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TP40 17 Rapid Filtration - PDF Sai

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Rapid filtration
Luiz di Bernardo

17 Rapid filtration
17.1 Introduction
As explained in the previous chapter, filtration is the process whereby water is purified
by passing it through a porous material (or medium). In rapid filtration sand is

commonly used as the filter medium but the process is quite different from slow sand
filtration. This is so because much coarser sand is used with an effective grain size in
the range 0.4-1.2 mm, and the filtration rate is much higher, generally between 5 and

15 m /m .h (120-360 m /m .day). Due to the coarse sand used, the pores of the filter
bed are relatively large and the impurities contained in the raw water penetrate deep
into the filter bed. Thus, the capacity of the filter bed to store deposited impurities is
much more effectively utilised and even very turbid river water can be treated with
rapid filtration. To clean a rapid filter bed it is not sufficient to scrape off the top layer.
Cleaning of rapid filters is effected by backwashing . This involves directing a high-rate
flow of water back through the filter bed whereby it expands and is scoured. The
backwash water carries away the deposited material that was clogging the filter.
Cleaning of a rapid filter can be carried out quickly; it need not take more than about
half an hour. It can be done as frequently as required, if necessary each day. However,
a limit does have to be placed on the frequency of backwashing because of the amount
of the wash water used. Wash water has to come from the filtered water production.
If the filtration runs fall below six hours, then there will be only a small net output of
filtered water available for drinking water supply. Then some change in operation will be
necessary, for example improving the pre-treatment in the sedimentation stage. In
monsoon periods coarse pre-filtration may be necessary, as described in the previous
chapter for protecting slow sand filters against high turbidity loads.
Applications of rapid filtration
There are several different applications of rapid filtration in the treatment of water for
drinking water supplies. In the treatment of groundwater, rapid filtration is used for the
removal of iron and manganese. To assist the filtration process, aeration is frequently
provided as a pre-treatment to form insoluble compounds of iron and manganese
(Fig . 17.2). See also chapter 13 on aeration.

Anthracite, crushed coconut shell, pumice, baked clay pellets, and other materials are also used especially in
multiple-layer filter beds where one or more layers of such materials are placed on top of a (shallow) sand
bed. For small community water supplies, more layers than two are not generally recommended as the
advantages of multiple-layer filters are small compared with the additional design and operational
complexities, in choosing the different media and maintaining their relative layer positions during
backwashing . Anthracites from different parts of the world may have different densities. This will affect the
backwashing regime, and may give rise to losses of anthracite over the wastewater weirs.



Chapter 17

Fig. 17.1. Rapid filter (open-gravity type)

Fig. 17.2. Rapid filtration of pre-treated (aerated) water

For water with a low turbidity, as frequently found in lakes and sometimes in rivers,
rapid filtration should be able to produce clear water, though it may still contain
pathogenic micro-organisms. A final treatment such as chlorination is then necessary to
obtain bacteriologically safe water.

In the treatment of river water with high turbidity, rapid filtration may be used as a pretreatment to reduce the load on the following slow sand filters (Fig . 17.3), or it may be
applied for treating water that has been clarified by coagulation, flocculation and
sedimentation (Fig . 17.4). In such cases again a final chlorination is required.

Fig. 17.3. Rapid filtration followed by slow sand filtration

Fig. 17.4. Rapid filtration after coagulation and flocculation, and sedimentation

17.2 Types of rapid filters

Rapid filters are mostly built open with the water passing down the filter bed by gravity
(Fig . 17.1). Rapid filters may be classified according to

hydraulic head: gravity or pressurised

flow direction: upflow or downflow

filtration rate: constant or declining

The influent to the filters may be:

clarified water, when coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation (or flotation) are
performed before downflow filtration;

coagulated water, in upflow direct filtration or in-line downflow direct filtration;

Chapter 17

flocculated water, when coagulation and flocculation steps exist upstream of the
downflow direct filtration;

pre-filtered water when upflow direct filtration is used upstream of the downflow

