The Dyslexic Reader 2007 - Issue 46
The Dyslexic Reader 2007 - Issue 46
The Dyslexic Reader 2007 - Issue 46
Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er
VOL. 46 Davis Dyslexia Association International ISSUE 3 & 4 • 2007
In the Mail:
in every school in the district. The
program has changed my son’s life. “Never never
We do not say that lightly, either. My
Letter to Facilitator Sher Goerzen, son, Darren, has changed so much never give up!”
Davis Facilitator in Maple Ridge, BC, since you have been working with –Winston Churchill
Canada and the Coquitlam School him. Darren was going through a very (1874-1965) Prime Minister
District: tough time with school. He was reading of Great Britain during WWII
First and foremost let me say “thank far below the reading level for a grade
you” for all that you do. We really felt 4 student. Part of his behaviours and classroom teacher, Mrs. Wong, and our
there was no better way to start this acting out were because he realized resource Teacher, Mrs. Baboi, with the
letter to you and the district of that he was getting farther and farther concerns we were having and the
Coquitlam for all that you have done. behind all his peers. possibilities that we were going to have
We can not begin to tell you the We were at a loss as to how to to hold our child back a year because
change it has made to our child. help him with his reading and spelling. he was clearly not ready for grade five.
This program most definitely We attended a meeting with the This was not an option we took lightly,
cannot stay on the shelf as a “pilot administrator of Ranch Park but under the circumstances, felt we
project.” This should be implemented Elementary, Mrs. Ponsart, the were running out of options within a
school system that really did not have
Copyright 2001 Randy Glasbergen. the resources to help our child.
We realize that the district, like
all others, is facing enormous cutbacks,
but it would be to a child’s loss to not
have this program available. We know
that our child is not the only one that
will benefit from this program if it
continues on. We know we were very
fortunate to have had this opportunity
for our child and believe me, my thank
yous will only go a small way to show
you how much it was valued. Darren’s
reading and confidence in himself has
improved to such an amazing degree.
As we all know, children all learn
in different ways and this program allows
children to learn in a way that works for
them. That is truly amazing.
Tracey Mathieson & Warren Williams
The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI), 1601 Bayshore Hwy.,
Suite 260, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA. Tel. +1 (650) 692-7141.
OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles;
and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all people’s abilities
and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD:
Laura Zink de Diaz, Alice Davis & Abigail Marshall. DESIGN: Gideon Kramer. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US,
add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS & LETTERS:
We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1 (650) 692-7075
The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis™, Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis
Orientation Counseling®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright © 2006 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted.
All rights reserved.
Rhythm Proficiency
Getting the student to play accurately is one
of the biggest challenges for the music teacher
attempting to teach a student with dyslexia.
By Geoffrey Keith
When Betty Atterbury tested LD and offered this illustration of the demands
non-LD children for rhythm perception of playing an instrument, “A highly
and performance she found that proficient typist can type 60 words a
“learning-disabled readers perceived minute. Typing 60 words a minute…
simple same and different rhythm translates roughly into five letters per
patterns similarly to normal readers, second, 15 letters per three seconds.
but they perceived difficult rhythm Frank Wilson, admired neurologist and
patterns less than normal readers. author of Tone Deaf and All Thumbs
Learning-disabled readers also and The Hand, in a 1994 lecture at an
reproduced rhythm patterns less than American Symphony Orchestra
normal readers” (p. 267).1 Similarly, League conference, calculated that
when Janet Gilbert studied the motor musicians are able to execute 38 notes teaching music is to break tasks into
skills of LD and non-LD students she small, manageable steps. I usually
found, “lower mean performance by “Musicians are able to have a student clap the rhythm before
learning-disabled children on every execute 38 notes in trying to read the notes. I continue
subtest except compound factors…” this practice with the student right up
(p. 151).3 Compound factors were
three seconds. That is until she is ready to start playing and
when the tests were combined. Perhaps more than twice the counting. If a student seems to have
the dyslexic’s ability to multitask may number of letters a trouble “seeing” the notation, have her
explain the higher test score in this area. proficient typist can count and point at the notes. Pointing
When a student with dyslexia execute in the same at the notes helps the student see that
reads text or solves a math problem, if amount of time.” her action is linked to the symbols on
he does not understand what he has the page.
read, then he can always go back and For young students, a good
in three seconds. That is more than
read the passage or problem again. It introduction to rhythm is to use rhythmic
twice as much” (Horvath, p. 24-25).4
is not ideal for him to do this, because syllables. Students pick these up very
One of the secrets of sight reading
this will lead to slow reading speeds, quickly, because the syllables are so
is the rhythm. My first year ear-training
etc., but in music you cannot go back. intuitive. Atterbury has this to add, “
teacher at U-Mass Lowell, Prof. L.
Music is an art form that takes place the addition of syllables (ta, ti-ti, etc.)
Vasta, said that a student often feels
in time. If, while performing or reading aided the rhythm pattern ability of all
he needs to work on the notes first
music, the student goes back to a children in the study… the results of
and then rhythm, but the opposite is
previous note, he changes the piece the present study suggest that the
true; the student needs to work on the
of music. addition of rhythm syllables to
rhythm first, and then notes have a
Music is demanding. In order to nonmelodic rhythm patterns makes
way of falling into place.
sight read music, a musician has to be performance easier for children”
Unfortunately, with dyslexic
able to instantly recognize and execute (p. 266).1
students, the notes do not always fall
the note, and put it in its proper place Rhythmic syllables are not a
into place, so we need a way for them
within the rhythmic structure, all at permanent solution. Unlike counting,
to perform accurate rhythms when
glance. Janet Horvath, in her injury they do not give the student an
working on the notes.
prevention manual Playing (less) Hurt, indication of what beat he is on within
One of the best strategies for
the bar.
Ronald Davis has said that
students with dyslexia often have a
problem with time, sequence, and
Figure 1. Rhythmic syllables,
a good introduction to rhythm
for young students.
Figure 2. A visual and tactile
explanation of rhythm as devised
by the author.
Austria (cont’d)
Telling it Arne, age 12, completed the Davis
Dyslexia Correction® Program at New
Rosa Ruech
+43 (6991) 180 20 16
facilitator Darlene Bishop the week of
Sameera Sadiq Al Baharna
From Linda Johannes, Administrative Assistant March 5-9, 2004. At the end of the
New Hope Learning Center, Inc. program Arne thanked Paul Deneson, Manama
+973 555 201
NHLC’s Director, and ‘his business’ for
That’s what clients often do, isn’t it? So we
thought we’d share a couple of those “tell it letting him do the program! Shortly
Thera Brugghe
like it is” moments with you. We hope they after his program, Arne sent the following
bring a smile to your face. letter to his facilitator, Darlene: +32 (051) 24 63 40
Ann Devloo-Delva
Veurne +32 (058) 31 63 52
March 20, 2007 Inge Lanneau
+32 (050) 33 29 92
Dear Mrs. Darlene Bishop,
Peggy Poppe
I worked on trigger words every Borgerhout (Antwerpen)
+32 (03) 236 54 24
school day since I came home. I Viki Vandevenne
read three Psalms yesterday, Ps. Bonheiden
+32 (0473) 30 41 51
1, Ps. 117, and Ps. 67. Thank you
for teaching me. Ana Lima
My handwriting has Rio De Janeiro
+55 (021) 2295-1505
improved. My dad said so.
From, Daniela Boneva
+35 (988) 531 95 06
Wayne Aadelstone-Hassel
Arne North Vancouver
+1 (604) 988-7680
Raylene Barnhill
Fredericton, New Brunswick
+1 (506) 458-0494
Rocky Point Academy
Stacey Borger-Smith
Lawrence Smith, Jr.
