Objectives of power system are 1. Cost of electrical energy per KWh is to be minimum 2. Rated voltage
and frequency has to be supplied to the consumers 3. Reliable power has to be available 4. Effective
protection system has to be used for isolating the faulty section and keeping other sections healthy. 5.
More stable generators are to be used, so that it should not lose synchronism under faulty condition. 6.
Flexible power has to be available.
Objectives of electrical power transmission are 1.Transmission system must be more efficient with
minimum line losses and maximum power transfer capability 2. Voltage regulation of the transmission
line must be zero or minimum
V and δ
P and δ
Q and V
Load bus is also known as PQ bus. Load bus is related to consumer requirements in which P and Q are
known or specified quantities, for supplying these quantities δ and V are to be calculated. Load bus:
Known quantities - P and Q Unknown quantities - V and δ Generator bus: Known quantities - P and V
Unknown quantities - Q and δ Slack or reference bus: Known quantities - V and δ Unknown quantities - P
and Q Where P = Active power, Q = Reactive power, V = voltage and δ = load angle.
Load bus is also known as PQ bus. Load bus is related to consumer requirements in which P and Q are
known or specified quantities, for supplying these quantities δ and V are to be calculated. Load bus:
Known quantities - P and Q Unknown quantities - V and δ Generator bus: Known quantities - P and V
Unknown quantities - Q and δ Slack or reference bus: Known quantities - V and δ Unknown quantities - P
and Q Where P = Active power, Q = Reactive power, V = voltage and δ = load angle.
P and δ
P and V
Every power system network containing one slack bus. This slack bus is used to supply active and
reactive power requirements of the transmission line, for this purpose one of the generator bus which is
most efficient is used as slack bus. Slack or reference bus: Known quantities - V and δ Unknown
quantities - P and Q Where P = Active power, Q = Reactive power, V = voltage and δ = load angle.
04․ Which of the following quantities are to be calculated for generator bus?
P and V
P and Q
Q and δ
δ and V
In generator bus P and V are known quantities and range of Q is also specified for safe operation of
equipments and Q and δ are top be calculated. Load bus: Known quantities - P and Q Unknown quantities
- V and δ Generator bus: Known quantities - P and V Unknown quantities - Q and δ Slack or reference
bus: Known quantities - V and δ Unknown quantities - P and Q
05․ In a 4*4 Y bus matrix the number of non zero elements are 12. Find the sparsity of the system?
06․ In a 4 bus,4×4 Y bus matrix the number of non zero elements are 12. Find the number of
transmission lines?
Accelerating factor is used for reducing number of iterations using gauss-siedel method. The range of
accelerating factor is 1.6 to 1.8.
08․ A network containing 100 buses in which 10 are the voltage control buses, 5 are fixed shunt capacitor
buses, 20 are the reactive power support buses, 6 are the generator buses. Find the size of the Jacobian
163 × 163
164 × 164
165 × 165
162 × 162
Size of the Jacobin matrix = (2n-m-2)×(2n-m-2) Where, n = Total number of buses m = Total number of
PV buses m = Voltage control buses + Reactive power support buses + generator buses except slack bus
Fixed shunt capacitors are supplying constant amount of reactive power, so that fixed shunt capacitors are
considered as load buses or PQ buses. Therefore, n = 100 and m =35 Size of the Jacobian matrix =
(2×100 - 35 -2)×(2×100 - 35 - 2) = 163×163
Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2n-m-2)×(2n-m-2) Where, n = Total number of buses m = Total number of
PV buses m = Voltage control buses + Reactive power support buses + generator buses except slack bus
Fixed shunt capacitors are supplying constant amount of reactive power, so that fixed shunt capacitors are
considered as load buses or PQ buses.
Advantages of N-R method: 1. Number of iterations are less, so that it has fast convergence. 2.
