Beijing Presentation
Beijing Presentation
Beijing Presentation
Lee Collins
Manager, OS Engineering Asia
John Harvey
OS Engineering Asia
Developing Input Methods
• InputMethodKit
■ New framework for developing input methods
• Using keyboard layout overrides
• Data-driven input methods
• Delivery and installation
Input Method Kit
• Foundation-based API for input method development
• Easy to develop and port input method code
• Less code
■ 28 files in old sample
■ 8 files in IMKit sample
• Runs as background application
■ Separate address space
• No need for 64-bit work
• Fully integrated with TSM
• Carbon and Cocoa apps
Input Method Kit — Division of Labor
• IMKit manages
■ Communication with client apps
■ Candidate window
■ preferences settings
■ input mode specific commands
■ Information about input method in an extended info.plist
IMKit Classes
IMKInputController (2)
IMKInputController (n)
IMKit Classes
• IMKServer
■ Manages client connections to your input method
■ Create in input method application’s main()
• IMKCandidates
■ Presents candidates to user
■ Notifies appropriate IMKInputController when a candidate has
been selected
• IMKInputController
■ Provides a base class for custom input controller classes
■ Events and text from application
■ Converted text from input method engine
■ One controller per input session created by the IMKServer object
IMKit: Handling Text Events
• Three different approaches
■ Keybinding: IMKit will map events to actions you implement
■ -(BOOL)inputText:(NSString*)string client:(id)sender;
■ -(BOOL)didCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector client:(id)sender;
■ Text data only
■ -(BOOL)inputText:(NSString*)string key:(NSInteger)keyCode modifiers:
(NSUInteger)flags client:(id)sender;
■ Handle all events
■ -(BOOL)handleEvent:(NSEvent*)event client:(id)sender;
IMKit: Candidate Window
• Candidates = list of alternate input choices
• Developer supplies candidate list
• IMKit handles display and selection
• 3 flavors of window:
■ Horizontal (kIMKSingleRowSteppingCandiatePanel)
■ Vertical (kIMKSingleColumnScrollingCandiatePanel)
■ Grid (kIMKScrollingGridCandidatePanel)
Using IMKCandidates
• In IMKInputController delegate or subclass, implement these:
■ -(NSArray*) candidates
■ supply candidate list to the IMKCandidates object
■ -(void) candidateSelected:(NSAttributedString*)string
■ Update your state when a candidate is selected
Install the Project Template
• Install Template InputMethod Application in:
■ /Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Project Templates/Application
• Open XCode
• Select New Project from File Menu
• Select Input Method Application
Create the Project
• Name the project Numbers
• Save it to /Users/Shared/Numbers/
Modifying the plist
• The Info.plist file has 6 important Keys(red required, green optional)
■ LSBackGroundOnly
■ Background applicatons don’t show in he Dock or Apple Menu.
■ InputMethodSessionController
■ Names your controller class.
■ InputMethodServerDelegateClass
■ Names your delegate class
■ ComponentInputModeDict
■ List your input method’s modes
■ InputMethodConnectionName
■ Names your server’s connection
■ tsInputMethodIconFileKey
■ Displayed in Text Input Menu and International Preferences
■ tsInputMethodCharacterRepertoire
■ Names ISO 15924 scripts your input method supports.
Controllers and Delegates
• What is a Controller object
■ Is in charge of something.
• What is a delegate
■ An object that implements a method declared in a protocol.
■ Exactly what kind of object implements the method is not
• In the InputMethodKit. Your controller manages the buffer and
converting text. The Delegate receives text and handles specific
• Delegate and Controller are not necessarily separate objects.
• Names your controller class
■ Necessary if you override IMKInputController
■ And you initialize IMKServer with:
-(id)initWithName:(NSString*)name bundleIdentifier:
• This key names your delegate class.