+1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free)
+1 (403) 685-0067
Darlene Brown
Smithers/Prince Rupert
+1 (250) 847-3463
Paddy Carson
+1 (780) 489-6225
Shelley Cotton
Waterloo, Ontario
+1 (800) 981-6433
Debra D’Aversa
Leamington, Ontario
+1 (519) 322-1297
Sandy Farrell
Hudson, Quebec
+1 (450) 458-4777
Renée Figlarz
Montreal, Quebec
+1 (514) 815-7827
Paul Forster
Victoria, BC
+1 (888) 813-3536
Kirsten, at age 8, completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction®
Program at New Hope
Sher Goerzen
Learning Centers, Inc. with facilitator Darlene Bishop the week of February 16-20,
2004. During her week with us, Kirsten drew a picture and wrote a note letting us Maple Ridge/Vancouver
know how the program was already helping her! +1 (604) 290-5063
Costa Rica
From the Heart it for its poor grammar, spelling, and lack
of cohesion. Maria Elena Guth Blanco
San Jose
By “Bev” and Wendy Haddon,
This really knocked Bev, and her +506 296-4078
brother-in-law thrust my advertisement into Marcela Rodriguez
Facilitator, New Zealand
+506 442-8090
her hand one day, saying she needed a Davis
Bev is in her fifties, and what she wants most Dyslexia Correction Program. Fortunately,
of all is to be a writer. Bev had a ghastly time Bev took that enormous step, and after an Alexis Mouzouris
at school. She was always in the lowest class, Limassol
+357 25 382 090
emotional rollercoaster ride through the
with the worst teachers, and always felt she programme, popped out the other end a
Elisabeth Helenelund
was a lesser person than everyone else. Bev whole new person.
really wanted the opportunity to learn, but Bev hopes the words in her verse say Borga +358 400 79 54 97
felt it was denied her. what clients feel but are not always able to France
Recently Bev and some friends traveled say–in a sense, she feels she is speaking for Christine Bleus
Saint Jean de Gonville/
Genève +33 450 56 40 48
to Nepal, and she felt moved to write a book them. I think it’s lovely, and obtained Bev’s
about the trip. When it was finished, she permission to share it with others. Corinne Couelle
+33 (0380) 357 953
proudly showed it to the friends who berated
Jennifer Delrieu
Voisins le Bretonneux/Paris
+33 (01) 30 44 19 91
Evagelia Apostolopoulou-
+30 (261) 062 21 22
Zoe Deliakidou
+30 2310 434510
or +30 6934 662438
Irma Vierstra-Vourvachakis
Rethymnon / Crete
+30 283105 8201
or 69766 40292
Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir
+354 861-2537
Sigrún Jónina Baldursdóttir
+354 586 8180
Gudrún Benediktsdóttir
Bat Boy Lives! The Weekly
World News Guide to Politics, +354 545 0103 or
Me, Dead Dad, And Alcatraz +354 822 0910
Culture, Celebrities, Alien
by Chris Lynch Gudbjörg Emilsdóttir
DLS Mentor
Young Adult - 240 pages by David Perel
Publisher: HarperCollins +354 554 3452
Young Adult - 198 pages
ISBN-10: 0060597097 Hólmfridur Gudmundsdóttir
Publisher: Sterling Gardabae
+354 895-0252
ISBN-13: 978-0060597092 ISBN-10: 1402728239
Sigurborg Svala
“Attention, parents and teachers with ISBN-13: 978-1402728235
reluctant boy readers: I have found a Mosfellsbaer
“Students ask me about my favorite news +354 566-8657
Stefanía Halldórsdóttir Wade
solution to your problems. Chris Lynch is publications: The Los Angeles Times? The
the kind of writer that gets boys interested Kopavogur
+354 564 2890
International Herald-Tribune? USA Today?
in reading, and once your boys zip
Ingibjörg Ingolfsdóttir
Those are all fine, but my preference is
through this book, hand them copies of The Weekly World News. It is the only
its predecessors, Slot Machine and tabloid I feel is harmless, as its stories +354 899-2747
Extreme Elvin. Any teenage boy will be Sigrún Jensdóttir
are so completely out there that, even a
+354 897 4437
able to identify with Lynch’s loveable caveman could figure out the articles are
protagonist, Elvin Bishop.” false but funny. I am not ashamed to Valgerdur Jónsdóttir
DLS Presenter-Mentor
admit that one of my greatest joys in life Kópavogur
is relaxing with a cup of coffee (or other +354 863 2005
Sturla Kristjansson
DLS Presenter-Mentor
Dream Job Profiles potent beverage) and a copy of The
Weekly World News. By the way: this is Hafnarfjordur
+354 845 6956
by Donna Hayden Green
a great book for reluctant readers, as it
Ásta Olafsdóttir
Young Adult - 180 pages
Publisher: Graphia Books includes hilarious photos, too.”
ISBN: 0618563202 +354 473-1164
Erla Olgeirsdóttir
ISBN-13: 9780618563203
+354 694 3339
“I wish this book was around when Hugrún Svavarsdóttir
+354 698-6465
I was a teenager. For those teenagers
Thorbjörg Sigurdardóttir
nervous about entering high school,
college or, heaven forbid, the real world, Reykjavík +354 698 7213
this is a great ‘career guide.’ What I Kolbeinn Sigurjónsson
mean is that it works as an inspirational +354 566 6664/661-8654
guide to get kids thinking about goals Margret Thorarinsdottir
and directions to take to meet those Selfoss +354-486-1188
goals. Frankly, I’d recommend this book India
to 90 percent of the adults I know. Great Carol Ann Rodrigues
+91 (22) 2667 3649 or
for those in need of ‘focus.’”
+91 (22) 2665 0174
Anne Marie Beggs
Old Portmarnock/Dublin
+353 (86) 239-1545
Paula Horan
+353 44 934 1613
Sister Antoinette Keelan
Dublin +353 (01) 884 4996
Luba Alibash By Abigail Marshall
Ramat Hasharon/Tel Aviv
+972 (09) 772-9888 or
(052) 272-9532 Medications & Dyslexia complains of feeling in any way uncomfortable,
Mira Ashoosh take him seriously, at his word. If it works for
Kiron +972 (03) 635-0973
Q: My home-schooled son is dyslexic and I
your son – great – and if not, it most likely is
Goldie Gilad intend to go through the program with him. My
Kfar Saba/Tel Aviv
because of the medication, and is something
son also has epilepsy and takes medication
+972 (09) 765 1185 that you may have to accept. As long as you
Eliana Harpaz
every day. I note that whenever possible you
take each step slowly and gradually and try
Ma’Ale Adumim recommend that during the program students
+972 (02) 590-2110
to remain sensitive to your son’s needs, there
or 054-441-0789
not take medication that might interfere with
is a good chance that your son will be able to
Judith Schwarcz
their perceptions. If I go through the Davis
benefit from the Davis approach.
DDA-Israel Director procedures with him, are they likely to have an
Our Facilitators have successfully worked
Pearl Zarsky
adverse effect on him, or will his medication
with many clients taking medication for
Ra’anana/Tel Aviv limit the effects of the program?
+972 (09) 772 9888
epilepsy. Our problem is that because
A: Our primary concern is that medications medications and dosages vary, and individual
Elisa De Felice which interfere with thought or perception responses differ, we simply don’t know when
Roma +39 (06) 507 3570 may limit the benefits of the program. Quite a particular medication will be a barrier for
Piera Angiola Maglioli
Occhieppo Inferiore / Biella
simply, the medication is a factor that a student.
+39 (015) 259 3080 potentially interferes with the ability to get Even if your son cannot do Orientation
Alessandro Taiocchi
Settimo Milanese
full benefit from our procedures, specifically or Alignment, he can still work with clay.