Convergence is not affected by the choice of slack bus. 3. No need of accelerating factor. 4. Applicable
for large power system network. Disadvantages of N-R method: 1. Time taken for each iteration is larger
if size of the Jacobian matrix is larger. 2. Computer memory required is larger. 3. Computer programming
is difficult.
Advantages of gauss siedel method: 1. It is a simple algebraical equation, so that calculation time for each
iteration is less. 2. More suitable for small size networks. Disadvantages of gauss siedel method: 1. More
number of iterations are required, so that it has slow convergence. 2. Initial approximate guessing value is
required for convergence. 3. It required accelerating factor for convergence. 4. The choice of slack bus
affects the convergence. 5. It is not applicable for the large power system networks.
When a network containing one slack bus, one PV bus and the reactive power value of PV bus is in the
out of range for a given value of reactive power limits, so that PV bus is working as PQ bus with the
value of Q. For the PQ bus the value of Q is the nearest value from the calculated value of Q in the given
02․ For accurate load flow calculations on large power systems, the best method is
N-R method
G-S method
Decoupled method
all of the above
Advantages of N-R method: 1. Number of iterations are less, so that it has fast convergence. 2.
Convergence is not effected by the choice of slack bus. 3. No need of accelerating factor. 4. Applicable
for large power system network. Disadvantages of N-R method: 1. Time taken for each iteration is larger
if size of the Jacobian matrix is larger. 2. Computer memory required is larger. 3. Computer programming
is difficult.
02․ For load flow studies, What are the quantities specified at load bus are
P and V
P and Q
V and δ
δ and Q
Load bus: Known quantities - P and Q Unknown quantities - V and δ Generator bus: Known quantities -
P and V Unknown quantities - Q and δ Slack or reference bus: Known quantities - V and δ Unknown
quantities - P and Q
Y bus matrix is a sparse matrix, containing more number of zero elements. So that faster calculation is
possible. The Y bus matrix is used for the load flow studies. Z bus algorithm or matrix is used for the
fault analysis. Inverse of Y bus matrix gives the Z bus matrix, But Z matrix is a full matrix even though Y
bus is a sparse matrix. More time is required for inverse of Z bus matrix if the size of the matrix is more
than three. But a practical system network has large number of buses and hence Z bus matrix is not uses
for the load flow analysis, Y bus is preferred.
Properties of Y bus matrix: 1. Y bus is a square matrix. 2. For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is
n×n 3. Value of diagonal element corresponding to bus i, then Yii = Sum of the admittances connected to
bus i. 4. The value of off diagonal elements Yij = Yji , which is connected between bus i and bus j and
which is represented with negative sign. 5. Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances
connected to bus i. If this summation is zero, indicates there is no shunt admittance and mutual coupling
between the transmission lines.
05․ Which of the following matrix is used for load flow studies?
Y bus matrix
Z bus matrix
Unit matrix
null matrix
06․ Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances connected to bus i. If this summation is zero,
indicates there is no
shunt admittance
mutual coupling
both 1 and 2
none of the above
Properties of Y bus matrix: 1. Y bus is a square matrix. 2. For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is
n×n 3. Value of diagonal element corresponding to bus i, then Yii = Sum of the admittances connected to
bus i. 4. The value of off diagonal elements Yij = Yji , which is connected between bus i and bus j and
which is represented with negative sign. 5. Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances
connected to bus i. If this summation is zero, indicates there is no shunt admittance and mutual coupling
between the transmission lines.
07․ A network containing 50 buses in which 10 are the voltage control buses, 6 are the generator buses.
Find the size of the Jacobian matrix?
Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2n-m-2)*(2n-m-2) Where, n = Total number of buses m = Total number of
PV buses m = Voltage control buses + Reactive power support buses + generator buses except slack bus
Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2*50 -15 - 2)*(2*50 - 15 -) =83*83
08․ If sparsity of a 5 bus transmission line is 0.4. Find the number of transmission lines?
09․ A 4 bus power system consists of 4 transmission lines, then find the sparsity of Y bus matrix?
