Lab 6
Lab 6
Lab 6
1. Let x(n) = 0.9nu(n). The signal is applied to a down sampler that reduces the rate by a factor
of 2 to obtain the signal y(m).
a. Determine and plot the spectrum X(ω).
b. Determine and plot the spectrum Y (ω).
c. Show that the spectrum in part (b) is simply the DTFT of x(2n).
3. Using the function interp, and upsample to study the operation of factor-of-4 interpolation
and upsampling, respectively, on the sequence 0.2n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 100. Use the stem function to
plot the original and the interpolated/upsampled sequences.
4. Consider the analog signal xa(t) = cos (20πt + θ), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. It is sampled at Ts = 0.05 sec intervals
to obtain x(n). Let θ = 0, π/6, π/4, π/3, π/2. For each of these θ values, perform the following.
a. Plot xa (t) and superimpose x(n) on it using the plot (n, x,’o’) function.
b. Reconstruct the analog signal ya (t) from the samples x(n) using the sinc interpolation (Use
Δt = 0.001) and superimpose x(n) on it.
c. Reconstruct the analog signal ya (t) from the samples x(n) using the cubic spline
interpolation and superimpose x(n) on it.
d. You should observe that the resultant reconstruction in each case has the correct
frequency but a different amplitude. Explain this observation. Comment on the role of phase
of xa (t) on the sampling and reconstruction of signals.