+39 (333) 443 7368 the mental techniques such as Davis The results may not be as dramatic or appear
Silvia Walter Orientation or Alignment. as quickly as they would with the added tool
Bagno a Ripoli Florence of Orientation, but as long as the clay modeling
+39 (055) 621 0541
Since we can’t predict how the
is done in a relaxed setting, it should help
Rafaella Zingerle
medication may influence the child’s ability,
Corvara In Badia our Facilitators prefer to work with children over time. (In any case, it can’t hurt and it
+39 (0471) 836 959 who are free of such medications, when they can be a lot of fun!) Your son can also practice
Kenya are not medically necessary, as is often the the “three steps to easier reading” with or
Christel Flowers
case with children taking medication for without the added tool of Orientation.
+ 254 (20) 72 271 4578 ADHD or mild seasonal allergies. Of course,
Summer Timing
Diana Smit-Jurgens we always expect that the decision as to
Nairobi Q: In your experience, is it better for a child
+254 733 895 603
whether to take medication will be made in
to start the program at the beginning or end
Kimberly Swallow
consultation with the child’s physician–we
Nairobi would never recommend or advise that a child of his summer holiday?
+ 254 (20) 712 0472 be taken off medication during a program A: When possible, it’s best for a youngster
Lebanon without the doctor’s approval. In the case of
Samar Riad Saab
to start the program at the beginning of his
Beirut +961 3 700 206
a more serious condition like epilepsy, we vacation period. This way, he and his support
would assume that the medication was person will have plenty of time to put the
Hilary Craig
necessary and would not expect a doctor to Davis techniques into practice while there are
Kuala Lumpur approve any change in recommended dosages.
+60 (36) 201 55 95
no competing academic demands on his time.
When working with your child at
Mexico home, the most important thing is simply
Sivia B. Arana García
Mexico, D.F.
not to push if your child seems unable to
+52 (55) 5520-1883 feel positive effects from Orientation or
Cathy Calderón de la Barca Alignment (see The Gift of Learning for
México D.F.
Fundamentals Presenter
information on Alignment). Likewise, it’s
+52 (55) 5520 1883 very important to be sensitive to the impact
or 5282 4196 the medication may have at other times even
Hilda Fabiola Herrera Cantu
Culiacan, Sinaloa
if the child is able to learn and use these
+52 81 6677 15 01 19 tools. By sensitive, I mean that if your son
It’s best if he completes the Davis program is that he is very bright and you probably Mexico (cont’d)
La Puerta de las Letras
and can model many words BEFORE he has would be able to work successfully with him
to face the pressures of school. at home, IF you have the time to spend with María Silvia Flores Salinas
Lydia Gloria Vargas
him. Follow the instructions in the book The
Troubling Little Words
Gift of Dyslexia, for the Perceptual Ability Olga Zambrano de Carrillo
Q: Recently I found out that my son has DDA-Mexico Director
Garza García, Monterrey
Assessment and Orientation Counseling. If
+52 (81) 8335 9435
some problems with reading. (He is in first your son has difficulty with the Perceptual
Laura Lammoglia
grade, but reading second and third grade Ability Assessment, you will need to get Ron
books). Often, he reads “at” as “on,” “my” as Tampico, Tamaulipas
+52 (833) 213 4126
Davis’ second book, The Gift of Learning,
“me,” “those” as “these,” etc. It seems and use the Alignment procedure in that
Alejandra Garcia Medina
strange to me since these are not new words book instead.
for him. He does this quite often. He gets Likewise, your son should master the +52 (55) 1085 5608
frustrated when I correct him, and thinks Sociedad de Consultatoria
small words of language, according to the
Maria Lourdes Gutierrez
reading is no fun. His reading comprehension instructions in The Gift of Dyslexia and the
scores are not good because he also has trouble Mexico D.F.
+52 (55) 5595 8442
manual that comes with the Davis Symbol
understanding what individual sentences mean.
Lucero Palafox de Martin
Mastery Kit. Even though he is already reading,
Nonetheless, he can usually understand the it is best to begin by modeling the alphabet
whole story. I did your online assessment because that is a good way to find out if +52 (229) 935 1302
with him. I do think he has some symptoms Ana Elena Payro Ogarrio
Corregidora, Queretaro
there are particular letters that trigger his
+52 442 228 1264
of dyslexia, but it looks like his problem is disorientations. Since your son already reads
slight, not even moderate. What's the best fairly well, once he has modeled a few easy
Karin Bakkeren
way to help him? Should I seek correction words, you can probably focus right away on
help, or just buy a Davis Symbol Mastery the particular words that seem to give him Breda +31 (076) 581 57 60
Kit to help him myself? Liesbeth Berg-Schagen
Vleuten +31 (030) 604-9601
the most trouble.
Ineke Blom
The “Three Steps to Easier Reading”
exercises in the book The Gift of Dyslexia will Dorpstraat
improve your son’s reading comprehension, +31 (020) 436-1484
especially the most advanced exercise, Lot Blom
Utrecht +31 (030) 271 0005
“Picture at Punctuation.” When this is
Hester Brouwer
combined with mastery of the small words Groningen
through Symbol Mastery, you’ll be amazed +31 (050) 52 61 146
Lieneke Charpentier
at how well your son can comprehend and
remember what he reads. This is because he +31 (030) 60 41 539
will begin to have very detailed imagery of Hester Cnossen
everything he reads, rather than trying to Veghel +31 (495) 641 920
Monique Commandeur
Sterksel +31 (06) 13 94 97 54
piece together fragments at the end. And if
Ratnavali de Croock
A: I think that you will find that Ron Davis’ your son likes computers, he can also do the
reading exercises with the assistance of the Oudorp (Aalkmaar)
+31 (072) 511 6881
book, The Gift of Dyslexia, will answer your
ReadOn software package, which will allow
Alexandra De Goede
questions about your son’s thinking style and
how it affects his reading. If he thinks mostly him to work more independently.
in pictures, then small words like “at” or +31 (023) 524 3263
Mine de Ranitz
Yes, Davis is for Adults, Too!
“my” have no meaning for him, so he skips Driebergen
+31 (0343) 521 348
Q: I have been assessed and have been told
over them, recognizing only the words that
Christien De Smit
that a Davis program could help me. I would
he has pictures for.
like to do it, and my company is willing to Sluis +31 (0117) 461 963
Leonardus D’Hoore
That also explains why he has trouble
pay for it as long as it’s a program for adults.
comprehending individual sentences. He can
The web site talks about successes with kids, Sluis +31 (0117) 56 29 40
understand the story as a whole because he Marijke Eelkman Rooda-Bos
is bright and the plot lines for stories at the
but are there any testimonials or studies on Gouda +31 (0182) 517-316
how well it helps adults? Johanna Fokkens
Beilen +31 (0593) 540 141
second and third grade level are simple and
Ina Gaus
usually predictable. When he reads the whole A: Actually, the Davis program was originally
story he generally has enough information developed for adults. All of Ron Davis’ original Santpoort-Zuid
research was with adult volunteers. You will +31 (023) 538-3927
Pérola Gonçalves
to piece it all together. But he’s missing
information at the detailed, sentence-by- find the postings of many adults who have Amsterdam
sentence level because he doesn’t get the been successful with the Davis program at +31 (020) 636 3637
meaning of those small words. our forum at Jan Gubbels
+31 (043) 36 39 999
Based on the fact that your son is And you will find other reports by adults at
already reading above grade level, my sense, as well as the
Netherlands (cont’d)
Finally, I would suggest that you talk
Davis for Adults? Absolutely! directly with the Facilitator you plan to work
Sue Hillier-Smith
Breukelen “My memories of the Davis
with about the possibility of speaking with one
+31 (0346) 265 059 of his or her adult clients. Most experienced
Judith Holzapfel
Programme are of discovery and Facilitators have worked with many adults
Deventer joy. . . I liken it to a dense fog
+31 (0570) 619 553
and it’s very likely that one or more would
lifting, or putting on spectacles for
Will Huntjens
be willing to talk to you about the experience.
