Jntu Online Examinations (Mid 2 - Ps1)
Jntu Online Examinations (Mid 2 - Ps1)
Jntu Online Examinations (Mid 2 - Ps1)
4. Mechanically weak
18. The most suitable circuit breaker for short line fault without switching resistor is _ _ _ _
1. minimum oil
2. air-blast
3. SF6
4. air-break
19. Which of the following circuit breakes is prefered for EHT application?
1. air-blast
2. minimum-oil
3. SF6
4. vacuum
20. The current chopping tendency is minimised by using SF6 gas at relatively
1. low pressure and high viscosity
2. low pressure and low viscosity
3. high pressure and low viscosity
4. high pressure and high viscosity
21. SF6 gas has excellent heat transfer properties because of its
1. low gaseous viscosity
2. high dielectric strength
3. low molecular weight
4. low dielectric strength
29. Which of the following sequence of operation is correct for operation of circuit breaker
Isolator and earthing switch while opening a circuit?
1. open circuit breaker-open Isolator-close earthing switch
2. open isolator-open circuit breaker-close earthig switch
3. open earthing switch-open isolator-then open circuit breaker
4. open circuit breaker-close earthing switch-open isolator
30. Which of the following devices automatically interrupts the supply in the event of
1. Earthing switch
2. isolator
3. fuses
4. relays
1. medium
2. low
3. high
4. peak
38. When the power system is not in a position to meet the load it will resort to
1. power factor improvement at the generators
2. load shedding
3. efficient plant operation
4. penalising high load consumers by increasing te charges
42. Load frequency control is acheived by properly matching the individual's machine's
1. reactive powers
2. generated voltages
3. turbine inputs
4. turbine and generator inputs
51. In a 400kv power nework 360 kv is recorded at a 400 kv bus. The reactive power
absorbed by a shunt reactor rated for 50MVAR, 400kv connected at the bus is
1. 61.73 MVAR
2. 55.56 MVAR
3. 45.0 MVAR
4. 40.5 MVAR
53. When the is a change in load in a power station having a number of generator units
operating in parallel the system frequency is controlled by
1. adjusting the steam inputs to the units
2. adjusting the field excitation of the generation
3. charging the load divisions b/w the units
4. injecting reactive power at the station busbar
54. For cost and safety the outdoor substation are employed for voltages
1. 11kv and above
2. 33kv and above
3. 66kv and above
4. 110kv and above
55. Flow of active power through a line in a power system can be controlled by
1. tap changing transformers
2. phase shifting transformers
3. sychronous phase modifier
4. synchonous motor
56. As compared to single bus-bar, a duplicate bus bar has the draw back of
1. poor reliability
2. greater cost
3. lesser fexibility
4. less cost
60. The changes in reactive power at a bus have a great effect on the voltage magnitude
1. of that bus
2. of distant buses
3. of all the buses
4. no change
62. If a sychronous motor is under excited it takes lagging VAR's from the system area
when it is operated as a
1. synchronous motor
2. synchronous generator
3. synchronous motor as well as generator
4. dc generator
64. The most suitable location for a power factor improvement device is
1. at the receiving end, in case of transmission line
2. sending end
3. any where in the circuit
4. middle of the circuit
65. An industrial installation has a power factor of 0.8 lagging. It would be economical to
improve p.f to
1. unity
2. about 0.8 loading
3. about 0.95 lagging
4. about 0.95 loading
67. A 3-phase 11kw 50Hz, 200kw load has a power factor of 0.8lag. A delta connected 3-
phase capacitor is used to improve the p.f to unity the capacitance perphase of the
capacitor in micro farads is
1. 3.948
2. 1.316
3. 0.439
4. 11.844
69. For power factor improvement static capacitors has the draw back of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. service life is increased
2. getting damaged by high voltage
3. repairable
4. less cost
71. Generators for base load plants are usually designed for maximum efficiency around
1. 20 % over load
2. full load
3. 75 % full load
4. 65 % full load
72. Generators for power plants to supply exclusively peak loads are usually designed for
maximum efficiency to accurate
1. full load
2. 50-75 % full load
3. 20-50 % full load
4. 10 % full load
77. The flow duration curve at a given head of a hydro electric plant is used to determine
1. total power available at the site
2. total units of energy available
3. load factor at the plant
4. diversity factor of the plant
78. In a load duration curve for an indegrated power system the upper most crest
represents the energy contributed by
1. base power stations
2. major thermal stations
3. peaking hydro or gas substations
4. non conventional power stations
89. A generating station has a maximum demand of 20MW and a connected load of 40MW
the generated units are 436 times107 per annum the demand factor is
1. 2
2. 2/3
3. 1/2
4. 1/3
92. The area under the load curve divided by 24 hours gives
