V) is input to PU board. After DC filtering, DC-DC converter convert -48V to +3.3 or +5V for
supplying power to boards units.
Its the core of control and management, and it processes ECC data, manages alarms,
performance and configurations, and provides interfaces for connecting the equipment to the
background NMS.
CU (Clock Unit):
It provides the standard system clock for the functional units, and implements network
synchronization based on EMS settings. CU works in fast capture mode, tracing mode, holdover
mode and free-run mode.
OU (Optical unit):
It provides 2 channels of STM-1 optical interface. It can access SOH and POH. It can
process overhead bytes converts the SDH electrical and send it to optical module. It connects the
service signals to the Cross Switch unit for service distribution, and implements line clock
extraction and overhead processing.
TU (tributary Unit):
It accesses and converts the PDH electrical signal to optical signals, connects the service
signals to the CSU for service distribution, and implements tributary clock extraction and ECC
CSU (Cross Switch Unit):


Internship report
It receives the service signals from OU and TU, and implements exchange and service
signals distribution.

ZXMP S200:
ZXMP S200 is multi service node equipment and supporting up-to STM-4. ZXMP S200
provides STM-1/STM-4 optical interface, E1/T1/E3/T3 electrical interface, FE optical interfaces,
order wire telephone interface and V.35 data interface.

The ZXMP S200 can be managed by the Unitrans ZXONM E300 developed by ZTE
The ZXMP S200 hardware system is composed of eight functional units.


Power unit
Service unit
NCP unit
Cross connect unit
Overhead unit
Clock unit
Order wire unit

It needs less space for accommodation. All interfaces are located at the front, which
makes the equipment convenient to operate and maintain.
ZXMP S200 system main board:
The ZXMP S200 provides twelve types of main board for choice. All these main boards
are same in their design principle, except quantity of available optical and electrical interfaces.


Internship report
The main board of ZXMP S200 integrates the functions of NCP, aggregate, tributary, crossconnection, clock and Ethernet service processing. In addition, it supports the temperature
detection function. The upper and lower temperature thresholds can be set on the EMS. Once the
temperature is over threshold the board will report an alarm.
Micro control unit:
Micro control unit implements initialization, configuration alarm and performance
monitoring of service chips on main board.
SMB (System Main Board) component:
NCP unit:
It is NE control processor. It controls whole NE. It send configuration messages from
EMS to other boards and forward messages from board to EMS. It monitor power board and fan
board. It provides four external alarm input interface. It provide buzzer for audible alarm
SDH optical interface:
SDH 200 provides up-to 4 STM-1 optical interface and 2 STM-4 optical interfaces. It
adopts LC optic connector and SFP lasers, supporting the detection of optical received power,
optical launched power, laser temperature and transmits laser bias current. It supports SOH
extraction and insertion.
FE Optical & Electrical unit:

S200 process 8 channels of Fast-Ethernet services. While main board provide 4 FE

interfaces but other 4 interfaces is provided by TFEx4 electrical interfaces (L2 switching) and 4
TFEx4B optical interfaces (Transparent transmission). It has function of Mapping Ethernet
traffic over SDH network. It provide loopback test for engineering application.

Internship report
E1/T1/E3/T3 tributary unit:
ZXMP S200 provides two kind of tributary unit for accessing different tributary services.
E1/T1E3/T3 electrical interface can be configuring in EMS to support E1/T1/E3/T3 service. It
implements mapping and de-mapping of E1/T1 services. It analyzes performance and alarms of
E1/T1 signals. Support up-to 21 channels of E1/T1 interfaces. Support transmitting of DCC
bytes transparently through the first three timeslot of 5th and 8th of E1 tributary.
EIE3 S200 board provides 3 E3/T3 physical interfaces. Rate of each interface can be
configure 34Mb or 45 Mb through EMS.
Cross-Switch Unit:
Cross-Switch card used for service distribution. It implement the service cross connection
between multiple direction. Any channel of input signal of space division cross connect matrix
can be cross connect to any channel of output. If the equipment performs crossconnect below VC-4 level, the TCS module should be configured.
It implement service cross connection capacity of 16*16 VC-4 while low
order cross connect capacity is 1008*1008 VC-12.

Overhead Unit:
Extraction of overhead bytes from STM-1/STM-4 and insertion of overhead bytes in
STM-1/STM-4. It processes the overhead bytes, convert them into serial data and send them to
corresponding interface circuit.
Clock unit:
Clock unit provide clock for synchronization of NE with network clock. Clock used to
avoid slipping error caused by unsynchronized clock. In this way we can achieve effective and
correct transmission of data in a network. The available clocks are tributary clock, line clock and


Internship report
external reference clock. Depending on SSM (synchronize status message) clock can be selected
and switch.
Micro control unit:
The micro control unit implements the initialization and configuration of main service
chips on the main board and monitors their alarms and performances.
EIE3 (Electrical interface board for E3):
The E1E3 board has the following functions:
Provides three E3 or T3 physical interfaces. The rate of each interface can be configured
as 45 M (T3) or 34 M (E3) through the EMS.
SEC board:
SEC provides four FE electrical interfaces at user side. All of these interfaces meet the
requirements of IEEE 802.3, and support the rate of 10 M/100 M, full duplex/half duplex modes.
The capacity of MAC address table is 8K.
SHDSL interface board:
G.SHDSL (Single-pair high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line) is a telecommunication
technology corresponding to ADSL and VDSL. It features symmetrical data rates of 2.048 Mbit/s
and longer transmission distance than ADSL. G.SHDSL can be used to replace E1 lines and
access high-speed data services for transmission over long distance.
Power Unit:
The ZXMP S200 provides two kinds of DC power boards:
PWA board:
Uses -48 V/-60 V primary DC power supply.
Allowed voltage fluctuation range: -36 V to -72 V.


Internship report
PWB board:
Uses +24 V primary DC power supply.
Allowed voltage fluctuation range: +18 V to +36 V.

The PWA/PWB board provides dual power inputs:

A path as the active power supply and B path as the standby power supply. When the A
path power supply fails, the PWA/PWB board will switch to the B path and continue supplying
power to other boards.
OW Unit:
The OW board makes use of the E1 and E2 bytes in the SDH section overhead to provide
two non-crossing voice channels, one (E1) for the regenerator section and the other (E2) the
Multiplex Section (MS) for the voice communications between the SDH NEs.

ZXMP S320:
The ZXMP S320 is an STM-4 compact MAN system based on SDH equipment of ZTE,
targeting at the MAN access layer. It can provide networking capabilities in up to four STM-1
optical directions and two STM-4 optical directions.
The ZXMP S320 can provide ATM interface, FE interface, and interfaces for
low-speed data services. The ZXMP S320 can provide STM-1 and STM-4 SDH standard
interfaces and PDH electrical interfaces at the rates of 2.048 Mbit/s, 34.368 Mbit/s, and 139.264
The ZXMP S320 provides perfect NE-level and network-level protection mechanism to
ensure normal service transmission even under some faulty status. The NE-level protection
includes 1+1 hot standby of important boards and 1: N protection of tributary boards, while the
network protection includes MSP (Multiplex section protection) and Path protection.



