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Clinical Interventions in Aging Dovepress

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Open Access Full Text Article Review

Use of atypical antipsychotics in the elderly:

a clinical review
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Clinical Interventions in Aging
16 August 2014
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Pietro Gareri 1 Abstract: The use of atypical antipsychotic drugs in the elderly has become wider and wider
in recent years; in fact, these agents have novel receptor binding profiles, good efficacy with
Cristina Segura-García 2
regard to negative symptoms, and reduced extrapyramidal symptoms. However, in recent
Valeria Graziella Laura
years, the use of both conventional and atypical antipsychotics has been widely debated for
Manfredi 1
concerns about their safety in elderly patients affected with dementia and the possible risks
Antonella Bruni 2 for stroke and sudden death. A MEDLINE search was made using the words elderly, atypical
Paola Ciambrone 2 antipsychotics, use, schizophrenia, psychosis, mood disorders, dementia, behavioral disorders,
Gregorio Cerminara 2 and adverse events. Some personal studies were also considered. This paper reports the receptor
Giovambattista De Sarro 2 binding profiles and the main mechanism of action of these drugs, together with their main use
Pasquale De Fazio 2 in psychiatry and the possible adverse events in elderly people.
Elderly Health Care, Azienda Keywords: atypical antipsychotics, dementia, elderly, psychosis, mood disorders, side
Sanitaria Provinciale Catanzaro, effects
Catanzaro, Italy; 2Department of
Health Sciences, University “Magna
Græcia” of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy Introduction
Antipsychotics are among the most effective drugs used in psychiatry in the maintenance
therapy of schizophrenia, in mania, or in acute psychotic reactions.1 In several other
indications, such as delusional disorders, borderline psychoses, neurological conditions,
or behavioral disturbances, clinical studies have been less comprehensive and often
limited to particular antipsychotics, although results seemed to be positive in terms
of remarkable improvement of patients. The use of conventional antipsychotics in the
elderly is strongly limited by severe and intolerable side effects.2 In fact, conventional
antipsychotics are D2 receptor antagonists and inhibit dopaminergic neurotransmission
in a dose-related manner, whereas atypical agents cause serotonin and dopamine D2 recep-
tor antagonism.3–5 The use of atypical antipsychotic drugs in the elderly has become
wider and wider in recent years; in fact, these agents have novel receptor binding pro-
files, good efficacy regarding negative symptoms, and few adverse effects, particularly
in terms of reduced extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). However, in recent years, the use
of antipsychotics has been widely debated for concerns about safety in elderly patients
affected with dementia and the possible risks for stroke and sudden death.6,7
This contribution is a clinical review based on the main characteristics of antipsy-
chotic therapies in the elderly. It will focus on the characteristic binding profiles and
the peculiar mechanism of action of these drugs, the side effects, and the potential
Correspondence: Pasquale De Fazio risks of using atypical antipsychotics in light of the recent safety concerns in demented
Department of Health Sciences, people. Then, it will describe the clinical use, and will also try to focus on the main
University “Magna Græcia”, Campus
Universitario Salvatore Venuta, Viale characteristics that make these drugs useful.
Europa, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy This study, in fact, provides a practical guide to the use of this class of drugs in a
Tel +39 961 712 393
Fax +39 961 712 393
particular population with several recurring medical comorbidities and the necessity
Email defazio@unicz.it of polypharmacotherapy.

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Methods Doses between 400–1,200 mg/day are used for the treatment