Horn +31 (0475) 589 238 the first time, or waking up from a
Mia Jenniskens vivid dream, something clicked Post-Program Follow-Through
Eindhoven into place that had been missing.” Q: I understand that after our child completes
+31 (040) 245 9458
Trudy Joling
the 30 hours of program facilitation, we are
Laren +31 (035) 531 00 66
–David Whyte, successful supposed to work on the program with our
Marie Koopman
New Zealand researcher, child at home. Is this follow-up work really
Bilthoven who was diagnosed as
+31 (030) 228 4014 “severely to extremely”
Carry Kuling dyslexic in his third year A: During the program week that a child
+31 (0235) 287 782
of university study. will spend with a Facilitator many learning
Edith Kweekel-Göldi
barriers are broken down, and the child
Soest +31 (035) 601 0611 acquires tools for continued learning and
Imelda Lamaker
front-page article in the last issue of The improvement. Usually there is significant
Hilversum Dyslexic Reader (exerpt above).
+31 (035) 621 7309
improvement observed during that first week.
In general, adults tend to progress much If the methods learned during the week are
Irma Lammers
Boxtel +31 (411) 68 56 83
faster with Davis methods than younger put into practice, the child will continue to
Yvie Leenaars-de Rooÿ
children. You can see a chart depicting this improve and reliance on the Davis techniques
Bavel +31 (0161) 433 449 difference here: will eventually become habitual.
ZeiZei Lerninstitut
Drs. Siegerdina Mandema
However, if the Davis tools are not
Specialist Trainer
A bar chart on that page shows that the practiced regularly, and the recommended
Advanced Workshop greatest reading improvement during the
course of clay modeling is not followed, the
one-week program was with individuals age child will soon fall back into old habits.
DDA-Nederland Director
Robin Temple 15 and over. Typically, when the program is not followed,
Specialist Trainer There are also case studies of several
Workshop Presenter the same old problems will re-emerge, within
Maria Hoop individuals in their late teens presented on a few weeks to a few months after the program
+31 (0475) 302 203 the British Department for Education and is completed. In essence, what happens is
Sjan Melsen Skills web site. Look for those studies at:
Arnhem that all the Davis tools are forgotten, in the
+31 (026) 442 69 98 same way any other skill may be lost without
Cinda Musters standingdyslexia/approachesprogrammes/per regular practice.
Amsterdam soncentred/davis/ or with this shortcut link:
+31 (20) 330-78 08 So yes, it is absolutely essential that
Marianne Oosterbaan you be prepared to work at home with the
Zeist On YouTube, you’ll find a filmed
+31 (030) 691 7309 child after the program, or that you make
Ineke Pijp
testimonial by an adult who completed a arrangements for someone else to work with
Groningen Davis program. The URL is:
+31 (050) 542 0817
the child (such as a teacher at his school, a private tutor, or willing relative). The follow up
Fleur van de Polder-Paton
Schiedam work is not difficult, but it is does take time.
+31 (010) 471 58 67
Petra Pouw-Legêne
DLS Presenter & Mentor
Beek +31 (046) 437 4907
Karin Rietberg How Many Tests Can
Holten +31 (0548) 364 286
Jacqueline van Rijswijck a Test Taker Take?
How many tests can a test taker take if a
+31 (0478) 58 73 98
Netherlands (cont’d)
Silvia Jolanda Sikkema
+31 (0512) 538 815
Suzan Sintemaartensdijk
+31 (25) 131-26 62
Romina Toroz
Utrecht +31 (61) 280-1821
Cause for Celebration Karima P.A. Turkatte
+31 (020) 696 4379
in New Zealand! Marieke Uiterwijk
Leiden +31 (071) 576 2533
In late April The Dyslexia Foundation of New Mieke van Delden
Zealand (DFNZ) sponsored a “Dyslexia Leek +31 (059) 4514985
Agnes van den
Awareness Week” aimed a raising awareness
of dyslexia. Schools, dyslexia solution America Limburg
providers, parents and dyslexic individuals were +31 (077) 464 23 22
Annette van der Baan
all involved in a diverse range of activities. That
effort was a great success, but it also turned +31 (020) 420-5501
into a celebration. In April the New Zealand Hetty van der Well
Ministry of Education decided to embrace Oss +31 (041) 263 6403
Annemarie van Hof
Utrecht +31 (030) 65 86 700
the term “dyslexia” and work to develop
Hon. Steve Maharey, New Zealand
Juchke van Roozendaal
initiatives to support the learning needs of Minister of Education, with DFNZ
dyslexic students. Trustees: Guy Pope-Mayell, Suzanne Oss +31 (0412) 690 312
“The implications of this announcement Willem Van Ulsen
Pope-Mayell & Lorna Timms.
+31 (050) 542 3941
for the over 70,000 children who most often
Tienke Veenstra-Sierhsma
struggle with dyslexia is life changing for them,
learning in the classroom. New Zealand now
their families, and their future education,” said
has the opportunity to adopt international best Meppel +31 (0522) 254 453
Chair of the Trustees of the Dyslexia practices to remove the severe disadvantage Lia Vermeulen
Foundation of New Zealand, Guy Pope-Mayell. that dyslexic children presently experience.” Huizen +31 (062) 3671530
Christien Vos
Tolbert +31 (0594) 511 607
“Dyslexia will no longer be a hidden Pope-Mayell also commented that by
Lucie Wauben-Cruts
disability in New Zealand, and all dyslexic recognising that they must support the
New Zealanders can feel proud that their way dyslexic child’s strengths in order to make a Elsloo +31 (046) 437 0329
of thinking has been recognised.” difference in their learning outcomes, the Christa Wiersma
Onna (bij Steenwijk)
+31 (0521) 523 303
Ministry has opened the door to new class-
“The implications of this Gerda Witte-Kuijs
room strategies designed for visual thinkers.
announcement for the over This will validate what leading teachers are Heerhugowaard
+31 (072) 571 3163
70,000 children [in New already embracing and will encourage others
Astrid Zanen-vander Blij
Zealand] who most often to explore what are often simple yet effective Aerdenhout
techniques. Pope-Mayell believes it is critical +31 (023) 524 3485
struggle with dyslexia now that teachers receive the training they New Zealand
is life changing for them, require so they can easily recognise dyslexia Kirsteen Britten
their families, and their Christchurch
+64 (3) 348 1665
and provide the empathy and learning
future education.”
Vivienne Carson
strategies that allow dyslexic children to
naturally engage. Auckland
The DFNZ looks forward to working +64 (09) 520-3270
Pope-Mayell applauded the completion
Catherine Churton
DDA-Pacific Director
of the Ministry’s initiative to undertake an with the Ministry of Education and others
analysis of international research and to to improve understanding and services for Supervisor-Specialist
+64 (021) 448 862
examine the various international definitions dyslexic students. If you would like to make
a donation to the Dyslexia Foundation of
Jennifer Churton
and science around the topic of dyslexia,
saying, New Zealand, you can call their fundraising Auckland
“Based on its findings, the Ministry has phone number, 0 900 39753 or by emailing +64 (09) 360 494
Martine Falconer
acknowledged dyslexia and will now work on You can also visit the
specific initiatives with the Dyslexia DFNZ website at +64 (03) 383-1988
Foundation of New Zealand and other stake- or Konstanca Friedrich-Palzer
holders in the education sector to define how for more Motueka/Nelson
+64 (03) 527 8060
this will result in changes in delivery of information on the work of the foundation.
