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Cross Trainer

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The cross trainer is a perfect machine for getting back in shape. It is a

complete workout that combines cardio training and toning by working on
the upper and lower body. The exercise routine is gentle and low-impact on the
joints. The right way to use your cross trainer is to adopt the right position
for long-term training: a straight back allows you to efficiently activate your
pelvic girdle (core strength), and your upper and lower body.
So you just bought a cross trainer, and before you start, you are wondering
about the right way to use it? Discover the benefits of this cardio training
machine and follow our recommendations to begin training.

Why use a cross trainer ?

A cross trainer is easy for anyone to use, and great for the entire family. It's a
solid piece of equipment that can last you a long time. You can use it at home,
all year round, without being dependant on the weather!
A cross trainer provides you with a complete workout since it combines cardio
training with toning of both the upper and lower body. The exercise routine is
gentle and low-impact on the joints.
It's especially useful for:

Getting back into shape: it's an ideal piece of equipment to help you get
or stay in shape, and improve your performance
Losing weight: an exercise bike helps you burn fat. Combined with a
suitable diet, it can help you slim your figure
Working out your heart without strain: it improves your cardiovascular
Physical training: It helps you to build muscle without risking injury to
your joints

The Right Adjustment

There is no special adjustment for a cross trainer, other than, for certain
models, the pedals or the height of the fixed handlebar.

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Holding the right position

To start out right, always keep a straight back. A well-designed cross trainer
will ensure you maintain that position. Whether you use the mobile arm handles
or fixed handlebars, a straight posture will help you to effectively work out your
abdominals (core strength) and your upper and lower body, as well as work
out for longer. Even when the arm handles are pulled out to the maximum, your
back should be able to stay in the correct position!

The Type of Session

Julie, Domyos Club athletic coach, suggests this type of workout session for
beginning to exercise on the cross trainer.
To warm up, do some leg bends and stretches (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves).
For the first session, start with the simplest mode (Quick Start / Manual) at the
pace that suits you (40 to 50 rpm) but with a minimum resistance to protect your
knees. Once you are familiar with the cross trainer, progressively increase the
pace and the resistance. For an effective exercise, always think about pushing
your feet towards the front without bringing the pelvis into misalignment. Your
arms should be used as an accompaniment; do not pull on them.

During the first few weeks, start with a 40-60 minute session:

10-15 min: warm-up at a moderate pace and low resistance

25-35 min: training session at a regular pace and moderate resistance
(roughly 70% of maximum heart rate)
5-10 min: cool down at a low pace and low resistance

Over time, you will find a comfortable pace and enough endurance.

Over the following weeks, chose the variation(s) that suit you:

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Progressively prolong the length of the main training session to increase

the total time
Increase your pedalling speed and adapt the resistance to protect your
knee joints
Use the interval method during the training session: Mountain or Interval
Progressively increase the number of mountains or intervals
Using the machine without the arm handles (like running): this requires
more balance and more significant abdominal and deep muscle work

Do two to three sessions per week with a day of rest between sessions.

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Endurance training can be done two different ways: either continuous or
interval training. Each method strengthens the heart in a different way.
However, the end result is the same: improving your health. Between the two
techniques, continuous training is used the most. Its goal? Maintain a regular
intensity throughout the workout. Thanks to this work, you improve your
endurance, strengthen your heart, control your weight, improve your respiratory
system and your sleep. To your machines!

To develop your endurance, the most widespread technique is continuous

training. Principle: carry out long cardio training sessions regularly.

What is continuous training?

Whatever sport you practice, (running, cycling, or others), the goal of the
continuous workout is to maintain the same cardiac intensity throughout the
activity. It differs from interval training, where your effort is more intense and for
a shorter duration.

Why a continuous workout?

Continuous work improves your endurance. Your stronger heart, gains
volume. Beyond that, continuous work allows you to

lose and better control your weight

improve your respiratory system
improve your sleep management

Continuous work, for the heart

After a month of training, every heartbeat pushes out much more blood. It
transmits much more oxygen to your muscles.
Advantage: your heart beats less rapidly and you are less out of breath,
whether you are at rest or active.

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Continuous training: with what equipment?