This review was a collaboration of two centers that nor- of psychosis by inhibition of dopaminergic neurotransmis-
mally participate in the integrated care of elderly patients sion, whereas low doses in the range of 50–200 mg preferen-
with psychiatric disorders (Department of Health Sciences, tially block inhibitory presynaptic autoreceptors. This results
University “Magna Græcia” of Catanzaro and Italy Elderly in facilitation of ­dopamine ­activity, and for this reason low-
Health Care, Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale Catanzaro, dose amisulpride has also been used for treating dysthymia.
Catanzaro, Italy). Furthermore, it has recently been shown that amisulpride
The following scientific search engines were consulted: also acts as a potent 5-hydroxytryptamine (HT)7  receptor
MEDLINE (through OvidSP; Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan antagonist.12 Several of the other atypical antipsychotics, such
den Rijn, the Netherlands), CINAHL (through EBSCO; as risperidone and ziprasidone, are potent 5-HT7  receptor
EBSCO Information Services, Ipswich, MA, USA), Embase antagonists as well, and selective antagonists of this receptor
(through Ovid; Wolters Kluwer), PsycINFO (through show antidepressant properties themselves.12
EBSCO), AgeLine, Cochrane Database of Systematic Clozapine is a dibenzodiazepine derivative with antido-
Reviews, and Database of Abstract of Reviews of Effects paminergic and antiserotonergic activity but it also binds to
(DARE). Scientific websites introducing pertinent keywords 5-HT2, α1, muscarinic, and histamine (H)1 receptors.13–15 In fact,
were also searched. A secondary search was conducted on it is included among the so-called multi-acting receptor-targeted
the references identified in the primary search. antipsychotics (MARTA), together with olanzapine and quetia-
The following terms were used: atypical antipsychot- pine. Moreover, it binds more to D4 receptors than either D2 or
ics, dementia, elderly, psychosis, mood disorders, and side D1 receptors.15 Furthermore, it has high affinity for serotonergic
effects. The inclusion criteria for the references include all receptor subtypes 5-HT2A, 5-HT2c, and 5-HT3c, which may con-
relevant publications on the topic from 1994–2013, with tribute to its antipsychotic properties and atypicality.16
particular attention on reviews. The studies were selected Olanzapine is more potent as a 5-HT antagonist and
based on the following criteria of inclusion: no time limit presents lower potency at D1, D2, and α1 receptors. It also
and the results were considered generalizable. Studies with blocks H1  receptors and this explains its sedative proper-
non-homogeneous samples were excluded. ties.15 On the contrary, risperidone is a serotonin dopamine
This paper has been divided into specific sections. The antagonist drug; first of all, it is equally potent in blocking
Results section describes the pharmacodynamic aspects, D2 and 5-HT2 receptors. Furthermore, its potency in blocking
adverse effects, possible interactions, and clinical use of D2 receptors depends on the dose used. Increasing dosages
this class of drugs in various pathological conditions. The of risperidone are able to proportionally block D2  recep-
Discussion section is about the clinical approach to the use of tors. This explains why risperidone may facilitate the onset
atypical antipsychotics, which takes into account the different of EPS in the elderly, especially at dosages superior to
guidelines, possible comorbidities, and the many practical 2  mg/day.10,13,17–19  Quetiapine is a lower potency com-
problems in the treatment of elderly patients. pound with relatively similar antagonism of 5-HT2, D2, α2,
and α1  receptors. The H1  receptor blockade is similar for
Results clozapine, olanzapine, and quetiapine, and it is consis-
Receptor binding profiles of atypical tent with their sedative properties.10,13,20  Aripiprazole is a
antipsychotics new antipsychotic agent with partial agonistic effects on
Table 1 reports approximate receptor binding affinity D2 and 5-HT1A receptors and antagonistic activity at 5-HT2A
expressed as equilibrium constant (ki)a of selected SGAs receptors.13,21,22 Ziprasidone has a high ratio of 5-HT2 receptor
(amisulpride, aripiprazole, asenapine, clozapine, olanzapine, blockade to D2 receptor blockade; it is usually more effective
paliperidone, risperidone, quetiapine) and FGAs (sertindole, in reducing psychotic symptoms and better tolerated than
ziprasidone, haloperidol, perphenazine). Amisulpride is haloperidol, especially in movement disorders.13,22–24 Its weak
an alkylsulfone derivative of the substituted benzamide anticholinergic effects show why it also has a more favorable
series of antipsychotics and presents a high affinity for cognitive profile than traditional agents in the elderly. Pali-
presynaptic D2/D3 receptors, whereas it has no affinity for peridone is another new antipsychotic agent with a binding
α1-adrenergic, histaminic, or cholinergic receptors.8–12  In profile similar to that of risperidone.22,25 Recent studies have
particular, it shows antagonist properties toward D3  and clearly shown that striatal receptor D2 occupancy, as measured
both pre- and post-synaptic D 2-like dopamine recep- by (123 I) iodobenzamide binding and single photon emission
tors of the rat striatum or nucleus accumbens in vitro.11  computerized tomography, may predict the ­occurrence of EPS