Internship report

Figure 3 ZXMP S320

Based on different boards configuration and network requirement three type of SDH
equipment can be configure with ZXMP320.
ZXMP S320 has total 15 slots.
ZXMP S320 has different functional units which are described below:
1. PWA/PWB (Power board)
2. NCP board
3. Full Cross connect STM-4/STM-1 optical interface board (O4CS/O1CS)
4. CSB (Cross Switch Board)
5. System Clock board(SCB)
6. OW board
7. AP1S2 (2 port 155Mbps ATM processing board)
8. 4 port smart Fast Ethernet (SFE4)
9. ET1 board.
10. E3T3 board
11. STM-1 optical interface board (OIB1S/OIB1D)
12. AI (Audio interface board)
13. Data interface board (DI)



Internship report
Power board A and B provide power to the other boards. PWA and PWB provide different
voltage ranges. PWA and PWB works in active and standby mode for power resilience.
NCP board:
NCP board is NE control unit. It has function of NE management. NCP board monitoring
NE performance. Provide interface for EMS to communicate with other boards. It sends the
configuration messages to the boards and forward message such as alarm etc. to EMS. It provide
input interface for external alarms. It monitors power board and fan board.
Full Cross Connect STM-1/STM-4 optical interface board O1CS/O4CS:
O4CS board provide one or two STM-4 optical interface with cross connect functionality.
The O4CS that provides only one optical interface is coded as O4CSS, and that provides two
coded as O4CSD. It function is to implements STM-4 O/E conversion, data regeneration,
multiplexing/de-multiplexing, SOH processing, POH processing and space division cross
Same as O4CS, O1CS can also provide two optical interfaces and implement the O/E
conversion but O1CS has a lower-order cross-connect capacity. Its main difference
from O4CS is that it provides the STM-1 optical interfaces.
CSB (Cross Switch Board):
Cross switch board provide cross connection between high rate signals (STM-4) into low
rate signals (STM-1). It is also used to implement the protection switching. When path protection
is configured, CSB can switch paths automatically based on the tributary alarm. It is placed
between the optical line board and the tributary board to implement the full cross-connection.
CSBE (Cross Switch Board Enhanced) has same functionality as SCB but the main difference
is it more input output channels for space division cross connect.
System Clock board (SCB):



Internship report
SCB provide clock signal to SDH NE to control the frequency and phase difference
between clock signal of different NEs within predefined tolerance range to avoid slip errors for
correct and efficient transmission. For reliable timing, SCB supports the hot backup
To implement clock synchronization and locking, SCB will transit from one working mode to
another as described below:
Fast capture mode:
Fast capture mode refers to SCB undergoes the process of reference clock source
selection to reference clock source locking.
Tracing mode:
Tracing mode refers to the work mode in which SCB has successfully locked to the
reference clock source. It is the normal work mode of the SCB. Working at this mode, SCB can
trace the delicate change of the reference clock and remain synchronous with it.
Holdover mode:
At the loss of all reference clocks, SCB will enter the holdover mode, in which SCB takes
the last frequency information stored before the loss of the reference clock signals as the clock
reference to keep on working. SCB can remain at the holdover mode for 24 hours.
Free-run mode:
After end of the holdover period, if no external clock reference is available yet, the
oscillator within SCB will work at the free running mode to provide clock reference to the
OW boards:



Internship report
The OW board makes use of the E1 and E2 bytes in the SDH section overhead to provide
two non-crossing voice channels, one (E1) for the regenerator section and the other (E2) the
Multiplex Section (MS) for the voice communications between the SDH NEs.
AP1S2 (2 port 155Mbps ATM processing board):
The AP1S2 board is used to support the local ATM access. It implements mapping and
de-mapping functionality for ATM services into SDH services and vice versa. It capable to
fulfill the long-distance ATM transmission through the SDH interface. Board Supporting OAM
functions to facilitate the maintenance and management. Board Providing an SAR controller
built in the board processor to support UNI/NNI signaling and the port loopback test of the
board. Board provides 10M RJ45 Ethernet interface for board debugging, operation and
maintenance. Boards provide 2 STM-1 optical interfaces. The interface can be either single mode
or multimode. It has LC type connector.
4 port smart Fast Ethernet (SFE4):
SFE4 is configured in the ZXMP S320 to transmit Ethernet frames over the SDH
network. It implements mapping of Ethernet data to SDH data and vice versa. It can fulfill the
statistical bandwidth multiplexing and VLAN trunk functions to have an SDH system to
interconnect a LAN with another LAN or a WAN.
Each SFE4 board provides four LAN interfaces to the user and eight WAN ports to the
system. The LAN interfaces to users are capable of L2 data forwarding.
To deliver traffic to the SDH network, the Ethernet packets are first encapsulated by the
LAPS/PPP protocol, and then converted into SDH frames after rate adaptation. To deliver traffic
from the system to the user end, the reverse process is executed.
ET1 or E3/T3 board:
ET1 or E3/T3 boards map E1 and E3 signals into TUG-2 then TUG-3 respectively and
then into VC-4 and also do the reverse mapping. Whether E1 or T1 is mapped it depend
configuration done at EMS. There are different model of ET1 boards, classified by numbers of



Internship report
tributary interface impedance. System can add or drop 63*E1/T1 or 3*E3/T3 signals equivalent
to STM-1 signal
TSA board:

The tributary switch board and the standby tributary board together implement protection
for the tributary board, so that the power-off or unplugging of one active tributary board will not
affect the normal service.
For 1: N protection if the tributary switch board TSA is configured, 1: N (N 4)
protection can be implemented for the ET1 boards. To guarantee normal service in case of power
failure or unplugging of an active ET1, the ET1 board in the standby slot checks the board-inposition signal of the active ET1 for all the time. Once the board-in-position signal level switches
from high to low, the standby ET1 will instantly trigger the relay on the switch board to switch
over the traffic from the active board to itself, and at the same time, send an acknowledgement
signal to the active board, so that the latter will release the time slots that it was previously
assigned to avoid competing with the standby ET1 for bus occupation. The active/standby ET1
board switch is configurable with the EMS software.
STM-1 optical interface board (OIB1):
OIB1 provide two STM-1 optical interfaces. Board implements O-E-O conversion.
Mapping payload into VC-4. Monitor output power and laser temperature of optical module. The
OIB1 that provide one optical interface is called OIB1S and OIB1 board that provide two optical
interfaces is coded as OIB1D. Depending on different transmission distance OIB1 have different
interface type.
Data interface:
The DI board implements transparent data transmission at a low rate by using the vacant
SDH overhead bytes. It provides the low-rate asynchronous data interfaces. The interface rate
can be 1.2 K, 2.4 K, 4.8 K, 9.6 K or 19.2 K. The interface standard is configurable. Available
options are V.28 (RS232), RS485, and V.11 (RS422). Each board can provide six RS232/RS485


Internship report
interfaces or three RS422 interfaces. You can configure the types of the interfaces with the EMS
Audio interface:
The AI board implements the transparent transmission of the analog data by using the
vacant SDH overhead bytes.
Tributary socket boards:
Tributary socket board provide socket in tributary area on the motherboard for outputting
the tributary signals.

ZXMP S325 is multi-service access node equipment that provide service at rate STM-16.
Three types of cabinet with different heights are provided for S325: 2000mm, 2200mm,
2600mm. these cabinet are all 300mm deep.
Each type of cabinet can hold one to four sub-racks.
By combining different boards, ZXMP can perform different function. ZXMP S325
mainly used for local and metropolitan transport network.



