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Lecture 5

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SystemC: Co-specification and

Embedded System Modeling

 Hardware-Software Co-Specification
 SystemC and Co-specification
 Introduction to SystemC for Co-specification
 A SystemC Primer
Hardware-Software Codesign
Co-design of Embedded Systems consists of the
following parts:
 Co-Specification
Developing system specification that describes hardware,
software modules and relationship between the hardware
and software
 Co-Synthesis
Automatic and semi-automatic design of hardware and
software modules to meet the specification
 Co-Simulation and Co-verification
Simultaneous simulation of hardware and software
HW/SW Co-Specification

• Model the Embedded system functionality from

an abstract level.
• No concept of hardware or software yet.
• Common environment
SystemC: based on C++.
• Specification is analyzed to generate a task
graph representation of the system
• A system design language is needed to describe the
functionality of both software and hardware.
• The system is first defined without making any
assumptions about the implementation.

• A number of ways to define new specification

standards grouped in three categories:

 SystemC An open source library in C++ that provides a modeling

platform for systems with hardware and software components.
SystemC for Co-specification
Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) 1999 by EDA venders
including Synopsys, ARM, CoWare, Fujitsu, etc.
 A C++ based modeling environment containing a
class library and a standard ANSI C++ compiler.
 SystemC provides a C++ based modeling platform for
exchange and co-design of system-level intellectual
property (SoC-IP) models.
 SystemC is not an extension to C++
SystemC 1.0 and 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 versions
It has a new C++ class library
SystemC Library Classes
SystemC classes enable the user to
• Define modules and processes
• Add inter-process/module communication through ports
and signals.
Modules/processes can handle a multitude of data types:
Ranging from bits to bit-vectors, standard C++ types to
user define types like structures
Modules and processes also introduce timing, concurrency
and reactive behavior.
• Using SystemC requires knowledge of C/C++
SystemC 2.0 Language Architecture
SystemC 2.0 Language Architecture
• All of SystemC builds on C++
• Upper layers are cleanly built on top of the lower layers
• The SystemC core language provides a minimal set of
modeling constructs for structural description, concurrency,
communication, and synchronization.
• Data types are separate from the core language and user-
defined data types are fully supported.
• Commonly used communication mechanisms such as
signals and FIFOs can be built on top of the core language.
The MOCs can also be built on top of the core language.
• If desired, lower layers can be used without needing the
upper layers.
SystemC Benefits
SystemC 2.x allows the following tasks to be
performed within a single language:
• Complex system specifications can be developed and simulated
• System specifications can be refined to mixed software and
hardware implementations
• Hardware implementations can be accurately modeled at all the
• Complex data types can be easily modeled, and a flexible fixed-
point numeric type is supported
• The extensive knowledge, infrastructure and code base built
around C and C++ can be leveraged
SystemC for Co-Specification
Multiple abstraction levels:
 SystemC supports untimed models at different levels of
• ranging from high-level functional models to detailed clock
cycle accurate RTL models.
Communication protocols:
 SystemC provides multi-level communication semantics
that enable you to describe the system I/O protocols at
different levels of abstraction.
Waveform tracing:
 SystemC supports tracing of waveforms in VCD, WIF, and
ISDB formats.
SystemC Development Environment
SystemC Features
Rich set of data types:
 to support multiple design domains and abstraction levels.
• The fixed precision data types allow for fast simulation,
• Arbitrary precision types can be used for computations with large numbers.
• the fixed-point data types can be used for DSP applications.
Variety of port and signal types:
 To support modeling at different levels of abstraction, from the
functional to the RTL.
 SystemC has the notion of clocks (as special signals).
 Multiple clocks, with arbitrary phase relationship, are supported.
Cycle-based simulation:
 SystemC includes an ultra light-weight cycle-based simulation
kernel that allows high-speed simulation.
SystemC Data types
• SystemC supports:
 all C/C++ native types
 plus specific SystemC types

