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Odysy-Base Programming

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Week 32 (Block 4 - Week 1) turnover)

  C. Deadlift - 3x8-10 (aiming for about 60% of you best

Day 1 Deadlift)
General Warm Up +
+ 27-21-15-9
2 sets: Overhead Squats (40/30)
5 Box Jump Lands Russian KBS (32/24)
6-8 Off-Set Russian Step-ups GHD Sit Ups
30-sec Captain Morgan/side
+ Day 5
A. Back Squat - 5x8-10; 2-3 minutes (aiming for about 60% General Warm Up
of you best Back Squat) 2 sets:
B1. Dbl KB FR Step up - 3x4-6/leg @31X1; Rest 60-sec 30-45-sec Kettlebell Halos
B2. Staggered Stance Deadlift - 3x4-6/side @40X1; Rest 2 30-45-sec Ulna Rotation Eccentrics
minutes 30-45-sec Brachiation
+ +
21 minute EMOM A. CGBP - 5x8-10 (aiming for about 60% of you best Close
1 - 25' Dumbbell Walking Lunges Grip Bench Press)
2 - 10 Hang Power Snatch (50/35) B1. Filly Press - 3x4-6/side @31X1; Rest 60-sec
3 - 4-8 Burpee Strict Pull-up B2. Off-Set Row - 3x4-6/side @31X0; Rest 2 minutes
Day 2 10RFT
General Warm Up 3 Rope Climbs
+ 6 Strict Ring Dips
2 sets:
30-45-sec Bar Reverse Reach Day 6
30-45-sec Wall Slides General Warm Up
30-sec Wall Facing HSH +
+ Build to a tough Power Clean and Jerk for the day
A. HSPU Negative - 5x3 @40A1 +
B1. Strict Dip - 3x4x-6 @40A1; Rest 60-sec Rest 3-5 minutes
B2. Dumbbell Pullover - 3x4-6 @40X1; Rest 2 minutes +
+ CNJ 3 minute AMRAP @65-70% (pause in both receiving
6-10 min Assault Bike (fartlek, adjust paces based off of positions)
feel) +
+ Rest as needed
10 minute EMOM 1 - 12/9 Cal Assault Bike  +
2 - 6-10 Strict HSPU 10 minute AMRAP
+ 5 Dbl KB CNJ (24/16/hand)
6-10 min Assault Bike (fartlek, adjust paces based off of 15/12 Cal AB
feel) +
Rest 5 minutes
Day 3 +
40-60 minutes @75% 10 minute AMRAP
3 minutes Row 25' Double Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunges
1 minute Lateral Step Overs (20/12/hand)
1 minute Plank 20/15 Calorie Row
3 minutes Assault Bike
1 minute Death March
1 minute Hang Day 7
Day 4
General Warm Up
2 sets:
10 SA Overhead Squat/side
10 Single Leg Suitcase Deadlift/side
30-45-sec Stir-the-pot
A. Hang Muscle Snatch - 3x5; Rest 90-sec (focus on
B. Hang Power Clean - EMOM 10 minutes: 2-3 reps (quick
Week 33 (Block 4 - Week 2) 10 SA Overhead Squat/side
  10 Single Leg Suitcase Deadlift/side
Day 1 30-45-sec Stir-the-pot
General Warm Up +
+ A. Tall Clean - 3x5; Rest 90-sec
2 sets: B. Hang Snatch - 10x2-3; Rest 60-sec
5 Box Jump Lands C. Deadlift - AMRAP (-3) @last week (+5%)
6-8 Off-Set Russian Step-ups *One set only looking for 10+ reps but confident in being
30-sec Captain Morgan/side able to do a couple more once you finish the set, increase
+ the weight from last week and maintain good hip/back
A. Back Squat - 10/10/10+ (+2-5% of last week's heaviest); mechanics
Rest 2-3 minutes +
B1. Dbl KB FR Rev Lunge - 3x4-6/leg @30X1; Rest 30-sec 15 minutes for quality
B2. RFE Deadlift - 3x4-6/side @31X1; Rest 2 minutes Accumulate 30-sec L-Sit
+ 5 High Seated Box Jumps
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 100' Sandbag Carry (tough)
Dumbbell Step-ups, L
Dumbbell Push Press, R Day 5
Burpee Box Jumps General Warm Up
Dumbbell Step-ups, R 2 sets:
Dumbbell Push Press, L 30-45-sec Kettlebell Halos
*Dumbbell at 22/15kg use a single Dumbbell only for step- 30-45-sec Ulna Rotation Eccentrics
ups 30-45-sec Brachiation
Day 2 +
General Warm Up A. CGBP - 10/10/10+ (+2-5% of last week's heaviest); Rest
+ 2-3 minutes
2 sets: B1. Braced Shoulder Press - 3x4-6/side @30X1; Rest 30-
30-45-sec Bar Reverse Reach sec
30-45-sec Wall Slides B2. Plank Single Arm Row - 3x4-6/side @31X1; Rest 2
30-sec Wall Facing HSH minutes
+ +
A. HSPU Negative - 5x4 @40A1; Rest 2-3 minutes "GI Jane"
B1. Strict Ring Dip - 3x4-6 @40A1; Rest 30-sec 100 Burpee Pull-ups For Time
B2. Strict T2B - 3x4-6 (as controlled a eccentric as you *only standard is chest and hips on the floor and chin over
can); Rest 2 minutes the bar on the pull-up
+ Day 6
6-10 min Row (fartlek) General Warm Up
+ +
(short rest) Build to a tough Power Snatch for the day
+ +
10 minute EMOM 3 minute AMRAP @65-70% (pause in the receiving
1 - 12/9 Calorie Row position - keep this technical)
2 - 8-12 C2B Pull-ups +
+ 20 minute AMRAP
(short rest) 9 T2B
+ 12 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk (22/15)
6-10 min Row (fartlek) 15 Wallball (20/14)
Day 3
10 minutes Assault Bike (easy pace with surges based off
of feel) Day 7
*Every 1 Mile perform 6 alt TGU (moderate weight) Rest
10 minutes Row (easy pace with surges based off of feel)
*Every 500m perform a 30-45-sec Jefferson Curl (slow and
10 minutes Jog (easy pace with surges based off of feel)
*Every 500m perform a 30-45-sec Ring FLR
Day 4
General Warm Up
2 sets:
Week 34 (Block 4 - Week 3) A. Drop Snatch - 3x5
  B. Push Press + Push Jerk- 10x2+2
Day 1 C. Deadlift - 10RM
General Warm Up +
+ 3RFT
2 sets: 15/12 Calorie Row
5 Box Jump Lands 15 UB Wallball (30/20-lbs)
6-8 Off-Set Russian Step-ups -into-
30-sec Captain Morgan/side 3RFT
+ 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
A. Back Squat - 10RM 16 alt Dumbbell Snatch (30/20kg)
B1. Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Russian Step-up -
3x4-6/leg (3-5-sec eccentric)
B2. Single Leg RDL - 3x4-6/side (3-5-sec eccentric) Day 5
+ General Warm Up
21 minute EMOM 2 sets:
1 - 10 Overhead Walking Lunges (52/35) 30-45-sec Kettlebell Halos
2 - 20 alt RKBS (24/16) 30-45-sec Ulna Rotation Eccentrics
3 - AMRAP Box Jump--- step down 30-45-sec Brachiation
A. CGBP - 10RM
Day 2 B1. Half Kneeling Landmine Press - 3x4-6/side (3-5-sec
General Warm Up eccentric)
+ B2. Single Arm Row - 3x4-6/side (3-5-sec eccentric)
2 sets: +
30-45-sec Bar Reverse Reach 5 Rounds for quality
30-45-sec Wall Slides 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups
30-sec Wall Facing HSH 6 alt Turkish Get-ups
+ Run 400m @80%
A. HSPU Negative - 5x5 @40A1
B1. Wtd Dip - 3x4x-6 (3-5-sec eccentric)
B2. Lever Negatives - 3x4-6 (3-5-sec eccentric) Day 6
+ General Warm Up
12 minute EMOM +
1 - 12/9 Cal AB Build to a tough Squat Clean in 10 minutes
2 - 6-10 Strict HSPU +
+ Squat Clean 3 minute AMRAP @65%
12 minute EMOM +
1 - 12/9 Calorie Row Ev90-sec x 10
2 - 8-12 C2B Pull-ups 1 - 100' Sandbag Carry
2 - 100' Farmers Carry
Day 3 Ev90-sec x 10
15 minutes Assault Bike 1 - 30-60-sec Assault Bike
+ 2 - 30-60-sec Row
2:30 Lunges (use multiple directions)
+ Time on aerobic machines increases by 6-sec every round
15 minutes Row - 30-sec, 36-sec, 42-sec, 48-sec, 54-sec
2:30 Bear Crawl (use multiple directions)
+ Day 7
15 minutes Ski/Jog Rest