Internship report

subrack of ZXMPS325

Optical board for STM-1 services:
LP1x2 board, LP1x4borad with their interface board OIS1x2 and OIS1x4, OL1/4x4
provide STM-1 optical interfaces. These boards perform O-E-O conversion, mapping and
demapping of SDH into non-SDH format and vice versa. It also performs overhead processing
Optical cross connect and synchronous clock unit OCS4/OCS16:
OCS4/OCS16 is 3 in1 boards. It performs optical line function, cross connect function for
distribution of services and clock for synchronization of signals. It comprises OCS4 or OCS16
board and SAI board. These two boards works in 1+1 hot backup mode in order to ensure the
reliability of network
These boards provide services at STM-4 and STM-16 level.
OL1/4x 4 boards:



Internship report
OL1/4x 4 boards can process four channel of STM-1 or STM-4 optical signal User can
set pairs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of optical channel depends on requirement. OL1/4x4 works in either OL1
mode or OL4 mode.
OL16x1 board:
OL16x1 board provides one optical interface for STM-16 level. It terminates and
regenerates MSOH and RSOH. Forward EMS information from optical line board to NCP board.
It supports the query parameter of four optical modules.

Optical received power.

Optical launched power.
Temperature module.
Laser working current.

OA board:
OA board amplifies one channel of optical signal. By amplifying the optical power of
light with 1550 nm wavelength, OA board can improve the non-regenerator transmission
distance and provide transparent transmission channel for optical signals. The data rate can be
2.5 Gbit/s, 622 Mbit/s, or 155 Mbit/s.
In practice, EDFA is classified into Optical Booster Amplifier (OBA), Optical PreAmplifier (OPA), or Optical Line Amplifier (OLA) according to the position and effect of EDFA.
OBA locates at the transmitting end of the system. It boosts the optical launched power of









OPA locates at the receiving end of the system. It amplifies the weak transmitted signals,









OLA locates in the middle of the optical fiber line of the system. It replaces the optical



Internship report
Line processor board:
LP1x2, LP1x1, LP4x1, LP4x2 line processor boards:
Line processor works with both electrical interface boards (EIE1x21) and optical
interface board (OIS1x1 or OIS4x1). LP works with electrical interface board to access the STM1 electrical interface and perform mapping and demapping of electrical signals. LP works with
ESS1 and BIS1 perform protection for STM-1 electrical interface. LP1x1 and LP1x2 process one
or two channels of STM-1 interface and LP4x1 and LP4x2 process one or two channels of STM4 interface.
Electrical interface and switching boards:
EPE1x21, EPT1X21 and EPE1B boards:
These boards implement mapping and demapping of of E1/T1 electrical signal. Each
board can process up to 21 channels at most at client side. Works with ESE1x21 and BIE1x21
board to implement the protection of tributary service boards. Multiplexing and de-multiplexing
of channels.
ESE1x21 and BIE1x21:
ESE1 electrical interface switching board provide 21 channels electrical
interface for E1 when connect with EPE1x21 it process 21 channels of E1.
When protection is required ESE1x21 work with BIE1x21 to provide
protection to tributary board.
ESS1x2 is 2 channels STM-1 electrical switching board. When protection is required,
ESS1x2 works with BIS1 to implements protection for tributary boards otherwise it provides
STM-1 electrical interface function.



Internship report
Bridge interface boards:
BIFE board:
It is bridge interface board. It has function as bridge between protection SFEx6 board and
interface switching board corresponding to faulty SFEx6. It is used only when protection of
board is required.
BIS1 board:
Bridge interface board for STM-1. It act as bridge between protection board and faulty
EIFEx4 board:
EIFEx4 boar gives 4 physical electrical interface and optical interface provide by
OIS1x4.Connect electrical signal from outside to SFEx6 board. This board use to provide four
external fast Ethernet interfaces. It provide RJ-45 connector interface.
SFEx6 board:
Smart fast Ethernet board provide mapping of Ethernet service into SDH service and vice
versa. SFE provide six system ports for WAN connectivity and 4 FE port for connecting four
LAN network. Four LAN interfaces that can switch between each other at L2 line rate but in
transparent transmission mode, the four LAN interface and first to the four WAN interface can
implements transparent transmission of fixed connection.
Optical interface boards:

OIS1x1, OIS1x2, OIS1x4, OIS4x1 and OIS4x2:

OIS1x1, OIS1x2, OIS1x4, OIS4x1 and OIS4x2 provide optical interfaces for LP1x1,
LP1x2, LP1x4. LP4x1 and LP4x2 at STM-1 and STM-4 respectively. It convert optical signal
into electrical and vice versa. It provides physical optical interfaces for Line processor for
accessing STM-1 and STM-4 service from and to motherboard.


Internship report
4 port ATM processor for STM-1 can use to transmit ATM service over SDH network.

ZXMP S330 is multi-service access node equipment that provides service at rate STM16. The size of cabinet available in different height 2000, 2200 and 2600. Each type of cabinet
can hold one to three sub-racks. Depending on Different board configurations in sub-rack
implement different functions.

Figure 5 ZXMPS330
The ZXMP S330 provides 12 slots for service boards. Among which slot 5, 6, 11, 12 can
hold any service board.
The ZXMP S330 provides optical interfaces at the rate level of STM-16, STM-4, and
STM-1, electrical interfaces such as E1/T1, E3/T3, and STM-1 electrical interface as well as



Internship report
Ethernet/ATM data interfaces. The ZXMP S330 can also be used as an expansion sub-rack of the
ZXMP S390, ZXMP S380, or ZXMP S385.
The ZXMP S330 is mainly applied to the local, metropolitan and backbone transmission
The power consumption of the whole system depends on system configuration. It is less
than 300 W with full configuration.
ZXMPS330 have all most same board types like ZXMPS325 but it has separate SC board
while ZXMPS325 have OCS16 and OCS4 board for clocking cross switching.
ZXMPS330 have following board:

CS board
Electrical service and interface board for STM-1 and PDH
Optical service and interface board
ATM service boards
Ethernet service boards
Protection boards


It is comprise NCP board and NCPI board. NCPI provide external alarm input/output
interface. It has same function as NCP has in other NEs.
Synchronous clock unit comprises SC board and SCI board. It provide clock to the signal
for avoid of slipping error in order to make correct and effective transmission. SCI board provide
external reference clock input/out interface. SCI board provides SC board with four channels of
external reference clock outputs, and four channels of external reference clock inputs. It can
work in four different mode fast capture mode, tracing mode, hold mode and free run mode.



Internship report
In order to ensure the reliability of synchronization and timing, the SC board supports hot backup
mode. That is, two SC boards.
CS board:

CS board implement the cross connection of traffic from multiple direction at line level
and tributary level. It has same function as CS board has in other SDH equipment like
ZXMPS325 but has different space division cross connect capacity.
It is support 1+1 hot backup in case of failure. There are two kinds of CS boards with
different versions: CSA and CSB, which have different higher-order and lower order crossconnect capacities.
CSA = 104x104 VC-4
CSB= 120x120 VC-4

Optical service and interface boards:

Different type of optical service and interface board available in ZXMPS330. Service
boards are OL16x1, OL1/4x4, LP1x1, LP1x2, LP4x1 and LP4x2. Those boards provide services
at STM-16, STM-4 and STM-1 level. So in case to provide optical interface with service boards,
an interface board is use with service board like OIS1x1, OIS1x2, OIS4x1, OIS4x2 etc. These
boards provide one or two optical interface.
ESS1x2 electrical interface switching board:
ESS1x2 board is the interface switching board. Provides LP1x1/LP1x2 board with two
STM-1 electrical Trans receive interfaces when no protection is required. With BIS1 it can
implements protection of LP1x1/LP1x2 boards or other faulty boards.
BIS1 bridge interface board STM-1:



Internship report
BIS1 board is a bridge interface board. It is used only when the 1: N protection for
LP1x1/LP1x2 board is required, and inserted in the service interface board slot corresponding to
the protection LP1x1/LP1x2 board.
OA board:
OA board amplifies one channel of optical signal. By amplifying the optical power of
light with 1550 nm wavelength, OA board can improve the non-regenerator transmission
distance and provide transparent transmission channel for optical signals. The data rate can be
2.5 Gbit/s, 622 Mbit/s, or 155 Mbit/s.
In practice, EDFA is classified into Optical Booster Amplifier (OBA), Optical PreAmplifier (OPA), or Optical Line Amplifier (OLA) according to the position and effect of EDFA.
OBA locates at the transmitting end of the system. It boosts the optical launched power of









OPA locates at the receiving end of the system. It amplifies the weak transmitted signals,









OLA locates in the middle of the optical fiber line of the system. It replaces the optical
ZXMP S330 other boards are same as ZXMP S325.