Treadmill, exercise bike, cross trainer: all of the cardio training equipment is
used for continuous workouts just like in interval training. The only
difference: the intensity of the effort over time.
For example, for a continuous workout on a treadmill:

begin with a speed suited for a fast walking pace

to avoid too abrupt of an advancement, increase the speed by one point
every 5 minutes.
before the last 5 to 10 minutes (depending on the total time of the session)
slow down little by little to return to the initial speed

This continuous work requires great motivation. It is essential to stay on your

machine for a long time (a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes depending on your
level). Without that, your work is ineffective!

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To increase cardiovascular capacity, and therefore better withstand stress,
you need to work on endurance. Endurance is specific to each person and
helps to maintain a certain level of intensity during physical exertion. By
developing your endurance ability, you'll be able to make progress without
feeling excessive tiredness at the end of the exertion. Want to make rapid
progress in cardio training? Discover how to improve your endurance in 5

Working on endurance is all about knowing the best ways to make rapid
progress. Read our tips to learn how to improve resistance.

Be regular
Regularity is obviously one of the keys to success. Ideally, you should practice
an endurance sport every two days to improve performance. Everything
depends on your individual objectives and determination!
To make progress, it is essential to establish a training program and stick to it
long-term. Ideally, you should keep a calendar and clearly mark your progress.
Give yourself progressive objectives (duration, performance, blood sugar
levels...). Remember to shake things up! The treadmill is not your only option;
try the bike or the rowing machine: all kinds of gym or class cardio activites
are effective to develop your endurance.

Measure your predicted HR

Great athletes must pay particular attention to the heart rhythm during and after
a workout. To make progress in endurance, you have to calculate your
maximum heart rate (MHR) during exercise. In theory, it is equal to 220 minus
your age (226 for women whose hearts beat slightly faster than men's). For
example if you are 35 years old, it's 220-35 = 185. The optimal training area
corresponds to 60-70% 70-80% of the MHR. It is therefore obtained by
multiplying the MHR by 0.6-0.7 or 0.7-0.8 in the case of basic endurance

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It is at this frequency the body makes the most effective demands on the
cardiovascular system. We also have to mention the aerobic training zone: the
body uses oxygen to burn energy.
To optimise your efforts, you should have a heart rate monitor. This is a handy
accessory based on the heart rate, and thus on exertion intensity. You'll be sure
never to train above or below your own abilities.

Get your heart going

Add some interval training! Including intervals in your endurance training will
mean adding definite distances or times to your training where you will increase
your speed and thus go beyond your cruising speed. You define periods of
exercises at a high pace (between 30 seconds and 3 minutes) interspersed
with recovery periods. The goal? Increase the total workload by reducing
fatigue. This way, you'll work on your speed, your explosiveness, and use your
muscles differently.
By forcing the body to adapt to different rhythms of exercise, you improve your
cardiovascular endurance. You can start to include this type of session in your
workout plan if you are able to run 30 minutes at a constant speed.
In practice, on the basis of 45-minute sessions, start first by training
continuously. Then include one interval training per week. Increase to 2
interval sessions per week + 1 continuous. Limit yourself to a maximum of 2
interval sessions per week.

Whether on the cardio bike or the treadmill, remember to define your


I want to improve my ability to recover

Work at 85% of max HR. Your working time must be greater than the
recovery time. E.g.: alternate 30 seconds fast run for 15 seconds of recovery.

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I want to work on my ability to maintain a high intensity for as

long as possible

Work at 90% of max HR. In this training method called "intermittent

endurance", recovery time is equal to the time of work (with periods ranging
from 20 to 45 seconds in general). E.g.: alternate 30 seconds very fast run
with 30 seconds of recovery.

I want to work on my ability to exert myself

Work at 95-100% of max HR. Here work time is less than recovery time. E.g.:
train long intervals, i.e. 5x500 metres with a longer recovery time (usually 1

Work on respiratory muscles

Respiratory muscle fatigue may limit performance. Thus, by following simple
exercises, you can increase your lung capacity and thus muscle resistance
to fatigue produced by exertion. Better posture, better ventilation, these are all
interesting points for athletes who are looking for wellbeing during exertion.
Of all the respiratory muscles, the most important one for our general condition
is the diaphragm. And yet, few people use this muscle in an efficient way. And it
is at the heart of any breathing training. Being consciously more aware of the
movement of inhalation and expiration helps to calm down. In the process of
breathing, the greater the diaphragm magnitude, the better the oxygenation and
lung capacity.
Stand upright, facing a window. Place your hands on the shoulders and raise
your elbows and chin taking a deep breath through the nose, opening up the
ribs. Then slowly come down as you exhale. Perform this exercise for 4 minutes.