1. average load
2. peek load
3. least load
4. no load
97. Which of the following categories of consumer can provide the heighest load factor
1. Domestic consumers
2. commercial establishment
3. education institutions
4. medium industries
98. The connected load of a consumer is 2kw and has maximum demand is 1.5kw. The
demand factor of the consumer is
1. 0.75
2. 0.375
3. 1.33
4. 1.24
99. A system has connected load of 120kw peak load of 100kw, base load of 25kw and
average load of 40kw. The load factor of the consumer is
1. 40 %
2. 48 %
3. 25 %
4. 83.3 %
3. 2pm to 6pm
4. 6pm to 10pm
105. The load duration curve for unity load factor will be of
1. rectangular shape
2. triangular shape
3. L-shape
4. I-shape
107. Integrated load duration curve representing total number of units (kwh) generated for
a given demand in kw can be plotted directly from directly from
1. load curve
2. load duration curve
3. mass curve
4. chronological curve
108. The power which must be available even under emergency conditions is known as
1. spinning reserve
2. cold reserve
3. firm reserve
4. hot reserve
110. As the load factor of a power plant increases the cost per kwh of the energy generated
1. increases
2. decreases
3. may increases or decrease
4. remains the same
111. Capacity factor will be very low when the power plant
1. is operated as base load plant
2. is operated in emergency only
3. is under mainatanance
4. is operated at peaks loads
121. In a power plant which of the following items fall in the category of semi fixed charges
1. annual intrest ad depreciation on capital cost
2. maitanence
3. land cost
4. Raw material cost
122. For a neuclear power plant the use ful life is expected to be about
1. 10 years
2. 30 years
3. 60 years
4. 80 years
124. For a thermal power plant the input output characteristic is given by Q = 8+P+0.08P2.
where Q and P are heat input and power output respectively in Mw. The maximum
thermal efficiency would be
1. 26.5 %
2. 30.5 %
3. 34.5 %
4. 38.5 %
127. For a power plant the expenditure on which of the following items is expected to be
almost negligable
1. publicity
2. taxes
3. maintanance
4. insurance
128. In a steam power station which of the following is not a fixed cost?
1. intrest on capital
2. salaries
3. fuel and lubricating oil cost
4. insurance charges
129. In apower plant which of the following stems does not fall in the category of operting
1. salaries of operational and maintance staff
130. The connected load of a domestic consumer (medium income group) is usually about
1. 2-5kw
2. 10-20kw
3. 20-30kw
4. below 1 kw
131. Which of the following are not repayable offer astipulated period?
1. fixed deposits
3. bonds
4. cash certificates
135. Ideally depreciated value of the plant plus the occumulation in the depreciation fund
should be equal to
1. absoluence rate
2. sinking fund
3. invested value
4. salvage value
137. Two generating plants feeds a load centre through a transmission network for
maximum economy
1. The incremental cost of power supplied at the load centre should be some for both
the plants
2. The more efficient plant should share more load
3. less efficient plant should share more load
4. load proportional to the ratings
138. In terms of power generation and coefficients the transmission loss for a two plant
system is
143. The cost function of a 50Mw generator is given by ( is the generating loading)
F(P1 = 225 + 53 + _1
when 100 % loading is applied the incremental fuel costs will be
1. Rs 55 per Mwh
2. Rs 55 per Mw
3. Rs 33 per Mwh
4. Rs 33 per Mw
144. The incremental generating costs of two generating units are given by
Where 'X & Y' are power generated by two units fore total demand of 300Mw1 the
values of X & Y will be respectively
1. 172 & 128
2. 128 & 172
3. 175 & 125
4. 200 & 100
145. The incremental costs characteristics of two generators delivering 200Mw are as
follows , for economic operaion, the generation P1 & P2 should be
1. P1=P2=100Mw
2. P1=80Mw, P2=120Mw
3. P1=200, P2=0
4. P1=120Mw, P2=80Mw
146. If force a given alternator in economic operation mode, the incremental cost is given by
(0.012P+8) Rs/Mwh, and plant
1. 1,000 Mw
2. 1,250Mw
3. 750Mw
4. 1,500Mw
148. The Incremental costs characteristics of the two units in a plant are
149. If a generating station is situated very close to the load centre the pendity factor for
this unit is
1. zero
2. almost unity
3. negative
4. very high
151. The primary reason for flow power factor is owing to installation of
1. synchronous motors
2. dc motors
3. inductions motors
4. commutator motors
152. The medium sized induction motor will operate at maximum power factor while
operating of
1. full load
2. 50 % of full load
3. 25 % of full load
4. 35 % of full load
156. Maximum demand tariff is generally net applied to the domestic consumers wing to
1. low maximum demand
2. low load factor
3. low power factor
4. low energy consumption
162. The maximum demand an a power station is 200Mw. If the annual load factor is 60 %
calculate the total energy generated in a month of 30days?