Properties of Y bus matrix: 1. Y bus is a square matrix. 2. For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is
n×n 3. Value of diagonal element corresponding to bus i, then Yii = Sum of the admittances connected to
bus i. 4. The value of off diagonal elements Yij = Yji , which is connected between bus i and bus j and
which is represented with negative sign. 5. Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances
connected to bus i. If this summation is zero, indicates there is no shunt admittance and mutual coupling
between the transmission lines.
relative permeability
all of the above
Skin effect ∝ 1/skin depth skin depth = 1/√(πfµσ) Where, f = frequency µ = permeability σ = conductivity
Therefore, Skin effect ∝ √(πfµσ) If frequency is increased, skin depth will decrease and skin effect will
Skin effect ∝ 1/skin depth skin depth = 1/√(πfµσ) Where, f = frequency µ = permeability σ = conductivity
Therefore, Skin effect ∝ √(πfµσ) If skin depth is more, then skin effect is less and vice versa.
06․ The Y bus matrix of a 100 bus interconnected system is 90% sparse. Then find the number of non
zero elements in the Y bus matrix?
Sparsity of Y bus matrix = Number of zero elements/ Total number of elements Total number of elements
for 100 bus = 100*100 = 10000 Number of zero elements = 0.9 * 10000 =9000 Therefore, number of non
zero elements = 1000
07․ At slack bus, which one of the following combinations of variables is not specified?
P and V
P and Q
V and δ
Q and V
Load bus: Known quantities - P and Q Unknown quantities - V and δ Generator bus: Known quantities -
P and V Unknown quantities - Q and δ Slack or reference bus: Known quantities - V and δ Unknown
quantities - P and Q
Y bus matrix is a sparse matrix, containing more number of zero elements. So that faster calculation is
possible. The Y bus matrix is used for the load flow studies. Z bus algorithm or matrix is used for the
fault analysis. Inverse of Y bus matrix gives the Z bus matrix, But Z matrix is a full matrix even though Y
bus is a sparse matrix. More time is required for inverse of Z bus matrix if the size of the matrix is more
than three. But a practical system network has large number of buses and hence Z bus matrix is not uses
for the load flow analysis, Y bus is preferred.
09․ Which of the following statements is/are true? The elements of each row of a Y bus matrix for load
flow studies in power system add up to zero
if the shunt admittances at the buses are ignored
if the mutual couplings between transmission lines are absent
if both 2 and 3 are satisfied
Properties of Y bus matrix: 1. Y bus is a square matrix. 2. For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is
n*n 3. Value of diagonal element corresponding to bus i, then Yii = Sum of the admittances connected to
bus i. 4. The value of off diagonal elements Yij = Yji , which is connected between bus i and bus j and
which is represented with negative sign. 5. Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances
connected to bus i. If this summation is zero, indicates there is no shunt admittance and mutual coupling
between the transmission lines.
10․ In a Gauss Seidel load flow method, the number of iterations may be reduced if the correction in
voltage at each bus is multiplied by
Gauss constant
Acceleration factor
Blocking factor
Lagrange multiplier
Advantages of gauss siedel method: 1. It is a simple algebraical equation, so that calculation time for each
iteration is less. 2. More suitable for small size networks. Disadvantages of gauss siedel method: 1. More
number of iterations are required, so that it has slow convergence. 2. Initial approximate guessing value is
required for convergence. 3. It required accelerating factor for convergence. 4. The choice of slack bus
affects the convergence. 5. It is not applicable for the large power system networks. Accelerating factor is
used for reducing number of iterations using Gauss Seidel method. The value of accelerating factor is
around 1.6 to 1.8 .