• SystemC types:
 Types for systems modeling
 2 values (‘0’,’1’)
 4 values (‘0’,’1’,’Z’,’X’)
 Arbitrary size integer (Signed/Unsigned)
 Fixed point types
SC_Logic, SC_int types
SC_Logic: More general than bool, 4 values :
(‘0’ (false), ‘1’ (true), ‘X’ (undefined) , ‘Z’(high-impedance) )
Assignment like bool
my_logic = ‘0’;
my_logic = ‘Z’;
Operators like bool but Simulation time bigger than bool
sc_logic my_logic;

Fixed precision Integer: Used when arithmetic operations

need fixed size arithmetic operands
• INT can be converted in UINT and vice-versa
• 1-64 bits integer in SystemC
sc_int<n> -- signed integer with n-bits
sc_uint<n> -- unsigned integer with n-bits
Other SystemC types
Bit Vector
2-valued vector (0/1)
Not used in arithmetics operations
Faster simulation than sc_lv
Logic Vector
Vector of the 4-valued sc_logic type
Assignment operator (=)
my_vector = “XZ01”
Conversion between vector and integer (int or uint)
Assignment between sc_bv and sc_lv
Additional Operators:
Reduction -- and_reduction() or_reduction() xor_ reduction()
Conversion -- to_string()
SystemC Data types
Type Description
sc_logic Simple bit with 4 values(0/1/X/Z)
sc_int Signed Integer from 1-64 bits
sc_uint Unsigned Integer from 1-64 bits
sc_bigint Arbitrary size signed integer
sc_biguint Arbitrary size unsigned integer
sc_bv Arbitrary size 2-values vector
sc_lv Arbitrary size 4-values vector
sc_fixed templated signed fixed point
sc_ufixed templated unsigned fixed point
sc_fix untemplated signed fixed point
sc_ufix untemplated unsigned fixed point
SystemC types
Operators of fixed precision types

Bitwise ~ & | ^ >> <<

Arithmetics + - * / %
Assignement = += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^=
Equality == !=
Relational < <= > >=
Auto-Inc/Dec ++ --
Bit selection [x] e.g. mybit = myint[7]
Part select range() e.g. myrange = myint.range(7,4)
Concatenation (,) e.g. intc = (inta, intb);
Usage of SystemC types
sc_bit y, sc_bv<8> x;
y = x[6];

sc_bv<16> x, sc_bv<8> y;
y = x.range(0,7);

sc_bv<64> databus, sc_logic result;

result = databus.or_reduce();

sc_lv<32> bus2;
cout << “bus = “ << bus2.to_string();
SystemC Specific Features
• Modules:
 A class called a module: A hierarchical entity that can
have other modules or processes contained in it.
• Ports:
 Modules have ports through which they connect to other
 Single-direction and bidirectional ports.
• Signals:
 SystemC supports resolved and unresolved signals.
• Processes:
 used to describe functionality.
 contained inside modules.
The basic building block in SystemC to partition a design.
• Modules are similar to „entity“ in VHDL
• Modules allow designers to hide internal data
representation and algorithms from other modules.
 Using the macro SC_MODULE
SC_MODULE(modulename) {
 Using typical C++ struct or class declaration:
struct modulename : sc_module {
Ports, local signals, local data, other modules,
processes, and constructors
SystemC Constructor
Constructor: Each module should include a constructor that
identifies processes as methods using the SC_METHOD macro.
SC_METHOD ( funct ) ; Identifies the function or process funct
Methods are called similar to C++ as:
function_type module_name::function_name(data_type var_name) { … }