ZXMP S360:
ZXMP S360 is multi-service access node equipment that provide service at rate STM-16.
The size of cabinet available in different height 2000, 2200 and 2600. Each type of cabinet can



Internship report
hold one sub-rack and 2600 can hold two sub rack. Depending on Different board configurations
in sub-rack implement different functions.
Each subrack provides a maximum of 4 STM-16 optical interfaces. The maximum power
consumption of a subrack is no more than 300W.
1. NCP
2. OHP
3. CS
5. STM Optical interface board
6. STM electrical interface board
7. PDH interface board
8. BA (Booster amplifier)
9. AP1S4
10. SFE8
11. BITS board
NCP board:
NCP board is same as in other SDH system and also has the same function.
CS boards:
The CS board can provide multiple combinations of space-division
cross-connect matrix and time-division cross-connect matrix for different NE
levels and system networking of different service complexity. The types of
space-division and time division cross-connect matrix are:
Space-division cross-connect matrix:
CSC provides 96 96 AU-4 cross-connect matrix.
CSB provides 48 48 AU-4 cross-connect matrix.



Internship report
PWCK board:
The PWCK includes the power supply part and the clock part. The clock
part of the PWCK board is in active/standby mode, providing clock signals to
the SDH unit of the network.
OHP board:
The OHP serves to process the SDH signal section overhead and
implement the order wire phone function. In the ZXMP S360, there is an
overhead bus between each interface board and the OHP for transmitting the
overhead bytes. Each overhead bus includes 32 TSs. The TSs of the overhead
bus from the optical interface board to the OHP contains E1, E2 and F1 bytes.
The OHP implements add/drop and pass-through of the overhead bytes.
Optical interface board:
OI16 (optical interface board STM-16) with LP16, OL1 and OL4. The
optical line board provides add/drop and pass-through of the services. The
optical interface board receives the K1 and K2 serial signals transmitted by
other optical interface boards to implement APS protection switching. These

boards implement the conversion between the electrical signal and optical
signal. LP16 line processor handles multiplexing task, overhead processing
and optical power monitoring task at STM-16.
ES1 board:
The ES1 provides the system with the STM-1 standard electrical




two direction(s). The ES1s that provide one and two STM-1 electrical


separately. The working principles of the ES1 are basically the same as those




Internship report
that the ES1 has not optical/electrical conversion and electrical/optical
modules and provides electrical interfaces.
Electrical PDH E1/E3/E4 boards (2M/34M/45M/140 Interface Board):
EP1/EP3/ET3/EP4 implements separately the mapping and demapping
of the 2M/34M/45M/140M signal. EP1 can provide 32 or 63 2M interfaces. The
code for the 32 2M electrical interface board is EP1, while the code for

the 62 2M electrical is EP1A. The minimum unit processed by the electrical

interface boards is the capacity of one VC-4. Each slot can provide 16
channels of 2M transceiving signals in a top down mode.
SFE8 and SFE4:
SFE8 works to transmit Ethernet frames for the ZXMP S360 that
transmits SDH signals. It implements the access of the 10/100M adaptive
Ethernet service and the mapping from Ethernet data to SDH data, and
supports the traditional VLAN. Each SFE8B board can provide 8 LAN
interfaces and 8 WAN directions while SFE4 provide 4 LAN interface.
When it comes to drop service to the SDH, the Ethernet packets will
first be encapsulated by the LAPS/PPP protocol, and converted into SDH
frames after rate adaptation. Similarly, when it comes to drop service from
the system to the user end, there will a reverse process.

4 port ATM processor for STM-1 can use to transmit ATM service over SDH network.
BA (Booster amplifier) Board:



Internship report
The BA serves to extend the system transmission distance without



transparent transmission path for the optical signals. Each BA can provide
one pair of optical interfaces to amplify the optical power at the 1550 nm
wavelength. The EDFA can extend the transmission distance without a
repeater from 80 km to 180 km by improving the output power of the optical
The PDB board is installed in the power alarm unit of the ZXMP S360,
providing power allocation and protection for the system, and detecting the
system operation status.

ZXMP S380 is multi service node equipment satisfy all application in core, convergence
and access network. ZXMP S380 provides high capacity service at max STM-16. With CSE
board it capacity can increases to STM-64. It also provide E3/T3/E1 PDH electrical interfaces 10
/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet and ATM interfaces. Different boards are configured in order to
provide different function. S380 can be work as TM, ADM and REG.
The various units have different boards types:
NCP board:
NCP monitors the whole system at NE level and provides NE management function. It is
connected with EMS through Qx interface and connected with the board monitor through S
interface. It has real-time processing and communication capabilities.
Cross-connect unit:



Internship report
Cross connect unit used is CSA. It has cross-connect capacity of 256x256 AU-4. It
provide cross connection at tributary level after using TCS32 with CSA.
Clock unit board:
Clock unit board includes SCE.
Optical Service unit:
OL1*4, OL1*8, OL4*2, OL4*4 and OL16*1.
STM-1 electrical interface board:
EL1*4 and EL4*4. 4 electrical interface electrical line for STM-1 and
STM-4 respectively.
2 channels transparent Gigabit Ethernet board. Board transparently forwards the two
channels of 1000 Mbps Ethernet packets to the 4622 (2.5Gb) Mbps signals at the SDH side.
The TGE2B-E board has two channels of gigabit Ethernet signals from the user side and two
Virtual Concatenation Group (VCG) ports from the system side. User port is connected to GE
switch or router with GE interface. User port supports single-mode or multi-mode optical
connections according to the configured optical module. The Each system port can bind a VCG
of one ~ eight VC-4. The total bandwidth of two system ports is 16*VC-4.
8 port ATM processor for STM-1. The AP1S8 board provides eight 155 Mbps optical
interfaces at the ATM side, and one 622 Mbps data stream in the non-concatenation mode at the
system side. It can select to use 1~4 VC4 channels to transmit the ATM service.
OA board:
ZXMP S380 OA board is classified into OBA and OPA according to its location. Each
OA board can provide one optical direction.


Internship report
Dispersion compensation module (DCM):
The ZXMP S380 equipment provides DCMs with different dispersion compensation
ranges to solve the dispersion limitation. Ranges are DCM-20, DCM-40, and DCM-80 etc.
2 M / 34 M / 45 M Electrical Tributary Boards:
ZXMP S380 can provide following electrical tributary boards:
ET1 board: Each ET1 board can provide sixty-three 2 Mbps electrical interfaces.
ET3/TT3 board: Each ET3/TT3 board can provide six 34 Mbps / 45 Mbps electrical
ZXMP S380 provides two types of SEC cards: SECx48 and SECx24. SECx48 and SECx24
provide 48 system ports respectively. AT user side it can provide 8 Fast Ethernet port and 1
electrical or optical Gigabit Ethernet port.