The outdoor gallery provides knowledge,
New Zealand (cont’d)
Dyslexia Discovery Exhibit . . . (cont’d from p. 1)
inspiration, and encouragement for all dyslexics
Tina Guy
Nelson +64 (03) 547 4958
Dibble. It was funded primarily by Cookie by showcasing the artistic, engineering,
Wendy Haddon
Time Limited and a private family trust creative and business achievements of four
Mosgiel +64 (03) 489-8572 along with others who supported the project leading picture thinkers:
Rochelle Harden with in kind donations.
+64 (027) 306-6743
Margot Hewitt
Ron Davis was born autistic Correction Program. This successful program
Kaiapoi +64 (03) 312-0496 and dyslexic. When he was and his best selling book The Gift of Dyslexia
Alma Holden 12 his mother was told that have changed the way the world understands
+64 (027) 485-6798 he couldn’t be educated dyslexia and placed Davis in a position of
Bronwyn Jeffs and that he was “mentally authority in the world of dyslexia.
+64 (03) 344-2526
retarded.” She didn’t give Reflecting Ron’s modest nature the
Glenys Knopp
up. At age 17, when his Weta Workshop created in bronze a simple
Darfield +64 (03) 317-9072 intelligence was tested, it pair of Ron’s Shoes for visitors to step into.
Raewyn Matheson was discovered that his IQ was 137. Years of Visit the Davis Dyslexia Association
DLS Mentor
experimentation, observation, and introspection International website at
+64 (027) 411-8350 led Ron Davis to create the Davis Dyslexia
Sally Ann McCue
Nelson +64 (03) 545-1779
Ron’s Shoes by Weta
Tania McGrath
Workshop. “Combining
Christchurch insight with wisdom, Ron
+64 (03) 322 41 73 Davis invites us to nurture
Shelley McMeeken
Dunedin +64 3 456 5058
the seed of genius that
Sandra Moetra
lies within us all.”
+64 (09) 435 6822
Kerrie Palma
Rodney +64 (09) 425 5941
Jocelyn Print
Kaikoura +64 (03) 319 6711
Alison Syme
Darfield +64 (03) 318-8480
Lorna Timms
Christchurch +64 3 359 8556 Richard Taylor is the co- Visual Effects, and two for The Return of the
Philippines founder and head of Weta King in Costume Design and Makeup. Visit
Imelda Casuga Workshop, a New Zealand Richard’s website at:
Baguio City
+63 (744) 42 29 01
film prop and special
effects company. Richard
Agnieszka Osinska and his team have created a
Warsaw +48 (22) 658-2237 number of elements for the
Portugal Exhibit. Central to the
Ana Catarina Gil de
theme of the gallery is a
Lisboa bronze sculpture Inner Struggle and a steel
+35 (121) 781-6090 plasma-cut ribbon of words that float
Maria Teresa Henriques
whimsically through the air.
+351 (21) 847-3515 A close friend of Peter Jackson, Richard
Sofia Vassalo Santos offered his company for the creation of many
+35 (191) 911-2565
of the props, costumes, prosthetics, miniatures
Cristina Rocha Vieira
and weaponry for Jackson’s epic film trilogy
Coimbra The Lord of the Rings. As a result of his work
+35 (123) 943-7732 on the three films, Richard’s company shared
Republic of Singapore in Jackson’s accomplishment of garnering Inner Struggle by Richard Taylor and
Phaik Sue Chin
Singapore +65 6773 4070
four Academy Awards. This included two for Weta Workshop. “Celebrating the
Constance Chua
The Fellowship of the Ring in Makeup and imaginative power of the dyslexic mind.”
Singapore +65 6873 3873
Jelena Radosavljevic Listen to the Voice of Inner Struggle and watch the video at:
+38 (163) 762 87 92
John Britten built go-karts Britten’s grades in school did not reflect his South Africa
out of old packing cases as a brilliance. Rather, his teachers repeatedly Sharon Gerkin
child. By age twelve he had stated “this boy could do better.” Visit John Durban +27 (82) 82 85 180
Silvia María Sabatés
saved enough money to buy Britten’s website at:
an engine and build his first Inspired by the life of John Britten, Rodrigo
motor-powered go-kart. Paul Dibble, one of New Zealand’s leading Madrid +34 (091) 636 31 44
From these beginnings, sculptors, created Free Flight, a large bronze Switzerland/CH
Tinka Altwegg-Scheffmacher
St. Gallen
Britten became a Kiwi legend wing-like sculpture designed to allow its
whose distinctive hand-built pink-and-blue audience to touch and climb–a fitting tribute +41 (071) 222 07 79
motorcycle broke four world speed records to Britten and his dreams of speed and flight. Monika Amrein
and reached iconic status worldwide. Zurich +41 (01) 341 8264
Regula Bacchetta-
Horw /Luzern
Free Flight by Paul
Dibble, inspired by +41 (041) 340 2136
John Britten: “a Priska Baumgartner
+41 (056) 426 28 88
gifted engineer who
dared to dream.”
Mieke Blommers-Friederichs
Basel +41 (061) 378 9060
Renate Blum-Muller
+41 (56) 246-18 66
Michelle Bonardi
Castel S. Pietro, Ticino
+41 (091) 630 23 41
Vicki Brignoli
Lumino +41 (091) 829 05 36
Carole Dubosson
+41 (027) 452 62 02
Ursula Fischbacher
Orpund +41 (032) 355 23 26
Ruth Froels
Basel +41 (061) 272 24 00
Mackenzie Thorpe is an Heidi Gander-Belz
DLS Presenter-Mentor
internationally acclaimed
artist who works with +41 (01) 948 1410
charities all over the world. Elisabeth Gerber
+41 (044) 767 10 54
His humble childhood began
Katharina Grenacher
in Middlesbrough, North
Yorkshire, an industrial town Bern +41 (031) 382 00 29
in Northern England where he had to Elisabeth Gut
Grut +41 (044) 932 3242
overcome tremendous odds to pursue his
Ursula Hirzel Egler
Stäfa +41 (01) 926 2895
artistic dreams. Struggling with dyslexia
throughout his childhood, Mackenzie found Christa Jaeger
personal expression in painting and drawing. Riehen +41 (061) 641 4667
His works express an entire range of human Karin Kislak
emotion, from the special bond of love and +41 (61) 701-88 61
Consuelo Lang
friendship, to the importance of self-reflection
and individual triumphs. His works are a Lumino
tribute to the creativity within us all and are +41 (091) 829 05 36
Claudia Lendi
St. Gallen
a vivid expression of hope and the human
spirit. Visit Mackenzie Thorpe’s website at: +41 (071) 288 41 85 Beatrice Leutert
Stein am Rhein
+41 (052) 232 03 83
At the centre of the exhibit, surrounded
Erika Meier-Schmid
by a water feature, is one of Mackenzie’s
monumental bronze sculptures. Mackenzie’s Bonstetten
life story, accompanied by his sculpture, Falling in Love by Mackenzie Thorpe: +41 (01) 700 10 38
Falling in Love, weaves an emotional Verena Luisa Moser
“an artist who found the courage to
component into the exhibit. follow his heart, bringing courage to +41 (062) 823 65 92
Switzerland/CH (cont’d)
Christine Noiset Dyslexia Discovery
+41 (021) 634 35 10 or
(079) 332 2775
Véronique Pfeiffer
Exhibit Background
Zürich +41 (01) 342 22 61
Hilary Rhodes
Dyslexia is often referred to as “the hidden
+41 (024) 495 38 20 disability.” Hidden because it is not physical,
Regine Roth-Gloor and a disability because it so often presents
+41 (061) 851 2685
itself in the form of learning difficulties.
Doris Rubli-Huber The primary motivation behind the creation of
St. Gallen the Dyslexia Discovery Exhibit is the desire to confront
+41 (071) 245 56 90
this reality, challenge the views that create it, and offer a
Benita Ruckli
Sigigen +41 (041) 495 04 09 seed of hope that may grow in power to shift mindsets and
or (079) 719 31 18 remove the shame that so often surrounds dyslexia.
