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Schizophrenia Bulletin vol. 40 suppl. no. 4 pp.

S233–S245, 2014

Visual Hallucinations in the Psychosis Spectrum and Comparative Information

From Neurodegenerative Disorders and Eye Disease

Flavie Waters*,1,2, Daniel Collerton3, Dominic H. ffytche4, Renaud Jardri5, Delphine Pins5, Robert Dudley6,7,

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Jan Dirk Blom8,9, Urs Peter Mosimann10, Frank Eperjesi11, Stephen Ford12, and Frank Larøi13
Clinical Research Centre, Graylands Hospital, North Metropolitan Health Service Mental Health, Perth, Western Australia, Australia;
Centre for Clinical Research in Neuropsychiatry, School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, the University of Western Australia,
Perth, Western Australia, Australia; 3Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Bensham Hospital, Gateshead and
Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK; 4Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London, UK; 5Laboratoire de
Neurosciences Fonctionnelles & Pathologies, Université Droit & Santé (UDSL), Univ Lille Nord de France and Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire (CHU Lille), Hôpital Fontan, Lille, France; 6School of Psychology, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK;
South of Tyne Early Intervention in Psychosis Service, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle Upon Tyne,
UK; 8Parnassia Psychiatric Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands; 9Department of Psychiatry, University of Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands; 10University Hospital of Old Age Psychiatry, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 11Ophthalmic Research Group,
School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, UK; 12Department of Psychiatry, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital,
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental Health – Older Adult Program, Perth, Western Australia, Australia; 13Department of
Psychology: Cognition and Behaviour, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium
*To whom correspondence should be addressed; Clinical Research Centre, Graylands Hospital, Private Mail Bag 1, Mount Claremont
6010, Perth, Western Australia, Australia; tel: (+61 8) 6346 6650, fax: 9384 5128, e-mail: Flavie.waters@health.wa.gov.au

Much of the research on visual hallucinations (VHs) has review suggests that comparative studies may have poten-
been conducted in the context of eye disease and neurode- tially important clinical and theoretical implications.
generative conditions, but little is known about these phe-
nomena in psychiatric and nonclinical populations. The Key words: visual hallucinations/schizophrenia/
purpose of this article is to bring together current knowl- psychosis/cognition/imaging
edge regarding VHs in the psychosis phenotype and contrast
this data with the literature drawn from neurodegenerative
disorders and eye disease. The evidence challenges the
traditional views that VHs are atypical or uncommon in Hallucinations are defined in different ways by different
psychosis. The weighted mean for VHs is 27% in schizo- philosophical traditions.1 In the clinical domain, a visual
phrenia, 15% in affective psychosis, and 7.3% in the general hallucination (VH) is a visual percept, experienced when
community. VHs are linked to a more severe psychopatho- awake, which is not elicited by an external stimulus. It con-
logical profile and less favorable outcome in psychosis and trasts with a visual illusion which is elicited by an external
neurodegenerative conditions. VHs typically co-occur with stimulus but differs from the percept normally associated
auditory hallucinations, suggesting a common etiological with the stimulus. VHs occur in a wide-range of organic
cause. VHs in psychosis are also remarkably complex, and psychiatric conditions, as well as in the absence of
negative in content, and are interpreted to have personal any demonstrable pathology. These experiences have been
relevance. The cognitive mechanisms of VHs in psychosis well described and researched in the context of organic
have rarely been investigated, but existing studies point disorders, particularly eye disease and neurodegenerative
to source-monitoring deficits and distortions in top-down conditions such as dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
mechanisms, although evidence for visual processing defi- and Parkinson’s disease (PD), but VHs have been largely
cits, which feature strongly in the organic literature, is neglected in psychiatric disorders and delirious states and
lacking. Brain imaging studies point to the activation of in nonclinical populations.
visual cortex during hallucinations on a background of Although the diagnostic manuals for mental disorders
structural and connectivity changes within wider brain list hallucinations as a primary characteristic symptom in
networks. The relationship between VHs in psychosis, eye psychotic disorders, auditory hallucinations are the symp-
disease, and neurodegeneration remains unclear, although toms that clinicians commonly ask about. One expla-
the pattern of similarities and differences described in this nation lies in the traditional beliefs that VHs are more
© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/),
which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
F. Waters et al

common in organic states than in psychosis.2 It is also of hallucinations, the weighted mean frequency of VH is
often difficult to decide whether the full criteria for the approximately 15% (range: 6%–27%, SD = 9). Similarly
presence of VHs have been fulfilled when a range of other to schizophrenia, the rates of VH in bipolar disorder are
perceptual abnormalities are reported. approximately half that of auditory hallucinations (28%).
In this article, we review the available evidence with Overall, these data challenge the assumption that VHs
regards to the prevalence, phenomenology, clinical char- are atypical or uncommon in psychosis.
acteristics, and assessment methods for VHs in the psy-
chosis spectrum alongside studies of cognition, brain Subclinical Symptoms in the General Community
imaging, electrophysiology, and treatment (cognitive
behavioral and pharmacological). Given the lack of Occasional hallucinatory experiences are fairly common
available literature on other psychiatric disorders, our in community-living individuals. However, community