ZXMP S385 is the ZTE SDH based multi-service node equipment, with the highest
transmission rate of 9953.280 Mbit/s or 10Gigabit. ZXMP S385 can offer standard optical
interfaces at rates STM-1 through STM-64, and electrical interfaces of STM-1, E1/T1, and
The ZXMP S385 system has the service access capacity of 140 Gbit/s (896x896 VC-4).
ZXMP S385 supports TCS32 works with CSA.TCS64 and TCS256 module works with CSE and
Power consumption:



Internship report
The maximum permissible input current of subrack is 15 A. When configured with ten
EPE1 boards, two CSA/CSE boards, two OL64 boards, and two OL16 boards, the equipment
total power consumption is 320 W under normal temperature.
NCP board:
NCP (NE Control Processor) board provides the equipment NE management function,
serving as the NE monitoring center.
CSA/CSE Board:
CSA/CSE board implements service cross-connect and interworking of services in
multiple service directions and service protection switching to protection board.
CSA: the maximum cross-connect capacity is 40 G
CSE: the maximum cross-connect capacity is 180 G
SCI board provides external reference clock interface for CSA/CSE board. There are two
types of SCI board: SCIH and SCIB.
OW board:
OW board uses E1 and E2 bytes of section overhead in STM-N frame to implement voice
communication between NEs.
OL64 and OL64FEC board:
OL64 (STM-64 optical line) board provides a pair of STM-64 standard optical interface
and bus to add/drop traffic. OL64FEC board (STM-64 optical line board with FEC function)
provides one pair of STM-64 optical interfaces to add/drop traffic with FEC coding and decoding
OL16 and OL16x4 board:



Internship report
OL16 (STM-16 optical line) board provides one STM-16 standard optical interface pair
and bus to add/drop traffic while OL16x4 provide 4 optical interface pairs.
OL4 board:
ZXMP S385 has three kinds of STM-4 optical line boards. They work at the
rate of 622.080 Mbit/s.
OL4 board: Provides one STM-4 standard optical interface pair.
OL4x2 board: Provides two STM-4 standard optical interface pairs.
OL4x4 board: Provides four STM-4 standard optical interface pairs.
OL1 board:
ZXMP S385 has three kinds of STM-1 optical line boards. They work at the rate of
155.520 Mbit/s.
OL1x2 board: Provides two STM-1 standard optical interface pair.
OL1x4 board: Provides four STM-1 standard optical interface pairs.
OL1x8 board: Provides eight STM-1 standard optical interface pairs.
OAD board:
OADD board: Adds/drops or multiplexes/de-multiplexes four channels of
DWDM optical signals.
OADC board: Multiplexes/de-multiplexes four channels of CWDM optical
It provides 10 or 12 LC optical interfaces to the external. From which one used DWDM
aggregated input and one is used for DWDM aggregated output interface. OAD board have 4
optical add interface and 4 for optical drop interface.

STM-1 electrical interface unit:



Internship report
The STM-1 electrical interface unit provides eight or four STM-1 standard electrical
interfaces to the external. The STM-1 electrical interface unit includes the following boards:
ESS1x8 and ESS1x4.
LP1x4 and LP1x8:
The major functions of LP1x4/LP1x8 process 4/8-channel STM-1 electrical interface
information and works with ESS1x4, ESS1x8 board.
ESS1x4 and ESS1x8:
These boards provide 4 or 8 STM-1 electrical interface pairs. Board connects STM-1
electrical interface signals with the external LP1x4 and LP1x8. This board switches STM-1
electrical interface signals between the working LP1x4/LP1x8 board and protection
LP1x4/LP1x8 board.
BIE3 board:
This board is used only when protection of tributary board is required. BIE3 board
bridges the service signal of its corresponding working tributary board to the protection tributary
board according to the protection control signal sent by CS board.
EP3x6 and ESE3x6:
EPE3x6 maps and demaps of E3 signal at PDH electrical interface and ESE3x6 Provides
six E3/T3 electrical interface pairs to connect E3/T3 signals of EPE3x6 board to outside. With
BIE3 board, ESE3x6 implement protection of EPE3x6 board. Without BIE3 board ESE3x6
board only provide six E3 electrical interfaces.
EPE1x63 maps and demaps of E1 signal at PDH electrical interface and ESE1x63
Provides 63 E1 electrical interface pairs to connect E1 signals of EPE1x63 board to outside. With



Internship report
BIE1x63 board, ESE1x63 implement protection of EPE1x63 board. Without BIE1x63 board
ESE1x63 board only provide 63 E1 electrical interface.
OA board:
Depending on the position, the OA (optical amplifier) boards of the ZXMP S385 are
classified into OBA (optical booster amplifier) board and OPA (optical pre-amplifier) board.
According to the maximum optical output power, the OBA boards are classified into:
OBA12, OBA14, OBA17, and OBA19.
According to the maximum optical output power, the OPA boards are classified into:
OPA32 and OPA38.
2 channels transparent Gigabit Ethernet board. Board transparently forwards the two
channels of 1000 Mbps Ethernet packets to the 4622 Mbps signals at the SDH side.
ZXMP S380 provides two types of SEC cards: SECx48 and SECx24. SECx48 and
SEXx24 provide 48 system ports respectively. AT user side it can provide 8 Fast Ethernet port
and 1 electrical or optical Gigabit Ethernet port. OIS1x8 and ESFEx8 those both board provide
FE optical interfaces and electrical interfaces for SEC board.
AP1x8 (8-channel ATM processor) board maps and demaps ATM service over SDH for
transportation of services and vice versa.
TGSAx8 board supports SAN interface and transparent transmission of multiple services.
The full name of SAN is Storage Area Network. It is a private network which makes high speed
and reliable access available between server and external storage resource or between


Internship report
independent storage resources. TGSAx8 board supports eight user ports. At the system side, it
provides four 2.5 G service buses.

ZXMP S390 is SDH-based multi-service node equipment developed by ZTE
with 9953.280 Mbps or 10Gbps transmission rate. ZXONM E300 is used to control and monitor
hardware system in transmission network.
ZXMP S390 CSE board supports twelve 10G optical direction.
NCP board:
NCP (NE Control Processor) board provides the equipment NE management function,
serving as the NE monitoring center.
CSE board:
CSE board implements service cross-connect and interworking of services in multiple
service directions and service protection switching to protection board. CSE board can support
12 10G optical direction. It has cross-connect capacity of 140Gbps.
Optical line boards:
OL1x4, OL1x8, OL4x2, OL4x4, OL16, OL16x4 and OL64E are optical line board use in
SDH S390 for line side connectivity. Board difference is that they support different STM level
and also in quantity of optical interface. OL16 have two types one is with EDFA module and
other without EDFA module.
OA board:



Internship report
OA board of ZXMP S390 is divided into OBA and OPA, the appearance and control of
OBA and OPA are identical. The NCP board identifies the board through the module and report
the board type to the NMS.
EL1x4 and EL1x8 board:
EL1x4 board provide four STM-1 electrical coaxial interface while EL1x8 provide 8
STM-1 electrical interface. It is almost the same as the OL1 board except that it does not have
the optical-electrical conversion module.
2 M / 34 M / 45 M Electrical Tributary Boards:
ZXMP S380 can provide following electrical tributary boards:
ET1 board: Each ET1 board can provide sixty-three 2 Mbps electrical interfaces.
ET3/TT3 board: Each ET3/TT3 board can provide six 34 Mbps / 45 Mbps electrical
8 port ATM processor for STM-1. The AP1S8 board provides eight 155 Mbps optical
interfaces at the ATM side, and one 622 Mbps data stream in the non-concatenation mode at the
system side. It can select to use 1~4 VC4 channels to transmit the ATM service.
2 channels transparent Gigabit Ethernet board. Board transparently forwards the two
channels of 1000 Mbps Ethernet packets to the 4622 Mbps signals at the SDH side.
ZXMP S380 provides two types of SEC cards: SECx48 and SECx24. SECx48 and
SEXx24 provide 48 system ports respectively. AT user side it can provide 8 Fast Ethernet port
and 1 electrical or optical Gigabit Ethernet port.