• SC_METHOD process is triggered by events and executes all the

statements in it before returning control to the SystemC kernel.
• A Method needs to be made sensitive to some internal or external
signal. e.g. sensitive_pos << clock or sensitive_neg << clock
• Process and threads get executed automatically in the constrcutor
even if an event in sensitivity list does not occur. To prevent this
un-intentional execution, dont_initialize() function is used.
SystemC Module
SC_MODULE(module_name) {
// Ports declaration
// Signals declaration
// Module constructor : SC_CTOR
// Process constructors and sensibility list
// Sub-Modules creation and port mappings
// Signals initialization

module module
Signals and Ports
Ports of a module are the external interfaces that pass information to
and from a module.
sc_inout<data_type> port_name;
• Create an input-output port of ‘data_type’ with name
• sc_in and sc_out create input and output ports respectively.
Signals are used to connect module ports allowing modules to
sc_signal<data_type> sig_name ;
• Create a signal of type ‘data_type’ and name it ‘sig_name’.
• hardware module has its own input and output ports to which
these signals are mapped or bound.
For example:
in_tmp = in.read( );
2-to-1 Mux Modules
Module constructor – SC_CTOR is Similar to an
“architecture“ in VHDL
SC_MODULE( Mux21 ) {
sc_in< sc_uint<8> > in1;
sc_in< sc_uint<8> > in2;
sc_in< bool > selection;
sc_out< sc_uint<8> > out;

void MuxImplement( void );

SC_CTOR( Mux21 ) {
SC_METHOD( MuxImplement );
sensitive << selection;
sensitive << in1;
sensitive << in2;
SystemC Counter Code
struct counter : sc_module { // the counter module
sc_inout<int> in; // the input/output port of int type
sc_in<bool> clk; // Boolean input port for clock
void counter_fn(); // counter module function
SC_CTOR( counter ) {
SC_METHOD( counter_fn ); // declare the counter_fn as a method
dont_initialize(); // don’t run it at first execution
sensitive_pos << clk; // make it sensitive to +ve clock edge

// software block that check/reset the counter value, part of sc_main

void check_for_10(int *counted) {
if (*counted == 10) {
printf(“Max count (10) reached ... Reset count to Zero\n");
*counted = 0;
BCD Counter Example Main Code
void check_for_10(int *counted);
int sc_main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) {
sc_signal<int> counting; // the signal for the counting variable
sc_clock clock("clock",20, 0.5); // clock period = 20 duty cycle = 50%
int counted; // internal variable, to store the value in counting signal
counting.write(0); // reset the counting signal to zero at start
counter COUNT("counter"); // call counter module
COUNT.in(counting); // map the ports by name
COUNT.clk(clock); // map the ports by name
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
counted = counting.read(); // copy the signal onto the variable
check_for_10(&counted); // call the software block & check for 10
counting.write(counted); // copy the variable onto the signal
sc_start(20); // run the clock for one period
} return 0;
Counter Main Code with Tracing
int sc_main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) {
sc_signal<int> counting; // the signal for the counting variable
sc_clock clock("clock", 20, 0.5); // clock; time period = 20 duty cycle = 50%
int counted; // internal variable, to stores the value in counting signal
// create the trace- file by the name of "counter_tracefile.vcd“
sc_trace_file *tf = sc_create_vcd_trace_file("counter_tracefile");
// trace the clock and the counting signals
sc_trace(tf, clock.signal(), "clock");
sc_trace(tf, counting, "counting");
counting.write(0); // reset the counting signal to zero at start
counter COUNT("counter"); // call counter module. COUNT is just a temp var
COUNT.in(counting); // map the ports by name
COUNT.clk(clock); // map the ports by name
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
sc_close_vcd_trace_file(tf); // close the tracefile
return 0;
SystemC Counter Module
#include "systemc.h"
#define COUNTER
struct counter : sc_module { // the counter module
sc_inout<int> in; // the input/output port of int type
sc_in<bool> clk; // Boolean input port for clock
void counter_fn(); // counter module function
SC_CTOR( counter ) { // counter constructor
SC_METHOD( counter_fn ); // declare the counter_fn as a method
dont_initialize(); // don’t run it at first execution
sensitive_pos << clk; // make it sensitive to +ve clock edge
void counter :: counter_fn() {
in.write(in.read() + 1);
printf("in=%d\n", in.read());
Module Instantiation
• Instantiate module
Module_type Inst_module (“label”);
• Instantiate module as a pointer
Module_type *pInst_module;
// Instantiate at the module constructor SC_CTOR
pInst_module = new module_type (“label”);

