Review On Green Networking Solutions
Review On Green Networking Solutions
Review On Green Networking Solutions
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 6, Ver. III (Nov Dec. 2015), PP 15-21
Abstract : Empirical studies have revealed that a significant amount of energy is lost unnecessarily in the
network architectures, protocols, routers and various other network devices. Thus there is a need for techniques
to obtain green networking in the computer architecture which can lead to energy saving. Green networking is
an emerging phenomenon in the computer industry because of its economic and environmental benefits. Saving
energy leads to cost-cutting and lower emission of greenhouse gases which are apparently one of the major
threats to the environment. Greening as the name suggests is the process of constructing network architecture
in such a way so as to avoid unnecessary loss of power and energy due its various components and can be
implemented using various techniques out of which four are mentioned in this review paper, namely Adaptive
link rate (ALR), Dynamic Voltage and Frequency scaling(DVFS), Interface proxying and energy aware
applications and software.
Keywords: Green networking, Adaptive link rate (ALR), Greening, Interface Proxying, Dynamic voltage and
frequency scaling (DVFS), Energy aware applications, Energy aware software, over-provisioning, selective
connectedness, resource consolidation, proportional computing
There is an immense need to conserve energy in every possible way. Saving energy is not just
restricted to the transport, industrial or domestic sectors. It has also reached to the Information and
Communication Technology sector (ICT). It may seem a little blur and unthinkable but the network components
and devices operating in an industrial firm, data centers, IT farms etc. are responsible for the emissions of
Greenhouse Gases (GHG), mainly carbon dioxide. It is not indiscernible to expect and approximate the harm
caused by these emissions to the environment and thus to mankind.
Its not just the environment that is getting damaged, it also impacts the economy as there is a loss of
energy and power that could be saved using proper techniques in the architecture or the core framework. Thus in
this work solutions are presented as well as their prospects to achieve greening of networks, i.e. designing the
networks in an energy and power saving manner to overcome the ambiguities and the loopholes in the existing
1.1 Existing Problem
The network components and devices are designed in such a manner so as to handle the peak load
traffic. This results into two obvious problems which are also the characteristics of the existing architecture:
over-provisioning and redundancy. Dan Chen et al state that The two major drivers for energy efficient
networking are: (a) high carbon footprints because of electrical energy use and (b) consumption of an enormous
amount of energy by the networking equipment and the resulting high cost of energy [1].
Energy consumption in the ICT sector leads to the emission of Green House Gases (GHG). The ICT
sector is responsible for almost two percent of the man-made carbon dioxide emissions for every 1 TeraWatt
hour (TWh) energy consumption, which is approximately equal to that made by the global aviation industry,
with the potential risk of its increment(by almost six percent). If this be the condition, not only will the cost of
maintenance and production rise, but it will also pose a major threat to the environment which cannot be
1.2 Proposed Solutions
Almost all the network devices remain active for most of the time independent of their utilization. For
instance, the NIC remains idle for most of the time and its average load is 5 percent for normal computers and
30 percent for servers [1]. Also the idle links that are not used in packet transfer are responsible for causing
unnecessary traffic in the network which can be avoided using proper techniques. Thus, summarizing the
aforementioned facts, the solutions for green networking can be summed up as
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17631521
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There are a number of ways of greening the networks. In general, all these ways fall under one of the
following key characteristics of green network architecture
Resource consolidation: This feature exploits the characteristic of over-provisioning of the networks. It
demands shutting down underutilized devices and consolidating the network load on a selected cluster of
active components.
Selective connectedness: This characteristic calls for transitioning the idle devices to low power or sleep
modes as transparently as possible, thus transferring the traffic on some other device that is active. Interface
proxying uses this technique thereby freeing the main end device.
Virtualization: This characteristic refers to operating multiple services at a single piece of hardware, thus
reducing the under-utilization of resources which in turn reduces the energy consumption.
Proportional Computing: This characteristic refers to the concept of consuming energy proportional to
resource utilization. This means that idle devices or components should consume less energy as compared
to the active or working devices. This is characteristic of the two techniques of Adaptive Link Rate (ALR)
and Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS).
This section aims at understanding the four widely used techniques to achieve greening of computer
networks. There are other related techniques too, but since they require a wider perspective and complex
purview, the focus here will only be on the following methods for a more adjacent and converged aspect.