Internship report

ZXMP M600 Metro and access CWDM system:

The ZXMP M600 is a coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) system developed by
ZTE CORPOATION, with large optical transmission capacity.
The ZXMP M600 equipment has three kinds of chassis:
1. CWU (WDM chassis)
2. CWE (WDM chassis)
3. SMU (sub-rate convergence chassis).
Multiple boards can be plugged in the chassis to implement corresponding functions.
OTU board:

Three kind of OTU boards are available for M600.

It implements O-E-O conversion. It reshape and re-amplify the signal at transmitting side
and implement reshaping, retiming and re-amplifying of signal at receiver side. It also implement
the conversion of client service signal like SDH signal into G.692 standard wavelength. The
client service signals that can be accessed via this platform include up-to STM-16 SDH service
signal and data service signals.
Client side it uses SFP module for inputting the STM signals, ATM signal and etc. Line
side it use laser module for wavelength requirement specified in ITU-T G.692
OTUV is just the same as OTU but it has 3R (Reshaping, Retiming and Re-amplifying)
function at the both end (Transmitter and Receiver).



Internship report
EOTU is just the same as OTU but it has 3R (Reshaping, Retiming and Re-amplifying)
function at the both end (Transmitter and Receiver).
Service convergence board (SRM42/GEM2/DSA):
Service convergence board combines multiple low-rate signals into one wavelength for
transmission, and separates received wavelength to multiple low-rate signals.
SRM42 board:
SRM42 board client side uses SFP module to access four channels of STM-1/STM-4
signal and line rate use laser module for wavelength requirement specified in ITU-T G.692. Line
side rate is 2.5 Gbps.
GEM2 board:
GEM2 board client side use SFP module to access 2 channels of Gigabit Ethernet while
line side use laser module for wavelength requirement specified in ITU-T G.692. Line side rate is
2.5 Gbps.
DSA board:
The DSA board combines four channels of client signal at tributary side into optical
signal with specific wavelength, which is compliant with ITU-T G.694.2. The signal rate at
aggregate side is STM-16 (2.5 Gbit/s). It also implements the opposite process.
OMD and OMDS board:
OMD/OMDS board combines multiple optical signals with different wavelengths and
transmits the multiplexed signal over a single fiber. In the reverse direction, it divides
multiplexed optical signal received from the line side fiber into different wavelengths. Each
fiber carries optical signal of one direction while in OMDS each fiber carries optical signal of
two directions.



Internship report
OAD board:
OAD board adds and drops specific wavelengths at OADM site.
Optical protect board (OP):
OP board performs 1+1 protection function, which is divided into optical multiplex
section 1+1 protection and optical channel 1+1 protection according to the position of OP board
in a system.
NCP board:
NCP board is used implement configuration and communication with the other boards. It
monitors performance and forward messages between NE and EMS. The network management
information of the ZXMP M600 is accessed through the AOSC or BOSC interface on the NCP
board. It occupies the 1310 nm or 1510 nm wavelength.
Power board for CWDM unit:
PCW board transforms external input power supply (DC or AC) to +5 V DC or -48 V DC
M600 system specification:

M600 as an OTM can multiplex 4 or 8 channel of 2.5Gbps (STM-16) with 1 OSC of

1.25Gbps (Optical Supervisory channel) into a light beam and transmit over the single fiber.
Maximum transmission distance is 80Km. The system capacity with 8 channels is 20Gbps. M600
as OADM it can add or drop 1-6 wavelength. The supervisory channel has 1310nm wavelength.
The maximum line attenuation of a 4+1 wavelengths system does not exceed 22dB while
that of an 8+1 wavelength system does not exceed 20dB.

ZXMP800 Metro DWDM system:



Internship report
Unitrans ZXMP M800 Metro DWDM Equipment (ZXMP M800 for short) is a kind of
DWDM equipment. It is Applicable to backbone networks, local switching networks and various
private networks.
The hardware system of the ZXMP M800 consists of optical transponder platform,
service convergence platform, optical layer protection platform, OADM/OMD platform, optical
amplifier platform and supervision platform.
OTU (Optical Transponder Unit):
It implements O-E-O conversion. It reshape and re-amplify the signal at transmitting side
and implement reshaping, retiming and re-amplifying of signal at receiver side. It also implement
the conversion of client service signal like SDH signal into G.692 standard wavelength.
The client service signals that can be accessed via this platform include up-to STM-64
SDH service signal and data service signals.
The signals at client side meet the wavelength requirements specified in ITU-T G.957,
while the signals at line side comply with ITU-T G.692.
Service convergence platform:
This platform combines multiple low-rate signals into a signal for transmission over one
wavelength. It also implements the reverse procedure, separating a convergence signal to several
low-rate signals. The service convergence platform can process various low-rate signals such as
SDH signals at most STM-16 level, 10GE services, FC (Fiber Channel) signals, FICON (Fiber
CONnection) signals, ESCON (Enterprise System CONnection) signals and DVB (Digital Video
Broadcasting) signals.
Protection platform:
M800 provide optical protection at optical layer and electrical protection at electrical
layer. Optical layer based on link networking supports 1+1 channel protection, 1+1 multiplex
section protection and 1: N channel protection.



Internship report
OADM/OMD Platform:
The OADM platform implements the wavelength adding/dropping and multiplexing for
line optical signals. The ZXMP M800 can be configured as a fixed optical add/drop multiplexer
(FOADM) or a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) depending on whether
the wavelengths to be added/dropped are fixed.
The OMD platform include OMU for implements the multiplexing and ODU for
implements demultiplexing of the line optical signals.
In a DWDM system with 40 channels or less, the ZXMP M800 implements the
multiplexing/demultiplexing of wavelengths in C band with the channel spacing at 100 GHz.
In an 80-channel DWDM system, the ZXMP M800 adopts the interleaver technology to
implement the multiplexing/demultiplexing of wavelengths in C band with the channel spacing
at 50 GHz.
Optical Amplifier Platform:
This platform adopts the optical amplification technology to compensate the power of
optical signals in long-haul transmission. It is usually located after the Mux platform and before
the DeMux platform, or in the middle of optical line . OLA board can be replaced with the
combination of OPA board and OBA board.
Supervisory platform:
This platform perform supervisory function using optical supervisory channel and
wavelength 1510nm. The OSCF board receives/transmits supervision messages, the OPM board
detects optical performances of optical interfaces.
System configuration:
The ZXMP M800 can be configured as an OTM (optical terminal), an OADM
(optical add/drop multiplexer) or an OLA (optical line amplifier) according to its position in a