pInst_module -> a(s);
pInst_module -> b(c);
pInst_module -> q(q);
Sub-module Connections
sc_signal<type > q, s, c;
 Positional Connection
 Named Connection
Named and Positional Connections
SC_MODULE(filter) {
// Sub-modules: “components
sample *s1;
coeff *c1;
mult *m1;
sc_signal<sc_uint <32> > q,s,c;
// Constructor :“architecture”
SC_CTOR(filter) {
//Sub-modules instantiation/mapping
s1 = new sample (“s1”);
s1->din(q); // named mapping
c1 = new coeff(“c1”);
c1->out(c); // named mapping
m1 = new mult (“m1”);
(*m1)(s, c, q)//positional mapping
Communication and
• SystemC 2.0 and higher has general-purpose
• Channel
 A mechanism for communication and synchronization
 They implement one or more interfaces
• Interface
 Specify a set of access methods to the channel
But it does not implement those methods
• Event
 Flexible, low-level synchronization primitive
 Used to construct other forms of synchronization
Communication and
Module1 Module2



Ports to Interfaces
 Interface is purely functional and does not provide the
implementation of the methods.
• Interface only provides the method's signature.
 Interfaces are bound to ports.
• They define what can be done through a particular port.

 The implementation is done

inside a channel.
 Channel implements an interface
• It must implement all of its defined methods.
 Channel are used for communication between processes inside
of modules and between modules.
 Inside of a module a process may directly access a channel.
 If a channel is connected to a port of a module, the process
accesses the channel through the port.
Two types of Channels: Primitive and Hierarchical
 Primitive Channels:
• They have no visible structure and no processes
• Theye cannot directly access other primitive channels.
o sc_signal
o sc_signal_rv
o sc_fifo
o sc_mutex
o sc_semaphore
o sc_buffer
 Hierarchical Channels:
• These are modules themselves,
• may contain processes, other modules etc.
• may directly access other hierarchical channels.
Channel Usage
Use Primitive Channels:
• when you need to use the request-update semantics.
• when channels are atomic and cannot reasonably be
chopped into smaller pieces.
• when speed is absolutely crucial.
 Using primitive channels can often reduce the number of delta
• when it doesn't make any sense i.e. trying to build a
channel out of processes and other channels such as a
semaphore or a mutex.
Use Hierarchical Channels:
• when you would want to be able to explore the underlying
• when channels contain processes or ports,
• when channels contain other channels.
A Communication Modeling
FIFO Example
Write Interface
Producer Consumer


