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Branches on the Tree of Life Programs

Written and photographed by David Denning and Bruce Russell
Produced by BioMEDIA ASSOCIATES 2005 - Running time 16 minutes.
Order Toll Free (877) 661-5355 Order by FAX (843) 470-0237

The Phylum Echinodermata consists of about 6,000 living species, all of which are marine. This video
program compares the five major classes of living echinoderms in terms of basic functional biology,
evolution and ecology using living examples, animations and a few fossil species. Detailed micro- and
macro- photography reveal special adaptations of echinoderms and their larval biology.
Summary of the Program:
Introduction - Characteristics of the

Class Echinoidea
spine adaptations, pedicellaria, Aristotles
lantern, sand dollars, urchin development,
gastrulation, settlement

Class Asteroidea
skeleton, water vascular system, tube
Class Holuthuroidea
feet function, feeding, digestion,
spawning, larval development, diversity symmetry, water vascular system, ossicles,
defensive mechanisms, diversity, ecology
Class Ophiuroidea
Class Crinoidea Topics
regeneration, feeding, diversity
ecology, diversity, fossil echinoderms





The characteristics that distinguish Phylum Echinodermata are: radial symmetry, internal skeleton, and
water-vascular system. Echinoderms appear to be quite different than other advanced animal phyla,
having radial (spokes of a wheel) symmetry as adults, rather than bilateral (worm-like) symmetry as in
other triploblastic (three cell-layer) animals. Viewers of this program will observe that echinoderm radial
symmetry is secondary; echinoderms begin as bilateral free-swimming larvae and become radial at the
time of metamorphosis. Also, in one echinoderm group, the sea cucumbers, partial bilateral symmetry is
retained in the adult stages sea cucumbers are somewhat wormlike.
Echinoderms have an internal skeleton made of bony plates (ossicles) of calcium carbonate. They deposit
this material after extracting dissolved calcium and carbonate (bicarbonate) ions from sea water. In
some species, such as the sea urchin, plates of the skeleton are locked together to form a rigid structure.
On the other hand, most sea stars and brittle stars can flex their arms, indicating that the skeleton has
gaps and flexible plate junctures. Sea cucumbers have no real skeleton; only tiny remnant ossicles.
Many echinoderms have spines. In fact, the word Echinodermata means spiny skinned. The spines
also are part of the internal skeleton and are covered by epidermis. It is usually a great surprise to
students to learn that spines, such as the 40-centimeter long needle-like tropical urchin spines of
Diadema, are actually internal structures.
Another phylum-level characteristic of echinoderms is the water vascular system, detailed in the section
on Class Astroidea. The water vascular system functions primarily in movement, but oxygen exchange,
and molecular nutrient uptake are also known functions of this system.

Class Asteroidea
Class Asteroidea, the sea stars, contains about 1700 living species of echinoderms. The name starfish,
commonly used in the past, is being replaced by the name, sea stars, recognizing the lack of any close
affinity of this group to fishes.
A dried sea star, with skin removed, shows a meshwork of bony plates and spines, creating the hardened
endoskeleton. Holes in the endoskeleton reveal where projections of the body wall can be extended out
into the sea water to function as oxygen and molecular exchange organs. These finger-like projections,
the papillae, increase the surface area, improving gas exchange with the surrounding sea water.
Sea star movement involves hundreds of tube feet, small hollow tubes each tipped with a suction disc,
and powered by the water vascular system. The intake to the water vascular system, the madreporite, is
a stony sieve plate on the sea stars aboral surface. It acts as a screen to keep out detritus and
parasites. Animation shows that the water vascular system has a central ring canal and connecting tubes
running out into each ray.
Each tube foot is connected to the radial canal and also to a balloon-like ampula. The muscular ampula
works like a squeeze bulb, forcing water into the tube foot, causing it to straighten and extend. Biologists
long thought that a suction disc at the end of each tube foot provided all the animals holding power.
However, recent investigations revealed that the tube foot can supplement its disc suction with a
chemical cement that significantly increases holding power. Some sea stars, such as the Pacific Coast
Pisaster ochraceus live in intertidal rocky habitats that experience phenomenal forces; equivalent to a
wind blowing across the land at 1000 km/hour. Amazingly, the holding cement applied by the tube foot
is reversible, through a biochemical process deployed by the sea star as it moves across the rock.
Although asteroids (and other echinoderms) have a relatively simple nervous system, lacking a brain,


