Golden Rule Schools, Inc. 2 Grade Elar Lesson Plans Week 1
Golden Rule Schools, Inc. 2 Grade Elar Lesson Plans Week 1
Golden Rule Schools, Inc. 2 Grade Elar Lesson Plans Week 1
Academic Vocabulary: character, setting, realistic fiction, sentences, monitor, clarify Spelling Vocabulary: rock, list, desk, job, sad, chop, sack, tag, rib, mess, dust, drum High Frequency Words: beautiful, country, friend, front, someone, somewhere Story Vocabulary: cousins, promise, parents,
Activating Prior Knowledge (Before Reading) Think, Pair, Share Predictions Cluster Brainstorming KWL/KWHL Charts Picture Walk Eliciting students knowledge from previous lesson, life experiences, and etc.
Technology: Main Selection eText, via Projector Elmo Differentiated Instruction: Provide multiple examples; Highlight critical features; Provide multiple media and formats; Support background context; Provide ongoing relevant feedback; Offer choices of content and tools; and Offer adjustable levels and of challenge. DI 1-21, Teachers Edition
Anticipation/Reaction Guide Building Vocabulary and Concept Knowledge: Context clues Frayer Model for introduced and unfamiliar vocabulary. Role playing/use of gestures Pictures/ Quick drawings on the board Using the Spanish equivalent and then asking the students to say the word in English Adding new words to the word wall Extended Activity: Have students write sentences on sentence strips and then cut each strip into two, jigsaw puzzle style. Distribute the strips to children, one strip per child. Let the children walk around the room to find a child with a puzzle piece that matched theirs and makes a complete sentence. Simon Says a Sentence Let children use verbal and nonverbal communication to give directions while playing Simon Says. Tell children that they must listen carefully and following Simon Says only when the direction is in a complete sentence. Independent Practice: Monday Grammar Transparency 1 (TR DVD) Students will write a sentence using each of the Spelling vocabulary words. Readers and Writers Notebook, pp. 1-3 Tuesday Readers and Writers Notebook, p. 5 Readers and Writers Notebook, p. 6 Wednesday Identify the plot of selected text. Thursday Readers and Writers Notebook, p. 7 Write a personal narrative about a new place that you have visited. Friday
Student Interaction (During Reading): The student will: Use prior knowledge to confirm and adjust while reading. Make support predictions with text. Raise questions while reading. Identify parts of a text that are and arent understood. Reread to improve recall, revisit favorite parts, and understand confusing parts. Comprehension Strategies (After Reading): Draw conclusions Monitor and Clarify Sequence events orally or in writing Inferences Confirm/Adjust Predictions Draw, talk, and write about text read Anticipation/Reaction Guide For specific ideas, see the Differentiated Activities for Practice Stations
Running Record Spelling Test Readers and Writers Notebook, p. 12 Weekly Assessment from the Blackline Masters for Monitoring Progress Language Arts, p.58