Fig. 17.5. Pressure filter

Pressure filters (Fig . 17.5) are of the same construction as gravity-type filters but the
filter bed together with the filter bottom is enclosed in a watertight steel pressure vessel.
The driving force for the filtration process here is the water pressure applied on the filter
bed, which can be so high that almost any desired length of filter run is obtainable.
Pressure filters are commercially available as complete units. They are not so easy to
install, operate and maintain, particularly as it is not readily possible to inspect the
condition of the media. For this reason they are not very well suited for application in
small treatment plants in developing countries.
Upflow filters (Fig . 17.6) provide for a coarse-to-fine filtration process. The coarse
bottom layer of the filter bed filters out the major part of the sus-pended impurities, even
a turbid raw water, with no great increase of the filter bed resistance, (head loss) due to
the large pores. The overlaying fine layers have smaller pores but here also the filter
resistance will increase only slowly as not many impurities are left to be filtered out.
In upflow filters, sand is used as the single filter medium. However, there are hygienic
objections to using them as a final filtration stage in drinking water purification. The first
of these is that the filtrate, being above the sand bed, is liable to contamination by birds
(particularly water fowl who may like to swim in it) or from airborne dust. Covering the
top, or operating the filters in a building , is an answer to this objection, but involves
extra cost. The other objection is that backwashing the filter, which generates very dirty
water, contaminates the same part of the filter unit as is used for delivering the clean
filtered water. Special pipe work, such as a perforated filtrate pipe buried in the upper



part of the sand, can reduce this hazard to hygiene. This again would entail extra cost.
Upflow filters are frequently used for the pre-treatment of water that is further purified
by gravity-type rapid filters or by slow sand filters. In such cases, they can give excellent
results and may be well suited for use in small treatment plants.
One drawback is that the allowable resistance (head loss) over an upflow filter should
not be more than the submerged weight of the filter bed. With sand as the filter
material, the available resistance head is about equal to the thickness of the bed. For
very turbid river water the length of the filter run and the allowable rate of filtration are
thus very limited.

Fig. 17.6. Upflow filter

Upflow and downflow direct filtration

In direct filtration the influent of the rapid filter is coagulated, flocculated or pre-filtered
water. For water with low turbidity (up to 25 NTU, with peaks up to 100 NTU),
downflow (Fig . 17.2) or upflow (fig . 17.6) direct rapid filtration should be able to
produce clear water. If raw water is of poor quality (turbidity up to 100 with peaks up to
200 NTU), double filtration may be used to produce a good effluent. Double filtration
may consist of upflow direct filtration followed by downflow rapid filtration (Fig . 17.4).
The double filter can also be constructed in one unit (Fig . 17.5). In all cases a final
treatment such as chlorination is then necessary to obtain bacteriologically safe water.

Chapter 17

Fig. 17.7. Downflow rapid gravity filter receiving coagulated water (downflow direct filtration)

Fig. 17.8. Double filtration; downflow rapid gravity filter preceded by upflow coarse medium filter (a)
as a separate unit; (b) built in same



Usually 30-50 % of head loss due to solids retention occurs at the gravel layer, while the
remaining portion has been retained at the sand sub-layers next to the gravel-sand
interface (thickness of about 0.4-0.6 m). The filter run can be extended by regular
down-flushes in the operation of constant rate filtration. In this method the influent at
the bottom is closed and the water in the filter is discharged by downflow. These downflushes result in partial removal of solids. Gravel layer and sand sub-layers next to the
gravel-sand interface are partially cleaned and a significant recovery of hydraulic head is
achieved (Fig . 17.9).

Fig. 17.9. Upflow filter operations with down-flushes during filter run

Multiple-media filters (Fig . 17.10) are gravity-type, downflow filters with the filter bed
composed of several different materials, which are placed coarse-to-fine in the direction
of flow. For small-sized rapid filters it is common to use only two materials in
combination: 0.3-0.5 m of sand with an effective size of 0.4-0.7 mm as the under layer,
topped by 0.5-0.7 m of anthracite (see also footnote on variability of anthracite, section
17.1), pumice or crushed coconut husks with an effective size of 1.0-1.6 mm. As a final
treatment, multiple-layer filters can give excellent results and, when suitable materials
are available locally, application in small treatment plants is a possibility. However, the
stability of multiple-layer filters is difficult to design and maintain, particularly after
backwashing .

Chapter 17

Fig. 17.10. Dual-media filter bed

17.3 Theoretical aspects

The overall removal of impurities from the water in rapid filtration is brought about by a
combination of several different processes. The most important are straining ,
sedimentation, adsorption, and bacterial and biochemical processes. These are the same
processes already described for slow sand filtration (in section 16.2). In rapid filtration,
however, the filter bed material is much coarser and the filtration rate much higher (up
to 50 times higher than in slow sand filtration). These factors completely alter the
relative importance of the various purification processes.
The straining of impurities is not an important mechanism in rapid sand filtration due to
the relatively large pores in the filter bed. Sedimentation is a significant mechanism, as
in downflow filtration particles collect preferentially on the top of grains, forming caps;
this is also due to the laminar flow regime. Thus, straining and sedimentation will retain
far fewer impurities than in a slow sand filter. The upper filter bed layers in particular
will be far less effective and there will be a deep penetration of impurities into the entire
bed of a rapid filter.
By far the most important purification effect in rapid filtration is the adsorption of
impurities. Although the surface of initially clean sand has a small negative electrostatic
charge, this negative charge is neutralised very close to the particle by dissolved material
in the water, and deposited positively charged material like aluminium or iron flocs.
Thereafter, positively charged flocs encounter positively charged floc-covered sand
surfaces, and electrostatic repulsion may be evident. The magnitude and effect of this is
not only dependent on the electrostatic charges on the floc particle and sand surface,