Internship report
System features:
In the 80-channel system, the OBA/OPA boards works together to complete the
amplification of wavelengths in C and C+ band. Additional DCM/LAC boards are needed at the
receive end of OTM equipment in long-haul transmission. Among them, the DCM is
used for dispersion compensation of signals, and the LAC board is used for line attenuation
The ZXMP M800 provides the transmission capacity of 80 Gbit/s, 320 Gbit/s, 400 Gbit/s,
or 800 Gbit/s. It meets the ever-increasing bandwidth demands in the future. The ZXMP M800 is
suitable for networking application of various spans, such as 20 km, 40 km and 80 km etc.
Flexible filter configuration in the ZXMP M800 allows the adding/ dropping of 1 to 40
FOADM: This function is used to add/drop fixed wavelengths.
ROADM: Wavelengths to be added/ dropped can be reconfigured. In addition, the port
assignment function is available when ROADM is enabled.
In an ROADM node, optical signals with special wavelengths can be assigned to any
drop ports and then dropped through these ports.
OTU has the same function as describe above. Terminal OTU board converts two
channels of wavelengths of multiservice signals at the rate STM-16 (2.5Gbit/s). The line side,
carrying ITU-T G.692 signals with wavelength information, supports the application of fixed
lasers and tunable lasers. Tunable lasers applied in OTU boards supports the tuning of 4/8
channels of continuous wavelengths in C band. The channel spacing is 100 GHz when 4
channels of wavelengths are tuned. While the spacing is 50 GHz when 8 channels are tuned.



Internship report
OTUP board is a kind of OTU board provided with the channel protection function.
Helps to realize the channel 1+1 protection based on the principle of concurrent transmitting
and preferential receiving.
OTU10G board is a kind of OTU board supporting the access of STM-64 and 10GE
optical signals. OTU10GG board has data regeneration function.
Service convergence board:

SRM41 board adopts the data multiplexing technology to implement the Mux/DeMux
between four STM-16 signals and one STM-64 signal and supports the tuning of 40
channels or 80 channels of wavelengths in C band. While SRM42 adopts the data multiplexing
technology to implement the Mux/DeMux between four STM-1/STM-4 signals and one STM-16
signal and supports the tuning of 4 channels or 8 channels of continuous wavelengths in C band.
GEM2 (Two gigabit port Ethernet Mux Board) board receives two optical GE signals
complying with IEEE802.3, carries out O/E/O conversion for them and finally combines them
into an optical signal with aggregate rate 2.5Gb/s with special wavelength complying with ITU-T









multiplexing/demultiplexing between eight optical GE signals at tributary side and an OTU2 (10
Gb) signal at aggregation side through O/E/O conversion.
GEMF (Gigabit Ethernet Mux Board with FEC) board is a kind of GEM board
provided with additional FEC function.



Internship report
DSA (Data Service Aggregation) board implements the multiplexing/ demultiplexing
between eight data service signals, such as GE, FC, ESCON, FICON and DVB signals, and two
STM-16 signals at aggregation side through O/E/O conversion.
EOA (Enhanced optical Amplifier):
EOA (Enhanced Optical Amplifier) board adopts Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
to implement the amplification of optical signals. EOA board supports the optical amplification
in both C band and L band.
EOA board meets the requirements of systems with signal-channel rate at 10 Gbit/s and
long-haul DWDM systems. EOA board has a 1510/1550 multiplexer and a 1510/1550
demultiplexer to add and drop the supervisory wavelength (1510 nm). However EOA board does
not process the 1510 nm supervisory signal.
Each type of EOA board (EOBA, EOLA and EOPA) can be further divided according to
the number of needed board slots and the type of optical interface connectors. The EOA boards
only supporting C band occupy one board slot; while the EOA boards supporting both C band
and L band occupy two board slots.
The label of EOBA board is stuck below the board ID on the front panel. For example,
the label 2520 means that the gain of the board is 25 dB and the output optical power of the
board is 20 dBm.
HOBA (High power Optical Booster Amplifier) board has similar functions and operating
principle of OBA board. The saturated output optical power of a common EDFA is 20 dBm. The
output optical power of ZXMP M800 is up to 24 dBm with the use of highly saturated EDFA.
HOBA adopts LC-E200 physical connector type.

Multiplex/Demultiplex Boards:



Internship report
OCI Board:
OCI (Optical Channel Interleaver) board uses the optical interleaver to implement the
interleaving, multiplexing and demultiplexing of wavelength channels in C and C+ band.
OCI board is used in OTM equipment that uses more than 40 wavelengths
for transmission.
For example two 40-channel multiplexed optical input 1 and input 2 are interleaved
multiplex into 80 channels.
Provides two monitoring interfaces for online monitoring of the multiplexed output/input
light of 80 channels.
OGMD6C Board:







multiplexing/demultiplexing of a group of wavelengths through red-blue ribbon filters. Filter

divides a group of 32 wavelengths (IN) into four subgroups (RRO/RBO/BRO/BBO). Each of
them includes 8 wavelengths. On the other hand, the red-blue ribbon filter combines four
(RRI/RBI/BRI/BBI) of wavelengths into a group of 32 wavelengths (OUT).
OGMD6C board is configured in an FOADM equipment to perform the function of
add/drop multiplexing of fixed wavelengths. For an FOADM node with full configuration, two
OGMD6C boards are needed, one configured in A direction and the other in B direction.
OMU board:
OMU (Optical Multiplexing Unit) board performs the wavelength multiplexing function
and provides an interface for online monitoring of multiplexed signal.
VMUX board:



Internship report
VMUX (Variable insertion loss Multiplexer) board is a special multiplexing board with
power pre-equalization function and power control/adjustment function. It uses an AWG
multiplexer to implement the 40 channels multiplexing function. In terms of band, two kinds of
VMUX boards are available: C band VMUX board and C+ band VMUX board.
VMUX board is usually used at the transmitting end of OTM equipment in ultra-longhaul 40-channel or 80-channel systems without regenerator.
ODU (Optical De-Multiplexing Unit) board implements the demultiplexing of
wavelengths and provides an interface for online monitoring of multiplexed optical signal.
OAD board:
OAD (Optical Add/Drop) board is used in an FOADM subsystem to add/drop optical
signals with fixed wavelengths.
OAD board implements the add/drop multiplexing function by adding/dropping 4
(OAD4) or 8 (OAD8) fixed wavelengths and then combining the local added signals with other
wavelengths. The fixed wavelengths to be added/dropped are determined according to actual
needs. Moreover, OAD board can monitor the optical power of the added/dropped signals.
OAD board is usually configured in OADM equipment.
SDM board:
SDM (Supervisory Division Multiplexing) board performs the multiplexing/
demultiplexing of signals into main optical channel and optical supervisory channel. It
cooperates with the EMS to implement the supervision function.
When no OA board is needed due to short span, SDM board can be used to
implement the supervision multiplex function. According to different application positions in a
system, two kinds of SDM boards are available.
SDMT board: It is used at transmitting end, replacing OBA board to perform the



