Mass Cultivation of Freshwater Microalgae
Mass Cultivation of Freshwater Microalgae
Mass Cultivation of Freshwater Microalgae
J Masojdek, Institute of Microbiology, Trebon, Czech Republic; University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
G Torzillo, Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi, CNR, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Biological Principles and Technology of Mass Cultivation
Culture Monitoring and Maintenance
Cultivation Systems
Laboratory Cultivation
Open Outdoor Systems
Closed and Semiclosed Outdoor Photobioreactors
Heterotrophic Fermenters
Biotechnologically Important Strains of Microalgae
Arthrospira (Spirulina)
Microalgae for Aquaculture
Processing of Microalgal Biomass
Exploitation of Microalgal Products
High-value and Bioactive Compounds
Microalgae for Biofuels
Ecological Application of Microalgal Mass Cultures
Wastewater Treatment
Future Developments and Prospects
In applied phycology, the term microalgae is generally used in its broadest sense to mean both prokaryotic cyanobacteria and
eukaryotic microscopic algae. These organisms are truly ubiquitous since they inhabit all ecosystems from cold, polar regions
through to extremely alkaline or saline habitats, from hot springs to arid soils. Cyanobacteria, in particular, represent the oldest
group of organisms that began the creation of the Earths oxygen-carrying atmosphere almost 3 billion years ago. Microalgae also
represent important CO2 consumers and primary producers being the basis of the food chain in aquatic environments.
Furthermore, they represent one of the most efficient converters of solar energy to biomass.
In nature, water blooms develop in eutrophic (nutrient-rich) reservoirs where phytoplankton populations are only occasionally
mixed by wind or current. In these situations, typical concentrations of algal biomass are much below 1 g of dry matter per liter. For
centuries, natural blooms of the cyanobacterium Spirulina (now referred to as Arthrospira) were harvested in certain environments
of alkaline soda lakes in countries such as Chad, Mexico, or Myanmar, and used as a food supplement. By contrast, the present
nutrient enrichment of surface waters, the results of human activity such as human waste, industrial effluents, agricultural fertilizers
and aquaculture farming, has caused massive developments of dangerous microalgal blooms; these represent an ecological threat
due to their potential to seriously reduce water quality and create hazardous environmental problems.
In microalgal biotechnology, suitable species can be grown as productive strains in aquacultures facilitating efficient manipulation of cultivation process. Although many microalgal strains are cultivated worldwide for different purposes, the bulk of annual
biomass production is represented by only four species: the cyanobacterium Spirulina and the green microalgae Chlorella, Dunaliella
and Haematococcus. Dense, well-mixed mass culture of microalgae (>0.5 g biomass per liter) with sufficient nutrition and gas
Change History: June 2014. J Masojdek and G Torzillo updated the sections on Light, Culture Monitoring and Maintenance, Cultivation Systems,
Heterotrophic Fermenters, Microalgae for Aquaculture, Processing of Microalgal Biomass, Exploitation of Microalgal Products, Microalgae for Biofuels was
added, Wastewater Treatment, and Future Developments and Prospects. Figures 13 were updated showing new cultivation systems. Figure 5 was revised.
Table 1 was revised and updated.
exchange represents an artificial system, which is completely different from optically-thin natural phytoplankton populations. It is
desirable to monitor the culture status operatively in order to optimize photosynthetic activity and growth.
This article presents a general overview of freshwater microalgae for biomass production: production strains and basic
techniques and concepts, as well as cultivation systems and, its drawbacks and achievements.
Light is the most important factor for microalgal growth. The amount of photon energy received by each cell is a combination of
several factors: photon flux density, cell density, length of optical path (thickness of culture layer), and rate of mixing. The ambient
light maxima available for photosynthetic antennae represents an intensity roughly ten times higher (about 2000 mmol photons
m2 s1) than that required to saturate growth. In other words, we have to adjust the optimum culture density for an optimal light
regime and growth otherwise as much as 90% of the photons captured by the photosynthetic antennae may be dissipated as heat.