but also the amount and nature of the salts dissolved in the water. The more minerals
the water contains, the less is the range of effect of the electrostatic forces. Most
significantly, forces of Van der Waals occur at very close approach (less than 1 micro
metre) of the surfaces of the particle and the grain, due to the electronic nature of the
atoms and molecules of the two approaching surfaces. Such forces always attract and
account for the attachment (adsorption) of flocs and other particles with an electric
charge to sand grains, and existing deposits with an opposite electric charge (see Ives,
1967 for further details).
In a slow sand filter the water stays in the filter bed for several hours, but with rapid
filtration the water passes in only a few minutes. Accumulated organic deposits are
frequently removed from a rapid filter when the filter is cleaned by backwashing . There
is very little time and opportunity for any biodegradation of organic matter to develop,
or for killing of pathogenic micro-organisms to take place. The limited degradation of
organic matter need not be a serious drawback as the accumulated deposits will be
washed out of the filter during backwashing . The poor bacteriological and biochemical
activity of a rapid filter will generally be insufficient to produce bacteriologically safe
water. Hence, further treatment such as slow sand filtration or chlorination will be
necessary to produce water that is fit for drinking and domestic purposes.
17.4 Rapid filter operation and control
The operation of a rapid filter (gravity type) is shown schematically in figure 17.11.

Fig. 17.11. Rapid filter (gravity type)

Chapter 17

During filtration the water enters the filter through valve A, moves down towards the
filter bed, flows through the filter bed, passes the underdrainage system (filter bottom)
and flows out through valve B. The unit used to measure filtration rate is actually the

approach velocity, which is the inflow rate (m /h) divided by the filtration area (m ). The
interstitial velocity in the bed is higher, as it is the filtration rate divided by the average
porosity of the filter medium.
Due to gradual clogging of the pores the filter beds resistance against the downward
water flow will progressively increase. This will reduce the filtration rate unless it is
compensated by a rising raw water level above the filter bed. In this example, the rapid
filters are designed to operate with a constant raw water level, which requires that the
filter is equipped with a filter rate control device in the influent or effluent line. These
filter rate controllers provide an adjustable resistance to the water flow. They open
gradually and automatically to compensate for the filter beds increasing resistance and
so keep the operating conditions of the rapid filter constant.
When, after a period of operation, the filter rate controller is fully opened, further
clogging of the filter bed cannot be further compensated and the filtration rate will fall.
The filter is then taken out of service for backwashing . For this, the valves A and B are
closed, and valve D is opened to drain the remaining raw water out of the filter. A few
minutes later valve E is opened to admit the wash water. The backwash rate should be
high enough to expand the filter bed by about 20% so that the filter grains can be
scoured, and the accumulated deposits carried away with the wash water. The wash
water is collected in the wash water troughs from where it drains to waste. When the
backwashing is completed, valves E and D are closed and valve A is re-opened,
admitting raw water to begin a new filter run.
For fine filter bed material, the scouring action produced by the wash water during
backwashing may not be sufficient to keep the filter bed clean in the long run. It is then
desirable to provide an additional scour by using air and water in combination for backwashing . This, however, is much more complex than backwashing with water only, and
is generally not to be recommended for small water treatment plants.
Filter control
Table 17.1 gives an overview of the four possible filter operation controls.
Option 2 with constant water level (available head), constant total resistance and
constant filtration rate has been discussed. Figure 17.12 shows the head loss
division over bed and controller for this case.



Table 17.1

Filter operation control


Available head Total

Filtration rate


resistance to








Inlet or outlet control devices

are necessary




Filters are individually fed by

free discharge weirs and the
water level into each one
follows the increase of head
loss due to solids retention




Declining-rate filtration system;

filter inlets are submerged; the
cleanest filter in the battery
works at the highest filtration
rate and the dirtiest at the
minimum filtration rate

Fig. 17.12. Head loss in Constant Head Constant Rate filter control

The filtration rate can be controlled jointly for all filter units by the raw water feeding
rate. It can be readily adjusted to meet the demand for filtered water. In this
arrangement there will be considerable variations of the raw water level in the filters,

Chapter 17

which may be awkward. If so, another arrange-ment as shown in figure l7.14c may be
preferred. Here a float-controlled valve is used to keep the raw water level in each filter
constant. Individual rate controllers allow each filter unit to operate at its optimal
filtration rate (Fig . 17.13). This advantage, however, is not very great and such rate
controllers are generally very expensive and not easy to maintain.