1. 3460 times 105kwh
2. 1430 times 105kwh
3. 864 times 105kwh
4. 4560 times 105kwh
163. If the plant has an installed capacity of 80Mw produces annual output of 4.46
times106kwh and remains in operation for 200hours in a year then the plant use factor
would be _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. 6.2 %
2. 3.4 %
3. 15.2 %
4. 2.78 %
164. The maximum demand on a power station is 400Mw if the annual load factor is 60 %.
Calculate the total energy generated in a year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
1. 3460 times 105kwh
2. 21024 times 105kwh
3. 43240 times 105kwh
4. 32680 times 105kwh
165. A consumer has a maximum demand of 400kw at 40 % load factor. Then the number of
units consumed per year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. 4250kwh
2. 1401600kwh
3. 126052kwh
4. 134560kwh
166. A plant has an installed capacity of 40Mw produces annual output of 7.35 times 106 kwh
and remains in operation for 1230 hours in a year then the plant use factor is _ _ _ _ _
1. 14.9 %
2. 12.3 %
3. 10.32 %
4. 14.32 %
167. If the plant has on installed capacity of 60Mw produces annual output of 4.46 times106
kwh and remains in operation for 1800 hours in a year then the plant use factor would
be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. 4.1 %
2. 6.2 %
3. 7.3 %
4. 8.4 %
168. The maximum demand on a power station is 100Mw. If the annual load factor is 40 %
calculate the total energy generated in a year?
1. 3504 times105kwh
2. 4560 times105kwh
3. 1230 times105kwh
4. 1560 times105kwh
169. If a power station generated 65.7 times106kw per annum and the plant capacity is
18.750kw what would be the plant capacity factor
1. 50 %
2. 60 %
3. 70 %
4. 40 %
170. A consumer has a maximum demand of 200kw at 40 % load factor. Then the number of
units consumed per year = _ _ _ _ _ _
1. 700800kwh
2. 6492 kwh
3. 843042 kwh
4. 43675 kwh
171. The maximum demand of a consumer is 20A at 220V and the load factor and power
fafctor are considered to be unity what would be the units consumed in 500hours?
1. 2200kwh
2. 1000kwh
3. 2000kwh
4. 400kwh
172. An alternator is supplying a load of 300kw at a p.f of 0.6 lagging. If the power factor is
raised to unity. How many kilowatts can alternator supply for the same kva loading?
1. 200kw
2. 300kw
3. 400kw
4. 500kw
173. If the average demand of a plant is 513.7kw what would be number of kwh generated
per year
1. 50 times105
2. 45 times105
3. 40 times105
4. 46 times105
174. If the plant capacity is 30Mw and the average demand is 15Mw what is the platn
capacity factor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
1. 60 %
2. 40 %
3. 20 %
4. 50 %
175. If the plant capacity factor is 50 % and the plant capacity is 30Mw then the averge
demand would be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
1. 20Mw
2. 30Mw
3. 40Mw
4. 50Mw
176. The load factor of a plant is 60 % and the maximum demand is 50Mw what is the
average demand?
1. 20Mw
2. 30Mw
3. 40Mw
4. 50Mw
177. If the plant capacity factor is 70 % and the plant capacity is 80Mw the average demand
would be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
1. 20Mw
2. 50Mw
3. 80Mw
4. 56Mw
178. If the average demand is 56Mw and the plant capacity is 80Mw what is the plant
capacity factor
1. 80 %
2. 60 %
3. 70 %
4. 75 %
179. If the power plant generates 45.32 times106kwh per annum, the plant capacity factor
be 40 % what would be the plant capacity?
1. 12.933kw
2. 14.32kw
3. 15.67kw
4. 17.32kw
180. The connected load of a generating station is 43Mw and the demand factor is 0.465
what would be the Maximum demand
1. 20Mw
2. 40Mw
3. 30Mw
4. 50Mw
181. If the maximum demand of a plant is 25 and the load factor is 60 %. what is its average
1. 15Mw
2. 20Mw
3. 30Mw
4. 40Mw
182. If the load factor is 0.7 and the average demand is 20Mw what is maximum demand of
that plant _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
1. 53.5Mw
2. 28.57Mw
3. 54.32Mw
4. 46.32Mw
183. If the average demand of a plant is 15Mw and the plant capacity is factor is 50 % what
is the plant capacity?