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focus is on schizophrenia, affective psychosis (ie, bipolar and epidemiological studies rarely report the prevalence
and depressive disorders), and nonclinical population rates for VH specifically and independently from other
groups (who experience VHs outside of the context of hallucinatory experiences, with few exceptions. Table 3
any psychiatric or somatic disease). The psychosis evi- (A) shows that the weighted mean for VH in the general
dence is compared with evidence related to eye and neu- community is 7.3% (SD = 5, based on 6 studies).
rodegenerative disease in the hope that similarities and Little is known about what distinguishes visual halluci-
differences between different clinical contexts will help nators from non-hallucinators in the general population,
our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of VH but evidence suggests that factors such as intoxication
and its treatment. and withdrawal from substances such as alcohol, canna-
To our knowledge, this is the first review of VH in psy- bis and cocaine, and other physical states such as physical
chosis. For the first time, a cross-disciplinary and cross- illness and stress are linked to VH.46,47 Importantly, when
diagnostic examination of VH is also presented. Our research criteria exclude hallucinations arising from
broad aim is to provide a useful base for future studies on drug-taking or physical illness, the weighted percentages
the topic and specifically to achieve a clearer understand- of hallucinations in the community reduce to 6% (see
ing of VH in psychiatric illness and greater clarity regard- table 3, B).
ing the assessment of VH for use in clinical practice and
research. Eye Disease and Neurodegenerative Conditions
Parts of this article were presented in Durham at the For comparison, it is helpful to understand the epidemiol-
2nd International Consortium on Hallucination Research ogy of VH in other disorders in which VHs are common.
(ICHR) 2013 conference.3 The frequency estimates for VH in PD range from 15%
to 40% (comparable to those in psychosis), and the fre-
Epidemiology quency roughly doubles for PD dementia (PDD) (30%–
Psychosis 90%) and DLB (60%–90%).48,49 In age-related eye disease,
between 10% and 60% of patients experience complex
The centrality of VH in psychosis has been put into VH, depending on the severity of visual loss. The most
question by studies which show that auditory, and not common eye disease associated with VH is age-related
visual, hallucinations are among the cardinal symptoms macular degeneration.50,51 VHs are the diagnostic crite-
of schizophrenia which are common in all cultures.4 VHs, rion for Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS). Such observa-
however, appear to be more frequent in schizophrenia tions have prompted many authors to suggest that VH
than commonly thought. arise because of dysfunctions involving visual processing.
Table 1 describes studies that have provided the point
prevalence of VH in schizophrenia. Estimates vary
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics
widely from 4% to 65%, reflecting variations in popu-
lation and ascertainment methods. Out of 29 studies Gender
that have addressed this issue (5873 participants), the Contradictory data have emerged regarding a VH gender
weighted mean prevalence of VH in schizophrenia is pattern in psychosis or organic illness.5,37,52,53 By contrast,
27% (SD = 9). For comparison, the weighted mean of studies in PDD and DLB do not report different frequen-
auditory hallucinations as provided by the same studies cies of VH by gender, although it is important to consider
is 59% (range: 25%–86%; SD = 15), ie, twice as frequent the gender ratio in these disorders which are more com-
as VH, although it is possible that clinician biases toward mon in men than women.
auditory hallucinations have skewed the results.
Psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delu-
sions are also a common feature of affective disorders Age Risk Factor and Longitudinal Course
including bipolar disorder.6 Table 2 shows that out of 12 With regards to age as a risk factor for VH in psychosis,
studies that differentiated between different modalities some studies have demonstrated evidence that VH are
Visual Hallucinations in the Psychosis Spectrum

Table 1. The Comparative Point Prevalence of Visual and Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia

Modality of Hallucinations

Authors n Visual (%) Auditory (%)

Bowman and Raymond (1931)5 1408 22 53

Arnold (1949)6 a
14 78
Feinberg (1962)7 19 4 84
Malitz et al (1962)8 100 9 50
Vitols et al (1963)9 110 13 35
Goldberg et al (1965)10 270 18 45

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Mott et al (1965)11 50 24 66
Small et al (1966)12 50 30 66
Chapman (1966)13 a
40 a

Holmboe and Astrup (1967)14 255 25 79

Jansson (1968)15 293 13 25
Goodwin et al (1971)16 45 59 82
Eggers (1973)17 a
44 71
McCabe (1976)18 40 20 36
Young (1974)19 20 45 a

Zarroug (1975)20 69 47 62
Ciompi and Müller (1976)21 a
18 58
McCabe (1976)18 25 20 52
Deiker and Chambers (1978)22 28 64 86
Huber (1979)23 a
33 75
Ndetei and Singh (1983)24 51 43 43
Ndetei (1984)25 141 15 41
Winokur et al (1985)26 140 32 78
Phillipson and Harris (1985)27 73 62 44
Bracha et al (1989)28 43 56 42
Owens and Slade (1989)29 a
29 63
Mueser et al (1990)30 117 14 71
Jablensky et al (1992)4 1288 30 55
Bauer et al (2011)31 1238 34 79
Total: 29 studies, n = 5873 participants Weighted mean = 27% Weighted mean = 59%
SD = 9.73 SD = 15.30

Note: aNot assessed or missing data.