Fig. 17.13. Filter rate control

Filter control for option 3: variable water level constant rate control
Filter control arrangements using an even distribution of the raw water (flow splitting)
over the filter units or uniform withdrawal of the filtered water, are widely used in
Europe and North America. Various methods can be employed. The one shown in
figure 17.14b is probably the simplest as there are no moving parts at all. In this type
the raw water enters the filter over a weir. The weir crest is at the same level for all
filters. The raw water conduit feeding the filter units is generously sized so that the water
will flow without any appreciable head loss. The water level in it will be practically the
same at each entrance weir. Thus, the overflow rate at each weir will be the same, and
raw water feed to the filter units will be equally split. This method of control is known
as influent flow splitting.
The water level in the filters of a bank must be different, otherwise the filters would all
end the run at the same time. The necessary phasing can be accomplished during the
plant start-up by backwashing each filter after some period of operation. For example,
with four filters in a bank, filter F1 is backwashed after 4 hours of operation, filter F2
after 8 hours, filter F3 after 12 hours and filter F4, after 16 hours. Once this situation is
reached, the operator will backwash filter F1 only when the available head is consumed
(at the maximum level fixed by the designer) and so on. Since the filters are fed
independently by using free discharge weirs, the water level in each one will vary
independently from the others, so that the end of the run is visible for the operator. At



Fig. 17.14. Filter control systems

the beginning of the run, the medium is clean. To avoid the water level falling below the
top of the sand bed, an outlet weir is recommended with the crest just above the level
of the sand bed. This outlet weir can be placed in the individual box for each filter or in
the common outlet channel. Compared to constant-rate constant level control, the
influent flow splitting method has the following advantages:

Filtration rate is maintained without the use of automatic controlling devices

The influent volumetric flow rate is equally split by means of a simple hydraulic

When one filter is taken out of service for backwashing , the flow rate is uniformly

device, such as triangular or rectangular weirs

distributed to the remaining filters in operation and the water level and the filtration
rate in each one will gradually rise

As soon as the clean filter is placed back to work, the decrease in filtration rate is
also be gradual in the remaining filters

Chapter 17

Head loss in any filter is visual and depends only on the operator identifying the
moment the dirtiest filter has to be backwashed by observation of the water levels
in the units

The position of the crest in the outlet weirs slightly higher than the top of the
medium eliminates the occurrence of negative pressure

The flow rate in each filter may be easily measured at the inlet weirs

Some disadvantages of this system have been claimed, such as the excessive height of the
filter box and floc break-up due to the fall of water in the filter box. Without any doubt,
the height of filter boxes is higher, but it should be considered against the substantial cost
of acquisition of mechanical devices and the cost of operation and maintenance when
constant-rate constant level control filters are used. In relation to the water falling at the
inlet of the filters, it must be realised that a fall already exists in troughs used for settled
water collection. The effect on performance of water falling upstream of the filters has
been carefully investigated and no damage to the filtrate was observed.
Option 4: variable water level (head) and declining rate control
When no filtration rate controllers are used, filtration will take place at a declining-rate.
The design of declining-rate filters is much simpler than for controlled-rate filters. Simple
stop logs or gates can be used for filter control (Fig . 17.15).

Fig. 17.15. Declining-rate filtration



All filters are in open connection with both raw and filtered water conduits.
Consequently, all have approximately the same raw water level and filtered water level,
so that all filters will operate under the same head. The filtration rate for the various
filter units, however, will be different: highest in the filter just cleaned by backwashing
and lowest for the one longest underway in its current filter run. For all filters jointly, the
production will be determined by the supply of raw water, which should be high
enough to meet the demand for filtered water. During filtration the filter beds gradually
become clogged and the raw water level in all filters will rise due to the increased
resistance against water flow. The filter unit that has been in operation for the longest
period of time will reach the maximum allowable water level first, and then needs
cleaning by backwashing .
After cleaning, this filter will have the lowest resistance against flow so that a considerable
portion of the raw water supplied will pass through it. The load on the other filters is
temporarily reduced. These units will show a fall of the influent water level but later the
further clogging of the filter beds will cause the influent water level to rise again. When the
maximum raw water level is reached in a second filter this one will be backwashed and so
forth. The water level in the common inlet channel will vary depending on the
operational stage of each of the filters; the supernatant water level is close to this level
because the head loss at the inlet will be small. This water level in the common inlet
channel is lowest when the backwashed filter is again put into operation, and highest just
before the backwashed filter is resuming its operation. This is shown in figure 17.15.
If no special measures are taken, the filtration rate in a declining-rate filter just after

cleaning can be very high, up to 25 m /m .h, which is much higher than the average