The Y bus matrix of 100 bus interconnected system is 90% sparse. Hence the number of transmission
lines in the system must be
A power system consists of 300 buses out of which 20 buses are generator buses, 25 buses are the ones
with reactive power support buses and 15 buses are ones with fixed shunt capacitors. All the other buses
are load buses. It is proposed to perform a load flow analysis for the system using Newton-Raphson
Jacobian matrix is
Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2n-m-2)×(2n-m-2) Where, n = Total number of buses = 300 m = Total
number of PV buses m = Voltage control buses + Reactive power support buses + generator buses except
slack bus = 44 Fixed shunt capacitors are supplying constant amount of reactive power, so that fixed
shunt capacitors are considered as load buses or PQ buses. Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2×300-44-
2)×(2×300-44-2) = 554×554
04․ The Gauss Seidel load flow method has following disadvantages. Which of the following statement is
Unreliable convergence
Slow convergence
Choice of slack bus affects the convergence
Advantages of gauss siedel method: 1. It is a simple algebraical equation, so that calculation time for each
iteration is less. 2. More suitable for small size networks. Disadvantages of gauss siedel method: 1. More
number of iterations are required, so that it has slow convergence. 2. Initial approximate guessing value is
required for convergence. 3. It required accelerating factor for convergence. 4. The choice of slack bus
affects the convergence. 5. It is not applicable for the large power system networks.
Normally Z bus matrix is a
null matrix
full matrix
sparse matrix
unity matrix
Y bus matrix is a sparse matrix, containing more number of zero elements. So that faster calculation is
possible. The Y bus matrix is used for the load flow studies. Z bus algorithm or matrix is used for the
fault analysis. Inverse of Y bus matrix gives the Z bus matrix, But Z matrix is a full matrix even though Y
bus is a sparse matrix. More time is required for inverse of Z bus matrix if the size of the matrix is more
than three.
When a network containing one slack bus, one PV bus and the reactive power value of PV bus is in the
out of range for a given value of reactive power limits, so that PV bus is working as PQ bus with the
value of Q. For the PQ bus the value of Q is the nearest value from the calculated value of Q in the given
Charging MVAR = V*Ic*sinφ Where, V= System voltage Ic = Charging current φ = Phase angle between
V and Ic Ic = V/Xc = 2πfC*V Therefore, charging MVAR ∝ f As frequency increases, Charging MVAR
also will increase.
Y bus matrix is a sparse matrix, containing more number of zero elements. So that faster calculation is
possible. The Y bus matrix is used for the load flow studies. Z bus algorithm or matrix is used for the
fault analysis. Inverse of Y bus matrix gives the Z bus matrix, But Z matrix is a full matrix even though Y
bus is a sparse matrix. More time is required for inverse of Z bus matrix if the size of the matrix is more
than three.
02․ The main advantage of the Decoupled Load Flow (DLF) as compared to the NR method is
number of iterations are less
accuracy is more
reduced memory requirements in storing the Jacobian elements
all of the above
The main advantage of the Decoupled Load Flow (DLF) as compared to the NR method is its reduced
memory requirements in storing the Jacobian elements. Storing of the Jacobian and matrix
triangularisation is saved by a factor 4, that is an overall saving of 30 - 40 % on the formal Newton load
flow. Computation time per iteration is less than the Newton method. However, the DLF takes more
number of iterations to converge because of approximation made.
Advantages of N-R method: 1. Number of iterations are less, so that it has fast convergence. 2.
Convergence is not effected by the choice of slack bus. 3. No need of accelerating factor. 4. Applicable
for large power system network. Disadvantages of N-R method: 1. Time taken for each iteration is larger
if size of the Jacobian matrix is larger. 2. Computer memory required is larger. 3. Computer programming
is difficult.
In FDLF method usually two to five iterations are required for practical accuracies. The method is more
reliable than the formal NR method. The speed for iterations is about five times that of the formal NR
method or about two thirds of the GS method. Storage requirements are about 60 percent of the formal
NR method, but slightly more than the DLF method.