15 minutes rope skipping a day

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Absolutely brilliant to increase your endurance: the skipping rope. Fitness

accessory for fast results... at a tiny price.
This is the perfect cardio exercise to strengthen the heart, improve endurance,
burn calories and strengthen the body. 15 minutes rope skipping is
equivalent to 30 minutes of jogging!
It's quite an intense exercise, so don't be surprised if you don't last more than a
minute during your first sessions. Start with many shorter sessions. Over time,
gradually train yourself up to be able to hold 15 consecutive minutes. Warm up
properly before every session by performing some jumps without the rope. You'll
find a better balance and better feel the movement.


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Endurance takes work. And to improve it, it's no secret: you need continuous
effort. Stepper, exercise bike, cross trainer, or rowing machine: all of the cardio
training machines allow you to develop your endurance. To work out, aim for
a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, without a break. After several months of
work, you will improve at all levels: better resistance, cardiovascular system,
and stronger muscles.
Short of breath after the smallest effort, fear of climbing stairs have you
considered working on endurance? The cardiovascular system and
endurance are closely connected. To improve one, develop the other!

Developing endurance, a long process

It isn't by running 30 minutes one Sunday afternoon that you'll improve your
endurance. The effort must be regular.
To improve it, we advise a 30-minute minimum workout, without break, and
After several months of training,

you are less out-of-breath: your heart gains resistance

your immune system is stronger
just like your muscles!

With what machine?

If you do not enjoy outdoor jogging, try cardio training equipment at home.
Stepper, exercise bike, cross trainer, or rowing machine: all of the cardio
training machines allow you to develop your endurance. To choose the one
that suits you, determine your secondary goal.

Your secondary goal is to eliminate fat and to essentially strengthen

your lower body: go for the treadmill
To slim your figure while calling upon several muscle groups (arms,
core, legs, glutes): pick the cross trainer

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To quickly burn fat and primarily strengthen your calves: choose the
exercise bike
To essentially strengthen glutes and legs: go for the stepper
For a complete workout for all of your muscles: pick the rowing

If you still aren't sure: you can test these machines at the gym at first to
familiarise yourself with the one that will take you the furthest and for the longest

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Cardio training with interval training consists of high intensity work over short
periods of time. Athletes should determine the periods of high-intensity
exercise punctuated by recovery periods. This training method is excellent
for muscle strengthening, endurance work, and weight loss. The intense pace of
the activity allows you to burn calories in record time. Discover an impressive
exercise to quickly improve your performance!

To strengthen your muscles and your heart, nothing is more effective than
cardio training with interval workouts. Alternating periods of intense training
with recovery periods allows you to burn calories quickly while gaining muscle.

What is an interval workout?

You define periods of higher-intensity exercises (between 30 seconds and 3
minutes) punctuated by recovery periods.
As opposed to continuous workouts, with interval training you work at high
intensity during short periods of time.

The benefits of interval training

This type of workout allows for excellent muscle strengthening.
You improve your cardiovascular endurance with an intense workout pace.
Interval training helps you gain endurance and performance. How? It "surprises"
the body by requiring it to adapt to different rhythms of effort.
It is perfect for those wishing to lose weight. The intense periods allow you to
burn a lot of calories in little time.

Interval workouts, in exercises

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It is practised using cardio training machines such as the cross trainer or the
treadmill, at home or at the gym. Machines which allow you to quickly raise your
heart rate.

Define the pace that you want and the recovery periods:

The 30/30: alternate 30 seconds of very fast running and 30 seconds of

recovery. Other variants can be calculated for efforts going from 5 to 180
seconds, while changing the recovery time accordingly.
The pyramid: alternate 30 seconds of running / 30 seconds of recovery,
then increase the sessions by 15 seconds until you reach 1 minute 30
The long interval that corresponds to 5x500 metres with a longer recovery
time (generally 1 minute).