rate of 5-7 m /m .h. When it is necessary to limit the filtration rate in order to safeguard
the filtered water quality, an extra flow resistance device (e.g . an orifice) or a preset
butterfly valve should be fitted in the effluent line. For pressure filters, declining-rate
filtration is common practice. For gravity-type rapid filters, its application is gradually
increasing in Great Britain, in Latin America and also, to a limited extent, in North
America. Due to its simplicity, declining-rate filtration is certainly worth considering for
small water treatment plants in developing countries.
Negative head
So-called negative head can occur when the pressure in the filter bed falls locally below
atmospheric pressure. This may occur towards the end of the filter run and leads to air
coming out of solution and appearing as bubbles that block the pores in the filter media.
Erratic flow occurs, causing deposits to be scoured out of the filter pores and making the
filtrate turbid. Some bubbles rise to the surface of the filter bed, creating channels
through which unfiltered water may flow, again causing a penetration of turbidity into
the filtrate. See also the remarks about under-pressure in chapter 16 section 16.2.1 on
multi-stage filtration.

Chapter 17

17.5 Design considerations

For the design of a rapid filter, four parameters need to be selected: the grain size of the
filter material; the thickness of the filter bed; the depth of the supernatant water; and
the rate of filtration. To the extent possible, these design factors should be based on
experience obtained in existing plants that treat the same or comparable raw water.
When such experience does not exist, the design should be based on the results
obtained with a pilot plant operating experimental filters. The quality of the influent
water (usually pre-treated water) greatly influences the range of the design parameters;
in table 17.2, broad indicative ranges have been given.
Backwash arrangements
A rapid filter is cleaned by backwashing ; that means directing a flow of clean water
upwards through the filter bed for a period of a few minutes. Filtered water
accumulated by pumping to an elevated tank can be used, or the effluent from the
other (operating ) filter units of the filtration plant can be used directly (self-wash
arrangements). The velocity of the upward water flow should be high enough to
produce a limited expansion of the filter bed, so that the accumulated deposits can be
loosened and carried away with the wash water but without carrying sand or other filter
media over the weir (Fig . 17.16). It is important to check media expansion if converting
a sand filter to an anthracite/sand dual-media bed.

Fig. 17.16. Backwashing of rapid filter


For a filter bed of sand (specific weight: 2.65 g/cm ) typical backwash rates giving about
20 % expansion are listed in table 17.3.



Indicative design ranges for rapid filtration

Design parameter Downflow rapid

Downflow rapid

Upflow direct

Double filtration:

Double filtration:

sand filter using

sand filter using


1. upflow using

1. upflow using


coarse sand

(2. as downflow

(2. as downflow

sand filter)

sand filter)

conventional sand uniform sand

Grain size of filter

Grain size:

Grain size:

Grain size:

Four sub-layers

Grain size:


0.41-2.0 mm

0.84-1.68 mm

0.59-2.0 mm

(each 40 cm)

1.0-3.2 mm

Effective size:

Effective size:

Effective size:

ranging from

Effective size:

0.45-0.55 mm

1.0-1.2 mm

0.75-0.85 mm

32 mm-4.8 mm

1.19-1.41 mm

0.6-0.8 m

0.8-1.2 m

1.6-2.0 m

1.5-1.8 m

1.2-1.6 m

0.6-2.0 m *

0.8-2.5 m *

Not applicable

Filtration rate

5-7.5 m/h

7.5-12.5 m/h

5-10 m/h

2.5-5 m/h

5-10 m/h

Support layer

0,4-0,6 m **

0.3-0.5 m **

0.6-0.8 m

Not applicable

0.6-0.8 m

Filter bed
Supernatant water


Depends on the method of filter control and the filtration rate


Depends on the drainage system

Chapter 17

Table 17.3

Typical backwash rates

d (mm)















t (C)

Backwash rate (m /m .h)


























d = average grain size of filter sand (mm)

t = backwash water temperature (C)
v = backwash rate (m3/m2.h)

If the wash water is supplied by pumping , three (in very small installations two) pumps
are normally used, one of which serves as the reserve unit. For high backwash rates and
large filter bed areas, these pumps need to be of high capacity and their installation and
operation is rather expensive. A wash water reservoir such as the one shown in figure
17.17 is then preferable; smaller pumps will be adequate to fill the reservoir during
the intervals between successive backwashings. The reservoir generally should have