Table 2. The Comparative Prevalence of Visual Hallucinations and Auditory Hallucinations in Bipolar and Affective Disorder

Modality of Hallucinations

Authors n Diagnosis Visual (%) Auditory (%)

Bowman and Raymond (1931)5 1009 Mania 9 17

Rosenthal et al (1966)32 79 Mania 21 30
Winokur (1969)26 100 Mania 9 21
Goodwin et al (1971)16 28 Primary affective disorder 72 82
Taylor and Abrams (1975)33 52 Mania 23 47
Rosenthal et al (1980)34 32 Mania 25 30
Winokur (1984)26 122 Bipolar disorder 9 14
Black and Nasrallah (1989)35 467 Acute bipolar disorder 6 13
Mueser et al (1990)30 bipolar disorder 25 75
37 Severe affective disorder 10 17
Keck et al (2003)36 352 Mania 22 25
Baethge et al (2005)37 33 Manic/mixed type with 27 54
32 Depressed type with 25 59
Tillman et al (2008)38 549 BPD 26 57
Total: 12 studies, n = 2892 Weighted mean = 15% Weighted mean = 28%
SD = 9.75 SD = 18.11

Note: BPD = bipolar disorder.

F. Waters et al

Table 3. The Comparative Prevalence of Visual Hallucinations and Auditory Hallucinations in the General Community (A) and After
Excluding Hallucinations Arising From Drug-Taking or Physical Illness (B)

n Visual Hallucinations (%)

(A) General population

Eaton et al (1991)39 810 8
Tien (1991)40 18 572 14
Ohayon (2000)41 13 057 3.2
Waters et al (2003)42 562 (university students) 10
Larøi and Van der Linden (2005)43 236 (university students) 32
Kessler et al (2005)44 9282 6.3

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Total: 6 studies, n = 42 519 Weighted mean = 7.35%
SD = 5.08
(B) Excl drug-taking and physical illness
Eaton et al (1991)39 810 4
Tien (1991)40 18 572 7
Van Os et al (2000)45 7076 2–6
Total: 3 studies, n = 26 458 participants Weighted mean = 6%
SD: 1.73

more common in younger, compared with older, individ- hallucinations of a dead spouse are common grief reac-
uals with schizophrenia,31,53 although negative findings tions in older adults.59
exist.16 A similar inconsistency is found in the eye disease The literature in neurodegenerative disease is consis-
literature with only 3 of 9 studies investigating age and tent with this view of greater psychopathology in VH,
VHs reporting a weak association.51 with studies showing poorer response to treatment,
By contrast, in nonclinical populations, the prevalence greater mortality and morbidity, major depressive syn-
of VH is maximal in adolescence, and late adulthood, drome, and a move to institutional care.60,61
between which times the frequencies decrease.40,54 One Thus, in both younger patients with psychosis and
explanation for increased frequency of VH with age is older patients with neurodegenerative disease, VHs are
that the prevalence of most chronic disorders increases associated with poorer functioning and outcome. The
with age, as does the prevalence of neurodegenerative dis- same is not true of eye disease (eg, CBS) where the symp-
orders and age-related eye disease. In further support, the toms improve over time without progressive loss of cog-
prevalence of death-bed visions among the dying may be nitive function.
as high as 50%.55
Thus, there appears to be a bimodal distribution of Association With Other Symptoms
VH in the population with one peak in late adolescence
and early adulthood, which is associated with psychosis, In schizophrenia, VHs typically co-occur in association
and a second increase in late life associated with eye and with other hallucinations and other sensory modali-
brain disease. ties.16,28,30,62 For example, it has been reported that co-
With regards to the longitudinal course, it is believed occurring visual and auditory hallucinations occur in up
that hallucinations in schizophrenia tend to decrease as to 84% of individuals with schizophrenia.30 Furthermore,
individuals age,56 although it is important to note that the early evidence suggested VH never occurred in psychosis
risk of schizophrenia also declines with age. without the presence of auditory hallucinations (either
at the same time—multimodality hallucinations—or on
different occasions).62 In Oorschot et al’s57 sample of
Clinical Characteristics of VH individuals with mixed psychosis, VHs occurring alone
The presence of VH in psychosis has often been linked to were rarer than auditory hallucinations occurring alone.
a more severe psychopathological profile30,57 and to a less As shown in table 1, auditory hallucinations predominate
favorable prognosis.18 In patients with bipolar disorder, over VH in terms of their relative prevalence.
Baethge et al37 found that hospitalization for individuals Hallucinations in multiple modalities have also been
with hallucinations (all modalities) averaged 17% longer noted in individuals with severe depression63 and with
than those who did not hallucinate. mixed psychiatric diagnoses,64 as well as in nonclinical
In the general community, a link between VH and anx- adults and adolescents (n = 355, 11–13 years).65 Such
iety (OR = 5.0)41,58 and psychotic pathology (OR = 6.6)41 co-occurrences of auditory/VHs suggest a common hal-
has been reported. The important role of negative lucinatory mechanism which, in combination with spe-
emotions in VH is illustrated in studies showing that cific sensory dysfunctions, determines the modality of
stress and bereavement are linked to VH. For example, hallucinations.
Visual Hallucinations in the Psychosis Spectrum