Read Interface

Problem definition: FIFO communication channel with blocking read and write operation
Source available in SystemC installation, under “examples\systemc” subdirectory
Processes are functions identified to the SystemC kernel
and called if a signal of the sensitivity list changes.
• Processes implement the funcionality of modules.
• Similar to C++ functions or methods
Three types of Processes: Methods, Threads and Cthreads
 Methods : When activated, executes and returns
 Threads: can be suspended and reactivated
- wait( ) -> suspends
- one sensitivity list event -> activates
 Cthreads: are activated by the clock pulse
SC_CTHREAD(process_name, clock value);
Activates Event in sensit. list Event in sensit. List Clock pulse
Suspends NO YES YES
Infinite Loop NO YES YES
suspended/ N.D. wait() wait()
reactivated wait_until()
Constructor SC_METHOD(call_back); SC_THREAD(call_back); SC_CTHREAD(
& sensitive(signals); sensitive(signals); call_back,
Sensibility sensitive_pos(signals); sensitive_pos(signals); clock.pos() );
definition sensitive_neg(signals); sensitive_neg(signals); SC_CTHREAD(
Sensitivity List of a Process
• sensitive with the ( ) operator
Takes a single port or signal as argument
• sensitive with the stream notation
Takes an arbitrary number of arguments
sensitive << s1 << s2 << s3;
• sensitive_pos with either ( ) or << operator
Defines sensitivity to positive edge of Boolean signal or clock
sensitive_pos << clk;
• sensitive_neg with either ( ) or << operator
Defines sensitivity to negative edge of Boolean signal or clock
sensitive_neg << clk;
Multiple Process Example
SC_MODULE(ram) {
sc_in<int> addr;
sc_in<int> datain;
sc_in<bool> rwb;
sc_out<int> dout;
int memdata[64];
// local memory storage
int i;
void ramread(); // process-1
void ramwrite();// process-2
sensitive << addr << rwb;
sensitive << addr << datain << rwb;
for (i=0; i++; i<64) {
memdata[i] = 0;
} }
Thread Process and wait() function
 wait( ) may be used in both SC_THREAD and SC_CTHREAD
processes but not in SC_METHOD process block
 wait( ) suspends execution of the process until the process is
invoked again
 wait(<pos_int>) may be used to wait for a certain number of
cycles (SC_CTHREAD only)

In Synchronous process (SC_CTHREAD)

• Statements before the wait( ) are executed in one cycle
• Statements after the wait( ) executed in the next cycle

In Asynchronous process (SC_THREAD)

• Statements before the wait( ) are executed in the last event
• Statements after the wait( ) are executed in the next event
Thread Process and wait() function
void do_count() {
while(1) {
if(reset) {
value = 0;
else if (count) {
wait(); // wait till next event !
Example Code
void wait_example:: my_thread_process(void)
wait(10, SC_NS);
cout << "Now at " << sc_time_stamp() << endl;
sc_time t_DELAY(2, SC_MS);
t_DELAY *= 2;
cout << "Delaying " << t_DELAY<< endl;
cout << "Now at " << sc_time_stamp()<< endl;
Thread Example
SC_MODULE(my_module) {
sc_in<bool> id;
sc_in<bool> clock;
sc_in<sc_uint<3> > in_a;
sc_in<sc_uint<3> > in_b; Thread Implementation
sc_out<sc_uint<3> >
void my_thread(); //my_module.cpp
void my_module::
SC_CTOR(my_module){ my_thread(){
SC_THREAD(my_thread); while(true){
sensitive << clock.pos(); if (id.read())
} out_c.write(in_a.read());
}; else
 Almost identical to SC_THREAD, but implements
“clocked threads”
 Sensitive only to one edge of one and only one
 It is not triggered if inputs other than the clock

• Models the behavior of unregistered inputs and

registered outputs
• Useful for high level simulations, where the clock is
used as the only synchronization device
• Adds wait_until( ) and watching( ) semantics for easy
Counter Example
{ sum
sc_in<double> in1; in2 adder
sc_in<double> in2; subtractor diff
sc_out<double> sum; clk
sc_out<double> diff;
sc_in<bool> clk;
void addsub();
// addsub method
// Constructor: void countsub::addsub()
SC_CTOR(countsub) {
{ double a;
// declare addsub as SC_METHOD double b;
a = in1.read();
// make it sensitive to
// positive clock b = in2.read();
sensitive_pos << clk; sum.write(a+b);
} diff.write(a-b);
}; };
The top level is a special function called sc_main.
• It is in a file named main.cpp or main.c
• sc_main() is called by SystemC and is the entry point for
your code.
• The execution of sc_main() until the sc_start()
function is called.
int sc_main (int argc, char *argv []) {
// body of function
sc_start(arg) ;
return 0 ;
• sc_start(arg) has an optional argument:
It specifies the number of time units to simulate.
If it is a null argument the simulation will run forever.
• Special object
• How to create ?
sc_clock clock_name ( “clock_label”, period,
duty_ratio, offset, initial_value );
• Clock connection
f1.clk( clk_signal ); //where f1 is a module
• Clock example:
sc_clock clock1 ("clock1", 20, 0.5, 2, true);

