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Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis of Schizophrenia: Reappraisal

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The British Journal of Psychiatry (2011)

198, 173175. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.084384


Neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia

Michael J. Owen, Michael C. ODonovan, Anita Thapar and Nicholas Craddock
The neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia
provided a valuable framework that allowed a condition
that usually presents with frank disorder in adolescence or
early adulthood to be understood at least in part as a
consequence of events occurring early in development.
However, the implications of the neurodevelopmental
hypothesis for nosological conceptions of the disorder can
only now be fully appreciated. Recent research indicates
genetic overlap between schizophrenia and syndromes in
which psychopathology is manifest in childhood and that
are often grouped together as neurodevelopmental
disorders such as autism-spectrum disorders, intellectual
disability and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

It is now nearly a quarter of a century since Weinberger,1 Murray

& Lewis2 formulated the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of
schizophrenia. The idea that severe, adult mental illness has its
origins in disturbed development of the nervous system had been
proposed before,3 but new impetus was given by several lines of
evidence. Structural brain abnormalities were observed in neuroimaging studies and found to be present at the onset of illness yet
there was an apparent absence of evidence for neurodegeneration
in post-mortem studies. Second, the frequent occurrence at a
young age of cognitive and motor abnormalities in those who
subsequently develop frank illness was noted. Finally, the idea that
adult-onset disorders could have their origins in development was
supported by studies of primates that showed that neonatal lesions
can have delayed effects on behaviour. The neurodevelopmental
hypothesis has received much subsequent support from
epidemiological, developmental and neuroimaging studies4 and
has been the dominant paradigm for schizophrenia research over
the past two decades. Among other things it has led to an
increasing focus on the importance of cognitive impairment in
schizophrenia and the uncovering of widespread reductions in
grey matter and ventricular enlargement by brain imaging
studies.4 However, it is our contention that the implications of
the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia for
nosological conceptions of the disorder, and thus for research into
its aetiology and pathogenesis, can only now be fully appreciated.
The predominant view of schizophrenia as a discrete disorder, or
set of disorders, with specific causes, symptoms and consequences
has been maintained by many factors.5 In particular the evidence
from family, twin and adoption studies has suggested that
schizophrenia is not merely highly heritable, but that there exists
a specificity of genetic risk with respect to other major psychiatric
syndromes. However, recent findings pose severe challenges to this
view, and suggest that schizophrenia might more usefully be seen
as a member of a much wider group of overlapping syndromes to
which neurodevelopmental abnormalities contribute, and which
are not restricted to psychotic, or even psychiatric, disorders.
Genetic risk
Genetic epidemiology and population genetics suggest that a
spectrum of allelic risk underlies complex traits like schizophrenia

These findings challenge the aetiological basis of current

diagnostic categories and, together with evidence for
frequent comorbidity, suggest that we should view the
functional psychoses as members of a group of related and
overlapping syndromes that result in part from a combination
of genetic and environmental effects on brain development
and that are associated with specific and general
impairments of cognitive function. This has important
implications for future research and for the configuration of
psychiatric services.
Declaration of interest

and other common diseases.6,7 There are contributions from

alleles that are common in the population, but whose risk effects
are small, as well as rare alleles, some of which have a large effect
on disease risk. Empirical data now support the existence of risk
alleles of both types in schizophrenia but suggest that neither class
confers diagnostic specificity.
The lack of specificity of genetic risk for schizophrenia with
regard to bipolar and other mood disorders has been suspected
for some time.8 In the last few years this has been confirmed by
findings from genome-wide association studies911 as well as
adequately sized family studies.12 These findings undermine the
genetic support for schizophrenia as a discrete entity, and suggest
that at least some of the genetic risk also influences risk for bipolar
and other mood disorders. However, more surprising, and
challenging for current nosological conceptions, have been recent
findings that suggest genetic overlap between schizophrenia and
syndromes in which psychopathology is manifest in childhood
and that are often grouped together as neurodevelopmental
There is clear evidence for the involvement of several large,
rare genomic copy number variants in schizophrenia, and it is
likely that many more such variants will be implicated in the
disorder over the coming years.10,14 Copy number variants are
submicroscopic deletions and duplications of segments of
deoxyribonucleic acid that are important sources of individual
genomic variation. Copy number variants can disrupt gene
function by increasing or decreasing gene dosage, by perturbing
normal regulation of expression, and possibly by as yet unknown
mechanisms. One of the most intriguing and important findings
to have emerged is that the specific copy number variants that
are significantly associated with schizophrenia are also associated
with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autismspectrum disorders, intellectual disability and attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as other phenotypes such
as generalised epilepsy.11,14 It is important to note that there are
no known schizophrenia-related copy number variants for which
a severe psychiatric phenotype is inevitable, and, although they
may occur de novo, they are also frequently transmitted from an
apparently healthy parent. Moreover, when a phenotype is present,
expressivity is highly variable, with phenotypes ranging from mild
cognitive or physical anomalies through to schizophrenia,