It is important to note, however, that “simultaneous” in PD, visions of dead people are rare, although visions
(or “fused”) auditory and VHs are not a frequent occur- of God, angels, the devil, saints, and fairies are common.
rence.16 In most cases, they are experienced at different
times (eg, an auditory hallucination one day and a VH the Reality. VHs are perceived to be real and “definitely
next). Furthermore, when simultaneous auditory/VHs do present” in a concrete sense. In further support for the
occur, they are typically unrelated66 (eg, seeing the devil subjective reality of the experience, a majority of indi-
while hearing the voice of a relative inside one’s head), viduals undertake some activity directly related to the
suggesting that the mechanisms for auditory and VHs in vision—such as moving toward the vision, hitting at the
these disorders must be partly independent, though with vision, or moving away. In the case of distressing images,
some overlap. individuals may act to keep themselves safe.
By contrast, a different pattern can be observed in

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organic disease. In PD, VHs predominate over audi- Sense of Control. A lack of control over the content
tory hallucinations,67 and in CBS, the absence of hallu- and appearance is a prominent feature of VH in psycho-
cinations in other modalities is a diagnostic criterion. sis. Individuals are surprised when VHs occur and are
Where eye disease co-occurs with dementia, auditory generally helpless to change or stop them. In general,
hallucinations and delusions may appear as the demen- individuals believed that visions are experienced only by
tia progresses, as is the case in PD68 or dementia alone.69 themselves.
In these disorders, auditory and VHs very rarely occur
at the same time. Onset and Triggers. The onset of VH has been linked
Overall, the relative proportion of auditory to visual to stress, tiredness, loneliness, and relationship problems
modality hallucinations seems to differentiate the psy- in psychiatric individuals. Other psychological triggers
chosis spectrum from organic conditions. include negative emotions, and they may co-vary with
levels of anxiety.
Phenomenological Features of VH
Reactions. A mixture of positive and negative images
Psychosis may be experienced. Reactions vary and can include plea-
There are few systematic or comprehensive studies of sure, happiness and reassurance, or indifference. Images
VH as dimensional experiences in psychosis. Exceptions can also evoke fright, depression, sadness, or hopeless-
include Goodwin et al,16 Gauntlett and Kuipers,64 and ness. While the content of VH is often impersonal or
Dudley et al.70 For the following review, information was unrelated to the person, images are often interpreted to
drawn from these and other studies.12,16,28,53,62,71,72 have personal implications. Many individuals believe that
the content of visions must be acted upon, for fear of a
Perceptual Qualities. VHs in psychosis are reported to negative event occurring as a consequence. This differs
have the physical properties of real perceptions. They are from hallucinations in organic conditions, where VHs are
often life-sized, detailed, and solid. They are projected not generally perceived to be real.
into the external world in most cases and are typically
“anchored in external space,” either just beyond the reach Beliefs and Appraisals. VHs may be believed to arise
of individuals or further away. VHs often have 3 dimen- from an external source, particularly of supernatural
sional shapes, with depth and shadows, and distinct origin. Images of powerful religious figures are often
edges. VH can be colorful or in black and white. Images perceived to be visions intended as a sign for the person
are often described as dynamic with the contents chang- to act and as a threat to their physical or psychological
ing in size, shape, and movement but may also be static. wellbeing. This can also impact on the individual’s belief
system and can be used as evidence for their delusional
Temporal Aspects. The frequency of hallucinatory epi- beliefs.
sodes varies from rare to frequent, and episodes can last Overall, such rich phenomenology of VH in psycho-
several seconds to several minutes. VH may be experi- sis points to true hallucinatory experiences and not only
enced during both day and night. misperceptions. This close examination of VH character-
istics also reveals remarkable similarities with auditory
Content. Fully formed VHs are more common than hallucinations with regards perceptual quality, contents,
unformed visual experiences and distortions. Complex lack of control, beliefs, appraisals, and reactions.
VHs often comprise images of people (walking, family), With regards a comparison with organic disorders,
faces, animals, objects, or events (eg, visions of fires) tak- broadly speaking, the form and character of VH in psy-
ing place in front of the individual. In contrast to hal- chosis is similar to those seen in eye disease and neuro-
lucinations in organic conditions, a common theme is of degeneration. Although there is a notable lack of studies
visions with frightening content (bugs, dogs, snakes, dis- making direct comparisons, there are several character-
torted faces), and these are linked to distress. Unlike VH istics that distinguish VH in psychotic disorders from
F. Waters et al