Therefore, the efficiency of light utilization usually drops from a theoretical value of about 20% (based on photosynthetically active
irradiance, PAR) to 23%, roughly corresponding to an annual biomass yield of about 4060 metric tons per hectare at the latitude
of Central Europe and assuming a mean solar irradiance of 18 MJ m2 days1 for about 210 days of cultivation. Different ways for
reducing the light saturation effect has been proposed to: (i) increase the population density and mixing rate of the cultures; (ii) use
special designs of photobioreactors; and (iii) select suitable strains. One way to reduce the saturation effect of photosynthesis is to
achieve light dilution. This situation can be accomplished by increasing the cross-section of the photobioreactor, i.e. increasing the
illuminated surface of the reactor with respect to the ground area it occupies (see Figure 3(e) and 3(f )). Another important aspect is
that the lightdark cycles of cells facilitated by culture turbulence must be fast, i.e. close to the turnover of the photosynthetic
apparatus, in order to secure a flashing light effect in the range of tens to hundreds of milliseconds (Zarmi et al., 2013). Various
sophisticated photobioreactors for maintaining cells in an ordered lightdark cycle have been designed (Zittelli et al., 2013).
After light, temperature is the most important parameter to measure and with which to control the microalgal culture. Some
microalgal strains tolerate a broad range of temperatures between 15 and 40 C (e.g. Chlorella and Arthrospira), while the diatom
Phaeodactylum usually requires a more strict regulation between 20 and 25 C; at 30 C the growth is completely stopped. However,
for the majority of freshwater microalgae, the optimum temperature ranges within 25 and 30 C.
a decline in growth. On the other hand, excessive mixing can cause hydrodynamic or sheer stress to the cells, and consequently a
reduction of productivity.
Biophysical and biochemical monitoring methods reflect the general status of the cells photosynthetic apparatus and are thus
often used to adjust the appropriate cultivation conditions: either for the production of biomass or for certain compounds. The
concentration of dissolved oxygen, as measured by an oxygen electrode, is also considered as a reliable and sensitive indicator of
photosynthetic activity in microalgal cultures.
More recently, chlorophyll fluorescence has become one of the most common and useful approaches used for monitoring the
physiological status of microalgal mass cultures (Masojdek et al., 2011). Its non-invasiveness, sensitivity, ease of use, as well as its
prompt provision of results, makes it a convenient and suitable technique in microalgal biotechnology. The ratio Fv/Fm (the
variable to maximum fluorescence yield), the so-called maximum photochemical yield, is considered to be a convenient measure
of the performance of the photochemical processes in photosystem II (the PSII photochemical yield): it relates the utilization of
absorbed light energy to primary production. A decline in the Fv/Fm ratio by about 20% of the value obtained during the morning
can be considered as a reliable warning signal of a certain culture stress that may affect the productivity. The measurement of
relative electron transport rate, ETR (the product of the actual photochemical yield and irradiance intensity), can be used as an
indicator of growth rate.
Culture growth might be estimated as changes in the optical density (OD) at 750 nm, the biomass dry weight, or the number of
cells. The specific growth rate is usually calculated as m(h1) (ln X2 ln X1)/(t2 t1), where X is cell number, or dry weight, at
various successive times. Biomass productivity can be expressed as the areal or volumetric yield per unit time, that is, in
g m2 days1 or in g l1 day1, respectively.
Putting it simply, two basic cultivation regimes are used for the growth of microalgal cultures. In the batch regime, the culture is
inoculated and at a certain point of growth it is harvested. In the continuous regime, the culture is harvested continuously according
to its growth rate and fresh medium is added to replace nutrients. In practice, semicontinuous or semibatch regimes are usually
adopted, that is, where a part of the culture is harvested at regular intervals.
Cultivation Systems
Several alternative cultivation systems and technologies have been developed to grow microalgal mass cultures, using both natural
and artificial light. The choice of a suitable cultivation system and the adjustment of the cultivation regime must be worked out for
each individual productive strain. In every cultivation system, several basic features must be considered: illumination, circulation,
and gas exchange (supply of CO2 and O2 degassing).
Simplifying again, two basic approaches are used in microalgal mass production: the first applies to cultivation in open
reservoirs that are relatively large in area, while the second represents closed vessels photobioreactors or fermenters. In this
article, the term photobioreactor is used for closed or semiclosed systems using natural or artificial illumination. Generally,
production from an open-reservoir culture is cheaper than from a culture in a closed photobioreactor, but the use of the open pond
is limited to a relatively small number of microalgal species. From a commercial point of view, the price of the final product is often
the crucial consideration.