2.1 Adaptive Link Rate
Experimental results showed that energy consumption in an Ethernet cable is independent of the link
utilization.Even when there are no data packets being sent, links are being continuously sent and received to
maintain synchronization and to avoid time delay in case of transmission of a longer frame. This leads to
unnecessary energy loss without work being done. This issue can however be avoided by properly adapting the
link rates by the following two methods2.1.1 Changing the state of the links to sleep/idle mode
This state allows the links to function in either sleep mode or a fully awake mode. Depending on the
reactivity of the links to the network traffic following situations may arise
Drop packet in sleep mode: These policies discard any incoming packet during sleep state
Fully awake on packet arrival: These policies transition to active state when a packet arrives during sleep
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Wake-up on meeting the buffer threshold: Packets are buffered for later processing during sleep state. The
link is transitioned to active state either on sleep interval timeout, or when number of incoming packets
increases a threshold[1]
Buffer the packets to process them in the active state: These policies buffer the incoming packets in sleep
state to process later when link becomes active
Use shadow ports to service the packets on behalf of cluster of sleeping ports: These policies use dedicated
port (Shadow port) for a cluster of sleeping ports to process packets on behalf of the sleeping ports.
Even though this serves to be an effective technique to save energy, there are chances of energy
consumption at various transitions, like the one from sleep mode to active. Another disadvantage includes the
loss of data packets in case the links are in sleep mode and the time delay to process the packets after returning
to active state.
2.1.2 Reducing the line rate during low utilization period, which is known as rate switching
This method refers to scaling down the link rate as it was observed that operating the links at lower
rates leads to energy saving. Experiments were performed which concluded that there is a significant difference
in power consumption among different link data rates. Gunaratne et al. [3] reported that the energy consumption
was 3 W less in switching from 1 Gb/s link speed to 100 Mb/s at NIC, and about 1.5 W less at switch interface
[2]. It was also found that 99 percent of the time links can be operated at 10 Mb/s, without any perceivable delay
by users [2]. The link rate scaling can further be categorized on the following basis
Link Utilization and buffer occupancy: These policies consider buffer occupancy along with link utilization.
They also prevent the switching of data rates based on buffer occupancy
Buffer occupancy: These policies consider buffer occupancy to transition the link to lower data rates and
the reverse.
Heuristics: These policies use heuristics to determine the time that is needed to remain in a switched state
and data rate switch.
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Fig. 3: A typical workload pattern with tasks and idle time between tasks
By scaling down the voltage and frequency each task is extended into the idle time after it. As long as
the tasks do not overlap, DVFS is guaranteed to be correct.
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Every technique has its own approach and solves the problem in a different and unique manner. Thus
they have their advantages as well as disadvantages and mentioned below in the table.
Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages.
In this review paper the focus is on the four main techniques of attaining green network architecture.
Every technique is different from one another and have their own characteristic. ALR and DVFS fall under
proportional computing whereas Interface Proxying falls under selective connectedness. Unlike ALR, interface
proxying is applied at end devices. Out of all the techniques ALR is proved to be the most efficient as it directly
exploits the over-provisioning and idleness of a network saving many terawatts of energy and thus billions of
dollars. DVFS is an emerging technique and various algorithms have been proposed on it by different authors.
Energy aware applications and softwares is not that reliable due to the robustness and traditionality of the
existing networks which are difficult to change.
Keeping in mind the aforementioned facts, conclusion can be drawn that there is a strong need for
energy and power saving, not just from the cost/investment point of view but also from the environment
perspective. The ICT sector has an adverse effect on the environment because of its current trends and
functionalities. If monitory steps are not taken, there might soon be an economical and environmental problem.
Thus this paper review on various techniques to overcome this problem. The techniques have their own
properties and target different components of an architecture. Thus a combination of all these techniques is
something that can be looked forward to for an utmost energy saving system.
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The possible prospects of this problem lie in the manner of using every technique at its target most
efficiently and also extending it to other components of a network.
As mentioned earlier, a combination of all these methods would prove to be the ultimate solution since
the entire network architecture can be aimed. DVFS can also be implemented at a basic level since it involves
changing the frequencies and voltages and thus electronic circuits.
However, this might take a few years as this is a new aspect and thus requires core research. Though
green networking is in its infancy at present, it can be meddled in many ways to obtain the most efficient
network architecture that will prove to be economical, environment-friendly and handy.
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