1. 20Mw
2. 40Mw
3. 30Mw
4. 50Mw
184. If the plant capacity of a plant is 18,750kw and reserve capacity is 3750kw what is its
maximum demand?
1. 4150kw
2. 3250kw
3. 3750kw
4. 4150kw
185. A generating station has a connected load of 43Mw and a maximudm demand of 20Mw
then the demand factor would be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
1. 0.465
2. 0.732
3. 0.862
4. 0.456
186. A generating station has a average demand of 7020kw and a max demand of 20MW
then the load factor is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
1. 35.1 %
2. 46.3 %
3. 23.7 %
4. 48.3 %
187. A generating station generates 61.5 times 106 per annum. What would be the average
1. 7020kw
2. 4360kw
3. 3250kw
4. 4560kw
188. For a plant if the number of kwh generated per year is 45 times 105 what would be the
average demand
1. 513.7.kw
2. 423.4kw
3. 475.4kw
4. 514.6kw
189. A power station generates 65.7 times106kwh per annum the plant capacity factor is 40
%. What is the plant capacity?
1. 19,000kw
2. 18,750kw
3. 16,570kw
4. 15,000kw
190. If the total load is 400Kw and the mamimum demand is 1000kw what is its diversity
1. 4
2. 3
3. 2
4. 1
191. If the average load of a plant is 513.7kw and the maximum demand is 2500kw. What is
its load factor?
1. 20.1 %
2. 21.5 %
3. 31.2 %
4. 20.5 %
192. If the maximum demand is 2500kw and the load factor is 20.5 % what is average load
1. 514.3kw
2. 513.7kw
3. 500kw
4. 514.6kw
193. If the load factor is 20.5 % and the average load is 513.7kw what is its maximum
1. 2000kw
2. 4000kw
3. 3000kw
4. 2500kw
194. If the reserve capacity of a plant is 15,000kw and the maximum demand is 3150kw
what would be the plant capacity?
1. 18,750kw
2. 18,150kw
3. 18,650kw
4. 12,750kw
195. If the reserve capacity of a plant is 20,000kw and the maximum demand is 4175kw
what is the plant capacity?
1. 7560kw
2. 19,200kw
3. 18,500kw
4. 24,175kw
196. If the maximum demand of three types of loads is given as A=1500kw B=2000kw
C=10,000kw & the diversity factor is 1.35 what would be the maximum demand on the
supply system
1. 20,0000kw
2. 10,0000kw
3. 15,0000kw
4. 25000kw
197. If the maximum demand of three types of load is given as A=1400kw B=1900kw
C=9000kw and the diversity factoris 1.75 what would be the maximum demand on the
supply system
1. 20,0000kw
2. 5,000kw
3. 7,028kw
4. 4056kw
198. If the maximum energy that could be produced is 500Mwh/day and the actual energy
produced is 360Mwh what is the plant use factor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
1. 40 %
2. 53 %
3. 72 %
4. 60 %
199. If the maximum energy that could be produced is 600Mwh/day and the actual energy
produced is 400Mwh what is the plant use factor?
1. 40 %
2. 60 %
3. 66 %
4. 80 %
200. If the total load is 1000kw and the maximum demand is 500kw what is its diversity
1. 4
2. 3
3. 2
4. 2.5
201. If the plant capacity is 17,500kw and the maximum demand is 13,000kw what is its
reserve capacity?
1. 4000kw
2. 5000kw
3. 4500kw
4. 4750kw
202. If the average load of a plant is 214.5kw and the maximum demand of the plant is
1500kw what is the load factor?
1. 12.6 %
2. 13.2 %
3. 14.3 %
4. 15.2 %
203. If the plant capacity is 18,756kw and the maximum demand is 12,576kw what is its
reserve capacity?
1. 6180kw
2. 2150kw
3. 3260kw
4. 4160kw
204. If the average demand of a plant is 15Mw what would be the daily energy produced
1. 360Mwh
2. 400Mwh
3. 500Mwh
4. 200Mwh
205. If the average demand of a plant is 45Mw. What would be daily energy produced?
1. 1000Mwh
2. 1200Mwh
3. 1080Mwh
4. 1070Mwh
206. If the actual energy produced in a day is 360Mwh and the plant use factor is 72 % what
is the maximum energy that could be produced
1. 600Mwh/day
2. 700Mwh/day
3. 400Mwh/day
4. 500Mwh/day