a capacity between 3 and 6 m per m of filter bed area and it should be placed about
4-6 m above the water level in the filter.
Again, three pumps are usually provided, one of which is the reserve unit. The total
capacity of the two operating pumps should be about 10-20% of the wash water supply
rate. A special wash water tank or reservoir is not necessary when the required wash
water is taken from the filtered water reservoir. However, this may cause undesirable
pressure fluctuations in the distribution system, due to the interrupted supply of water.
A simpler solution is to increase the depth of the water standing over the filter beds and to
limit the maximum filter resistance. The filtered water will then be available at a head of
some 1.5-2 m above the filter beds and that should be sufficient. The operating units of the
filtration plant must supply enough water for the required backwash rate. For this reason
a rapid filtration plant using this backwash arrangement should have at least six filter units.
The wash water is admitted at the underside of the filter bed through the underdrain
system (filter bottom). To divide the wash water evenly over the entire filter bed area, the
underdrain system must provide a sufficient resistance against the passage of wash water
(generally 0.6-1.0 m head of water). A frequently used underdrain system consists of
laterals placed about 0.2 m apart and connected to a manifold (Fig. 17.19). The
laterals have holes at the underside, with a diameter of about 10 mm. Rigid plastic
pipes are generally used in this underdrain system.



Fig. 17.17. Wash water tank arrangement

Fig. 17.18. Self-wash arrangements for (a) small plants and (b) medium-sized and large plants

Chapter 17

Fig. 17.19. Lateral underdrain systems

To prevent the filter material from entering the laterals through the holes, the filter bed
should be supported by a layer of coarse material (e.g . gravel) that will not be dislodged
by the backwash water jetting from the underdrain holes. For example, filter sand of 0.71.0 mm effective size would require four gravel layers; from top to bottom:
0.15 m x 2-2.8 mm, 0.1 m x 5.6-8 mm, 0.1 m x 16-23 mm and 0.2 m x 38-54 mm.
The total gravel pack would be 0.55 m deep. Some other filter underdrain systems
developed by the water industry are shown in the section Construction.
After passing the filter bed, the wash water carrying the washed out impurities is
collected and drained off via wash-water troughs. The distance the wash water will have
to travel horizontally to a trough should be limited to about 1.5-2.5 m. The troughs are
set with their top at 0.5-0.6 m above the unexpanded sand bed, and their crosssectional area is derived from the consideration that at the discharge end of the trough
the water depth will be the free discharge (critical) depth (Fig . 17.20).
Table 17.4 gives wash water flow rates (Q) for combinations of depth of wash
water flow (H) and width of wash water trough (b).
The wash water troughs can be placed in several ways. Figure 17.21 shows
typical arrangements.



Fig. 17.20. Flow condition in wash water trough

Table 17.4

Wash water carrying capacity of troughs (l/s)

H = Depth of wash

Width of trough

water flow in trough

0.25 m

0.35 m

0.45 m

0.25 m




0.35 m




0.45 m




Fig. 17.21. Typical arrangements of wash water troughs

Particularly when fine sand is used with a grain size less than about 0.8 mm, the
scouring force of the rising wash water may be inadequate to keep the filter grains clean
in the long run. After some time they could become covered with a sticky layer of
organic matter. This may cause problems such as mud balls and filter cracks.

Chapter 17

These can be prevented by providing an additional air-wash scour. Filter cleaning now
starts by backwashing with air at a 30-50 m/h rate, usually combined with a water wash
at a 10-15 m/h rate. This should remove the coatings from the filter grains, and the
loosened material is carried away by the following water wash. For backwashing with air
a separate pipe system is necessary. An example is shown in figure 17.22. It should be
noted that air-and-water backwashing generally is too complex an arrangement for
small water treatment plants.

Fig. 17.22. Backwashing with air and water

Fig. 17.23. Air-and-water backwash arrangement

Source: Sen, R.N. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India)
(applied at Metropolitan Water Board London, ca. 1930)



An interesting arrangement for feeding air and water for backwashing is shown in figure
17.24. Backwashing starts by allowing water from chamber 1 to flow into chamber 2.
The air in chamber 2 is pressurized and admitted for scouring the filter. Then the water
collected in chamber 2 is used to backwash the filter.
Rapid filtration plant layout
A rapid filtration plant consists of a number of filter units (minimum 2), each with an
area A. When one filter is out of operation for cleaning , the remaining units must be
able to provide the required capacity Q at the selected rate of filtration r. This is
expressed in the formula: Q = (n - 1) A.r
For small plants there is little choice regarding suitable combinations of n and A, but for
larger plants the choice should be such that the cost of construction is minimized. As
a tentative design step, the unit filter bed area (A) expressed in square metres may be
taken as about 3.5 times the number of filter units n.
For economy in construction and operation, the filter units should be set in a compact
group with the influent and effluent lines and any chemical feed lines as short as
possible. The siting of the various units of a rapid filtration plant is a matter that
warrants the closest attention of the design en-gineer. Allowance should be made for
a future expansion of the plant. An example is shown in figure 17.24. Common facilities
such as wash water pumps and tanks, and chemical solution feeders are best placed in
a service building , which also should contain the office, laboratory and storerooms, and
chemical handling , storage, and sanitary facilities.

