Workout of The DAY: Warm Up
Workout of The DAY: Warm Up
Workout of The DAY: Warm Up
Dumbbell: 50/35
On the Minute x 7:
Kilos:Push Press 52.3 / 38.6
Dumbbell 22.5/15
Minute 1: 115/85
Minute 2: 135/95 Midline
Minute 3: 155/105
Minute 4: 155/105 3 Rounds:
Minute 5: 155/105
Minute 6: 135/95 30 Seconds Kettlebell Russian Twist
Minute 7: 115/85 Rest 15 Seconds
30 Seconds Weighted Superman
Kilos: 52.3 /38.6 Hold
61.4/43.2 Rest 15 Seconds
70.5/ 47.7 30 Seconds Medicine Ball Climbs
70.5/ 47.7 Rest 1 Minute
70.5/ 47.7
52.3 /38.6