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Table 1 Receptor binding profiles and plasma half-life (t1\2) of antipsychotic drugs
Drug class Second-generation antipsychotics First-generation antipsychotics
D2 1.3b 0.66a,b 1.3b 210 20 2.8 3.77 770 2.7 2.6 2.6 1.4b
5-HT1A 10,000c 5.5a,b 2.5b 160 610 480 190 300 2,200 1.9a,b 1,800 421
5-HT2A 2,000c 8.7b 0.06b 2.59 1.5 1.2 0.15 31 0.14 0.12 61 5b
5-HT2C 10,000c 22b 0.03b 4.8 4.1 48 32 3,500 6.0 0.9 4,700 132b
α1 7,100c 26b 1.2b 6.8 44 10 2.7 8.1 3.9 2.6 17 10
α2 1,600c 74a 1.2b 158 280 80 8 80 190 154 600 500
H1 10,000d 30b 1.0b 3.1 0.08 3.4 5.2 19 440 4.6 260 8
M1 N/A 6,780b 8128b 1.4b 2.5b 10,000b 10,000b 120b 5,000 300b 10,000b 1,500
M2 N/A 3,510b 4.5b 204b 622b 10,000b 10,000b 630b N/A 3,000 b
10,000b N/A
M3 N/A 4,680b 4.67b 109b 126b 10,000b 10,000b 1,320b 2,692b 1,300b 10,000b 1,848b
M4 N/A 1,520b 5.09b 27b 350b 10,000b 10,000b 660b N/A 1,600b 10,000b N/A
Notes: Adapted with permission from Correll CU, From receptor pharmacology to improved outcomes: individualizing the selection, dosing, and switching of antipsychotics,
Eur Psychiatry, 2010;25(Suppl 2):S12–S21, Copyright © 2010, Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.79 Data represented as the equilibrium constant (Ki; nM), ie, nanomolar
amount of the antipsychotic needed to block 50% of the receptors in vitro. Therefore, a lower number denotes stronger receptor affinity and binding. aPartial agonism. bData
from cloned human brain receptors. cData extracted from rat. dData extracted from guinea pig.
Abbreviations: AMI, amisulpride; ARI, aripiprazole; ASE, asenapine; CLO, clozapine; HAL, haloperidol; OlA, olanzapine; PALI, paliperidone; PER, perphenazine; QUE,
quetiapine; RIS, risperidone; SER, sertindole; ZIP, ziprasidone; N/A, not applicable.

in patients treated with atypical antipsychotics.26 Asenapine to ­conventional antipsychotic drugs. On the other hand,
has a higher affinity for 5-HT2A receptors than D2 ­receptors.27 atypical drugs reduce dopamine release in the mesocortical
Asenapine also has a high affinity for several other serotonin pathway, leading to antipsychotic effects.5,10,13,22  Moreover,
receptors, including 5-HT2C, 5-HT7, 5-HT2B, and 5-HT6, in atypical drugs transiently occupy D2 receptors and then rap-
which it exerts antagonistic effects.27 In addition, asenapine idly dissociate to allow normal dopamine neurotransmission
has demonstrated a high affinity for dopamine D3, D4, and (hit and run mechanism).10 These characteristics make all the
D1 receptors, α1- and α2-adrenergic receptors, and H1 recep- difference compared with conventional antipsychotic drugs
tors. It has moderate affinity for H2 receptors.27 in elderly people.
The peculiar mechanism of action of atypical antipsy-
chotics might be explained through the serotonin–dopamine Possible interactions, side effects,
interactions in the nigrostriatal, mesocortical, and tuberoin- and risks in the use of atypical
fundibular pathways. In fact, in the nigrostriatal pathway the antipsychotics in elderly people
atypical antipsychotic drug binds to the presynaptic 5-HT2A Even if atypical antipsychotics have been potentially shown
receptor placed on a dopamine neuron. 5-HT2A antagonism is to cause serious cardiac and metabolic risks, they are still
followed by dopamine release; therefore, there are usually no widely used. They became the top selling drug class in the
motor impairments or they are at a lower extent when compared US in 2008, edging out lipid regulator drugs and proton
to conventional antipsychotics.14 The same mechanism in the pump inhibitors.28
mesocortical pathway explains why atypical antipsychotics do Table 2  reports the possible isoforms of cytochrome
not cause cognitive impairments; furthermore, 5-HT6 antago- P450  (CYP) involved in atypical antipsychotic drugs
nism by olanzapine stimulates acetylcholine release. This action metabolism.10,15 Drug substrates, inhibitors, and inducers are
also improves cognitive functions.17 In the tuberoinfundibular indicated too. Drug interactions might be relevant because
pathway, dopamine inhibits and serotonin stimulates prolactin the inhibition of some CYPs involved in atypical drug
release; therefore, 5-HT2A serotonin antagonism counteracts metabolism (CYP1A2, CYP3A4, CYP2D6, and CYP2C9)
the effects of the D2 receptor blockade.5,10,13–14 However, at may lead to a number of side effects.
higher dosages, usually superior to 6  mg/day, risperidone A study in 200563  showed the possible relationship
may cause endocrine side effects.10,17 This is often more evi- between the metabolic effects and treatment with atypi-
dent in young people, especially women (ie, they can present cal antipsychotics. It considered the pros and cons of the
amenorrhea or galactorrhea). In summary, this means that association between glucose or lipid dysregulation and
atypical anti­psychotic drugs increase dopamine levels in the eight separate second-generation antipsychotics currently
frontocortical and nigrostriatal pathways and cause a dramatic available in the US and/or Europe: clozapine, olanzapine,
reduction of cognitive and motor impairments when ­compared risperidone, quetiapine, zotepine, amisulpride, ziprasidone,

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Table 2 Possible isoforms of CYP involved in atypical antipsychotic drugs metabolism