Lotti Salivisberg
Basel +41 (061) 263 33 44
By moving earth, pouring concrete, laying bluestone,
Sonja Sartor
planting trees and shrubs, and then installing artistic elements
Winterthur created or inspired by the dyslexic mind, we confront and
+41 (052) 242 4015 reflect dyslexia in three dimensions. We make the hidden
Maya Semle-Muraro
Stäfa +41 (079) 704 03 07
visible and allow it to be experienced.
Andreas Villain By telling the stories of four gifted individuals, we
Zürich +41 (076) 371 84 32 demonstrate the genius of the dyslexic mind and offer an
Catherine Warner
alternative view to those engaged in the struggle, either
+41 (022) 321 70 42 directly, or as parents, caregivers, teachers and friends.
Margit Zahnd Based on international statistics, approximately 10%
+41 (079) 256 86 65 or
of New Zealand children are dyslexic. This is over 70,000
(032) 396 19 20 children and young people aged 5-18 years throughout
United Arab Emirates New Zealand.
Linda Rademan Dyslexia has been most widely presumed to be
Dubai +9714 348 1687
a disability, or more precisely, a specific learning
United Kingdom disability. However, dyslexia is now understood by
Nicky Bennett-Baggs
Gt. Gaddesden, Herts leading researchers to be an alternative way of
+44 (01442) 252 517 thinking and perceiving the world. It offers diversity
Sue Bullen to the human race and thus needs to be respected
Ayrshire, Scotland
+44 (01292) 591 797 and nurtured.
Sarah Dixon The Cookie Munchers Charitable Trust has
East Horsley, Surrey worked over the past few years to raise awareness and
+44 (01483) 283 088
increase understanding about dyslexia. It has also offered a scholarship
Susan Duguid
London program for families of dyslexic children not able to afford the help that
+44 (020) 8878 9652 they so desperately need.
Dyslexia Correction Centre
Georgina Dunlop
In November 2006, the Trust sponsored the establishment of the
Jane E.M. Heywood Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand (DFNZ). This has created a unified
DLS Mentor & Presenter
Ascot, Berkshire
voice for all dyslexic people in New Zealand.
+44 (01344) 622 115 The original goal of the DFNZ was to create circumstances which
Christine East would permit a paradigm shift about dyslexia to occur in New Zealand,
Kingsbridge, Devon
+44 (01548) 856 045
particularly in the education
Hilary Farmer sector. With the recent change
Oxford, Oxon in policy by The Ministry of
+44 (01865) 326 464
Nichola Farnum
Education (19 April 2007) we
London are well on the way towards
+44 (0208) 977 6699 that goal.
Jacqueline Ann Flisher
Hungerford Berks
In New Zealand, we can
+44 (1488) 72 291 now look forward to specific
Maureen Florido support and assistance for
Harleston, Norfolk dyslexic students.
+44 (01379) 853 810
United States/
in spite of that the other day he said, “Mom,
Laura said she’d do the second part of the “What we want is California (cont’d)
program with me in April.” So maybe he’s Richard A. Harmel
ready to start the rest of the concept words. I to see the child in Marina Del Rey/Los Angeles
+1 (310) 823-8900
haven’t pushed, but I think it’s about time to pursuit of knowledge, David Hirst
ask if he wants to do it. As far as school goes,
since we switched to the AVKO spelling and not knowledge in +1 (951) 653-9251 or
(909) 241-6079
approach he’s been getting 100, 94, etc. on pursuit of the child.”
Angela Dean Educators
Nicole Melton
his spelling tests. He received an award for –George Bernard Shaw, playwright
Special Effort for improving his class work Karen Thorworth-Pongs
Diamond Bar
+1 (909) 229-5251
and I can see that he’s more confident. His
Cheryl Rodrigues
teacher sent me a letter thanking me for appropriate help at school. Yesterday he
introducing her to you and the Davis method, came home with two MORE awards he Sunnyvale / San Jose
because she feels that now she knows just received in the monthly assembly. One was +1 (408) 983-0968
David Carlos Rosen
San Rafael
how to work with Joaquín, who she has seen for outstanding performance in PE and the
progress so much since his program. other in Character Education, for “Learning to +1 (415) 479-1700
Share with the Class.” The teacher explained Dwight Underhill
“Yesterday he came home El Cerrito/Berkeley
+1 (510) 559-7869
that it’s because he’s stopped fighting with
with two MORE awards he everybody, and now he’s showing leadership, Colorado
received in the monthly encouraging the whole class to play together. Annie Garcia
Wheat Ridge / Denver
assembly.” There you have it. The comment about +1 (303) 423-3397
Joaquín’s interest in “knowledge” seems very Crystal Punch
. . . May 2, 2007: Centennial/Denver
+1 (303) 850-0581
to the point to me. One of my favorite quotes
I received my monthly report from the reading about learning is this one by playwright
Janet Slavenski
Denver +1 (303) 431-0027
teacher. She says that Joaquín has improved George Bernard Shaw:
Kristi Thompson
enormously, that he is at grade level now, but
DLS Presenter-Mentor
he doesn’t want to keep doing the reading “What we want is to see the child in pursuit
exercises. My feeling is that if he’s reached of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit Walsh +1 (719) 324-9256
grade level, and doesn’t need so much help, of the child.” Florida
Terry DeMeo
why not let him have a little rest from the I agree with Gertrudis: Joaquín’s interest Miami +1 (305) 567-0611
exercises? What do you think? in learning and acquiring knowledge in “real” Random (Randee)
Lutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg
. . . May 30, 2007: books, the kind adults actually “use,” rather
Today I attended the last meeting at school than in the simple stories in his reading text- +1 (813) 956-0502
Tina Kirby
about Joaquín. The two teachers spoke highly books, is a major step. Allowing him to Navarre +1 (850) 939-2313
of him. His reading teacher says he’s greatly explore and develop his own interests through Alice J. Pratt
improved but not interested in continuing to reading will motivate him to read more, talk Jacksonville
+1 (904) 389-9251
work so hard on reading. I let her know that about what he’s reading with others, and this
Rita & Eugene Von Bon
at home he picks up books all the time now, in turn will maintain, reinforce and further Navarre +1 (850) 939-2313
regardless of reading level, even some of my develop his reading skills. His Davis tools Georgia
Lesa Hall
husband’s, and he will spend hours looking have freed him – and it’s time to allow him
to use them to stretch and grow. Pooler/Savannah
+1 (912) 330-8577
through them, asking about this, that or the
Joaquín’s mother deserves a lot of credit
other thing he finds in them. I find him very Martha Payne
interested in KNOWLEDGE, which I think for figuring out how to encourage without
controlling – not easy for any parent. And +1 (404) 886-2720
Scott Timm
is more important than knowing how to read
Joaquín’s teachers deserve credit for their
grade level books of no interest to him. I’m Woodstock/Atlanta
sure that at this stage we need to give him patience and willingness to learn how to +1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)
the opportunity to find books he’s interested work better with him. My fingers are crossed Hawaii
that after summer vacation Joaquín will Vickie Kozuki-Ah You
Ewa Beach/Honolulu
in and figure out how to read them. Both
+1 (808) 664-9608
teachers are of the opinion that his self regain his enthusiasm for the clay work
esteem has improved substantially, which I because I know it’s key to keeping his other
Davis tools sharp. But meanwhile, I hope Kim Ainis
Chicago +1 (312) 360-0805
think is due to the work you did with him on
Joaquín recognizes that HE HIMSELF created
his emotions, and of course, the successes he’s Indiana
had. He’s still getting 94s, 95s and 100s on his all these positive changes in his young life, Jodi R. Baugh
spelling tests and he’s delighted with that. I’m by using his tools so well at school and at +1 (765) 526-2121
Myrna Burkholder
very happy, because he’s being promoted to home, and accepting the support of so many
the next grade, and it’s clear that the method people who care deeply about him! Goshen/South Bend
+1 (574) 533-7455
helped him and he’ll continue to receive Yay, Joaco!