Per unit of any quantity is defined as the ratio of an actual value of quantity to the base value of the
quantity in same units. Per unit of any quantity = Actual value of quantity /Base value of quantity in same
Advantages of per unit system: 1. Only one equation is required 2. Calculation can be done
simultaneously 3. Calculation time is less 4. No units for any quantity 5. No need of transformation ratio
6. Memory required is less
07․ A transmission line has (2 + j4)Ω impedance, 100 MVA and base voltage is 10 KV. Find the per unit
impedance value of transmission line?
(2 + j4 ) pu
(1 + j2 ) pu
(4 + j8 ) pu
(0.5 + j1 ) pu
Zpu = ZΩ* (MVA)b/(KV)²b Where, Zpu = Per unit impedance ZΩ = Impedance in Ω (MVA)b = Base MVA
(KV)b = Base voltage Zpu = (2 + j4) * 100/10² = (2 + j4) pu
08․ A generator has a rating of 10 MVA, 5 kV has a reactance of 0.02 pu. Find the reactance at a new
base values of 50 MVA, 10 kV?
Zpu = ZΩ* (MVA)b/(KV)²b Where, Zpu = Per unit impedance ZΩ = Impedance in Ω (MVA)b = Base MVA
(KV)b = Base voltage Zpun = Zpuo * (MVA)bn/(MVA)bo * (KV)²bo/(KV)²bn Here, "n" represents the new
values "o" represents the old values Zpun = 0.02 * 50/10 * 5²/10² = 0.025
09․ A 10 MVA generator has reactance of 0.2 pu. Find the new reactance value for 50 MVA base?
5 pu
0.2 pu
0.25 pu
1 pu
Zpun = Zpuo * (MVA)bn/(MVA)bo Where, Zpu = Per unit impedance ZΩ = Impedance in Ω (MVA)b = Base
MVA (KV)b = Base voltage Here, "n" represents the new values "o" represents the old values Z pun = 0.2 *
50/10 = 1 pu
10․ A 20 MVA generator has inertia constant of 0.5 pu. Find new value for 50 MVA base?
0.5 pu
0.1 pu
0.2 pu
0.4 pu
Inertia constant (H) in pu = H/Sb Sb = Base MVA Hpun = Hpuo* (MVA)bo/(MVA)bn Here, "n" represents the
new values "o" represents the old values Hpun = 0.5*20/50 = 0.2 pu
01․ The voltage and current instantaneous values are given as 5 sin (ωt + 30°) pu and 2 sin (ωt - 15°) pu
respectively. Find the per unit active power?
5 pu
3.535 pu
5.353 pu
7 pu
The voltage and current instantaneous values are given as V = Vm sin (ωt + θ1) pu I = Im sin (ωt + θ2) pu
Apparent power in pu (Spu) = (Vm *Im )/2 Active power in pu (Ppu) = (Vm *Im )/2*cos (θ1-θ2) Reactive
power (Qpu) = (Vm *Im )/2*sin (θ1-θ2) From given data, Active power in pu (Ppu) = 5*2/2 * cos (30+15) =
3.535 pu
02․ The angular moment of 10 MVA generator is 0.2. Find the new value of angular moment for 20
MVA base?