Owen et al

intellectual disability, ADHD, epilepsy and autism even within the

same family. These findings suggest that there may be a more
general overlap in genetic risk and pathophysiology among these
childhood disorders and between these disorders and
schizophrenia, and challenge the view that these are completely
unrelated diagnostic entities. There is a dearth of adequate family
studies addressing these issues but some have shown increased
rates of schizophrenia in the parents of individuals with
autism15,16 and intellectual disability17 and of intellectual
disability and ADHD in the relatives, particularly offspring, of
probands with schizophrenia.1719

disorder.9 An elaboration of this view is that the key variables

are the severity and extent of disruption of neural circuits with
the extent (number and nature of neuronal circuits disrupted)
determining the type of syndrome that results (intellectual
disability, autism or schizophrenia etc.) and the severity (degree
of disruption to individual circuits) determining the severity of
the syndrome (severity of intellectual disability, severity of
autism-spectrum disorder, severity of schizotypal disorder etc.).
Of course it is likely that the precise nature and timing of critical
events will also play a role as well as the modifying effects of
genetic and environmental influences on factors such as the brains
capacity to buffer the effects of early damage, personality and
propensity to affective disturbances.

Comorbidity and overlapping syndromes

These findings remind us of the similarities in phenotype
between schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental syndromes.
Importantly all are associated with impairments of cognition.
They are all more common in males, and often associated with
varying degrees of developmental delay, neurological soft signs
and motor abnormalities. Moreover there is significant
comorbidity between these syndromes that is often obscured by
the use of diagnostic hierarchies or exclusions and by
developmental change in predominant symptom type. Current
service configurations also cause difficulties because of the
administrative split between adult services and those treating
children and adolescents, and between psychiatric, intellectual
disability, and, in the case of epilepsy, general medical services.
The reality is that there is substantial comorbidity between
schizophrenia and intellectual disability20 as well as between
childhood-onset schizophrenia and autism/autism-spectrum
disorders,21 and symptoms of autism are also seen in adult
schizophrenia.20,22 Autism-spectrum disorder and ADHD also
frequently co-occur23,24 and rates of both are increased in those
with intellectual disability.25
These findings challenge the view that these are completely
unrelated diagnostic entities. Indeed, it is hard to avoid the
conclusion that these disorders represent a continuum of genetic
and environmentally induced neurodevelopmental impairment,
rather than a set of aetiologically discrete entities, with the major
clinical syndromes reflecting in part the severity and predominant
pattern of abnormal brain development and resulting functional
abnormalities as well as the modifying effects of other genetic
and environmental factors. Thus autism is likely to be diagnosed
when there are abnormalities of brain circuitry leading to
prominent disorders of social communication; ADHD when
abnormalities of inhibitory control are prominent; and intellectual
disability when cognitive impairments are widespread. Over the
past 1015 years the importance of cognitive impairment in
schizophrenia has been rediscovered and it is now clear that many
individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia have a generalised
cognitive impairment as well as a heterogeneous pattern of more
specific impairments.26,27 Cognitive impairments are also seen in
bipolar disorder, but these are less severe and pervasive than in
schizophrenia.28,29 Interestingly, recent work suggests that copy
number variants might play a less prominent role in the
pathogenesis of bipolar disorder.30 Under the assumption that
large copy number variants are likely to have adverse
consequences on brain development, these findings are consistent
with the view that schizophrenia has a stronger neurodevelopmental
component than bipolar disorder.
A simple conception of these findings is that severe mental
illnesses occupy a gradient with the syndromes ordered by
decreasing severity of neurodevelopmental impairment as follows;
intellectual disability, autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar


What is clear is that there is now an urgent need to re-examine
and reappraise the relationships between these various syndromes.
There has been much recent interest in the relationship between
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder,5,9 but there is now a need to
focus upon the relationships among the neurodevelopmental
syndromes that typically present in childhood and between these
and the disorders that typically present in adulthood. There is a
need for studies examining the clinical and familial overlap
between these syndromes. Such studies would benefit from a focus
on specific symptoms as well as cognitive and neurocognitive
endophenotypes with the confounding effects of diagnostic
practices removed. This needs to be coupled with more detailed
analyses of the familial and molecular genetic relationships
between each syndrome and the less severe manifestations that
appear in relatives. Indeed, understanding the modifying and
compensatory mechanisms that underlie variable expressivity
and penetrance might point the way to new therapeutic
opportunities. This work will need to take a developmental
perspective since it is likely that the manifestations of these
phenotypes will vary with age, and longitudinal studies will
certainly be required. Aetiological research, including genetics,
should now end its exclusive love affair with DSM and ICD
categories. The goal now must be to relate research on aetiology
and pathogenesis to specific psychopathological syndromes and
phenotypes defined by studies of cognition and neuroimaging,
and to place these in a developmental context.
Although recent genetic findings certainly challenge the
aetiological basis of current diagnostic groupings, it would be
premature to suggest a radical overhaul of diagnostic practices
until more evidence accumulates. However, these findings do
inform attempts as part of the DSM5 and ICD11 processes to
create a meta-structure for psychiatric disorders based on
aetiological and/or pathophysiological grounds.31 They suggest
that varying degrees of neurodevelopmental impairment might
contribute across a broad spectrum of disorders with the final
phenotype depending upon a complex dynamic of risk, protective,
modifying and compensatory factors. These findings also have
important implications for clinicians by suggesting that we should
break down some of the service structures that currently serve to
partition the management of individuals based upon current
diagnostic categories. An obvious example is the separation
between services treating general psychiatric disorders and
intellectual disability.20 The recent genetic data also add to
evidence of continuities between childhood and adult psychiatric
disorders13 and suggest that greater communication and
continuity between child and adult services is required.
In conclusion, the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of
schizophrenia provided a valuable framework that allowed a

Neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia

condition that usually presents with frank disorder in adolescence

or early adulthood to be understood at least in part as a
consequence of events occurring early in development. Recent
findings suggest that we now need to go further and view the
functional psychoses as members of a group of related and
overlapping syndromes that result in part from a combination
of genetic and environmental effects on brain development and
that are associated with specific and general impairments of
cognitive function.
Michael J. Owen, PhD FRCPsych, Michael C. ODonovan, PhD FRCPsych,
Anita Thapar, PhD FRCPsych, Nicholas Craddock, PhD FRCPsych, MRC Centre
for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics and the Neuroscience and Mental
Health Research Institute, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Correspondence: Michael J. Owen, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics
and Genomics, Henry Wellcome Building, School of Medicine, Cardiff University,
Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN, UK. Email: owenmj@cardiff.ac.uk
First received 26 Jul 2010, final revision 15 Nov 2010, accepted 17 Nov 2010

We are members of the MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics and the
Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute in Cardiff University. Our research in
this area is supported by the MRC and the Wellcome Trust (076113).

M.J.O. is a member of the DSM5 Work Group on Psychotic Disorders. The opinions
expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the consensus of the DSM5 Work Group
or Task Force.

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Neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia

Michael J. Owen, Michael C. O'Donovan, Anita Thapar and Nicholas Craddock

BJP 2011, 198:173-175.
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