Laboratory Cultivation
The simplest cultivation vessel is an illuminated flask containing the microalgal culture placed on a shaker stock cultures of
microalgae usually being maintained in this way. Glass cylinders or flat flasks kept in a temperature-controlled water bath and
bubbled with a mixture of air with CO2 are commonly used to cultivate microalgae and cyanobacteria in small volumes up to 1 l
(Figure 1).
The transfer to the outdoor culture is scaled up in stepwise fashion, starting with the laboratory culture in a dilution ratio of
approximately 1 to 510. It is advisable not to expose diluted laboratory cultures outdoors to full sunlight during the first few days,
in order to avoid the risk of photoinhibition. However, a minimum biomass concentration corresponding to about 10 g m2
(200 mg chlorophyll m2) is recommended.
The culture depth may vary between 10 and 30 cm. The cultures are usually grown at a biomass concentration ranging between 0.5
and 1 g l1 depending on the culture depth. Outdoor cultures are considered a photo-limited system as they are operated at an
optimum concentration rather than at a maximum growth rate. Open ponds are preferentially used for Spirulina and Chlorella
production in Japan, Thailand, California, Hawaii, Taiwan, India, and China.
In inclined-surface systems, the microalgal suspension flows over sloping planes arranged in cascades, in such a way that the
layer thickness remains below 1 cm and the turbulent flow created by the arrangement prevents self-shading (Figure 2(d)). A high
surface-to-total volume ratio of up to 130 m1 can be operated in these systems and give high volumetric productivities. Due to the
very short optical path, high densities of biomass of between 15 and 35 g l1 can be operated in these units. Such high
Figure 1 Laboratory cultivation using glass cylinders (i.d. 35 mm, volume 0.4 l) placed in a temperature-controlled water bath with adjustable backside
illumination from LED panels (Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences, Trebon, Czech Republic). Mixing of the microalgal suspension is
maintained by bubbling through a mixture of air + 1% CO2.
Figure 2 Examples of open outdoor systems for cultivation of microalgae, which can be scaled up to large production facilities (10,000 litres).
(a) A walled pond lined with a plastic foil and mixed by air (+CO2) bubbling at the Centre for Aquaculture, University of Naples Federico II, Portici,
Italy; (b) a circular pond with a rotating arm (100 l) at the Institute for Ecosystem Study of the CNR (Florence, Italy); (c) a raceway pond with a
paddle-wheel mixer (600 l) at the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Technology, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey), (d) an inclined-surface
system of sloping planes arranged in cascades (90 m2; 6001000 l) at the Institute of Microbiology, Trebon, Czech Republic).
productivities as over 40 g dry matter m2 day1 can be achieved in cascade cultivation units, even in temperate climate zones. Yet,
up till now, the system has not been tried fully scaled up, due to its higher construction costs compared to traditional ponds;
however, the system is transportable with a long working life.
Although open systems cost relatively less to build and operate, and are more durable with a larger production capacity,
compared to more sophisticated photobioreactors, open systems have intrinsic disadvantages, such as: difficulty in managing a
suitable culture temperature and light availability on a per cell basis; a massive water loss due to evaporation; a susceptibility to
microbial contamination; and a low cell concentration and biomass productivity.