Internship report
supervision function.
SDMR board: It is used at receiving end, replacing OPA board to perform the supervision
SDM board is configured in OTM equipment.
WBM (Wavelength Blocking Multiplexing) board is configured in a Reconfigurable
Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) subsystem to implement the reconfiguration of
add/drop wavelengths. It supports blocking any wavelength with wavelength spacing 50GHz
and 100GHz.
WSU (Wavelength Selective Unit) board is configured in an ROADM (Reconfigurable
Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer) subsystem to implement the reconfiguration of add/drop
wavelengths. It supports assigning any wavelength to any port and supports blocking any
Line signal is input to the WSU board, the WSS (wavelength selection switch) module
outputs two dropped signals with specified wavelengths. At the same time, the WSS module
equalizes the power of pass-through signals and outputs the signals through pass-through
In opposite direction, after the optical signal is input to the WSU board, the processed
pass-through wavelengths are combined with two added wavelengths via two couplers and then
the combined signal is output as the line signal.
WSU board is used in an ROAMD subsystem. The configuration of WSU board is
flexible. The adding/dropping of 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 and 80 wavelengths can be implemented by
configuring different interfaces of WSU board.
Power management board:



Internship report
LAC board:
LAC (Line Attenuation Compensator) board adjusts its Electrically Variable Optical
Attenuator (EVOA) through the EMS according to measured line optical power so as to ensure
the power of each span, received power at receiving end and OSNR keep normal.
Operating wavelength range: 1525 nm to 1610 nm
Intrinsic insertion loss: <2 dB
Adjustment range of EVOA: 2 dB to 26 dB.
According to the quantity of EVOA used in LAC board, two types of LAC boards are
available: LACG and LACT.
LACG board: It has two EVOAs, being applicable to OLA, OADM and back-to-back
OTM sites.
LACT board: It has one EVOA, being applicable to single-end OTM sites.
The operating principle of LACT board is similar to that of LACG board except the
difference that LACT board only supports the power adjustment in one optical direction.
OPM (Optical Performance Monitor) board implements the supervision of optical
channel performance, measuring parameters of each optical channel, such as optical power,
central wavelength and OSNR, and then reporting these data to the EMS.
Each OPM board can detect the performances of four optical interfaces.
Optical protection boards:
OP (Optical Protect) board is used to implement OMS line 1+1 protection and OCH 1+1
protection function. It performs protection switching or restoring based on received optical
power, manual switching/restoring command from EMS or automatic protection switching
(APS) external command.
CA board and CSU board:



Internship report
Clock assignment board acts as SDH equipment clock in TMUX subrack and CSU
(Cross switch and synchronous clock) board. It provide service cross connection and clock signal
to equipment. The cross-connection capacity is 4848 2.5 Gbit/s backplane signals.

ZXMPM900 long-haul DWDM transmission solution:

The Unitrans ZXWM M900 Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Optical
Transmission System (ZXWM M900 for short) is a kind of DWDM equipment developed by
ZTE CORPORATION. Its operating wavelength is located at the C and L bands near the 1550
nm window, with the maximum transmission capacity of 1760 Gbit/s.
The ZXWM M900 equipment is applicable to 8/16/32/40/48/80/96/160/176 channels
DWDM systems.
Add/Drop Multiplexer (ADM) of the ZXWM M900 is used to add/drop four or eight
fixed wavelength signals.

Control and Supervisory boards:

NCP board:
NCP is NE controlling unit. It report alarm, performance and fault information to EMS. It
implements initialization and configuration of local NE. It forwards information and receiver
command from EMS through Qx interface and f interface. It also store configuration data. It
sends equipment alarm to PWSB board through alarm output interface. It also monitors fan
speed and controlling temperature of NE. It is providing management information for multiple
racks. One NCP can manage up to 4 racks.
OSC board:

Optical supervisory board provide supervisory channels and also forward supervisory
information carried by supervisory channel to NCP/NCPF board


Internship report
Depending on requirement boards are divided into two categories. One is OSCT and OSCL.
OSCT provide supervisory channel in one direction and use in OTM sites. OSCL used for
supervising of signals over the section in two directions.
OHP board:
OHP process order wire overhead bytes and transparent user data channels between sites in 2 Mb
supervision systems. OHP board use circuit switch mode to process speech and order wire
communication in multiple directions. OHP board process transparent user channel information
carried by optical supervisory channel.
NCPF is 100 Mb supervisory systems. In 2Mb Qx and ECC interface is on NCP board but in 100
Mb supervisory system ECC and Qx interface is provided by OSCF board. Interface f is RS232.
It implements the same function as NCP. One NCPF manage four racks. Add more NCPF if you
want to manage more than four racks. Add HUB between NCPF and OSCF board in order to
implements communication between them.
In 100 Mb supervision system ECC and Qx interface is provided by OSCF board. OSCF board
responsible for transfer of ECC information, APS information and supervisory channels
information between NEs.
It provides six Ethernet electrical interfaces for other boards (NCPF, APSF, OHPF). Through
these interface OSCF communicate with other boards and implements the transfer of information
internal supervision information of NE. it also provide two optical interfaces for 1510nm and
1625nm optical supervisory channels.



Internship report
APSF implements APS information management and switch control function in 2Mb and 100
Mb supervision systems to ensure quick response require for APS is meet. Each APS board
transfer APS information between four racks.
When the main optical channel in a system fails, APSF board collects APS information sent from
each board. The APS information processing unit analyzes and processes the APS information
and then forwards it to the APSF board of corresponding NE. It also informs the protection board
to perform switching in specified time.
M900 systems have similar OTU boards as in M800 system. EOTU10G board provides
10G line side optical transmission with additional FEC encoding and decoding function of
DWDM network.
Convergence boards:
M900 have similar convergence boards as in M800 system like SRM42, SRM41, GEM2,
GEM8, GEMF, and DSA.
Multiplex, De-multiplex and Add/Drop boards:
M900 have similar multiplexing and DE-multiplexing boards as in M800 like OCI, OAD,
WBU, WSU, and WBM. Except OBM (Optical broadband multiplexer).
The OBM board implements the multiplexing/demultiplexing of channels in C/L band
and the supervisory channels of 1510 nm and 1625 nm. The 1510 nm supervisory channel is used
to monitor signals in C band, while the 1625 nm supervisory channel is used to monitor signals
in L band.
At the multiplexing end: It uses the MUX module of broadband multiplexer to expand the
capacity of an 80/96-channel WDM system by multiplexing channels in C band and L band with
the spacing at 50 GHz. The supervisory signal is also multiplexed at the same time. After the
multiplexing, the channel number is increased to 160/176.



Internship report
At the demultiplexing end: It uses the DeMUX module of broadband multiplexer to
separate the multiplexed signal of 160/176 channels to channels in C band and L band with the
spacing at 50 GHz. There are 80/96 channels in each band after demultiplexing. The supervisory
signal is also separated from the multiplex signal.
OMU80 and ODU80:
In M900, the quantity of wavelength for multiplex and demultiplex is increasesas
compared to quantity of wavelength for multiplex and demultiplex in M800 which is 80. The
function of OMU and ODU is same in M900 as it has in M800.
Multiplexing function based on channel power pre-equalization: It adopts the AWG/TFF
and Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) technology to adjust the attenuation of each channel
before multiplexing. It supports the multiplexing of 40/48 wavelengths in C band and 40
wavelengths in L band.
The VMUX board is usually used at the transmitting end of OTM equipment in ultralong-haul 40/48-channel or 80/96-channel systems without regenerator.

WBM in M800 and M900 have similar function but main difference is the quantity of
wavelength to be added or drop
WSU in M800 and M900 have similar function but main difference is the quantity of
wavelength to be added or drop
SDM board:
SDM board function is same as in M800. SDM board perform multiplexing of
supervision channels in C and L band.


Internship report
EOA board:
EOA board in M900 is same as in M800. It is also operate in C band and L band.



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