Enzyme Substrates Inhibitors Inductors
CYP1A2 Antipsychotics: clozapine,* olanzapine, asenapine, haloperidol Ciprofloxacin Barbiturates
Antidepressants: imipramine, amitriptyline, clomipramine, Fluvoxamine Carbamazepine
fluvoxamine, mirtazapine Phenytoin
Methylxanthines: theophylline, caffeine Rifampicin
Various drugs: paracetamol, R-warfarin, tacrine Tobacco
CYP3A4 Antipsychotics: clozapine,* risperidone, ziprasidone,^ sertindole, Erythromycin Barbiturates
quetiapine, aripiprazole, asenapine, haloperidol Fluconazole Carbamazepine
Antidepressants: venlafaxine, clomipramine, citalopram, mirtazapine Fluvoxamine Felbamate#
Benzodiazepines: diazepam, bromazepam Grapefruit juice Hypericum
Non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics: buspirone Itraconazole Oxcarbazepine#
Antiepileptics: carbamazepine, felbamate, tiagabine Ketoconazole Phenytoin
Calcium antagonists: nifedipine, diltiazem, verapamil Nefazodone Rifampicin
Various drugs: terfenadine, astemizole, cyclosporine, erythromycin, Topiramate#
clarithromycin, tamoxifen, amiodarone, quinidine
CYP2D6 Antipsychotics: risperidone, clozapine, olanzapine, aripiprazole, asenapine Asenapine° No known agent
zuclopenthixol, haloperidol, thioridazine, perphenazine, fluphenazine Fluoxetine
Antidepressants: amitriptyline, clomipramine, imipramine, desipramine, Paroxetine
fluvoxamine, nortriptyline, fluoxetine, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, Perphenazine
citalopram, venlafaxine, mirtazapine, mianserin Propafenone
Opioids: codeine, dextromethorphan, tramadol Quinidine
β-blockers: metoprolol, timolol, pindolol, propranolol Thioridazine
Antiarrhythmics: encainide, flecainide, propafenone
Various drugs: debrisoquine, sparteine, phenformin
Notes: *Also metabolized via CYP2C19. ^Also metabolized via aldehyde oxidase. °Weak inhibitor. #Weak enzymatic inductors.
Abbreviation: CYP, cytochrome P450.

and aripiprazole. Further evidence about a variety of human Trials with risperidone and olanzapine in elderly patients
populations, including some recent confirmatory evidence in affected with dementia-related psychoses suggested the first
treated psychiatric patients, shows that increased adiposity warnings about the possible increase in cerebrovascular
is associated with a variety of adverse physiological effects, adverse events.6,17 The Committee on Safety of Medicines
including decreases in insulin sensitivity and changes in highlighted a three-fold increased risk of cerebrovascular
plasma glucose and lipid levels. Clozapine and olanzapine events in elderly demented people who were treated with
treatment are associated with the greatest risk of clinically either risperidone or olanzapine in March 2004.65 In April
significant weight gain, whereas other agents exhibit rela- 2005, another warning by the US Food and Drug Admin-
tively lower levels of risk.17  On the contrary, risperidone, istration informed health professionals about the results
quetiapine, amisulpride, and zotepine show low-to-moderate of 17  randomized controlled trials, reporting a 1.7  times
levels of mean weight gain and a modest risk of clinically increased risk of all-cause mortality associated with anti­
significant increases in weight. These studies show that psychotics use in elderly people affected with dementia.66 In
clozapine and olanzapine treatment are associated with an June 2008, the Food and Drug Administration also extended
increased risk for treatment-induced diabetes mellitus and this warning to conventional antipsychotics.67 Since 2005,
dyslipidemia during risperidone treatment.17,63 Another recent a lot of papers have been published on this matter, with
paper64 made an association between the use of antipsychotic opposing conclusions; the debate in the scientific world
agents and the risk of acute myocardial infarction. In this still remains intense. However, drug regulatory agencies
study of a retrospective cohort of community-dwelling old (US Food and Drug Administration, European Medicine
patients who initiated cholinesterase inhibitor treatment, all Agency, and Commissione Unica del Farmaco) have issued
new antipsychotics users during the length of the study were specific re­commendations and underline that treatment of
matched with a random sample of antipsychotics nonusers. behavioral and psychotic disorders in dementia with atypical
Antipsychotics use was associated with a modest and time- antipsychotics is off-label.66,67 Furthermore, several studies
limited increase risk for myocardial infarction. showed that both conventional and atypical antipsychotic
Amisulpride has a low occurrence of EPS because of its drugs are associated with an increased risk of all-cause mor-
preferential binding to dopamine receptors in extrastriatal tality and sudden death compared to nonuse.7,43,68 The risk of
regions rather than in the striatum.9–14 pneumonia is higher in patients treated with antipsychotics,