■ Include this key if you provide a delegate class that implements
methods in the protocols defined in IMKInputController
■ IMKServerInput
■ IMKStateSetting
■ IMKMouseHandling
• Your controller class can also serve as you delegate class.
• Include this dictionary if your input method includes input
■ For all the details read Tech Note 2128
■ <>
■ An input method should include input modes when it uses
multiple ways of processing keyboard text input.
• Dictionary contains two keys
■ tsInputModeListKey
■ A dictionary which defines each mode.
■ tsVisibleInputModeOrderedArrayKey
■ Array of strings that define how your modes are displayed by the
• IMKServer uses this to create an NSConnection
■ Client applications communicate to the server via the named
■ Do not include spaces in the name or periods.
■ Good
■ Bad
BasicInputMethodServer 1 Connection
• Name of the file that contains the icon used to display your
input method in the Text Input Menu or the International
Preferences Panel.
Personalizing the Project
• Rename the controller class to NumbersInputController.[hm]
■ Be sure and rename the class interface inside the .h file.
@interface InputMethodSessionController
@interface NumbersInputController
#import "NumbersInputController.h"
• Open the Info.plist file
■ Change the string InputMethodSessionController to
Adding the Input Modes
• Our example looks for a number and then formats the number.
• Each type of formatting supported is an input mode.
• The modes are:
■ no style
■ decimal
■ currency
■ percent
■ spellout
• The modes are specified in the ComponentInputModeDict
• Open a modified ComponentInputModeDict
■ /Users/Shared/Beijing/Files/NumbersModeList.txt
• Copy every thing there and replace the old
ComponentInputModeDict and the old
tsVisibleInputModeOrderedArrayKey with what you copied.
• List of keys that are used to look up localizable strings.
• The localizable strings are located in the InfoPlist.strings file.
■ Open the Numbers InfoPlist.strings file.
■ Open /Users/Shared/Beijing/Files/NewModesStrings.txt
■ Replace the mode strings in InfoPlist.strings with the new strings.
Adding Your Icons
• For this example we have 6 icons
■ The Input Method Icon
■ The 6 mode icons
• Note that you still have the normal application icons that will be
seen in the Finder.
• In XCode add the .tiff files in /Users/Shared/Beijing/Images/
• Put them in the Resources group.
■ You may want to add an Images group inside
Build Your Do Nothing Input Method
Getting Input
• The IMKServerInput informal protocol provides 3 different
approaches for receiving client input
■ Receive text as an NSString, and use keybinding to “parse” the
input context.
- (BOOL)inputText:(NSString*)string client:(id)sender;
■ -(BOOL)inputText:key:modifiers:client:
■ Would like to see every keydown, but don’t really want to parse
■ -(BOOL)handleEvent:client:
■ Porting an old component based input method.
• Modeled after the NSResponder class.
■ You can implement a method from a set of standard key event
■ deleteBackward:
■ insertNewline:
■ See documentation for NSResponder for other action messages.
■ You can also specify your own keybinding in a dictionary.
■ InputMethodKeysDictionary.dict
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//
EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Client Architecture
• Means you don’t need to manage input sessions.
• Fix Text
- (void)insertText:(id)string replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange;
• Mark Text
- (void)setMarkedText:(id)string selectionRange:(NSRange)selectionRange
selectionRange & replacementRange
• selectionRange
■ Location is relative to the inline session.
document text 等きょう
selectionRange (4,0)
• replacementRange
■ Location is relative to the client document.
document text 等きょうmore document text
selectionRange (4,0)
■ mappingMode
■ Set to IMKMouseTrackingMode when your input method is tracking
the mouse.
■ When placing the cursor set to IMKNearestBoundaryMode.
Overriding the Current Keyboard
• Your Input Method can contain keyboards
• To force the system to use your keyboard use:
NSNumberFormater InputEngine
(conversion engine)
NumbersInputController NumbersInputController
NumbersInputController NumbersInputController
What We Need From You
Beijing Kitchen 2006