Fig. 17.24. Rapid filtration plant layout

Chapter 17

Many designs place the service building in the centre, while in the wings the various
filter units are arranged on one or two sides of a two level corridor, the upper level
being the operating floor and the lower level the pipe gallery.
17.6 Construction
As explained in the preceding sections, a rapid filter consists of a tank containing the
underdrain system, the filter bed and the supernatant water. The filter tank is generally
made of reinforced concrete, rectangular and with vertical walls. The design of the
concrete structure follows common rules with the added difficulty that the water
retaining structures must be watertight. An ample concrete cover should be provided to
protect the reinforcement bars against corrosion.
All bars should be placed far enough apart to allow the concrete to surround them
completely. Loading stresses should be kept to a minimum. Any stresses developing in
the concrete due to drying , shrinkage, temperature changes and differences in soil
subsidence should be limited as far as possible by sub-dividing the building into
a number of independent sections connected with watertight expansion joints. The
concrete mixs cement content and the placing of the mix should aim at full water
tightness and as little drying shrinkage during hardening as possible. A plaster finish
should never be used. A good finish can be obtained by using smooth shuttering , for
instance made of laminated wood. To prevent short-circuiting of the water flow along
the walls of the filter box, the inside shuttering next to the filter bed should be made of
unplaned planks placed horizontally. Whenever possible, the filters should be set above
the highest groundwater table, if necessary on elevated land.
Numerous underdrain systems (popularly known as filter bottoms) have been developed
in the past. But unfortunately many are either too expensive or unable to ensure an
even distribution of the wash water over the full underside of the filter bed. The simple
system that was described earlier, using perforated laterals, can be so constructed that
a good wash water distribution is obtained. It has the added advantage that it may be
made of locally available materials using local skills. Another good solution is the false
bottom and strainer underdrain system. It consists of prefabricated concrete slabs, about

0.6 x 0.6 m , placed on and anchored to short concrete columns.

The slabs are provided with holes, about 60 per square metre, in which the strainers are
set. The slits in these strainers are narrow, about 0.5 mm, giving a sufficient resistance
against the passage of the wash water for an even distribution of the water. This
underdrain system allows the filter sand to be placed directly on the filter bottom with
the strainers, and no supporting gravel layers are needed.



The work of a rapid filter is done by the filter bed and considerable attention should be
given to its composition. Sand as filter material has proven to give excellent results. It is
cheap and generally available and for these reasons widely used. For single-medium filter
beds there is no reason to use other filter materials except in very special cases. To
prevent a hydraulic classification during backwashing that would bring the fine grains to
the top and the coarse grains to the bottom of the filter bed, filter sand that is as uniform
as possible in size should be used. It should have a coefficient of uniformity less than 1.7
and preferably as low as 1.3. The requirements for grading filter sand are best given as
maximum and minimum percentages of material that pass various sieves of standard
mesh sizes. For a graphical specification, a diagram can be plotted as in figure 17.25.

Fig. 17.25. Specification of filter sand for pre-treatment of river water

17.7 Village-scale rapid filtration

Because of their complex design and construction, and the need for expert operation,
rapid filters are not very well suited for application in village-scale water treatment
plants. This is especially true for their use as final filters in the treatment of turbid river
water. The bacteriological safety of the filtered water then has to be secured by postchlorination with all its associated difficulties. It would be better to use slow sand filters,
which give a bacteriologically safe filtrate, but these may suffer from rapid clogging
caused by the turbidity present in the raw water.
Suspended matter can be removed from raw water through various processes such as
storage, coagulation and flocculation, and sedimentation. However, only rapid filters are
able to produce clear water constantly with a turbidity of less than 5 NTU. This will

Chapter 17

ensure the smooth operation of any following slow sand filters. There should be few
objections against such an application of rapid filters. The use of rapid filtration for the
removal of iron and manganese from groundwater also presents few problems, as the
health hazard of possible contamination of the treated water will be small.
Assuming a water use of 40 litres/person.day, the required water filtration capacity for

10,000 people would be 400 m /day or 40 m /h for a 10-hour daily operating period.