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p­ robably due to their ­anticholinergic and H1 receptor blocking In elderly patients with bipolar disorder, peripheral
actions, possibly causing swallowing problems and aspira- edema and rash have been found after 14 days of treatment with
tion pneumonia.69  Deep venous thrombosis has also been asenapine. In all patients in whom such adverse events occurred,
described in patients taking both conventional and atypical the discontinuity of treatment caused the rapid resolution of the
antipsychotics.70,71 event. In some cases, moderate sedation has been reported.78
Antipsychotic drugs-related QTc prolongation is a poten- Finally, changes in blood count may occur follow-
tial risk for developing life-threatening arrhythmias. The ing antipsychotic drug use. Clozapine is known to induce
risk is higher when QTc is superior to 0.45 seconds72 and neutropenia as well as agranulocytosis.10,15  Some cases of
following thioridazine and ziprasidone use.73  A midrange olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone-induced neutropenia
QT prolongation occurs following chlorpromazine and and agranulocytosis have also been reported.76,77
quetiapine use and a low range QT prolongation occurs fol- Table 3 summarizes the possible side effects associated
lowing haloperidol, clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine, and with atypical antipsychotics.8,10,13,15,17,19,20,24,25
aripiprazole use.73,74  Drug interactions with antipsychotics
potentially increase the risk of adverse events, including Clinical use of atypical antipsychotics
QTc prolongation.75 in the elderly
Hypotension is a common adverse effect encoun- The use of atypical antipsychotics is reasonable in the
tered with atypical drugs, especially following clozapine management of acute symptoms (such as sudden onset or
(9%), quetiapine (7%), risperidone, and olanzapine (5%) complications of preexisting clinical conditions) or in the
use.2 Orthostatic hypotension has a high prevalence in the long-term treatment of a specific kind of disease. In the
elderly, and drugs are often responsible – even psychotropics first case, the choice of the antipsychotic drug is linked to
such as antipsychotics and antidepressants. A recent review in the characteristics of the patient, to his/her general medical
2013 suggests that it is useful to identify specific molecules conditions, and to the severity of symptoms. Careful assess-
that, in combination with cardiovascular drugs, can cause ment of risks and benefits is requested.
orthostatic hypotension, in order to prevent it and avoid the In the second case, the therapeutic approach has to take
associated complications.81 into account the specific efficacy of each antipsychotic

Table 3 Side effects associated with atypical antipsychotics

Side effects






EPS -/+ - -/++ -/+ - -/+ -/+ -/++ +

Tardive dyskinesia + - ? -/+ -/+ ? -/+ ? -/+
Seizures - +++ ? -/+ -/+ ? -/+ ? -/+
Sedation ++ +++ + + + ? -/+ + +
NMS + + + ? ? ? ? + ?
Hypotension + -/++ + + +++ -/+ -/+ -/++ -/++
QTc -/+ - -/+ - +++ -/+ - -/+ -/+
Gastrointestinal (nausea, -/+ -/+ -/+ - + -/+ - -/+ -
vomiting, constipation)
Anticholinergic - +++ - + + -/+ - - -
Hematological - +++ - - - - - - -
Other effects -/+ -/+* -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+
Diabetes - + -/+ +? - - - -/+ -/+
Hypertriglyceridemia - + -/+ + - - - -/+ -/+
Hepatic -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+ - -/+ +
Prolactin increase + - -/++^ - - - -/+ -/++^ -/+
Weight gain -/+ +++ + ++ ++ -/+ - + +
Notes: *Polyserositis, acute interstitial nephritis, increased occurrence of infections, myocarditis; ^dosage dependent; - indicates no effect; + indicates mild effect;
–/+ indicates uncertain effect; –/++ indicates probable dosage-dependent effect; ++ indicates moderate effect; +++ indicates severe effect; ? indicates no conclusive
Abbreviations: EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms; NMS, neuroleptic malignant syndrome; QTc, corrected QT.

