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C12 Week 1 - CROSSFIT

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Понеделник 08/7
Warm-up Mobility prep:
Squat Flow
Hip extension
VIDEO Бележки

Oly Snatch warm-up VIDEO A break into sets as needed. Complete the
A1 3 Romanian dead lifts whole thing 2-3 times, starting with an empty
A2 3 snatch high pulls bar and adding load on each round if moving
A3 3 muscle snatches well
A4 3 tempo OHS, tempo 23X1
A5 3 snatch balances
A6 3 power snatches to OHS (receive each rep a little
deeper, pause 2s in receiving position)
A7 3 snatch pull unders
A8 3 hang squat snatches

Main set
A Snatch, go E90s
3 x 1.1.1 @ 70-75%
3 x 1.1.1 @ 75-80%
3-5 x 1.1.1 @ 80+%

B 3-POS Snatch balance VIDEO

5x 1+1+1 @70+%

2-3min Rest btw sets

Strength A Back Squat – 4x6 @77-82% (2-3 RIR on 1st set)

3-5min Rest btw sets

Conditioning A. 4 to 6 total intervals, alternate A1/A2 FLOW – A1 – A2 – A1 – A2 (– A1 – A2)

A1 4min AMRAP
Stop after 4 intervals if you have more than 5 reps
6 Burpee
drop in performance on the 2nd repeat of A1/A2 OR if
6 DB Hang squat clean @2x 22.5/15 you feel like you can’t repeat your performance for
6 HSPU another 2 intervals

2min Rest before A2

A2 2min AMRAP
9 Box jump over
6 C2B Pull-ups
6DB Thruster @2x 22.5/15

2min Rest before A1


Вторник 09/7
Warm-up Mobility prep:
Lunge Flow VIDEO
Thoracic flow VIDEO


Skill A HSPU & Handstand walk Strength (review from blocks 4-6). Complete
2-3 rounds of the following

A1. Shoulder mobility in the form of scapular swimmers (5 slow reps)

A2. Negative wall facing HSPU (hands on DB’s, body at 30-degrees)
(3x5-8s) VIDEO
A3. Seated OH weighted pulses (10 reps & hold 10s) VIDEO
A4. HS walking complex VIDEO
-Bunny hop to tuck HS (3 reps)
-Tuck HS hold (10s)
-Full HS shoulder shrugs (10 reps)
-HS shoulder taps (or step side to side) (10 reps)

B Strict Ring MU strength (review from blocks 4-6). Complete 3 rounds of

the following
B1. Weighted passive and active shoulder extension mobility exercise
(3-5 reps holding at each position for 10s) VIDEO
B2 Tuck hollow DB straight arm sequence VIDEO
B3 Russian dip variation (3-8 reps)
-Version #1 VIDEO
-Version #2 VIDEO
B4 Complete the following VIDEO
-Top support hold (5s)
-Negative ring dip (5-8s)
-Ring dips (3-5 reps)
-Top support hold (5s)
-Negative strict Ring muscle-up (5-8s)
-Top ring pulls (straight, pike or tuck) (3-5 reps)
-Inverted hang hold (5s)
-Negative Pull-up (5-8s)
-Rest 90s

C Bar Muscle-up TTB Strength (review from blocks 4-6). Complete 2-3
rounds of the following at own pace:
C1 Complete the following grip strength complex VIDEO
-Dead hang full turn to the left
-3-5 strict hanging leg lifts
-Dead hang full turn to the right
-3-5 strict hanging leg lifts
C2 Inverted hang hold (straight or bent legs) (15-30s)
-Tuck leg progression: VIDEO
-Straight leg progression: VIDEO
C3 Complete the following workout VIDEO
-Body levers (5-8 reps)
-Fast hanging knee tucks (30s)
-Hollow hold (30s)

Strength A Dead lift – 3x (4-6) @ 72-78% (2 RIR on the 1st set)

3-5min Rest

B Push press – 5x3 @70-80% (2 RIR on the 1st set), go E90s

C. Alternate C1/C2
C1 Barbell back rack box step ups – 4x 9/side @ RPE 7+ (3 RIR on the 1st
1-2min Rest before C2

C2 DB/KB row – 4x 12/10/8/12 @ RPE 8+

2min Rest before C1

D KB Circuit #2 – complete 2-3 rounds at own pace

15-20 (double) KB Front rack box squat @ weight as needed to move well
10 (5/side) Half kneeling see-saw KB press (left foot in front) VIDEO
10-15 (double) KB stiff legged deadlift
10 (5/side) Half kneeling see-saw KB press (right foot in front)

Четвъртък 11/7
Warm-up Mobility Prep
Lunge flow VIDEO
Thoracic flow VIDEO
Hip – capsule VIDEO

Conditioning Warm-up Main set flow: start by doing the 2km TT,
A 10min building frequency. Start with damper set to 1 and row 1min then rest for 10min. after that you
@ 16 S/M, every minute for the first 5min you increase your stroke rate
complete 1.5km, rest for 5min and then
by 1. After the first 5min you continue for another 5min, but now you
increase your stroke rate by 1 every 30sec ending at 30 S/M for the last the last 1km.