other disorders, namely frightening contents, emotional grotesque and cartoon-like (40%), landscapes or inani-
reactions, and appraisals of personal significance; a lack mate objects (20%). They are usually colorful. Unlike
of illusions (common in neurodegenerative disease) and in psychosis, VHs in CBS are not generally perceived to
simple VHs (common in eye disease) also differ. be real or to have personal meaning. Only in a third of
the cases is the content negative. Once individuals under-
Subclinical Symptoms in the General Community stand they are a common feature of poor vision, anxiety
about VH generally decreases. This differs from psycho-
Nonclinical individuals in the community report vivid sis, where lack of insight may contribute to distress about
VH, where objects are real and uncontrollable, but often these experiences. Other dimensional features related to
of brief duration.73 The features of VH in nonclinical clarity, frequency, temporal factors, and appearance are
samples are broad-ranging and include unformed VH similar to those in psychosis.76 In PD, VHs mostly con-

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(such as dots, flashes of light and other unformed shapes) sist of people who may be familiar or not, and alive or
and formed VH (people and faces, but also aliens).65 In deceased (73%), animals (33%), and objects (19%) which
contrast to VH in psychosis, hallucinated images in non- may appear briefly and move sideways (passage halluci-
clinical populations are less likely to involve complex nation).49 The contents are fairly stereotyped and repeti-
scenes but more likely to show people.52 tive but may last for hours at a time. Experiences appear
These VH clinical features are similar to that of audi- to be real and outside voluntary control but are not often
tory hallucinations in nonclinical populations, which perceived as frightening. In dementia, VHs tend to be of
also tend to be brief and mostly neutral or pleasant in fairly mundane content, including unfamiliar or small
content.74 figures, faces, animals, and objects/machines, and are
rarely distressing.69
Eye Disease and Neurodegenerative Conditions Figure 1 (adapted from ffytche77) provides an over-
For comparison with the above, the most detailed view of VH in different clinical settings, where a range
accounts of visual content are found in the eye disease of clinical conditions (columns) are cross-tabulated with
literature (CBS).75 The commonest contents are of simple VH content and related phenomena (rows). Comparing
hallucinations, followed by images of people or animals the phenomenology of VH in psychosis with other condi-
(50%–80%), patterns (55%), faces often described as tions suggests that they are most similar to VH in cortical

Fig. 1. Visual perceptual symptoms and their clinical contexts.77 A range of clinical conditions (columns) are cross-tabulated with visual
hallucination (VH) content and related phenomena (rows). For each condition, the percentage of individuals with VHs reporting a
given content is coded red (>20%), pink (10%–20%), or white (not reported or < 10%). The prevalence of each symptom in psychosis
is taken from.64 For auditory hallucinations, (+) indicates higher prevalence than VH and (−) indicates lower prevalence than VH
(figure adapted from ffytche77). Visual experiences in schizophrenia best match the phenomena reported in the red box derived from
PD, AD, DLB, and peduncular lesions—but not the green (eye and visual pathway pathology) and blue (serotonergic syndrome) boxes.

Visual Hallucinations in the Psychosis Spectrum

and subcortical disorders (red box) but differ in the rela-

Box 1. A Diagnostic Algorithm for Visual
tive predominance of auditory and VHs. Whether this is
Hallucinations and Related Phenomena79
an important neurobiological distinction is unclear, and
the boundary of the grouping has been left open as indi- Question 1: Are the visual phenomena experienced (a)
cated by the dashed line. during sleep, (b) on the border of waking and sleeping,
or (c) while awake?
The Assessment of VHs a) During sleep
Rule out: dream
It is often difficult to distinguish VH from related visual
Possibility 1: incubus phenomenon
phenomena such as illusions, distortions, and mispercep-
Possibility 2: visual sleep start
tions that co-occur with VH in psychosis and other con-