Heterotrophic Fermenters
Microalgae are generally thought of as phototrophic microorganisms; however, some strains grow on sugar in the dark (heterotrophic production). Heterotrophic fermenters for the cultivation of microalgae were tested during the 1970s, as some microalgal
strains (e.g. Chlorella, Chlamydomonas, Phaeodactylum, and Haematococcus) can grow heterotrophically. By the mid-1990s, heterotrophic production technology had gained in industrial importance for Chlorella biomass production in Japan and remains so
today. Commercial fermenters come in a wide range of sizes: from 10 to 100 000 l. Photobioreactors and fermenters have many
features in common: pH and temperature control, harvesting, mixing, degassing, etc. Compared to photobioreactors, the
Figure 3 Examples of closed or semiclosed photobioreactors for cultivation of microalgae, which can be scaled up to large production facilities. (a)
Hanging plastic bags mixed by air (+CO2) bubbling (Faculty of Marine Sciences and Technology, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey); (b) a
two-plane, horizontal tubular photobioreactor (Institute for Ecosystem Study of the CNR, Florence, Italy); (c) vertically stacked tubular photobioreactor
mounted in a greenhouse developed by IGV GmbH (Salata GmbH, Germany); (d) a vertical flat-panel photobioreactor Green Wall Panel (Institute for
Ecosystem Study of the CNR, Florence, Italy); (e) A 100-liter annular column photobioreactor consisting of two glass cylinders placed one inside the
other to form the culture chamber; the LED light source is mounted in the internal cylinder and can be placed outdoors to combine natural and artificial
light (Institute of Microbiology, Trebon, Czech Republic); (f) An innovative flat-plate photobioreactor Hanging Gardens developed by ecoduna GmbH
(Bruck a/L, Austria) consisting of 12 closely spaced parallel panels (0.03 2 6 m) placed on a movable frame that allows to track the sun movements.
The panels are internally partitioned by baffles to allow culture circulation as air and CO2 are injected from the bottom to generate a gas-lift effect.
significant differences of fermenters are their energy source, oxygen supply, and sterility, as well as some advantages such as high
biomass yield, lack of a light requirement, and ease of monoculture control. When grown heterotrophically, microalgal cultures
utilize some organic compound (e.g. glucose or acetate) as both a carbon and energy source for growth. The crucial requirement is
that the microalgal cultures must be axenic (i.e. free from other microorganisms) to avoid the growth of contaminants. It is
absolutely essential that the fermenter and culture medium are sterilized before inoculation (for example, by steam). In fermenters,
adequate mixing is achieved with impellers and a stream of compressed air as a source of oxygen for the catabolic processes.
Figure 4 Schematic diagram of a photobioreactor. It consists of a photostage loop, heat exchanger, degasser, circulation pump, CO2 supply, and
sensors (e.g., pH and oxygen electrodes, and thermometer). Created by PalSek.
A biomass density up to 100 g l1 can be obtained in fermenters with a volumetric productivity higher than 10 g l1 day1.
Recently, the microalga Crypthecodinium cohnii has been used industrially in the production of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6,
o-3) via heterotrophic fermentation. It is a two-stage fed-batch process a cell growth phase is carried out under a full nutrient
supply, while during the lipid production phase the nitrogen is limited.
Arthrospira (Spirulina)
Arthrospira platensis is a planktonic filamentous cyanobacterium composed of individual cells (about 8 mm diam.), which grows in
subtropical, alkaline lakes with a temperature optimum of about 35 C. In productive cultures, Arthrospira is cultivated in shallow,
mixed ponds or semi-closed, tubular photobioreactors. The growth medium contains inorganic salts with a high concentration of
bicarbonate, keeping the pH value between 9 and 10. This cyanobacterium is the most cultivated photosynthetic prokaryote, since
its biomass is widely used as a health food, feed supplement, and as a source of fine chemicals. The total annual production of
biomass is estimated at about 12 000 metric tons, more than 50% of which is in China and the Asia-Pacific region. It contains
proteins (60%), carbohydrate (15%), lipids, phycobiliproteins, carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals.
Chlorella (green algae; Chlorophyta) is a cosmopolitan genus with small globular cells (about 2-10 mm diam.) living in both aquatic
and terrestrial habitats. It includes strains with a high temperature tolerance, since some strains can grow between 15 and 40 C.
Due to its simple cell cycle, high growth rate, and having photosynthetic and metabolic pathways similar to higher plants, Chlorella
has long been used as a model microorganism for studying the photosynthetic apparatus and carbon assimilation. Chlorella strains
grow phototrophically in an inorganic medium as well as in mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions (e.g. with the addition of
acetic acid and glucose). At present, phototrophic production of Chlorella is carried out in open ponds, semiclosed tubular
photobioreactors, or inclined cascades, since its high growth rate prevents contamination by other microalgae (e.g. in Germany,
Japan, China, Czech Republic, and several other Asian countries) with a total annual production of about 5000 metric tons. The
processing of Chlorella cells requires both an effective and efficient harvesting (flocculation, flotation, centrifugation, etc.) and a
mechanical disintegration of the cellulose cell wall.
Chlorella is the most cultivated eukaryotic alga since it is widely used as a health food and feed supplement, as well as in the
pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. It contains proteins (up to 60% of dry weight), polysaccharides (1015%), lipids (12
15%), unsaturated fatty acids, and carotenoids (predominantly lutein), as well as some immunostimulators, vitamins, and
minerals. It is important to note that Chlorella also possesses the ability to synthesize larger amounts of storage compounds
(polysaccharides or neutral lipids) when under stress conditions, e.g. under high irradiance with nutrient deficiency, making it a
promising source for biofuel production.
The green halophilic microalga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta) and similar hypersaline strains have biflagellated, pear-shaped cells.
Dunaliella is the main natural source of b-carotene in high amounts, it being up to 16% of dry matter. Their cells lack a rigid cell
wall, having instead a thin elastic plasma membrane. This microalga is a natural source of carotenoids for human use as well as for
animal feed (shrimps). The high content of b-carotene makes Dunaliella attractive to biotechnologists for large-scale production in
high-salinity, shallow, open ponds under high solar radiation (>30 C). In the cells, b-carotene is usually accompanied by other
carotenoids (astaxanthin and canthaxanthin), which are all accumulated in oily globules in the chloroplast. Natural b-carotene is
marketed in various forms: b-carotene extracts, Dunaliella powder for human use, and dried Dunaliella for feed coloration.
Currently, there are large Dunaliella production plants in Australia and Israel.
Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyta) is a freshwater, unicellular green microalga with a rather complex life cycle. Among various
natural sources, Haematococcus is an exclusive producer of astaxanthin (pink carotenoid). The biosynthesis of astaxanthin is usually
accompanied by the transformation of ovoid green vegetative cells into red cysts under stress conditions (nutrient deficiency,
salinity, and high temperatures, in combination with high irradiance), due to the increased carotenoid deposition. When the
condition becomes favorable for growth, the cysts germinate releasing a large number of new motile cells.
The Haematococcus strains grow slowly and is commonly carried out in open raceway ponds or closed photobioreactors at
around 2528 C, and are prone to contamination by other microorganisms (microalgae, fungal parasites, and zooplankton
predators). Therefore, a two-stage process is usually employed for biomass production. Green vegetative cells are usually produced
in closed photobioreactors under an optimal light intensity and nutrient-replete medium. Then, at maximum cell density, the
culture is pushed towards a red stage aplanospores by exposure to high irradiance in open systems under nutrient stress in
order to induce astaxanthin synthesis (up to 5% of dry weight) within 35 days. This pigment is important for human nutrition as
an anti-oxidant (protection agent against free-radical-induced diseases) and a natural colorant for the aquaculture of salmonoid
fish, shrimp, lobster, and crayfish. However, today, the production of astaxanthin is still restricted to that of a few hundred kilos,
mainly addressed to the health food market. The actual production costs are still too high to compete with synthetic equivalents.
Although the commercial market is dominated by the synthetic product, there are concerns about its safety for human consumption, which makes natural astaxanthin a preferred choice.
Figure 5 A schematic diagram of microalgal biomass production and processing. Microalgae are grown in a cultivation unit in the aqueous mineral
medium under illumination, and nutrient and CO2 supply. The biomass is separated from the medium and processed (disintegrated and dried). The
biomass can be used as a food or feed supplement, health food, or as a source of bioactive substances for pharmacology and cosmetics.
depending on the dimensions of the organism. Some filamentous and large-cell strains can be separated by filtration using
vibrating screens. Flocculation is the collection of cells into aggregates by the addition of multivalent cations, metal salts or
polymers (for example, polyaluminum chloride). This method is frequently used to remove natural water blooms. Bioflocculation
using chitosan (a non-toxic polymer of acetylglucosamin), autoflocculation by pH change, or co-flocculation of mixed cultures of
particular microalgae, have also been successful. Flotation is an air-supported separation in which microalgal cells are attached to
air bubbles to form flocks that float up to the surface for harvesting. Membrane filtration is also used for microalgae harvesting, but
a serious obstacle is membrane fouling. Recently, magnetic separation (the capture of microalgal cells by magnetic particles of
Fe3O4) has been used for the removal of microalgae from thin cultures, but the practical application of this technique is still being
limited by the difficulties in the production of particles. A good harvesting and dewatering process may produce microalgal slurry
of 2030% biomass content.