With a filtration rate of 5 m/h this calls for 8 m filter bed area, which may be provided
in three circular filters of 2 m diameter each (one filter as reserve). The underdrain
system would probably best be made of perforated laterals (see section 17.4), covered
with graded layers of gravel, broken stones or hard bricks chipped to the desired size.
When coarse sand is available it should be graded using suitable sieves. Grading limits
would be 0.8-l.2 mm for pre-filters; 1.0-1.5 mm for iron and manganese removing filters.
For pre-filters the sand bed thickness should be taken at 1.0 m and for iron and
manganese removing filters at 1.5 m. In the event that sand cannot be obtained, similar
materials may be used, such as crushed stones, bricks, crystalline calcium carbonate,
dolomite, etc. These should be graded to a size about 40% larger than the sizes
mentioned above. In some instances burned rice husks and crushed coconut shells have
given acceptable results. Before the filter is commissioned it should be backwashed for
about half an hour to clean the filter material. The depth of supernatant water may be
fixed between 1.5 and 2 m. The filter box will then have a total depth of 3.5-4 m.
The greatest difficulty encountered in village-scale rapid filtration is the backwashing
process. It is uneconomical to use a wash water pump. In the example presented earlier

a capacity of 100-200 m /h would be needed, in duplicate, to allow for mechanical


failures. Compared with the plant capacity of 40 m /h, this is an enormous pump
involving a considerable investment and high operating costs. With an elevated wash

water reservoir of 20 m volume the pump capacity can be reduced to 10 m /h, but the
costs of the tank should be taken into account. For villages with low buildings, the
pressure in the distribution system generally does not need to be more than 6 m. In
these cases, a good solution will be to use an elevated service reservoir for backwashing
the filters. No separate pumps would then be needed.

Fig. 17.26. General layout of a rapid filtration plant



The layout of the rapid filtration plant as described above is shown in figure 17.29. The
raw water enters the filter through valve A and falls into the wash water trough to
disperse the flow energy. The branch pipes into which valves A are set have a small
diameter, giving sufficient flow resistance (e.g . 0.5 m of head) to assure an even
distribution of the raw water over the individual filter units. The filtered water is
discharged through valve D and passes over a weir placed in the weir chamber. The top
of the weir is set so high that the lowest raw water level in the filter tank will be at least
0.2 m above the filter bed. Due to clogging , the level of the supernatant water will rise
until at reaches the water pressure level in the supply pipe; no more water will enter the
filter. The filter should then be cleaned by feeding the wash water through it and
discharging it through valve B. The dirty wash water should be clarified by sedimentation
after which it may be discharged back into the river, some distance downstream of the
raw water intake.
17.8 Roughing filtration
Roughing filtration is often a desirable process to be used when the turbidity of the
inflow to slow sand filters exceeds 25mg/l (approximately 20 NTU). Such pre-treatment
protects the slow sand filters from becoming clogged in a few days, which is possible,
particularly in monsoon periods. A bypass pipe can isolate roughing filters when they
are not needed, so that they can be switched into service only when necessary.
Sometimes a more limited treatment than rapid filtration using a sand bed can be
adequate for treating the raw water. This can be obtained by using gravel or plant fibres
as filter material. In the chapter on multi-stage filtration theory, design and construction
details have been given for roughing filtration using horizontal flow, downflow and
upflow methods.
Coconut fibres have been used for filter material in filter units similar to sand filters. The
filter bed is only 0.3-0.5 m thick and the depth of supernatant water about 1 m. The filter
is operated at rates of 0.5-1 m/h, which gives a length of filter run of several weeks. To
clean the filter it is first drained, after which the coconut fibres are taken out and
discarded. The filter is repacked with new material that has previously been soaked in
water for 24 hours to remove as much organic matter as possible. Coconut fibre filters
appear to be able to cope with considerable fluctuations in their loading while producing
an effluent of almost constant quality. There is a remarkably constant behaviour of the
coconut fibre filters. The overall turbidity removal varies between 60 and 80%.
Another alternative is the pebble matrix filter, which consists of a deep bed (about 1-1.2 m)
of pebbles, about 50 mm in size. About 0.8 m of the lower depth of the pebble bed is
filled in with sand. The turbid water entering the top first encounters a 0.2-0.4 m depth of

Chapter 17

pebbles and then passes through the sand within the pores of the pebbles. This partially
clarifies the water, and as any sand-filled pore becomes clogged the flow diverts to passing
over the adjacent pebble surface. The water transfers from pebble to pebble down through
the filter, entering sand in a lower, less clogged pore. Pilot experiments have shown that
turbid water containing up to 5,000 mg/l clay suspension can be clarified to less than
25 mg/l at flow rates of 0.7 m/h over a 20 hour run with a head loss of 1.5 m. Cleaning is
accomplished by repeated drainage, and refilling from below with raw water, usually about
three times sequentially. After about a week of such drainage cleaning, a thorough
backwash is needed using drinking water supply. This should agitate and fluidise the sand
in the pebble pores, with some expansion up into the pebble only layer. It is important that
this expansion does not force the sand over the top of the pebble layer, as it is then
difficult to put it back into the pebble pores below.



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