0.2 pu
0.1 pu
0.25 pu
0.4 pu
Angular moment (M) in pu = M/Sb Sb = Base MVA Mpun = Mpuo* (MVA)bo/(MVA)bn Here, "n" represents
the new values "o" represents the old values Mpun = 0.2*10/20 = 0.1 pu
Zpu = ZΩ* (MVA)b/(KV)²b Where, Zpu = Per unit impedance ZΩ = Impedance in Ω (MVA)b = Base MVA
(KV)b = Base voltage
04․ The per unit impedance of a circuit element is 0.30. If the base kV and base MVA are halved, then
the new value of the per unit impedance of the circuit element will be
Zpu = ZΩ* (MVA)b/(kV)²b Where, Zpu = Per unit impedance ZΩ = Impedance in Ω (MVA)b = Base MVA
(kV)b = Base voltage Zpun = Zpuo * (MVA)bn/(MVA)bo * (kV)²bo/(kV)²bn Here, "n" represents the new
values "o" represents the old values Zpun = 0.30* 1/2 *4 = 0.60 pu
05․ The per unit value of a 2 ohm resistor at 100 MVA and 10 kV base voltage is
4 pu
2 pu
0.5 pu
0.2 pu
Zpu = ZΩ* (MVA)b/(KV)²b Where, Zpu = Per unit impedance ZΩ = Impedance in Ω (MVA)b = Base MVA
(KV)b = Base voltage Zpu = 2 * 100/10² = 2 pu
․ Three generators rated 100 MVA, 11 kV have an impedance of 0.15 pu each. If in the same plant, these
generators are being replaced by a single equivalent generator, the effective impedance of equivalent
generator will be
0.15 pu
0.45 pu
0.05 pu
0.25 pu
Given impedance value = 0.15 pu When three generators are replaced by a single generator, their
impedance are connected parallelly. So, their equivalent impedance will be one-third of each impedance.
New impedance = 0.15/3 = 0.05 pu
The instantaneous maximum or peak value of the current flowing through the circuit breaker at the instant
of closing of circuit breaker is called making current. Making current = 2.55 × Breaking current
The RMS value of short circuit fault current passing through the circuit breaker at the time of opening of
circuit breaker is called breaking current.
04․ If the fault is very nearer to the generator, the fault current is
any of the above
If the fault is very nearer to the substation or generator, reactance of the network is small. So that fault
current is larger. Fault current If ∝ 1/X Where X = Reactance of the network Therefore, compare to single
transmission line, parallel line or double line has low reactance. So that the fault current is more in case of
parallel lines.
07․ Find the relation between sub transient (X"), transient (X') and synchronous reactance (X) ?
X" > X' >X
X" < X' > X
X" > X' < X
X" < X' < X
The relation between sub transient (X"), transient (X') and synchronous reactance (X) is X" < X' < X
Therefore, the relation between sub transient current, transient current, steady state current is, sub
transient current > transient current > steady state current.
08․ A generator has reactances of sub transient (X")= 0.5 pu, transient (X') = 0.8 pu and synchronous
reactance (X) = 5 pu. The voltages at these reactances are 1.2 V, 1.1 V and 1 V respectively. Find the
corresponding sub transient fault current in pu?
1.375 pu
0.2 pu
2.4 pu
3.975 pu
Sub transient fault current = E"/X" Where, X" = Sub transient reactance E" = The voltage at sub transient
reactance Sub transient fault current = 1.2/0.5 = 2.4 pu
For reducing the number of vectors and to get the relation between the vectors operator "a" is used.
Operator "a" rotates a vector in anti clock wise direction. a = 1∠ 120° a² = 1∠ 240° = 1∠ -120° a³ = 1∠
360° = 1
A transmission line has self and mutual impedances of 0.8 pu and 0.2 pu. Find the positive, negative and
zero sequence impedances respectively?
0.6, 0.8 and 1.2 pu
0.6, 0.6 and 1.2 pu
0.8, 0.8 and 1.2 pu
0.8, 0.6 and 1.2 pu
Zs = impedance due to self inductance Zm = impedance due to mutual inductance Zero sequence
impedance Z0 = Zs + 2 Zm = 0.8 + 2×0.2 = 1.2 pu Positive sequence impedance Z1 = Negative sequence
impedance Z2 = Zs - Zm
Positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of line are 2,2 and 5 pu respectively. Find self and
mutual impedances respectively?
1 and 3 pu
3 and 1 pu
2 and 2 pu
2 and 5 pu
Zs = impedance due to self inductance Zm = impedance due to mutual inductance Zero sequence
impedance Z0 = Zs + 2 Zm Positive sequence impedance Z1 = Negative sequence impedance Z2 = Zs - Zm