B Then set your damper to the setting you want to use for the test 4-6
will be beneficial for the most people. Complete 3 rounds of 1min
easy pace, 30s building to your target pace for the 2km, and then 30s
at an easy pace

Main set
Row 2km time trial + back off intervals of 1.5km and 1km

Oly Snatch warm-up VIDEO

A1 3 Romanian dead lifts
A2 3 snatch high pulls
A3 3 muscle snatches
A4 3 tempo OHS, tempo 23X1
A5 3 snatch balances
A6 3 power snatches to OHS (receive each rep a little
deeper, pause 2s in receiving position)
A7 3 snatch pull unders
A8 3 hang squat snatches

Main set
A hang snatch (above the knee – VIDEO) @65+%
3 x 3, go E90s
3-5 x 2, go E75s
3-5 x 1, EMOM

Strength A Back Squat – 3-4 x 10 @ 67-73% (3 RIR on the 1st set)

3-5min Rest

Cool down Hip rotation flow 7min VIDEO


Петък 12/7
Warm-up Mobility prep
Thoracic flow VIDEO
Shoulder first rib VIDEO
Shoulder – Front rack VIDEO Бележки

Strength A Alternate A1/A2

A1 Bench press – 5x5 @ 75-80%
2min Rest before A2
A2 Strict Pull-up – 5x5
2min Rest before A1

B Alternate B1/B2
B1 Seated strict press – 4x 6-8 @70+%
2min Rest before B2
B2 Barbell bent over row – 4x (8-10)
2min Rest before B1

C Landmine circuit VIDEO – in a 15-minute window move through as

many rounds of the following at own pace:

8/arm Landmine half kneeling press

8/arm Landmine (Meadows) row
8/arm Landmine SL Romanian dead lift
8/arm Landmine SL skater squat

Skill A DB skill medley, for quality, NOT for time

10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 /side DB OH squat
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 /side DB (squat) snatch
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 /side DB cluster
5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1/side Turkish get-up

B Isometric (static holds), 3 rounds, rest 1-minute btw each part/round

(1) Ring support, up to 30s
(2) Chin over the bar hold, up to 30s
(3) Bottom of ring dip support, up to 30s
(4) Squat 2 parallel, up to 1-minute

C Tempo work, 3 rounds, rest up to 30s btw each part/round

(1) Inverted row, up to 40s, @ tempo 2020 (= 10 reps)
(2) Push-up, up to 1-minute @ tempo 2020 (= 15 reps)
(3) Air squat, up to 1-minute @ tempo 2020 9= 15 reps)

C1. Strict hanging leg lift variation (straight legs, bend legs, legs to 90-
degrees) (5 reps)
C2. V-up pulses (8 reps) VIDEO
C3. Compression slides (feet on rower seat) (10 reps) VIDEO
C4. V-up snaps (15 reps) VIDEO
C5. L-sit hold (20s)

Събота 13/7
Warm-up Mobility prep
Squat Flow VIDEO
Hip extension VIDEO
Shoulder – Front rack VIDEO Бележки

Oly Clean & Jerk warm-up VIDEO

A1 3 Hang clean pulls
A2 3 Hang muscle cleans + 3 strict presses
A3 3 tempo front squats 53X1 + 3 Push-presses
A4 3 Hang power cleans to front squats (receive
each rep a little deeper, pause 2s in receiving
A5 3 clean pull unders + 3 push jerks
A6 3 hang squat cleans + 3 split jerks

Main set

A Clean & Jerk – (12-15) x 2+1 @70+%, go E90s

B Snatch pull VIDEO – 4x3 @ 80-110% 1RM Snatch

3min Rest

SPP A 10min EMOM A Twist: at the start of each minute, take an inhale
As many burpees as breath allows (see “twist”) and hold your breath as you complete your
burpees. Use the remaining of the minute to
B 15min EMOM, alternating recover by doing nose breathing.
(1) 6-10 DB Snatch, alternating @ heavy
(2) 10-20 pistols, alternating
(3) double Unders for 30-40s

2min Rest before C

C 4 Rounds for time

400m Run
10 Power clean @60/40
30 Wall Ball
5 Ring Muscle-up/10 C2B pull-ups

Time cap: 20-minutes

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