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b) On the border of waking and sleeping
ditions. The relationship between what is seen and what is
Possibility 1: hypnagogic hallucination
actually present in the environment is complex and poorly
Possibility 2: hypnopompic hallucination
understood with internal models and top-down inference
c) While awake
interacting with visual inputs. The match between what
Go to Question 2
is perceived and what is present is closest for veridical
perception (our day-to-day visual perceptual experience), Question 2: Are the visual phenomena perceptual in
tenuous for illusions, and absent for hallucinations; how- nature? (ie, with physical properties comparable with
ever, there are no sharp dividing lines between categories. sensory perceptions)
Based on a working definition of hallucinations,78 the key No Rule out: imagery
features to elicit in an assessment of VH are (see Box 1):
Yes Continue with Question 3
1. They must be experienced in full consciousness (rules Question 3: Do they constitute (a) images without a
out sleep-related VH, fever, delirium, and hypnosis). representation in the outside world, (b) images with a
2. Not elicited by an external stimulus (excludes visual representation in the outside world, or (c) distortions?
distortions and illusions).
3. The experience has a sense of reality to resemble a a ) Without representation in the outside world (visual
veridical perception (must have physical properties of hallucinations):
real perceptions and be located in external space; note Go to Question 4
that this does not mean that VH must be perceived to b) With a representation in the outside world (visual
be real or that insight must be lacking). illusions):
4. The subject does not feel s/he has direct and voluntary Go to Question 5
control (rules out visual imagery). Distortions (metamorphopsias):
Go to Question 6
Cognition Question 4: Are the hallucinations (a) simple in nature,
(b) geometric, (c) complex, or (d) compound (ie, mul-
Cognitive processes of VH in psychosis have rarely been timodal) in nature?
investigated. In organic disorders, hallucinations are
held to reflect disorders within distributed perceptual a) Simple hallucinations
systems. The Perceptual and Attentional Deficit model Rule out: physiological phenomena such as
advocates for a combination of impaired visual process- blue-field entoptic phenomenon, macular star
ing and attention in VH in neurodegenerative disorders pattern, or mouches volantes (uncomplicated)
and eye disease.80 Diederich et al’s81 contemporaneous Determine: type and context
PD-developed interactive model similarly proposes a b) Geometric hallucinations
combination of poor visual input and processing with Determine: type and context
defective central visual monitoring. More recently, Shine c) Complex hallucinations
et al’s Attentional model82 proposes that hallucinations Determine: type and context
occur in PD when there is underactivity in dorsal atten- d) Compound hallucinations
tional networks in the presence of ambiguous percepts. Determine: type (ie, sensory modalities) and
Each of these models, therefore, proposes that combined context
attentional and visual perceptual problems lead to VH. Question 5: Are the illusions attributable to (a) physical
In psychosis, however, perceptual processes are usu- reality, (b) the perceptual system, or (c) mental associations?
ally believed to be intact or even overactive. It has been
a) Physical illusions
suggested that VH in psychosis may be best understood
 Determine: type and context (never
in terms of the intrusion into awareness of subconscious
images or highly vivid mental imagery, as modulated by
F. Waters et al

in Alzheimer’s disease,89 DLB,90,91 and CBS92 within the

b) Physiological illusions
ventral and the dorsal visual pathways involved in object
Determine: type and context
recognition and visuospatial memory93,94 as well as the
c) Cognitive illusions
frontal lobes.95 Furthermore, structural changes in these
Determine: type and context
areas were independent of cognitive function and age.96
Overall, symptom-capture studies in these populations
Question 6: Do the distortions have (a) a peripheral or
showed that the location of the per-VH activity corre-
(b) a central origin?
lated with the phenomenological content of the halluci-
a) Peripheral metamorphopsias natory experiences (ie, color-specialized cortex if in color,
Determine: type and context face-specialized cortex if faces are experienced, etc).
b) Central metamorphopsias Connectivity studies have much relevance for the

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Determine: type and context study of VH, given that dysconnectivity is a prominent
model for psychosis, which could also apply to specific
symptoms such as hallucinations.97 The dysconnectivity
personal, social, or psychological variables.58 In support,
hypothesis suggests that the existence of impaired con-
an increase in the salience of imagery has been found
nectivity between different brain regions is responsible
in schizophrenia individuals with VH.45 Other cognitive
for abnormal functional integration within neural net-
deficits found in psychotic VH include source-monitoring
works. In support for dysconnectivity, using diffusion
impairments, such as difficulties making internal/external
tensor imaging, Ashtari and collaborators showed that
and self/other discriminations83 and confusion regarding
adolescents suffering from early-onset schizophrenia
whether the source of material was real or imagined.84
with a history of VH exhibited lower fractional anisot-
Such source-monitoring deficits are also commonly
ropy, potentially reflecting a loss in white matter integrity,
found in auditory hallucinations85 and may lead to these
in the left inferior longitudinal fasciculus which connects
events being believed as real.
temporal and occipital cortices, when compared with
Personal, social, and cultural contributors to VH have
individuals without VH.98
not yet been systematically investigated, although top-
The hippocampal complex (HC) is also of considerable
down mechanisms (which include expectations, personal
interest with regards to VH in both neurodegeneration
meaning-making, and social context) may influence
and psychosis. The HC has been shown to be atrophied in
dynamic attentional processes by biasing the competi-
individuals with PD and VH,99 and it appears to occupy
tion between potential perceptions toward objects and
a key place within the networks involved in VH in psy-
persons that have personal and social relevance. In sup-
chosis.100 For example, a recent multimodal connectivity
port for this view, stress and bereavement are linked to
study, combining functional connectivity, tract-based
the onset of VH. Further support comes from cognitive
spatial statistics, and shape analysis of the HC, con-
models of psychosis78 that propose that key influences
firmed differential connectivity patterns of this structure
of personal events, social/cultural context, and expecta-
in individuals with schizophrenia. Moreover, this abnor-
tions have the ability to activate percepts in the absence
mal connectivity depends on the sensory-modality of
of external stimulation.
hallucinatory experiences involved and was particularly
Altogether, mechanisms of VH in psychosis are not
obvious with visual areas in patients with VH.97 In addi-
well understood. Interesting similarities with the litera-
tion, a symptom-capture study of VH in schizophrenia87
ture on auditory hallucination exist, including source-
reported cortical activity in the HC, although this was
monitoring deficits and the strong influence of top-down
not reported in CBS.92
mechanisms. By contrast, evidence for visual processing
A particular subtype of functional connectivity stud-
difficulties which feature strongly in models of VH in the
ies focuses on spontaneous fluctuations at rest. It has
organic literature77 is lacking.
already been used in the field of auditory hallucinations
to test the hypothesis of disrupted intrinsic connectivity as
a pathological mechanism.101 Jardri and colleagues’ study
Brain Imaging and Electrophysiology
confirmed a dynamic interaction between association sen-
In the field of psychosis, a study conducted in individuals sory cortices and the default-mode network (DMN) for
with first-episode psychosis (n = 15 with VH) showed per- patients with multisensory hallucinations, including VH.86
hallucinatory activity within visual association cortex, Sensory and DMN networks were found to be anticorre-
while the vividness of VH was linked to activity within lated during the experience of hallucinations; furthermore,
the primary visual cortex.86 Activity in the visual asso- the DMN spatial and temporal instability persisted during
ciation cortex during VH has also been demonstrated in non-hallucinatory periods.86 Impaired interactions with
single case studies in schizophrenia.87,88 Concerning the the DMN have also been suggested in the pathophysiology
organic literature, dysfunctions of higher visual process- of VH in PD,82 but contrary to what has been proposed in
ing areas during or between VH episodes have been found first-episode psychosis in which the DMN seems primarily
Visual Hallucinations in the Psychosis Spectrum