2 12 22 32 42
sc_time data type to measure time. Time is expressed in two parts:
a numeric magnitude and a time unit e.g. SC_MS, SC_NS,
SC_PS, SC_SEC, etc.
sc_time t(20, SC_NS);
//var t of type sc_time with value of 20ns

More Examples:
sc_time t_PERIOD(5, SC_NS) ;
sc_time t_TIMEOUT (100, SC_MS) ;
if (t_MEASURE > t_HOLD) { error ("Setup violated") }
Time representation in SystemC
Set Time Resolution:
sc_set_time_resolution (10, SC_PS) ;
 Any time value smaller than this is rounded off
 default; 1 Peco-Second
sc_time t2(3.1416, SC_NS); // t2 gets 3140 PSEC
To Control Simulation:
sc_start( ) ;
sc_stop( ) ;
To Report Time Information:
sc_time_stamp( ) // returns the current simulation time
cout << sc_time_stamp( ) << endl ;
sc_simulation_time( )
Returns a value of type double with the current simulation
time in the current default time unit
 Something that happens at a specific point in time.
 Has no value or duration
 A class to model an event
• Can be triggered and caught.
(the source of a few coding errors):
 Events have no duration  you must be watching to
catch it
• If an event occurs, and no processes are waiting to
catch it, the event goes unnoticed.
You can perform only two actions with an
 wait for it
• wait(ev1)
• SC_THREAD(my_thread_proc);
• sensitive << ev_1; // or
• sensitive(ev_1)
 cause it to occur
Common misunderstanding:
 if (event1) do_something
• Events have no value
• You can test a Boolean that is set by the process that caused an
• However, it is problematic to clear it properly.
notify( )
To Trigger an Event:
notify(args, event_name);
Immediate Notification:
causes processes which are sensitive to the event to be made
ready to run in the current evaluate phase of the current
Delayed Notification:
causes processes which are sensitive to the event to be made
ready to run in the evaluate phase of the next delta-cycle.
Timed Notification:
causes processes which are sensitive to the event to be made
ready to run at a specified time in the future.
notify( ) Examples
sc_event my_event ; // event
sc_time t_zero (0, SC_NS) ; // variable t_zero of type sc_time
sc_time t(10, SC_MS) ; // variable t of type sc_time

notify(my_event); // current delta cycle
notify(t_zero, my_event); // next delta cycle
notify(t, my_event);
my_event.notify_delayed(t); // 10 ms delay
cancel ( )
Cancels pending notifications for an event.
• It is supported for delayed and timed notifications.
• not supported for immediate notifications.
sc_event a, b, c; // events
sc_time t_zero (0,SC_NS); // variable t_zero of type sc_time
sc_time t(10, SC_MS); // variable t of type sc_time