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This is most women's nightmare as it's so difficult to get rid of: cellulite. The
consequences are always on our minds: Orange peel skin, unsightly dimples,
flabby skin in some areas... You can do something about cellulite with you diet.
Some natural allies are essential to eliminate it. Fat burning, draining or
antioxidant, put all the chances on your side with these 5 foods that act directly
on fats.

What you need to know...

Cellulite is made of fat cells (adipocytes) located under the skin. Fat cells grow
and compress the blood and lymph vessels, which leads to poor elimination of
toxins and fluids (water retention). Therefore, the development of fat cells is
conducive to cellulite, giving it the well-known bumpy look: orange peel skin.
Here are 5 foods to help you eliminate cellulite.

This Mexican exotic fruit is a formidable weapon against flabby thighs.
papain, the miraculous enzyme, helps digestion and acts effectively on
the collagen in cellulite. And the good news is that it breaks it down. So if youre
looking for pretty curves, run don't walk to your local greengrocer and enjoy this
delicious exotic fruit! Munch on papaya plain or in a salad, and above all, wait at
least 2 hours before eating it again to increase its effects.

Stick celery
Have you always turned your nose up to celery until now? Once you discover
what it can do for you, likely you will change your mind! Stick celery reduces
our appetite and helps to get rid of some sugars and fats. Its bitterness is
exactly what makes it activate fat metabolism and get rid of cellulite. Its plant
hormones and essential oils are also very effective against cellulite. Eat it as a
snack, chopped up and dipped in a light sauce made with low fat fromage blanc
and chives.

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Food lovers adore its tasty flesh, and pineapple has every reason to be loved:
it's fat free and is right at the top of the anti-cellulite food league. All the
medicinal properties are concentrated in the stem. It contains Bromelain which
has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to prevent water
retention (pineapple is recommended for diets that reduce water retention,
including cellulite). To wave goodbye to orange peel skin, eat it as is or mixed
with low-fat fromage blanc.

What better way to prevent water retention. the leek unblocks congested and
tired bodies due to overfeeding by getting rid of toxins and fighting against
cellulite. The added bonus? It helps athletes prevent muscle soreness after
exercise. So now that you know all this, how could you not try it out! Go green
and stay slim by eating it steamed or as a side with fish.

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One of the biggest problems with Crosstrainers, is that new users will often find that
they will develop sore calf muscles. This is simply due to having the heel position on the
crosstrainers foot plate, namely the heel is extended upwards throughout the
exercise. You should aim to place your heel down on the foot plate when ever you can,
in order to stretch the calf muscles.
The crosstrainer is a great piece of gym equipment for those that require a gentle
workout, or who suffer from lower leg injuries.

If you go into any modern gym nowadays, you will often see
rows upon rows of these machines, all for the same reason - gym
goers love them - if you ask the regular gym goer what they find
hard to use, then you will often see this piece of gym equipment

Because you're working both your arms and legs, the calorie
expenditure for these machines is claimed to be similar to that of
running and rowing, however this is simply not the case momentum is doing a lot of the work, and if you rest your arms
your hardly notice any change in either speed or exercise

Cross trainers are designed to keep the regular gym goer, at the gym, with the under
standing that they are actually having a good workout.

This is partly true, because they are actually working out, with very little stress placed on
their muscles / joints, which will result in no or very little muscle soreness, however for
greater benefits in a shorter time, exercises such as running - rowing - cycling should be
considered for those who are physically capable.

One of the biggest problems with Crosstrainers, is that new users will often find that
they will develop sore calf muscles. This is simply due to having the heel position on the
crosstrainers foot plate, namely the heel is extended upwards throughout the
exercise. You should aim to place your heel down on the foot plate when ever you can,
in order to stretch the calf muscles.

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This in my opinion, only really benefits the gym, as the crosstrainer has no motor or
exspensive parts to replace, unlike a treadmill or rowing machine.

When using the crosstrainer machine, it is important that you do the following.

Warm - up and stretch your muscles, especially your lower leg - calf muscles.
Place your feet centrally on the foot pedals.
Avoid excessive rotational movement from your waist in order to push the hand levers
Aim for larger controlled movements, rather than a small jerking action, using your
arms to help control the speed, and also assist the legs during your workout.
Set the resistance level to the correct setting - too easy insufficient workout - too hard
and you will be straining - aim to look forward, standing tall throughout.
Travel in a forward motion - the way our bodies are designed to travel, excessive speed
travelling backwards carries the risk of hamstring muscle injuries.
Have a towel and water bottle close by.