and intrinsically affected, these authors proposed an exter- was at risk of harm from these snakes. CBT that included a
nal DMN interference through aberrant interactions with graded exposure approach to help reduce fear and escape
ventral and dorsal attentional networks. reaction showed some benefit which was maintained at 3
Fewer studies have investigated the electrophysiology months. Whether this is helpful with other visual experi-
of VH. Spencer and colleagues found reduced visual cor- ences is unclear, although studies show that the apprais-
tex activation as measured by a negative evoked potential als and beliefs should be a core target for treatment.70,108
component (NI) and increased gamma band phase lock- Collerton and Dudley109 developed a model drawn
ing associated with VH in schizophrenia, consistent with from a cognitive model of auditory hallucinations and
an underlying visual cortical hyperexcitability and reduced panic and which targets appraisal and reactions to VH.
responsiveness to external visual stimulation in this sub- Given that avoidance, escape and safety-seeking behav-
group.102 Indices of hyperexcitability and reduced respon- iors are common but unhelpful strategies, the aim of

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siveness have also been found in PD (a delayed P100 evoked treatment is for people to recognize that they are safe,
potential component)103 and post-lysergic acid diethylamide and that the fear may be real but the danger is not. The
VH (occipital theta coherence).104 The electrophysiology of therapy includes psychoeducation about VH, reality
VH capture is consistent with brain imaging studies in sug- testing and normalization, as well as understanding of
gesting activation of visual association cortex as measured triggers. Imagery exposure and transformation strategies
by coherence105 or theta/alpha desynchronization.106 are used to attempt control over the experience. A case
series (under review) describes the use of this treatment
Comparative Psychopathology approach in 4 people with psychosis with distressing VH.
Overall, evidence for the effectiveness of CBT for VH
What are the implications of the similarities and differ- is limited. The treatment of VH may be improved by
ences between VH in psychosis spectrum, eye and neuro- addressing trauma and stress as a key feature of VH pre-
degenerative disease outlined above? It is clear that there sentation, and with the development of sensitive and spe-
is an absence of evidence in many areas, and that direct cific outcome measures that match the goals of treatment.
comparative work is required. VHs in psychosis most
closely resemble VH in neurodegeneration, and the asso-
ciation of auditory and VHs in these conditions suggests The Pharmacological Management of VH
the 2 modalities of hallucination share a common patho- There is limited evidence for specific pharmacological
physiological mechanism. Dysfunctions in attentional and treatments for VH in psychosis. Antipsychotics are typi-
executive/top-down mechanisms are also common in both cally used, but some studies have reported that VHs were
neurodegenerative and psychotic conditions, as are occipi- not linked to treatment effects28,110 or even that VHs may
tal cortex and HC involvement during hallucinations. be a marker of neuroleptic resistance.10 Clozapine has
However, the differing predominance of auditory and been reported as effective for VH in PD,111 but studies in
visual modalities in neurodegenerative disease and psy- schizophrenia are lacking.
chosis, the phenomenological differences at the levels The literature drawn from organic disease suggests the
of emotional reactions and appraisals, and the differing different approaches that might be considered. For exam-
dysconnectivity and visual processing profiles suggest ple, for individuals with visual impairment, treatment of
there are also important differences. Perhaps the same the eye condition can reduce the risk of VH.112 The case
pathological mechanism has differential effects on the report literature has highlighted a range of medications
visual and auditory systems in psychosis and neurode- that may help reduce VH, but there is currently a lack of
generative disease, depending on the presence/absence clinical trial data. For example, drugs increasing cholinergic
of specific co-occurring sensory dysfunctions. Such com- activity are thought to reduce the risk for VH. The AchE-I
parative insights have potentially important implications (rivastigmine, donepezil, and galantamine) are beneficial
for treating VH as they provide a rationale for import- when treating behavioral and psychological symptoms of
ing approaches found effective in one clinical context to dementia113 and PD114 and have been reported to help in
another. schizophrenia.114 Other drugs have been used in organic
conditions (antidepressants, memantine, or anticonvul-
Treatment Approaches sants) but have not been examined in psychosis.
In sum, there is a lack of systematic studies, but this
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
overview suggests new possibilities for treating VH in
Cognitive behavioral therapy has an established, though psychosis.
modest, evidence base for the treatment of psychosis
(referred to as CBTp). However, evidence for its use in
VH rests mainly on case studies.
Recently, O’Brien and Johns107 described an individual Altogether, this article reviewed the available evidence on
who had visions of snakes and who held beliefs that she the prevalence, phenomenology, clinical characteristics,
F. Waters et al