they have the ability to coordinate hundreds or even thousands of tube feet for directional movement.
The Pacific Coast sunflower star, Pycnopodia, can have more than 40,000 tube feet. Sea stars have
simple eye spots at the end of each arm, probably used for orientation to light. They use chemical
reception to orient to food resources.
The ecology of the Pacific Coast common ochre star has been studied in detail. Having a water vascular
system, it is relatively intolerant of exposure by low tides of the daily tidal cycles. Therefore, it generally
lives lower down in the intertidal region, and moves upward during periods of high tide to feed on its
preferred prey species, mussels and barnacles. (For a detailed visual treatment of this and other shore
ecology topics, see our program, The Biology of Seashores.)

Sea stars feed by forcing their stomachs out of their bodies (eversion) onto, or into, the prey. Then they
secrete powerful digestive enzymes to break down the prey in its own body. Animation reveals that
partially-digested nutrients are sucked back into the stomach region or they are brought in to the body
through active transport. Once inside, nutrients are transported by ciliary action into digestive glands in
each ray. The food molecules pass into the body fluid for distribution to the skin and other parts of the
sea stars body. In most sea stars, undigested material is pushed out the oral opening, while some
material is eliminated through a small anus located on the top (aboral) surface.
Also on top are five gonopores, openings where eggs or sperm are shed directly into the sea.
Echinoderms are usually dioecious, male and female reproductive systems in separate individuals. Larval
development goes through several stages on the way to becoming a baby sea star. After gastrulation,
the larval series (including a bipinnaria larva) has bilateral symmetry, until metamorphosis, when the
animal assumes the radial symmetry of the adult. Details of larval development are treated below in the
section on Class Echinoidea.

Class Ophiuroidea
Class Ophiuroidea contains the brittle stars (also called serpent stars) and the basket stars. Ophiuroid
means snake-like, referring to the form and motion of the arms. The arms of brittle stars are easily
broken off, but will regenerate in a few days to weeks. Sea stars can also regenerate arms that are
broken off, but for most species, the central region of the body must remain intact. Only a very few
species, such as tropical species of Linkia, can actually regenerate an entire new body from a piece of
arm that has broken off.
The tube feet of brittle stars are pointed, so this group does not use suction-mediated movement. The
animal moves by using the arms in a kind of rowing stroke. The tube feet push materials aside, and also
chemically detect food and move it to the mouth on the undersurface (oral side) of the disc. Brittle stars
and basket stars are detritus-feeders and opportunistic scavengers. They usually collect small pieces of
decaying matter that has fallen to the bottom or is drifting near the sea floor.
Ophiuroids are the most abundant class of echinoderms, with over 2000 species living in almost every
ocean floor habitat. They have been dredged up from the deepest areas of the ocean.
Class Echinoidea
Class Echinoidea includes the sea urchins, heart urchins and sand dollars. The basic body-plan of this
group involves a rigid endoskeleton, with a covering of outward-pointing spines. Sea urchins are
generally more spherical, and the spines can vary from the extraordinary long and thin spines of tropical
Diadema, to the stout spines of pencil urchins used for wedging into coral pockets, to intertidal species
with flattened spines (for deflecting waves) to other species with short thin spines. One species of


tropical urchin, Toxopneusta, has only a few spines but its surface is covered with another defensive
structure highly poisonous pedicellaria. (Poisoning from these pedicellaria has resulted in death for a
few people who have handled or encountered these tropical urchins).
Urchin pedicellaria are three-jawed pincer claws (whereas those of Asteroids have two jaws). Pedicellaria
seem to have two main functions - to discourage small larva from settling on the surface of an
echinoderm, and for defense against predators. In response to an attack from a soft-bodied predator,
(such as the Pacific sunflower star Pycnapodia), red, green, or purple sea urchins will move their spines
aside, and deploy their multiple pedicellaria to pinch the predator. Usually, this will deter the
soft-skinned predator.



On the other hand, a hard-skinned predator, such as a large cancer crab, is relatively unaffected by
pedicellaria. In cases of attack from these predators, the urchin will direct its spines (which can be aimed
outward in any direction), toward the predator.
Urchins are primarily herbivores or detritus feeders, although some actively feed on attached animals
such as sponges or sea squirts. A sea urchins mouth is located on its underside. Inside the mouth is a
unique jaw structure called the Aristotles Lantern, here revealed through dissection. The structure is
suspended inside the spherical endoskeleton (test) by a rigid frame that also provides attachment for
muscles to control the biting and ripping functions of the jaws.
Looking at the urchins test, one can see the rows of holes where the tube feet extend outward from the
internal water vascular system, through the endoskeleton and out into the environment. In many urchin
species, the tube feet can be extended outward to distances greater than the length of the spines. This
allows the urchin to hold onto food that drifts against the spines, and move it to the mouth.
Sand dollar, heart urchins, and sea biscuits are echinoids where the endoskeleton is modified with
various degrees of flattening. These represent adaptations for burrowing into different substrates - the
highly flattened sand dollar lives in coarse sand, while the more bulbous heart urchin burrows in soft
muds. In these cases, the animals have also retained a portion of the bilateral symmetry, and there is a
forward end which leads the burrowing. These burrowing echinoids are detritus-feeders.



Sea urchin development is a well-studied process, and an excellent one for classroom observation.
Gametes are produced by carefully injecting the fertile animals with potassium ion solutions. The eggs
and sperm are collected in sea water, and the entire process of fertilization and development through
larval stages can be observed through the microscope at intervals over several weeks. In this program,
we show fertilization, blastula, gastrula, and several stages of larval development, using both normal
microscope lighting and cross-polarized microscope lighting to show the remarkable development of
larval spines and their transformation at the time of metamorphosis. (We demonstrate some of these
simply-deployed microscope techniques in our program The Light Microscope: Window on the
Class Holothuroidea
Class Holothuroidea is another group of common echinoderms, with over 900 species worldwide. Like
brittle stars, these animals are detritivores, performing the important ecological function of mopping-up
the dead and decaying material that falls to the ocean floor.
The common name, sea cucumber, is particularly appropriate. Although few holuthuroids are green,
many bear a strong resemblance to our garden cucumbers. The worm-like body suggests that they are


bilateral creatures, not radially symmetrical; but their relationship to other echinoderms is shown clearly
by an animation that transforms the horizontal sea cucumber body into the vertically-oriented body of
the sea urchin.
All sea cucumbers have tube feet and a water vascular system (although highly modified). In many
species, the three double-rows tube feet on the upper surface have been lost through evolutionary
adaptation. Sea cucumbers have also lost the bulky endoskeleton prominent in other echinoderm
groups. The skin is leathery, and remnants of the endoskeleton in the form of microscopic bony plates
are embedded inside the skin tissue.



Sea cucumber defenses include powerful toxins secreted by the skin and toxic, and sticky tubes that
shoot out the anus of some tropical species (tubules of Cuvier).

Class Crinoidea
Crinoids, commonly called feather stars, are mostly found in warm tropical seas where they attach to
corals and other surfaces. Unlike other echinoderm groups, the crinoids mouth and anus are both on the
top side of the animal, facing up, and they are surrounded by five sets of branching, tentacle-bearing
arms that trap suspended detritus and plankton. When sufficiently disturbed, crinoids may swim by an
awkward movement involving an alternating flapping of the arms.
Echinoderms evolved during the earliest proliferation of animal life, well over 510 million years ago.
Fossil sea cucumbers have been found in the Burgess Shales, and fossil crinoids are common in
sediments dated to Devonian times and older. The class Crinoidea obviously survived until present times,
but other classes did not. Paleontologists recognize at least 17 extinct classes of echinoderms.