Always wipe any sweat off the crosstrainer to help prolong the life of it, taking in fluid
regularly to help your body function throughout your workout.

Focus on stretching the calf muscles once you have finished using the crosstrainer, and all
your muscles after your workout.

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Workout Mistakes That Slow Your Results

As the weather drops, more and more people head straight to one machine in their gymthe elliptical trainer. According
to a report from the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, the number of users of elliptical trainers
in health clubs grew sevenfold from 1997 to 2007. And while you may be proud of yourself for making it to the gym and
squeezing in some cardio (and you should be!), taking a lackadaisical approach to your elliptical workout and casually
spinning your legs while reading a magazine or watching TV isnt doing yourself any favors.
Here, 10 mistakes you frequently make on the elliptical and how to fix them so you maximize calorie burn while adding
fun to your ho-hum routine.

1. You don't enter your information

Most machines are calibrated for a 150-pound personbut personalizing your stats will help you get a more accurate
calorie read. Aim to burn around 100 calories per 10 minutes, says Jennifer Cassetty, an exercise physiologist.

2. Your resistance is zero

You might feel like a million bucks stepping a mile a minute, but without resistance, youre not going to see results, says
Rbynn Europe, a personal trainer at Chelsea Piers in New York City. Make sure that youre using enough resistance to
push and pull through the stride. Then, continue at a moderate pace until you feel like youve done all you can do. You
shouldnt feel like you have even 5 minutes left in you when you step off, she says.

3. You're a sloucher
Standing up straight helps to lengthen your abs, giving you a chance to engage your core and even work your upper
body muscles, Cassetty says. Certified personal trainer Neal I. Pire, MA, CSCS, president of Inspire Training Systems in
New Jersey, recommends hopping on a machine with an upper body component so you can engage even more
musclesand blast more fat. Can't find a machine that lets you pump your arms? Let go: Some research suggests that
leaning on machine armrests during exercise reduces calorie burning.

4. Your machine sounds like its going to take off

If you can hear the purr of the machine while youre exercising, it means that youre going too fast without enough
resistancewhich means youre not getting the most calorie burn out of your time, Cassetty says. Keeping a steady,
moderate pace at a resistance that forces you to use your muscles will get, and keep, your heart rate up.

5. You don't change directions

Going backwards doesnt just stop you from getting bored, it also changes which large muscle groups are working
hardest, according to Europe. While moving forward fatigues your quads, backwards puts emphasis on your hamstrings
and glutes. To max out the effect, sit back slightly, keeping your knees at a 90-degree angle as you stride.

6. You havent changed your workout in months

Intervals are a great way to break up the monotony of the machine and boost your calorie burn, says Europe. You can
do this in one of two ways: Leave the resistance steady and change your pace (fast for 1 minute; moderate for 4) or
maintain your speed and change your resistance (challenging resistance for 1 minute; moderate for 4).

7. You go until you can't feel your feet

One of the most common elliptical mistakes is putting too much pressure on your toes, which can make your feet go
numb and cut your workout short. Instead, sit back into your heels, which allows large muscle groups to work harder
and gives you the stamina to go for longer, according to Cassetty.

8. You don't work your upper half

Incorporate the moving handles two days a week to put your upper body to work, and hang on to the stable handles on
the others, says Cassetty. When youre working your arms and legs, try intervalsfocus on your arms for 1 minute, then
pump your legs for 4, and repeat through your workout.

9. You spin your way up a hill

Some models have a ramp incline, similar to a treadmill. But, unlike a treadmill, a large incline wont increase the
difficultyinstead, its easier for your legs to push and pull through the stride.

10. You're an elliptical junkie

As tempting as it may be to shoot straight to the elliptical every time you enter the gym, you should never be using one
machine exclusively, says Europe. Supplement your routine with weight training and other cardio equipment, such as the
rower. Making sure you incorporate variety keeps your body from getting used to a single movement and also continues
to help you build muscle masswhich, in turn, will keep your metabolism boosted.

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