a.notify(); // current delta cycle
notify(t_zero, b); // next delta cycle
notify(t, c); // 10 ms delay
Cancel of Event Notification:
a.cancel(); // Error! Can't cancel immediate notification
b.cancel(); // cancel notification on event b
c.cancel(); // cancel notification on event c
SC_MODULE(missing_event) {
SC_CTOR(missing_event) { Problem with
SC_THREAD(B_thread); // ordered
SC_THREAD(A_thread); // to cause events
SC_THREAD(C_thread); // problems
void A_thread( ) {
a_event.notify( ) ; // immediate!
cout << "A sent a_event!" << endl;
void B_thread() {
wait(a_event) ;
cout << "B got a_event!" << endl;
If wait(a_event) is issued after
void C_thread() {
the immediate notification
wait(a_event) ;
a_event.notify( )
cout << "C got a_event!" << endl;
Then B_thread and C_thread
can wait for ever.
sc_event a_event;
Unless a_avent is issued again.
Properly Ordered Events
SC_MODULE(ordered_events) { void B_thread() {
SC_CTOR(ordered_events) { while (true) {
SC_THREAD(B_thread); b_event.notify(SC_ZERO_TIME);
SC_THREAD(A_thread); cout << "B sent b_event!" << endl;
SC_THREAD(C_thread); wait(a_event);
// ordered to cause problems cout << "B got a_event!" << endl;
} } // endwhile
void A_thread() { void C_thread() {
while (true) { while (true) {
a_event.notify(SC_ZERO_TIME); c_event.notify(SC_ZERO_TIME);
cout << "A sent a_event!" << endl; cout << "C sent c_event!" << endl;
wait(c_event); wait(b_event);
cout << "A got c_event!" << endl; cout << "C got b_event!" << endl;
} // endwhile } // endwhile
} }
sc_event a_event, b_event, c_event;
Time & Execution Interaction

wait( ) and watching( )
Legacy SystemC code for Clocked Thread
wait(N); // delay N clock edges
wait_until (delay_expr); // until expr true @ clock

Same as
For (i=0; i!=N; i++)
wait( ) ; //similar as wait(N)
do wait ( ) while (!expr) ; // same as
// wait_until(delay_expr)
Previous versions of SystemC also included other
constructs to watch signals such as watching(),
Traffic Light Controller
 Normally has a green light.
 A car on the East-West side road triggers N
the sensor
• The highway light: green => yellow => red,
• Side road light: red => green.
SystemC Model:
 Uses two different time delays:
• green to yellow delay >= yellow to red delay
(to represent the way that a real traffic light works).
Traffic Controller Example
// traff.h
#include "systemc.h“

SC_MODULE(traff) {
// Constructor
// input ports SC_CTOR(traff) {
sc_in<bool> roadsensor; SC_THREAD(control_lights);
sc_in<bool> clock; // Thread
sensitive << roadsensor;
// output ports sensitive << clock.pos();
sc_out<bool> NSred; }
sc_out<bool> NSyellow; };
sc_out<bool> NSgreen;
sc_out<bool> EWred;
sc_out<bool> EWyellow;
sc_out<bool> EWgreen;
void control_lights();
int i;
Traffic Controller Example
// traff.cpp
#include "traff.h"
void traff::control_lights() {
NSred = false;
NSyellow = false;
NSgreen = true;
EWred = true;
EWyellow = false; NSgreen = false; // times up for EW green
EWgreen = false; NSyellow = false; // set EW to yellow
while (true) { NSred = true;
while (roadsensor == false) EWgreen = false;
wait(); EWyellow = true;
NSgreen = false;// road sensor triggered EWred = false;
NSyellow = true; // set NS to yellow for (i=0; i<5; i++)
NSred = false; // times up for EW yellow
for (i=0; i<5; i++) wait();
wait(); NSgreen = true; // set EW to red
NSgreen = false; // yellow interval over NSyellow = false; // set NS to green
NSyellow = false; // set NS to red NSred = false;
NSred = true; // set EW to green EWgreen = false;
EWgreen = true; EWyellow = false;
EWyellow = false; EWred = true;
EWred = false; for (i=0; i<50; i++) // wait one more long
for (i= 0; i<50; i++) wait(); // interval before allowing
wait(); // a sensor again

• System Design with SystemC, by T. Grotker, S.

Liao, G. Martin and S. Swan, Kluwer Academic

• A SystemC Primer, by J. Bhasker Second Edition

2004, 2002 PDF exists.

• SystemC: From the Ground Up, by D.C. Black, J.

Donovan, B. Bunton and A. Keist 2nd edition 2010.

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