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drug in the different diseases occurring among the elderly to schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, depression, ­Parkinson’s
population. disease, and dementia (off-label use).27,31,39 A-26 week study
with 310  patients with chronic schizophrenia aged over
Schizophrenia 77 years old proved that aripiprazole 15 mg/day versus pla-
A number of studies focused on the specific drugs used for cebo significantly reduced Positive and Negative Syndrome
the treatment of psychotic disturbances in the elderly. For Scale score and prevented time to relapse.40 Madhusoodanan
example, amisulpride may improve negative symptoms; et al41  evaluated the use of aripiprazole in elderly schizo-
dosages larger than 600  mg/day have antidopaminergic phrenia or schizoaffective disorder through a retrospective
activity and are used in the treatment of acute delusional analysis of patients (aged 62–86 years) previously treated
attacks and/or positive psychotic symptoms.11,31 with typical or atypical antipsychotics. Seven out of ten
Risperidone is also commonly used in the treatment of patients showed an improvement in both positive and nega-
psychotic disorders in the elderly; the long-acting form of tive symptoms, and four out of ten experienced remission
risperidone is also well tolerated and safe in the psychosis of EPS after the use of aripiprazole. No QT elongation was
of the elderly and it could represent a good chance for those observed at follow-up.
patients with dysphagia. In any case, these patients should Paliperidone (9-hydroxyrisperidone, the chief active
start with oral consumption (from 0.5–3 mg/day) to ascertain metabolite of risperidone) is a new antipsychotic drug for
tolerability before the long-acting administration.32,33 It has the treatment of schizophrenia; a double-blind, placebo-
been shown to be safe and effective in elderly patients with controlled study with 6-month open-label extension showed
schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. Furthermore, the safety and tolerability of oral paliperidone extended
its positive effects on cognition are probably due to the lack release tablets in 114 old patients (mean age 70 years).42
of antimuscarinic activity.17,34 Clozapine is used in schizophrenia refractory to other
Olanzapine is safe in treating any age adult patients medications and in bipolar disorders; it has been shown to be
with schizophrenia. Madhusoodanan et al demonstrated the very effective at very low doses for the management of psy-
efficacy and safety of olanzapine (5–20 mg/day) in eleven chosis in elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease, schizo-
elderly patients aged between 60–85 years with schizophrenia phrenia, and dementia (off-label use in dementia).10,15,29,43,44
or schizoaffective disorders; it is usually well tolerated even The Expert Consensus Guidelines produced guidelines
if some elderly patients, when compared to young adults, for the use of antipsychotics in elderly patients affected with
may have a six-fold higher prevalence of tardive dyskinesia schizophrenia.2,45  They suggest that risperidone between
when treated with olanzapine.1,35,36 1.25–3.25 mg/day is the first-choice treatment for late-onset
Quetiapine is indicated in the treatment of psychotic and schizophrenia. Quetiapine (100–300  mg/day), olanzapine
behavioral disorders;2,22,29 Madhusoodanan et al demonstrated (7.5–15  mg/day), and aripiprazole (15–30  mg/day) are
its efficacy in elderly patients affected with schizophrenia- identified as second-choice drugs. There is no unanimous
related psychotic symptoms, schizoaffective disorders, consensus for the use of clozapine and ziprasidone. Therapy
or bipolar disorder.37  This is an effective treatment for should be monitored every 2 months when the patient is stable
patients with Parkinson’s disease; in fact, quetiapine- and every 3  months in the maintenance phase. Clozapine
induced EPS were no more frequent than those observed and olanzapine, as well as typical antipsychotics, should
with placebo.21,31,37 The use of quetiapine, however, is still be avoided in cases of diabetes, dyslipidemia, or obesity. If
controversial, as the studies showing its limited efficacy on the therapeutic choice forces the use of one of these drugs,
psychotic symptomatology compared with placebo cannot some anthropometrical and metabolic parameters (ie, gly-
be ignored.80 cemia, blood pressure, abdominal fat, body mass index)
Ziprasidone can be used intramuscularly or orally in the should be closely monitored.46 In particular for schizophrenia,
treatment of acute psychosis and is effective on positive and regardless of the specific treatment planned, both the indi-
negative symptoms.2,23,24 Probable neuroprotective effects of vidual variability in the response to the antipsychotic drugs
ziprasidone have been suggested after immunohistochemi- and the effects of age itself on disease progression must be
cal studies in the subchronic treatment of experimental taken into account. Comorbidities, poor compliance to treat-
models.38 ment (discontinuity in taking medications and sudden stop),
Aripiprazole may be effective for the treatment of a variety and high rates of adverse events may significantly influence
of psychiatric conditions in the elderly, such as psychosis due the efficacy of the most common antipsychotics in this

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p­ opulation. Antipsychotics treatment should be combined short-term treatment (6–12 weeks) of severe, persistent, and
with psychosocial interventions for the correct management resistant aggression.54  Serious adverse events are a major
of these comorbidities.47  Along this line, a retrospective contraindication to long-term therapy, thus suggesting that
longitudinal research study performed on a large sample of dosage be decreased and treatment interrupted whenever suf-
49,173 male veterans with schizophrenia analyzed the receipt ficient control of behavioral symptoms has been obtained.
by patients of eleven types of guideline-concordant care and Acute onset of confusion and delusions often occur in
the association of such care with survival. Schizophrenia was elderly hospitalized patients and may be effectively treated
associated with at least four diseases; the most common were with second-generation antipsychotics. On the contrary,
hypertension (43%) and dyslipidemia (29%). As expected, haloperidol has long been considered the drug of choice for
the mean survival time was lower in schizophrenic patients treating agitation and aggression. At present, olanzapine,
affected with more comorbidities.4 quetiapine, and risperidone show the same efficacy profile
in acute stages of disease, without inducing the neurological
Dementia and behavioral disorders effects of haloperidol. Ziprasidone and aripiprazole require
In the case of elderly patients affected with dementia, every careful use in acute stages since they are associated with a
antipsychotic treatment must be prescribed at the lowest higher risk of arrhythmias.55
effective dosage and for the shortest period possible. The The new atypical drug asenapine might be a promising
severity and frequency of symptoms and the global func- alternative for treating behavioral and psychotic disorders
tioning and quality of life, as reported by caregivers, must in dementia thanks to its peculiar mechanism of action;
be always monitored during treatment.17,18,48 however, at present, it is indicated in bipolar disorder, and
Based on the results of the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials no evidence of its effectiveness has been proven in elderly
of Intervention Effectiveness – Alzheimer’s Disease (CATIE- patients affected with dementia.53
AD), the role of atypical antipsychotics in influencing cogni- At the moment, little data are available on the treat-
tive performance in patients with Alzheimer’s is still debated. ment of psychosis in Parkinson’s disease.44 Clozapine and
Some trials show that risperidone reduces the Mini-Mental quetiapine are the first-choice antipsychotics in Parkinson’s
State Examination scores in a statistically significant way disease; however, as already seen, the use of clozapine is
compared with placebo, which is not the case with olan- limited by the possible onset of severe adverse events, such
zapine and quetiapine. On the contrary, other trials indicate as agranulocytosis and myocarditis.10,15
that quetiapine and olanzapine are responsible for greater
cognitive decline. The samples of individual clinical trials Mood disorders
are not enough to determine whether the cognitive decline Second-generation antipsychotics in monotherapy (off-label
varies with antipsychotic use; however, this decline has been use) are mainly indicated for elderly patients with unipolar
evident for all the molecules compared to placebo.34 depression who exhibit psychotic symptoms, or in the case
Risperidone has been found to be very effective in of conventional antidepressant treatment resistance.
the treatment of some behavioral disorders such as agita- Little data exist in the literature on this topic. Olanzapine
tion, aggression, and wandering in patients with dementia has been associated with several antidepressants in the treat-
(­off-label use).10,17,29,49–51 Behavioral and psychological symp- ment of major depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms.
toms of dementia may be both the consequence of cognitive Olanzapine–sertraline showed a higher rate of remission com-
impairment and bipolar disorder comorbidity that of an exist- pared to olanzapine–placebo at 12 weeks (42% versus 24%) in
ing bipolar diathesis, which change the clinical expression of a heterogeneous age-related sample.56 Even when all patients
dementia.52 Agitation often worsens some types of dementia showed high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, weight gain
and atypical antipsychotics are often effective, even if their and hyperglycemia typically occurred in younger patients.
use is off-label. A review performed in 2012 comparing the The augmentation of antidepressant therapy with aripipra-
efficacy of off-label use of atypical antipsychotics in dementia zole also proved to be effective in resistant depression.57,58 The
suggested that olanzapine, aripiprazole, and risperidone have a add-on treatment with aripiprazole 5 mg caused significant
moderate-to-high efficacy in agitation.53 Furthermore, risperi- reductions in both depressive and maniacal symptoms in a
done is indicated in dementia and secondary psychoses. group of 20 elderly patients affected with bipolar disorder
Although the use of antipsychotics for dementia is off- type I who partially responded to former treatment with
label, antipsychotics are probably the best option for mood stabilizers.59

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Table 4 Pharmacokinetic parameters of atypical antipsychotics

Drugs Bioavailability (%) Plasma half-life (hours) Active metabolites Dosage forms
Amisulpride 48 12–17 Yes Capsules, tablets

Aripiprazole 87 48–68; dehydroaripiprazole: 46–75 Yes Tablets, orally disintegrating tablets,

liquid solution
Asenapine 35 24 Yes Sublingual tablets
In elderly patients approximately
30% higher than in younger adults.
Clozapine 12–81 11–105 Yes Tablets, orally disintegrating tablets
Olanzapine 80 20–70 Yes Tablets, orally disintegrating tablets
Paliperidone extended 28 23 No Extended-release tablets
Quetiapine 5–13 7 Yes Tablets, prolonged-release tablets
Risperidone 68 3–24 Yes Tablets, orally disintegrating tablets,
liquid solution
Risperidone long-acting 72–144 (3–6 days) Yes Long-acting injectable
Ziprasidone 59 4–10 No Tablets, capsules