United States/
Indiana (cont’d)
Carol K. Williams
Young Learner Kit
+1 (651) 324-9156
Mary Kay Frasier
for Home-Use
Des Moines
+1 (515) 270-0280
Carole Coulter
Overland Park/Kansas City
Based on the Davis Dyslexia
+1 (913) 831-0388 Correction methods, this Kit
Kentucky enables parents of children, ages
Rochelle Abner
5-7, to home-teach and help young
+1 (859) 513-2662 learners to:
Wendy Ware Gilley
• focus attention
Baton Rouge • control energy levels
+1 (225) 751-8741 • improve eye-hand coordination
Massachussetts • learn the alphabet
Karen LoGiudice
Newburyport • learn basic punctuation
+1 (978) 337-7753 • develop and strengthen pre-reading
Carolyn Tyler
and basic reading skills
+1 (508) 994-4577 • prevent the potential of a learning
Nicki Cates • improve sight word recognition and
Saint Clair Shores/Detroit
+1 (586) 801-0772
comprehension The Kit includes:
Sandra McPhall • establish life-long “how-to-learn” skills.
Grandville/Grand Rapids
• Instruction Manual
+1 (616) 534-1345 The Davis Methods • Sturdy nylon briefcase
Dean Schalow • Reusable modeling clay (2 lbs.)
for Young Learners
+1 (800) 794-3060 (Toll-Free) • Clay cutter
Michele Wellman Davis Focusing Strategies provide • Webster’s Children’s Dictionary
Mt. Pleasant/Lansing
+1 (989) 772-3084
children with the self-directed ability to (hardcover)
be physically and mentally focused on the • Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet
Cindy Bauer learning task at hand. • Two Koosh Balls
+1 (612) 483-3460 Davis Symbol Mastery enables children to • Letter Recognition Cards
Cyndi Deneson • Laminated Alphabet Strip
master the alphabet letters, punctuation
Workshop Presenter marks and basic sight words with a simple, • Stop Signs for Reading Chart
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)
easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper
+1 (952) 820-4673 activities and drill.
Bernadette Peterson
Maple Grove Davis Reading Exercises improve
+1 (763) 229-4550
accuracy with word recognition and
Cathy Cook
+1 (573) 819-6010
or 886-8917
The Kit is priced at $119.95
Gretchen FitzGerald
(Shipping and Handling will be added)
Kansas City
+1 (816) 806-8611 To purchase a kit, use our secure on-line
ordering at:
Ashley Benjamin
Miles City
+1 (406) 781-4642 or call our toll-free number:
Kimberly Bezanson 1-888-999-3324
The Young Learner Kit
+1 (406) 541-3076 Note: For older children (ages 8 and up), we
or 677-4014
Elsie Johnson
recommend the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit.
+1 (406) 257-8556
Rhode Island
Glenys Knopp I trained as Ana Catarina Gil De Almeida “I have
Linda M. Daniels
a primary teacher and taught been a pre-school teacher for 14 years and I also
Providence for a while before starting a am licensed in educational psychology. I found
+1 (401) 301-7604 family. I re-entered education in the Davis Method an important complement
South Carolina as a Teacher Aide for a special for my studies and professional development.”
Angela Keifer
needs student. Later I trained Av. Defensores De Chaves 85, 4 DTO Lisboa,
+1 (864) 420-1627
in special education and coor- 1049-063 Portugal. +351 (21) 781 60 90.
South Dakota
dinated Special Needs services
Kim Carson at a high school. Then I heard Ron Davis speak.
DLS Presenter-Mentor
Kimberly Swallow is a
His ideas were completely foreign to me–so
Brookings/Sioux Falls mother of four and holds a Ph.D.
+1 (605) 692-1785
different from my training. I told my struggling
in Development Studies from
Carina Little
students about Ron. They all knew what he’d
the University of Wisconsin,
Watertown been talking about. I’d been missing a vital key!
+1 (605) 886-8415
U.S.A. She and her two sons
I attended a Fundamentals Workshop in 2005,
Lillian “Lee” Miles
are corrected dyslexics. The
and tried to integrate the Davis methods into my
Sioux Falls school experiences of Kimberly’s
+1 (605) 274-2294
teaching. But it became increasingly clear that
eldest reminded her of her
the best way to get lasting results for students
own, but a year and a half of special education,
Jackie Black
was to provide programmes one-on-one. So, in
occupational therapy and tutors seemed to add
late 2006 I resigned from teaching. I am really
1-866-218-1614 (Toll-Free) excited to be starting this new venture: already
fuel to an emotional fire threatening to run out
Texas of control. She offered both her sons the option
Kellie Antrim-Brown
I have learned such a lot. The more I understand
of a Davis Dyslexia Correction Programme.
Ft. Worth the dyslexic way of thinking, the more I am in
+1 (877) 230-2622 (Toll Free)
Both boys’ academic paths continue to take
awe of this Gift!” Clarity Dyslexia Solutions,
+1 (817) 989-0783 McLaughlins Road, RD1, Darfield, Canterbury,
unusual turns, but the skills they learned during
Glyndene Burns
their programs, combined with Kimberly’s
New Zealand. +64 (0) 3 317 9072
encouragement and facilitation, have increased
+1 (806) 781-4891
their confidence and academic competence.
Janalee Beals
Bedford/Dallas/Ft. Worth
Tina Guy “After six years Their transformation and reading The Gift of
+1 (877) 439-7539 (Toll Free)
working at a primary school, Dyslexia gave her a new understanding of her
or +1 (817) 354-2896 watching children struggle own learning style. Kimberly became a Davis
Success Learning Center despite their own efforts, and Facilitator so she can offer fellow dyslexics the
Rhonda Clemons those of their teachers, helpers same empowerment. Kimberly Ann Swallow,
DLS Presenter-Mentor
Colleen Millslagle
and parents, I looked for a reason c/o ICRAF, P.O.Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya.
DLS Presenter-Mentor and a way to do something to 254-2-7120472
Tyler/Dallas help them. For me “Davis” is
+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free) Jacqueline Ann Flisher “As a qualified
+1 (903) 531-2446
that answer. I am excited and proud to be a part
adult education and E-learning tutor, I have been
Shari Chu
of a highly professional and caring group of
fortunate to work with children, young people
Helotes /San Antonio people. They are not only helping individuals as
+1 (210) 414-0116
and adults. My current employment has taken
clients, but are also working together to get
Jodie Harber
me into the world of workplace education. There
dyslexia into the public eye, to increase awareness
Cedar Park/Austin I am always amazed by the large number of
+1 (512) 918-9247
of the difficulties faced by people with dyslexia,
talented, creative and highly intelligent students
Lori Johnson
and to show the positive, “gifted” side of what is
I assist, whose bad experiences at school and
Boerne / San Antonio
essentially a different learning style. I look forward
+1 (210) 843-8161
work, with little or no help, has made them feel
to my journey as a Davis Facilitator, and to helping
Susan Lewis
they are failures, or even worse, stupid. I qualified
my clients achieve their goals and fulfill their
in conventional dyslexia teacher training, but
+1 (806) 771-1385
potential.” Dyslexia Correction Services, 296
was constantly aware that my efforts to help my
Nayland Road, Stoke 1, Nelson, New Zealand,
Leslie McLean students were very inadequate. I believed that
7011. +64 (03) 547 4958.
there must be a ‘better way.’ Then I heard Ron
+1 (806) 331-4099 or
+1 (877) 331-4099 (Toll Free)
Davis speak at Reading University. From that day,
Amanda Meyer
Sharon Gerkin “I have a small centre but I knew instantly that I had found that better way,
Burleson/Ft. Worth a big picture. I am proud to bring the Davis (A-New-Way). The Davis training has allowed me
+1 (817) 426-4442 Program into South Africa.” ABC Read It Right, to give practical help, hope and self-confidence
Dorothy Owen 16 Dolphin Crescent, Salt Rock, Durban, South to students who were previously considered
Irving +1 (817) 919-6200
Africa, 4391. +27 (82) 82 85 180 unlikely to succeed in their studies. Becoming a
Paula Roberts facilitator will now enable me to help even more
Tyler +1 (903) 570-3427
children, young people and adults to realize and
Alessandro Taiocchi Certified Life Coach
Casey Linwick-Rouzer
unlock the potential they already possess.”
