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Your Body Tells You Who You Need To Forgive

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Your Body Tells You Who You Need to Forgive:

Our bodies give us clues all the time about the issues we are carrying and who
might be resonating them. For example, begin by noticing whether you are having
problems on the right or left side of the body. The left side is the receptive, nurturing feminine side of the self, while the right side is the masculine, thrusting, outerdirected, worldly side. If there is a bias, that might indicate a rejection of either
the masculine or feminine aspects within yourself. This might indicate a need for
self-forgiveness/self-acceptance or the need to look at who might be pushing that
button for you.
If you are carrying a disproportionate amount of weight around the hips, you might
want to look at whether you are carrying significant guilt and shame, or a residual
fear of sexual attack that has caused you to pack on the weight as a form of protection. Victims of sexual abuse often have this syndrome and it forms the basis of
our Radical Weight Loss Program.

Body Syndromes
This model of how emotions are connected to body symptoms, advanced by
hypnotherapist John Kappas, is very generalized but nevertheless useful as a general
guide to what might be going on emotionally with someone who might be exhibiting
certain symptoms in specific areas of the body.
The Crying Syndrome: This major syndrome involves the area of the body from
solar plexus upward, covering the chest, head, and back of the neck. The cause of the
crying syndrome is the inability to make a decision, either on someone elses action, or because of past conditioning that makes decision making hard.
Headaches are the most common characteristic of the crying syndrome. Because of
frustrations from indecision, the brain signals the muscles in the scalp to tighten, causing pain. Sometimes the tightening becomes so severe that it constricts the veins
resulting in migraine headaches. Some of the other easily recognizable symptoms of
the crying syndrome are: crystallization of the eyes, or relaxation of the tear ducts,
causing the eyes to water; sinus congestion; constriction of throat muscles; gastric
pressures in the chest area; tightening of the jaw muscles, or grinding of teeth.
Each one of these physical reactions can be associated with an emotional or mental
cause. For instance, the head pressures represent inability to make the decision; watering eyes and sinus congestion symbolize not wanting to see the situation that is
causing the indecision; constriction in the throat, tightening of jaw muscles, or grinding teeth result from not wanting to talk about the area of indecision.

Indecisiveness can move into frustration, and from there, into melancholy, depression
and then finally, futility. Chronic indecisiveness can be classed as a major problem in
todays fast moving society, especially among people aged 15 - 35.
The Responsibility Syndrome: In this, the affected areas are the shoulders, the
upper back, and upper spinal area. The psychological causes are too much responsibility, fear of the weight of responsibility, or neglecting or not accepting, or not facing
responsibility. Symptoms are tightening of the back and shoulder muscles.
Sexual Frustration and Guilt Syndrome: In this, the areas affected are groin,
stomach, and lower back. The psychological causes are: sexual frustration, religionlinked sexual guilt, guilt about infidelity and promiscuity, feelings of sexual inadequacy,
fear of sexual attack and so forth. Symptoms can be; stomach cramps, constipation,
acid stomach, excessive menstrual cramps, or bleeding, or no bleeding at all, vaginal or
bladder infections, prostate or testicular pressure or pain, and kidney problems.
Fight or Reaching Syndrome: The areas affected are the arms, hands and fingers.
The psychological issues include a need to express - with concomitant denial or suppression of that need; the inability to reach for something one desires because of a
lack of feelings of self worth; and a feeling of deep rejection as a result of reaching for
unattainable goals. The symptoms are warts or little blisters on the hands or fingers,
tightening of the joints and muscles in the hands, or extremely hot or cold hands. Arthritis and rheumatism are related problems.
Flight Syndrome: The areas affected are those from the thighs to the feet. It
indicates a need to run or escape (emotionally or physically), from a particular situation or involvement. The psychological causes are a fear of facing certain situations
because they may be painful; boredom, fear of disaster, and fear of success. Symptoms include blistering between the toes or the bottom of the feet, cold feet because
of poor circulation, and leg pains.
Combinations: A person may be affected by one or more of the syndromes at any
given time. For example, a headache and tight back muscles in combination may indicate an inability to make decisions about responsibility. Tension in the back muscles
and pain in the legs may indicate that the person is wanting to escape from a situation in
which he is trapped.

Stories in the Chakras

Caroline Myss offers a different approach in pointing out how each of the seven main
chakras hold the energy cathected to an issue, or groups of issue. Myss specifies the
following generalized issues associated with each chakra, and indicates the areas of
the body affected. Ask yourself who resonates those issues for you.
CROWN: Trust in life itself. Values, ethics and courage. Humanitarianism.
Selflessness. Ability to see the big picture. Faith & Inspiration.
(Skin, bones, muscles). Color: Violet
3RD EYE: Truth, self-awareness, intuition, knowledge, ability to learn from
experience. Emotional intelligence. (Brain, nerves, eyes, ears, nose, pineal,
pituitary). Color: Indigo.
THROAT: Strength of will, personal expression and communication.
Following ones dream, using per-sonal power to create. Addiction. Judgment
& criticism. Decision making capacity. (Thyroid, neck, mouth, parathyroid,
hypothalamus) Color: Light Blue.
HEART: Love & hatred. Resentment and bitterness. Grief and anger. Selfcenteredness, loneliness, commitment, forgiveness, compassion. Hope &
trust. (All chest area & thymus gland). Color: Green.
SOLAR PLEXUS: Fear and intimidation. Trust, Self-esteem. Personal
power, confidence & honor. Care of oneself and others. Co-dependency.
Sensitivity to criticism. (Stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenals,
spline mid-spine) Color: Yellow
SACRAL: Relationships. Money and sex. Creativity. Blame and guilt. Power
and control. Ethics and honor in relationships. Genitals, pelvis, low back,
appendix, hips, bladder. Color: Orange
ROOT: Tribal Energy. Family and group safety. Basic security. Feeling at
home, ability to stand up for oneself, and to provide for oneself. Social and
family law and order. (Body support, coccyx, sacrum, feet, rectum, immune
system.) Color: Red.

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