The disruption of microalgal cells is an important operation in biomass processing, since some cells have a tough cell wall. This
is done mechanically in homogenizers, bead beaters, and ultrasonic homogenizers, or by chemical methods.
Dehydration of the microalgal slurry is achieved by solar drying, spray drying, or lyophilisation. The latter freeze drying is the
gentlest method since it is based on the sublimation of water from the frozen biomass under vacuum. In spray driers, the
concentrated suspension of microalgal cells is sprayed into hot air in a closed chamber and the dried biomass collected. In this
process, rigid cell walls can also be ruptured. Spray drying is the most common method on an industrial scale for nutritional use.
The harvesting and drying process may contribute about 25% of the total costs of microalgal biomass production.
Table 1
The current industrial-scale biotechnology applications of the most exploited microalgal strains
the relevant food quality and safety standards, and also follow good manufacture practice (GMP) guidelines that cover all aspects of
food processing.
The current industrial-scale biotechnology applications of the most exploited microalgae are summarized in Table 1.
For centuries, microalgae, mostly Arthrospira, have been used as a food supplement by native tribes in Mexico, Africa and Southeast
Asia. In the past five decades, there have been numerous attempts by researchers and companies to commercialize microalgal
production, primarily as food and feed supplements, due to its potential to enhance the nutritional value of conventional food and
as probiotics (life-enhancing agents). The nutritional properties of microalgae have been obtained from a broad spectrum of
studies of both humans and animals. It contains proteins, essential aminoacids, carbohydrates, lipids including PUFAs, pigments,
antioxidants, nucleic acids, raw fiber, vitamins, minerals, and more. Today, microalgal biomass, mostly of Chlorella and Spirulina, is
marketed as health food and as a protein source in the form of tablets, capsules, and liquids. The annual microalgal market is in
thousands of tons. Microalgal biomass is incorporated into pasta, snacks, drinks, and beverages as a nutritious supplement or
colorant. Plant proteins are a source of some essential amino acids that humans and animals cannot biosynthesize (e.g. methionine, lysine, and tryptophan).
Various unsaturated fatty acids in microalgal biomass are important as dietary supplements to prevent various diseases
(e.g. high plasma cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, etc.) and to boost the immune
system. Microalgal biomass also contains all the important vitamins, especially the B1, B2, B12, K, E and C vitamins and nicotinic
acid. The variety of carotenoids is greater than that in higher plants b-carotene, astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, lutein, violaxanthin,
zeaxanthin, neoxanthin, amongst others. Among them, the oxygenated xanthophylls, astaxanthin and canthaxanthin, are massively used both as colorants and antioxidants in aquacultures (fish and Crustacea).
Microalgal biomass is also widely used as a feed supplement (13%) for poultry, ruminants, pigs, ornamental fish, and birds, to
improve the quality of their products, vitality, health resistance, and color of hair and skin.
The most impressive demonstration of the ability of microalgae to produce highly effective bioactive compounds are microalgal
toxins, which in blooms become dangerous to animals and humans, especially if it occurs in drinking-water reservoirs (found
especially in Microcystis, Anabaena, and Aphanizomenon).
The extensive screening of microalgae for new substances with biological activities bioprospecting undertaken in many
laboratories and companies, has revealed secondary metabolites with biological activities in extracts: antiviral, immunomodulatory, cytotoxic important in anticancer drugs, antimicrobial for finding new antibiotics, and antifungal.
Because phototrophic microalgae can be cultivated under strictly controlled conditions, they are the ideal choice to incorporate
stable isotopes from inorganic C-, H-, and N-sources. Various biochemicals labelled by stable isotopes are used for scientific
purposes (molecular structure or physiological investigations), as well as for clinical purposes (gastrointestinal or breath
diagnostic tests).