Sugar Land/Houston
and Business Coach, Certified NLP Master
A-New-Way, 1 Kingwood Cottages, Ermin Street,
+1 (832) 724-0492 Practitioner, special interest in advanced learn-
Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford, Berkshire.
Laura Warren ing systems. Alessandro Taiocchi, Via Giuseppe
DLS Presenter-Mentor
RG17 7TS, United Kingdom. +44 (1488) 72 291.
di Vittorio 42, Settimo, Milanese, Italy, 20019.
+1 (806) 771-7292
+39 (333) 443 7368.
Gretchen FitzGerald much that she decided to become a Davis
“As a teacher, reading specialist, Facilitator herself. Her creativity combines very Donna Kouri
and private tutor, I have worked well with her interest in language and her natural Montpelier/Richmond
with many children with learning talent for working with children, and is expressed +1 (804) 883-8867
Angela Odom
DLS Presenter-Mentor
disabilities. It was very in the name of her own practice: ‘Dancing Letters.’
frustrating not to be able to Dansende Letters, van Asch van Wijckskade 22d, Midlothian/Richmond
truly help these kids. When I 3512 VS Utrecht, Netherlands. +31 (61) 280-1821. +1 (804) 833-8858
read The Gift of Dyslexia I or Jamie Worley
became intrigued. After my first workshop, I Yorktown/Williamsburg
knew this would be my path. I have come to
Anette Fuller “I am trained as a High School +1 (757) 867-1164
science teacher, but it was my experience as a Washington
Aleta Clark
understand that every person is unique, each has
mother of two dyslexic children and wife of a
different gifts. I look forward to helping clients Auburn/Tacoma
+1 (253) 854-9377
dyslexic husband which led me to Davis. It was
understand their gift and reach their goals using
Carol Hern
during my search for knowledge to support my
the Davis tools. Show-Me Dyslexia Correction
son, that I found and read The Gift of Dyslexia. It DLS Presenter-Mentor
Center, 6301 B Main Street, Kansas City, MO
was such an overwhelming experience for me, and
Mary Ethel Kellogg
64112, USA. +1 (816) 806-8611.
DLS Presenter-Mentor
after having 'tested' some of the theories on my
family, we decided to let my son do the program.
Rebecca Luera
Elizabeth (Bets) Gregory His success inspired me to become a facilitator
“I am delighted and privileged and I am now really looking forward to being able Fall City/Seattle
+1 (800) 818-9056 (Toll-Free)
+1 (425) 222-4163
to be a Davis Dyslexia to help gifted dyslexic adults or children achieve
Nancy Sitton
Facilitator. Dyslexia had been their full potential.” Eastbay Dyslexia Solutions,
part of my family to varying Walnut Creek, CA 94598. USA +1 (925) 639
degrees without my knowledge, 7846. +1 (360) 651-1241
until I became aware of it Renie Royce Smith
Spokane & Everett
+1-800-371-6028 (Toll-Free)
through my daughter, who has
+1 (509) 443-1737
all the talents and difficulties that are part of
Davis Training
Ruth Ann Youngberg
being very dyslexic. I hope to be able to continue
the great work that Davis facilitators do world- Programs Bellingham
wide. My background was in computing. I was +1 (360) 752-5723
West Virginia
Gale Long
involved in training, analysis and in a consulting
capacity. I have always found it rewarding helping The Davis Facilitator Training Elkview/Charleston
others through their business issues. I know that +1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)
+1 (304) 965-7400
Program requires approximately 400
it will pale to insignificance when compared to
hours of course work. Wisconsin
New Hope Learning
helping someone achieve their goals through the
Davis facilitation process.” Focus on Learning, The Davis Specialist Training Centers, Inc.
8 Taylor Street, Gordon, NSW 2072, Australia. Darlene Bishop
Program requires extensive experience Margaret Hayes
+64 (0) 9 375798.
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll Free)
providing Davis programs and an
+1 (262) 255-3900
Jodie Harber “My daughter’s
additional 260 hours of training.
Anne Mataczynski
struggle with reading led us to
the Davis Program. Inspired by Specialists and Facilitators are subject
the improvement in her, I to annual re-licensing based upon case +1 (715) 551-7144
review and adherence to the DDAI Uruguay
decided to become a facilitator
and give people in the Austin Standards of Practice. Marcela Piffaretti
+598 (02) 600-6326
area access to this awesome
program. With a background in Davis Learning Strategies Mentors
social work, I look forward to helping children and Workshop Presenters are
and adults explore their gift of dyslexia.”
experienced teachers and trainers with
Dyslexia Solutions, 1605 Colton Way, Cedar
Park, Texas, 78613. (512) 918-9247 2-3 years of specialized training and experience mentoring classroom This Directory is current
teachers of children 5- 9 years of age. as of August 1, 2007. It is
subject to change. Between
Romina Toroz has a degree
newsletter issues, new
in Modern Greek language and For information about training and a
Facilitators are added, and
philology from the University
full directory of Davis providers, go to:
of Amsterdam, is a professional occasionally, some become
inactive. However, the Davis
dancer and teaches flamenco at
the Centro Flamenco in Utrecht, or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or Providers list at
Netherlands. Romina assisted
is always up to date.
+1-888-805-7216 toll-free in the USA.
with listening therapy and
Symbol Mastery in the practice
of her mother, Lot Blom, and liked the work so
Academic Units or CEUs (US and Canada only) Jan 3 - 5, 2008 Tyler, TX 1-866-531-2446
Apr 30 - May 2 2008 Richmond, VA 1-804-833-8858
Two Quarter Units are available through California State
June 9 -11 2008 Denver, CO 1-719-324-9256
University. Cost is $54 per unit, plus $35 administrative fee.
A written assignment, which can be completed before and July 22 - 24 2008 Brookings, SD 1-605-692-2785
For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.
PO BOX 46023 Deutschland-Austria- Río Volga #308 ote Davis Learning Foundation
Herne Bay Switzerland Colonia del Valle Slaney Place
Auckland, New Zealand Wandsbecker Chausee 132 66220 Garza Garcia N.L Headcorn Road
Phone: +64 (09) 815-8626 D-22089 Hamburg MEXICO Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0DJ.
Fax: +64 (09) 815-8627 GERMANY Tel/Fax: 52 (81) 8335-9435 Tel: +44 (01580) 892 928
E-mail: Tel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22 or 52 (81) 8356-8389 Fax: +44 (0)1580 893 429
Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24 E-mail: E-mail:
DDA-Israel E-mail:
20 Ha’shahafim St. DDA-Nederland DDAI-Int’l, Canada & USA
Ra’anana 43724 ISRAEL SWITZERLAND Kerkweg 38a 1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 260
Tel: 972 (0523) 693 384 Tel: 41 (061) 273 81 85 6105 CG Maria Hoop, NEDERLAND Burlingame, CA 94010
or (0)9 774 7979 E-MAIL: Tel: 31 (0475) 302 203 Tel: 1-888-805-7216
Fax: 972 (09) 772-9889 Fax: 31 (0475) 301 381 Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: