General Characteristics of Algae
General Characteristics of Algae
General Characteristics of Algae
Algae are eukaryotic
organisms that have no roots,
stems, or leaves but do have
chlorophyll and other
pigments for carrying out
photosynthesis. Algae can be
multicellular or unicellular.
Algae is classified into six main divisions:
Chlorophyta: Green Algae, Rhodophyta:
Red algae, Phaeophyceae: Brown Algae,
Euglenophyta: Euglenoids, and
Chrysophyta :golden-brown algae. Here
are the characteristics of each of these
types of algae.
Chlorophyta: Green Algae
Characteristics: Green colour
from chlorophyll a and b in the
same proportions as the
'higher' plants; beta-carotene
(a yellow pigment); and various
characteristic xanthophylls
(yellowish or brownish
pigments). Food reserves are
starch, some fats or oils like
higher plants. Green algae are
thought to have the
progenitors of the higher green
plants but there is currently
some debate on this point.
Green algae may be unicellular (one cell), multicellular (many cells),
colonial (living as a loose aggregation of cells) or coenocytic (composed
of one large cell without cross-walls; the cell may be uninucleate or
multinucleate). They have membrane-bound chloroplasts and nuclei.
Most green are aquatic and are found commonly in freshwater (mainly
charophytes) and marine habitats (mostly chlorophytes); some are
terrestrial, growing on soil, trees, or rocks (mostly trebouxiophytes).
Some are symbiotic with fungi giving lichens. Others are symbiotic with
animals, e.g. the freshwater coelentrate Hydra has a symbiotic species
of Chlorella as does Paramecium bursaria, a protozoan. A number of
freshwater green algae (charophytes, desmids and Spirogyra) are now
included in the Charophyta (charophytes), a phylum of predominantly
freshwater and terrestrial algae, which are more closely related to the
higher plants than the marine green algae belonging to the Chlorophyta
(known as chlorophytes). Other green algae from mostly terrestrial
habitats are included in the Trebouxiophyceae, a class of green algae
with some very unusual features.
Live in both fresh and salt water.
Many exist as long filaments, or strings.
Produce most of the oxygen we breath.
Some species pollute public water systems by
poisoning the water and producing a foul smell.
Rhodophyta: Red algae
Characteristics: The red colour of these
algae results from the pigments
phycoerythrin and phycocyanin; this
masks the other pigments, Chlorophyll
a (no Chlorophyll b), beta-carotene and
a number of unique xanthophylls. The
main reserves are typically floridean
starch, and floridoside; true starch like
that of higher plants and green algae is
absent. The walls are made of cellulose
and agars and carrageenans, both long-
chained polysaccharide in widespread
commercial use. There are some
unicellular representatives of diverse
origin; more complex thalli are built up
of filaments.
A very important group of red
algae is the coralline algae,
which secrete calcium
carbonate onto the surface of
their cells. Some of these
corallines are articulated
(right, Corallina, with flexible
erect branches; others are
crustose (below). These
corallines have been used in
bone-replacement therapies.
Coralline algae were used in
ancient times as vermifuges,
thus the binomial Corallina
Live only in salt water.
Color results from combination of blue, red, and green
Used as food.
Produce carrageen, a thickener used in ice cream and
Phaeophyceae: Brown Algae
The brown colour of these algae
results from the dominance of the
xanthophyll pigment fucoxanthin,
which masks the other pigments,
Chlorophyll a and c (there is no
Chlorophyll b), beta-carotene and
other xanthophylls. Food reserves
are typically complex
polysaccharides, sugars and higher
alcohols. The principal
carbohydrate reserve is laminaran,
and true starch is absent (compare
with the green algae). The walls are
made of cellulose and alginic acid, a
There are no known unicellular or colonial representatives;
the simplest plant form is a branched, filamentous thallus.
The kelps are the largest (up to 70 m long) and perhaps the
most complex brown algae, and they are the only algae
known to have internal tissue differentiation into conducting
tissue; there is, however, no true xylem tissue as found in the
'higher' plants.
Most brown algae have an alternation of haploid and diploid
generations. The haploid thalli form isogamous,
anisogamous or oogamous gametes and the diploid thalli
form zoospores, generally by meiosis. The haploid
(gametangial) and diploid (sporangial) thalli may be similar
(isomorphic) or different (heteromorphic) in appearance, or
the gametangial generation may be extremely reduced
Live only in salt water.
Color results from combination of green and brown
Represent the largest species of algae.
Used as food.
Produce algin, a gummy substance used in making
cosmetics and ice cream.
Live only in salt water.
Have two flagella: one
for locomotion and
one for steering.
Often appear red.
Some release toxins
into the water, causing
a "red tide" that often
kills large numbers of
fish and other marine
What is a Dinoflagellate?
They are planktonic.
90% of all dinoflagellates are marine plankton.