Monotherapy with quetiapine (400–800  mg/day) was side effects; however, their rational use may improve the
shown to be remarkably effective on symptoms progression ­quality of life and functional status of elderly patients
in adult/elderly bipolar disorder patients through a significant with neuropsychiatric diseases. These drugs are still often
decrease in Young Mania Rating Scale scores.60 misused; the availability of databases with longitudinal
Even if late-onset bipolar disorder presents a less severe electronic health records of millions of people presents
course in the acuteness of manic episodes and shows a higher the opportunity to improve the knowledge on the risks and
incidence of neurological and medical conditions, nowadays benefits of atypical antipsychotics in community-dwelling
the common treatment strategy follows the guidelines for the elderly patients.28,29  Atypical ­antipsychotics have been on
treatment of bipolar disorders that are designed for younger the market since the 1990s, starting with clozapine; they
patients.61 Few studies are actually published on the global have been shown to be effective in the treatment of negative
management of bipolar disorder in elderly patients.62 Asena­ symptoms of schizophrenia, such as apathy and catatonia.
pine is indicated for the treatment of moderate-to-severe manic Moreover, they have demonstrated lower risks of EPS
episodes associated with bipolar I disorder in adults.53 compared to conventional antipsychotics. For this reason,
Table 4  reports some pharmacokinetic parameters of their use has increased worldwide, particularly in elderly
atypical antipsychotics.10,13,14,22 patients.10 The use of these drugs increased approximately
Table 5 reports the mean recommended dosages (mg/day) five times between 1999–2002  in Italy30  and six times
of some atypical antipsychotics in different diseases in the between 1997–2001 in the UK, mainly in the treatment of
elderly (schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s behavioral and psychotic disorders in dementia.28,29  The
disease). use of risperidone and olanzapine has also increased in the
US since 1997.28 Other possible uses of these drugs in the
Discussion elderly include psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
Prescribing atypical antipsychotic drugs to elderly people and psychosis related to Parkinson’s disease – each drug
is challenging due to the recent evidence of possible shows a peculiar profile of use in elderly people. The use

Table 5 Mean recommended dosages (mg/day) of some atypical antipsychotics in different diseases in the elderly (schizophrenia,
Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease)
Drugs Schizophrenia Parkinson’s disease Dementia (off-label use)
Amisulpride 200–400 mg Insufficient evidence Little evidence 200–400 mg
Aripiprazole 15–30 mg Little evidence 10–15 mg Little evidence 10–15 mg
Clozapine 50–150 mg 25–100 mg 25–100 mg
Olanzapine 10–20 mg 5–7.5 mg 5–7.5 mg
Paliperidone extended release 3–12 mg 3–6 mg 3–12 mg
Quetiapine 200–300 mg 25–200 mg 25–200 mg
Risperidone 2–3 mg 0.25–1 mg 0.25–2 mg

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of atypical antipsychotics in the elderly is reasonable in the This review has highlighted the need to conduct further
management of acute symptoms (such as sudden onset or studies to identify the best treatment option with reference to
complications of preexisting clinical conditions) or in the the association between antipsychotic drugs and other classes of
long-term treatment of a specific kind of disease. Atypical drugs used frequently in the elderly. The gold standard of therapy
antipsychotic drugs have also been shown to be effective in should involve the greatest benefit at the lowest mortality rate.
the long-term treatment of elderly patients with schizophre- Since they have shown to be superior to conventional
nia. For elderly patients with unipolar depression, second- antipsychotics, careful use of atypical antipsychotics in
generation antipsychotics in monotherapy (off-label use) elderly patients is strictly recommended. Importantly:
are mainly indicated in the case of psychotic symptoms or - they must be prescribed at the lowest effective dosage
conventional antidepressant treatment resistance. and for the shortest period possible;
Aripiprazole, quetiapine, and more recently asenapine - a balance of the risks and benefits is closely required;
have been shown to be effective in the treatment of the elderly - patients need to be monitored; and
with bipolar disorders.59–62 - in light of an ethical viewpoint to improve patient’s qual-
Although the treatment of behavioral disorders in ity of life, the use of atypical antipsychotics is justified
dementia with antipsychotics is off-label, antipsychotics considering the poor results of alternative treatments
are probably the best option in the short-term treatment (other psychotropic drugs and psychotherapeutic and
(6–12 weeks) of severe, persistent, and resistant aggression.54 psychosocial interventions).
Serious adverse events are a major contraindication to long-
term therapy.75 Author contributions
In fact, elderly patients are at increased risk of adverse Gareri and De Fazio conceived and designed the research.
events due to atypical antipsychotic drugs because of All authors made a substantial contribution to the acquisi-
­age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacody- tion, analysis, and the interpretation of the data. All authors
namics and current medical conditions, polypharmacy, and participated in drafting the review and all authors reviewed it
potential drug interactions. US Food and Drug Administra- critically, giving a final approval of the version of the article
tion black box warnings have clearly shown the potential to be published, and can certify that no other individuals
risks of their use (eg, cerebrovascular accidents, risk of not listed as authors have made substantial contributions
sudden death). Furthermore, metabolic adverse events are to the paper.
extremely dangerous. They are probably linked to an increase
in adiposity associated with a variety of adverse physi- Disclosure
ological effects, including a decrease in insulin sensitivity The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
and changes in plasma glucose and lipid levels. Clozapine
and olanzapine treatment is associated with the greatest References
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