Review Questions - Echinoderms

1. What does the name echinoderm mean? Discuss how this name applies to the different
classes of echinoderms.
2. Describe the function of an echinoderm tube foot.
3. When you find sea stars along a rocky coast at low tide, they are often clustered in crevices
and under rock ledges. Why?
4. Explain two ways in which echinoderms are NOT radially symmetrical.
5. Do echinoderms see other organisms? If not, how do they find their food and avoid
6. How do sea stars feed? How does this differ from sea urchins or sea cucumbers?
7. Which group(s) of echinoderms is (are) most likely to feed on plankton and suspended
8. Why do most echinoderms produce extremely large numbers of gametes?
9. What are the major differences between a sea star (or sea urchin) baby (larva) and the adult
10. In addition to spines, what do sea urchins have for defense, and how are these used?
11. Describe differences between sea stars and brittle stars for: tube feet, body form,
movement, feeding.
12. Sea cucumbers look like worms. How is their form related to radial symmetry and to the
other echinoderm groups?
13. What happened to the endoskeleton in the sea cucumber line of evolution?
14. Describe two ways in which crinoids differ from sea stars.
16. Fossil evidence indicates that modern echinoderms probably evolved from an ancestor
that lived over 500 million years ago. What characteristics would this ancestor have had?
15. Most major groups (phyla) of animals evolved in the ocean over 500 million years ago.
Over time, many groups (phyla such as arthropods and molluscs) evolved to include species
living in freshwater and on the land, but echinoderms are only found in the sea. Why are
echinoderms still restricted to the sea?
17. Biologists believe that descendants of the first ancestral echinoderms include body plans
quite different from modern living echinoderms. What is the evidence for this view?

Branches on the Tree of Life DVD - ECHINODERMS

Observations Section

Inquiry Approach: We recommend using the video observations ahead of the narrated program to
generate interest and encourage speculation. Some discussion questions are listed below, although
it may be sufficient to simply askWhat is it? or, What is going on? and then let the discussion
flow from there. Information related to the Observation sequences is provided in either the narrated
program or the Image Bank, which contains over 120 echinoderm still images with descriptions. The
image bank is on the DVD, but not the VHS version of Echinoderms.
Review: Using the observations for review, students can be encouraged to provide the narration.
Observation #1 Urchin Development
With the volume of sperm liberated into the water by male urchins, eggs must have some means
of preventing fertilization by more than one sperm. How do they do it?
A day after fertilization a hollow ball of cells (blastula) has formed. The first sign of further
development is a tube that has formed through the hollow ball of cells. How might that tube
have formed? What might it become?
Three days later the larva has developed needle-like structures that shine out in polarized light.
New folds of tissue can be seen out-pocketing from the gut. What might they become? Does this
stage show radial symmetry like an adult echinoderm, or does it exhibit bilateral symmetry? Is
there any indication of what these planktonic larvae are feeding on?
As the urchin develops over the next few days, more and more adult features can be seen. More
crystalline structures show up brightly in polarized light. At what point does the larva appear
to develop full radial symmetry? The last shot is of the juvenile urchin ready to settle and begin
feeding on whatever it can scrape from the rocks. It has two different kinds of spines, long and
pointed and, short and forked at the end. Which kind are on the mouth side?
Observation #2 Pedicellaria
Urchins and some seastars have little pincers called pedicellaria that have a defensive function.
The demonstration shows how pedicellaria react to a bit tissue taken from a predatory sunflower
star. Does it appear that the response requires touch, or are the pedicellaria able to respond
to just the smell of sea star? Observing the response, do you think the pedicellaria respond
independently, or is some form of coordination?
Observation #3 Urchin Dissection
A dissection shows some of the urchins internal anatomy, but what are these structures? As in
most animals, some are reproductive, others digestive, and some associated with feeding.
Observation #4 Juvenile Sea Star
What is it? What might be the function of the red spots?
Observation #5 Sea Cucumber and Sea Cucumber Dissection.
What is it? What might be the function of the branched tentacles? How are the branched
tentacles controlled?

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