Day 4
General Warm Up
2 sets:
10 SA Overhead Squat/side
10 Single Leg Suitcase Deadlift/side
30-45-sec Stir-the-pot
Week 35 (Block 4 - Week 4) 15 minutes for quality
  30-sec Single Leg Pike Lifts/side
Day 1 5 Rebounding Hurdle Jumps
General Warm Up 50' Sled Push
+ 50' Sled Drag
2 sets: Day 5
5 Box Jump Lands General Warm Up
6-8 Off-Set Russian Step-ups 2 sets:
30-sec Captain Morgan/side 30-45-sec Kettlebell Halos
+ 30-45-sec Ulna Rotation Eccentrics
A. Box Squat - 5x5; Rest 90-sec (keep this dynamic) 30-45-sec Brachiation
B. 10 minute EMOM +
1 - 10 TNG Power Cleans A. Press - 3x5; Rest 2 minutes
2 - 10 alt Front Rack Reverse Lunges B. 10 minute EMOM
*Same weight on both 1 - 10 alt Renegade Rows
+ 2 - 50' Off-Set FR/OH Carry/side
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-4-2 +
Dumbbell Box Step Overs (22/15-hand) 3 sets:
Burpee to target 6" 10-15 Hammer Curls
Day 2 10-15 KB Skull Crushers
General Warm Up Rest as needed between
+ +
2 sets: 3 sets
30-45-sec Bar Reverse Reach 20 alt Front Raise
30-45-sec Wall Slides 20 Banded Pull Aparts
30-sec Wall Facing HSH Rest as needed
30-20-10 (F-21-15-9) Day 6
Assault Bike Cals General Warm Up+
C2B "Sage 20"
+ 20 miute AMRAP
(Rest 5-10 minute) 20 Thrusters (60/40)
+ 20 Pull-ups
30-20-10 (F-21-15-9) 20 Burpees
Row Calories
Strict HSPU Day 7
Day 3
60 minutes
1 minute Assault Bike
1 minute Side Plank
1 minute Row
1 minute Box Walk Overs
1 minute Assault Bike (backwards)
1 minute Suitcase Carry
1 minute Ski
1 minute Marching Bridge
1 minute Skip
1 minute Ring FLR
Day 4
General Warm Up
2 sets:
10 SA Overhead Squat/side
10 Single Leg Suitcase Deadlift/side
30-45-sec Stir-the-pot
A. Block Power Clean - 3x5; Rest 90-sec (above knee)
B. Paused Power Snatch - 10x2-3; Rest 60-sec
C. Sumo Deadlift - 3x5; Rest 90-sec (keep this dynamic,
reset each rep)
6 alt Rotational Scoop Toss
Week 36 (Block 4 - Week 5) 30-45-sec Bird Dog
Day 1 A. Hang Power Snatch - 4x3; Rest 2 minutes
General Warm Up B. Clean - 4x2; Rest 2 minutes
+ C. Sumo Deadlift - 3x6-8 (reset each rep); Rest 3 minutes
2 sets: D. 3 sets:
3-5 Standing Hip CARs/side 30-45-sec Anti Rotational Plank
6 alt Drop Skater Jumps 30-45-sec Seated Piked Leg Lifts
30-sec Single Arm FLR/side 30-45-sec Hollow Hold
+ +
A. Back Squat - 5x6-8 (~70%); Rest 2-3 minutes 3 sets: 
B1. Front Foot Elevated Front Rack Reverse Lunge - 3x4- 15 Knee to Elbow
6/leg; Rest 1 minute 12 Burpee To Target (6")
B2. Sorenson Hold (add weight if able) - 3x30-45-sec; Rest 9 Thrusters (60/40)
2 minutes Rest 90-sec
4 sets:
200' Farmers Carry (tough) Day 5
50' Double Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunges (tough) General Warm Up
Rest 90-sec +
2 sets:
30-45-sec Quadruped Renegade Rows
Day 2 20-30-sec Handstand Plate Walks
General Warm Up 30-45-sec Shoulder Extension
+ +
2 sets: A. Press - 5x6-8 (~70%); Rest 2-3 minutes
30-45-sec Bottoms Up Front Rack Carry B. 5 sets for quality
6 alt Bear to Single Arm Bridge 1 Legless Rope Climb
30-45-sec Banded Face Pull 3 Strict Deficit Strict HSPU
+ 5 Bar Muscle Ups
A1. Strict C2B Pull-ups - 3xME; Rest 1 minute 7 Ring Dips
A2. Strict HSPU - 3xME (-3); Rest as needed +
B1. Glute Bridge Single Arm Press - 3x8-10 @32X1; Rest 3 sets:
1 minute 5 minute AMRAP 500/400m Row
B2. Single Arm Row - 3x8-10 @31X2; Rest 2 minutes -into-
+ 10 Wallball (20/14-lbs)
21 minute EMOM 10 Burpee Over Erg
1 - 15-sec Ski Erg (build to last 5-sec all out) Rest 2 minutes between
2 - 30-sec Row @85%
3 - 30-45-sec Assault Bike @75%
*Easy Single Unders between movements Day 6
General Warm Up
Day 3 For Time:
10 minutes Assault Bike @75% 30 T2B
+ 20 Power Snatch (50/35)
20 minutes @75% 10 Front Squats (100/70)
1 - 30-sec Side Plank/side 30 C2B
2 - Box Step-Ups 20 Clean and Jerk (50/35)
3 - 30-45-sec Wall Sit 10 Back Squats (100/70)
4 - Quadruped Crawl
10 minutes Row @75% Day 7

Day 4
General Warm Up
2 sets:
3-5 Shrimp Squats/side
Week 37 (Block 4 - Week 6) C. Sumo Deadlift - 8+ (reset each rep)
  D. 3 sets
Day 1 30-45-sec Captain Morgan/side
General Warm Up 30-45-sec Single Leg Seated Pike Leg Lifts
+ 30-45-sec GHD Iso Hold
2 sets: +
3-5 Standing Hip CARs/side 4 sets: 
6 alt Drop Skater Jumps 15 GHD Sit Ups
30-sec Single Arm FLR/side  12 Lateral Burpee Over Bar
+ 9 Power Cleans (60/40)
A. Back Squat - 8/8/8+; Rest 2-3 minutes Rest 90-sec
B1. Front Foot Elevated Back Rack Reverse Lunge - 3x4-
6/leg; Rest 1 minute Day 5
B2. GHR Hold (add weight if able) - 3x30-45-sec; Rest 2 General Warm Up
minutes 2 sets:
+ 30-45-sec Quadruped Renegade Rows
4 sets: 20-30-sec Handstand Plate Walks
200' Sandbag Carry 30-45-sec Shoulder Extension
16 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (tough) +
Rest 90-sec A. Press - 8/8/8+; Rest 2-3 minutes
B. 5 sets for quality
Day 2 2 Strict Muscle Ups
General Warm Up 4 Kipping Parallette HSPU
+ 6 Piked Kipping Toes to Bar
2 sets: 8 Bar Dips
30-45-sec Bottoms Up Front rack Carry +
6 alt Bear to Single Arm Bridge 2 sets:
30-45-sec Banded Face Pull 5 minute AMRAP
+ 1/0.7 Mile Assault Bike
A. Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes (5 sets) -into-
1 - Strict C2B (70-80% of best set 190507) 25' Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge (22/15)
2 - Strict HSPU (70-80% of best set 190507) 10 Burpee Over Dumbbell
B1. Glute Bridge Single Arm Floor Press - 3x8-10 @32X1; Rest 2 minutes between
Rest 1 minute +
B2. Dumbbell Prone Row - 3x8-10 @31X2; Rest 2 minutes 2 sets:
+ 5 minute AMRAP
21 minute EMOM 1/0.7 Mile Assault Bike
1 - 12-sec Assault Bike (build to last 3-sec all out) -into-
2 - 30-sec Row @85% 5/5 Hang Dumbbell Snatch (22/15)
3 - 30-45-sec Ski Erg @75% 10 Burpee Over Dumbbell
*Easy Single Unders between movements Rest 2 minutes between
Day 3 Day 6
10 minutes Assault Bike @75% General Warm Up
+ +
20 minutes @75% 0-10 minutes
1 - 30-sec Plank Shoulder Taps 10 Power Snatch (60/40)
2 - Walking Lunges 15 Box Jumps (24/20)
3 - 30-45-sec Glute Bridge 8 Power Snatch (75/50)
4 - Crab Walk 15 Box Jumps (24/20)
+ 6 Power Snatch (85/55)
10 minutes Row @75% 15 Box Jumps (24/20)
Day 4 4 Power Snatch (90/60)
General Warm Up 15 Box Jumps (24/20)
+ 2 Power Snatch (93/65)
2 sets: +
3-5 Shrimp Squats/side 10-16 minutes
6 alt Rotational Scoop Toss Build to a Max Hang Snatch
30-45-sec Bird Dog
A. Hang Power Clean - 4x3; Rest 2 minutes Day 7
B. Snatch - 4x2; Rest 2 minutes Rest
2 - Lunge Matrix
Week 38 (Block 4 - Week 7) 3 - 30-45-sec Marching Wall Sit
  4 - Flow Underswitch
Day 1 +
General Warm Up 10 minutes Row @75%
2 sets:
3-5 Standing Hip CARs/side Day 4
6 alt Drop Skater Jumps General Warm Up
30-sec Single Arm FLR/side  +
+ 2 sets:
A. Back Squat - 8RM; Rest 2-3 minutes 3-5 Shrimp Squats/side
B1. Front Rack Reverse Lunge - 3x4-6/leg; Rest 1 minute 6 alt Rotational Scoop Toss
B2. 2-Stop GHR Hold - 3x30-45-sec; Rest 2 minutes 30-45-sec Bird Dog
+ +
4 sets: A. Power Snatch - Tough Double
6 alt Turkish Get-ups (tough) B. Clean - 5x1; Rest 3 minutes
25' Suitcase Walking Lunges/side (tough) C. Sumo Deadlift - 8RM (reset each rep)
Rest 90-sec D. 3 sets
30-45-sec Stir-the-Pot
30-45-sec Hanging Single Leg Tuck
Day 2 30-45-sec Flutter Kicks
General Warm Up +
+ 5 sets
2 sets: 15 T2B
30-45-sec Bottoms Up Front rack Carry 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
6 alt Bear to Single Arm Bridge 9 Overhead Squats (60/40)
30-45-sec Banded Face Pull Rest 90-sec
A. Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes Day 5
1 - Strict C2B (80-90% of best set 190507) General Warm Up
2 - Strict HSPU (80-90% of best set 190507) 2 sets:
B1. Glute Bridge Bench Press - 3x8-10 @32X1; Rest 1 30-45-sec Quadruped Renegade Rows
minute 20-30-sec Handstand Plate Walks
B2. Meadows Row - 3x8-10 @31X2; Rest 2 minutes 30-45-sec Shoulder Extension
+ +
Row 2 minutes @75% with surges for 5-10-sec A. Press - 8RM
Row 2 minutes @80% (moderately tough aerobic) +
Row 1 minute @85% (very tough aerobic) Every 7 minutes for 35 minutes
Row 1 minute @75% (easy aerobic) 20/15 Calorie Row
+ 20 alt Dumbbell Snatch (22.5/15)
(1 minute transition) 20 Wallball
+ 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Ski 2 minutes @75% with surges for 5-10-sec
Ski 2 minutes @80% (moderately tough aerobic) Day 6
Ski 1 minute @85% (very tough aerobic) General Warm Up
Ski 1 minute @75% (easy aerobic) +
(1 minute transition) 15 minute AMRAP 1
+ 2/9 Calorie Assault Bike
Assault Bike 2 minutes @75% with surges for 5-10-sec 5 Shoulder to Overhead (75/55)
Assault Bike 2 minutes @80% (moderately tough aerobic) +
Assault Bike 1 minute @85% (very tough aerobic) (Rest 10 minutes)
Assault Bike 1 minute @75% (easy aerobic) +
15 minute AMRAP
15/12 Calorie Row
Day 3 5 Squat Cleans (80/55)
10 minutes Assault Bike @75%
+ Day 7
20 minutes @75% Rest
1 - 30-sec Star Plank/side
45 Bar Facing Burpees
Week 39 (Block 4 - Week 8) 45 Power Snatch (35/25)
Day 1 Day 5
General Warm Up General Warm Up
+ 2 sets:
2 sets: 30-45-sec Quadruped Renegade Rows
3-5 Standing Hip CARs/side 20-30-sec Handstand Plate Walks
6 alt Drop Skater Jumps 30-45-sec Shoulder Extension
30-sec Single Arm FLR/side  +
+ A. 5RFT
A. Back Rack Reverse Lunge - 8RM/side 1 Legless Rope Climb
B. GHR - 3x10-12; Rest 1-2 minutes 2 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
+ 3 Parallette HSPU
4 sets: 4 Bar Muscle Ups
16 alt Sandbag Box Step-ups (tough) +
25' Single Arm Overhead Carry/side (tough) 16 minute EMOM
Rest 90-sec 1 - 100' Suitcase Carry, L
2 - 100' Double KB Front Rack Carry
3 - 100' Suitcase Carry, R
Day 2 4 - 100' Sandbag Carry
General Warm Up
+ Day 6
2 sets: General Warm Up
30-45-sec Bottoms Up Front rack Carry +
6 alt Bear to Single Arm Bridge 10RFT
30-45-sec Banded Face Pull 9 Thrusters (42/30)
+ 7 C2B Pull-Ups
A. For Time: 30 Strict HSPU 5 Bar Facing Burpees
B. For Time: 50 C2B Pull-ups
3RFT Day 7
50 Calorie Row Rest
50 Calorie Ski
50 Calorie Assault Bike

Day 3
10 minutes Assault Bike @75%
20 minutes @75%
1 - 30-sec Single Arm FLR/side
2 - Squat Matrix
3 - 30-45-sec Marching Bridge
4 - Lateral Bear Crawl
10 minutes Row @75%

Day 4
General Warm Up
2 sets:
3-5 Shrimp Squats/side
6 alt Rotational Scoop Toss
30-45-sec Bird Dog
A. Power Clean - Tough Double
B. Snatch - 5x1; Rest 3 minutes
For Time
45 T2B
Week 40 (Block 4 - Week 9) 2 - 45-sec Parallette Shoot Through
  3 - 45-sec Reverse Single Unders
Day 1 +
General Warm Up 6 minute Row (easy)
+ +
2-3 sets: 12 minute EMOM
30-sec Single Leg Sorenson Hold/side 1 - 45-sec alt Bottoms Up Turkish Get-up
Tri-Planar Lunge Sequence 2 - 45-sec Hanging Variations
12 alt Single Arm Russian KBS (moderate)  3 - 45-sec Lateral Box Step-Overs
+ +
A. Front Squat - 5x5 @70-80% 6 minutes Ski (easy)
B. EMOMx3: 1 Power Clean
-rest 1 minute
Ev30"x6: 1 Power Clean Day 4
-rest 1 minute General Warm Up
Ev20"x9: 1 Power Clean +
-rest 1 minute 2-3 sets:
Ev15"x12: 1 Power Clean 30-45-sec/side Suitcase Carry
*adjust loads as needed throughout 30-45-sec/side Hip Airplane
+ 10/side Reverse Lunge w/ Hip Flexion Hold
C1. Double Overhand Deadlift - 3x5 (reset) +
C2. Seated Box Jump - 3x5 (above paralell) 12' EMOM
+ 1 - 3 Muscle Snatch
12 minute AMRAP 2 - 3 No Feet Snatch
15 RKBS (32/24) 3 - 3 No Hips Snatch
15 Calorie Ski B. Clean Deadlift - 3x5 (80-90% of Clean, reset each rep)
15 Goblet Squats (32/24) C. 3 sets
15 Calorie AB 200' Sandbag Carry
50' Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry
Rest 90-sec
Day 2 +
General Warm Up 6 sets
+ 3 Thrusters (60/40)
2-3 sets: 6 Bar Facing Burpees
1-2 minutes All Four Belly Breathing 3 Bar Muscle Ups
30-45-sec Hands Only Inch Worm Rest 60-90-sec
6 alt Rotational Ball Slam
+ Day 5
A. 12 minute EMOM General Warm Up
1 - 5 Muscle Up Transitions +
2 - 20-30-sec Plate HSW 2-3 sets:
3 - 5 Ring Butterfly Drill 30-45-sec Ring FLR
+ 10-20-sec German Hang
B. False Grip Ring Pull-up - 3x5 (weighted if able) 30-sec/side Single Arm Overhead + Single Arm Front Rack
C1. Strict HSPU DB - 3xME (-2) Carry
C2. Hanging SL L-Tuck - 3x20-sec/side +
+ A. Split Press - 5x5
Row 1000m (every 250m increase) B. Push Press - 5x5 @70-80%
x4 C. Supinated Barbell Row - 4x8-10 @20X0
Rest 2 minutes +
20 minute EMOM
Day 3 1 - 12/10 Calorie Assault Bike
12 minute EMOM 2 - 1 Legless RC + Bar Hang to 60"
1 - 45-sec Freestanding Handstand Practice 3 - 50 Double Unders
2 - 45-sec Candle Stick to Narrow Squat/Pistol 4 - 6-8 Ring Push-ups + Ring FLR to 60"
3 - 45-sec Single Unders
6 minutes Assault Bike (easy) Day 6
+ General Warm Up
12 minute EMOM +
1 - 45-sec See-saw Walk
'Rogue Invitational Chipper' 30-sec 
For Time C2. Hanging SL L-Hang - 3x20-sec/side; rest 2 minutes
100 Calorie Row  +
80 Wallball (20/14-lbs)  Assault Bike 1.5 Miles (increase every 0.3)
60 GHD Sit-ups  x4
40 Box Jump Overs (24/20")  Rest 2 minutes
100’ Overhead Walking Lunges (24/16kg/hand)

*Please modify on this as needed, Box Jump Overs can be Day 3

regular if you're not comfortable, if your overhead positions 12 minute
are not great then change the Overhead Lunges to a Front EMOM
Rack + Overhead Lunge - this will still challenge the 1 - 45-sec Box Handstand Walk
overhead lunge pattern and make the positions more 2 - 45-sec Paused Pistol Practice
manageable (don't try to race these as they did in the 3 - 45-sec Single Unders
event, keep your positions safe and productive, don't end +
up looking like Pat Velner) 6 minutes Assault Bike (easy)
Day 7 12 minute EMOM
Rest 1 - 20-sec/side Hip Airplanes
2 - 45-sec Flutter Kicks
Week 41 (Block 4 - Week 10) 3 - 45-sec Reverse Single Unders
Day 1 6 minute Row (easy)
General Warm Up +
+ 12 minute EMOM
2-3 sets: 1 - 20-sec/side Kettlebell Bent Press
30-sec Single Leg Sorenson Hold/side 2 - 45-sec Brachiation
Tri-Planar Lunge Sequence 3 - 45-sec Walking Lunges
12 alt Single Arm Russian KBS (moderate)  +
+ 6 minutes Ski (easy)
A. Front Squat - 5/5/5+; rest as needed between
B. Snatch
EMOM x 3  Day 4
Ev30" x 6 General Warm Up
Ev20" x 9 +
Ev15" x 12 2-3 sets:
*rest 1 minute between each piece, adjust loads as needed 30-45-sec/side Suitcase Carry
between 30-45-sec/side Hip Airplane
C1. Sumo Deadlift - 3x5 (reset each rep); rest 30-sec 10/side Reverse Lunge w/ Hip Flexion Hold
C2. Box Jump - 3x5; rest 3 minutes +
+ A. 12' EMOM
12 minute AMRAP 1 - 3 Muscle Clean
30 Calorie Assault Bike 2 - 3 Tall Clean
10 Hang Power Dumbbell Snatch/side (22/15) 3 - 3 No Hips/Feet Clean
50' Overhead Walking Lunge/side (22/15) B. Clean Deadlift - 5/5/5+; rest 2-3 minutes between sets
C. 3 sets
200' Sled Push
Day 2 50' Suitcase Carry/side
General Warm Up +
+ 6 sets
2-3 sets: 3 Burpee Box Jump (30/20)
1-2 minutes All Four Belly Breathing 6 Hang Power Cleans (60/40)
30-45-sec Hands Only Inch Worm 9 T2B
6 alt Rotational Ball Slam Rest 60-sec
A. 12 minute EMOM Day 5
1 - 3x Muscle Up Transition + Muscle Up General Warm Up
2 - 20-30-sec Shoulder Taps +
3 - 5 Piked Toes to Ring 2-3 sets:
B. Russian Dip - 3x5 (weighted if able); rest 2 minutes  30-45-sec Ring FLR
C1. C2B Pull-ups - 3x5.5.5 (perfect form throughout); rest 10-20-sec German Hang
30-sec/side Single Arm Overhead + Single Arm Front Rack 1-2 minutes All Four Belly Breathing
Carry 30-45-sec Hands Only Inch Worm
+ 6 alt Rotational Ball Slam
A. Split Puh Jerk - 5x5; rest 90-sec   +
B. Push Press - 5/5/5+; rest 2-3 minutes between  A. 12 minute EMOM
C. Prone Row - 4x6-8; rest 90-sec 1 - 3x Muscle Up Transition + Muscle Up
+ 2 - 20-30-sec Shoulder Taps
20 minute EMOM 3 - 5 Piked Toes to Ring
1 - 14/12 Calorie Row B. Russian Dip - 3x5 (weighted if able); rest 2 minutes 
2 - 5 Deficit Kipping HSPU + HSH C1. C2B Pull-ups - 3x5.5.5 (perfect form throughout); rest
3 - 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 30-sec 
4 - 6-8 Ring Rows + Hollow C2. Hanging SL L-Hang - 3x20-sec/side; rest 2 minutes
Assault Bike 1.5 Miles (increase every 0.3)
Day 6 x4
General Warm Up Rest 2 minutes
5-4-3-2-1 Day 3
Deadlifts (140/100) 12 minute
Muscle Ups EMOM
+ 1 - 45-sec Box Handstand Walk
Rest as needed 2 - 45-sec Paused Pistol Practice
+ 3 - 45-sec Single Unders
10-8-6-4-2 +
Thrusters (60/40) 6 minutes Assault Bike (easy)
25' Handstand Walk between +
12 minute EMOM
Day 7 1 - 20-sec/side Hip Airplanes
Rest 2 - 45-sec Flutter Kicks
3 - 45-sec Reverse Single Unders
Week 41 (Block 4 - Week 10) +
  6 minute Row (easy)
Day 1 +
General Warm Up 12 minute EMOM
+ 1 - 20-sec/side Kettlebell Bent Press
2-3 sets: 2 - 45-sec Brachiation
30-sec Single Leg Sorenson Hold/side 3 - 45-sec Walking Lunges
Tri-Planar Lunge Sequence +
12 alt Single Arm Russian KBS (moderate)  6 minutes Ski (easy)
A. Front Squat - 5/5/5+; rest as needed between Day 4
B. Snatch General Warm Up
EMOM x 3  +
Ev30" x 6 2-3 sets:
Ev20" x 9 30-45-sec/side Suitcase Carry
Ev15" x 12 30-45-sec/side Hip Airplane
*rest 1 minute between each piece, adjust loads as needed 10/side Reverse Lunge w/ Hip Flexion Hold
between +
C1. Sumo Deadlift - 3x5 (reset each rep); rest 30-sec A. 12' EMOM
C2. Box Jump - 3x5; rest 3 minutes 1 - 3 Muscle Clean
+ 2 - 3 Tall Clean
12 minute AMRAP 3 - 3 No Hips/Feet Clean
30 Calorie Assault Bike B. Clean Deadlift - 5/5/5+; rest 2-3 minutes between sets
10 Hang Power Dumbbell Snatch/side (22/15) C. 3 sets
50' Overhead Walking Lunge/side (22/15) 200' Sled Push
50' Suitcase Carry/side
Day 2 6 sets
General Warm Up 3 Burpee Box Jump (30/20)
+ 6 Hang Power Cleans (60/40)
2-3 sets: 9 T2B
Rest 60-sec 18/14 Cal Ski

Day 5 Day 2
General Warm Up General Warm Up
+ +
2-3 sets: 2-3 sets:
30-45-sec Ring FLR 1-2 minutes All Four Belly Breathing
10-20-sec German Hang 30-45-sec Hands Only Inch Worm
30-sec/side Single Arm Overhead + Single Arm Front Rack 6 alt Rotational Ball Slam
Carry +
+ A. 12 minute EMOM
A. Split Puh Jerk - 5x5; rest 90-sec   1 - 5 Bar Muscle Up Glide
B. Push Press - 5/5/5+; rest 2-3 minutes between  2 - Tripod to HSW
C. Prone Row - 4x6-8; rest 90-sec 3 - 5 T2B + 5 C2B
+ B. Strict Muscle Up - 3x1.1.1
20 minute EMOM C1. Deficit Strict HSPU - 3xME (-2)
1 - 14/12 Calorie Row C2. Hanging Knee Raise to Extensions - 3x4-6
2 - 5 Deficit Kipping HSPU + HSH +
3 - 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 3 sets
4 - 6-8 Ring Rows + Hollow 500m Row (build from moderate, to high)
Rest 1 min
Day 6 1 Mile AB (build from moderate, to high) 
General Warm Up Rest 2-3 minutes
5-4-3-2-1 Day 3
Deadlifts (140/100) 12 minute EMOM
Muscle Ups 1 - 45-sec Cartwheel/Round Off Practice
+ 2 - 45-sec Weighted Pistol Practice
Rest as needed 3 - 45-sec Single Unders
+ +
10-8-6-4-2 6 minutes Assault Bike (easy)
Thrusters (60/40) +
25' Handstand Walk between 12 minute EMOM
1 - 20-sec/side Cross Body Single Leg RDL
Day 7 2 - 45-sec Hollow Rocks
Rest 3 - 45-sec Reverse Single Unders
Week 42 (Block 4 - Week 11) 6 minute Row (easy)
Day 1 12 minute EMOM
General Warm Up 1 - 20-sec/side Kettlebell Windmills
+ 2 - 20-sec/side Single Arm Hang Practice
2-3 sets: 3 - 45-sec Squat Thoracic Rotations
30-sec Single Leg Sorenson Hold/side +
Tri-Planar Lunge Sequence 6 minutes Ski (easy)
12 alt Single Arm Russian KBS (moderate) 
+ Day 4
A. Front Squat - 5RM General Warm Up
B. Clean +
Ev15" x 12 2-3 sets:
Ev20" x 9 30-45-sec/side Suitcase Carry
Ev30" x 6 30-45-sec/side Hip Airplane
EMOM x 3 10/side Reverse Lunge w/ Hip Flexion Hold
C1.Deficit Double Overhand Deadlift - 3x3 (reset each rep); +
rest 30-sec A. 12' EMOM
C2. Seated Box Jump - 3x3 (above parallel); rest 3 minutes 1-4 - 3 Pressing Snatch Balance
+  5-8 - 3 Drop Snatch
12 minute AMRAP  9-12 - 3 Snatch Balance
9 Hang Power Snatch (50/35)  B. Clean Deadlift - 5RM
12 OHS (50/35)  C. 3 sets
15 GHD Sit Ups  50' Suitcase Walking Lunges
100' Double KB FR Carry C1.Deficit Double Overhand Deadlift - 3x3 (reset each rep);
+ rest 30-sec
8 sets C2. Seated Box Jump - 3x3 (above parallel); rest 3 minutes
3 Clean and Jerk (80/55) + 
6 Bar Facing Burpees 12 minute AMRAP 
3 Muscle Ups 9 Hang Power Snatch (50/35) 
Rest 60-sec 12 OHS (50/35) 
15 GHD Sit Ups 
18/14 Cal Ski
Day 5
General Warm Up Day 2
+ General Warm Up
2-3 sets: +
30-45-sec Ring FLR 2-3 sets:
10-20-sec German Hang 1-2 minutes All Four Belly Breathing
30-sec/side Single Arm Overhead + Single Arm Front Rack 30-45-sec Hands Only Inch Worm
Carry 6 alt Rotational Ball Slam
+ +
A. Jerk Balance - 5x5 A. 12 minute EMOM
B. Push Press - 5RM 1 - 5 Bar Muscle Up Glide
C. Pronated Barbell Row - 4x8-10 @20X0 2 - Tripod to HSW
+ 3 - 5 T2B + 5 C2B
20 minute EMOM B. Strict Muscle Up - 3x1.1.1
1 - 12/10 Calorie Assault Bike C1. Deficit Strict HSPU - 3xME (-2)
2 - 6-8 Ring Dip + Max Ring Support C2. Hanging Knee Raise to Extensions - 3x4-6
3 - 14/12 Calorie Row +
4 - 6-8 Pull-ups + Max Chin Over Bar 3 sets
500m Row (build from moderate, to high)
Rest 1 min
Day 6 1 Mile AB (build from moderate, to high) 
General Warm Up Rest 2-3 minutes
15 Snatch (50/35) Day 3
100 Double Unders 12 minute EMOM
12 (60/40) 1 - 45-sec Cartwheel/Round Off Practice
75 Double Unders 2 - 45-sec Weighted Pistol Practice
9 (70/45) 3 - 45-sec Single Unders
50 Double Unders +
6 (80/50) 6 minutes Assault Bike (easy)
25 Double Unders +
3 (90/55) 12 minute EMOM
1 - 20-sec/side Cross Body Single Leg RDL
Day 7 2 - 45-sec Hollow Rocks
Rest 3 - 45-sec Reverse Single Unders
Week 42 (Block 4 - Week 11) 6 minute Row (easy)
Day 1 12 minute EMOM
General Warm Up 1 - 20-sec/side Kettlebell Windmills
+ 2 - 20-sec/side Single Arm Hang Practice
2-3 sets: 3 - 45-sec Squat Thoracic Rotations
30-sec Single Leg Sorenson Hold/side +
Tri-Planar Lunge Sequence 6 minutes Ski (easy)
12 alt Single Arm Russian KBS (moderate) 
+ Day 4
A. Front Squat - 5RM General Warm Up
B. Clean +
Ev15" x 12 2-3 sets:
Ev20" x 9 30-45-sec/side Suitcase Carry
Ev30" x 6 30-45-sec/side Hip Airplane
EMOM x 3
10/side Reverse Lunge w/ Hip Flexion Hold 12 alt Single Arm Russian KBS (moderate) 
+ +
A. 12' EMOM A. Snatch -
1-4 - 3 Pressing Snatch Balance Every 15-sec x 12 (3 mins)
5-8 - 3 Drop Snatch Every 30-sec x 6 (3 mins)
9-12 - 3 Snatch Balance Every 45-sec x 4 (3 mins)
B. Clean Deadlift - 5RM EMOM x 3 (3 mins)
C. 3 sets *adjust weight s needed throughout, looking for a steady
50' Suitcase Walking Lunges increase throughout whilst fatigued 
100' Double KB FR Carry B1.Banded Sumo Overhand Deadlift - 3x3 (reset each rep);
+ rest 30-sec
8 sets B2. Box Jump - 3x3; rest 2-3 minutes
3 Clean and Jerk (80/55) +
6 Bar Facing Burpees 20 minutes @75%
3 Muscle Ups Row 500m
Rest 60-sec 100' Farmers Carry (32/24/hand)
Assault Bike 1 Mile
Day 5 100' Sandbag Carry (70/50)
General Warm Up
+ Day 2
2-3 sets: General Warm Up
30-45-sec Ring FLR +
10-20-sec German Hang 2-3 sets:
30-sec/side Single Arm Overhead + Single Arm Front Rack 1-2 minutes All Four Belly Breathing
Carry 30-45-sec Hands Only Inch Worm
+ 6 alt Rotational Ball Slam
A. Jerk Balance - 5x5 +
B. Push Press - 5RM A. 12 minute EMOM
C. Pronated Barbell Row - 4x8-10 @20X0 1 - 5 Bar Muscle Jumps
+ 2 - Obstacle Handstand Walk
20 minute EMOM 3 - 5 Toes to Ring + 5 Kipping Ring Pull-up
1 - 12/10 Calorie Assault Bike C. 21-15-9
2 - 6-8 Ring Dip + Max Ring Support Strict Handstand Push-up
3 - 14/12 Calorie Row Strict Toes to Bar
4 - 6-8 Pull-ups + Max Chin Over Bar +
For Time:
Day 6 1K Row
General Warm Up 1.5 Mile Assault Bike
15 Snatch (50/35) Day 3
100 Double Unders 60-90 minutes easy cyclical
12 (60/40)
75 Double Unders Day 4
9 (70/45) General Warm Up
50 Double Unders +
6 (80/50) 2-3 sets:
25 Double Unders 30-45-sec/side Suitcase Carry
3 (90/55) 30-45-sec/side Hip Airplane
10/side Reverse Lunge w/ Hip Flexion Hold
Day 7 +
Rest A. Power Clean - Build to a max for the day
Week 43 (Block 4 - Week 12) (Rest 3-5 minutes)
Day 1 10 minute AMRAP
General Warm Up 30 Power Cleans @45%
+ 30 Power Cleans @65%
2-3 sets: AMRAP Power Cleans @85%
30-sec Single Leg Sorenson Hold/side
Tri-Planar Lunge Sequence
Day 5 30-45-sec Single Arm Overhead Lunges/side
General Warm Up +
+ A. 16 minute EMOM
2-3 sets: 1 - 6-10 Unbroken C2B + 20 Double Unders
30-45-sec Ring FLR 2 - 30-sec Single Am Overhead Carry/side
10-20-sec German Hang B. 16 minute EMOM
30-sec/side Single Arm Overhead + Single Arm Front Rack 1 - 6-10 Unbroken Kipping HSPU + 10 NPUB
Carry 2 - 30-sec Rope Pull
+ +
A. Jerk Behind the Neck - 5x5 Run or Row
C. Pendlay Row - 4x6-8; rest 90-sec 10 minutes Fartlek
+ -into-
20 minute AMRAP 400m @85%
2 Legless Rope Climbs x3
100 Double Unders Rest 2 minutes
50' Handstand Walk
20 Box Jump- step down (24/20)
Day 3
20 minute EMOM
Day 6 1 - Assault Bike @75%
General Warm Up 2 - Walking Lunges
+ 3 - Assault Bike @75%
12 minute AMRAP 4 - Kneeling Banded Hip Extension
2 Cleans (100/70) +
6-10 C2B Pull-ups* 10 minutes Skill Practice/Play Shrimp Squats
24 Double Unders +
*Choose a volume you can maintain throughout the 20 minute EMOM
workout 1 - Row @75%
2 - FLR
Day 7 3 - Row @75%
Rest 4 - Single Arm Hang

Week 44 (Block 4 - Week 13)

  Day 4
Day 1 2 sets
2 sets 2 Bottoms Up Turkish Get-up/side
30-45-sec Quadruped Marches 30-45-sec Hands Only Inchworm
30-45-sec Lateral Banded Walk 30-45-sec Wall Slide
Tri Planar Lunge Sequence +
+ A. Snatch - Build to a tough double for the day
A. Seated Dynamic Box Jump - Every 90-sec x 5: 2 reps B. Deadlift - Build to a tough three for the day
B. Front Squat - Build to a tough three for the day; then +
perform 3x3 @90% 3 sets
B. 15 minute EMOM 10 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts
1 - 5 TNG Cleans rest 15-sec
2 - 3 TNG Cleans 100' Farmers Carry
3 - 1 Clean rest 30-45-sec
*adjust loads throughout the EMOM, aim for three waves, 10 Double Kettlebell Front Squats
building each wave rest 15-sec
+ 100' Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
10 minute AMRAP rest as needed
3, 6, 9 etc +
Burpee to target 3RFT
KBS (32/24) Row 300/250m
Wallball (20/14-lbs) 10 Front Squats (80/55)

Day 2 Day 5
2 sets 6-8 Side Lying Windmill/side 2 sets
30-45-sec Wall Deadbug 30-sec Captain Morgans/side
30-45-sec See-Saw Walk
Tri Planar Lunge 30-45-sec Single Arm Overhead Lunges/side
+ +
A. Push Press - Build to a tough three for the day; then  
perform 3x3 @90%  A. 16 minute EMOM
B1. Dumbbell Floor Press - 15, 12, 10, MAX*; rest 30-sec  1 - 6-12 Unbroken C2B + 50' Farmers Carry
B2. Single Arm Row - 4x8-10/side; rest 2 minutes  2 - 30-45-sec Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge*
*increase weight each set starting moderate for the 15 and *change arm per set
12 B. 16 minute EMOM
+  1 - 6-12 Unbroken Kipping HSPU + 25' Handstand Walk
2 sets  2 - 30-sec Rope Pull
1 Mile Assault Bike @80%* +
rest 30-sec  Run or Row
1 Mile Assault Bike (+2-3 rpm)  6 minutes Fartlek
rest 30-sec  -into-
1 Mile Assault Bike (+2-3 rpm)  600m @85%
Rest as needed  x3
*this needs to be an aerobic pace that is sustainable for Rest 2 minutes

Day 3
Day 6 20 minute EMOM
Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes  1 - Assault Bike @75%
1 - 20/15 Calorie Row + 10 Clean and Jerk (60/40)  2 - Cossack Squats
2 - 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike + 10 Bar Muscle Ups  3 - Assault Bike @75%
+  4 - Banded Pull Through
For Time  +
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)  10 minutes Skill Practice/Play
25 Power Cleans (75/50) Single Arm Overhead Squat
20 minute EMOM
Day 7 1 - Row @75%
Rest 2 - Side Planks
3 - Row @75%
4 - Brachiation
Week 45 (Block 4 - Week 14)
Day 1 Day 4
2 sets 2 sets
30-45-sec Quadruped Marches 2 Bottoms Up Turkish Get-up/side
30-45-sec Lateral Banded Walk 30-45-sec Hands Only Inchworm
Tri Planar Lunge Sequence 30-45-sec Wall Slide
+ +
A. Box Jump - Every 90-sec x 5: 2 reps A. Clean and Jerk - Build to a tough 2+1
B. Front Squat - Build to a tough double for the day; then B. Deadlift - Build to a tough two for the day
perform 3x2 @90% +
B. 15 minute EMOM 3 sets
1 - 5 TNG Power Snatch 50' Dumbbell Death March
2 - 3 TNG Power Snatch 3 rest 15-sec
- 1 Power Snatch 100' Farmers Carry
*adjust loads throughout the EMOM, aim for three waves, rest 30-45-sec
building each wave 50' Double Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunges
+ rest 15-sec
10 minute AMRAP 100' Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
16/14 Calorie Row rest as needed
8 Bar Facing Burpees +
For Time
27 Cal Row
Day 2 24 Dumbbell Thrusters (22/15-hand)
2 sets 6-8 Side Lying Windmill/side 21 Cal Row
30-45-sec Wall Deadbug 18 Dumbbell Thrusters (22/15-hand)
15 Cal Row 3 - 1+1 Power Clean + Push Jerk
12 Dumbbell Thrusters (22/15-hand) *adjust loads throughout the EMOM, aim for three waves,
9 Cal Row building each wave
6 Dumbbell Thrusters (22/15-hand) +
10 minute AMRAP
16/12 Calorie Assault Bike
Day 5 6/6 Kettlebell Snatch (32/24kg)
2 sets
30-sec Captain Morgans/side
30-45-sec See-Saw Walk Day 2
Tri Planar Lunge 2 sets 6-8 Side Lying Windmill/side
+ 30-45-sec Wall Deadbug
  30-45-sec Single Arm Overhead Lunges/side
A. Push Press - Build to a tough two for the day; then +
perform 3x2 @90% 8 minutes @85%
B1. Dumbbell Incline Bench Press - 15, 12, 10, MAX; rest 6-10 Unbroken C2B
30-sec 25' Handstand Walk
B2. Supinated Bent Over Row - 4x8-10; rest 2 minutes 50 Double Unders
+ +
2 sets 8 minutes @85%
1.5 Mile Assault Bike @80% 6-10 Unbroken Kipping HSPU
rest 30-sec 10 T2B
1 Mile Assault Bike (+3-5 rpm) 10 Calorie Ski Erg
rest 30-sec +
0.5 Mile Assault Bike (+3-5 rpm) Run or Row Warm Up/Prep
Rest as needed -into-
800m @85%
Day 6 Rest 2 minutes
Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes
1 - 1 Legless Rope Climbs
10 Overhead Squats (60/40) Day 3
20/15 Calorie Row 20 minute EMOM
2 - 5 Muscle Ups 1 - Assault Bike @75%
10 Deadlifts (120/84) 2 - Lateral Box Walk Overs
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike 3 - Assault Bike @75%
+ 4 - Banded Good Mornings
For Time +
30 Dumbbell Snatch (22/15) 10 minutes Skill Practice/Play
40 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Double Overhead Walking Lunges
30 Dumbbell Snatch (22/15) +
40 Wallball (20/14) 20 minute EMOM
1 - Row @75%
2 - Flutter Kicks
Day 7 3 - Row @75%
Rest 4 - Hanging Knee Raises

Day 4
Week 46 (Block 4 - Week 15) 2 sets
  2 Bottoms Up Turkish Get-up/side
Day 1 30-45-sec Hands Only Inchworm
2 sets 30-45-sec Wall Slide
30-45-sec Quadruped Marches +
30-45-sec Lateral Banded Walk A. Power Snatch - 5x2 @80%
Tri Planar Lunge Sequence B. Clean and Jerk - 5x2+1 @75%
+ +
A. Bounding Hurdle Jumps - Every 90-sec x 5: 3 reps 20 minute EMOM
B. Front Squat - 4x1 @90% 1 - 30-sec Assault Bike (high effort)
C. 15 minute EMOM 2 - 6 Front Squat + 6 Push Press
1 - 3+3 Power Clean + Push Jerk 3 - 30-sec Row (high effort)
2 - 2+2 Power Clean + Push Jerk 4 - 12 Thrusters *pause overhead for each rep
90 Double Unders
20 Russian KBS (32/24)
Day 5 60 Double Unders
2 sets 10 Russian KBS (32/24)
30-sec Captain Morgans/side 30 Double Unders
30-45-sec See-Saw Walk
Tri Planar Lunge
+ Day 2
  A1. Strict Dips - 3xME; rest 1 minute
A. Push Press - 4x1 @90% A2. Band Assisted L-Pull-up - 3xME; rest 2-3 minutes
B1. Close Grip Bench Press - 15, 12, 10, MAX; rest 30-sec B1. Suitcase Carry - 3x100'/side; rest 30-sec
B2. Incline Single Arm Row - 4x8-10; rest 2 minutes B2. Sandbag Carry - 3x200'; rest 2-3 minutes
+ +
3 sets 3RFT
2 Miles Assault Bike Row 500m
Rest 5 minutes 20 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25/hand)
*Increase pace throughout to something very tough on the 10 Strict T2B
last 0.5 Mile - use previous weeks testing to guide you here

Day 3
Day 6 30 minutes light Run
3RFT *easy pace, find some hills
20 Calorie Row
21 Thrusters (40/30)
12 C2B Day 4
+ A. Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Push Press + Split
3RFT Jerk - 4x1+1+1+1; rest 90-sec between 
20 Calorie Assault Bike B. 15 minute EMOM
21 Hang Power Snatch (40/30) 1 - 10-15-sec Back Rack Hold
12 Strict HSPU 2 - 10-15-sec Deadlift Lockout Hold
3 - Rest
C1. GHD Hip Extensions - 4x10-15; rest 30-sec
Day 7 C2. Glute Ham Raise Hold - 4x20-30-sec; rest 90-sec
Rest +
3 Power Cleans (85/55)
Week 47 (Block 4 - Week 17) 15/10 Calorie Assault Bike

Things this week may look a little different. We're going

through a reload and transition week to get ready for the Day 5
new cycle. The end of the last cycle saw a reduction in A. 5 sets for quality
training volume and less of certain movement patterns to 3-5 Bar Muscle Ups
minimise training interference on the areas we were 25' Handstand Walk
looking to push. This week will bring the volume back up to B1. Incline Dumbbell Press - 15, 12, 10, 8, MAX; rest 30-
what it has been previously, some certain skills and 60-sec
movements will be reintroduced and also some new ones B2. Incline Chest Supported Row - 15, 12, 10, 8, MAX; rest
thrown in there to challenge you. Approach this week with as needed
the next block in mind which will be getting you ready for +
the Open in October.  10 minute AMRAP
15 Bench Dips
  15 Ring Rows
Day 1 15 Box Jump-step down (24/20)
A. Muscle Snatch + Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead
Squat - 4x3+3+3; rest 90-sec between
B. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat - 4x8/leg; rest 90-sec Day 6
between 3RFT Run 400m
C1. Roll Outs - 4x10-15; rest 30-sec 15 Power Cleans (70/50)
C2. Ring FLR - 4x30-45-sec; rest 90-sec 10 Strict HSPU
+ +
For Time Rest 5 minutes
30 Russian KBS (32/24) +
7 minute AMRAP
Row 1000m
into AMRAP Day 3
Wallballs (30/20-lbs) 60 minutes @75%
1 - Shuttle Runs (50')
2 - Box Handstand Walks
Day 7 3 - Off-set Carry, L
Rest 4 - Assault Bike
5 - Cossack Squats
6 - Off-set Carry, R
Week 50 (Block 2 - Week 3)

  Day 4
Day 1 A. 5 sets for quality
A. Snatch - Build to a tough double for the day, then 25' Handstand Walk
perform 3-5 singles at 90-100% of that for good movement 3-5 Bar Muscle Up Negatives
B. Back Squat - 3x5; rest 2 minutes B. Paused Front Squat - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
*add 2-5kg from last week *add 2-5kg from last week
C. Push Press - 5x3; rest 1-2 minutes C. CGBP - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
*add 1-2kg from last week *add 1-2kg from last week
D1. Ring Roll Out - 3x45-60-sec; rest 30-sec D. Strict Ring Dips - 3xME; rest 2 minutes
D2. Elevated Glute Bridge - 3x45-60-sec; rest 1 minutes +
+ 4 sets
6 minute AMRAP 90-sec Row @85%
5/4, 10/8, 15/12...etc Calorie Row 60-sec Assault Bike @75%
7 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk (22/15/hand) +
*dumbbells must be outside of the feet when in contact with 12 minute EMOM
the floor 1 - 15 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts + 25' Handstand Walk
+ 2- 45-sec Sandbag Carry
6 minute AMRAP 3 - 45-sec Hand Release Push-ups
5/4, 10/8, 15/12...etc Calorie Row +
14 T2B 10 minutes
90-sec Assault Bike @85%
Day 2 60-sec Row @75%
A. Deadlift - 1x5; rest 1-2 minutes between warm up sets
*add 5kg from last week
B. Strict Pull-ups - 3xME; rest 2 minutes Day 5
*overall more reps than previous weeks A. Power Clean - 5x3; rest 1-2 minutes
C. Dumbbell Step-up - 3x10/leg; rest 90-sec *add 1-2kg from last week
*same weight as previous weeks B. Suitcase Dumbbell Walking Lunges - 3x10 alt/side; rest
+ 90-sec
Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes (6 sets) C. Strict Supinated Pull-ups - 3xME; rest 2 minutes
*overall more reps than previous weeks
Interval 1 - +
2 minute Window 5 sets -
20 Thrusters (50/35) 2:00 Max Calorie Row
10 Calorie Row 5x (1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean) (80/55)
Max Thrusters (50/35) Rest 2 minutes

Interval 2 - Day 6
2 minute Window A. 5 sets 50' Rope Pull (tough grind)
20 Hang Power Cleans (50/35) rest 30-45-sec
50 Double Unders 50' Harness Sled Pull (tough grind)
Max Hang Power Cleans (50/35) rest 2 minutes
Interval 3 - 3RFT
2 minute Window 30 Wallball (20/14)
20 Pull-ups 20 GHD Sit-ups
10 Calorie Assault Bike 10 Double Kettlebell Snatch (24/16/hand)
Max C2B Pull-ups +
Rest 5 minutes
30 Calorie Ski Erg
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (24/16/hand) Day 3
Day 7 60 minutes @75%
Rest 1 - Shuttle Runs (50')
2 - Box Handstand Walks
3 - Off-set Carry, L
Week 51 (Block 2 - Week 4)
4 - Assault Bike
5 - Cossack Squats
6 - Off-set Carry, R
Day 1
A. Drop Snatch + Overhead Squat - 5x3+3; rest 90-
Day 4
B. Paused Back Squat - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
A. 5 sets for quality
*lower weight from previous weeks
1-3 Strict Muscle Up + 3-5 Kipping Muscle Up
C. Strict Press - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
30-45-sec Accumulate Box Supported Handstand
*moderate load nothing maximal
D. Accumulate 2 minutes L-Sit Hold
B. One and a Quarter Front Squat - 6x2; rest 60-
3 sets @85%
*moderate weight, speed and positional focus
Run 400m
C. Dumbbell Incline Bench Press - 3x10-15; rest
15 Box Jump-step down (24/20")
15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
D. Kipping pHSPU - 3x6-10; rest 90-sec
*technique focus
Day 2
A. Double Overheand Deadlift - 3x8; rest 2 minutes
Assault Bike Calories
*perform TNG and lower weight from previous
Hand Release Push-ups
Dumbbell Snatch (22/15)
B. Strict Pull-ups - 3x50% of last weeks best 
C. Russian Step-up - 3x5/side
Rest 5 minutes
*hold top position with hip flexion for 3-sec/rep
16 minute EMOM
Row Calories
1 - 10-sec Assault Bike @90-95%
2 - 50' Sled Push (tough grind)
Goblet Squats (22/15)
3 - 10 Banded Russian KBS (fast)
*21-15-9 on the Calories for women
4 - 20 Jump Lunges
Day 5
A. 3-Pos Muscle Clean - 5 sets; rest 60-sec  
B. Dumbbell Walking Lunge - 3x20 alt; rest 90-sec Day 1
*moderate weight with a movement focus A. 3-Pos Clean and Jerk - 5 sets; rest 3 minutes
C. Strict Supinated Pull-ups - 3x50% of last weeks B. Back Squat - 3x5; rest 2 minutes *
best add 2kg from two weeks ago or repeat that same
+ weight
21-15-9 C. Push Press - 5x3; rest 1-2 minutes
Assault Bike Calories *add 1-2kg from two weeks ago or repeat that same
Power Cleans (60/40) weight
*perform power cleans as drop and go, not TNG D1. Body Saw - 4x30-45-sec; rest 1 minute
reps to limit intensity here D2. Sorenson - 4x30-45-sec; rest 1 minute
12 minute Window
Day 6 3 Rounds -
3 sets - 15 Shoudler-to-overhead (60/40)
1 minute Max Calorie Row 15 T2B
1 minute Max Muscle Ups Rest 3 minutes
2 minutes Rest 3 Rounds -
+ 25-50' Handstand Walk
Rest 5 minutes 10 Power Cleans (60/40)
3 sets -
1 minute Max Calorie Ski Erg Day 2
1 minute Max Pistols A. Deadlift - 1x5; rest 1-2 minutes between warm up
2 minutes Rest sets
+ *add 5kg from two weeks ago or repeat that same
Rest 5 minutes weight
+ B1. Strict Pull-ups - 3x8-10; rest 2 minutes
3 sets - *add weight if able
1 minute Max Calorie Assault Bike B2. Back Rack Step-up - 3x5/leg; rest 90-sec
1 minute Max HS Walk (25' increments) +
2 minutes Rest 3 sets @85%
500m Row
Day 7 100' Sandbag Carry (tough)
Rest 25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
200' Farmers Carry (32/24/hand)
Week 52 (Block 2 - Week 5) Rest 3 minutes
Every 5 minutes for 25 minutes
Day 3 4 Deadlifts (140/100)
60 minutes @75% 8 Box Jump (24/20")
1 - Single Unders 12/8 Calorie Assault Bike
2 - Walking Lunges w/ Overhead Reach
3 - Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (light)
4 - Shuttle Runs (50') Day 6
5 - Quadruped Crawl 12 minute EMOM
6 - Hang 1 - 8-10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Split Jerk, L
2 - 8-10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Split Jerk, R
3 - 8-10 Dumbbell Hang Split Snatch, L
Day 4 4 - 8-10 Dumbbell Hang Split Snatch, R
A. 5 sets for quality *start at 22/15 and increase in second and third
6-10 Chest-to-bars round if able, you must split with the lead leg being
6-10 Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-up opposite to the working arm
*keep movement for both technical and efficient +
B. One and Quarter Front Squat - 5x3; rest 2 Rest 5 minutes
minutes +
*start moderate and build as able 5RFT
C. CGBP - 3x5; rest 2 minutes Run 400m
*add 1-2kg from two weeks ago or repeat the same 15 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean Thrusters
weight (22/15/hand)
D. Strict Ring Dip - 3xME; rest 2 minutes 15 C2B Pull-ups
Every 2 minutes for 18 minutes
1 - 16 Power Snatch (35/25) + 32 Double Unders Day 7
2 - 16 Thrusters (35/25) + 8 Bar Facing Burpees Rest
3 - 16/12 Calorie Row + 16 Wallball (20/14-lbs)

Week 53 (Block 2 - Week 6)

Day 5  
Day 1
A. Power Snatch - 5x3; rest 1-2 minutes A. 2-Pos Clean and Jerk - 5 sets; rest 3 minutes
B. Back Squat - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
B1. Front Rack Reverse Lunge - 3x6-8/leg; rest 1
*add 2kg from last week
minute C. Push Press - 5x3; rest 1-2 minutes
*add 1-2kg from last week
B2. Strict Muscle Ups or Negatives - 3x5; rest 2-3 D1. Hollow Rocks - 4x30-45-sec; rest 1 minute
minutes D2. Arch Rocks - 4x30-45-sec; rest 1 minute
*partition reps as needed For Time
30 Power Snatch (35/25) B2. Strict Muscle Ups or Negatives - 3x5; rest 2-3 minutes
30 Burpee Strict Pull-ups *partition reps as needed, aiming for improvement in
+ tempo, positions or reps from last week
Rest 3 minutes +
+ Every 5 minutes for 25 minutes
30 Squat Cleans (60/42) 15/12 Calorie Row
8 Bar facing Burpees
4 Deadlifts (140/100)
Day 2
A. Deadlift - 1x5; rest 1-2 minutes between warm up sets
*add 5kg from last week Day 6
B1. Strict Pull-ups - 3x6-8; rest 2 minutes A. 12 minute EMOM
*add weight if able, aim for tougher than last week 1 - 8-10 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch, L
B2. Back Rack Step-up - 3x7/leg; rest 90-sec 2 - 8-10 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch, R
*same weight as last week 3 - 6-8 Single Arm Kettlebell Clean and Jerk, L
+ 4 - 6-8 Single Arm Kettlebell Clean and Jerk, R
3 sets @85% *start at 24/16 and increase in second and third round if
20/15 Calorie Row able
10 Double Dumbbell Clean and Jerk (22/15/hand) +
rest 1 minute Rest 5 minutes
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike +
10 Double Dumbbell Thrusters (22/15/hand) 10RFT
rest 1 minute 15 Wallball (20/14)
1 Clean and Jerk (100/70)

Day 3
60 minutes @75% Day 7
1 - Assault Bike Rest
2 - Lateral Box Step Overs Week 54 (Block 2 - Week 7)
3 - Off-set Carry, L
4 - Ski Erg  
5 - Crab Walk Day 1
6 - Off-set Carry, R A. Clean and Jerk - 2x2+1 then 2x1+2; rest 3 minutes
*Off-set = Front Rack + Suitcase B. Back Squat - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
*add 2kg from last week
C. Push Press - 5x3; rest 1-2 minutes
Day 4 *add 1-2kg from last week
A. 5 sets for quality D1. Flutter Kicks - 4x30-45-sec; rest 1 minute
6-10 Piked Kipping Toes to Bar D2. Single Leg Glute Bridge - 4x30-45-sec; rest 1 minute
6-10 Russian Dips +
*keep movement for both technical and efficient For Time
B. One and Quarter Front Squat + Front Squat- 5x2+1; rest 30 Power Snatch (60/42)
2 minutes +
*start moderate and build as able, aim for heavier than last Rest 3 minutes
week +
C. CGBP - 3x5; rest 2 minutes 20 Burpee Box Step Overs (15/10/hand)
*add 1-2kg from last week 30 Hang Power Cleans (50/35)
D. Strict Handstand Push-up - 3xME; rest 2 minutes
Every 3 minutes for 21 minutes Day 2
Run 200m A. Deadlift - 1x5; rest 1-2 minutes between warm up sets
3 Power Cleans (80/55) *add 5kg from last week
3 Front Squats (80/55) B1. Strict Pull-ups - 3x4-6; rest 2 minutes
3 Push Jerk (80/55) *add weight if able, aim for tougher than last week
B2. Back Rack Step-up - 3x10/leg; rest 90-sec
*same weight as last week
Day 5 +
A. Power Snatch - 5x3; rest 1-2 minutes 2 sets @85%
*add 1-2kg from last week 30/24 Calorie Row
B1. Front Rack Reverse Lunge - 3x6-8/leg; rest 1 minute 10 Double Kettlebell Snatch (24/16/hand)
*aim for heavier than last week 30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (24/16/hand) 3RFT
Rest 2-3 minutes 50 Air Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Snatch (60/42)
Day 3
60 minutes @75% Day 7
1 - Reverse Single Unders Rest
2 - Walking Lunge with Rotation Week 55 (Block 2 - Week 8)
3 - Sandbag Carry (moderate)
4 - Row  
5 - Lateral Bear Crawl Day 1
6 - Ring Hang A. Clean and Jerk - Build to a heavy single in 10 minutes
B. Back Squat - Build to a 5RM
Day 4 For Time
A. 5 sets for quality 30 Clean and Jerks (60/42)
6-10 C2B Pull-ups 30 C2B Pull-ups
2-3 Headstand to Handstand Walk attempts 30 Snatches (60/42)
*keep movement for both technical and efficient 30 T2B
B. One and Quarter Front Squat + Front Squat- 5x1+2; rest
2 minutes Day 2
*start moderate and build as able, aim for heavier than last A. Deadlift - Build to a tough set of ten touch and go
week B. Strict Pull-ups - Build to a tough set of five
C. CGBP - 3x5; rest 2 minutes *weighted if able
*add 1-2kg from last week +
D. Strict Ring Dip- 3xME; rest 2 minutes For Time
*aim for more reps than two weeks ago 50/40 Calorie Row
+ -straight into-
Every 3 minutes for 24 minutes 3 rounds of
15 Calorie Assault Bike "Dumbbell DT" (22/15/hand)
9 Hang Power Clean (60/42) -straight into-
6 Front Squat (60/42) 50/40 Calorie Assault Bike
3 Push Press (60/42)
Day 3
60 minutes @75%
Day 5 1 - Shuttle Runs (50')
A. Power Snatch - 5x3; rest 1-2 minutes 2 - Box Step-ups
*add 1-2kg from last week 3 - Farmers Carry (moderate)
B. Front Rack Reverse Lunge - Build to a tough set of eight 4 - Assault Bike
on both legs, rest as needed between attempts and legs 5 - Lateral Crab Walk
focusing on quality movement 6 - Front Leaning Rest
C. Strict Muscle Ups or Negatives - 3-5x5; rest 2-3 minutes
*partition reps as needed, aiming for improvement in
tempo, positions or overall volume from previous weeks + Day 4
Every 5 minutes for 25 minutes A. Front Squat - Build to a tough set of three for the day
8 Bar facing Burpees +
12 Deadlifts (120/90) Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes
8 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 15/10 Calorie Assault Bike (tough sprint)
5 Power Clean + Push Jerk
*start at 80/55kg and build in weight as able keeping all of
Day 6 the work within 90-sec per interval
A. 12 minute EMOM
1 - 8-10 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat, L
2 - 8-10 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat, R Day 5
3 - 8-10 alt Dumbbell Squat Snatch A. Power Snatch - Build to a tough double for the day
4 - 8-10 alt Dumbbell Hang Squat Snatch +
*start at 15/10 and increase in second and third round if 21-15-9
able Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
+ Deadlifts (100/70)
Rest 5 minutes
Day 6 5 Burpee Muscle Ups
Play sport, get outside or do a workout at your local affiliate 20 Wallball (20/14)
20/15 Calorie Row
Day 7
Day 4
Week 56 (Block 3 - Week 1- OPEN 2020) 30-60 minutes easy aerobic work
  10-20 minutes of movement and mobility work
Day 1
A. Hang Snatch - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
B. Back Squat - Build to a tough set of five for the day, then Day 5
perform 2x5 @90% A. Clean and Jerk - 3x2+2; rest 2 minutes
+ B. Front Squat - 5x3 @70-80%; rest 2 minutes
10 minute AMRAP +
10 Dumbbell Power Cleans 10 minute AMRAP
25' Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges (22/15/hand) 15 Bar Facing Burpees
10 T2B 15 Squat Cleans (60/40)
25' Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges (22/15/hand) 15 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Squat Cleans (85/55)
15 Bar Facing Burpess
Day 2 5 Squat Cleans (100/70)
A. Split Jerk - Build to a tough triple for the day from blocks, 15 Bar Facing Burpees
then perform 5x1 at the same weight AMRAP Squat Cleans (110/80)
B. Push Press - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
*reset each rep, no touch and go
C. Single Arm Row - 4x8/side; rest 1-2 mnutes Day 6
*perform standing with a split stance and non-working arm A. Bench Press - Build to a tough set of five for the day,
uporting then perform 2x5 @90%
+ B. Strict Pull-ups + Bar Muscle Ups - 3x6-8+ME; rest as
1 minute AMRAP - Strict Handstand Push-ups needed
-into- *has to be unbroken no dropping from the bar
1 minute AMRAP - Strict Pull-ups C. Single Arm Push Press + Single Arm Overhead Carry -
+ 4x5+50'; rest 1-2 minutes
Rest 3 minutes *has to be unbroken, straight into the carry after the fifth
+ rep
9 minute EMOM +
1 - Kipping Handstand Push-ups 2 sets
2 - Chest-to-bar Pull-ups 5 minutes Row @80-85%
3 - Rest 2 minutes rest
*perform using the same rep scheme as the the one minute 5 minutes Assault Bike @80-85%
efforts on the strict movements -Rest 5 minutes between rounds
+ *aim to match or increase the pace on the second set
1 minute AMRAP - Burpee-to-target
Rest 1 minute Day 7
+ Rest
30-sec Burpee-to-target
30-sec Rest
*have to complete 50% of the one minute effort in the 30-
sec interval

Day 3
A. Power Clean - 10 minute EMOM: 2 reps @60-70%
*speed focus
B. Deadlift - Build to a tough set of five for the day
C. Thruster - 3x10 (60/40) AFAP; rest 2 minutes
Every 5 minutes for 25 minutes
Access BASE on Train Heroic
Week 57 (Block 3 - Week 2- OPEN 2020)

Day 1
A. Hang Snatch - 5, 4, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 minutes
B. Back Squat - Build to a tough set of three for the
day, then perform 2x3 @90%
For Time
Calorie Row
Power Snatch (35/25)

Day 2
A. Split Jerk - Build to a tough double for the day
from blocks, then perform 5x1 at the same weight
B. Push Press - 3x5; rest 2 minutes
*reset each rep, add 2-5kg from last week
C. Single Arm Row - 4x8/side; rest 1-2 minutes 
*perform on a bench with no supporting knee on the
bench with supporting arm
1 minute AMRAP - Handstand Walk
1 minute AMRAP - Strict Ring Pull-ups
Rest 3 minutes
9 minute EMOM
1 - 25' Handstand Walk
2 - 4-6 Kipping Ring Muscle Ups
3 - Rest
1 minute AMRAP - Bar Facing Burpees (jump back
and up)
Rest 1 minute
5 minute EMOM 50% of AMRAP Bar Facing
Burpees (step back and up)

Day 3

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