Geology in Engineering
Geology in Engineering
Geology in Engineering
Application of physical laws and measurements to the earth is known as geophysics: it includes
diverse subjects as meteorology, oceanography, seismology, geodesy, and terrestrial magnetism.
Geophysical prospecting constitutes the practical side of the subject, and may be defined as
prospecting for mineral deposits and geologic structures by surface measurements of their physical
Geological applications are forms of subsurface exploration, but they differ from core boring
and other standard engineering exploratory methods in that the information obtained is always indirect
and not subject to direct visual verification.
There are four geophysical methods of subsurface exploration:
1. Electrical methods
2. Gravity methods
3. Magnetic methods
4. Seismical methods
Electrical methods: The electrical conductivity and its reciprocal, the resisitivity of rocks or
soils are a function of the amount of dissolved electrolyte and the volume of interstitial water. The first
is chiefly a function of the chemical composition, whereas the latter depends on the porosity. For
example, sandstones are composed largely of insoluble minerals and thus tend to have relatively low
concentrations of dissolved electrolytes in the interstices. As a result, their electrical conductivity tends
to be low and their resistance high.
Engineering Applications: The chief civil engineering applications of the resistivity method are
in estimating the depth of overburden at dam sites, estimation of the physical characteristics of the
rocks underlying construction sites, location of construction materials and water bearing formations.
When applied to underground water location, it is necessary to know in considerable detail the
stratigraphic conditions in the area in question. When used for exploration of construction sites, the
resistivity method does not do away with the necessary core boring, but it does serve to guide the
location of borings and reduce the number of holes required.
Explanatory notes:
core boring luarea probelor prin forare
subject to supus la
chief principal
chiefly mai ales
overburden supraincarcare
dam sites terenuri de diguri
to do away with a elimina
As the name suggests, an earthquake is a shaking of the earth which may range from an
imperceptible tremor to a catastrophically violent shock. Seismology, as the scientific study of
earthquakes is called, is one of the youngest of the natural sciences, but despite its brief life span, great
progress has been made in explaining the origin and mechanics of earthquakes. Although precise
prediction of disturbances may never be realized, the knowledge mow available is sufficient to enable
the civil engineer to estimate the danger in any given locality, and, if necessary, precautionary
measures can be taken.
Structural safety and local stability of the ground . A study of past earthquakes indicates that
damage is usually much greater on soft sands and other loose materials than on hard rock. For example
in the San Francisco quake of 1906 it was found that damage was generally five to ten times greater on
soft moist sands, loose sediments, and filled land over old swamps than on hard ground.
In addition to greater vibrations occurring in loose material that in hard rock, if a structure is
placed on yielding materials, in the event of an earthquake, the inertia of the structure may cause it to
settle into the foundation medium. In certain types of structures, serious damage may result from this
cause. The process is very similar to vibrational methods of foundation stabilization in use by
engineers. In Japanese earthquakes it has been found that rigid structures on loose materials far better
than non rigid types.
Area of damage. It has been concluded from the record of past earthquakes that about 2000 to
2500 square miles is the maximum area of serious damage, even in severe shocks. Even the greatest
earthquakes seldom cause damage over 25 miles from the epicenter. Like almost every other general
statement, it would be easy to cite exceptions to this rule. The most conspicuous exception is the
Assam, India earthquake of June 1897, in which damage of clasa X Rossi-Forrel extended on an
average of 70 miles from the center of disturbance. This earthquake is, however, one of the most
violent known.
Explanatory notes:
Range rindm sir, intindere, gama, domeniu, limite
Range of the voice registru al vocii
Range of colours gama de culori
Beyond my range in afara posibilitatilor mele
Within my range cit pot eu sa cuprind
To range a alinia, a orindui,
His thoughts ranged over the past gindurile ii rataceau in trecut
Life span durata de existenta
Span deschidere
Loose material materiale necorozive, libere
Yielding materials materiale care cedeaza
Filled land rambleu, umplutura
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Translate into English:
Repartizarea cutremurelor: Studiind repartizarea (distribution) cutremurelor in timpul perioadei
1904-1940, se va observa ca regiunile seismice active ale pamintului se impart in patru zone bine
conturate. (well-marked).