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Lab 1 - DT Signals, Sampling, Frequency Entry Test Example Questions

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Lab 1 DT signals, sampling, frequency

Entry test example questions

1. xa (t) = cos(2fa t) was sampled with sampling period Ts . Find normalized frequency,
normalized angular frequency or period of the sampled signal. Plot the (sampled)
signal spectrum. (fa , Ts or fs given, their proportion rational or irrational...)
2. An analog signal with spectrum extending from fa to +fa has been sampled with a
sampling period Ts (or frequency fs ). Plot the spectrum after sampling (different values
of fa w.r.t. fs )

Matlab notes
For help, use help <subject>, note that UPPERCASE is used to mark keywords in help only,
not in real usage in Matlab....
An exception is in the scripts developed for this lab - their names ARE uppercase.
For sampling a real, analog signal with an A/D converter use Matlab command:
y=GETDATA(Nsamples in block, [Kblocks, [Tsampling, [leave bias]]])
Tsampling is in seconds, [ ] denote optional arguments.
We usually use Kblocks=1. Note that actual sampling frequency will be taken from a small
predefined set available with the used soundcard. Typically you can sample signals within
2.5 Volts.
For plotting DT signals, use markers (plot(n,x,o) or -o). For their continuous couterparts, use lines.

Italics denote optional tasks. Bold suggests what should be in the report
1. NOT using Matlab, plot (with a pen or pencil) two periods of sine wave with f = 3200 Hz.
Mark the points where the wave will be sampled at fs = 32 kHz. Note number of
samples per period.
2. Using Matlab sin() function, try to repeat the picture on screen plot. Finally extend the
plot to 100 samples length (with the same parameters). (Then, show your result to the
teacher.) In the report: copy the Matlab commands used to produce the data.
3. Applying sign(x+eps) to your signal x obtain a square wave and plot it. (hint: eps is
added to avoid exact zero in x being converted to zero - square wave is either +1 or -1).
4. Use A/D converter to get similar signals (sine and square wave) from a generator. Set
amplitude to about 1 V. Describe differences between simulated and real-world
5. Label an x-axis of the plot of real-world sine wave (in Matlab) with time units, then repeat
with sample indices (hint: plot(xvalues, yvalues, marker);). In the report copy the Matlab commands used, and copy approx. two periods from the
screen plot.
6. Sample a sinusoidal signal with much bigger amplitude (few volts), and with much smaller
amplitude. See the effects of clipping and of noise.

7. Plot a simulated DT sinusoid with normalized frequency fn = f /fs equal to 0.1, 0.3, 0.5,
0.9, 1.1, 2.1 ( = 2fn , x(n) = sin(n)). Note number of samples in period. For plots @
fn 0.1 and 1.1 draw a copy in your report, and explain why in some cases different
fn result in identical plots - try to draw (by pencil) the underlying CT signal. If you
are brave enough, draw the underlying CT signal with Matlab using 9 additional samples
between original ones; show it to the teacher and/or copy Matlab expression to the report.
8. Sample a physical signal: 1.1 kHz sinusoid sampled at fs =32 kHz, 1024 samples; plot it
in Matlab using physical time as horizontal axis (create the time axis variable t). Then
decimate signal by 16 (i.e. leave every 16th sample) or by 32.
Hint: use xdecimated=x(1:16:end); tdecimated=t(1:16:end),
Plot it: plot(t,x,tdecimated,xdecimated,-x). Note the resulting sampling
frequency and describe undersampling effects.
9. Keep the plot (or save in some variable the data to replot it again). Repeat the experiment
with 0.1 kHz, 2.1 kHz etc. Compare the results with exercise 8.
Hint: read help on figure() command.
10. Create a set of test signals (all with length of 32 samples).
(a) A unit impulse signal (n) by using
(b) A unit step signal u(n):
(c) Shifted unit impulse (n K); use your table number as K
You can do it by adding some zeros at the left side of the samples vector and trimming
the right side to the previous length (example shown for shift by 4)
dlt4=[zeros(1,4) dlt]; %add 4 zeros
dlt4=dlt4(1:N); %trim to N samples again
hold on
hold off
(d) A short impulse (e.g with 7 samples length) by subtraction of two unit steps (one
shifted in time) or by clever use of ones() and zeros().
11. Use the prepared signals ((n), u(n), (n n0 ), finite-time impulse) as x to test a linear
system implemented by matlab command y=filter([1, 2, 1],[1 -.9],x); plot the
resulting output signals y; try to notice how may the y depend on x.
File: nwlab1 LATEXed on March 6, 2015

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