Table 4. Future Directions of VH in schizophrenia and across diagnostic categories,

informing hypothesis-driven questions for research, and
Future Studies Should Seek to Pursue the Following suggesting new possibilities for therapeutic interventions.
Research Questions
This is the first review of VH in psychosis to incor-
i) What is the frequency of VH in psychosis, as assessed porate data using different methodological perspectives
using prospective, rigorous, and detailed investigations? and different population groups. One open question is
What is the relationship of VH with hallucinations in whether VHs in psychosis have the same pathological
other modalities (eg, temporal relationship, similarities in mechanisms as VH in eye or organic conditions. From
content and emotional themes)? the evidence, it is clear that they are not as closely asso-
ii) Are “fused” multimodality hallucinations characteristic
of schizophrenia or do they occur in other disorders? Is ciated as they might appear. They show some similari-
ties in clinical presentation and form, and in cognitive

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there a close relationship between VH and voices in fused
hallucinations, such that there is a match between the mechanisms, but differences in age, emotional content
vision and the verbal output? Is the acoustic information and appraisal, pathological profile, and neuroimaging
closely linked to the speaker’s characteristics (sex, age, findings might argue for different causal pathways. There
emotional characteristics)? Are there reports of fused
hallucinations of animals (eg, dogs barking), and is also little evidence one way or the other on whether
environmental scenes (eg, car with engine running, water visual perception in psychosis is as impaired as it is in
falls), in addition to fused hallucinations of persons other disorders.
(person talking)? This review also aided our understanding of hallu-
iii) What are the similarities and differences in the VH cinations across different modalities, and particularly
profile of individuals with psychosis compared with
other psychiatric/neurological conditions at the level of auditory hallucinations. As seen above, auditory hal-
phenomenological characteristics, risk factors, triggers, lucinations and VH frequently co-occur, although not
cognition, psychology, social and brain factors, as necessarily simultaneously. One possibility suggests a
assessed using direct comparisons? set of core pathological mechanisms in addition to spe-
iv) Are the same brain regions and networks activated cific modality-dependent dysfunctions. Alternatively, the
during VH in psychosis also activated during VH in
other conditions? Are the changes in brain structure, same pathological mechanism has differential effects on
function, and connectivity predisposing to VH the same the visual and auditory systems in psychosis and neuro-
across different conditions? degenerative disease, depending on the presence/absence
v) What are the mechanisms involved in hallucinations in of specific co-occurring sensory dysfunctions. Clearly,
different modalities? Is there a set of core pathological direct comparisons are needed testing the compatibility
mechanisms in addition to specific modality-dependent
dysfunctions? Alternatively, is there one pathological of theoretical models developed in the 2 modalities of
mechanism that has differential effects on visual and hallucinations (see key future directions in table 4).
auditory systems?
vi) What is the compatibility of verbal (language based)
models of auditory hallucinations which focus on Funding
deviations in language areas, with models of visual
hallucinations? F.W. is supported by a National Health and Medical
vii) What are the mechanisms by which distress and Research Grant (634329) and funding from North Metro
negative mood contribute to both visual and auditory
Health Service Mental Health (Graylands Hospital).
viii) What is the predictive value of non-clinical VH (espe-
cially for those first observed in childhood/adolescence),
as assessed using longitudinal epidemiological study Acknowledgment
ix) Are there different subtypes of VH and which type The authors have declared that there are no conflicts of
is most often associated with poorer prognosis and interest in relation to the subject of this study.
x) Research into the treatment for VH in individuals requir-
ing care is urgently needed, examining the efficacy of References
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