Estimation of Design Impact Forces of Debris Flows
Estimation of Design Impact Forces of Debris Flows
Estimation of Design Impact Forces of Debris Flows
ABSTRACT: Mountain regions are exposed to a number of natural hazards such as avalanches, debris flows,
rock falls and rock avalanches, flash floods and landslides. Mitigation measures are often employed to reduce
the risks of hazards to humans and human settlements to an acceptable level. The design of structural mitiga-
tion measures are often not regulated and chosen arbitrary. Despite this situation, the design should at least
comply with current rules for the design of structures. this measure has not yet been put in place.. Currently in
Austria a new code of practice for the design of structural mitigation (concrete) measures against debris flow,
is under development. This code deals with the design of debris flow barriers in terms of load cases, such as
reinforcement details, static and dynamic loads. One of the major tasks to establish this new code is the prepa-
ration of flow impact forces for the design process. In this background document all known techniques for the
estimation of such debris flow impacts are investigated in terms of prediction quality. Furthermore, also in-
cluded are theoretical works, miniaturized testing (including tests conducted by the authors) and known real
world measurements. The formulas are further compared (based on sensitivity) against unknown input vari-
ables. This investigation has been extended to include weighting factors according to the First Order Reliabil-
ity Method. Despite the Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering having one of the greatest data files on
natural hazard events (starting around 500 A.C.), the knowledge of debris flow in certain regions, very often
lacks a sufficient amount of data for statistical analysis. Furthermore populations(do you mean data sets?) are
heavily corrupted due to climate change, changing geomorphologic conditions and changing flora. Besides
this the reporting quality of early events is extremely low. Therefore further techniques have been used, such
as Fuzzy sets, Rough sets and Grey numbers. Awareness of the uncertainty and indeterminism of the data
heavily influences the choice of the design impact force and can not be neglected in the choice of its design.
Furthermore partial safety factors for this event have also been chosen.
Hungr et al. 1984). Mixed models have also not suc- grams ANSYS and ATENA were used. Despite
ceeded (Kherkheulidze 1967, Arattano & Franzi ANSYS being well established for the modeling of
2003) although they are not included in figure 5. Al- complex 3D structures (figure 6), it still lacks a good
so pure empirical models such as the one by Yu description of concrete in cracked stages. ATENA
(1992) or the consideration of compressibility has on the other hand is probably the best program for
not resolved the problem. the estimation of the post-crack behavior; neverthe-
Here one should return to the general properties less ATENA is not yet able to consider difficult ge-
of debris flows presented in the introduction of this ometries. Therefore both programs were used.
paper. It can be summarized by stating that certain
types of debris flow exist, which are extremely diffi-
cult to represent with a single formula.
The extension of the models towards single im-
pact events (e.g. rock falls) where models are avail-
able (Hertz 1881, Kuwabara & Kono 1987) does not
only require average information about the flow, but
more detailed information, for example about the
rock diameters, which is under normal conditions
completely missing. Unfortunately single stone im-
pacts may dominate the impact (Zhang 1993).
Figure 6. Example of a Finite Element Model of a barrier
2.4 Backward calculation of existing structures The problem identified with the backward calcu-
lation include the uncertainty about the point of
Based on several historical events, where either bar- loading. There might be the possibility that pressure
riers were destroyed or houses hit by debris flow, the of major parts of the structures is combined with a
opportunity exists to recalculate the forces based on single hit by a stone. Also the flow depth might
the structural damages (Strauss et al. 2005). change over the duration of a debris flow due to silt-
Such backward calculations involve a major ing up.
amount of uncertainty. The structures might have Nevertheless first computations affirm maximum
been damaged before the event or other assumptions dynamic forces up to 3 MN and up to 0.8 MN/m2
about the impact might not be valid. The backward dynamic pressure.
calculations were carried out for concrete and steel For the regulation of design impact forces, as-
reinforced concrete barriers. The finite element pro- sumptions about the stochastic process are required.
2.5 Database of events Besides such physical corruptions of the data-
base, the report quality differs extremely. It is very
The computation of the final debris flow design im- often unclear whether a rock fall, a debris flow or a
pact force and return period requires intensive data rock-ice avalanche occurred. Terms may be insuffi-
about the debris flow catchment area. For example ciently chosen in historic documentations (Figure 8).
hydraulic, climatic, biological and geomorphologic Based on some ontological consideration a classifi-
information are required as mentioned before. Fur- cation has to be carried out (Scheidl et al. 2005).
thermore all such information may be subject to
changes due to climate change, change of usage
yielding to change of plants, change of geomorpho- 3 MODELLING OF INDETERMINACY
logic conditions and are perhaps related to other
phenomena such as earthquakes.
3.1 Introduction
As already mentioned there are several historical
databases in the European Alpine region to provide The aforementioned problems ranging from system-
time series data for several different Mountain haz- atic uncertainties in the chosen model, for impact
ards (StormMe, DisAlp). Furthermore the Institute computation, towards uncertain historical data and
of Mountain Risk Engineering now has collected a unknown systematic changes of the observed popu-
database of historical events in the Austrian part of lation, require an explicit consideration of the over-
the Alps including more then 17,000 events. The da- all indeterminacy. Until now, a wide range of mathe-
tabase starts with the first events dating back to matical techniques have been developed to deal with
about 500 B.C. However the collection of events is such indeterminacy or uncertainty in a certain way.
not necessarily related to the number of events, as Unfortunately to the authors knowledge there exists
figure 7 shows. For example it is widely accepted no general systematic, determining under which con-
that a peak of hazard events occurred around 1875 in ditions, which mathematical technique for
the European Alps. This peak is probably strongly indeterminacy should be applied. Even worse, many
related to the maximum expansion of the glaciers techniques are in competition, for example Bayes
around 1870 and the beginning retreat. statistics versus fuzzy models.
disasters (Salzburg)
Number of natural
Figure 7. Collection of reports about events for the federal state
of Salzburg in Austria from 1270 to about 2000
Sharp border
of term