Wastewater Treatment
Microalgal cultures, sometimes in combination with other microorganisms, are utilized to treat municipal, agricultural, food and
industrial wastes, as well as aqua- and mariculture effluents for the reduction of environmental loads. Microalgae are suitable for
biofiltration because they grow fast and can be easily cultured under favorable climatic conditions. The key substances contributing
to water eutrophy, for example, nitrate and phosphate, as well as important industrial and agricultural waste gases (e.g. ammonia
and carbon dioxide) are the main nutrients for microalgae.
In contrast to domestic wastewaters, which are basically treated by similar methods all over the world, each industrial
wastewater requires case-specific technology. In addition, many industrial effluents are toxic to microorganisms.
A number of applications have been developed in the following fields:
Development of plants for the disposal of inorganic loads, especially nitrate and phosphate from aquaculture recirculation, by
Disposal of contaminants from agricultural waste-water;
Heavy-metal biosorption by microalgal cultures;
Utilization of carbon dioxide from industrial exhaust gas.
Heavy metals (metals and metalloids with a mass density > 5 g cm3) are stable and persistent environmental contaminants since
they resist most forms of degradation. Elevated concentrations of copper, cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium, zinc and nickel are
toxic to most microorganisms. Microalgae have been used to remove and/or detoxify heavy metals in aquatic environments, since
they have a remarkable ability to take up and accumulate heavy metals and have been used for the bioremediation of metalpolluted sites.
Various types of waste-water treatment ponds are widely used all over the world. The symbiotic activity of microalgae and
bacteria is a common concept. However, removal rates of nitrogen and phosphorus are relatively poor and the imperfect removal of
abundant micropollutants, such as pharmaceuticals, medicines, and hormones, makes it impossible to discharge the resulting
effluents to streams; some advanced and integrated processes have to be applied beforehand.
The authors thank Dr Magda Sergejevova, Mr Jose R. Malapascua and Mr Pavel Soucek for discussion and technical assistance and
Mr Steve Ridgill for language corrections. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Czech Academy of Sciences
supported this work through the project Algatech CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0110 and Algain CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0059.
Masojdek J, Vonshak A, and Torzillo G (2011) Chlorophyll fluorescence applications in microalgal mass cultures. In: Suggett DJ, Prasil O, and Borowitzka MA (eds.) Chlorophyll a
fluorescence in aquatic sciences: methods and applications, pp. 277292. Dordrecht: Springer.
Neori A (2011) Green water microalgae: the leading sector in world aquaculture. Journal of Applied Phycology 23: 143149.
Zarmi Y, Bel G, and Aflalo C (2013) Theoretical anaysis of culture growth in flat-plate photobioreactors the essential role of timescales. In: Richmond A and Hu Q (eds.) Handbook of
microalgal culture: applied phycology and biotechnology, 2nd edn., pp. 205224. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Zittelli GC, Biondi N, Rodolfi L, and Tredici MR (2013) Photobioreactors for mass production of miocroalgae. In: Richmond A and Hu Q (eds.) Handbook of microalgal culture: applied
phycology and biotechnology, 2nd edn., pp. 225266. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Further Reading
Andersen RA (2005) Algal culturing techniques. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.
Barsanti L and Gualtieri P (2006) Algae: anatomy, biochemistry, and biotechnology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Gordon R and Seckbach J (2012) The science of algal fuels. Dordrecht: Springer.
Falkowski PC and Raven JA (2007) Aquatic photosynthesis, 2nd edn. Princetown: Princetown University Press.
Graham LE and Wilcox LW (2000) Algae. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Larkum AWD, Douglas SE, and Raven JA (2003) Photosynthesis in algae. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Pulz O, Scheibenboden K, and Gross W (2001) Biotechnology with cyanobacteria and microalgae. In: Reed G (ed.) Special processes: biotechnology, 2nd edn., vol. 10pp. 107136.
Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
Rai LC and Gaur JP (2001) Algal adaptation to environmental stresses: physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms. Berlin: Springer.
Richmond A and Hu Q (eds.) (2013) Handbook of microalgal culture: applied phycology and biotechnology, 2nd edn. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Van den Hoek C, Mann DC, and Jahns HM (1995) Algae: an introduction to phycology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.