Eee 545:satellite Communications: Satellite Motion and Speed
Eee 545:satellite Communications: Satellite Motion and Speed
Eee 545:satellite Communications: Satellite Motion and Speed
Satellite motion and speed
below. If you move your hand, the stone will land farther away.
If the curvature of the path matched the curvature of Earth and the
it to orbit Earth?
A stone dropped from rest accelerates 10 m/s2 and falls a vertical
Circular Orbits
In circular orbit, the speed of a satellite is not changed by gravity.
Compare a satellite in circular orbit to a bowling ball rolling along a
bowling alley;
Gravity acting on the bowling ball does not change its speed.
Gravity pulls downward, perpendicular to the balls motion.
The ball has no component of gravitational force along the direction of the
Circular Orbits
The satellite is always moving at a right angle
its speed.
It doesnt move in a direction against gravity, which would
decrease its speed.
No change in speed occursonly a change in direction.
Circular Orbits
Communications satellites are located in orbit 6.5 Earth radii from
Elliptical Orbits
A satellite in orbit around Earth traces an oval-shaped
Elliptical Orbits
Satellite speed varies in an elliptical orbit.
When the initial speed is more than 8 km/s, the satellite
overshoots a circular path and moves away from Earth.
It loses speed due to the pull of gravity.
The satellite slows to a point where it no longer recedes, and
begins falling back toward Earth.
The speed lost in receding is regained as it falls back.
The satellite then rejoins its path with the same speed it
had initially.
The procedure repeats over and over, and an ellipse is
traced each cycle.
Elliptical Orbits
Elliptical Orbits
Satellite speeds
Consider the orbit of a satellite as shown
in the sketch;
The satellite has its greatest speed as it
whips around A. It has its least speed
at C. Beyond C, it gains speed as it
falls back to A to repeat its cycle.
Perigee; Point where the satellite is closest to the planet and has
the greatest speed
Apogee: Point where the satellite is furthest from the planet and
has the least speed
Conservation of energy: KE +
PE = KE + PE
Conservation of energy: KE +
PE = KE + PE